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Caa Assignment Solutions
Caa Assignment Solutions
Issue of Shares
1. Balance Sheet of Chanakya Ltd. as on 1.4.2014 (after Redemption and Buyback)
as per Schedule III (Extracts)
Notes of Accounts
(Related Notes)
₹ In Lakhs
1. Share Capital
630 lakh Equity Shares of ₹ 10 each
Fully Paid up (70 lakh Equity Shares 6,300
bought back)
2. Reserve and Surplus
General Reserve 5,800
Less: Transfer to CRR 3,700 2,100
Capital Redemption Reserve 1,100
Add: Transfer due to buy-back of
from Gen. res. 3,700 4,800
Securities premium 700
Paper- 10 Corporate Accounting & Auditing
Working Notes:
(1) Issue of 2,000 Equity Share of ₹ 100 each at ₹ 20/-
premium. For Application of ₹ 40/-
Amount received = 4000 x 40 = 1,60,000
Application Allotment
200 200
1400 Rejected
2400 (4:3) 1800
4000 2000
Amount received: ₹
Amount due 1,00,000
Less: Already received
Less: Calls in Arrears 5,000
3. Working Note
Capital Premium
Application 5 -
Allotment 2 2
First Call 2 -
Final Call 110 2
Bank A/c
Particulars Amt. Particulars Amt.
To Share Application 12,00,000 By Bal. c/d 23,95,000
A/c To Share 5,93,900
Allotment A/c To
Share first call A/c
To Share Second call A/c 1,96,900
To Equity share capital 10,400
A/c 23,95,000 23,95,000
A = 1000 shares
B = 900 shares
C = 1200 shares
3,100 shares @ 2/- per share = 6,200/-
Call in Arrear
Allotment First Call Final Call
(a) 1000 1000 --
(b) 900 900 --
(c) -- 1200 1200
1900 3100 1200
Paper- 10 Corporate Accounting & Auditing
Note: Employee stock options outstanding will appear in the Balance Sheet as
part of Net Worth or Shareholder’s Equity
Paper- 10 Corporate Accounting & Auditing
Buy-Back of Shares
1. Journal Entries in the books of Vikas Limited
I Equity share final call A/c Dr. 10,00,000
To Equity share capital A/c 10,00,000
(Being final call money due for 5,00,000
equity shares @ ₹ 2 per share)
II Bank A/c Dr. 10,00,000
To Equity share final call A/c 10,00,000
(Being final call money received for 5,00,000
equity shares @ ₹ 2 per share)
III Equity shareholders Dr. 1,25,00,000
A/c To Bank A/c 1,25,00,000
(Being amount paid on buy back of shares
25 per share)
IV Equity share capital Dr. 50,00,00
A/c Securities Dr. 0
premium A/c 60,00,00
General Reserve A/c 0
To Equity Shareholders A/c
(Being cancellation of 5,00,000 equity
shares on buy back)
For Redemption of P.S. Capital 50 lakhs
For Buy-back of Equity Shares 16 lakhs
Total 66 lakhs
Underwriting of Shares
(1) Computation of Liabilities of underwriters (No. of shares):
Particulars P Q R
Gross liability 12,00,000 12,00,000 12,00,000
Less: Firm underwriting 1,00,000 1,00,000 1,00,000
11,00,000 11,00,000 11,00,000
Less: Market applications 7,25,000 8,40,000 13,10,000
3,75,000 2,60,000 (2,10,000)
Less: Unmarked applications distributed to1,12,500 1,12,500 Nil
P and Q in equal ratio
2,62,500 1,47,500 (2,10,000)
Less: Surplus of R distributed to P and Q in
equal ratio 1,05,000 1,05,000 2,10,000
Net liability (excluding firm underwriting) 1,57,500 42,500 Nil
Add: Firm underwriting 1,00,000 1,00,000 1,00,000
Total liability (No. of share) 2,57,500 1,42,500 1,00,000
allotted to underwriters)
Bank A/c Dr. 42,00,000
To P A/c 24,90,000
To Q A/c 11,10,000
To R A/c 6,00,000
(Being the amount received toward shares
allotted to underwriters less underwriting
commission due to them)
Paper- 10 Corporate Accounting & Auditing
Ans 1. Journal Entries in the Books of Vardhman Ltd.
Ans 2.
Journal Entries in the books of Neel Limited on redemption of
Ans 3.
