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Philippine Canadian Inquirer #589
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pcinews_X MAY 10, 2024 VOL. 8 NO. 589
The cool waters of Baracatan River in Toril, Davao City is the perfect getaway for this group on a sweltering Tuesday (May 7, 2024). The city is forecast to feel a heat index of 42 degrees Celsius
until Wednesday, according to state weather bureau PAGASA.
up troubled waters as
Philippines − embold- How does the
brain think?
ened by US − squares 29
up to Beijing at sea `
Nature-based solutions are
BY FRED H. LAWSON, Northeastern U.S. Marines joined Filipino counter- critical to dealing with
University parts on May 5, 2024, for a mock battle climate change Yes, adults can develop food
The Conversation
❱❱ PAGE 4 War games risk allergies. Here are 4 types
PAGE 11 you need to know about
visit *Eye exams available by Independent Doctors of Optometry inside Pearle Vision.
to schedule your eye exam*
2 MAY 10, 2024 FRIDAY
New to
There are services
to support you.
FRIDAY MAY 10, 2024 Philippine News 3
FRIDAY MAY 10, 2024 5
6 Philippine News MAY 10, 2024 FRIDAY
8 Philippine News MAY 10, 2024 FRIDAY
Email: [email protected],
[email protected] BY MARITA MOAJE decrease rate of the water level at the ter meter during non-operation hours to
Philippine News Agency Angat Dam has become “quite fast” due detect any possible leaks in the system.
Instagram: @pcinews_ig to the extremely dry conditions being In case of internal leaks, it is advised that
Twitter: @pcinews_twt experienced in the country, resulting in the main valve be closed from 8 p.m. to 4 a.m.
MANILA – The Department of Envi- a huge consumption of water for both Detected leaks that may need imme-
Youtube: ronment and Natural Resources (DENR), domestic and irrigation use. diate attention should be reported to the
through its Water Resources Management The DENR-WRMO has issued several DENR-WRMO by sending an email to
Philippine Canadian Inquirer
is published weekly every Friday.
Office (WRMO), has directed general water conservation bulletins for govern- [email protected], or the Manila Wa-
managers of public and private golf cours- ment offices and facilities as well as for terworks and Sewerage System by call-
Copies are distributed free throughout Metro
Vancouver, Edmonton, Calgary, and Greater Toronto. es in Metro Manila to conserve water. barangays and villages for household use. ing 0967-3197144/0943-4648776.
The views and opinions expressed in the articles
In its Bulletin 004 issued on Tues- “We need all sectors of society to contrib- Leaks along streets and before indi-
(including opinions expressed in ads herein) are those day, the DENR-WRMO called the at- ute to conserving our water supply,” it said. vidual meters should be reported to their
of the authors named, and are not necessarily those of
Philippine Canadian Inquirer Editorial Team. tention of the general managers of The bulletin also orders a regular main-
Camp Aguinaldo Golf, Veterans Golf, tenance check of the golf course main wa- ❱❱ PAGE 12 Conserve water, DENR
PCI reserves the right to reject any advertising which
it considers to contain false or misleading information Army-Kagitingan Golf, Villamor Golf,
or involves unfair or unethical practices. The advertiser
agrees the publisher shall not be liable for damages Club Intramuros, Philippine Navy Golf,
arising out of error in any advertisment. Wack-Wack Golf, Manila Golf, Valley
Golf, Sun Valley Golf, Alabang Golf, For-
Member esthills Golf and Eastridge Golf.
“All golf courses in NCR are directed
to observe proper water conservation
measures in irrigating fairways and
greens as well as in clubhouse opera-
tions,” the bulletin read.
The WRMO said El Niño conditions
still prevail over the country and that
drought conditions will likely persist in
May and June 2024.
It said despite being above its mini-
mum operating level of 180 meters, the
FRIDAY MAY 10, 2024 9
Canada News
Pharmacare’s design could further fragment
and politicize Canada’s health system
BY CHERYL A. CAMILLO, ed pilot project in Prince Ed- ing for a set term in support
University of Regina ward Island as being under con- of specific projects to expand
The Conversation sideration for transfer to the coverage of prescription drugs
rest of the country. This project and related products intended
“fills in the gaps” by expand- for contraception or the treat-
Over the last several decades, ing the list of drugs covered by ment of diabetes. It is unclear
prescription drugs have become that province’s 26 pre-existing whether the projects would be
critical to preventing, manag- public drug plans while also re- initiated solely by the provinc-
ing and treating health condi- ducing plan participant co-pay- es, or whether the federal gov-
tions, yet Canada’s health-care ments, as being under consider- ernment would dictate ideas.
system has not been updated to ation for transfer to the rest of Since current provincial drug
ensure that all Canadians can the country. plans vary widely in the number
access outpatient medications. According to the minister’s of drugs and people they cover,
After letting report after re- statements and the legislative the provinces’ projects could
port recommending designs for text, whichever model the fed- also vary widely in scope and
drug programs gather dust, the eral government ultimately cost if the federal government
Government of Canada is final- pursues will be implemented wants all provinces to cover all
ly moving forward with testing and funded through bilateral diabetes drugs and contracep-
“pharmacare” models. agreements with the provinces tives and/or provide diabetes
While details about these and territories. drugs and contraceptives to all (MARK HOLLAND/FACEBOOK)
models are lacking, both seem The proposed pharmacare residents by a set date.
to entail piecemeal expansion agreements could mirror the Pharmacare could resem- ble Americans are not enrolled to fill another gap in Medicare
of drug coverage following sep- three-year Working Together ble ObamaCare because they cannot under- services, with eligibility crite-
arate negotiations Pharmacare stand or navigate the applica- ria and a provider recruitment
with each province. implementation tion process. Those who did re- strategy similar to that of the
As a comparative could end up re- ceive coverage cannot carry it U.S. Medicaid program. It is
health systems re- sembling that of from state to state. proving to be unpopular with
searcher focusing the Affordable Just a decade ago it would seniors and dentists due in part
on Canada and the Care Act, known as have been unimaginable for to the paperwork burdens it im-
United States and ... whichever model the “ObamaCare” — the Canadians to believe that their poses upon them.
former director of statute enacted by health insurance system could Preserving Medicare
American public
federal government former U.S. Presi- experience the ideological con- Medicare has long been the
health insurance ultimately pursues will dent Barack Obama flict and inaccessibility charac- pride of Canada and envy of
programs, I be- in 2010 to expand teristic of the American system, other countries because its de-
lieve this approach
be implemented and public health in- but several developments have sign requiring each province
risks incorporating funded through bilateral surance coverage, made it possible. and territory to insure essen-
several negative which many Cana- Seven of the 10 provincial tially the same services for all
aspects of the com-
agreements with the dians are familiar premiers are conservatives who persons, including those mov-
plex and unequal provinces and territories. with due to wide- increasingly challenge Prime ing from other provinces, has
U.S. health insur- spread reporting of Minister Trudeau’s Liberal made it straightforward, effi-
ance system. its rocky implemen- government on ideological and cient and fair to navigate.
