Internet Protocol Stack: Application: Transport: Network: Link: Physical

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Internet protocol stack

§ application: supporting network

• FTP, SMTP, HTTP application
§ transport: process-process data
transfer transport
§ network: routing of datagrams from
source to destination
• IP, routing protocols
§ link: data transfer between physical
neighboring network elements
• Ethernet, 802.111 (WiFi), PPP
§ physical: bits “on the wire”
Introduction 1-76
ISO/OSI reference model
§ presentation: allow applications
to interpret meaning of data, application
e.g., encryption, compression,
machine-specific conventions presentation
§ session: synchronization, session
checkpointing, recovery of data transport
§ Internet stack “missing” these
layers! link
• these services, if needed, must be physical
implemented in application
• needed?

Introduction 1-77
message M
segment Ht M transport
datagram Hn Ht M network
frame Hl Hn Ht M link


destination Hn Ht M network
M application Hl Hn Ht M link Hn Ht M
Ht M transport physical
Hn Ht M network
Hl Hn Ht M link router

Introduction 1-78
Chapter 1: roadmap
1.1 what is the Internet?
1.2 network edge
§ end systems, access networks, links
1.3 network core
§ packet switching, circuit switching, network structure
1.4 delay, loss, throughput in networks
1.5 protocol layers, service models
1.6 networks under attack: security
1.7 history

Introduction 1-79
Network security
§ field of network security:
• how bad guys can attack computer networks
• how we can defend networks against attacks
• how to design architectures that are immune to attacks
§ Internet not originally designed with (much)
security in mind
• original vision: “a group of mutually trusting users
attached to a transparent network” J
• Internet protocol designers playing “catch-up”
• security considerations in all layers!

Introduction 1-80
Bad guys: put malware into hosts via Internet
§ malware can get in host from:
• virus: self-replicating infection by receiving/executing
object (e.g., e-mail attachment)
• worm: self-replicating infection by passively receiving
object that gets itself executed
§ spyware malware can record keystrokes, web
sites visited, upload info to collection site
§ infected host can be enrolled in botnet, used for
spam. DDoS attacks

Introduction 1-81
Bad guys: attack server, network infrastructure
Denial of Service (DoS): attackers make resources
(server, bandwidth) unavailable to legitimate traffic
by overwhelming resource with bogus traffic

1. select target
2. break into hosts around
the network (see botnet)
3. send packets to target from
compromised hosts

Introduction 1-82
The Mirai Botnet (2016)
• Malware scans and infects IoT devices (with default factory
credentials) and turn them into bots
• Large scale attacks (SYN Flood) à inaccessibility of several high-
profile websites such as GitHub,Twitter, Reddit, Netflix,Airbnb and
many others


Introduction 1-83
Other notable cyber attacks
§ Ukraine power grid hack
• Caused power outages for roughly
230,000 consumers in Ukraine for 1-6
hours. - attributed to a Russian advanced
persistent threat group known as
"Sandworm". the first publicly
acknowledged successful cyberattack on a
power grid.


Introduction 1-84
Other notable cyber attacks
§ Stuxnet
• Stuxnet is a malicious computer worm first
uncovered in 2010 and thought to have
been in development since at least 2005.

• Stuxnet targets supervisory control and

data acquisition (SCADA) systems and is
believed to be responsible for causing
substantial damage to the nuclear program
of Iran.[

Exploiting four zero-day flaws, Stuxnet functions

by targeting machines using the Microsoft
Windows operating system and networks, then
seeking out Siemens Step7 software.

Introduction 1-85
Other notable cyber attacks
§ Ransomware
• ransomware cyberattack that
impacted computerized
equipment managing the
• vulnerability of infrastructure
(including critical infrastructure)
• Company shuts down service to
contain attack
• Paid $4.4M


Introduction 1-86
Bad guys can sniff packets
packet “sniffing”:
§ broadcast media (shared Ethernet, wireless)
§ promiscuous network interface reads/records all packets
(e.g., including passwords!) passing by


src:B dest:A payload


§ wireshark software used for end-of-chapter labs is a

(free) packet-sniffer
Introduction 1-87
Bad guys can use fake addresses
IP spoofing: send packet with false source address

src:B dest:A payload

… lots more on security (throughout, Chapter 8)

Introduction 1-88
Chapter 1: roadmap
1.1 what is the Internet?
1.2 network edge
§ end systems, access networks, links
1.3 network core
§ packet switching, circuit switching, network structure
1.4 delay, loss, throughput in networks
1.5 protocol layers, service models
1.6 networks under attack: security
1.7 history

Introduction 1-89
Internet history
1961-1972: Early packet-switching principles
§ 1961: Kleinrock - § 1972:
queueing theory shows • ARPAnet public demo
effectiveness of packet- • NCP (Network Control
switching Protocol) first host-host
§ 1964: Baran - packet- protocol
switching in military nets • first e-mail program
§ 1967: ARPAnet • ARPAnet has 15 nodes
conceived by Advanced
Research Projects
§ 1969: first ARPAnet node

