Philippine Canadian Inquirer #589

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pcinews_X MAY 10, 2024 VOL. 8 NO. 589


The cool waters of Baracatan River in Toril, Davao City is the perfect getaway for this group on a sweltering Tuesday (May 7, 2024). The city is forecast to feel a heat index of 42 degrees Celsius
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War games risk stirring 19

up troubled waters as
Philippines − embold- How does the
brain think?

ened by US − squares 29
up to Beijing at sea `
Nature-based solutions are
BY FRED H. LAWSON, Northeastern U.S. Marines joined Filipino counter- critical to dealing with
University parts on May 5, 2024, for a mock battle climate change Yes, adults can develop food
The Conversation
❱❱ PAGE 4 War games risk allergies. Here are 4 types
PAGE 11 you need to know about

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FRIDAY MAY 10, 2024 Philippine News 3

House panel approves bill amending

Rice Tariffication Law
BY FILANE MIKEE always be ready to intervene in ing the NFA's presence in the ate. Baka pwede naman ho, sum- achieve one mission, our mis-
CERVANTES the market to bring down prices, market, the government could abay na lang ho kayo sa version sion) everybody can buy rice.”
Philippine News Agency especially in emergency cases. better protect rice prices from namin. Isantabi ho muna natin As for corruption issues,
"So, kung saan meron mga the volatility caused by interna- ‘yung mga business interest, Tulfo said these could be ad-
nakikitang mga pagkakamali sa tional markets and the predato- personal interest natin. Unahin dressed by passing the Anti-Ag-
MANILA – The measure merkado, they have the power ry practices of some traders. po muna natin ‘yung interest ng ricultural Smuggling Act.
amending the Rice Tariffication to enter para mabagsak po natin “This will lead to more stable mga tao, ng nakakarami ho sa “Besides, eh, trabaho na ho ng
Law (RTL) to allow the Nation- yung presyo (So if they see any- and predictable pricing for con- atin. Otherwise, wala ho mang- mga… agencies natin, manghuli
al Food Authority (NFA) to sell thing wrong with the market, sumers while ensuring farmers yayari (If possible, they should ng mga corrupt, ng mga officials,
rice to markets at a lower price they have the power to enter and receive a fair price for their pro- just adopt our version. Let us set ng mga employees, di po ba (It is
hurdled the committee level at pull the price down)," he said. duce," Romualdez said. aside business and personal in- the job of our agencies to catch
the House of Representatives. Under the current law, the The House, he said, would terests. Let us prioritize the pub- corrupt officials and employ-
During the hearing on Tuesday, NFA’s mandate is limited to en- expedite the process of amend- lic interest. Otherwise, we won't ees). That is not the problem of
the House Committee on Agricul- suring buffer stocks for disasters. ing the RTL and ensure that get anywhere)," Tulfo said. the people. The problem of the
ture and Food approved the un- He said it is crucial that local the amendments are passed on "Why don't we just do our people right now – cheap rice.
numbered substitute bill, which price coordinating councils and the third and final reading be- work? Let us unite para sa isang And we have to answer this im-
would reinstate the authority of the National Price Coordinat- fore the sine die congressional mission, ang mission natin, (to mediately,” he said. ■
the NFA to sell rice to the public ing Council monitor prices and break on May 25.
for price and supply stability. coordinate the NFA’s market Romualdez said the House
The committee approv- intervention. and the Department of Agricul-
al came a day after President Speaker Martin Romualdez, ture have agreed to work togeth-
Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. an- meanwhile, said reinstating the er to achieve "an ambitious goal"
nounced that he would certify mandate of the NFA not only to of reducing the price of rice to
the proposed legislation as ur- buy palay from farmers but to less than PHP30 per kg. in cer-
gent, explaining that amending sell rice directly to consumers tain parts of the country starting
the charter of the NFA and the would make affordable rice ac- in July through Kadiwa stores.
RTL would give the govern- cessible to the public. The current price ranges
ment the needed leeway to act “It is important that we pro- from PHP40 to PHP50.
when retail prices of rice go up. vide our people, especially the Deputy Majority Leader for
In an interview, Committee poor, access to rice that is much Communications, ACT-CIS
chair, Quezon Rep. Wilfrido cheaper than market prices," Party-list Rep. Erwin Tulfo,
Mark Enverga, said the presence Romualdez said. meanwhile, urged the Senate to
of NFA in the market would help He also earlier said that by adopt the House version of the
"stabilize the price of rice." adjusting the framework for RTL amendments. NFA starts procuring palay at higher prices to boost farmers’ income and secure
Enverga said the NFA should rice importation and enhanc- “Pakiusap po namin sa Sen- supply (NATIONAL FOOD AUTHORITY/FACEBOOK)

DND: Chinese Embassy's 'audio record' on

WPS talks violates PH law
BY PRIAM NEPOMUCENO ate na pailalim kung totoo ito (If any private communication. mation activities". tive domain is the ultimate bat-
Philippine News Agency this is true, they have also vio- Teodoro said they are leaving He said they are beefing up tlefield so we need to understand
lated international relations and this matter to the DFA to deter- their "operational security there will be very little force-on-
violated the law as they failed to mine what really happened and measures" as there are "dis- force actions. this will be a battle
MANILA – The Chinese Em- coordinate with the Department whether the Chinese Embassy information (and) malign in- of information and narratives,
bassy's claim of having an audio of Foreign Affairs as they have in Manila is really behind this. fluence" efforts conducted by (of shaping) in the perception of
recording of a Filipino general operated underhandedly if this "Dapat alamin kung sino ang agents of other governments. the people," he said.
talking with a Chinese diplomat is true)," Teodoro said on the responsable dito at alisin sa Re- Philippine Navy (PN) spokes- He reiterated that the "new
regarding a "new model" agree- sidelines of the Philippine Navy's publika ng Pilipinas (those re- person for the WPS Commo- model" claims of the Chinese Em-
ment on the West Philippine Sea Maritime Security Symposium sponsible for this must be found dore Roy Vincent Trinidad bassy are already a "dead story".
(WPS) is tantamount to an ad- 2024 in Quezon City. and identified and immediately echoed Teodoro's remarks. "We need not dignify such
mission of violating Philippine Republic Act 4200 or the An- removed from the Republic of "Anybody could say anything. dead stories that have been re-
laws, Defense Secretary Gilber- ti-Wire Tapping Law makes it the Philippines)," he said. These stories will be rehashed. vived from the grave. I will act
to Teodoro Jr. said Wednesday. illegal for any person, without He, however, doubted the We have to understand that to- as an undertaker now and bring
"Kung totoo man ito, labag sa the consent of all parties in- authenticity of the Chinese day's warfare is a battle of narra- that story back to where it right-
international relations at labag sa volved, to tap into any wire or Embassy's claim, saying this is tives, it (is) a battle of shaping the fully belongs, to the grave never
batas dahil hindi sila nakipag-ug- cable, or by using any other de- likely another product of the perception of the people," he said. to be heard again," he said. ■
nayan sa Department of Foreign vice or arrangement, to secretly Chinese government's "pro- "Today's battlefield is in the
Affairs (DFA) at sila ay umoper- overhear, intercept, or record pensity to engage in misinfor- minds of the people, the cogni-
4 Philippine News MAY 10, 2024 FRIDAY

War games risk..

