100 Yearsof
100 Yearsof
100 Yearsof
We review seminal publications on employee turnover during the 100-year existence of the Journal of
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Applied Psychology. Along with classic articles from this journal, we expand our review to include other
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publications that yielded key theoretical and methodological contributions to the turnover literature. We
first describe how the earliest papers examined practical methods for turnover reduction or control and
then explain how theory development and testing began in the mid-20th century and dominated the
academic literature until the turn of the century. We then track 21st century interest in the psychology
of staying (rather than leaving) and attitudinal trajectories in predicting turnover. Finally, we discuss the
rising scholarship on collective turnover given the centrality of human capital flight to practitioners and
to the field of human resource management strategy.
Employee turnover— employees’ voluntary severance of em- Delery, 2005) and reduces financial performance (Heavey et al.,
ployment ties (Hom & Griffeth, 1995)— has attracted the at- 2013; Park & Shaw, 2013). Other investigations documented how
tention of scholars and practitioners alike for a century. In the employees defecting to competitors can undermine their former
early years, journalists documented how employers stemmed employer’s competitive advantage (via human or social capital
quits with pay hikes (Local, 1917; Men Quitting Mail Service, losses or trade secret theft) or survival (Agarwal, Ganco, & Zie-
1906), consultants detailed turnover costs and devised reduction donis, 2009). Finally, turnover has other side effects, such as
strategies (Fisher, 1917a, 1917b), and scholars speculated about hindering workforce diversity when women of color exit (Hom,
why employees leave (Diemer, 1917; Douglas, 1918; Eberle, Roberson, & Ellis, 2008) or spreading via turnover contagion
1919). Since then, hundreds of studies have appeared (cf. Grif- (Felps et al., 2009).
feth, Hom, & Gaertner, 2000; Heavey, Holwerda, & Based on our collective experience investigating turnover (to-
Hausknecht, 2013; Rubenstein, Eberly, Lee, & Mitchell, 2015). taling nearly 100 years), we chronologically highlight key articles
Figure 1 illustrates the rapid growth of turnover research in the in JAP and elsewhere that have shaped turnover research or
Journal of Applied Psychology (JAP) and other premier schol- management practice. Like all narrative reviews, we apply subjec-
arly outlets. According to our and others’ counts (Allen, Han- tive judgment in selecting articles, yet focus on highly cited papers
cock, Vardaman, & McKee, 2014), JAP has published more and other influential works noted in literature reviews over the
turnover articles than any other journal. years. We divide our timeline into six epochs that mark key
Such persistent scholarship reflects a longstanding and growing transitions and methodological developments in turnover research.
recognition of how turnover materially affects organizational func- Table 1 highlights key contributions of each epoch, while Figure 1
tioning. Fisher (1917b) first probed hiring and replacement ex- identifies classic papers during that period.
penses, now estimated at 90% to 200% of annual salary (Allen,
Bryant, & Vardaman, 2010). Organizational researchers have
shown that turnover disrupts various productivity-related out- The Birth of Turnover Research (ca. 1920)
comes (Hausknecht, Trevor, & Howard, 2009; Shaw, Gupta, &
Although earlier articles on turnover appeared, Bills (1925)
published the first empirical turnover study in JAP, demonstrating
that clerical workers more often quit if their fathers were profes-
This article was published Online First January 26, 2017. sionals or small business owners than those whose fathers worked
Peter W. Hom, Department of Management, Arizona State University; unskilled or semiskilled jobs. While omitting statistical tests of the
Thomas W. Lee, Department of Management & Organization, University
relationship between parental occupational status and turnover,
of Washington; Jason D. Shaw, Department of Management & Marketing,
Bills nonetheless introduced a predictive research design for as-
Hong Kong Polytechnic University; John P. Hausknecht, Human Resource
Studies, Cornell University. sessing whether application questions can predict turnover—an
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Peter W. approach that evolved into the “standard research design” for test
Hom, Department of Management, Arizona State University, W.P. Carey validation and theory testing for most of the 20th century (Steel,
School of Business, Tempe, AZ 85287-4006. E-mail: [email protected] 2002).
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This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.