Proposed Phar- tation. partisan grounds, often foster- It is worthwhile for Canadi-
macare approach More than 10 ing popular resentment against ans to follow the pharmacare
On Feb. 29, feder- years after the Act’s policies perceived to favour debate. While it might seem
al Health Minister initial deadline for certain provinces. Several have that how drug coverage devel-
Mark Holland introduced Bill bilateral agreements that the all states to expand Medicaid challenged Health Canada by ops is a high-level matter for
C-64 (Pharmacare Act) in Par- federal government recently coverage to low-income fami- promoting private pay for med- policymakers, the pathway the
liament stating government’s struck with each province and lies, 10 states still have not done ical imaging, surgeries and even policy takes might shape how
intent “to work with provinces territory to support their ini- so, in some cases because they clinical care in contravention of Canadians receive and finance
and territories to provide uni- tiatives in four shared priority are insisting that the federal the Canada Health Act. their Medicare benefits in the
versal, single-payer coverage areas: family health, the health government fund 100 per cent In addition, the federal gov- future. ■
for a number of contraception workforce, mental health and of the costs in perpetuity and/or ernment has demonstrated a
and diabetes medications” as a substance abuse, and health in- permit them to alter the cover- new preference for rolling out This article is republished
first step toward national uni- formation technology. age criteria. Some states are still new benefits incrementally in from The Conversation under a
versal pharmacare. If that is the case, each phar- engaged in legal proceedings order to minimize their fiscal Creative Commons license.
In subsequent comments, he macare agreement would au- against the federal government. impact. It recently created a
referenced a federally-support- thorize a set amount of fund- Meanwhile, millions of eligi- new dental care plan for seniors
10 Canada News MAY 10, 2024 FRIDAY
12 Canada News MAY 10, 2024 FRIDAY
FRIDAY MAY 10, 2024 13
World News
Could Biden stop Netanyahu’s plans?
A national security expert looks
at Israel’s attack on Rafah
BY GREGORY F. secretaries of state who have this without making sure you it has to be finished, in order to the attack.
TREVERTON, USC Dornsife been frustrated with Israel can keep most Gazans safe. This eradicate Hamas. The issue is What are the national se-
College of Letters, Arts and over something, going back to does not necessarily require a we never knew exactly what fin- curity implications of Israel
Sciences at least the 1973 war between red line to be drawn – which ishing means. And most of us in going into Rafah?
The Conversation Israel and a coalition of Arab typically is not very effective the national security business It does create more insta-
countries. The U.S. pressed Is- – but a clear warning that this think there is no way Israel can bility and increases the risk of
rael to adhere to a U.N. Security decision will influence arms totally eradicate Hamas. a widening war. Even if Iran
Israel entered Rafah, a city that Council cease-fire resolution transfers in the future. Before October 2023, Hamas doesn’t respond, it is likely
marks Gaza’s southern border then – one sponsored by both The other problem is that was never popular in Gaza be- that some of its proxies, like
crossing with Egypt, on May 7, the U.S. and the Soviet Union – while you might assume that Is- cause it didn’t properly govern, Hezbollah, will do something
2024, launching a military offen- but Israel, for a time, refused. rael is considering how to gov- but the Israeli attack has made it that could deepen this conflict.
sive that the U.S. and others have Other presidents have been ern Gaza after the war, there is more popular, especially on the We should use the term prox-
cautioned Israel not to pursue. in the position of saying, “Do still no clear, public idea of what West Bank, because it stood up ies carefully, because the U.S.
President Joe Biden warned this,” and the Israeli comeback the endgame is. How is this sup- to Israel and put the issues of the knows from its own experience
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin is always, “Not quite yet.” So posed to end? Palestinians back on the agenda that you cannot necessarily
Netanyahu on May 6 against this episode, while very blatant, Meanwhile, this escalation is after the world, including the control proxy governments or
expanding the Gaza war into is hardly unique. bound to continue polarizing Arab world, had forgotten it. militias. But it seems like this is
Rafah, indicating that this could Countries are allies because American public opinion on The idea of eradicating a kind of invitation for at least
lead to a shift in U.S. policy on their interests overlap but are the issue, which is probably an Hamas seems to be still where Iran’s proxies to escalate the
Israel. A divergence over how to not identical. U.S. history is lit- additional reason for the U.S. to Israelis across the spectrum conflict. ■
handle the war in Gaza prompt- tered with allies that managed try to get the war to stop as soon are focused. Therefore, if the
ed the U.S. to place a hold on to do what they wanted and not as possible. remaining Hamas leaders were This article is republished
shipping U.S.-made bombs to what we wanted them to do. The US is reported to have thought to be in Rafah, then so from The Conversation under a
Israel, according to Israeli offi- Years ago, when I was at the In- decided to place a hold on be it, they are thinking, on to Creative Commons license.
cials and a U.S. official quoted ternational Institute for Strate- shipping bombs to Israel.
in Politico, Axios and The Wall gic Studies in London and would Can this influence Israel’s
Street Journal. talk about the difficulties of deal- wartime behavior?
Rafah is one of the only plac- ing with allies, let alone enemies, It probably doesn’t matter
es in Gaza that has not been de- a wonderful researcher focused materially in the short run, but
stroyed in the Gaza war. It is also a on Israel would comment: “So psychologically in the longer
refuge for more than 1 million Pal- who ever said it was easy to be a run, if arms were stopped that
estinians, about half of whom are superpower!” Biden would sym- would make a difference. Israel
children, who have been displaced pathize with that remark. is the largest recipient of U.S.
from their homes elsewhere in As Israeli politics and lead- foreign aid and has received
Gaza because of the conflict. ership have drifted so far to more U.S. military assistance
The Conversation U.S. politics the right, a lot of the people in than any other country since
and society editor Amy Lieber- Israeli Prime Minister Ben- World War II. By early March
man spoke with Gregory Tre- jamin Netanyahu’s coalition this year, the U.S. had made
verton, a chair of the National don’t really care about the U.S. more than 100 arms shipments
Intelligence Council under the and what it wants. Netanyahu is to Israel since Hamas’ attack on
Obama administration and a now very dependent on the far Israel on Oct. 7. 2023.
national security scholar at USC right for his own political sur- Israel is now risking an esca-
Dornsife College of Letters, Arts vival, so he is likely to listen to lating confrontation with Hez-
and Sciences, to understand the his right-wingers, not to the U.S. bollah, a militant group in Leba-
limits of U.S. political leverage in So, how much political non, in the north. It seems to be
influencing Israel’s seven-month leverage does the US actually in Israel’s interest to try to not
war with Hamas. have over Israel? expand conflict but to limit it.