❰❰ 1 at a telling location: waters, and nations including Ferdinand Marcos Jr. and Joe sive economic zone. sions between Manila and Bei-
a small, remote terri- Vietnam, the Philippines, Ma- Biden doubled the number of bas- Further acts that could be jing. Rather, Secretary of State
tory just 100 miles off laysia and Indonesia. In addi- es in the Philippines open to the seen as provocative in Beijing Antony Blinken expressed
the southern tip of the contest- tion, heightened tensions over U.S. military. That May, the two followed, including the station- full-throated support for “our
ed island of Taiwan. the status of Taiwan – a terri- leaders affirmed that the Mutual ing of a Philippine navy cor- ironclad defense commit-
The combat drill is part of the tory that the Biden administra- Defense Treaty applies to armed vette at nearby Palawan Island ments” during a mid-March
weekslong Exercise Balikatan tion has pledged to defend mil- attacks that take place “anywhere and a joint flyover by Philippine 2024 stopover in Manila.
that has brought together naval, itarily in the event of a Chinese in the South China Sea.” warplanes and a U.S. Air Force Reassured of U.S. backing,
air and ground forces of the Phil- invasion – have made the South Causing waves, rocking B-52 heavy bomber. Marcos has amped up the rhet-
ippines and the United States, China Sea even more strategi- the boat A raft of Chinese responses oric, proclaiming that Manila
with Australia and France also cally important. Firmer ties to the U.S. have It is clear that the deepening would respond to any trouble-
joining some maneuvers. Containment at sea been accompanied by more com- of Philippines-U.S. ties has giv- making on Beijing’s part by im-
With a planned “maritime The latest joint maneuvers bative behavior on the part of the en Manila the confidence to un- plementing a “countermeasure
strike” on May 8 in which a de- come amid two developments Philippines. In May 2023, the dertake a variety of combative package that is proportionate,
commissioned ship will be sunk that could go some way to in- Philippines coast guard intro- acts toward China. The ques- deliberate and reasonable.” “Fil-
and exercises at repelling an ad- fluence the future trajectory duced demarcation buoys around tion is, to what ends? ipinos,” he added, “do not yield.”
vancing foreign army, the aim is of tensions in the South China Whitsun Reef – the site of an in- A more assertive Philippines Such an approach, according
to display a united front against Sea. First, the Philippines has tense confrontation with China’s may end up contributing to the to Marcos, was now feasible due
China, which Washington and grown increasingly assertive maritime militia a year earlier. U.S. strategy to deter Beijing to the U.S. and its regional allies
Manila perceive as a threat to in countering China’s claims in Reports circulated three from extending its presence in offering “to help us on what the
the region. Balikatan is Tagalog the region; and second, the U.S. months later that Philippine the South China Sea and launch- Philippines requires to protect
for “shoulder to shoulder.” is increasingly intent on build- marines planned to construct ing what many in Washington and secure our sovereignty, sov-
Joint Philippines-U.S. naval ing up regional alliances as part permanent outposts in the vi- fear: an invasion of Taiwan. ereign rights and jurisdiction.”
drills have become an annual of a strategy to contain China. cinity of the hotly contested But it is possible that height- The danger is that as the Phil-
event. But as an expert in inter- The Philippines-U.S. align- Scarborough Shoal. And a Phil- ened truculence on the part of ippines grows more assured by
national relations, I believe this ment is more robust than ever. ippine coast guard ship, with the Philippines will goad Bei- U.S. support, it may grow reck-
year’s drills mark an inflection After a brief interval during the the commander of the coun- jing into being more aggressive, less in dealing with China.
point in the regional politics of 2016-22 presidency of Rodrigo try’s armed forces aboard, ap- diminishing the prospects for Rather than deterring Chi-
the South China Sea. Duterte, U.S. warships and mili- proached Scarborough Shoal in regional stability. na from further expansion, the
For the first time, warships tary aircraft once again operate November, before being forced As the Philippines-U.S. align- deepening Philippines-U.S.
taking part in the exercise out of bases in the Philippines. to retreat by Chinese maritime ment has strengthened, Beijing alignment and associated Fil-
ventured outside the 12-mile Joint naval patrols resumed militia vessels. has boosted the number of war- ipino assertiveness may only
boundary that demarcates the in early 2023. At the same time, Then in January 2024, the ships it deploys in the South ramp up Beijing’s apprehen-
territorial waters of the Phil- Manila granted U.S. troops un- Philippines broke with its adher- China Sea and escalated mari- siveness over its continued
ippines. This extends military precedented access to facilities ence to a prohibition on erecting time operations around Thitu access to the South China Sea
operations into the gray area on the northern Batanes islands, structures on disputed territo- Island, Second Thomas Shoal – through which virtually all of
where the Philippines’ exclu- which have become the focus of ry, which was part of the 2002 and Iroquois Reef – all of which its energy imports and most of
sive economic zone rubs up current joint operations. Declaration on the Conduct of the Philippines considers its its exports flow.
against the territory claimed Meanwhile, Washington Parties in the South China Sea, sovereign territory. And there is little reason to
by China and designated by its has become more vocal in con- by installing electronic sur- In early March 2024, two Chi- expect that Washington will be
“nine-dash line.” demning challenges to the Phil- veillance equipment on Thitu nese research ships moved into able to prevent an emboldened
Also for the first time, the U.S. ippines from China. Island, which sits beyond Scar- Benham Rise, a resource-rich Manila from continuing down
deployed an advanced mobile U.S. officials had carefully borough Shoal in the heart of a shelf situated on the eastern the path of confronting China
launcher for medium-range avoided promising to protect cluster of disputed formations. coast of the Philippines, outside in the South China Sea.
ballistic and cruise missiles of the far-flung islands, atolls and This was followed by announced the South China Sea. Weeks To Beijing, the prospect of
a type that had been banned reefs claimed by Manila for sev- plans to put water desalination later, a Philippines coast guard an emboldened Philippines
under the now-defunct Inter- en decades following the sign- plants on Thitu, Nanshan Is- cutter surveying a sandbar near forging active strategic part-
mediate-Range Nuclear Forces ing of the Mutual Defense Trea- land and Second Thomas Shoal, Thitu was harassed not only by nerships with Australia, Japan,
Treaty. In addition, the Phil- ty with the Philippines in 1951. making it possible to maintain Chinese coast guard and mar- South Korea, Vietnam and –
ippine navy is showing off its Only in March 2019 did permanent garrisons on these itime militia ships but also by most troublesome of all – Tai-
newest acquisition, a South Ko- then-Secretary of State Mike isolated outposts. a missile frigate of the People’s wan makes the situation all the
rean-built missile frigate. Pompeo assert that the treaty Manila has continued to as- Liberation Army Navy, which more perilous. ■
The South China Sea has long covers all of the geographical sert its maritime rights by an- for the first time launched a he-
been the source of maritime area over which the Philippines nouncing that armed forces licopter to shadow the cutter. This article is republished
disputes between China, which asserts sovereignty. would escort exploration and Washington has taken no from The Conversation under a
claims the vast majority of its In February 2023, Presidents mining activities in the exclu- public steps to dampen ten- Creative Commons license.
FRIDAY MAY 10, 2024 5

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6 Philippine News MAY 10, 2024 FRIDAY

PH helping Indo-Pacific shape

rules-based int’l order
BY JOYCE ANN L. ics, we are dedicated as ever in Manalo said the South China President Ferdinand R. Mar- level of intentionality in chart-
ROCAMORA playing our role in keeping our Sea region is a small but vital cos Jr. earlier said the Philip- ing the course of our partner-
Philippine News Agency region on the path of peace and part of the greater Indo-Pacific pines would continue asserting ship. The Philippines welcomes
prosperity,” he said. region, accounting for 12 per- its rights over the West Philip- Canada’s Indo-Pacific Strategy
Manalo made the remarks cent of the world’s fish catch and pine Sea but would not replicate as a decisive step towards Can-
MANILA – The Philippines, amid China’s continuous intru- some of the most precious eco- Beijing’s use of water cannon in ada’s more deliberate engage-
located in a region home to sion and harassment within the systems in the Coral Triangle. its operations in the area. ment in the region, including
some of the world’s dangerous Philippines' exclusive econom- More than 30 percent of all He said the Philippines with the Philippines,” he said.
flashpoints, is taking on a huge ic zone in the South China Sea. global maritime trade and about would not be the cause of in- To date, Manila seeks “great-
role to help shape a rules-based He said the country would 40 percent of the world’s lique- creased tensions in the waters. er synergy, sustainability and
order with a foreign policy that only use a “rules-based ap- fied natural gas shipments also In April, Chinese Coast impact” in the Canada-Phil-
promotes peace and adherence proach” in the management traverse the South China Sea. Guard vessels blasted the Phil- ippine cooperation, including
to international law. and resolution of disputes and In 2016, the Arbitral Tribunal ippine Coast Guard’s BRP Baga- on space, clean energy, climate
Delivering a foreign policy overlapping claims in the area. issued a landmark decision and cay and Bureau of Fisheries and action, defense, trade and mar-
speech at the Asia Pacific Foun- “To us, protecting our rights ruled that “there was no legal Aquatic Resources’ BRP Datu itime security.
dation of Canada in Vancouver in our exclusive economic zone basis for China to claim historic Bankaw with water cannons, Manalo is in Canada to discuss
on May 7 (Pacific time), Foreign and ensuring unimpeded ac- rights to resources” beyond its damaging the vessels. with his Canadian counterpart
Affairs Secretary Enrique Manalo cess is critical for safeguarding maritime zones in the so-called Meanwhile, Manalo said the Foreign Minister Mélanie Joly on
said Manila is one with like-mind- the livelihoods of our fisherfolk nine-dash line. Philippines is ready to chart a May 8 ways to "further advance
ed nations in making the Indo-Pa- and preserving marine resourc- “Now part of international “new level of intentionality” in shared priorities, including up-
cific “an engine of global growth es vital to our future,” he said. law, it provides the moorings its partnership with Canada as holding regional peace and sta-
and a hub for human flourishing”. “Far more than the noise of pol- for a regime in the South China he backed the latter's Indo-Pa- bility, promoting democracy and
“Especially in the midst of itics, it must be understood as an Sea that guarantees peace and cific Strategy. the rule of law, supporting long-
global uncertainties and the issue about our maritime identity, prosperity for our nations and “The global currents demand term growth and prosperity, and
evolving geopolitical dynam- our people and our future." our citizens,” Manalo said. a refocused vision and a new combating climate change". ■

Senate to conduct hearings Comelec may

on RBH 6 even during break reach target of
Philippine News Agency 3M new voters"As you know, merong mga
ayaw (there are those who do
not want) to go further because
in Baguio City, May 23 in Cebu
City, and May 24 in Cagayan de
Oro City.

MANILA – The Senate Sub-

committee on Resolution of
by June they feel… it’s laying the predi-
cate for a case to be filed in the
Supreme Court. It’s said on re-
Ownership on Advertising
The fifth hearing focused on
the sentiments of the advertis-
Both Houses (RBH) No. 6 will cord. That’s something we have ing stakeholders, wherein some
use this coming sine die ad- to settle internally," he added. of them pointed out that online BY FERDINAND PATINIO topped the list of voter appli-
journment to continue work- Angara also announced that advertising already bypassed Philippine News Agency cants with 493,392.
ing on the proposed charter the regional public consulta- existing regulations. The National Capital Region
economic amendments until tions to be spearheaded by the is in second place with 420,212,
a committee report is drafted subcommittee will be on May 17 ❱❱ PAGE 16 Senate to conduct MANILA – The Commis- followed by Central Luzon with
before the regular session re- sion on Elections (Comelec) on 314,324.
sumes in July. Thursday said it may reach its The other regions also having
In an interview after presid- target of three million new vot- a high number of applicants are
ing the fifth public hearing on ers for the May 2025 midterm Central Visayas, 190,393; Davao
the measure on Thursday, Sen- elections "probably by June". Region, 150,111; Western Visayas,
ator Sonny Angara said this will In a phone interview, Comelec 142,742; Northern Mindanao,
also give time for senators to chairperson George Garcia said 132,449; Soccsksargen, 113,191;
discuss further how to proceed they expect to reach the figure Bicol, 113,139; Ilocos, 103,884 and
with RBH 6. based "on the current trend.” Zamboanga Peninsula, 103,402.
"May 23 and 24 adjourned "We may reach 3.3 to 3.4 million The regions with the lowest
na yata tayo (we are likely to be (voters) by Sept. 30," he added. number of registrants are the
adjourned). So, we will have the Based on Comelec data as of Cordillera Administrative Re-
break to finish the committee May 7, the number of applicants gion with 34,608; Region 4-B
report, but of course we have who are looking to register as vot- (Mimaropa) with 67,670; and
to consult our colleagues kung ers is at 2,725,089, since the start of Caraga with 70,147.
ano yung (on what is the) next voter sign-up activities on Feb. 12. The voter registration is only
step," Angara said. (SENATE OF THE PHILIPPINES/FACEBOOK) Region 4-A (Calabarzon) until Sept. 30. ■
FRIDAY MAY 10, 2024 Philippine News 7

