Question Paper Summer 2023
Question Paper Summer 2023
Question Paper Summer 2023
3 Hours / 70 Marks Seat No.
(a) Define solid waste and list different types of solid waste generated from
(b) List the vehicles which may be used for transportation of solid waste.
(g) Define Biomedical waste and list the sources of generation of this type of
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2. Attempt any THREE of the following : 12
(b) State the methods of solid waste collection and explain any one.
(c) Draw a neat labelled sketch of composite liner system for leachate control.
(a) Suggest and justify the criteria adopted for the execution of vermicomposting
(b) State the importance of segregation and recycle of waste in solid waste
management practices.
(c) Explain various health related problems during handling and processing of
solid waste.
(d) Suggest the situations for adopting a specific method of land filling for solid
waste disposal.
(c) Explain the major provisions in Biomedical Waste Management Rules 2016.
(d) Explain the importance of public involvement and participation in solid waste
(e) Explain the role of Central Pollution Control Board in management of solid
waste from various sources.
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5. Attempt any TWO of the following : 12
(a) Draw organization pattern of solid waste management. State the pattern for a
city having population more than 1 million.
(b) Suggest various management technologies for biomedical waste for its safe
(c) “Rag pickers-media of cleanliness for the society”. Justify the statement with
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