Is the US’s warning to Isra- I think at this point, it is real- Given this, why do you be-
el typical for their diplomat- ly time for the U.S. to say that it lieve Israel is so intent on go-
ic relationship? is going to call arms deliveries ing into Rafah?
This is certainly not with- to Israel into question. Israel is Across the political spectrum
out precedent. There have going into Rafah after the U.S. in Israel, there is a sense that
been many U.S. presidents and specifically said to please not do invading Rafah has to be done, U.S. President Joe Biden (THE WHITE HOUSE/FACEBOOK)
14 World News MAY 10, 2024 FRIDAY
place on any
foreign talent is be- Angara explained. tion 11 of Article XVI of the
ing hired by local ad- On the other hand, he said Constitution which states that
vertising agencies, local talent the proposed amendment may only Filipino citizens or compa-
campus in
is also being hired by foreign be a concern for the local adver- nies are allowed to own at least
advertising agencies. So, in a tising agencies which might be 70 percent in the advertising
way, parang hindi na rin ganun required to remit their profits industry, and all the executive
ka-importante yung distinc- or shares to foreign investors. and managing officers of such
Nature-based solutions..
ANADOLU protect a fundamental right to
Philippine News Agency free speech, to debate disagree, ❰❰ 11 the benefits, costs and As communities and practi- temic and cohesive solutions
to protest peacefully and make tradeoffs associated tioners begin to access newly that build the health and resil-
our voices heard. But there is no with protecting eco- available federal funding, we ience of the ecosystems upon
WASHINGTON – President place on any campus in Ameri- logical processes and enhancing look forward to helping ensure which we all depend as a crucial
Joe Biden said on Tuesday that ca - or any place in America - for ecosystem services. these projects support region- strategy for building low-car-
antisemitism has no place in antisemitism or hate speech or For example, we are working al and community climate re- bon, resilient, and sustainable
America during a speech link- threats of violence of any time," with the City of Port Moody, silience while capturing a rich regions and communities. ■
ing the Holocaust to Hamas’ at- the US President said. B.C., to link its natural asset range of potential benefits and
tack on Israel last year. His remarks came amid management planning (valued potential trade-offs over time. Author’s note: Special thanks
In his address at the US Capi- pro-Palestine college campus conservatively at $377 million) As our NSI framework gets to Dr. Chaeri Kim, Chloe Repka,
tol to mark the US Holocaust Me- protests that have been per- to its forthcoming green in- tested with, and for, commu- Anwen Rees, Lauren Vincent,
morial Museum's annual Days of sistent since April 7, when stu- frastructure strategy. We hope nity partners, we will be pro- Deborah Harford and collabo-
Remembrance ceremony, Biden dents of Columbia University to collaborate with local First ducing resources and tools to rating partners.
said he has seen "a ferocious began an encampment in soli- Nations and the regional gov- help funders and practitioners This article first appeared
surge of anti-Semitism in Amer- darity with Gaza and demand- ernment to better understand alike to put nature back into na- on Policy Options and is repub-
ica and around the world." baseline health indicators in ture-based solutions. lished here under a Creative
"In America, we respect and ❱❱ PAGE 19 Biden says 'no the watershed. The goal is to develop sys- Commons license.
FRIDAY MAY 10, 2024 17
Andrea makes explosive
revelations in "High Street"
ABS-CBN problems and personal issues, up-and-coming journalist, Gino
the story will now shift its focus (Juan Karlos) is thriving in law
to the real world as the charac- school, Tim and Poch (Zaijian
Premieres on Kapamilya ters enter adulthood. Jaranilla and Miggy Jimenez) are
Channel, A2Z, and TV5 this May In a recent interview, Andrea ad- going strong, while Roxy (Xyriel
13; streams 48 hours before TV mitted to feeling pressured in doing Manabat) balances her nurse du- Aside from the returning cast members, new characters such as Dimples
broadcast on iWantTFC “High Street” following the over- ties while being a single mom. Romana, Romnick Sarmenta, Harvey Bautista, AC Bonifacio, and Ralph De Leon
The stars of the hit ABS-CBN whelming success of “Senior High.” On the other hand, siblings will add more excitement to the intriguing story. (ABS-CBN)
teleserye “Senior High” are back “I’m excited but I also have Archie and Z (Elijah Canlas and
for its sequel series, “High Street,” mixed emotions. Because Daniela Stranner) are struggling is actually far greater than they page. Viewers who use any dig-
where a new web of explosive rev- whenever a show has a part two, in life. Archie is imprisoned in have ever imagined. ital TV box at home such as the
elations will unravel as new char- there’s always pressure to make another country while Z’s men- “High Street” is directed by TVplus box only need to rescan
acters enter the picture. it better or for it to be as good as tal health problems continue to Onat Diaz and Lino Cayetano and their device to be able to watch
The series premieres on the first one,” said Andrea. haunt her. Although the North- it also stars Tommy Alejandri- “High Street” on TV5 and A2Z.
May 13 (Monday) at 9:30 PM Aside from the returning cast ford High alumni have high no, Gela Atayde, Mon Confiado, The show is also available to
on Kapamilya Channel, A2Z, members, new characters such hopes for their future, their lives Kean Cipriano, Ana Abad Santos, viewers in and out of the Philip-
and TV5. It will also stream 48 as Dimples Romana, Romnick will be in peril once more when Gerald Madrid, Inka Magnaye, pines on iWantTFC, while view-
hours before its TV broadcast Sarmenta, Harvey Bautista, AC Z mysteriously gets kidnapped Angeli Bayani, and Rans Rifol. ers outside of the Philippines
on iWantTFC. Bonifacio, and Ralph De Leon by an unidentified group. Don’t miss the premiere of can watch on The Filipino Chan-
“High Street” is set five years will add more excitement to the As Sky and her friends, togeth- “High Street” this May 13 (Mon- nel (TFC) on cable and IPTV.
after the graduation of North- intriguing story. er with Sky’s mom Tanya (Angel day) at 9:30 PM on Kapamilya For updates, follow @abscb-
ford High students led by Sky “High Street” opens with the Aquino), uncover the kidnap- Channel, A2Z, TV5, iWantTFC, npr on Facebook, X (formerly
(Andrea Brillantes). Com- reunion of Northford High stu- ping incident, dark secrets arise and Kapamilya Online Live Twitter), Instagram, and Tik-
ing from their traumatic high dents as they catch-up on their and the Northford nightmare on ABS-CBN Entertainment’s Tok, or visit
school life involving teenage respective careers - Sky is an that they once thought was over YouTube channel and Facebook newsroom. ■
18 Entertainment MAY 10, 2024 FRIDAY
FRIDAY MAY 10, 2024 19
How does the brain think?