Marcos hopes old school calendar

back by next year
BY DARRYL JOHN objections really from anyone abide by the decision of the Poa, however, said these op- considerations to our local tour-
ESGUERRA especially with the El Niño,” President ukol dito sa reversion tions were not solely driven by the ist destinations),” he said.
Philippine News Agency Marcos told reporters. natin doon sa June to March o effects of climate in the country. Moving forward, Poa said
“So, talagang kailangan na iyong original natin na school “Iyon po ang talagang naging learning disruptions may be
kailangan na (So, it's really nec- calendar (about the reversion sanhi ng mga proposal natin; prevented despite the looming
MANILA – President Ferdi- essary). So yes, that’s part of the to June to March or our original one is again, ito iyong gusto ng La Niña through the implemen-
nand R. Marcos Jr. on Monday said plan that were trying to do, to school calendar),” he said. karamihan sa ating mga kaba- tation of alternative delivery
he is hoping to have the old school bring it back already to the old Among the options present- bayan. And pangalawa, syempre modes (ADM).
calendar back by “next year.” schedule. I think it would be ed by DepEd to Marcos is an economic considerations po pag- Under the ADM approach,
In an ambush interview in better for the kids,” he said. earlier ending of school year dating sa ating local tourist desti- learners may continue their
Pasay City, Marcos was asked Pressed when he intends to (SY) 2024-2025 on March 31, nations (The reason behind our tasks via online classes, mod-
about the Department of Ed- implement the shift, the Pres- 2025, which entails a lower proposal is one, this is preferred ules, or blended learning.
ucation’s (DepEd) proposal to ident said: “Hopefully by next number of days for in-person by the majority of our people. To date, local government
revert back to the June-March year, yes, matatapos na (this classes equivalent to 165 days. Secondly, of course, economic units and school heads are im-
school calendar. will end).” plementing ADMs in areas with
The President, citing the can- Heeding the public’s clam- high heat index.
cellation of classes due to ex- or for an immediate return to As of Monday, 7,372 out of
treme heat brought by El Niño, the old school calendar due to 47,678 public schools nation-
said the shift to the old school extreme heat, the DepEd has wide have implemented ADM.
calendar was really needed. suggested to Marcos to end the Meanwhile, Senator Sherwin
“Of course, hiningi ko ‘yan coming school year 2024-2025 Gatchalian thanked President
sa DepEd (I asked DepEd for in March 2025 and start the Marcos for the “good news.”
that) and I asked (Vice Presi- succeeding school year by June. The chairperson of the Sen-
dent and Education Secretary) DepEd to follow PBBM’s ate Basic Education panel
Inday Sara (Duterte) to give me order vowed to continue working
already a concerted plan be- In a Zoom interview, DepEd with DepEd and other basic ed-
cause mukha naman hindi na Undersecretary and Spokes- ucation stakeholders "to ensure
tayo kailangan maghintay pa at person Michael Poa said the the smoothest possible tran-
mukha namang kailangan na (it agency is committed to follow sition back to the old school
looks like we don't have to wait the order of President Marcos. calendar." (with reports from
anymore and it looks like it's “The Department of Educa- This footbridge keeps students safe while crossing major thoroughfare Mindanao Stephanie Sevillano and Wil-
necessary) and I don’t see any tion will implement and will Avenue in Quezon City on Tuesday (Oct 11, 2022). (ROBERT OSWALD P. ALFILER/PNA) nard Bacelonia/PNA) ■

House OKs 25-yr. extension of

NHA's corporate life on 2nd reading
BY FILANE MIKEE 25-year extension of the NHA's development programs for cit- Settlements and Urban Devel- cent and sustainable houses, is
CERVANTES corporate life would help Pres- izens, specifically for the im- opment’s Pambansang Pabahay seen to benefit about 30 million
Philippine News Agency ident Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. provement of blighted urban para sa Pilipino program, which Filipinos through the construc-
achieve his goal of building a areas, direct shelter produc- aims to address the country’s tion of 6.15 million housing
million new houses per year tion, and disposition for infor- housing backlog by building de- units within six years. ■
MANILA – The House of Rep- to meet the total 6.15 million mal settler families and the un-
resentatives approved on Tues- housing backlog. derprivileged and homeless.
day a measure seeking to extend "It is our commitment to en- It is also in charge of the re-
for 25 years the charter of the sure the success of President location of families subject to
National Housing Authority Marcos’ housing program that court-ordered eviction and res-
(NHA), which expires in 2025. would bring a meaningful change idents in danger areas, as well
During the plenary session, and significant impact to the lives as the housing program for gov-
the chamber passed through of ordinary Filipino people,” Ro- ernment employees and mili-
voice voting House Bill 10172, mualdez said. “The proposal will tary and uniformed personnel.
which also seeks to strength- drive progress and address the The measure would allow the
en and reorganize the NHA to need for decent housing of every NHA to implement innovative
adapt to the changing condi- Filipino family." and alternative solutions in
tions in the housing industry The bill provides for the pow- addressing the housing needs
and address the current prob- ers and functions of the NHA of informal settler families, the
lems of the agency. to develop and implement lower-income classes, and the
Speaker Martin Romualdez, comprehensive and integrated vulnerable sector.
author of the measure, said the housing and urban and rural The Department of Human (HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF THE PHILIPPINES/FACEBOOK)
8 Philippine News MAY 10, 2024 FRIDAY

Breast cancer patients 'Z benefit'

now up to P1.4M –PhilHealth
BY MA. TERESA MONTEMAYOR PhilHealth president and chief execu- Package for breast cancer, members or
Philippine News Agency tive officer Emmanuel Ledesma Jr. said. their qualified dependents must contact
He said it provides “a ‘holistic ap- the Z Benefits Coordinator of any of the
Arianne Grace Lacanilao proach’ to breast cancer treatment be- current 21 contracted health facilities
Matte Laurel MANILA – The Philippine Health In- cause it covers diagnostic tests, breast for them to be guided on the availment
Violeta Arevalo
Babes Newland
surance Corporation (PhilHealth) has in- cancer management up to surveillance procedures from pre-authorization pro-
creased its "Z benefit" package for breast or assessment for early signs of relapse cedures up to cost-sharing aspect of the
Graphic Design cancer patients to PHP1.4 million. after the surgery”. treatment, if there is any.
Shanice Garcia
Ginno Alcantara In a news release on Tuesday, the state Diagnostic tests and prognostication The Z Benefits Coordinator shall co-
Arlnie Colleene Talain Singca insurer said the enhanced Z benefit pack- range from PHP1,000 to PHP10,000; sur- ordinate with PhilHealth on matters
age now covers Stages 0 to 4 of breast gical procedures from partial mastectomy pertinent to the availment of the pa-
Account Manager
Kristopher Yong cancer and even expanded the eligibility to modified radical mastectomy range from tient and ensure the completeness and
qualifications of members who can avail, PHP30,000 to PHP140,000; hormonother- accuracy of all required documents for
Director/Producer even covering patients already undergo- apy coverage is PHP2,700 or PHP 18,000 pre-authorization and claims applica-
Boom Dayupay
ing treatment for the said illness. while cytotoxic chemotherapy shall be paid tion for reimbursement.
Photographers/Videographers “This significant leap in the Z Benefits from PHP43,000 to PHP185,010. The PhilHealth said no co-payment
Ginno Alcantara
Package for breast cancer is proof that The bulk of the package goes to tar- shall be charged for services rendered
PhilHealth is committed to delivering geted therapy amounting to more than on patients admitted in basic or ward-
Alan Yong our mandate to provide responsive ben- PHP1 million coverage, which translates type accommodation.
efits to our Kababayans and we will con- to PHP333,336 for 18 maximum cycles. Contracted health facilities are those
tinue implementing benefits that will The surveillance, which is divided into capable of rendering specialized care
improve the financial coverage under basic and specific services, ranges from that enter into a contract with Phil-
For photo submissions, please email
our thrust Pinalawak at Bagong Bene- PHP5,000 and PHP9,000, respectively. Health for the provision of specialized
[email protected] pisyo para sa Mamamayang Filipino”, To avail of the enhanced Z Benefit care for the Z benefits. ■
For General Inquiries, please email
[email protected]

Conserve water, DENR tells golf

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[email protected]
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course managers in NCR

Philippine Canadian Inquirer is located at
#1820-666 Burrard Street
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Email: [email protected],
[email protected] BY MARITA MOAJE decrease rate of the water level at the ter meter during non-operation hours to
Philippine News Agency Angat Dam has become “quite fast” due detect any possible leaks in the system.
Instagram: @pcinews_ig to the extremely dry conditions being In case of internal leaks, it is advised that
Twitter: @pcinews_twt experienced in the country, resulting in the main valve be closed from 8 p.m. to 4 a.m.
MANILA – The Department of Envi- a huge consumption of water for both Detected leaks that may need imme-
Youtube: ronment and Natural Resources (DENR), domestic and irrigation use. diate attention should be reported to the
through its Water Resources Management The DENR-WRMO has issued several DENR-WRMO by sending an email to
Philippine Canadian Inquirer
is published weekly every Friday.
Office (WRMO), has directed general water conservation bulletins for govern- [email protected], or the Manila Wa-
managers of public and private golf cours- ment offices and facilities as well as for terworks and Sewerage System by call-
Copies are distributed free throughout Metro
Vancouver, Edmonton, Calgary, and Greater Toronto. es in Metro Manila to conserve water. barangays and villages for household use. ing 0967-3197144/0943-4648776.
The views and opinions expressed in the articles
In its Bulletin 004 issued on Tues- “We need all sectors of society to contrib- Leaks along streets and before indi-
(including opinions expressed in ads herein) are those day, the DENR-WRMO called the at- ute to conserving our water supply,” it said. vidual meters should be reported to their
of the authors named, and are not necessarily those of
Philippine Canadian Inquirer Editorial Team. tention of the general managers of The bulletin also orders a regular main-
Camp Aguinaldo Golf, Veterans Golf, tenance check of the golf course main wa- ❱❱ PAGE 12 Conserve water, DENR
PCI reserves the right to reject any advertising which
it considers to contain false or misleading information Army-Kagitingan Golf, Villamor Golf,
or involves unfair or unethical practices. The advertiser
agrees the publisher shall not be liable for damages Club Intramuros, Philippine Navy Golf,
arising out of error in any advertisment. Wack-Wack Golf, Manila Golf, Valley
Golf, Sun Valley Golf, Alabang Golf, For-
Member esthills Golf and Eastridge Golf.
“All golf courses in NCR are directed
to observe proper water conservation
measures in irrigating fairways and
greens as well as in clubhouse opera-
tions,” the bulletin read.
The WRMO said El Niño conditions
still prevail over the country and that
drought conditions will likely persist in
May and June 2024.
It said despite being above its mini-
mum operating level of 180 meters, the
FRIDAY MAY 10, 2024 9

