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1. What is the simple interest on a sum of , d fuf'pr /ujkf'k ij 8 o"kZ esa 21» okf"kZd nj ls
Rs. 8400 at 7%rate of interest after 4 years vftZr lk/kj.k C;kt dk mlh /ujkf'k ij 21 o"kZ esa
2 months?
leku nj ls vftZr lk/kj.k C;kt ls vuqikr D;k gS\
8400 #i;s /ujkf'k dk 7» C;kt nj ij 4 o"kZ 2 eghus SSC CGL MAINS 03/03/2023
ds ckn lk/kj.k C;kt fdruk gksxk\
(a) 8 : 21 (b) 21 : 5
(a) Rs. 2450 (b) Rs. 2250 (c) 5 : 21 (d) 21 : 8
(c) Rs. 2350 (d) Rs. 2550 6. The difference of simple interest from two
a m
2. A sum of money was borrowed by K for 4 banks on Rs. 8,000 in 3 years is Rs. 800.
years at the rate of 16% per annum simple If the rate of interest per annum in two
interest. If the total amount paid at the banks are R1 and R2, then what is the value
ty ra
end of four years was 37310, then what of R1 – R2? (Where R1 > R2)
is the sum that was borrowed by him? 3 o"kZ esa Rs. 8]000 ij nks cSadksa ds lk/kj.k
16» çfr o"kZ lk/kj.k C;kt dh nj ls K }kjk 4 o"kks±
di g C;kt dk varj Rs.800 gSA ;fn nks cSadksa esa C;kt
ds fy, /ujkf'k dk ½.k fy;k x;kA ;fn pkj o"kks± ds dh çfro"kZ njR1 r FkkR 2 gS] rksR1 – R 2 dk
A le
var esa Hkqxrku dh xbZ dqy /ujkf'k 37310 #i;s gS] eku D;k gS\ (tgk¡R 1 > R2)
rks mlds }kjk ½.k fy;k x;k /ujkf'k fdruk gS\ SSC CGL MAINS 02/03/2023
5 years is of the principal. What is
2]500 #i;s dh /ujkf'k fdrus o"kks± esa 4]100 #i;s gks 5
tk,xh\ the annual rate of interest?
at J
J hekuA us lk/kj.k C;kt dh 6» izfr o"kZ dh nj ls the money to the lender. What was the
rate of interest?
3-5 o"kks± ds fy, #i;s 36000 dk ½.k fy;kA 3-5 o"kks±
, d O;fÙkQ us lk/kj.k C;kt ij dqN /ujkf'k m/kj
esa lk/kj.k C;kt ds :i esa mlds }kjk Hkqxrku dh tkus
okyh /ujkf'k #i;s 21000 dk fdruk izfr'kr gS\ yhA 3 o"kks± ds ckn] mlus ½.knkrk
(a) 36% (b) 24%
okil dj nhA C;kt nj Kkr dhft,A
(c) 32% (d) 30%
SSC CHSL MAINS 02/11/2023 (Shift- 01)
5. What is the ratio of the simple interest
earned on a certain amount at the rate of 2 4
(a) 11 % p.a (b) 11 % p.a
21% per annum for 8 years to that earned 9 9
on the same sum at the same rate for 21 3 1
(c) 11 % p.a (d) 11 % p.a
years? 9 9
Join Telegram- Maths by Aditya ranjan Youtube:- Rankers' Gurukul
9. A sum of Rs. 14400 amounts to Rs. 23400 igys 1 o"kZ ds fy, C;kt nj 18» çfr o"kZ] vxys 2
after 5 years at R% per annum simple o"kZ ds fy, 21» çfr o"kZ vkSj 3 o"kZ ls vf/d dh
interest. What is the simple interest after
3 years on the sum of Rs. 8000 at the vof/ ds fy, 20» çfr o"kZ gSA ;fn 8000 #i;s dh
same rate? /ujkf'k lk/kj.k C;kt ij 6 o"kZ ds fy, fuos'k dh
tkrh gS] rks dqy C;kt fdruk gksxk\
#i;s 14400 dh ,d /ujkf'k lk/kj.k C;kt dh R%
okf"kZd nj ij 5 o"kks± ds ckn #i;s 23400 gks tkrh (a) Rs. 9450 (b) Rs. 9900
(c) Rs. 9600 (d) Rs. 9020
gSA leku C;kt nj ij #i;s 8000 dh /ujkf'k ij 3
13. If an amount of `80 becomes `96 in 2
o"kZ ckn izkIr lkèkkj.k C;kt fdruk gksxk\ years in a bank account which gives
(a) Rs. 3600 (b) Rs. 2400 simple annual interest, then an amount
of `62,000 will become ________ after 5
(c) Rs. 3000 (d) Rs. 3200 years.
