1 4GDH Progression Revised May2018
1 4GDH Progression Revised May2018
1 4GDH Progression Revised May2018
Publication date:
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4D H
2-way DH
> 100 °C
PV, Wave
Wind surplus CHP
Industry surplus Electricity biomass
Centralised storage
Heat Heat Heat cooling plant
storage storage storage
CHP waste
Steam CHP coal CHP coal Centralised
storage CHP oil CHP oil Industry surplus heat pump
Coal Coal Gas, Waste CHP waste low energy
Waste Waste Oil, Coal incineration buildings
Local District Heating District Heating District Heating District Heating
(District Heating generation) /
1G / 1880-1930 2G / 1930-1980 3G / 1980-2020 4G / 2020-2050 Period of best
available technology