Figure 1. Historical timeline. Cumulative total includes articles published in Journal of Applied Psychology,
Personnel Psychology, and Academy of Management Journal, thus representing the journals that have published
the greatest frequency of turnover articles over the period.
Table 1
Key Contributions of Each Epoch of Turnover Research
theorizing by highlighting broad environmental categories of turnover Wanous, 1973). Though less influential, other articles demon-
causes that comprehensive formulations later adopted (cf. Mobley, strated how orienting newcomers (Rosen & Turner, 1971) and
Griffeth, Hand, & Meglino, 1979; Price, 1977; Price & Mueller, recruiting them from certain sources (e.g., employee referrals;
1981). Inspired by growing beliefs that dissatisfying work features Gannon, 1971) curbed attrition.
(e.g., “monotony of modern factory labor”; Eberle, 1919, p. 313)
induce leaving (Hulin, 1966, 1968), several scholars applied broader Methodological Contribution: The Standard
theories of work motivation or job attitudes—notably, motivator- Research Design
hygiene (e.g., Karp & Nickson, 1973), motivational needs (e.g.,
Hines, 1973), equity (e.g., Dittrich & Carrell, 1979), expectancy (e.g., Early turnover studies were beset with designs that included
Mitchell & Albright, 1972), and reasoned action (e.g., Newman, retrospective collection of predictors (e.g., early WABs) or criteria
1974)—to explain leaving. (e.g., recalled leaving; see Bills, 1925, for an exception). These
flawed designs eventually gave way to the collection of reliable
Realistic Job Previews predictors at time one and subsequent collection of individual
turnover data at a later point (otherwise known as the “standard
A third line of inquiry stemmed from rising awareness that research design,” often attributed to Hulin, 1966, 1968).
effective recruitment and new hire assimilation can improve re-
tention. Weitz (1956) furnished new hires with a booklet about Foundational Models by James March, Herbert
insurance agent work and showed that this “realistic job preview” Simon, William Mobley, and James Price
(RJP) boosted retention, a pioneering finding later replicated by
(ca. 1958 to 1983)
Farr, O’Leary, and Bartlett (1973), who used work samples to
reduce quits among sewing machine operators. These initial tests March and Simon’s (1958) inaugural theory of voluntary turn-
motivated a vast literature on RJP media, mechanisms, and mod- over was a paradigmatic shift (in the Thomas Kuhn sense) away
erators (Earnest, Allen, & Landis, 2011; Griffeth & Hom, 2001; from the prior stream of primarily atheoretical research. Yet this
revolution was delayed until publications by Mobley (1977; Mo- 2002). Their models and methodology dominated turnover theory
bley, Horner, & Hollingsworth, 1978) and Price (1977; Price & and research for years to come, though some scholars tested
Mueller, 1981) who adopted March and Simon’s (1958) central Fishbein and Ajzen’s (1975) theory of reasoned action or its
constructs—movement desirability and ease (defining them as job variants (Hom & Hulin, 1981). Mobley et al.’s (1978) initial
satisfaction and perceived job opportunities, respectively)—as cor- testing evoked a plethora of additional tests (Hom, Caranikas-
nerstones for more complex turnover models. In the most influen- Walker, Prussia, & Griffeth, 1992; Lee, 1988). Empirical findings,
tial single paper on turnover, Mobley (1977) elaborated a process in toto, contradicted Mobley’s linear progression of mediating
model of how dissatisfaction evolves into turnover. He theorized a processes and suggested alternative structural configurations (Hom
linear sequence: dissatisfaction ¡ thoughts of quitting ¡ evalu- & Griffeth, 1991; Hom & Kinicki, 2001). All the same, Mobley’s
ation of subjective expected utility (SEU) of job search and costs (1977) constructs (and measures, Hom & Griffeth, 1991; Mobley
of quitting ¡ search intentions ¡ evaluation of alternatives ¡ et al., 1978), if not his original causal sequence, survive in modern
comparison of alternatives and present job ¡ quit intentions ¡ theory and work (Lee & Mitchell, 1994; Lee, Mitchell, Holtom,
quits. McDaniel, & Hill, 1999; Lee, Mitchell, Wise, & Fireman, 1996).