10. The simple interest earned on `2,800 at ;fn lk/kj.k okf"kZd C;kt nsus okys fdlh cSad •krs
a rate of 10% per annum for 3 years is esa`80 dh jkf'k 2 o"kks± `esa
96 gks tkrh gS] rks
`x and `1,736 is the simple interest earned mlh •krs esa`62]000 dh jkf'k 5 o"kZ ckn -----------
a m
gks tk,xhA
on `6,200 at a rate of 14% for y years, then
x SSC CPO 03/10/2023 (Shift-02)
the value of is:
ty ra
(a) `93,000 (b) `84,600
(c) `82,400 (d) `88,200
;fn `2,800 ij 10» dh okf"kZd nj ls 3 o"kks± esa
14. On simple interest a sum of Rs. 1280
çkIr lk/kj.k C;kt `x gS vkSj`6,200 ij 14»
di g
dh nj ls y o"kks± esa çkIr lk/kj.k C;kt
becomes Rs. 1664 in 2 years. What will
Rs. 1720 become in 3 years at the same
A le
rate of simple interest?
gS] rksy dk eku D;k gksxk\ lk/kj.k C;kt ij #i;s 1280 dh /ujkf'k 2 o"kZ esa
#i;s 1664 gks tkrh gSA ;g Kkr dhft, fd lk/kj.k
SSC CGL MAINS 26/10/2023 C;kt dh leku nj ij #i;s 1720 dh /ujkf'k 3 o"kZ
by T
5% per annum for the first four years, 8% to Rs.8,120 in 5 years at a certain simple
per annum for the next six years, and 12% interest rate per cent per annum. The rate
per annum for the period beyond ten
at J
of interest is:
years. If the total interest paid by him at
çfr o"kZ ,d fuf'pr lk/kj.k C;kt nj ij ,d jkf'k 4
the end of twelve years is Rs.9,016, then
o"kks± esa 7]656 #i;s vkSj 5 o"kks± esa 8]120 #i;s gks tkr
find the money borrowed by Ramesh.
gSA C;kt nj gS%
jes'k us igys pkj o"kks± ds fy, 5» çfr o"kZ dh nj SSC CPO 05/10/2023 (Shift-2)
ls] vxys Ng o"kks± ds fy, 8» çfr o"kZ dh nj ls vkSj (a) 4% (b) 3%
nl o"kks± ls vkxs dh vof/ ds fy, 12» çfr o"kZ dh (c) 7% (d) 8%
nj ls dqN iSls m/kj fy,A ;fn ckjg o"kks± ds var16.
esa Rajesh invested `10,000 by dividing it
mlds }kjk Hkqxrku fd;k x;k dqy C;kt 9]016 #i;s into two different investment schemes,
A and B, at simple interest rates of 8%
gS] rks jes'k }kjk m/kj fy;k x;k /u Kkr dhft,A and 10%, respectively. If the total interest
SSC CPO 03/10/2023 (Shift-3)
earned in 2 years is `1,680, the amount
invested in scheme A is:
(a) Rs.9,800 (b) Rs.9,616 jkts'k us`10]000 dks nks vyx&vyx fuos'k ;kstukvksa]
(c) Rs.9,816 (d) Rs.9,016 A vkSjB esa Øe'k% 8» vkSj 10» dh lk/kj.k C;kt
12. The rate of interest for first 1 years is 18% njksa ij foHkkftr djds fuos'k fd;kA ;fn 2 o"kks±
per annum, next 2 years is 21% per esa vftZr dqy C;kt`1]680 gS] rks ;kstukA esa
annum and for the period beyond 3 years fuos'k dh xbZ jkf'k gS%
is 20% per annum. If a sum of Rs. 8000 SSC CPO 03/10/2023 (Shift-01)
invested on simple interest for 6 years, (a) `4,000 (b) `2,000
then what is the total interest? (c) `6,000 (d) `8,000
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17. 40% of a sum was taken at simple interest 22. Find the amount (integral value only) if a
at 9% rate of interest and the remaining sum of Rs.6,500 is being borrowed at 10%
sum was taken simple interest at 7% rate interest per annum for 2 years if interest
of interest. After 4 years, the total interest is compounded half-yearly.
received was Rs.483.6. Find the sum.