Canada News
Pharmacare’s design could further fragment
and politicize Canada’s health system
BY CHERYL A. CAMILLO, ed pilot project in Prince Ed- ing for a set term in support
University of Regina ward Island as being under con- of specific projects to expand
The Conversation sideration for transfer to the coverage of prescription drugs
rest of the country. This project and related products intended
“fills in the gaps” by expand- for contraception or the treat-
Over the last several decades, ing the list of drugs covered by ment of diabetes. It is unclear
prescription drugs have become that province’s 26 pre-existing whether the projects would be
critical to preventing, manag- public drug plans while also re- initiated solely by the provinc-
ing and treating health condi- ducing plan participant co-pay- es, or whether the federal gov-
tions, yet Canada’s health-care ments, as being under consider- ernment would dictate ideas.
system has not been updated to ation for transfer to the rest of Since current provincial drug
ensure that all Canadians can the country. plans vary widely in the number
access outpatient medications. According to the minister’s of drugs and people they cover,
After letting report after re- statements and the legislative the provinces’ projects could
port recommending designs for text, whichever model the fed- also vary widely in scope and
drug programs gather dust, the eral government ultimately cost if the federal government
Government of Canada is final- pursues will be implemented wants all provinces to cover all
ly moving forward with testing and funded through bilateral diabetes drugs and contracep-
“pharmacare” models. agreements with the provinces tives and/or provide diabetes
While details about these and territories. drugs and contraceptives to all (MARK HOLLAND/FACEBOOK)

models are lacking, both seem The proposed pharmacare residents by a set date.
to entail piecemeal expansion agreements could mirror the Pharmacare could resem- ble Americans are not enrolled to fill another gap in Medicare
of drug coverage following sep- three-year Working Together ble ObamaCare because they cannot under- services, with eligibility crite-
arate negotiations Pharmacare stand or navigate the applica- ria and a provider recruitment
with each province. implementation tion process. Those who did re- strategy similar to that of the
As a comparative could end up re- ceive coverage cannot carry it U.S. Medicaid program. It is
health systems re- sembling that of from state to state. proving to be unpopular with
searcher focusing the Affordable Just a decade ago it would seniors and dentists due in part
on Canada and the Care Act, known as have been unimaginable for to the paperwork burdens it im-
United States and ... whichever model the “ObamaCare” — the Canadians to believe that their poses upon them.
former director of statute enacted by health insurance system could Preserving Medicare
American public
federal government former U.S. Presi- experience the ideological con- Medicare has long been the
health insurance ultimately pursues will dent Barack Obama flict and inaccessibility charac- pride of Canada and envy of
programs, I be- in 2010 to expand teristic of the American system, other countries because its de-
lieve this approach
be implemented and public health in- but several developments have sign requiring each province
risks incorporating funded through bilateral surance coverage, made it possible. and territory to insure essen-
several negative which many Cana- Seven of the 10 provincial tially the same services for all
aspects of the com-
agreements with the dians are familiar premiers are conservatives who persons, including those mov-
plex and unequal provinces and territories. with due to wide- increasingly challenge Prime ing from other provinces, has
U.S. health insur- spread reporting of Minister Trudeau’s Liberal made it straightforward, effi-
ance system. its rocky implemen- government on ideological and cient and fair to navigate.
Proposed Phar- tation. partisan grounds, often foster- It is worthwhile for Canadi-
macare approach More than 10 ing popular resentment against ans to follow the pharmacare
On Feb. 29, feder- years after the Act’s policies perceived to favour debate. While it might seem
al Health Minister initial deadline for certain provinces. Several have that how drug coverage devel-
Mark Holland introduced Bill bilateral agreements that the all states to expand Medicaid challenged Health Canada by ops is a high-level matter for
C-64 (Pharmacare Act) in Par- federal government recently coverage to low-income fami- promoting private pay for med- policymakers, the pathway the
liament stating government’s struck with each province and lies, 10 states still have not done ical imaging, surgeries and even policy takes might shape how
intent “to work with provinces territory to support their ini- so, in some cases because they clinical care in contravention of Canadians receive and finance
and territories to provide uni- tiatives in four shared priority are insisting that the federal the Canada Health Act. their Medicare benefits in the
versal, single-payer coverage areas: family health, the health government fund 100 per cent In addition, the federal gov- future. ■
for a number of contraception workforce, mental health and of the costs in perpetuity and/or ernment has demonstrated a
and diabetes medications” as a substance abuse, and health in- permit them to alter the cover- new preference for rolling out This article is republished
first step toward national uni- formation technology. age criteria. Some states are still new benefits incrementally in from The Conversation under a
versal pharmacare. If that is the case, each phar- engaged in legal proceedings order to minimize their fiscal Creative Commons license.
In subsequent comments, he macare agreement would au- against the federal government. impact. It recently created a
referenced a federally-support- thorize a set amount of fund- Meanwhile, millions of eligi- new dental care plan for seniors
10 Canada News MAY 10, 2024 FRIDAY

Debunking myths about community

housing: What governments and
the public should know
BY YUSHU ZHU, Simon stock, this sector faces signif- complex housing needs, such of community housing, includ- stable life, a social support net-
Fraser University, HANAN icant barriers. The persistent as seniors or those on the verge ing integrated rental systems. work and occasional opportu-
ALI, Simon Fraser University, neoliberal mindset underpin- of homelessness. But a small It also explores Black-led hous- nities for asset building.
MEG HOLDEN, Simon ning Canadian housing poli- yet important segment of mar- ing initiatives and the Indige- Although some community
Fraser University, NATASHA cy has resulted in a culture of ket-rate units house moderate- nization and decolonization of housing tenants face challeng-
MHURIRO, Simon Fraser home ownership and market to middle-income Canadians housing solutions. es engaging in social life, there
University supremacy. The community who would otherwise be pushed Myth 3: Community hous- is a strong desire for social con-
The Conversation housing sector has been siloed out of the for-profit market. ing in disrepair, dangerous nectedness and peer support.
and snubbed, and considered Community housing cannot The physical and social envi- Myth 4: Community housing
secondary to home ownership and should not serve only the ronments of community housing is financially unsustainable
Canada’s Housing Plan is and for-profit rental markets. most vulnerable. The podcast projects are common concerns. The financial viability of
pledging an ambitious multi- Our podcast highlights Can- reveals how Canada’s social Many believe community community housing projects
lateral approach to build more ada-wide conversations on the housing system once had a wel- housing buildings are in disre- is often met with skepticism.
housing, faster and cheaper, for myths and realities of commu- fare model that served broader pair. Although some aged hous- But one housing expert told the
diverse groups. nity housing, its limits and po- income groups. However, this ing stock has deteriorated and podcast how community hous-
It includes noteworthy new tential — as well as its past, pres- system gradually targeted the there are higher maintenance ing projects can be financially
funding programs and policies ent and future — through social, most vulnerable due to public costs, that isn’t universal or in- sustainable through break-
to preserve and expand com- economic and political lenses. divestment. herent to community housing. even rents that are set at a level
munity housing, including so- Prevalent skepticism and It has become a common be- The 2021 Canadian Housing to offset project costs over time.
cial, non-profit and co-opera- misperceptions have impeded lief that community housing is Survey revealed only 16 per cent Unlike for-profit develop-
tive housing. public acceptance and political scarce and should be therefore of community housing tenants ments, community housing
After decades of homeown- will for serious policy engage- preserved only for vulnera- were unsatisfied with their liv- projects can also eliminate
er-centred policies, the new ment in community housing. ble populations in the greatest ing conditions. The situation is profit margins to ensure they’re
Tenant Protection Fund and This is partly due to its small need. This belief normalizes the most acute in Manitoba, where affordable or reinvest profit
Renters’ Bill of Rights commit size, but also stems from incon- scarcity of community housing only seven per cent of commu- into the community.
more protections for tenants sistent uses of the term “commu- instead of seeing that scarcity nity housing stock is in good or Further affordability can be
from excessive rent increas- nity housing” in relation to social as a policy problem. excellent condition, compared achieved through public lands,
es, forced evictions and other housing and affordable housing Canada has one of the small- to 61 per cent in British Colum- low-interest loans and/or
threats to their tenancies. in policy, statistics and practice. est community housing sectors bia and one-third in Ontario. cross-subsidies between units.
But the new housing plan Let’s dissect some common among countries in the Organ- There are also concerns The economies of scale of an
fails to meet the high expec- myths: isation for Economic Co-oper- about the social environment expanded community housing
tations for a human rights ap- Myth 1: All community hous- ation and Development. The in community housing arising sector could further lower the
proach to housing, with only ing is government-subsidized concentration of low-income from ethno-cultural stereo- costs of these projects.
limited responses to rent/va- Community housing refers and vulnerable households in types about low-income and Building a strong commu-
cancy control and housing fi- to housing that is owned and/ this sector only reinforces stig- vulnerable populations. nity housing sector
nancialization. or operated by governments, mas and stereotypes about it. However, residents and hous- Community housing is not a
It continues to prioritize the non-profit housing societies or The podcast explores differ- ing operators told the podcast silver bullet to Canada’s hous-
supply of market housing and pays housing co-operatives. ent community housing sys- that community housing has ing crisis. But a strong and resil-
short shrift to community housing. Subsidized housing, or social tems and how to reimagine a provided their diverse commu- ient community housing sector
Canada’s ongoing housing housing, constitutes an import- future with alternative models nities with affordable homes, a can play a significant role in ful-
crisis extends beyond afford- ant part of community housing. filling the rights of Canadians to
ability and supply challenges. But not all community housing adequate housing.
It also involves homelessness, projects receive government Despite challenging funding
risks to tenancy, shortage of ac- subsidies; many have a mix and policy environments, our
cessible units, financialization of social housing, below mar- podcast illuminates commu-
and the lack of culturally ade- ket-rate rental units and some nity housing success stories
quate housing. market rental housing. and how tenants are supported
Community housing is Episode 1 of the podcast through innovative practices,
poised to effectively tackle delves into community hous- multi-sectoral partnerships
these insidious problems in ing models with varying gover- and the embrace of social en-
ways the market cannot. nance structures, rent-setting trepreneurialism.
Huge potential schemes and tenant demo- Significant challenges and
Our newly released podcast graphics. An underlying com- limitations threaten the contin-
series, Demystifying Community mon thread is these models ued growth of the sector, neces-
Housing, found a strong consen- prioritize affordability and sta- sitating a broad and holistic un-
sus among residents, academics, bility over profit. derstanding of what community
housing and policy practitioners Myth 2: Community housing housing actually is and can do. ■
that the community housing sec- is only for the most vulnerable
tor has huge potential. Canada’s community housing This article is republished
Accounting for just under to date has prioritized low-in- from The Conversation under a
four per cent of total housing come people and those with Creative Commons license.
FRIDAY MAY 10, 2024 Canada News 11