BY JENNIFER ROBINSON, and create electrical impulses. constantly receiving input from opposite is true, too – without The brain is a fascinating
Auburn University These impulses tend to travel your senses – sights, sounds, enough sleep, you may feel like organ that works tirelessly to
The Conversation along similar pathways and re- tastes, smells and touch. When you can’t think straight. create thoughts, memories and
lease tiny chemicals called neu- you see a cute puppy or hear Along with enough sleep, ideas. As technology continues
rotransmitters along the way. your favorite song, your sens- eat healthy foods and exercise. to improve, scientists will learn
How does the brain think? These neurotransmitters are es send signals to the brain, Just like a car needs fuel to run more and more about how bi-
– Tom, age 16, San Diego, like the construction crew that triggering a chain reaction of smoothly, your brain needs nu- ological processes give rise to
California builds the roads, making it easier thoughts and emotions. trients and oxygen to function our conscious experiences. The
Have you ever wondered how for the messages to be delivered. The brain also stores mem- at its best and to boost your challenges of learning about the
your brain creates thoughts You can imagine it as a dirt road, ories, which are like files in thinking power. brain are like a neuroscientific
or why something randomly but as more traffic – that is, neu- a computer that you can ac- Activities that challenge you moonshot – we have a long way
popped into your head? It may ron signals – travel the dirt road, cess whenever you need them. are also great: reading, doing to go before we completely un-
seem like magic – but actually the road gets upgraded to a paved Memories help shape your puzzles, playing music, making derstand how it works. ■
the brain is like a supercomputer street. If the traffic continues, it thoughts and influence how you art, doing math, writing essays
inside your head that helps you gets upgraded to a highway. see the world. and book reports and journal- Hello, curious kids! Do you
think, learn and make decisions. As you learn new things and If you remember a fun day ing. Positive thinking also helps. have a question you’d like an
Imagine your brain as a experience the world around at the beach, it might make Keep in mind that whatever you expert to answer? Ask an adult
busy city with lots of streets you, these connections grow you feel happy and relaxed. If are consuming – what you’re to send your question to Curi-
and buildings. Each part of the stronger. For example, when you smell an apple pie, it may eating or what you’re watching, ousKidsUS@theconversation.
brain has a specific job to do, you are learning to ride a bike, remind you of your grandma’s listening to or reading – has the com. Please tell us your name,
just like certain areas of a city or you may be unsteady and find it baking. These thoughts are trig- power to influence your brain. age and the city where you live.
certain buildings serve differ- hard to coordinate all of the dif- gered because these pleasant Conversely, smoking ciga- And since curiosity has no age
ent purposes. When you have a ferent muscles along with your associations have been formed rettes, vaping, drinking alcohol limit – adults, let us know what
thought, it’s like a message trav- ability to balance. But the more in your brain, and through rep- and using drugs kills brain cells. you’re wondering, too. We won’t
eling through the city, passing you practice, the more the neu- etition, strengthened over time. So might head injuries that can be able to answer every question,
from one area to another. rons controlling your muscles Creativity is another super- occur when playing sports such but we will do our best.
As a professor of psychol- and your ability to balance fire power of the brain. When you as football, soccer and bicycling This article is republished
ogy and neuroscience, I have together, which makes it much let your imagination run wild, – but wearing a helmet can from The Conversation under a
studied the brain for almost easier as you practice. Neurons your brain can come up with make a big difference. Creative Commons license.
20 years. Neurologists, neuro- are wiring together and form- new ideas, stories and inven-
scientists and neurosurgeons ing neural networks. tions. Artists, writers and scien-
work every day to understand That’s why practice and rep- tists all use their creative brains
the brain better. And there’s etition are important for im- to explore new possibilities and
still a lot to learn. proving your skills, whether solve problems.
Practice and repetition playing the piano or learning a Have you ever experienced a
create skills language. Neural networks are “eureka” moment when a bril-
The neuron is a key player in created and then strengthened liant idea pops into your head out
the brain – these are tiny cells the more times they commu- of nowhere? That’s your brain’s
that send and receive signals nicate together. Scientists have way of connecting the dots and
and messages so they can com- a saying in this field: “Neurons coming up with a solution.
municate with each other. that fire together wire togeth- Keeping your brain healthy
Your brain has somewhere be- er.” Certain thinking or behav- Most scientists agree that
tween 80 billion and 100 billion ior patterns can be chalked up sleep is really important for
neurons. Neurons tend to group to this kind of repeated syn- your brain to process informa-
together to form neural tracts, chronized activity. tion from the day and to allow
which would be like the streets Developing creativity it to rest and form new connec-
and highways in the city anal- You are conscious of only a tions. A lot of people find that
ogy. When you have a thought, very small portion of the infor- they have new ideas or thoughts
neurons in your brain fire up mation your brain takes in. It is after a good night’s sleep. The
port to the first Filipino multi- no band who played pop music cue pork, barbecue chicken, and
block party that took place in with their drums, tambourines, Filipino style hotdogs. There
her riding. Mable Elmore was and xylophones as they marched were Filipino sweets as well
so proud to be a part of this first through the streets! They played such as donuts, cakes, and can-
festival of its kind. As a matter popular songs such as, “You are dies. There were stalls promot-
of fact, a year ago on April 27, my Sunshine”, which had every- ing the different products that
Mable Elmore together with one singing and dancing under are sold by so many enterprising
outgoing Philippine Consul the pouring rain! It was truly Pinoys which varied from car
General Arlene Tullid Magno so much fun and festive! There dealers, real estate mortgages,
accepted the recognition be- were also professional DJs in clothings, and even skincare.
stowed by the Province of Brit- charge of nonstop music — Wild Also, in different venues,
ish Columbia to mark April 27 Thangz and DJ Marlino. there was even a two-day Bas-
as Lapu Lapu Day. During this At the Main Stage of the ketball tournament at the John
remarkable event, Mable El- event, there were scheduled Oliver Secondary School gym
more eloquently highlighted itineraries for various perfor- — basketball to Pinoys is what
the historic significance and mances. From 11am to 2pm, the hockey is to Canadians! At the (PHOTO COURTESY OF WILLIAM ORSUA. HTTP://WWW.SOULMATEPRODUCTIONS.CA)
legacy of Filipino hero, Datu event was hosted by Global BC Auditorium, there were short
Lapu Lapu and his enduring news anchor, half Filipino Jason film screenings by young Filipi-
impact on Filipino values most Pires, and OMNI news anchor, no filmmakers highlighting their
notably the “bayanihan” spirit. Rhea Santos. There was a special creativity in cinematic art. And
Fast forward to April 27, 2024 guest appearance by Philippines of course, a Filipino Day is not
— the first Lapu Lapu Pinoy most beloved mascot, Jollibee, complete without Pinoy fashion!