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
Later, Mobley et al.’s (1979) ground-breaking content model Further, Mobley (1977) promulgated job search and perceived
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specified a large array of distal causes to clarify why people quit alternatives as central constructs for explaining turnover, spawning
(e.g., disagreeable job features underlying job dissatisfaction, de- independent research on their conceptualization and operational-
sirable attributes of alternative jobs). They introduced SEUs of the ization (Blau, 1994; Steel & Griffeth, 1989). Although Kraut
present job and alternatives which, along with job satisfaction, (1975) first showed that quit intentions can foreshadow leaving,
constitute proximal antecedents of search and quit intentions and Mobley’s theorizing firmly implanted this construct into turnover
mediate the impact of distal causes. Like prior scholars (Mitchell theory, claiming that such intentions represent the most proxi-
& Albright, 1972), expectancy theory was central to Mobley et mal—and strongest—turnover antecedent (realizing that its pre-
al.’s (1979) theorizing. They argued that employees may stay in dictive efficacy depends on time lag and measurement specificity).
bad jobs because they expect eventual positive utility (e.g., pro- Over the years, his supposition has been upheld (Steel & Ovalle,
motions, desirable transfers), whereas employees may leave good 1984) and quit intentions (or their variant: withdrawal cognitions;
jobs because they expect higher utility from other employment Hom & Griffeth, 1991) remain essential in virtually all turnover
(performing a rational cost-benefit analysis to compare their job to formulations (e.g., Hom, Mitchell, Lee, & Griffeth, 2012; Price &
alternatives). They further recognized that nonwork values and Mueller, 1986). Given its predictive superiority (Griffeth et al.,
consequences of leaving moderate how job satisfaction and SEUs 2000; Rubenstein et al., 2015), turnover intentions have served as
of the current job and alternatives underpin turnover. a surrogate or proxy for turnover when quit data are unavailable
Informed by a comprehensive review of scholarly writings (Jiang, Liu, McKay, Lee, & Mitchell, 2012). Further, Mobley et
(canvassing disciplines beyond management and psychology), al.’s (1979) expectancy framework for elucidating how employees
Price (1977; Price & Mueller, 1981, 1986) articulated a broad compare alternatives (Hom & Kinicki, 2001) and estimate future
range of turnover determinants. Capitalizing on his sociology career prospects (“calculative” forces; Ballinger, Lehman, &
background, Price’s theories captured not only workplace (e.g., Schoorman, 2010; Maertz & Campion, 2004) persists in present-
integration, pay) and labor market (job opportunity) causes but day thought, though the ubiquity of rational SEU decision-making
also community (kinship responsibility) and occupational (profes- has increasingly been disputed (Lee & Mitchell, 1994). Finally,
sionalism) drivers. Although specifying job satisfaction or quit Mobley et al.’s (1979) provisional ideas about “nonwork” influ-
intentions as mediating between environmental antecedents and ences resurfaced as more specific constructs as work-family con-
turnover, Price’s (2001) models nonetheless highlighted turnover flict (i.e., employees opt out of paid employment to care for
content more than turnover process. All the same, his theories children; Hom & Kinicki, 2001) and “family embeddedness” (i.e.,
emphasized key environmental drivers (revealed by his 1977 re- employees stay to avoid uprooting children or depriving families
view) rather than attitudinal causes (which are not isomorphic; of corporate benefits; Feldman, Ng, & Vogel, 2012; Ramesh &
Weitz & Nuchols, 1955), yielding practical models identifying Gelfand, 2010).
what managers can leverage to reduce turnover. His promulgation Similarly, Price and Mueller’s (1981, 1986) theories have un-
of objective environmental attributes (though he often used per- dergone extensive evaluation (Gaertner, 1999; Kim, Price, Muel-
ceptual indices) also foreshadowed modern inquiry into external ler, & Watson, 1996). Empirical tests have largely, but not uni-
influences such as social cues (Felps et al., 2009), social networks formly, affirmed theorized model paths (methods-related factors
(Feeley, Hwang, & Barnett, 2008), and community or family may explain deficiencies; cf., Gaertner, 1999), yet studies indicate
embeddedness (Mitchell & Lee, 2001; Ramesh & Gelfand, 2010). that the original structural networks were oversimplified. None-
theless, research on the Price-Mueller models established that most
theorized explanatory constructs play some role in the termination
Normal Science: Theory Testing and Refinement process, especially their specification of workplace antecedents of
(ca. 1977 to 2012) job satisfaction (Gaertner, 1999).