Nature-based solutions are critical

to dealing with climate change
BY ALISON SHAW ing. In 2023, Ottawa committed conditions of ecosystem health
Policy Options $4 billion to natural infrastruc- and resilience of a given water-
ture over four years via its natu- shed or territory over time.
ral climate solutions fund. The natural asset manage-
Protecting restoring forests, While this support is exciting ment approach emphasizes the
wetlands and shorelines among a and a move in the right direc- protection and restoration of
host of measures need a connect- tion, we need to make sure it’s forests, wetlands, riparian areas,
ed approach to be most effective. used effectively by connecting etc. to support ecosystem ser-
When governments and nature-based solutions to one an- vices at the community scale.
nonprofits speak about climate other and to the broader ecologi- The blue-green infrastruc-
action, they usually punctuate cal processes that sustain species, ture approach seeks to enhance
their presentations with a fa- communities and economies. existing assets such as wetlands
miliar collage of rapid transit For example, the City of or to implement engineered as-
systems, solar panels, wind tur- Surrey’s climate change ac- sets, such as bioswales or green
bines and heat pumps. tion strategy (2023) aims to roofs, at the neighbourhood or
But other options – na- protect, restore and connect parcel scale.
ture-based solutions – have been natural areas and ecosystems Building community resil-
around for a long time and are at the broader community and iency with natural gifts
now getting the attention they watershed scale, while im- Our communities rely on na-
deserve. Nature-based solutions proving ecological and climate ture’s gifts such as water and
involve protecting and restoring resilience using green infra- soil, services such as stormwa-
forests, wetlands and shorelines, structure at the smaller neigh- ter absorption and retention,
planting trees in urban areas bourhood and parcel scales. and species richness for ecosys-
and/or engineering bioswales, The strategy also notes how tem functions like pollination.
rain gardens and green roofs. each nature-based solution affects We must begin to recognize
Public and private sector lead- climate adaptation, emissions, eq- that we part of a larger system
ers are increasingly recognizing uity, health and prosperity. of dynamic and interdependent
their value, but siloed approach- provide human well-being and The most recent Intergov- Since its founding in 2022, ecological processes. Our own
es and fragmented knowledge biodiversity benefits. ernmental Panel on Climate the NSI has studied more than health and community and eco-
tend to emphasize ad-hoc indi- While technological climate Change report (2023) noted 100 examples of nature-based nomic resilience depend on it.
vidual projects rather than wid- solutions such as heat pumps that curbing the loss of natu- solutions in both scholarship The federal government’s
er systems-based approaches. are crucial, protecting nature ral areas is one of the two most and practice nationally and in- nature-based climate solutions
Natural and green infrastruc- and prioritizing nature-based effective strategies to reduce ternationally to better under- advisory committee writes: “In-
ture, capital and climate solutions, solutions help buffer com- global greenhouse gas emis- stand approaches, metrics and digenous holistic worldviews of
low-impact design, green space, munities against increasingly sions, along with scaling renew- best practices across water- the connectedness and reci-
biodiversity corridors, and a host frequent and severe climate able energy technologies. shed, community, neighbour- procity of people, communities,
of other natural assets showcase impacts with minimal upfront In addition, a 2022 report by hood and parcel scales. atmosphere, and ecosystems
the values associated with these and operating costs, all while the International Federation of We found numerous pub- should be considered as a foun-
solutions. However, considering delivering myriad addition- Red Cross and Red Crescent So- lic and private sectors and dation to any [Natural Climate
their implementation through a al benefits. At the landscape cieties and the World Wildlife organization are embracing Solutions Fund] programs. Na-
singular lens or objective reduces scale, working with nature also Fund (WWF) concluded that nature-based solutions with- ture-based solutions provide
their value in solving diverse goals offers important opportuni- nature-based solutions could in numerous disciplines. For meaningful and necessary op-
and underestimates the impact ties to engage with Indigenous reduce the intensity of climate example, engineers, biologists portunities to centre Indige-
they could have. knowledge and practices across hazards globally by 26 per cent and urban planners are apply- nous knowledge and rights, and
To help change that narra- territories that are increasingly – and that is considered a con- ing them to support sustainable to advance innovative co-gov-
tive, ACT – Action on Climate impacted by climate changes. servative estimate. service delivery, climate action, ernance approaches.”
Team at Simon Fraser Uni- Nature-based solutions buf- Wetlands, for example, are biodiversity and even equity. Shifting beyond communi-
versity has launched the nat- fer communities against in- natural assets that retain and Unfortunately, we also found ties and addressing ecosystem
ural solutions initiative (NSI), creasingly frequent and severe filter excess stormwater and re- that siloed approaches and no- health and resilience within
which includes an extensive flooding, and heat impacts, by charge aquifers, while also host- menclature have minimized, or the broader watersheds, terri-
scan of existing scholarship and absorbing excess water and heat. ing a rich and diverse number prevented, the potential of na- tories and landscapes where we
practice. The result is a three- They also mitigate emissions by of species. Trees in urban areas ture-based solutions. As a result, reside, new worldviews and na-
part framework aimed at bring- pulling carbon dioxide out of help to moderate heat, filter pol- they are not being planned in a ture-based solutions have the
ing greater coherence to na- the atmosphere and releasing lutants and improve air quality, way that provides for a coherent potential to build meaningful
ture-based solutions in Canada. oxygen back into it, along with a as well as increase habitat and ecosystem and the multitude of co-governance arrangements
Protecting humans and multitude of other benefits. biodiversity, all while improving benefits that stem from that. with First Nations.
biodiversity In 2019, the UN Intergov- residents’ well-being. Our team’s NSI summa- The NSI is presently testing
The World Conservation ernmental Science-Policy Plat- New funds, connected ap- ry outlines a framework that its nested, three-part frame-
Congress defines nature-based form on Biodiversity and Eco- proach brings a nested coherence to work with, and for, partner
solutions as actions that pro- system Services estimated that As the evidence grows about nature-based solutions plan- communities. We’re working to
tect, sustainably manage and nature-based solutions could the beneficial impact of na- ning across three different, yet better understand the values as-
restore natural or modified eco- provide 37 per cent of the emis- ture-based solutions, govern- complementary, approaches: sociated with healthy and resil-
systems; that address societal sions reductions needed until ments in several countries, in- The ecosystem-based manage- ient natural systems, as well as
challenges effectively and adap- 2030 to achieve the targets of cluding Canada, are responding ment approach monitors and en-
tively; and that simultaneously the Paris Agreement. with both new policies and fund- hances the baseline and threshold ❱❱ PAGE 16 Nature-based solutions
12 Canada News MAY 10, 2024 FRIDAY

Revitalizing Toronto’s downtown core

after COVID-19 greatly benefits
the city and the region
BY SHAUNA BRAIl, Development, we identify the There is also a disconnect
University of Toronto, TARA challenges faced by Toronto’s between measurements of foot
VINODRAI, University of downtown resulting from a traffic and available vacancy. Re-
Toronto shift to hybrid work. We also duced foot traffic, used as a mea-
The Conversation highlight features that suggest sure of activity in North Ameri-
Toronto’s future is not clear. can cities, highlights weakened
Public health measures activity in office-intensive areas.
Downtown Toronto, the core during COVID-19 led to a trans- This reflects the current prom-
of Canada’s largest city, contin- formative shift to hybrid work inence of hybrid work in down-
ues to reel from the lingering patterns for office-based work- town office districts. uses. Given Toronto’s housing af- patterns as other large cities.
aftereffects of the pandemic. ers, reducing office activity in While vacancy rates are high, fordability crisis, the potential to Based on our analysis of data
Yet after more than four years the downtown. As measured they do not match declines in repurpose select office buildings from Vicinity Jobs, a Canadian
of pandemic-related challeng- by the Strategic Regional Re- footfall. In part, this is because for housing is desirable. Other employment data company, the
es and reverberating conse- search Alliance, Toronto’s office of the time lag between long- downtown land uses would be availability of remote and hy-
quences, we still do not have an activity was only 12 per cent of term office leases and the shift welcome too, to create a down- brid job opportunities is higher
answer to the question: How pre-pandemic levels in March to hybrid work. town filled with amenities, em- in Toronto than other places in
should the city move forward? 2022, creeping up to 43 per Repurposing office space ployment opportunities and at- Ontario.
The concentration of offices, cent one year later and reach- Downtown office buildings tractions for residents, visitors, This is particularly the case
jobs and people in downtown ing 63 per cent in March 2024, represent an important source workers and more. when comparing Toronto with
Toronto benefits more than the still well below pre-pandemic of property tax revenue to fund This aligns with ideas around surrounding municipalities
city: Toronto’s economy anchors levels. Available office vacancy the city’s physical and social in- the value of 15-minute cities, — the concentration of hybrid
the regional economy. If Toron- rates are over 10 per cent. frastructure and services. And strategies that have seen suc- work in Toronto risks hollow-
to falters, the region does too. Public transit ridership re- they generate reliable long- cess in cities like London, Paris ing out the city and the region.
If leaders wait too much mains low, with the TTC ac- term dividends for investors and New York. Avoiding this urban doom loop
longer to address the myriad knowledging that on Mondays through real estate investment The return of downtown? means diversifying spaces and
impacts of hybrid work on the and Fridays, commuters simply trusts (REITS). Before we abandon the no- activities in downtown Toron-
city’s downtown office core, have not returned. But as office leases come up tion of downtown as a place to, including through creating
the city and region’s future is at There is an oft-repeat- for renewal, employers are ques- of office work, we need to take more affordable housing.
risk. Toronto must change its ed narrative suggesting that tioning whether to downsize care, because here’s what the Toronto is a city that has tak-
ways or suffer economic, physi- Class A buildings — the most their space, and REITS are be- data also shows: office activity en small steps to successfully
cal and social repercussions. amenity-rich, well-located and ginning to report losses. What continues to increase, transit address big problems in the
A transformative shift high-quality buildings — are will become of empty office spac- ridership continues to recover, past. Today’s challenges de-
In our recent report, “Re- doing fine. Yet, a closer look at es: will new businesses fill them, and the total number of jobs in mand ambitious actions. ■
mote Work: Urban Panacea or available vacancy rates suggests or should they be repurposed? the downtown core is rising.
Curse?,” prepared for the In- that Class A space is not signifi- Hybrid work creates an oppor- Furthermore, data confirms This article is republished
tergovernmental Committee cantly better off than Class B and tunity for Toronto to adapt some that Toronto employment op- from The Conversation under a
on Economy and Labour Force C spaces in downtown Toronto. downtown office spaces to other portunities follow the same Creative Commons license.

Conserve water, DENR..

