Acute Flaccid Paralysis Beyond Polio - A Case Based Approach
Acute Flaccid Paralysis Beyond Polio - A Case Based Approach
Acute Flaccid Paralysis Beyond Polio - A Case Based Approach
ACUTE FLACCID PARALYSIS BEYOND Acute flaccid paralysis (AFP) is an acute onset flaccid
POLIO- A CASE BASED APPROACH weakness, less than 4 weeks, reaching its maximum severity
in days to weeks. Some of the causes of AFP are Guillain-
*Mohammed Kunju PA Barre syndrome (GBS), poliomyelitis, transverse myelitis
**Ahamed Subir H (TM), traumatic neuritis and post diphtheritic neuropathy.
***Merin Eapen Continued surveillance of AFP is required to completely
eradicate poliomyelitis. A case for surveillance of AFP is
Abstract: Acute flaccid paralysis is a complex clinical
defined as any case of AFP in children <15 year old, or
syndrome that requires immediate and careful evaluation
any paralytic illness at any age when polio is suspected.
for making a diagnoses. Each case of acute flaccid
Many reviews are available on AFP and this article outlines
paralysis is an emergency from both clinical as well as
a case based approach, to highlight the varied presentation.
public health perspective. The precise knowledge of the
etiology, underlying pathophysiology and concurrent Etiologies of AFP1
changes have profound implications in the treatment and
prognosis. With the eradication of polio, Gullian Barrie It is easier to analyse the cause based on anatomic
Syndrome has become the major acute flaccid paralysis. location
Seasonal occurrence of Gullain Barrie Syndrome with spurt
Brain stem: GBS with cranial nerve involvement, brain
of viral fever is also seen. However, the clinical features of
stem encephalitis and stroke
polio must be taught to the younger residents since
imported or vaccine associated polio can still occur. Spinal cord: Acute transverse myelitis, acute
Better usage of Magnetiic resonance imaging scanning will myelopathy due to spinal cord compression (abscess,
help in establishing the diagnosis. Acute management of space occupying lesion), anterior spinal artery
such patient with acute flaccid paralysis due to different syndrome.
causes in intensive care unit has become a necessity. Anterior horn cells: Poliomyelitis, non-polio
Based on severity IVIg for Gullain Barrie Syndrome and enteroviruses.
Methyl prednisolone for transverse myelitis are now
accepted protocols. We are still in the process of Nerve root (radiculopathy): Guillain Barre syndrome.
consolidating the eradication of polio by the endgame Peripheral nerve: Guillain Barre syndrome, toxic
strategy from 2019-2023. neuropathies (diphtheria, tick bite paralysis, lead,
arsenic poisoning) traumatic neuritis, acute
Keywords: Acute flaccid paralysis, Guillain-Barre intermittent porphyria, critical illness neuropathy.
Syndrome, Lower motor neuron localization, Transverse
myelitis Neuromuscular junction: Myasthenia gravis, botulism,
snake bite, organophosphorus poisoning.
Muscle: Polymyositis, trichinosis, hypokalemia,
* Professor and Head, hypophosphatemia.
Dept of Pediatric Neurology, Clinical approach
Medical College, Trivandrum
** Assistant Professor, Usually sudden occurrence of flaccid weakness
Dept of Neurology, MES Medical College, denotes lower motor neuron (LMN) weakness. However,
Perinthalmanna, Malappuram upper motor neuron (UMN) weakness of sudden onset also
*** Senior Resident can have flaccid weakness in the initial stages due to the
Dept of Pediatric Neurology, neuronal shock state. Following a systematic clinical
Medical College, Trivandrum approach based on the distribution and progression of
email : [email protected] weakness, associated sensory involvement, fever etc. will
Indian Journal of Practical Pediatrics 2020;22(1) : 37
help in differentiating various conditions. Gradual onset eradication of polio, new viral infections can present as
of weakness and chronic conditions like spinal muscular polio like illnesses. As oral polio vaccine is still used for
atrophy are not included here. vaccination, there is a very remote risk of vaccine derived
Localization based on clinical signs (Table I)
Radicles and peripheral nerve
First step in the diagnosis is localizing the lesion.
Case history
LMN: Flaccid weakness with absent reflex is in favor of
LMN. After ascertaining that the motor weakness is due to Ten year old boy was admitted with weakness of lower
LMN, exact site of lesion like anterior horn cell, root, nerve, limb of five days and upper limb of two days duration.
myoneural junction or muscle is determined by verifying It started as knee buckling, difficulty climbing stairs and
the presence or absence of cranial nerve lesions, bladder getting up from sitting position. He had difficulty sipping
involvement, tendon reflexes and sensory involvement. water from a glass but was able to wear slippers and hold
Associated clinical features may give a clue to the the objects in hand. On 3rd day as he developed difficulty
etiological diagnosis (Table II).2 raising arm above shoulder and respiratory muscle
weakness. He had pain in the legs but no sensory loss.
Anterior horn cell disorders
There was no difficulty in urination. He had an upper
Case history respiratory tract infection 2 weeks ago.