(1) Journal of Mahi Ltd.
Particulars (₹) (₹)
Bank A/c Dr. 15,00,000
To Bank Loan A/c 15,00,000
(Loan taken from SBI)
Debenture Suspense A/c Dr. 25,00,000
To 12% Debentures 25,00,000
(12% Debentures worth ₹ 20 Lakhs issued as
collateral security for a Loan from SBI as per
Board’s Resolution NoDate)
Particulars Dr. Cr.
(₹) (₹)
12% Debentures A/c (250 x 100) Dr. 25,000
Debenture Interest A/c Dr. 1,250
To Bank A/c (250 x ₹ 97) 24,250
To Profit on Redemption of Debentures A/c 2,000
(250 debentures cancelled by purchased from
Paper- 10 Corporate Accounting & Auditing
12 5
Accrued Interest upto 1.6.2015= 250 x 100 x 𝑋 12 = 1250
Ans 4.
Debenture Redemption Fund A/c
Particulars Amount Particulars Amount
To General Reserve 25,000 By Balance 40,000
“ Premium redemption of b/d “Debenture
Redemption fund A/c
debenture A/c 500 3,000
“ Balance c/d 17,500
43,000 43,000
Debenture Redemption
Fund Investment A/c
Nominal Cost Nominal Cost
Value Value
To Balance b/d 50,000 40,000 By Bank A/c 30,000 27,000
To Debenture “ Balance c/d 20,000 16,000
redemption fund
- Profit on sale (B/f) - 3,000
50,000 43,000 50,000 43,000
(WN4) 662.85
III. Profit/Loss:
IV. Appropriation
Ans 4.
₹ (in lakhs)
Outstanding balance of term loan 45.0
Less: Value of security held 18.0
(subject to reliable value)
Unsecured portion 27.0
Less: DICGC Cover (40%) 10.80
Balance 16.2
Provision (16.2 + 18) 34.2
Ans 5.
Computation of Provision
Doubtful Assets (upto 1 year) 6,73,000
Less: Value of security 1,50,000
Less: ECGC Coverage (limited to ₹ 1 lakh) 1,00,000
Unsecured portion 4,23,000
Provision on secured portion @ 25% on 1,50,000 37,500
Provision on unsecured portion @ 100% on 4,23,000 4,23,000
Total provision 4,60,500
Paper- 10 Corporate Accounting & Auditing
Ans 6.
CANHC Bank Limited
Profit & Loss A/c for year ended
I. Income:
Interest earned 13 596
Other income 14 13
II. Expenditure:
Int. expended 15 230
Operating exp. 16 92
Provision & contingencies (72 + 31) 103
Total 425
III. Profit or Loss:
Net Profit for the year 184
P/L brought forward ---
IV. Appropriations:
Transfer to statutory reserve @ 25% 46
Balance carried over to Balance-sheet 138
Total 184
Schedule 13
Interest earned
Interest / discount 596
(225 + 201 + 105 + 95 - 30)
Interest on investments ---
Interest on balance with RBI & other banks ---
Schedule 14
Other Income
Commission, exchange brokerage 47
(-) loss on investment 34
Paper- 10 Corporate Accounting & Auditing
Schedule 15
Interest expended
Interest on deposits 230
Interest on RBI /other bank borrowings
Schedule 16
Operating Expenses
Salaries & allowances 82
Printing & Stationery 5
Auditor fees 5
Dr. Cr.
Particulars Amount Particulars Amount
To Bad debts 21 By Balance 42
To Balance 52 b/d By P/L 31
c/d 73 (B.f.) 73
Ans 7.
Rebate on Bills Discounted
Due date Days after Discount ₹
90,000 18.6.15 79 8% 1,558
60,000 13.6.15 74 9% 1,095
Ans 8.
Rebate on bills discounted
Due date Days after Discount ₹
31.03.15 Rate
2,50,000 8..6.15 69 10% 4,726
1,50,000 13.6.15 74 9% 2,740
2,00,000 28.6.15 89 9% 4,389
3,00,000 23.6.15 84 8% 5,523
Paper- 10 Corporate Accounting & Auditing
Paper- 10 Corporate Accounting & Auditing
14,93,612 14,93,612
claims 8,000
Claims intimated 6,400 Sundry debtors
Bills receivable NIL
Annuities due but Sundry Assets 4,54,488
Not paid 17,904 88,331 Other Items, if
expenses 480
18,32,720 18,32,720
Ans 2.