In particular, Price and Mueller’s “kinship responsibilities” con-
Empirical Directions struct advanced turnover understanding, which historically down-
played or neglected family influences on decisions to stay or leave.
Unlike March and Simon (1958), Mobley and Price empirically Standard theory (March & Simon, 1958) cannot readily account
tested their models, thereby promoting the March-Simon founda- for family causes given the prominence accorded to job satisfac-
tion and the standard research design for theory validation (Steel, tion and job alternatives (Abelson, 1987; Barrick & Zimmerman,
2005). Price and Mueller (1981, 1986) thus conceived how kinship avocations. For them, the complex cognitive processes envisioned
ties can deter turnover, which they captured with questions about in standard turnover models (e.g., systematic search and rational
number of children, marital status, number of relatives residing analysis of jobs) are irrelevant; rather dissatisfaction (or wander-
nearby, and the like (Blegen, Mueller, & Price, 1988). This con- lust) translates directly into quits. Later researchers began identi-
struct foretold—if not directly shaped—subsequent inquiries into fying hobos (Judge & Watanabe, 1995; Woo, 2011) or spontane-
how families can initiate or impede quits, such as exiting for ous turnover paths that do not involve deliberate SEU calculations
full-time elder care (Hom & Kinicki, 2001) or remaining to avoid of the job or alternatives (e.g., script-based leaving, impulsive
loss of health benefits or first-rate schools for children (Feldman et quits, or labor market exits; Lee et al., 1996; Lee et al., 1999;
al., 2012; Ramesh & Gelfand, 2010). Finally, Price and Mueller’s Maertz & Campion, 2004).
painstaking construction and validation of predictor measures con- Contesting orthodoxy (cf. Price & Mueller, 1981), Hulin et al.
trasts with customary research practices of using ad hoc measures (1985) further argued that employees do not quit because they
of unknown validity. surmise job availability from local unemployment statistics.
Rather, employees leave when they actually secure job offers. This
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motivated lasting inquiry into the directionality and form of the dichotomous outcomes (e.g., residual terms from the turnover
performance-turnover relationship (McEvoy & Cascio, 1987). variable are not normally distributed) and pursued alternative,
Continuing today, this research stream showed how the better-suited analytical methods. For example, Morita, Lee, and
performance-turnover relationship depends on employee perfor- Mowday (1989) advocated calculating survival and hazard func-
mance or social capital value (Shaw, 2015; Shaw, Duffy, Johnson, tions and corresponding statistics (e.g., log rank statistics) to better
& Lockhart, 2005; Shaw, Park, & Kim, 2013; Trevor, 2001), describe the evolving nature of turnover. Huselid and Day (1991)
certain contingencies (e.g., reward bases, pay growth, promotions, showed the superiority of logistic over OLS regression in turnover
joblessness; Hom et al., 2008; Nyberg, 2010; Trevor, Gerhart, & studies, while Hom and Griffeth (1991) demonstrated that struc-
Boudreau, 1997; Shaw, 2015), temporal aspects of performance tural equation modeling (SEM) more fully tests increasingly com-
(Harrison, Virick, & William, 1996; Sturman & Trevor, 2001), and plicated path models descended from March and Simon’s (1958)
cultural values (Sturman et al., 2012). Further, Porter’s initial theory than does OLS regression (e.g., Lee, 1988). Finally, Morita,
rethinking about the nature of the turnover criterion portended Lee, and Mowday (1993) showed the superiority of Cox regression
ensuing development of utility models that estimate turnover’s (a.k.a., proportional hazards models) over OLS and logistic regres-
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true costs (Cascio, 1982) and the value of turnover reduction sion if data on the time to employee departures are available or
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.
