Chap 1 Lingo 532024
Chap 1 Lingo 532024
Chap 1 Lingo 532024
Chapter 1
Physical fitness is the ability of the body to work efficiently to allow a person to be
healthy and perform activities for everyday living (Corbin and Le Masurier 2021).
healthy lifestyles and overall fitness among students. The brain on average can
produce over a thousand new brain cells everyday and high intensity physical
afforded the chance to take on leadership roles, collaborate with others, inquire
about policies and procedures and take ownership of their actions. Students from
diverse value system engage in interactions with one another through physical
education. Students learn how to engage and collaborate with others through
gracefully and become less violent in nature. Many students have shown that
Education advocates for a competency based curriculum. This means that rather
than focusing on a list of topics that students must learn in order to pass a
which are what students need to know and be able to perform in a variety of
students physical education affects their social development, study habits, and
general well being. The investigator considered this study to be important and
crucial. Undertaking this research is a first step toward the holistic development
of the learner. Additionally, the researcher hopes that this research would be
physical education.
Literature Background
Executes the different skills involved in the game. (4) Display joy of effort, respect
excitement of the moment. Many people think that engaging in physical activities
play, games and sports in particular provides a context where culturally accepted
personal and social attitudes, values and behaviors can be acquired. They also
think that the lessons learned in this setting can be applied into other aspects of
life. In fact, the well known catchphrase “sports builds character” canonizes this
In fact, research studies have shown that social emotional knowledge has a
individuals, specifically with reference to their ability to move and how to use that
abilities, but they don’t necessarily capture their cognitive understanding. This
gap in the student assessment can be filled with a written exam because it
encourages and provides opportunities for physical activity both within and
public health.
for the subject matter, such as: (1)The primary social institution for fostering
large number of kids. the primary setting for physical activity whether through
programmes or after school events is the school. There is evidence that more
and more kids now view school as their primary source of regular regulated
physical activity since they are unable to play games outside of school due to a
mix of parental concerns about their safety and economic pressures Additionally,
activities and lifestyle skills and knowledge to all students in a safe and
and higher quality life, and a lower risk of a number of diseases. Numerous
studies have also demonstrated that, in the industrialized world, inactivity is one
of the main causes of health problems disabilities and a lower standard of living.
diabetes, high blood pressure, poor bone health, and obesity that have an impact
obesity, early death, and coronary heart disease. It is also a key risk factor for the
—among the few avenues to encourage physical activity in all kids—have been
positively impacted by frequent activity. Though it's still unclear what the
reports. All of them provide credence to the idea that well designed and delivered
worried that, though physical education has a role, it shouldn't take priority over
academic success and test scores, which they see to be the true goals of
and emotional maturity via play, and their capacity to engage in constructive peer
and adult interactions is a major factor in their success. Play is essential to kids'
social growth. It enables children to do the following:(1) Practice both verbal and
ongoing play, and appreciating the feelings of others (Spodek,2016). (2) As they
wait their turn and share resources and experiences, attend to their sentiments.
(3) Engage in role-playing by interacting with others' needs and desires in their
regarding space, supplies, or rules, you can learn about other people's
One of the foundations for their production in any topic will be their grades.
their children are learning the course material. In elementary, a passing grade
also is the criterion for a course’s contributing accumulated credit for graduation
and initiatives that aimed to enhance at least one of the competencies. Instead of
concentrating on a specific set of kids who were shown to require more support,
they investigated strategies that were available to all students. Along with
pupils social skills and coping, stress management, and dispute resolution
interactions and build their ability to resolve conflicts such as bullying behavior.
Some specific instructional strategies that can help students develop healthy
strategies; using role plays to help students develop and practice conflict
Hoffman (2016) notes that the social and emotional learning environment
has assisted in raising awareness about the need to attend to the emotional
dimension of schooling and the link between achievement and a positive school
climate. By providing opportunities for kids to hone their social and emotional
ability to interact positively with their peers and adults. The growth of youngsters
children acquire more status and enjoy greater social success that do physically
keep up with their peers by helping them develop their motor skills.
The conscious notion of who we are that we form by social contact is known as
from our regular encounters with other people cause our ego to continually shift.
It also held that actions and behaviors are motivated by a feeling of competence.
The feeling of mastery that results from handling the stage properly is sometimes
called ego strength or ego quality. Should this phase be mishandled, the
The social learning theory of Albert Bandura (1977) posits that people
learn from one another, via observation, imitation, and modeling. People pick up
ideas about how to do new behaviors by watching others do them. Later on, this
regarding social interaction, the more knowledgeable than others, and the zone
assignment with adult supervision and/or peer assistance and their capacity to
complete the job on their own is known as the zone of proximal development.