Seven year old child was seen with history of fever, Comment: Pure proximal motor limb weakness with
severe myalgia, back pain and weakness of abduction of bifacial palsy and presence of respiratory muscle weakness
right shoulder. Examination revealed meningeal signs, mild is diagnostic of GBS. GBS presenting as painful limping
bulbar weakness, normal sensory and sparing of bladder may be confused as synovitis. Absent reflexes points
and bowel. CSF showed lymphocytic pleocytosis. towards GBS. Bifacial palsy can be missed as there is no
NCV/EMG suggested anterior horn cell disease. Serology facial deviation due to the symmetric weakness.
revealed enterovirus (type was not determined) on follow Difficulty puckering the lips or sipping, incomplete burying
up flail shoulder with severe wasting of deltoid was of eye lashes on tight eye closure are the clues.
Guillain Barre syndrome (GBS)
Comment: Child had a poliomyelitis like presentation,
without isolation of any type of polio virus, but due to It is a progressive, near symmetrical weakness
another enterovirus. occurring in more than one limb with areflexia (Modified
Asbury’s criteria) (Box 1). The common subtypes are acute
Febrile illness, rapidly progressive asymmetric inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy
weakness, preserved sensory function, severe myalgia and (AIDP), acute motor axonal neuropathy (AMAN), acute
residual paralysis after 60 days are features of polio like motor sensory axonal neuropathy (AMSAN), Miller Fisher
illness.3,4 Enterovirus 71, Coxsackie, Echo and West Nile syndrome (MFS) and polyneuritis cranialis. The rare
viruses are the non polio viruses reported. 5 After the variants of GBS are acute pan-dysautonomia, acute sensory
ataxia with or without ophthalmoplegia, pharyngeal- diagnosis. The first changes in AIDP are delayed or absent
cervical-brachial weakness and facial diplegia with F and H responses, reflecting proximal demyelination.
paresthesias. Preceding infections associated with GBS Prolonged distal latencies, decreased conduction velocities
include Campylobacter jejuni, cytomegalovirus, Epstein- along with evidence of segmental demyelination,
Barr virus, mycoplasma pneumonia and HIV.6 (conduction block and temporal dispersion) are other
changes present in 50% of patients by 2 weeks and in 85%
MFS is characterized by ataxia, ophthalmoplegia and by 3 weeks.
areflexia without weakness. Anti-ganglioside GQ1B
antibodies are commonly detected in MFS. Brain stem The features raising doubt on the diagnosis of GBS
encephalitis also can have a similar presentation with ataxia are persistent asymmetry of weakness, presence of a
and ophthalmoplegia. However somnolence will be a sensory level, bowel/bladder involvement at onset and a
distinguishing feature. prominent CSF pleocytosis.
Electrophysiological abnormalities of GBS: Nerve Conditions that may have a presentation like GBS
conduction studies (NCV) are helpful in confirming the include neuropathy associated with HIV, Diphtheria, Lyme
Box 1. Guillain Barre syndrome - disease, porphyria and critical illness; polyneuropathy/
Diagnostic criteria myopathy and vasculitis syndromes.
Presence of progressive weakness and areflexia Acute transverse myelitis (TM) (Box 2)
Indian Journal of Practical Pediatrics 2020;22(1) : 39
uncommon. Temporal relation with viral illness, high CPK Comment: Usage of certain drugs can worsen treated as
and rapid improvement are the features. Some children may well as naïve myasthenia gravis and can present as AFP.
require short course of steroid. Fluctuating weakness, simultaneous ocular and facial
muscle involvement and response to neostigmine are the
Case report diagnostic pointers. Bite marks and children playing in
dark, may suggest snake envenomation. Anti-snake venom
Four year old boy developed weakness of all four
and neostigmine will be life saving.
limbs and shallow breathing following a diarrheal illness.
He required respiratory support for a brief period. The important features of common causes of AFP are
Abdominal distension and poor bowel sounds were present. given in Table III.
Serum potassium was very low and ECG showed
depression of the ST segment, flat T wave with U wave. Investigations
Consciousness was preserved but tendon reflexes were
According to AFP surveillance, two stool samples
absent. Weakness rapidly improved with correction of
must be collected 24 to 48 hours apart in the first 14 days
following the onset of paralysis and to be sent to the
Comment: Syndrome of hypokalaemic paralysis accredited lab after following the surveillance protocol for
represents a heterogenous group of disorders characterised polio or related viral isolation (Fig.1). For diagnosis of
clinically by hypokalaemia and acute pure motor weakness. other disorders investigations such as blood counts, ESR,
Sporadic cases are associated with, renal disorders, peripheral smear, electrolytes (Ca,Mg,K) and CPK.
endocrinopathies and gastrointestinal potassium losses. Electrophysiological studies, NCV and EMG are done to
In adolescents hypokalemic periodic paralysis also can be evaluate types of GBS, myasthenia, muscle and nerve
a possibility. disorders. MRI of spinal cord and brain for distinguishing
various demyelinative disorders.