prospective leavers compare alternatives to their current job based ters” (those leaving without jobs in hand) and “preplanned quit-
on a rational calculation of their SEUs. To formulate a more valid ters” (those leaving with a definite plan). Their decision types
and encompassing theory, they introduced various novel con- correspond to Lee and Mitchell’s (1994) turnover paths but are not
structs, notably, “shocks” or jarring events (including external identical. To illustrate, Maertz and Campion (2004) differentiate
events) that prompt thoughts about leaving and drive alternative between preplanned quitters (quitting when a specific time or
paths to turnover. Their model specifies four distinct turnover event occurs) and conditional quitters (quitting if an uncertain
paths, including a conventional affect-initiated path (No. 4) in event happens in the future); however, the unfolding model treats
which dissatisfied employees quit after procuring job offers (e.g., both types as Path 1 turnover. Finally, Lee and Mitchell’s (1994)
Hom & Griffeth, 1991). Lee and Mitchell, however, envisioned theory and methodology have been adapted to account for under-
that shocks (of different types) drive other paths. In one path (No. studied forms of turnover, such as “boomerang employees” who
1), some shocks activate a preexisting plan for leaving (matching quit but later return (Shipp, Furst-Holloway, Harris, & Rosen,
script), inducing turnover (e.g., a woman quits once she becomes 2014).
pregnant [the shock] because of preexisting plans to raise a child The unfolding model is a ground-breaking theoretical achieve-
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full time). For another path (No. 2), negative job shocks violate ment in the annals of turnover research, identifying novel con-
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employees’ values, goals, or goal strategies (image violations, such structs and processes that deepen insight into why and how em-
as a boss pressuring a subordinate to commit a crime) and thus ployees quit. Further, predictive tests sustain key model tenets
prompt them to reconsider their attachment to the company. Un- (e.g., shocks, multiple turnover paths; Kammeyer-Mueller, Wan-
solicited job offers (a shock) induces a third path (No. 3), whereby berg, Glomb, & Ahlburg, 2005; Lee et al., 2008). On the other
employees compare offers to their current job and even seek hand, the unfolding model has yet to be tested in its entirety with
additional jobs for further comparisons. In this path, one first predictive research designs. Its corroboration rests primarily on
quickly judges alternative jobs (unsolicited offers and those from qualitative findings based on leavers’ retrospective reports, which
a search) for compatibility with personal values or goals (image can suffer from recall errors or self-serving biases (Hom, 2011).
compatibility), screens out incompatible jobs, and then calculates
SEUs for the feasible set of job offers (and present job). Echoing Methodological Contributions: Qualitative Research
Hulin et al. (1985), Lee and Mitchell also upended traditional
viewpoints by realizing that leavers do not always quit for other Almost 20 ago, Lee and colleagues (1996) demonstrated how
jobs. Rather, some Path 1 leavers exit the workforce for full-time qualitative design can be deployed for testing complex models,
schooling or stay-at-home parenting. such as the unfolding model. This first qualitative study illustrated
the power of qualitative methodology for model testing and initi-
ated innumerable replications (Holtom et al., 2008; Lee et al.,
Current Scholarship on the Unfolding Model 1999). Lee’s (1999) book further popularized this methodology in
The unfolding model sparked many tests affirming its validity as organizational research. Over the years, extensive qualitative tests
well as radically reshaping understanding of turnover (Holtom, on the unfolding model helped legitimize this approach for both
Mitchell, Lee, & Eberly, 2008). The unfolding model or its key theory testing (Maertz & Campion, 2004) and grounded theory
constructs (notably, script-based quits and shocks) have received development (Rothausen, Henderson, Arnold, & Malshe, 2015).