As a result, the roles that teachers and students play change because
learning becomes a shared experience between the instructor and the pupils.
play in which children as they pass through development stages permits them to
interact in unique ways with the environment and social actors in it. As a result,
important social skills. These skills include following rules, being aware of rules,
and developing moral values. All of these skills are linked to play and games in
The Philippine Constitution's Article II, Section 5 emphasized that the state
19, stipulates that the state must support physical education programs, league
Republic Act. No. 5708, an act that funds and promotes the creation of an
1969" is the name that this act will go by. Section 2. The Department of
physical education program's sports and other activities should give kids and
young adults the chance to develop their athletic skills and acquire traits like
All students should receive attention to physical development, social skills, and
special attention paid to kids who possess psychological prowess and physical
with provisions for sufficient training facilities and ongoing, consistent funding, to
academic success, can be made easier with the help of the previously mentioned
literature, studies, theories, and legal basis that are pertinent to the study.
President Carlos P. Garcia district for the school year 2023-2024. The findings of
this study served as the bases for recommendations and for proposed
enhancement measures.
1.1 age;
conducted in school?
10. Is there a significant relationship between the learners’ wellness and learning
11. What plan of action could be proposed based on the findings of the study?
Null Hypotheses
and profile.
social growth.
learning habits.
learning habits.
The finding of this study will be valuable insights to the following groups
and individuals:
Students. The result of this study will help the students to have self -
they can take necessary actions that would develop them, personally, socially
and academically.
Teachers. The study will give insights to teachers who help achieve the
students success.
management support and sustain the good attitudes and behaviour that help
students hit the academic performance providing the full support and its
survey method with the aid of a questionnaire tool to determine the level of social
growth, learning habits and wellness of the students towards physical education.
Documentary analysis was also used in gathering the data of the participants’
academic performance.
in choosing the respondents. Purposive in the sense that only ten selected grade
six pupils in every school were considered as participants and universal since all
The respondents of the study were the grade six pupils of the twenty two
schools of Pres. Carlos P. Garcia District, school year 2023-2024. Table below is
shown for the distribution of the respondents and Figure 2 is shown for the locale
of the study.
Table A
Distribution of Respondents
Lipata ES 2 3 5
Popoo ES 2 3 5
Saguise ES 2 3 5
San Jose ES 2 2 4
San Vicente ES 2 3 5
Sto. Rosario ES 2 2 4
Tilmobo ES 2 2 4
Tugas ES 2 3 5
Tugnao ES 2 3 5
Villa Millagrosa ES 3 3 6
Total 51 59 110
Research Instrument
get the data for the profile of the participants; (2) A researcher-made
questionnaire for the level of learning habits and wellness which was formulated
anchored and selected from first to third on physical education competencies; (3)
made to reflect their personal level of perception of the different items included in
each aspect using the corresponding weight equivalent of 4-point scale with the
Scale Interpretation
1.75-2.49 Competent
Scale Interpretation
1.75-2.49 Competent
The draft of the questionnaire was submitted to the adviser for comments
and suggestions of the revised form were pre-tested to some students for
validation purposes. The final form was reproduced and distributed to all
from the school principal. The researcher explained to the participants about the
purpose of the study in order to get the full cooperation and get a valid result.
The responses were tallied and collated in tables for the purpose of analysis and
Statistical Treatment
In the analysis and interpretation of the data, the percentage was derived
multiplies the dividend by 100; Thus, the following formulae were used:
P¿ x 100
P= percentage
f= frequency of responses
N= number of cases
(fxW )
WM = weighted mean
N = Number of cases
mean divided by the number of cases. The composite mean of all item ratings for
each aspect was derived by adding all weighted means and then dividing the
CM =¿
∑ of Weight Means
Number of items
CM = composite mean
WM = weighted mean
N = number of cases
2 (O−E)❑
x =Ʃ
WHERE: x = Chi-square test
n(∑ xy )– (∑ x )(∑ y )
√ [n ( ∑ x )− ( ∑ x ) ¿ ]¿ ¿ ¿
2 2
To provide consistency of ideas, the following terms are defined as used
in this research:
Wellness. Is the act of practicing healthy habits on a daily basis to attain better
physical and mental health outcomes, so that instead of just surviving, you're
University Press:
1.1 Age: ____ 10 years old ____ 11 years old ____ 12 years old
____ 13 years old ____ 14 years old ____ 15 years old
Directions: Please rate the following statements below by putting a check mark
(/) pertaining the level of competence in physical education. Your answer should
best describe on how you feel about each statement. Please do not leave
anything blank. Answer each item honestly.
4- Highly Competent
3- Moderately Competent
2- Competent
1- Not Competent
Instruction: Please rate the following statements below by putting a check mark
(/) pertaining the pupil’s social development in physical education. Your answer
should best describe on how you feel about each statement. Please do not
leave anything blank. Answer each item honestly.
4- Highly Competent
3- Moderately Competent
2- Competent
1- Not Competent
Instruction: Please rate the following statements below by putting a check mark
(/) pertaining the pupil’s wellness in physical education. Your answer should
best describe on how you feel about each statement. Please do not leave
anything blank. Answer each item honestly.
4- Highly Competent
3- Moderately Competent
2- Competent
1- Not Competent
Instruction: Please rate the following statements below by putting a check mark
(/) pertaining the pupil’s wellness in physical education. Your answer should
best describe on how you feel about each statement. Please do not leave
anything blank. Answer each item honestly.
4- Highly Competent
3- Moderately Competent
2- Competent
1- Not Competent
MAY 2024