❰❰ 8 specific water service utilize recycled water, reduce It also advised recycling wa- and other work that will require tions and their ongoing water
provider, Manila Wa- groundwater withdrawal, and ter from the clubhouse, specifi- draining and replacing water in conservation campaign.
ter or Maynilad. cease, as much as possible, the cally those from sink and show- the pool should also be postponed. The DENR said its personnel
“For irrigating greens and use of piped water coming from er use, to augment the recycled Members and guests of these will be doing spot checks and
fairways, golf courses are your water service provider,” water supply. golf courses should also be in- information drives in the com-
strongly encouraged to only the bulletin read. Swimming pool maintenance formed of the El Niño condi- ing weeks. ■
FRIDAY MAY 10, 2024 13

World News
Could Biden stop Netanyahu’s plans?
A national security expert looks
at Israel’s attack on Rafah
BY GREGORY F. secretaries of state who have this without making sure you it has to be finished, in order to the attack.
TREVERTON, USC Dornsife been frustrated with Israel can keep most Gazans safe. This eradicate Hamas. The issue is What are the national se-
College of Letters, Arts and over something, going back to does not necessarily require a we never knew exactly what fin- curity implications of Israel
Sciences at least the 1973 war between red line to be drawn – which ishing means. And most of us in going into Rafah?
The Conversation Israel and a coalition of Arab typically is not very effective the national security business It does create more insta-
countries. The U.S. pressed Is- – but a clear warning that this think there is no way Israel can bility and increases the risk of
rael to adhere to a U.N. Security decision will influence arms totally eradicate Hamas. a widening war. Even if Iran
Israel entered Rafah, a city that Council cease-fire resolution transfers in the future. Before October 2023, Hamas doesn’t respond, it is likely
marks Gaza’s southern border then – one sponsored by both The other problem is that was never popular in Gaza be- that some of its proxies, like
crossing with Egypt, on May 7, the U.S. and the Soviet Union – while you might assume that Is- cause it didn’t properly govern, Hezbollah, will do something
2024, launching a military offen- but Israel, for a time, refused. rael is considering how to gov- but the Israeli attack has made it that could deepen this conflict.
sive that the U.S. and others have Other presidents have been ern Gaza after the war, there is more popular, especially on the We should use the term prox-
cautioned Israel not to pursue. in the position of saying, “Do still no clear, public idea of what West Bank, because it stood up ies carefully, because the U.S.
President Joe Biden warned this,” and the Israeli comeback the endgame is. How is this sup- to Israel and put the issues of the knows from its own experience
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin is always, “Not quite yet.” So posed to end? Palestinians back on the agenda that you cannot necessarily
Netanyahu on May 6 against this episode, while very blatant, Meanwhile, this escalation is after the world, including the control proxy governments or
expanding the Gaza war into is hardly unique. bound to continue polarizing Arab world, had forgotten it. militias. But it seems like this is
Rafah, indicating that this could Countries are allies because American public opinion on The idea of eradicating a kind of invitation for at least
lead to a shift in U.S. policy on their interests overlap but are the issue, which is probably an Hamas seems to be still where Iran’s proxies to escalate the
Israel. A divergence over how to not identical. U.S. history is lit- additional reason for the U.S. to Israelis across the spectrum conflict. ■
handle the war in Gaza prompt- tered with allies that managed try to get the war to stop as soon are focused. Therefore, if the
ed the U.S. to place a hold on to do what they wanted and not as possible. remaining Hamas leaders were This article is republished
shipping U.S.-made bombs to what we wanted them to do. The US is reported to have thought to be in Rafah, then so from The Conversation under a
Israel, according to Israeli offi- Years ago, when I was at the In- decided to place a hold on be it, they are thinking, on to Creative Commons license.
cials and a U.S. official quoted ternational Institute for Strate- shipping bombs to Israel.
in Politico, Axios and The Wall gic Studies in London and would Can this influence Israel’s
Street Journal. talk about the difficulties of deal- wartime behavior?
Rafah is one of the only plac- ing with allies, let alone enemies, It probably doesn’t matter
es in Gaza that has not been de- a wonderful researcher focused materially in the short run, but
stroyed in the Gaza war. It is also a on Israel would comment: “So psychologically in the longer
refuge for more than 1 million Pal- who ever said it was easy to be a run, if arms were stopped that
estinians, about half of whom are superpower!” Biden would sym- would make a difference. Israel
children, who have been displaced pathize with that remark. is the largest recipient of U.S.
from their homes elsewhere in As Israeli politics and lead- foreign aid and has received
Gaza because of the conflict. ership have drifted so far to more U.S. military assistance
The Conversation U.S. politics the right, a lot of the people in than any other country since
and society editor Amy Lieber- Israeli Prime Minister Ben- World War II. By early March
man spoke with Gregory Tre- jamin Netanyahu’s coalition this year, the U.S. had made
verton, a chair of the National don’t really care about the U.S. more than 100 arms shipments
Intelligence Council under the and what it wants. Netanyahu is to Israel since Hamas’ attack on
Obama administration and a now very dependent on the far Israel on Oct. 7. 2023.
national security scholar at USC right for his own political sur- Israel is now risking an esca-
Dornsife College of Letters, Arts vival, so he is likely to listen to lating confrontation with Hez-
and Sciences, to understand the his right-wingers, not to the U.S. bollah, a militant group in Leba-
limits of U.S. political leverage in So, how much political non, in the north. It seems to be
influencing Israel’s seven-month leverage does the US actually in Israel’s interest to try to not
war with Hamas. have over Israel? expand conflict but to limit it.
Is the US’s warning to Isra- I think at this point, it is real- Given this, why do you be-
el typical for their diplomat- ly time for the U.S. to say that it lieve Israel is so intent on go-
ic relationship? is going to call arms deliveries ing into Rafah?
This is certainly not with- to Israel into question. Israel is Across the political spectrum
out precedent. There have going into Rafah after the U.S. in Israel, there is a sense that
been many U.S. presidents and specifically said to please not do invading Rafah has to be done, U.S. President Joe Biden (THE WHITE HOUSE/FACEBOOK)
14 World News MAY 10, 2024 FRIDAY

Rishi Sunak claims the UK is heading for a

hung a parliament – let’s check his maths
BY PAUL WHITELEY, swing of 10% to Labour and, 7,562, or 39% of all council seats. held 32% of the council seats af- eral Democrats 38 in the gen-
University of Essex true enough, if this were rep- In contrast, Labour won or held ter the local elections, and it sub- eral election. If this happens
The Conversation licated at the national level, 5,849 seats, or 30% of the total. sequently won the same percent- Labour will have an overall ma-
it would very likely produce The Liberal Democrats won age of parliamentary seats in the jority of 10 seats. This is not a
a hung parliament. However, 2,487 seats, or just under 13%. December general election. hung parliament, but it is close.
By common consent, the lo- winning a general election in These elections took place We can forecast the election The relatively small margin of
cal elections on May 2 were a Britain means capturing a ma- when Boris Johnson’s govern- ahead by looking at local elec- victory occurs because the par-
disaster for the Conservatives. jority of seats in the House of ment was on a high, and well tions in the same year as the ty lost the 2019 general election
The party lost a total of 478 Commons, not a majority of before the revelations about il- general election and by incor- by such a large margin that it
councillors in the 107 councils votes in the country. legal parties in Downing Street porating council seat shares has a lot of catching up to do.
up for election. On two occasions since the during pandemic lockdowns for all the parties and inde- These results have important
Labour did well by winning second world war, the party became public. pendents into the modelling. implications for both pollsters
186 councillors, as did the Lib- winning the most votes did not The relationship between the This causes technical problems and for Labour, particularly
eral Democrats and Greens, win the most seats. This hap- percentage of House of Com- since it becomes hard to sepa- since the modelling does not
winning 104 and 74 respective- pened in 1951, when Labour mons seats and local council rate out the impact of each par- take into account what might
ly. The Reform party captured lost, and again in February 1974, seats won by Labour in all gen- ty in the analysis. happen during the forthcoming
11 seats and independents a to- when the same thing happened eral elections since 1974 shows However, these issues can be election campaign. In the case
tal of 93 seats. With significant to the Conservatives. a fairly strong positive correla- overcome by using a technique of pollsters, if this forecast is
losses in the mayoral elections To be fair, there are import- tion between the two (0.52). popular in programming large correct, what is making current
and in elections for police and ant differences between the two When Labour does well in the language models such as Chat- polling inaccurate?
crime commissioners, it was a types of election with respect to local elections, it subsequently GTP, known as lasso regression. In the case of Labour, the fail-
very bad day for the Tories. turnouts, the geography of the does well in the general election This model forecasts that ures of the Conservative gov-
Yet, Rishi Sunak has claimed vote, the presence of indepen- and vice versa. Labour will win 335 seats, the ernment have handed the party
the results suggest a hung par- dent candidates and also media For example, in 2019 Labour Conservatives 234, and the Lib- a golden opportunity to regain
liament is the most likely out- attention. However, they are a power after 14 years in opposi-
come at the next general – a useful guide to general elections, tion. But it is worth remember-
surprising assertion given that particularly given that the polls ing that the Remain campaign
every opinion poll suggests are telling a different story from lost the Brexit referendum in
era-defining defeat for his par- actual voting behaviour. large part because it lacked an
ty. In making this calculation, Forecasting the general inspirational message.
he has perhaps leaned on es- election Labour leader Keir Starmer
timates of the national vote If we focus on council seats, and shadow chancellor Rachael
shares taken by each party in this will give a more accurate Reeves have succeeded in reas-
the local elections. picture of what is likely to hap- suring financial markets that
According to Sky News, La- pen in terms of parliamentary the arrival of a Labour govern-
bour’s share of the national vote seats in the forthcoming gen- ment is not a threat. It is now
was 35%. The Tories took 26% eral election. Local elections in time for them to reassure the
and the Liberal Democrats 16%. the year prior to a general elec- voters that things will change
This is indeed very different to tion provide a useful guide to for the better if Labour wins. ■
voting intention polls, which the number of seats parties are
have put Labour’s lead over likely to win in that election. This article is republished
the Conservatives at about 20 In 2021, when these council from The Conversation under a
points for some time. seats were last contested, the Creative Commons license.
The local elections saw a Conservatives won or held on to (@RISHISUNAK/X)

'Speedy, strict' probe into SoKor first lady's

luxury bag claims vowed
YONHAP Prosecutor General Lee One- principles and take appropriate The outlet also published a tory in the parliamentary elec-
Philippine News Agency seok made the pledge after he action accordingly," Lee told re- video showing the scene, which tions, the main opposition
ordered last week the creation porters. was recorded by the pastor us- Democratic Party has pledged
of an investigation team dedi- Last year, Voice of Seoul, an in- ing a hidden camera. to pursue legislation mandat-
SEOUL – The top prosecutor cated to the allegations involv- ternet news outlet, first report- The outlet's head has since ing a special probe into multi-
on Tuesday pledged to speedily ing the first lady. ed the allegations that Kim re- filed a complaint against Presi- ple suspicions surrounding the
and strictly conduct an investiga- "The prosecution will con- ceived a Christian Dior handbag dent Yoon Suk Yeol and the first first lady during the upcoming
tion into allegations that first lady duct the investigation speedily worth 3 million won (US$2,210) lady on suspicions of bribery parliamentary term. ■
Kim Keon Hee illegally received a and strictly only in accordance from a Korean American pastor and anti-graft law violations.
luxury bag as a gift in 2022. with evidence and the legal in September 2022. Following its landslide vic-
FRIDAY MAY 10, 2024 World News 15