Neuromuscular junction disorders
CSF analysis
Case report
Raised CSF cell count is seen in transverse myelitis
Girl aged nine years was admitted in ICU with rapidly and infective myelitis viz. polio or enteroviral myelitis,
worsening limb weakness and severe respiratory paralysis varicella or herpes myelitis and rabies. Albumino-
who required ventilation for 5 days. This happened after a cytological dissociation (increased CSF protein with
bout of urinary tract infection, which was treated with normal cell count) is seen commonly in GBS but rarely in
ciprofloxacin. History of ptosis for 2 weeks occurring in post-diphtheritic polyneuropathy, transverse myelitis and
evening hours gave the diagnosis of myasthenic crisis. Froin’s syndrome (coexistence of xanthochromia,
Rapid deterioration was due to the usage of ciprofloxacin. high protein level and marked coagulation of cerebrospinal
She improved with IVIg and neostigmine treatment. fluid due to obstruction of CSF flow may indicate a spinal
Acetylcholine receptor (AChR) antibody was positive. tumor).
Indian Journal of Practical Pediatrics 2020;22(1) : 44
(Pakistan-69 and Afghanistan-16) as of 2019. This was Outbreak response immunization (ORI)
achieved by the active surveillance, immunization and
improvement in sanitation. India was declared polio-free The incubation period of the polio virus is 4-35 days
prior to weakness and all children 0-59 months of age in
on 27 March 2014, three polio free years after the last case
the affected area (around 500 children) where the child
was reported in January 2011 in West Bengal. As for world,
resided or visited in the incubation period are given active
type 2 virus serotype was declared globally eradicated in
immunization. The cases that are likely to be polio in the
2015 and Type 3 on 24th Oct 2019.
community are also actively investigated by the SIO and
Endgame Polio Strategy 2019-23 is the current in AFP cases with inadequate stool specimen, 60 day follow
strategy by the GPEI. The goals have three major up is done between 60 and 90 days.
components (Table IV).
The post certification strategy is also developed to
India has switched over to bivalent OPV in April 2016 maintain a polio free world. Its goals are
excluding the OPV 2 strain which is mainly responsible
for vaccine derived polio. Meanwhile, inactivated polio 1. Contain poliovirus sources by ensuring that they are
vaccine (IPV) was introduced in 2016 with two fractional controlled and removed
intradermal doses at 6 and 14 weeks along with bivalent 2. Withdraw OPV and immunize with IPV against
OPV. possible re-emergence of any polio virus
AFP surveillance is the strategy to screen for
circulating wild polio virus in the post-polio eradication 3. Defect and respond promptly to any polio virus
phase. The patients with AFP within the last 6 months reintroduction.
should be reported to the surveillance Medical Officer of The trivalent OPV which was in use till 2016 had a
WHO. The four steps of AFP surveillance are finding and highest sero conversion rates for type 2 and hence wild
reporting children with AFP, transport and analysis of stool polio virus type 2 was eradicated in 1999. Most cases of
sample, identify poliovirus in laboratory and determine the vaccine derived Polio Myelitis are due to OPV 2 and the
virus strain and origin. Within 48 hours of notification, a trivalent OPV was withdrawn and replaced with bivalent
trained medical officer investigates the case, proceeds with OPV since April 2016.
transportation of stool samples, outbreak response
immunizations done in the affected community. A 60 day Conclusion
follow up examination of the case is also done.
AFP is a complex clinical syndrome that requires
The non-polio AFP rate is an indicator of surveillance immediate and careful evaluation of the differential
sensitivity and should be equal to or more than 1: 1,00,000 diagnoses. Each case of AFP is an emergency from both
(background rate of AFP) according to National Polio clinical and public health perspective. The precise
Surveillance Project.9 knowledge of the etiology, underlying pathophysiologic
AFP surveillance is for detecting polio virus mechanisms and anatomic changes have profound
transmission. implications for prognosis and treatment. The role of
High-flow nasal cannula therapy as apneic oxygenation during endotracheal intubation in critically ill patients
in the intensive care unit: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
Hypoxemia, a frequently reported complication of intubation, is considered a predisposing factor for cardiac
arrest and death. Therefore, oxygenation during endotracheal intubation plays an important role in prolonging
the maintenance of acceptable oxygen saturation levels. Authors conducted asystematic review and meta-analysis
to assess the clinical efficacy of high-flow nasal cannula (HFNC) therapy as apneic oxygenation in critically ill
patients who require endotracheal intubation in the intensive care unit (ICU).Review included six randomized
controlled trials and a prospective study identified in PubMed, Embase, Cochrane Library, and the Web of
Science until August 18, 2019 involving 956 participants Risk ratio of severe hypoxemia decreased with increasing
baseline partial oxygen pressure (PaO2) to fraction of inspired oxygen (FiO2) ratio in the study group. In subgroup
analysis, HFNC significantly reduced the incidence of severe hypoxemia during endotracheal intubation in
patients with mild hypoxemia (PaO2/FiO2> 200mmHg. The authors concluded that HFNC was non inferior to
standard of care for oxygen delivery during endotracheal intubation and was associated with a significantly
shorter ICU stay. The beneficial effect of HFNC in reducing the incidence of severe hypoxemia was observed in
patients with mild hypoxemia.