increasing endorsement by scholars and practitioners, becoming
the dominant turnover perspective today (Hom, 2011). Equally 21st Century Theory and Research
important, Lee and his colleagues (1996, 1999) pioneered quali- (ca. 2000 to present)
tative methodology for validating turnover models. Based on in-
terviews with leavers, they classified turnover cases into one of Job Embeddedness Theory
their turnover paths based on pattern matching. They determined
that the majority of leavers followed one of four theorized paths, With the advent of the new century, the fertile and “exciting”
a finding often borne out by later investigations (Holtom et al., scholarship on turnover that began with the unfolding model
2008). Accumulated evidence further concludes that shocks drive continued its forward progress. Again leading the way, Mitchell,
turnover more so than dissatisfaction (Holtom et al., 2008). Lee et Holtom, Lee, Sablynski, and Erez (2001) originated job embed-
al. (1999) further examined how turnover paths vary in the speed dedness to elucidate why people stay and thus supplement the
by which leavers first decide to leave and when they leave, finding age-old inquiry into why people leave. Although the act of leaving
that shock-driven paths occur more quickly than affect-driven is merely the opposite of staying, they contend that motives for
paths. leaving and staying are not necessarily polar opposites. That is,
Current scholarship extends or refines the unfolding model. In what induces someone to leave (e.g., unfair or low pay) may differ
particular, Mitchell and Lee (2001) combined this model with job from what induces that person to stay (e.g., training opportunities).
embeddedness theory (see below), positing that embedding forces To delineate the latter motives, Mitchell et al. envisioned a causal-
can buffer against shocks (Burton, Holtom, Sablynski, Mitchell, & indicator construct (or formative measurement model) comprising
Lee, 2010). Next, Maertz and Campion (2004) conceived an inte- on-the-job forces for staying—namely, job fit, links, and sacrific-
grative framework outlining both how and why people quit. They es—as well as corresponding off-the-job forces (i.e., community
identified different processes for four leaver types (“decision fit, links, and sacrifices). Although some on-the-job forces (e.g.,
types”) based on different motivational forces for leaving (impe- job sacrifices; Meyer & Allen, 1997) resemble prior constructs
tuses for leaving, such as negative affect, perceived alternatives, or (e.g., costs of turnover; Mobley, 1977), community embeddedness
normative pressures). Example process types are “impulsive quit- captures turnover deterrents long neglected by prevailing thought
(e.g., nonwork influences; Mobley et al., 1979). In a short time (2004) observed that embedding forces underlying decisions to
span, embeddedness research has mushroomed and clearly estab- participate can shape decisions to perform, consistent with Meyer,
lished that job embeddedness explains additional variance in turn- Becker, and Vandenberghe’s (2004) integration of commitment
over beyond that explained by traditional determinants, such as job and motivational models to explain varied work behaviors, includ-
attitudes and perceived alternatives (Jiang et al., 2012; Lee, Burch, ing leaving.
& Mitchell, 2014). Although a large body of work identifies the benefits of job
Embeddedness theory also stimulated theoretical generaliza- embeddedness, emerging research increasingly documents adverse
tions to elucidate different forms of staying (Kiazad, Holtom, effects. Specifically, Ng and Feldman (2010) noted declining
Hom, & Newman, 2015). Extending this theory cross-culturally, social capital development among embedded incumbents, presum-
Ramesh and Gelfand (2010) thus validated the basic model in ably because they had already amassed social contacts and felt less
India but also advanced “family embeddedness,” comprising a need to cultivate new ones. Ng and Feldman (2012) further doc-
family’s pride in a family member’s employment in a company, umented that rising job embeddedness over time escalates work-
the benefits a family derives from the company (e.g., health family conflicts. Finally, Huysse-Gaytandjieva, Groot, and Pav-
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
insurance), and family ties to company personnel. Unlike individ- lova (2013) described how the experience of being trapped in a
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.
ualists who stay to fulfill self-interests, they claimed that Indian dissatisfying job (“job lock”) impairs employees’ mental health.