Introduction 1-90
Internet history
1972-1980: Internetworking, new and proprietary nets
§ 1970: ALOHAnet satellite
network in Hawaii Cerf and Kahn’s
§ 1974: Cerf and Kahn - internetworking principles:
architecture for interconnecting • minimalism, autonomy - no
networks internal changes required to
§ 1976: Ethernet at Xerox PARC interconnect networks
• best effort service model
§ late70’s: proprietary
architectures: DECnet, SNA, • stateless routers
XNA • decentralized control
§ late 70’s: switching fixed length define today’s Internet
packets (ATM precursor) architecture
§ 1979: ARPAnet has 200 nodes

Introduction 1-91
Internet history
1980-1990: new protocols, a proliferation of networks
§ 1983: deployment of § new national networks:
TCP/IP CSnet, BITnet, NSFnet,
§ 1982: smtp e-mail Minitel
protocol defined § 100,000 hosts connected
§ 1983: DNS defined for to confederation of
name-to-IP-address networks
§ 1985: ftp protocol defined
§ 1988: TCP congestion

Introduction 1-92
Internet history
1990, 2000’s: commercialization, the Web, new apps
§ early 1990’s: ARPAnet late 1990’s – 2000’s:
decommissioned § more killer apps: instant
§ 1991: NSF lifts restrictions on messaging, P2P file sharing
commercial use of NSFnet § network security to
(decommissioned, 1995) forefront
§ early 1990s: Web § est. 50 million host, 100
• hypertext [Bush 1945, million+ users
Nelson 1960’s] § backbone links running at
• HTML, HTTP: Berners-Lee Gbps
• 1994: Mosaic, later Netscape
• late 1990’s:
commercialization of the Web

Introduction 1-93
Internet history
§ ~5B devices attached to Internet (2016)
• smartphones and tablets
§ aggressive deployment of broadband access
§ increasing ubiquity of high-speed wireless access
§ emergence of online social networks:
• Facebook: ~ one billion users
§ service providers (Google, Microsoft) create their own
• bypass Internet, providing “instantaneous” access to
search, video content, email, etc.
§ e-commerce, universities, enterprises running their
services in “cloud” (e.g., Amazon EC2)

Introduction 1-94
Introduction: summary
covered a “ton” of material! you now have:
§ Internet overview § context, overview, “feel”
§ what’s a protocol? of networking
§ network edge, core, access § more depth, detail to
network follow!
• packet-switching versus
• Internet structure
§ performance: loss, delay,
§ layering, service models
§ security
§ history

Introduction 1-95
Chapter 1
Additional Slides

Introduction 1-96
(www browser,
email client)

packet Transport (TCP/UDP)
capture copy of all Network (IP)
Ethernet Link (Ethernet)
(pcap) frames
sent/receive Physical
Chapter 3
Transport Layer

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Thanks and enjoy! JFK/KWR
Jim Kurose, Keith Ross
All material copyright 1996-2016 Pearson/Addison Wesley
J.F Kurose and K.W. Ross, All Rights Reserved April 2016
Transport Layer 2-1
Chapter 3: Transport Layer
our goals:
§ understand principles § learn about Internet
behind transport transport layer protocols:
layer services: • UDP: connectionless
• multiplexing, transport
demultiplexing • TCP: connection-oriented
• reliable data transfer reliable transport
• flow control • TCP congestion control
• congestion control

Transport Layer 3-2

Chapter 3 outline
3.1 transport-layer 3.5 connection-oriented
services transport: TCP
3.2 multiplexing and • segment structure
demultiplexing • reliable data transfer
3.3 connectionless • flow control
transport: UDP • connection management
3.4 principles of reliable 3.6 principles of congestion
data transfer control
3.7 TCP congestion control

Transport Layer 3-3

Transport services and protocols
§ provide logical communication network
data link
between app processes physical

running on different hosts

§ transport protocols run in

end systems

• send side: breaks app

messages into segments,

passes to network layer

• rcv side: reassembles application
segments into messages, transport
passes to app layer data link

§ more than one transport

protocol available to apps
• Internet: TCP and UDP
Transport Layer 3-4
Transport vs. network layer
§ network layer: logical household analogy:
between hosts 12 kids in Ann’s house sending
letters to 12 kids in Bill’s
§ transport layer: house:
logical § hosts = houses
communication § processes = kids
between processes § app messages = letters in
• relies on, enhances, § transport protocol = Ann
network layer and Bill who demux to in-
services house siblings
§ network-layer protocol =
postal service

Transport Layer 3-5

Internet transport-layer protocols
§ reliable, in-order transport

delivery (TCP) data link


• congestion control network data link

data link physical


• flow control network

data link

• connection setup physical


§ unreliable, unordered data link


delivery: UDP

data link

• no-frills extension of network
data link application
“best-effort” IP physical
data link
data link
§ services not available: physical

• delay guarantees
• bandwidth guarantees

Transport Layer 3-6

Chapter 3 outline
3.1 transport-layer 3.5 connection-oriented
services transport: TCP
3.2 multiplexing and • segment structure
demultiplexing • reliable data transfer
3.3 connectionless • flow control
transport: UDP • connection management
3.4 principles of reliable 3.6 principles of congestion
data transfer control
3.7 TCP congestion control