Block party started at 10am with who entertained the crowd for Also at the auditorium, amazing
a colourful parade from John Ol- 15 minutes. After Jollibee, the and beautifully designed clothes
iver Secondary School and end- crowd was serenaded by Mikey were presented by Filipino de-
ed at East 48th Avenue near the Jose. At around 12:35pm, Van- signers such as Genette Mujar,
main stage. One of our dearest couver based R&B singer Nik- Gabby Ambrosio, and Wanda
sisterhood tribe sisters, Tessa kaela came on stage to showcase Cree. At the John Oliver Park,
Rama Belland (from the prom- her mellifluous vocals. At 1pm, there were Pinoy Zumba in-
inent Rama political family of the crowd went wild with the structors who led Zumba dance
Cebu) was made the Festival fun and over the top vocals and exercise classes even under a
Queen. Tessa looked stunningly performances by the Baddiengs downpour! The esteemed Fili- (PHOTO COURTESY OF WILLIAM ORSUA. HTTP://WWW.SOULMATEPRODUCTIONS.CA)
FRIDAY MAY 10, 2024 23
The National Aboriginal Hockey
Championship celebrates the strength
of Indigenous sporting communities
BY TAYLOR MCKEE, Brock The tournament has dis- ples of Indigenous sport that The NAHC and Indigenous tained its presence in the Cana-
University, CARRIERA tinct ceremonial practices that run counter to deficit narratives hockey excellence dian sport landscape.
JOY LAMOUREUX, Brock distinguish it from other elite of disadvantage. Rather than fo- The exceptionally high skill During the 2023 champion-
University hockey tournaments and rein- cusing on potential struggles that level of the NAHC has attract- ship, tournament organizers
The Conversation force the themes present in the players have overcome to reach ed the attention of scouts from called athletes onto the ice in
NAHC’s founding documents. the tournament, the NAHC is a across North America, though front of their families and local
These themes are demonstrated celebration of the strength of In- that is only a part of the reason community members. With the
The puck has dropped on an- through event programming, in- digenous sporting communities. the championship has main- best Indigenous youth hock-
other National Aboriginal Hock- cluding a players-only welcome ey players in the nation stand-
ey Championship (NAHC) — one event, opening and closing cere- ing side-by-side along the rink
of Canada’s most unique youth monies, traditional artwork inte- boards, tournament organizers,
athletic competitions and cultur- grated into trophy presentation elders and Indigenous leaders
al celebrations. This year’s tour- and playing traditional music. offered prayers and advice to
nament runs from May 5 to 11. The Truth and Reconciliation kickstart a week of exceptional
The NAHC was founded by Commission’s call to action 87 competition and athletic ability.
the Aboriginal Sport Circle in asks all levels of government In addition, the NAHC has
2002 and has been held annu- to collaborate with Indigenous hosted numerous professional
ally since then. It brings togeth- Peoples to “provide public ed- hockey alumni such as Jordin
er top under-18 male and fe- ucation that tells the national Tootoo, Ted Nolan, Bridgette
male Indigenous athletes from story of Aboriginal athletes in Lacquette, Jocelyn Larocque,
across Canada to showcase the history.” The NAHC provides a Michael Ferland, Brandon Mon-
elite athletic abilities of Cana- tangible answer to this call by tour and many others. In this
dian Indigenous youth. providing resources that tell the way, the event’s legacy is con-
Part of what makes this tour- story of the tournament and cel- nected with those of its most
nament so unique compared to ebrate past accomplishments. successful participants, further
mainstream sport is the inher- In this way, the NAHC pres- defining its place in both In-
ent focus on fostering cultural ents an important opportunity
unity and pride. for researchers seeking exam- ❱❱ PAGE 28 The National Aboriginal
Inflation rate slightly up 3.8% in April
BY ANNA LEAH GONZALES last February and March. Just a flagship projects (IFPs). and Industry, Interior and Lo- Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas
Philippine News Agency bit)," Mapa said. Several IFPs are intended cal Government and Justice (BSP) said the latest inflation
"But the trajectory is that two to improve the connectivity of departments, Bureau of Cus- outturn is consistent with its
months na siya dun sa world the country’s agriculture sec- toms, Philippine Competition expectations that inflation
MANILA – Headline inflation prices na bumaba so this might tor to the market, thus reducing Commission, National Bureau could accelerate temporarily
settled at 3.8 percent in April have impact dun sa pag-decline transport costs. of Investigation, and Philippine above the target range in the
this year, significantly lower ng presyo ng bigas ng konti (But “Meanwhile, we must augment National Police. next two quarters of the year
than the 6.6 percent recorded the trajectory is that world pric- local production during shortages The team oversees the impor- due to the possible negative im-
in the same month last year, the es are declining for the past two to ensure an adequate food supply tation and distribution of agri- pact of adverse weather condi-
Philippine Statistics Authority months so this might have im- at affordable prices for all Filipi- cultural products, prevents price tions on domestic agricultural
(PSA) said on Tuesday. pact in the decline of rice prices nos. Food insecurity extends be- manipulation, and addresses oth- output and positive base effects.
The headline inflation last just a bit)," he added. yond economic strain -- it directly er forms of unfair or anti-compet- The BSP, however, expects
month was within the govern- Mapa said the faster annual impacts the well-being of all Fili- itive commercial practices. the average inflation to return
ment's 2 to 4 percent target, but growth rate of the transport in- pinos,“ Balisacan said. “We prioritize food securi- to the target range for full year
was slightly higher than the 3.7 dex at 2.6 percent in April from Failure to augment local ty, economic growth, and the 2024 and 2025.
percent in March this year. 2.1 percent the previous month production during shortages welfare of our producers and "The risks to the inflation
In a briefing, PSA Undersec- also contributed to the uptrend perpetuates poverty and exac- consumers,” Balisacan said. outlook continue to lean to-
retary and National Statistician of the overall inflation. erbates vulnerability, he added. “Our actions aim to boost local ward the upside. Possible fur-
Dennis Mapa said the uptrend In a statement, National Eco- EO 59 complements the di- production and prepare for any ther price pressures are linked
in the overall inflation in April nomic and Development Au- rectives under Administrative challenges in food supply and mainly to higher transport
was primarily influenced by the thority (NEDA) Secretary Ar- Order No. 20, which reconsti- price upticks.” charges, elevated food prices,
higher year-on-year increase in senio Balisacan said that while tuted a surveillance team con- Medium-term inflation path higher electricity rates, and
food and non-alcoholic bever- inflation remains within target, sisting of the Agriculture, Trade In a separate statement, the global oil prices," it said.
ages at 6 percent from 5.6 per- the increase underscores the The BSP said the potential
cent in March 2024. need for vigilance. minimum wage adjustments
Food inflation in particu- “We are taking comprehensive could also give rise to sec-
lar rose to 6.3 percent from measures to ensure food security ond-round effects.
