Ieee Python Ai ML Projects - 2023-24
Ieee Python Ai ML Projects - 2023-24
Ieee Python Ai ML Projects - 2023-24
P2301 The Role of IoT in Woman’s Safety: A Systematic Literature Review
Electric Vehicle Energy Demand Prediction Techniques: An In-Depth and Critical
P2302 Systematic Review
P2303 ROAD The Road Event Awareness Dataset for Autonomous Driving
4 Adaptive feature fusion networks for origin-destination passenger flow prediction
P2304 in metro systems
5 P2305 Hybrid Feature based Prediction of Suicide Related Activity on Twitter
P2306 A multi-stage machine learning and fuzzy approach to cyber-hate detection
7 A Novel Approach to Improve Software Defect Prediction Accuracy Using Machine
P2307 Learning
8 Cyber-physical customer management for internet of robotic things-enabled
P2308 banking
9 A stock price prediction model based on investor sentiment and optimized deep
P2309 learning
10 Enhancing Spam Comment Detection on Social Media With Emoji Feature and
P2310 Post-Comment Pairs Approach Using Ensemble Methods of Machine Learning
11 Block chain-based Federated Learning with SMPC Model Verification Against
P2311 Poisoning Attack for Healthcare Systems
P2312 Unsupervised domain adaptation for crime risk prediction across cities
13 P2313 LoMar: A Local Defense Against Poisoning Attack on Federated Learning
14 A measurement approach for inline intrusion detection of heartbleed-like attacks in
P2314 iot frameworks
15 Toward Effective Evaluation of Cyber Defense: Threat Based Adversary Emulation
P2315 Approach
16 P2316 Two Stage Job Title Identification System for Online Job Advertisements
17 A Holistic Approach on Airfare Price Prediction Using Machine Learning
P2317 Techniques
18 Cyber Threat Intelligence Mining for Proactive Cybersecurity Defense: A Survey
P2318 and New Perspectives
19 P2319 Detection of Deepfake Videos Using Long-Distance Attention
20 Nature-Based Prediction Model of Bug Reports Based on Ensemble Machine
P2320 Learning Model
21 P2321 Optimizing numerical weather prediction model performance using machine
learning techniques
22 P2322 A Deep Learning-Based Efficient Firearms Monitoring Technique for
Building Secure Smart Cities
23 P2323 A Machine Learning Approach Using Statistical Models for Early Detection of
Cardiac Arrest in Newborn Babies in the Cardiac
90 P2236 A Novel Software Engineering Approach Toward using Machine Learning for
Improving the Efficiency of Health Systems
91 P2237 Smart health consulting online system
92 P2238 SCA Sybil-based Collusion Attacks of IIoT Data Poisoning in Federated Learning
93 P2239 Wish List Products Price Comparison Website Project
7 Machine Learning and End-to-end Deep Learning for the Detectionof Chronic Heart
Failure from Heart Sounds
8 Detection and Isolation of Sensor Attacks for Autonomous Vehicles:Framework, Algorithms,
and Validation
9 Text And Image Plagiarism Detection
21 Geo Tracking of Waste and Triggering Alerts and MappingAreaswithHigh Waste Index
35 Fake detector Effective Fake News Detection With Deep DiffusiveNeural Network
56 Machine Learning For Web Vulnerability Detection: The Case OfCross-Site Request
57 Artificial Intelligence And Covid-19 Deep Learning Approaches For Diagnosis And
58 Generating Cloud Monitors From Models To Secure Clouds
84 Weapon Detection Using Artificial Intelligence And Deep Learning For Security
85 Missing Child Identification System Using Deep Learning AndMulticlass Svm
88 Classifying Fake News Articles Using Natural Language Processing ToIdentify In-Article
Attribution As A Supervised Learning Estimator
89 Real Time Object Detection Using Yolo Algorithm
92 Detecting Spam Email With Machine Learning Optimized With Bio-Inspired Metaheuristic
93 Eye Ball Cursor Movement Using Opencv
103 An Efficient Spam Detection Technique for IoT Devices Using MachineLearning
107 Liver Disease Prediction using SVM and Naïve Bayes Algorithms
121 Applied Machine Learning Predictive Analytics to SQL Injection Attack Detection and
130 A holistic framework for crime prevention, response, and analysis withemphasis on
women safety using technology and societal participation
131 A Personalized Healthcare Monitoring System for Diabetic Patients
136 Chronic Kidney Disease Stage Identification in HIV Infected Patients using Machine
138 Traffic Prediction for Intelligent Transportation System using MachineLearning