collectivists often join and remain in organizations to satisfy
family needs, status, or obligations. In support, they found that
The Evolutionary Job Search Process
family embeddedness explains unique variance in turnover in India
but also in America. Pointing out the narrow scope of community To close a conspicuous gap in turnover theorizing, Steel (2002)
embeddedness, Feldman et al. (2012) similarly conceptualize that elaborated the job search process, which has been underspecified
family embeddedness in the community also matters— even to by standard theories that assume that successful job pursuits enable
Americans—who may stay in a job or community they dislike employees to quit for better jobs (March & Simon, 1958; Mobley,
because relocating would disrupt spousal careers or children’s 1977; Steers & Mowday, 1981). Going beyond oversimplified (or
education. Mitchell et al.’s (2001) original view of community implicit) representations of job search in prevailing models (Mo-
embeddedness thus underrepresents how families can embed em- bley, 1977; Steers & Mowday, 1981), Steel (2002) put forth a
ployees (though their community embeddedness index taps em- multistage process through which employees move from passive
ployees’ marital status and number of relatives living nearby) scanning of the labor market to active solicitation of employers.
when families too are embedded in the organization or community His cybernetic theory described how job seekers progressively
(which Feldman et al. [2012] term “embeddedness by proxy”). acquire more particularistic labor market information by selec-
Moreover, Feldman and Ng (2007) conceived “occupational tively attending to certain information levels or sources and gain-
embeddedness,” identifying specific forces relevant to occupa- ing feedback about job prospects and thus their employability. In
tions, such as industry contacts, involvement in professional soci- support, he marshaled evidence that leavers’ labor market percep-
eties, compatibility with occupational demands and rewards, tions better match labor market statistics (e.g., unemployment
human capital investments, and occupational status. This embed- rates) than do stayers’ perceptions, presumably because leavers
dedness form does not necessarily promote loyalty to organizations as actively pursue jobs and thus gather more valid labor market data.
people embedded in professional fields may quit to practice or hone Steel (2002) also explained that individuals can exit without a job
their professional skills elsewhere. Further, Tharenou and Caulfield search when they have other income sources or receive unsolicited
(2010) adapted Mitchell and Lee’s (2001) theory to explain why job offers, whereas others search to upgrade their current circum-
expatriates would stay abroad instead of repatriating, noting that they stances with counteroffers (not because they want to leave; Bretz,
can become embedded in overseas assignments if they derive career Boudreau, & Judge, 1994).
benefits there and fit the foreign culture. Finally, Reiche, Kraimer, and Reiterating Mobley (1982) 20 years later, Steel (2002) advo-
Harzing (2011) established that inpatriates (i.e., foreign nationals from cated abandoning the standard research design for a longitudinal
offshore subsidiaries assigned to corporate headquarters [HQ]) who fit design tracking cohorts over time and repeatedly gauging their
the HQ, have trusting HQ ties, and would give up career prospects labor-market perceptions, search intensity, and job-search success.
available from HQ if they leave, become embedded abroad and thus This design can capture dynamic learning during job search, self-
are less likely to return home. efficacy shifts, and dynamic relationships among job-search vari-
Besides applying Mitchell et al.’s (2001) theory to other forms ables. In line with Steel’s advice, recent panel studies using ran-
of staying, scholars explored indirect embeddedness effects. In dom coefficient modeling (RCM) find that job satisfaction’s
particular, studies report that job embeddedness can attenuate change trajectory explains additional variance in quit propensity
shocks’ deleterious consequences (e.g., higher quit intentions; beyond static satisfaction scores (Chen, Ployhart, Thomas, Ander-
Burton et al., 2010; Mitchell & Lee, 2001), while showing that son, & Bliese, 2011; Liu, Mitchell, Lee, Holtom, & Hinkin, 2012),
employees whose colleagues or superiors are embedded are less upholding the time-honored claim that attitudinal shifts predate
quit-prone (Felps et al., 2009; Ng & Feldman, 2012). Apart from leaving (Hom & Griffeth, 1991; Hulin, 1966; Porter et al., 1976).