March's 5.7 percent. amid geopolitical concerns and "Looking ahead, the Mone-
Rice, however, recorded a weather patterns worsened by tary Board will consider the lat-
lower inflation rate of 23.9 per- climate change," Balisacan said. est inflation and Q1 (first quar-
cent in April, down from 24.4 "The government’s major ter) 2024 GDP (gross domestic
percent in March. strategies aim to increase pro- product) outturns, among oth-
"Ang nakita namin bumababa ductivity, build the resilience er information, in its upcoming
ng kunti ang world price ng rice. of the agriculture sector, and monetary policy meeting on 16
Nag peak siya January 2024 improve the efficiency of food May 2024," it added.
and then may pagbaba nung systems,” he added. The BSP assured it continues
Feb(ruary) and March. Konti Last April 30, President Fer- to support the national gov-
lang (What we saw was world dinand R. Marcos Jr. signed ernment’s non-monetary mea-
prices of rice slightly declined. Executive Order (EO) No. 59 to sures to address supply-side
It peaked last January 2024 expedite the implementation Customers buy potatoes, sayote, and other vegetables at the Kadiwa market pressures on prices and sustain
and then there's a slight decline of the country’s infrastructure in the City of Dasmarinas, Cavite on Tuesday (Oct. 18, 2022). (GIL CALINGA/PNA) the disinflation process. ■
FRIDAY MAY 10, 2024 Business 25
26 MAY 10, 2024 FRIDAY
AI can now generate entire songs
on demand. What does this mean
for music as we know it?
BY OLIVER BOWN, UNSW This integration is a small from an exclusive high art form one with a tune, some lyrics, or production and consumption
Sydney but remarkable feat. The sys- to more of an everyday language a funny idea can now express So Udio’s declaration that
The Conversation tems are very good at making – think what smartphones have themselves in music”, I don’t anyone can express themselves
up coherent songs that sound done to photography. feel I have enough control to in music is an interesting provo-
expressively “sung” (there I go So imagine you could send express myself with these tools. cation. The people who use tools
In March, we saw the launch anthropomorphising). your father a professionally I can see them being useful like Suno and Udio may be con-
of a “ChatGPT for music” called The effect can be uncanny. I produced song all about him for to seed raw materials for ma- sidered more consumers of mu-
Suno, which uses generative know it’s AI, but the voice can his birthday, with minimal cost nipulation, much like samples sic AI experiences than creators
AI to produce realistic songs still cut through with emo- and effort, in a style of his pref- and field recordings. But when of music AI works, or as with
on demand from short text tional impact. When the music erence – a modern-day birth- I’m seeking to express myself, I many technological impacts, we
prompts. A few weeks later, a performs a perfectly executed day card. Researchers have long need control. may need to come up with new
similar competitor – Udio – ar- end-of-bar pirouette into a new considered this eventuality, Using Suno, I had some fun concepts for what they’re doing.
rived on the scene. section, my brain gets some and now we can do it. Happy finding the most gnarly dark A shift to generative music
I’ve been working with various of those little sparks of pat- birthday, dad! techno grooves I could get out may draw attention away from
creative computational tools for tern-processing joy that I might Can you create without of it. The result was something I current forms of musical culture,
the past 15 years, both as a re- get listening to a great band. control? would absolutely use in a track. just as the era of recorded mu-
searcher and a producer, and the To me this highlights some- Whatever these systems have But I found I could also just sic saw the diminishing (but not
recent pace of change has floored thing sometimes missed about achieved and may achieve in the gladly listen. I felt no compul- death) of orchestral music, which
me. As I’ve argued elsewhere, the musical expression: AI doesn’t near future, they face a glaring sion to add anything or manip- was once the only way to hear
view that AI systems will never need to experience emotions limitation: the lack of control. ulate the result to add my mark. complex, timbrally rich and loud
make “real” music like humans and life events to successfully Text prompts are often not And many jurisdictions have music. If engagement in these
do should be understood more as express them in music that res- much good as precise instruc- declared that you won’t be new types of music culture and
a claim about social context than onates with people. tions, especially in music. So awarded copyright for some- exchange explodes, we may see
technical capability. Music as an everyday language these tools are fit for blind thing just because you prompt- reduced engagement in the tra-
The argument “sure, it Like other generative AI search – a kind of wandering ed it into existence with AI. ditional music consumption of
can make expressive, com- products, Suno and Udio were through the space of possibili- For a start, the output depends artists, bands, radio and playlists.
plex-structured, natu- trained on vast amounts of ex- ties – but not for accurate con- just as much on everything that While it is too early to tell
ral-sounding, virtuosic, original isting work by real humans – trol. (That’s not to diminish went into the AI – including the what the impact will be, we
music which can stir human and there is much debate about their value. Blind search can be creative work of millions of oth- should be attentive. The effort
emotions, but AI can’t make those humans’ intellectual a powerful creative force.) er artists. Arguably, you didn’t to defend existing creators’ in-
proper music” can easily begin property rights. Viewing these tools as a prac- do the work of creation. You tellectual property protections,
to sound like something from a Nevertheless, these tools tising music producer, things simply requested it. a significant moral rights issue,
Monty Python sketch. may mark the dawn of main- look very different. Although New musical experiences is part of this equation.
After playing with Suno and stream AI music culture. They Udio’s about page says “any- in the no-man’s land between But even if it succeeds I be-
Udio, I’ve been thinking about offer new forms of musical en- lieve it won’t fundamentally ad-
what it is exactly they change – gagement that people will just dress this potentially explosive
and what they might mean not want to use, to explore, to play shift in culture, and claims that
only for the way professionals with and actually listen to for such music might be inferior
and amateur artists create music, their own enjoyment. also have had little effect in halt-
but the way all of us consume it. AI capable of “end to end” ing cultural change historically,
Expressing emotion with- music creation is arguably not as with techno or even jazz, long
out feeling it technology for makers of music, ago. Government AI policies
Generating audio from text but for consumers of music. For may need to look beyond these
prompts in itself is nothing new. now it remains unclear whether issues to understand how mu-
However, Suno and Udio have users of Udio and Suno are cre- sic works socially and to ensure
made an obvious development: ators or consumers – or wheth- that our musical cultures are
from a simple text prompt, they er the distinction is even useful. vibrant, sustainable, enriching
generate song lyrics (using a A long-observed phenome- and meaningful for both indi-
ChatGPT-like text generator), non in creative technologies is viduals and communities. ■
feed them into a generative voice that as something becomes eas-
model, and integrate the “vocals” ier and cheaper to produce, it is This article is republished
with generated music to produce used for more casual expression. from The Conversation under a
a coherent song segment. As a result, the medium goes Creative Commons license.