Balance of Fund as on 31.03.2011 75,20,400
Add Bonus utilized in reduction ₹
of premium 6,300
Interest on securities 13,240
Premium outstanding 10,180 29,720
Less: Claims outstanding 32,400
Less: Covered under re-ins. 17,000 15,400
Add, bonus in reduction of premium 6,300 21,700
Balance of life Assurance Fund 75,28,420
Ans 3.
Valuation Balance Sheet as on 31.3.2012
Particulars ₹ Assets ₹
Net liabilities 4,250 Life Insurance 5,000
Net profit 750
5,000 5,000
Net profits for two year period.
Profit as per valuation balance sheet 7,50,000
Add: Interim bonus paid 80,000
NetProfit 8,30,000
Distribution of profits:
Net profits 8,30,000
Less: Amount proposed for carry forward 1,50,000
Ans 4.
Statement showing Life Insurance Fund as on 31.03.2012
Ans 5.
Bisla Life Insurance Co.
Valuation Balance Sheet as on
Particulars ₹ Particulars ₹
To Net Liability as per 1,20,00,000 By Life Insurance Fund 1,40,00,000
Actuarial valuation
To Surplus 20,00,000
1,40,00,000 1,40,00,000
Statement Showing Net Profit for the valuation period
Particulars ₹
Surplus as per Valuation Balance Sheet 20,00,000
Add: Interim Bonus Paid 2,50,000
Net Profit 22,50,000
Ans 7.
Less: Claim outstanding 3,00,000
Less: Covered under Re- 1,20,000 1,80,000
insurance Bonus in reduction of 45,000 2,25,000
Balance of (correct) Life Assurance Fund
Note: Bonus is nothing but the share of profit which is payable by the
insurance company to the policyholders and Bonus in reduction of premium
is applied to reduce further premium.
Ans 8.
(i) Preparation of Valuation Balance Sheet:
Particulars Amount (₹)
Life Assurance Fund as 31.12.2012 55,55,000
Less: Dividend for the year 2012 55,000
Valuation Balance Sheet as at 31st December, 2012
Liabilities ₹ Assets ₹
Net Liabilities 35,00,000 Life Assurance Fund
Actuarial Valuation as as per Balance Sheet 55,00,000
at 31.12.2012 Surplus 20,00,000
55,00,000 55,00,000
Ans 9.
Valuation Balance Sheet (₹ in lakhs)
Particulars Amount Particulars Amount
To Net liability on 31st By Life insurance Fund 155
March as per actuarial 132
valuation 23
To Surplus 155 155
Revenue Account Year ended 31st March, 2015
Dr. Cr.
Particulars ₹ In lakh Particulars ₹ In lakh
Expenses of management 14,400 By Sale of energy for lighting 80,000
Cost of distribution 6,000 By Sale of energy for power 76,000
Depreciation 24,000 By Meter rent 6,000
Cost of generation 42,000
Rent rates and taxes 6,000
To Net Revenue a/c 69,600
1,62,000 1,62,000
Dr. Net Revenue A/c for the year ended 31st March, 2015 Cr.
Particulars ₹ In lakh Particulars ₹ In lakh
Paper- 10 Corporate Accounting & Auditing
1) Amount received : 6,58,800 + 2,40,000 = 8,98,800₹
2) Amount expended on works
₹ (1,80,000 + 7,20,000 + 2,40,000 + 6,000 + 61,200)
₹ 12,13,200
In the books of Great Power Ltd.
1, July 2015 Bank A/c Dr. 2,00,000
To Security Deposit A/c 2,00,000
(Being Security Deposit
31st March, Interest expense A/c Dr. 12,000
2016 To Interest accrued on Security Deposit A/c 12,000
(Being provision for interest accrued on
Security Deposit made)
Interest accrued on Security Deposit A/c Dr. 12,000
To Sales Turnover A/c 12,000
(Being Adjustment of Interest accrued in
consumer’s bill)
Paper- 10 Corporate Accounting & Auditing
Computation of Return on Equity
Particulars 2013 2014 2015 2016
Opening Equity (30%) (A) 22,50,000 24,00,000 24,45,000 24,75,000
Additional Equity (30%) (B) 1,50,000 45,000 30,000 15,000
Closing Equity (A + B) (c) 24,00,000 24,45,000 24,75,000 24,90,000