loyalty effects, Lee, Mitchell, Sablynski, Burton, and Holtom Steel’s (2002) cybernetic formulation yielded invaluable in-
(2004) revealed that job embeddedness enhances job performance sights into how employment searches impact leaving. Given its
and organizational citizenship, unifying two distinct research tra- relative newness (and difficulty of implementing longitudinal re-
ditions on employee decisions to perform and participate (March search), his theory has yet to be fully tested. Recent panel research
& Simon, 1958). While motivational and turnover theorists invoke on job search among the unemployed nonetheless substantiate
different explanatory constructs for these decisions, Lee et al. Steel’s methodological prescriptions as the standard research de-
sign misses changes in job search intensity that often occur when also with turnover patterns among good and poor performers
(jobless) individuals seek work over long periods (Wanberg, Zhu, (Shaw, 2015; Shaw et al., 2009; Shaw & Gupta, 2007). This
Kanfer, & Zhang, 2012; Wanberg, Zhu, & Van Hooft, 2010). inquiry further demonstrated that HRM practices reduce attrition
Other scholarly work also sustained other propositions from via collective commitment (Gardner, Wright, & Moynihan, 2011),
Steel’s theory—notably, some leavers quit without job offers in differentially affect quit and fire rates (Batt & Colvin, 2011), and
hand (due to impulsive quitting or unsolicited job offers; Maertz & lessen the effects of prior layoffs on quits (via embedding HRM
Campion, 2004), whereas some incumbents solicit job offers to practices; Trevor & Nyberg, 2008). Finally, the most thorough
negotiate better pay or conditions from their employers (Boswell, meta-analysis on antecedents of collective turnover to date iden-
Boudreau, & Dunford, 2004). tified many predictors besides HRM practices, such as climate,
supervisory relations, and diversity (Heavey et al., 2013).
Turnover Rate and Collective Turnover Models Concerning organizational consequences of turnover, and be-
ginning with Fisher (1917b), scholars have speculated about how
The 21st century also heralded significant scholarly attention to
turnover affects organizational performance (Abelson & Bay-
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Methodological Contributions: Turnover Antecedents’ support) antecedents might be studied. For instance, Hausknecht,
Trajectories of Change Sturman, and Roberson (2011) found that “justice trajectories”
predict quit intentions after controlling for current justice levels,
In response to recurring calls for longitudinal research (Mitchell suggesting that employees use past perceptions or experiences to
& James, 2001; Mobley, 1982; Steel, 2002), Chen et al. (2011) and forecast future workplace conditions. Addressing turnover out-
Liu et al. (2012) adopted a panel design and applied RCM to comes instead, Call et al. (2015) estimated that a one standard
estimate how job satisfaction trajectories predict turnover. Of deviation increase in a retail store’s collective turnover shrinks its
interest, Liu et al. increased explained variance from 5% to 43% by yearly profit by 8.9%! That said, inquiries into trajectories can
moving from static measures of satisfaction (i.e., individual and
meaningfully bolster understanding of turnover’s etiology and
work group scores) to dynamic measures (i.e., changes in satis-
faction among individuals and work groups). Using RCM, Stur-
2. Investigate postturnover implications for employees and
man and Trevor (2001) similarly established that performance
organizations. Until recently, scholars have almost always
velocity explains additional turnover variance beyond static per-
thought of turnover as the end point (i.e., the focal dependent
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
the recognition that contextual factors can shape the influence of Practical Suggestions for Managing Turnover
turnover’s antecedents.
5. Examine turnover management strategies and practices. Although practitioner articles have mostly vanished from lead-
Researchers and practitioners might partner on field research ing journals, our review suggests some practical lessons. Employ-
aimed at turnover control. Such studies are rare, yet Agarwal et al. ers can use validated selection procedures (e.g., biodata, person-
(2009), for example, studied how firms deter scientists and engi- ality, person-organizational fit) to screen out job applicants who
neers from leaving by aggressively protecting against patent in- might become prospective leavers. Employers should also pay
fringements, while Gardner (2005) clarified how firms defend special attention to on-boarding practices (including RJPs) as
against poaching. Shapiro, Hom, Shen, and Agarwal (2016) theo- longstanding research has shown that most turnover occurs among
rized about how subordinates may “follow” leaders to other com- new hires who face difficulty adjusting to the job. Organizations
panies depriving source firms of their human and social capital. might monitor prominent causes underlying turnover (via surveys
Scholars have yet to consider whether turnover holds implications or personnel records), such as attitudinal trajectories (Liu et al.,
for social mobility, both upward and downward (e.g., Class in 2012) to foreshadow turnover or learn what (deteriorating) work
conditions must be ameliorated to lessen potential turnover. Firms
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