FRIDAY MAY 10, 2024 Technology 27
March employment..
❰❰ 25 eign Investment Act, as data science, analytics, and hard skills among workers and of the Konektadong Pinoy Bill, He added that the conduct of
leads the formulation artificial intelligence. create a more agile and adaptive which NEDA expects to reduce a timely review of the minimum
of the FIPMP. “For the government to sus- workforce, we at NEDA contin- costs and expand access. wage rate and the study on the
Balisacan said the govern- tain a robust labor market and ue to advocate for the passage “Digital connectivity can improvement of the wage ad-
ment also plans to enrich the reap the benefits of the demo- of the Apprenticeship Bill, Life- provide the workforce with justment process will help in
content of training programs graphic dividend, it must en- long Learning Bill, and the En- more opportunities, particu- sustaining employment gains
for workers and employers sure that people are healthy, ed- terprise Productivity Act,” Bal- larly for individuals engaged in while safeguarding workers’
by integrating courses on ad- ucated, and skilled. To facilitate isacan said. care work and other household purchasing power amid elevat-
vanced productivity tools such the development of soft and He also called for the passage responsibilities,” he said. ed prices. ■
FRIDAY MAY 10, 2024 29
Yes, adults can develop food allergies.
Here are 4 types you need to know about
BY CLARE COLLINS, diated food allergies in adults in have bitten those mammals. allergic reaction. with symptoms ranging from
University of Newcastle a US survey were to: When tick saliva crosses into The most allergenic tree pol- hives and swelling, to difficulty
The Conversation • shellfish (2.9%) your body through the bite, an- lens are from birch, cypress, breathing and anaphylaxis.
• cow’s milk (1.9%) tibodies to α-Gal are produced. Japanese cedar, latex, grass, Common trigger foods in-
• peanut (1.8%) When you subsequently eat and ragweed. Their pollen can clude wheat, seafood, meat,
If you didn’t have food allergies • tree nuts (1.2%) foods that contain α-Gal, the al- cross-react with fruit and veg- poultry, egg, milk, nuts, grapes,
as a child, is it possible to develop • fin fish (0.9%) like barra- lergy is triggered. These trigger- etables, including kiwi, banana, celery and other foods, which
them as an adult? The short an- mundi, snapper, salmon, cod ing foods include meat (lamb, mango, avocado, grapes, celery, could have been eaten many
swer is yes. But the reasons why and perch. beef, pork, rabbit, kangaroo), carrot and potato, and some hours before exercising.
are much more complicated. In these adults, about 45% re- dairy products (yoghurt, cheese, herbs such as caraway, corian- To complicate things even
Preschoolers are about four ported reacting to multiple foods. ice-cream, cream), animal-or- der, fennel, pepper and paprika. further, allergic reactions can
times more likely to have a This compares to most com- igin gelatin added to gummy Fruit-pollen allergy is not occur at lower levels of trig-
food allergy than adults and are mon childhood food allergies: foods (jelly, lollies, marshmal- common. Prevalence estimates ger-food exposure, and be more
more likely to grow out of it as cow’s milk, egg, peanut and soy. low), prescription medications are between 0.03% and 8% de- severe if the person is simulta-
they get older. Overall, adult food allergy and over-the counter supple- pending on the country, but it can neously taking non-steroidal
It’s hard to get accurate fig- prevalence appears to be in- ments containing gelatin (some be life-threatening. Reactions inflammatory medications like
ures on adult food allergy prev- creasing. Compared to older antibiotics, vitamins and other range from itching or tingling of aspirin, drinking alcohol or is
alence. The Australian National surveys published in 2003 and supplements). lips, mouth, tongue and throat, sleep-deprived.
Allergy Council reports one in 2004, peanut allergy prev- Tick-meat allergy reactions called oral allergy syndrome, to Food-dependent exercise-in-
50 adultshave food allergies. alence has increased about can be hard to recognise because mild hives, to anaphylaxis. duced allergy is extremely rare.
But a US survey suggested as three-fold (from 0.6%), while they’re usually delayed, and they 4. Food-dependent, exer- Surveys have estimated preva-
many as one in ten adults were tree nuts and fin fish roughly can be severe and include ana- cise-induced food allergy lence as between one to 17 cas-
allergic to at least one food, doubled (from 0.5% each), with phylaxis. Allergy organisations During heavy exercise, the es per 1,000 people worldwide
with some developing allergies shellfish similar (2.5%). produce management guide- stomach produces less acid with the highest prevalence be-
in adulthood. While new adult-onset food lines, so always discuss manage- than usual and gut permea- tween the teenage years to age
What is a food allergy allergies are increasing, child- ment with your doctor. bility increases, meaning that 35. Those affected often have
Food allergies are immune re- hood-onset food allergies are 3. Fruit-pollen allergy small molecules in your gut are other allergic conditions such
actions involving immunoglob- also more likely to be retained Fruit-pollen allergy, called pol- more likely to escape across as hay fever, asthma, allergic
ulin E (IgE) – an antibody that’s into adulthood. Possible reasons len food allergy syndrome, is an the membrane into your blood. conjunctivitis and dermatitis.
central to triggering allergic for both include low vitamin D IgE-mediated allergic reaction. These include food molecules Allergies are a growing
responses. These are known as status, lack of immune system In susceptible adults, pollen that trigger an IgE reaction. burden
“IgE-mediated food allergies”. challenges due to being overly in the air provokes the produc- If the person already has IgE The burden on physical
Food allergy symptoms that “clean”, heightened sensitisation tion of IgE antibodies to anti- antibodies to the foods eat- health, psychological health
are not mediated by IgE are due to allergen avoidance, and gens in the pollen, but these en before exercise, then the and health costs due to food
usually delayed reactions and more frequent antibiotic use. antigens are similar to ones risk of triggering food allergy allergy is increasing. In the US,
called food intolerances or hy- 2. Tick-meat allergy found in some fruits, vegetables reactions is increased. This this financial burden was esti-
persensitivity. Tick-meat allergy, also called and herbs. The problem is that allergy is called food-depen- mated as $24 billion per year.