;fn C;kt v/Z&okf"kZd :i ls la;ksftr fd;k tkrk gS]
,d /ujkf'k dk 40» lk/kj.k C;kt ij 9» C;kt nj ij
fy;k x;k Fkk vkSj 'ks"k /ujkf'k dks lk/kj.k C;kt ij 7» rks jkf'k (dsoy vfHkUu ewY;) Kkr djsa ;fn 6]500
C;kt nj ij fy;k x;k FkkA 4 o"kZ ckn] çkIr fd;k x;k #i;s dh jkf'k 2 lky ds fy, 10» çfr o"kZ C;kt ij
dqy C;kt 483-6 # FkkA /ujkf'k Kkr dhft,A m/kj yh tk jgh gSA
(a) Rs. 1750 (b) Rs. 1550 SSC CPO 05/10/2023 (Shift-2)
(c) Rs. 1800 (d) Rs. 1600 SSC CGL TIER- II 06/03/2023
18. A sum becomes 4 times of itself in 12 (a) Rs.7,900 (b) Rs.8,150
years at a certain rate of simple interest (c) Rs.8,250 (d) Rs.7,650
per annum. In how much time it will
become 11 times of itself at the same rate 23. What is the compound interest on a sum
of simple interest? of 25,000 after three years at a rate of 12
a m
per cent per annum interest compounded
çfr o"kZ lk/kj.k C;kt ij ,d fuf'pr nj ij ,d / yearly?
ujkf'k 12 o"kks± esa 4 xquk Lo;a gks tkrh gSA lk/kj.k
25]000#i;s dh jkf'k ij rhu o"kZ ckn 12çfr'kr okf"kZd
ty ra
C;kt dh leku nj ij ;g fdrus le; esa Lo;a dk 11
xquk gks tk;sxh\ nj ls pØo`f¼ C;kt fdruk gksxk] tc C;k t okf"kZd
(a) 30 years
di g (b) 36 years
:i ls pØo`f¼ gksrk gS\
(c) 40 years (d) 48 years SSC CGL TIER- II 03/03/2023
A le
19. A sum amounts Rs.2486.3 at 15% rate of SSC CPO 03/10/2023 (Shift-03)
compound interest after 2 years. Find the (a) Rs. 10,123.20
(b) Rs. 9,824.00
2 o"kks± ds ckn pØo`f¼ C;kt dh 15» nj ij ,d /ujkf'k
by T
1 year.
;fn C;kt v¼Zokf"kZd :i ls pØo`f¼ gksrk gS] rks nwljs o"kZ ds fy, 2» çfr o"kZ gS] rks nks o"kks± esa 6]00
Rs. 8]000 dh jkf'k ij 20 % okf"kZd dh nj ls 1 #i;s dk pØo`f¼ C;kt Kkr djsaA
o"kZ dk pØo`f¼ C;kt Kkr djsaA SSC CHSL MAINS 10/01/2024 (Shift-01)
SSC CGL TIER - II 02/03/2023 (a) Rs.240 (b) Rs.270
SSC CPO 05/10/2023 (Shift-01) (c) Rs.273 (d) Rs.135
(a) Rs. 1675 (b) Rs. 1690
(c) Rs. 1685 (d) Rs. 1680 25. If th of Rs. 16000 is invested at 10%
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26. A sum of Rs. 4500 invested at 10% rate of 30. Find the difference between the compound
interest and simple interest when a sum
compound interest for
2 years. of ` 15,625 is invested for 3 years at 4%
6 per annum.
Calculate the compound interest.