Iran is gaining credibility in the Muslim

world and feeling emboldened. This
doesn’t bode well for the region
BY SHAHRAM viewed Iran’s role as positive. its standing among its allies and
AKBARZADEH, Deakin And in December, the high- proxy groups.
University ly respected Arab Barometer But Iran’s leaders sought to mi-
The Conversation reported that approval ratings nimise the damage and mitigate
for the Iranian supreme leader, the risk of escalation by warn-
Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, had sur- ing Israel of its attack in advance
Iran’s leadership has been passed those of the Saudi crown through intermediaries. This way,
a direct beneficiary of the prince and Emirati president. Iran could save face without get-
months-long war in Gaza. With This change in Iran’s standing ting embroiled in an all-out war.
every missile that Israel fires in the region is being watched Iran’s second objective was
on Gaza, every US veto of a UN with concern by the political to demonstrate to the world
Security Council ceasefire res- elite in the neighbourhood. that it has the drone and missile
olution, and every arrest of an What Iran sought to technology to hit back at Israel,
anti-war protester on Ameri- achieve by attacking Israel if it chooses.
can university campuses, Iran’s Iran’s image has been further For more than a decade, Iran
rejection of the US-dominated enhanced by the fact it is the has showcased its missiles during against Israel, saying it had “il- in Iran would be less accom-
world order gains more credi- only Muslim state to attack Isra- annual military parades to sup- legally” targeted neighbouring modating to regional concerns,
bility in the Muslim world. el against the backdrop of public port its claim it can hit Israel if countries and foreign diplo- particularly those aired by
The ruling clerical regime in outrage over the war in Gaza. threatened. Its attack last month matic compounds. governments that have already
Iran has built its foreign policy The Iranian missile and involved more than 300 drones Chinese Foreign Minister normalised relations with Is-
on the pillar of anti-American- drone attack on Israel on April and missiles. Notwithstanding the Wang Yi also offered a message rael (such as the United Arab
ism, rejecting what it frames as 13 was calibrated to achieve two fact the damage was minimal, the of support to Iran, saying: Emirates and Bahrain), or are
the “injustice” of US domination key objectives. attack was proof Iran now has the China noted Iran’s statement believed to be heading in that
and “bullying” of other coun- First, Iran’s leaders sought capacity to inflict pain on Israel. that its action was restrained and direction (Saudi Arabia).
tries. Washington’s continued to preserve the country’s image Israel’s limited response was an act of self-defence in re- Moreover, the political cred-
support for Israel’s war on Gaza as the self-appointed head of to Iran suggests that war has sponse to the attack on its embassy. ibility of many Arab leaders has
in the face of an increasing inter- the “axis of resistance”, com- been averted, much to the re- What this could mean for suffered in the eyes of their cit-
national backlash has only rein- prised of its proxies in the re- lief of neighbouring countries. the region izens due to their perceived in-
forced this narrative. gion – Hezbollah in Lebanon, But the long-term implications The implications of a more effectiveness in supporting the
While the US has tried to the Houthis in Yemen and other are more favourable for Iran. emboldened Iran for the re- Palestinians in Gaza.
backtrack and signal that hu- militia groups in Iraq and Syria. This show of strength has likely gion are severe. The Iranian au- Iran’s leaders did not plan
manitarian considerations Iran also wanted to demon- helped its rejectionist foreign thorities feel vindicated by the the series of events that start-
should guide Israel’s conduct strate the effectiveness of its de- policy find receptive ears in the events of the last seven months. ed with the Hamas attacks on
of the war, the damage to US terrence model, which is based on Muslim world and beyond. This means their anti-US and Israel on October 7. In fact,
credibility has been done. Many the threat of retaliation against Is- When Iranian President anti-Israel rhetoric will remain they were just as surprised by
around the world – and specif- raeli aggression through its proxy Ebrahim Raisi visited Pakistan staunch as ever. Hamas’ actions as the Israeli
ically in Muslim countries – do actors and expanding missile and on April 23, for example, he was Iran’s drone and missile re- intelligence agencies. But they
not see the belated US warnings drone technology. greeted like a celebrity. This search and development program are the obvious beneficiary of
to Israel as genuine. Coming two weeks after the was ironic as, earlier this year, is also likely to receive a boost. the turn of events.
And Tehran’s message of an- Israeli attack on its diplomat- Iran and Pakistan had engaged And Iran’s support for its network The United States and Israel
ti-Americanism is resonating ic mission in Damascus, Iran in tit-for-tat aerial attacks. of proxies and allies will remain are gifting Iran and its message
with large segments of the pub- could not afford to outsource its The two countries agreed to firmly in place, as this enables of defiance enormous appeal,
lic in the Muslim world. response to its proxies. While boost bilateral trade to US$10 the Iranian leadership to project well beyond the imagination of
In one regional opinion sur- Iran was clearly not ready to billion (A$15 billion) a year, power beyond its borders and re- Iranian authorities. ■
vey in late October, for instance, start a war with Israel, not re- about five times the current tain its deterrence capability.
just 7% of respondents said the sponding in-kind to the Israeli level. They also released a joint None of this bodes well for This article is republished
US had a positive impact on attack would have made it look statement calling on the UN Iran’s neighbours. An ideologi- from The Conversation under a
the war, compared to 40% who weak and seriously diminished Security Council to take action cally energised Islamic regime Creative Commons license.

AstraZeneca to withdraw coronavirus vaccine

ANADOLU cines, British media reported more updated vaccines target Medicines Agency announcing use and over three billion dos-
Philippine News Agency Wednesday. newer variants of the virus, ac- that the vaccine is no longer au- es were supplied globally, the
The decision by the Brit- cording to Sky News. thorized for use. broadcaster noted, “The vaccine
ish-Swedish pharmaceutical It added that the voluntary While the company argued had only been in use for a few
ATHENS – AstraZeneca will company came as a result of withdrawal of the jab started that more than 6.5 million lives months before reports emerged
withdraw its coronavirus vac- declining demand for the jab as in the EU, with the European were saved in the first year of of unusual blood clots.” ■
16 World News MAY 10, 2024 FRIDAY

Biden says 'no Senate to conduct..

6 "The reality is that is not so important anymore)," RBH 6 is on Paragraph 2, Sec-

place on any
foreign talent is be- Angara explained. tion 11 of Article XVI of the
ing hired by local ad- On the other hand, he said Constitution which states that
vertising agencies, local talent the proposed amendment may only Filipino citizens or compa-

campus in
is also being hired by foreign be a concern for the local adver- nies are allowed to own at least
advertising agencies. So, in a tising agencies which might be 70 percent in the advertising
way, parang hindi na rin ganun required to remit their profits industry, and all the executive
ka-importante yung distinc- or shares to foreign investors. and managing officers of such

America' for tion between ownership (the

distinction between ownership
Among the provisions pro-
posed to be amended under
entities must also be Filipino
citizens. ■

Nature-based solutions..
ANADOLU protect a fundamental right to
Philippine News Agency free speech, to debate disagree, ❰❰ 11 the benefits, costs and As communities and practi- temic and cohesive solutions
to protest peacefully and make tradeoffs associated tioners begin to access newly that build the health and resil-
our voices heard. But there is no with protecting eco- available federal funding, we ience of the ecosystems upon
WASHINGTON – President place on any campus in Ameri- logical processes and enhancing look forward to helping ensure which we all depend as a crucial
Joe Biden said on Tuesday that ca - or any place in America - for ecosystem services. these projects support region- strategy for building low-car-
antisemitism has no place in antisemitism or hate speech or For example, we are working al and community climate re- bon, resilient, and sustainable
America during a speech link- threats of violence of any time," with the City of Port Moody, silience while capturing a rich regions and communities. ■
ing the Holocaust to Hamas’ at- the US President said. B.C., to link its natural asset range of potential benefits and
tack on Israel last year. His remarks came amid management planning (valued potential trade-offs over time. Author’s note: Special thanks
In his address at the US Capi- pro-Palestine college campus conservatively at $377 million) As our NSI framework gets to Dr. Chaeri Kim, Chloe Repka,
tol to mark the US Holocaust Me- protests that have been per- to its forthcoming green in- tested with, and for, commu- Anwen Rees, Lauren Vincent,
morial Museum's annual Days of sistent since April 7, when stu- frastructure strategy. We hope nity partners, we will be pro- Deborah Harford and collabo-
Remembrance ceremony, Biden dents of Columbia University to collaborate with local First ducing resources and tools to rating partners.
said he has seen "a ferocious began an encampment in soli- Nations and the regional gov- help funders and practitioners This article first appeared
surge of anti-Semitism in Amer- darity with Gaza and demand- ernment to better understand alike to put nature back into na- on Policy Options and is repub-
ica and around the world." baseline health indicators in ture-based solutions. lished here under a Creative
"In America, we respect and ❱❱ PAGE 19 Biden says 'no the watershed. The goal is to develop sys- Commons license.

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FRIDAY MAY 10, 2024 17

Andrea makes explosive
revelations in "High Street"
ABS-CBN problems and personal issues, up-and-coming journalist, Gino
the story will now shift its focus (Juan Karlos) is thriving in law
to the real world as the charac- school, Tim and Poch (Zaijian
Premieres on Kapamilya ters enter adulthood. Jaranilla and Miggy Jimenez) are
Channel, A2Z, and TV5 this May In a recent interview, Andrea ad- going strong, while Roxy (Xyriel
13; streams 48 hours before TV mitted to feeling pressured in doing Manabat) balances her nurse du- Aside from the returning cast members, new characters such as Dimples
broadcast on iWantTFC “High Street” following the over- ties while being a single mom. Romana, Romnick Sarmenta, Harvey Bautista, AC Bonifacio, and Ralph De Leon
The stars of the hit ABS-CBN whelming success of “Senior High.” On the other hand, siblings will add more excitement to the intriguing story. (ABS-CBN)
teleserye “Senior High” are back “I’m excited but I also have Archie and Z (Elijah Canlas and
for its sequel series, “High Street,” mixed emotions. Because Daniela Stranner) are struggling is actually far greater than they page. Viewers who use any dig-
where a new web of explosive rev- whenever a show has a part two, in life. Archie is imprisoned in have ever imagined. ital TV box at home such as the
elations will unravel as new char- there’s always pressure to make another country while Z’s men- “High Street” is directed by TVplus box only need to rescan
acters enter the picture. it better or for it to be as good as tal health problems continue to Onat Diaz and Lino Cayetano and their device to be able to watch
The series premieres on the first one,” said Andrea. haunt her. Although the North- it also stars Tommy Alejandri- “High Street” on TV5 and A2Z.
May 13 (Monday) at 9:30 PM Aside from the returning cast ford High alumni have high no, Gela Atayde, Mon Confiado, The show is also available to
on Kapamilya Channel, A2Z, members, new characters such hopes for their future, their lives Kean Cipriano, Ana Abad Santos, viewers in and out of the Philip-
and TV5. It will also stream 48 as Dimples Romana, Romnick will be in peril once more when Gerald Madrid, Inka Magnaye, pines on iWantTFC, while view-
hours before its TV broadcast Sarmenta, Harvey Bautista, AC Z mysteriously gets kidnapped Angeli Bayani, and Rans Rifol. ers outside of the Philippines
on iWantTFC. Bonifacio, and Ralph De Leon by an unidentified group. Don’t miss the premiere of can watch on The Filipino Chan-
“High Street” is set five years will add more excitement to the As Sky and her friends, togeth- “High Street” this May 13 (Mon- nel (TFC) on cable and IPTV.
after the graduation of North- intriguing story. er with Sky’s mom Tanya (Angel day) at 9:30 PM on Kapamilya For updates, follow @abscb-
ford High students led by Sky “High Street” opens with the Aquino), uncover the kidnap- Channel, A2Z, TV5, iWantTFC, npr on Facebook, X (formerly
(Andrea Brillantes). Com- reunion of Northford High stu- ping incident, dark secrets arise and Kapamilya Online Live Twitter), Instagram, and Tik-
ing from their traumatic high dents as they catch-up on their and the Northford nightmare on ABS-CBN Entertainment’s Tok, or visit
school life involving teenage respective careers - Sky is an that they once thought was over YouTube channel and Facebook newsroom. ■