Food allergy symptoms can α-Gal syndrome or mammalian eating those plants triggers an dent exercise-induced allergy, Adult food allergy needs to be
include hives, swelling, difficul- meat allergy, is an allergic reac- taken seriously and those with
ty swallowing, vomiting, throat tion to galactose-alpha-1,3-ga- severe symptoms should wear
or chest tightening, trouble lactose, or α-Gal for short. a medical information bracelet
breathing, chest pain, rapid Australian immunologists or chain and carry an adrenaline
heart rate, dizziness, low blood first reported links between auto-injector pen. Concerning-
pressure or anaphylaxis. α-Gal syndrome and tick bites ly, surveys suggest only about
IgE-mediated food allergies in 2009, with cases also report- one in four adults with food al-
can be life threatening, so all ed in the United States, Japan, lergy have an adrenaline pen.
adults need an action manage- Europe and South Africa. The If you have an IgE-mediated
ment plan developed in consul- US Centers for Disease Control food allergy, discuss your man-
tation with their medical team. estimates about 450,000 Amer- agement plan with your doctor.
Here are four IgE-mediat- icans could be affected. You can also find more informa-
ed food allergies that can oc- The α-Gal contains a carbohy- tion at Allergy and Anaphylaxis
cur in adults – from relatively drate molecule that is bound to a Australia. ■
common ones to rare allergies protein molecule in mammals.
you’ve probably never heard of. The IgE-mediated allergy is This article is republished
1. Single food allergies triggered after repeated bites from The Conversation under a
The most common IgE-me- from ticks or chigger mites that Creative Commons license.
30 MAY 10, 2024 FRIDAY
Romblon’s Bonbon DOT positions PH
named 1 of world’s as Muslim-friendly
top 50 beaches destination at travel fair
BY JOYCE ANN L. described as Palawan's "over- BY MA. TERESA
ROCAMORA looked slice of heaven". MONTEMAYOR
Philippine News Agency "Loved for its amazing seclu- Philippine News Agency
sion, Entalula Beach in Palawan,
Philippines, impresses with its
MANILA – Romblon prov- striking limestone cliffs that MANILA – Department
ince’s Bonbon Beach has earned provide a stunning and dramat- of Tourism (DOT) Secretary
a spot in the prestigious 2024 ic backdrop to its white, sandy Christina Garcia Frasco has
World's Top 50 Beaches list, the shores," its description read. positioned the country as a
Department of Tourism (DOT) "The water is remarkably clear, Muslim-friendly destination
has announced. providing excellent conditions for through a "listening session"
Joining the province was an- both swimming and snorkeling, with tourism players from the
other Mimaropa destination, the where visitors can explore vibrant Middle East.
Entalula Island in El Nido, Pala- coral reefs just a short swim from Frasco met with some 90
wan, placing fourth out of 50 and the shore," it added. travel and tourism stakeholders
further positioning the region as El Nido’’s Hidden Beach, from the Middle East market
a premier beach destination. meanwhile, cemented its place on the sidelines of the Arabian MOU SIGNING. Tourism Secretary Christina Garcia Frasco and Megaworld Hotels
The list hailed Bonbon as in the recognition site’s Hall of Travel Market (ATM) 2024 on & Resorts Managing Director Cleofe Albiso lead the signing of a Memorandum of
a "laid-back paradise" with a Fame for beaches, having con- Monday. Understanding to establish more Muslim-friendly properties in the Philippines on
unique natural sandbar that sistently ranked among the top She said the Philippines and the sidelines of the Arabian Travel Market 2024 on Monday (May 6, 2024) in Dubai,
stretches out to Bangug Island. beaches, globally. the Middle Eastern countries United Arab Emirates. Frasco has positioned the country as a Muslim-friendly
"The beach itself is undevel- The 24 World’s Top 50 Beach- share common culture, history destination through a "listening session" with tourism players from the Middle East.
oped, preserving its serene and es list is based on the votes of and religion that have shaped (DEPARTMENT OF TOURISM - PHILIPPINES/FACEBOOK)
unspoiled charm. The sand is more than a thousand travel both nations including the rich
fine and white, while the water professionals. Islamic heritage. percent recovery from UAE, Philippines.
is incredibly clear, providing According to the list’s web- “The Islamic influence con- 547 percent from Qatar and 130 Through MOU, all MegaWor-
lovely swimming conditions site, the voters were not given nects the Philippines to the percent from Kuwait. ld properties commit to be Ha-
without big waves," its descrip- any specific criteria as to what broader Islamic world, includ- Frasco said there are already lal- and Muslim-friendly.
tion of Bonbon read. makes a beach the best but were ing the Middle East, fostering a over one million seats from the Frasco said they would also
"As a lesser-known destina- asked to describe why they shared appreciation for Islam- region coming into the Philip- be the DOT’s partners in fur-
tion, Bon Bon Beach offers a think it is the best. ic traditions, architecture and pines in 2023. thering the country brand, Love
quiet retreat compared to more Each vote was accompanied by cultural customs," she said. “The Muslim travel market is the Philippines, and in ensur-
tourist-heavy spots, so much so a compelling description, adding Following a citation it earned poised to significantly contrib- ing the Filipinization of resort
that often you could have this depth to the selection process during the Halal in Travel Glob- ute to the growth of the global properties all over the country.
beach all to yourself," it added. and making sure extra thought al Summit 2023, the Philippine tourism industry, with arrivals “We know that we are looking
The less frequented Enta- was put into the vote, it said. ■ government under the admin- expected to reach 140 million forward to our full support and
lula, on the other hand, was istration of President Ferdi- by the end of 2023 and an esti- utmost cooperation and mak-
nand R. Marcos Jr. reinforced mated expenditure of USD225 ing sure that we attract and also
its position as an emerging billion by 2028,” she said. create stronger ties in attract-
Muslim-friendly destination. MOU signing ing our Muslim brothers and
"Since then, we have eyed this Frasco also led the opening of sisters, which we need so much
niche market by strategically the Philippine Pavilion at the ATM in our country,” Albiso said.
developing our Halal Tourism 2024 at the Dubai World Trade Under the MOU, the DOT will
portfolio, offering Halal-cer- Center where she underscored the engage MHR as partner in car-
tified dining, increasing halal significance of the country’s par- rying out the 2025 National Ac-
accreditations, and conducting ticipation in the event. commodation Standards, Halal
Halal awareness orientations," During the event, Frasco and and Muslim-friendly Tourism
Frasco said. Megaworld Hotels and Resorts Standards and Guidelines, Balik
In terms of the recovery of (MHR) Managing Director Bayani sa Turismo, Philippine
international arrivals from the Cleofe Albiso signed a mem- Retirement Authority-accred-
Middle East into the Philip- orandum of understanding ited merchant, and the Filipino
Discover the charm of Bon Bon Beach in Romblon, Romblon as it makes it to the pines in 2023 from 2019 pre (MOU) to establish more Mus- Brand of Wellness. ■
45th spot on the best beaches list. (DEPARTMENT OF TOURISM - PHILIPPINES/FACEBOOK) pandemic, there has been 419 lim-friendly properties in the
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