Transport Layer 3-7

multiplexing at sender:
handle data from multiple demultiplexing at receiver:
sockets, add transport header use header info to deliver
(later used for demultiplexing) received segments to correct


application P1 P2 application socket

P3 transport P4
transport network transport
network link network
link physical link
physical physical

Transport Layer 3-8

How demultiplexing works
§ host receives IP datagrams 32 bits
• each datagram has source IP source port # dest port #
address, destination IP
other header fields
• each datagram carries one
transport-layer segment
• each segment has source, application
destination port number data
§ host uses IP addresses & (payload)
port numbers to direct
segment to appropriate
TCP/UDP segment format

Transport Layer 3-9

Connectionless demultiplexing
§ recall: created socket has § recall: when creating
host-local port #: datagram to send into UDP
DatagramSocket mySocket1 socket, must specify
= new DatagramSocket(12534);
• destination IP address
• destination port #

§ when host receives UDP IP datagrams with same

segment: dest. port #, but different
• checks destination port # source IP addresses
in segment and/or source port
numbers will be directed
• directs UDP segment to to same socket at dest
socket with that port #

Transport Layer 3-10

Connectionless demux: example
DatagramSocket serverSocket = new
mySocket2 = new DatagramSocket mySocket1 = new
DatagramSocket (6428); DatagramSocket
(9157); application (5775);
application application
P3 P4
transport transport
network link network
link physical link
physical physical

source port: 6428 source port: ?

dest port: 9157 dest port: ?

source port: 9157 source port: ?

dest port: 6428 dest port: ?
Transport Layer 3-11
Connection-oriented demux
§ TCP socket identified § server host may support
by 4-tuple: many simultaneous TCP
• source IP address sockets:
• source port number • each socket identified by
• dest IP address its own 4-tuple
• dest port number § web servers have
§ demux: receiver uses all different sockets for
four values to direct each connecting client
segment to appropriate • non-persistent HTTP will
socket have different socket for
each request

Transport Layer 3-12

Connection-oriented demux: example

application P4 P5 P6 application
P3 P2 P3
transport transport
network link network
link physical link
physical server: IP physical
address B

host: IP source IP,port: B,80 host: IP

address A dest IP,port: A,9157 source IP,port: C,5775 address C
dest IP,port: B,80
source IP,port: A,9157
dest IP, port: B,80
source IP,port: C,9157
dest IP,port: B,80
three segments, all destined to IP address: B,
dest port: 80 are demultiplexed to different sockets Transport Layer 3-13
Connection-oriented demux: example
threaded server
application application
P3 P2 P3
transport transport
network link network
link physical link
physical server: IP physical
address B

host: IP source IP,port: B,80 host: IP

address A dest IP,port: A,9157 source IP,port: C,5775 address C
dest IP,port: B,80
source IP,port: A,9157
dest IP, port: B,80
source IP,port: C,9157
dest IP,port: B,80

Transport Layer 3-14

Chapter 3 outline
3.1 transport-layer 3.5 connection-oriented
services transport: TCP
3.2 multiplexing and • segment structure
demultiplexing • reliable data transfer
3.3 connectionless • flow control
transport: UDP • connection management
3.4 principles of reliable 3.6 principles of congestion
data transfer control
3.7 TCP congestion control

Transport Layer 3-15

UDP: User Datagram Protocol [RFC 768]
§ “no frills,” “bare bones” § UDP use:
Internet transport § streaming multimedia
protocol apps (loss tolerant, rate
§ “best effort” service, UDP sensitive)
segments may be: § DNS
• lost § SNMP
• delivered out-of-order § reliable transfer over
to app
§ connectionless:
§ add reliability at
• no handshaking application layer
between UDP sender,
receiver § application-specific error
• each UDP segment
handled independently
of others
Transport Layer 3-16
UDP: segment header
length, in bytes of
32 bits UDP segment,
source port # dest port # including header

length checksum
why is there a UDP?
§ no connection
application establishment (which can
data add delay)
(payload) § simple: no connection
state at sender, receiver
§ small header size
UDP segment format § no congestion control:
UDP can blast away as fast
as desired

Transport Layer 3-17

UDP checksum
Goal: detect “errors” (e.g., flipped bits) in transmitted
sender: receiver:
§ treat segment contents, § compute checksum of
including header fields, received segment
as sequence of 16-bit § check if computed checksum
equals checksum field value:
§ checksum: addition
(one’s complement sum) • NO - error detected
of segment contents • YES - no error detected.
§ sender puts checksum But maybe errors
value into UDP checksum nonetheless? More later
field ….

Transport Layer 3-18

Internet checksum: example
example: add two 16-bit integers
1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0
1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1

wraparound 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1

sum 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0
checksum 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1

Note: when adding numbers, a carryout from the most

significant bit needs to be added to the result

* Check out the online interactive exercises for more

examples: Transport Layer 3-19

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