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— 560 003


BANGALORE – 560 003

— 2016

: 11. 04. 2016 ] 85-E

Date : 11. 04. 2016 ] CODE NO. : 85-E


( / New Syllabus )
( + / Regular Fresh + Regular Repeater )
( / English Version )

[ : 80

[ Max. Marks : 80

Value Points Total

I. Multiple Choice : 10  1 = 10

1. D — led to the creation of a federal structure in the country. 1

2. B — (a) — (ii), (b) — (iv), (c) — (i), (d) — (iii) 1

3. B — Stree Shakti 1

4. A — Human Rights were declared 1

5. A — Employing children for work 1

6. B — 1 — Bhakra Nangal, 2 — Kosi, 3 — Nagarjuna Sagar 1

7. A — Kerala 1

8. C — Sir M. Vishveswaraiah 1

9. A — the increase in the production of foodgrains 1

10. D — Azim Premji. 1

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85-E 2 CCE RF+RR

Value Points Total

II. Answer the following questions in a sentence each : 14  1 = 14

11. More than 70% of the Indians were illiterate. 1

12. In order to propagate the ideals of Ramakrishna Paramahamsa. 1

13. Because of the defeat of Russia in the hands of Japan. 1

14. It is inhuman and against human rights 1

15. Nelson Mandela 1

16. To avoid discrimination in remuneration. 1

17. To free children from exploitation and to rehabilitate. 1

18. i) The sunrays are perpendicular in the Northern hemisphere

ii) Days are quite long

iii) Away from the sea. ( Any one ) 1

19. By adopting technology. 1

20. This is the period of South-West monsoons. Farmers depend on it for

agriculture. 1

21. Due to deep excavation of earth to reach the ore deposits — Loosen
the land. 1

22. Central Finance Minister. 1

23. Reserve Bank of India ( RBI ) 1

24. i) To establish industries in rural area.

ii) To provide integrated administrative support for promotion of

small scale industries in rural areas. ( any one ) 1

CCE RF+RR 3 85-E

Value Points Total

III. Answer the following questions in two sentences each : 15 × 2 = 30

25. i) Compass

ii) Gun powder

iii) Naval equipment

iv) Maps.

Use of these scientific instruments made sea voyages easy. 4 1

2 2

26. i) Bidar

ii) Gulbarga

iii) Yadgir

iv) Koppal

v) Bellary

vi) Raichur. ( any four ) 4 1

2 2

27. i) Endless struggle

ii) Suppressive measures by Portuguese

iii) Liberation movement from Satyagrahis

iv) Intervention of Indian Army, India took control over Goa ( 1961 ).


i) Shelter

ii) Employment

iii) Land

iv) Education

v) Health care

vi) Social environment

efforts were made to provide these facilities to refugees 4 1

2 2

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85-E 4 CCE RF+RR

Value Points Total
28. i) Greatness of Aryan race
ii) Only Germans are eligible to rule the world
iii) Jews are responsible for Germans’ problems
iv) Appointment of ministers called ‘Goebels’.
v) Organisation of outfit called ‘Brown shirts’.
vi) Mass massacres ( Holocaust )
vii) Concentration camps
viii) Hitler’s ambition — cause for II World War. 4 1
2 2

29. i) Splits the society on the basis of religion.

ii) Creates threat
iii) Affects National integrity
iv) Leads to social unrest
v) Ruins life and property. 4 1
2 2

30. i) Solves economic problems

ii) Promotes World Trade

iii) Promotes economic stability

iv) Promotes sound balance payment

v) Central Bank of central banks

vi) Strives to harmonize relations between advanced and poor

nations. 4 1
2 2

31. i) Self awareness, self motivation and mutual trust

ii) Social and economic necessities

iii) 10 - 20 members
iv) Local groups. 4 1
2 2

32. i) It has rich deposits of minerals

ii) Rivers are helpful for the production of hydro-electricity

iii) Black soil, commercial farming. ( any two ) 2

CCE RF+RR 5 85-E

Value Points Total

33. i) Contour ploughing

ii) Construction of bunds

iii) Development of terraced agricultural field

iv) Afforestation

v) Prevention of deforestation

vi) Control of livestock grazing

vii) Planned use of water

viii) Construction of check dams. ( any four ) 4 1

2 2
34. Evergreen Desert
i) Regions receiving more than i) Regions receiving less than
250 cm of annual rainfall 50 cm of annual rainfall.
ii) Trees are always green and ii) Short vegetation
iii) Found in Western Ghats, iii) Found in Thar deserts and
North-eastern states its adjoining states
iv) Rose, Teak iv) Date, Palm. ( any two ) 2

35. i) Greenhouse effect

ii) Global warming

iii) Environmental pollution

iv) Resources get exhausted. ( any two ) 2

36. Helps

i) to learn about various incidents of different places

ii) to create awareness about the policies of the government

iii) to speed the developmental process

iv) for the development of Trade and Commerce

v) to strengthen the unity and stability of the country. ( any two ) 2

RF+RR-437 [ Turn over

85-E 6 CCE RF+RR

Value Points Total

37. i) Establishment of industrial areas outside the city limits

ii) Giving importance for rural handicrafts
iii) Pura project
iv) Transportation facilities from cities to rural areas
v) Establishment of satellite towns. ( any two ) 2

