Innovation Lessons Learned Report
Innovation Lessons Learned Report
Innovation Lessons Learned Report
Country: Cyprus
B. SCORE: What emerged is a tool which can help predict the specific
types of interventions that could leverage political accommodation and
the peaceful settlement of disputes. Thus SCORE uses statistical
modelling techniques to a) map social cohesion and reconciliation in
society, b) monitor over time the levels of these two indicators, and c)
make predictions on how the levels of the two could be affected in
different hypothetical situations. In Cyprus and Bosnia, where the SCORE
has been implemented the tool has attempted to identify those areas
which could potentially transform a community’s understanding and
perception of conflict and trigger the process of reconciliation.
In February 2015 the SCORE index was presented to a meeting of Cypriot
decision-makers, foreign diplomats and peacebuilding NGOs in Cyprus.
The mapping of social cohesion and reconciliation by various
UNDP POPP – Project Management Lessons Learned Report
Project Information
Award ID: 00076232
CO Focal Points: Christopher Louise
Partners: Centre for Sustainable Peace and Democratic Development (SeeD).
Project resources:
Report prepared by: Christopher Louise
Date: 9 December 2015