tc #- 15]625 dh jkf'k 3 o"kks± ds fy, 4» izfr
5 o"kZ dh nj ij fuosf'kr gks] rks mlds pØo`f¼ C;kt
o"kks± ds fy, pØo`f¼ C;kt dh 10» nj ij vkSj lk/kj.k C;kt ds chp varj Kkr dhft,A
4500 #i;s dk fuos'k fd, x,A pØo`f¼ C;kt Kkr SSC CPO 10/11/2022 (Shift-03)
djsaA (a) ` 76 (b) ` 96
(a) Rs. 1324.25 (b) Rs. 1467.25 (c) ` 56 (d) ` 86
(c) Rs. 1499.75 (d) Rs. 1398.75 31. The difference between Simple Interest
27. A sum is invested at 4% rate of compound and Compound Interest on a certain sum
of money at 10% per annum for 3 years
2 is Rs. 620. Find the principal if it is
a m
interest for 2 years. If compound
3 known that the interest is compounded
interest for given time period is Rs. annually
ty ra
1656.64, then find the sum. ,d fuf'pr /ujkf'k ij 10» çfro"kZ dh nj ls 3
2 o"kks± esa çkIr gksus okys lk/kj.k C;kt vkSj pØo`f¼
o"kks± ds fy, pØo`f¼ C;kt ij 4» ds nj ls C;kt ds chp dk varj #- 620 gSA ;fn ;g Kkr gS
di g fd C;kt dh x.kuk okf"kZd rkSj ij dh tkrh gS] rks
A le
,d /ujkf'k dk fuos'k fd;k tkrk gSA ;fn nh xbZ ewyèku Kkr dhft,A
le;kof/ ds fy, pØo`f¼ C;kt 1656-64 #i;s gS] rks
(a) Rs. 2,00,000 (b) Rs. 20,000
28. Difference between compound interest and at compound interest, when interest is
simple interest on a sum of Rs. 7200 at compounded annually. What is the rate of
h s oi
some rate of interest is after two years is compound interest per annum?
Rs. 162. What is the rate of interest? ,d /ujkf'k 2 o"kks± esa 1]200 #i;s gks tkrh gS vkSj
at J
#i;s 7200 dh ,d /ujkf'k ij fdlh C;kt nj ij nks pØo`f¼ C;kt ij 3 o"kks± esa 1]260 #i;s gks tkrh gS]
o"kks± ds ckn pØo`f¼ C;kt vkSj lk/kj.k C;kt ds chp tc C;kt okf"kZd :i ls la;ksftr gksrk gSA pØo`f¼
dk varj #i ;s 162 gS] rks C;kt dh nj fdruh gS\ C;kt dh okf"kZd nj D;k gS\
SSC CPO 04/10/2023 (Shift-3)
(a) 12% (b) 9%
(a) 6% (b) 3%
(c) 15% (d) 18%
(c) 5% (d) 7%
29. Find the difference between the simple
interest and the compound interest 33. A sum amounts to Rs.7,562 in 4 years
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34. Peter invested a certain sum of money 35. A sum increased by 40% at some rate of
in a scheme paying 10% simple interest simple interest in years. If the compound
per annum, while Rachel invested half of interest on Rs. 15000 at same rate of
the sum that Peter invested in a scheme interest in 2 years is Rs. 5886 when
paying 10% interest per annum compounded annually.
compounded annually. Also, while Peter
invested for 2 years, Rachel invested for What should come in place of the given
3 years. If the difference in the interest blank?
earned by Peter and Rachel was `897, _______o"kks± esa lk/kj.k C;kt dh dqN nj ij ,d /
what was the sum that Rachel had
ujkf'k esa 40» dh o`f¼ gksrh gSA ;fn 15000 # ij C;kt
i hVj us 10» okf"kZd lk/kj.k C;kt nsus okyh ,d tc okf"kZd :i ls pØo`f¼r fd;k tkrk gS rks 2 o"kks± esa
;kstuk esa ,d fuf'pr jkf'k dk fuos'k fd;k] tcfd leku nj ij pØo`f¼ C;kt 5886 # izkIr gksrh gSaA
jspy us okf"kZd pØo`f¼ vk/kj ij x.kuh; 10» okf"kZd fn, x, fjÙkQ LFkku ij D;k vkuk pkfg,\
C;kt nj okyh ,d ;kstuk esa ihVj ls vk/h jkf'k dk 2 7
fuos'k fd;kA ihVj us 2 o"kZ ds fy, fuos'k fd;k] (a) 2
(b) 3
9 11
rFkk jspy us 3 o"kZ ds fy, fuos'k fd;kA ;fn muds
a m
897 dk varj Fkk] rks jspy us
}kjk vftZr C;ktksa`esa 1
(c) 3
(d) 2
fdruh jkf'k dk fuos'k fd;k Fkk\ 3 7
ty ra
SSC CPO 04/10/2023 (Shift-02)
(a) `12,900 (b) `13,000
(c) `13,100 di g (d) `12,960
A le
1.(a) 2.(a) 3.(c) 4.(a) 5.(a) 6.(b) 7.(c) 8.(d) 9.(c) 10.(c)
by T
11.(a) 12.(c) 13.(a) 14.(b) 15.(a) 16.(b) 17.(b) 18.(c) 19.(b) 20.(d)
21.(d) 22.(a) 23.(a) 24.(c) 25.(a) 26.(d) 27.(c) 28.(c) 29.(b) 30.(a)
h s oi