38. i) Does not reveal the distribution of income

ii) May not increase the standard of life
iii) Does not take into consideration education or health. ( any two ) 2

39. i) Cities are becoming garbage dumps

ii) Causes air, sound, water pollutions. 2
IV. Answer the following questions in six sentences each : 6  3 = 18
40. Political Causes
i) Policy of Doctrine of Lapse
ii) Satara, Jhansi, Udaipur, Jaipur came under British control
iii) Cancellation of princely titles
iv) Removal of kings from the power
v) Unemployment of Soldiers.
Economic Causes
i) Industrial revolution
ii) Unemployment of craftsmen
iii) Heavy tax on sale of Indian goods.
iv) Exploitation of farmers by Zamindars.
v) Inam lands were taken back.
( Any three from each aspect ) 31 3
i) Introduction of systematic education.
ii) Foundation laid for English education by William Bentinck.
iii) Teaching of western literature, humanities and science.
iv) Calcutta, Bombay, Madras — Universities
v) Priority was given for Primary education
vi) Establishment of Public Education Department.
vii) Lord Curzon worked for the progress of education. 6 1 3

CCE RF+RR 7 85-E

Value Points Total

41. i) National interest

ii) Geographical aspects

iii) Political situation

iv) Economic system

v) Defence capability

vi) Public opinion

vii) International circumstances. 6 1

2 3


i) Indo-Soviet co-operation continued in political, economic and

other fields

ii) Russia condemned China’s aggression.

iii) Co-operation for Tashkent pact.

iv) Entered into 20 years treaty of peace, friendship and co-operation.

v) Russia assisted India to have steel plants at Bhilai and Bokaro

vi) Supporting India’s claim for permanent seat in the Security

Council of UNO. 6 1
2 3

42. i) Prohibition of practice of untouchability ( Art. 17 )

ii) Untouchability Crime Act, 1955

iii) Citizens’ Rights Protection Act, 1976

iv) Universal Suffrage, Right to equality

v) Reservation in educational, political, economic and employment


vi) The regulation of 1989 — State Govt.

vii) All citizens are equal. 6 1

2 3

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85-E 8 CCE RF+RR

Value Points Total

i) Population control
ii) Encouragement to cottage industries
iii) Agricultural Development
iv) Industrial development
v) Educational reforms
vi) Five-Year Plans
vii) Encouragement to vocational education
viii) Rural development programmes
ix) Employment guarantee programme. 6 1
2 3

43. i) Kandla
ii) Mumbai
iii) Marmagoa
iv) New Mangalore port
v) Kochi
vi) Tuticorin
vii) Chennai
viii) Vishakhapatnam
ix) Paradwip
x) Kolkata
xi) Haldia. 6 1
2 3
i) Availability of raw materials
ii) Energy resources
iii) Market
iv) Transport facility
v) Availability of labour
vi) Port facility
vii) Land availability at low cost
viii) Technology
ix) Governmental policies. 6
2 3

CCE RF+RR 9 85-E

Value Points Total
44. i) Development of housing, education, health, hygiene, transport.
ii) Improvement of knowledge, skills and capability
iii) Making agriculture a profitable and attractive occupation
iv) To avoid the migration of rural people to cities
v) To improve small scale and cottage industries
vi) Continued employment opportunities for Scheduled Castes,
Scheduled Tribes and other backward classes
vii) Providing essential facilities. 6 1
2 3
i) The net profit earned by RBI
ii) The net profit generated by the Indian Railways
iii) The revenue generated by the post and telecommunications
iv) The revenue generated by the public sector industries
v) The revenue generated by the coins & mints
vi) Various types of the fees and penalties etc. 6 1
2 3
45. i) Facilitates a safe custody of money
ii) Helps in making payments
iii) Helps in collection of money
iv) A/c holders may get advances and loans
v) Helps in smooth financial transactions
vi) A/c holders may get safe deposit locker facilities.
i) It covers the risk of death, disability or loss
ii) It encourages compulsory savings
iii) It achieves the purpose of life assured
iv) It gives the peace of mind
v) It helps when loss of life occurs
vi) It helps for social benefits
vii) It promotes investment of funds
viii) It facilitates for the payment of debits
ix) It provides loan facility
x) Tax relief. 6
2 3

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85-E 10 CCE RF+RR

Value Points Total
V. Answer the following question in about eight sentences : 4
46. i) Advocated social and economic freedom
ii) Fought against caste system
iii) Mahad and Kalaram temple movements
iv) Established ‘Bahishkruta Hitakarini Sabha’
v) Established ‘Swatantra Karmika Party’
vi) Published — Prabuddha Bharata
Bahishkruta Bharata Papers
vii) Worked towards the progress of agricultural labours
viii) Chairman of constitution drafting committee
ix) Served as Law Minister
x) ‘Bharat Ratna’ awarded for his lifetime achievement. 8 1
2 4
VI. 47. India 1+3=4

CCE RF+RR 11 85-E

Value Points Total

Alternative Question for Blind Candidates only :

( in lieu of Q. No. 47 )

i) Provide protection

ii) Obstructs the cold winds

iii) Birth place of many rivers

iv) Facilitate hydro-electric power generation

v) Great plains

vi) Many types of plants

vii) A great treasure-house of minerals

viii) Tourism and religious centres. 4

RF+RR-437 [ Turn over

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