The steamiest movie of the year has almost

no sex in it. How did Challengers do it?
BY ALISON TAYLOR, Bond comes with being desired. to markets even more conser- audiences what it feels like to be Östlund’s The Square (2017) –
University It’s surprising that, in an age vative than the United States hot under the collar. it can make us cringe. In one of
The Conversation when pornography has never (most notably China). With this raft of films, some the most unsexy scenes imagin-
been so readily accessible, saucy Hollywood has also been are speculating Hollywood’s lat- able, the pair’s one night stand
movies can still create such a gravitating towards huge-bud- est era of chastity may be over. is deliberately choreographed
At the crux of the critical re- buzz. It’s perhaps even more get superhero franchise films But where these films are com- to make it as unflattering (and
sponse to Luca Guadagnino’s surprising Challengers all but rather than mid-budget dramas paratively explicit, in Challeng- hilarious) as possible. Östlund
new movie Challengers is one eschews sex entirely, yet every that might be more likely to tell ers, sex is illusive – it’s interrupt- draws out the discomfort even
word: “sexy”. frame feels laden with it. The film romantic stories. #MeToo has ed, elided, or happens off-screen. after the sex is finished.
The film charts a love tri- is full of kinetic energy, but it’s also been cited as a cultural phe- So what makes a film ‘sexy’? Paul Verhoeven’s Razzie
angle between three up-and- not between character’s bodies. nomenon that has seen sex and No, it’s not just sex. And not Award winning romp Showgirls
coming tennis players: Tashi So why is Challengers caus- nudity in high-grossing US film all film sex is sexy. (1995) is also evidence there is
(Zendaya), and her dual (and ing such a stir? decline almost 40% since 2016. As film scholar Linda Wil- more to “sexy” than beautiful
duelling) admirers. Art (Mike The state of play But the tide is changing. Psy- liams points out, it’s complicat- people and a dash of desire.
Faist) and Patrick (Josh O'Con- For starters, Challengers is rid- chosexual thriller Saltburn ed. “Sex in movies is especially As famous for its absurdity as
nor) are close friends, and vying ing a welcome wave of rebellion. (2023) and Frankenstein fantasy volatile: it can arouse, fascinate, for its explicitness, the movie
for the attention of the same As film expert Barry Forshaw Poor Things (2023) generated a disgust, bore, instruct, and in- about an exotic dancer’s rise to
woman has its risks. Tashi tells points out, sex has been on a buzz for their sex scenes. Kristen cite,” she writes. stardom in Las Vegas has all the
us more than once she is “not sharp decline in mainstream Stewart’s performance in steamy Or, as Claes Bang and Elisa- ingredients of a sexy film.
a homewrecker” – though she cinema in recent decades. Rea- lesbian crime thriller Love Lies beth Moss’ painfully awkward
seems to enjoy the power that sons include pressure to export Bleeding (2024) has reminded encounter taught us in Ruben ❱❱ PAGE 21 The steamiest movie
18 Entertainment MAY 10, 2024 FRIDAY

Kim and Paulo's first kiss in "What's Wrong

With Secretary Kim" trends on social media
ABS-CBN good night kiss and reassured age. #KimPau remains whole-
her that he will always be by her some, it wasn't sloppy the way
side no matter what. I perceived it but the love still
Stream all episodes on Viu! Netizen @tyrielle commend- reflected on the screen,” com-
Social media was abuzz on ed the dreamy scene and said, mented user @kimpau8890.
Wednesday (May 8) as view- “I couldn’t breathe the whole Fans were also treated to more
ers finally witnessed the time. It was tasteful, classy, gen- heart-fluttering moments of Sec.
swoon-worthy first kiss of Kim tle and full of emotions.” Kim and BMC after Viu posted
Chiu and Paulo Avelino in ABS- “I was so anxious to see if they behind-the-scenes photos and
CBN and Viu’s “What’s Wrong would finally lock lips. KimPau’s videos featuring the lead stars.
With Secretary Kim” and scored chemistry is so strong that it Stream “What’s Wrong With
multiple trending topics online. Sec. Kim (Kim) and BMC (Paulo) finally gave in to their lingering emotions and makes me crazy over them. Even Secretary Kim” for free and exclu-
Fans were left lovestruck over sealed a tender kiss while they were alone at a work function. (ABS-CBN) though I’m already a senior cit- sively on Viu by downloading the
KimPau’s overflowing chemis- izen, watching them makes me Viu app or visit A
try as #WhatsWrongWithSec- After multiple attempts in pre- The sweet moment also in- feel like a teenager all over again! new episode drops every Monday,
retaryKimPH, KIMPAU WW- vious episodes, Sec. Kim (Kim) cluded a confession of feelings I can't wait for the next episode,” Tuesday, and Wednesday. For up-
WSKEP26, #KimPauOnViu, and BMC (Paulo) finally gave in as the two ultimately decided said @nprangelo. dates, follow @abscbnpr on Face-
and #KimChiu immediately to their lingering emotions and to make their relationship of- “There's something about this book, X (formerly Twitter), Tik-
trended on X as the episode sealed a tender kiss while they ficial. But the ‘kilig’ didn’t stop pairing that even scenes like this Tok, and Instagram or visit www.
dropped at midnight on May 8. were alone at a work function. there as BMC gave Sec. Kim a are just too cute for me at their ■

‘Be Honest With Your Art’: Danny Ocean

Reflects on Sudden Stardom and His Deeply
Personal New Album
Spotify artist to appear in the Top 10 in Spotify changed his life. that are especially helpful? Max Martin. I would love to sit
Mexico, Colombia, Chile, Spain, Your new album is out May I think that it’s great having down with Max Martin one day.
and Argentina. 2. What can fans expect? the tour dates on the platform. What advice do you have
If you aren’t familiar with “Me Rehúso” broke a record It’s an album made with a lot We’ve been doing the pre-save of for other artists who are
Danny Ocean’s music, it’s only a by becoming the Latin song of love. We’ve flown everywhere the album, which I think is really building their careers?
matter of time. The Venezuelan on Spotify’s Global Top 50 list to do this album, and it has been great. I think it gives people the I would just say just keep it
singer and producer is a verita- for the most weeks, but Danny a journey. It is a very spiritual chance to see the process of how going, keep working, keep it
ble global phenomenon. His hit refused to rest on his laurels. album for me; they are going we’ve been doing this album. To real, keep it authentic. Be real to
song “Me Rehúso” surpassed 50 The singer’s second album, @ to hear a very human Danny. me, it’s just been an honor to be yourself. Be honest with your art.
million streams on Spotify in just dannocean, includes hit sin- It’s called REFLEXA, which here, honestly. I’ve said it before: There is a difference between try-
two months and went on to reach gles “Fuera del Mercado,” “Tú comes from reflection and all “Me Rehúso” is where it is be- ing to be famous and trying to be
an astounding 1 billion streams. No Me Conoces,” “Pronto,” and the meaning of the word—that’s cause of Spotify. It’s crazy how a an artist. Try to recognize those
When “Me Rehúso” joined “Apartmento,” and his eagerly what the album is about. platform has changed the game. two words in your path. Keep on
the Spotify Billions Club in anticipated new album, REFL- How does Spotify support I think it’s amazing. doing music, throw it out, let the
2020, it was the first time a song EXA, will be released on May 2. your work as an artist? Are Are there any artists, pro- world hear your music!
from a Latin solo artist had ever For the Record caught up there any features—music ducers, or songwriters whom Check out Danny’s new al-
achieved that milestone. Danny with Danny to talk about the videos, merch, tour dates— you’d love to work with that you bum, REFLEXA, and experience
was also the first independent new album and why he says or tools on Spotify for Artists haven’t had a chance to yet? the journey for yourself.
FRIDAY MAY 10, 2024 19

How does the brain think?
BY JENNIFER ROBINSON, and create electrical impulses. constantly receiving input from opposite is true, too – without The brain is a fascinating
Auburn University These impulses tend to travel your senses – sights, sounds, enough sleep, you may feel like organ that works tirelessly to
The Conversation along similar pathways and re- tastes, smells and touch. When you can’t think straight. create thoughts, memories and
lease tiny chemicals called neu- you see a cute puppy or hear Along with enough sleep, ideas. As technology continues
rotransmitters along the way. your favorite song, your sens- eat healthy foods and exercise. to improve, scientists will learn
How does the brain think? These neurotransmitters are es send signals to the brain, Just like a car needs fuel to run more and more about how bi-
– Tom, age 16, San Diego, like the construction crew that triggering a chain reaction of smoothly, your brain needs nu- ological processes give rise to
California builds the roads, making it easier thoughts and emotions. trients and oxygen to function our conscious experiences. The
Have you ever wondered how for the messages to be delivered. The brain also stores mem- at its best and to boost your challenges of learning about the
your brain creates thoughts You can imagine it as a dirt road, ories, which are like files in thinking power. brain are like a neuroscientific
or why something randomly but as more traffic – that is, neu- a computer that you can ac- Activities that challenge you moonshot – we have a long way
popped into your head? It may ron signals – travel the dirt road, cess whenever you need them. are also great: reading, doing to go before we completely un-
seem like magic – but actually the road gets upgraded to a paved Memories help shape your puzzles, playing music, making derstand how it works. ■
the brain is like a supercomputer street. If the traffic continues, it thoughts and influence how you art, doing math, writing essays
inside your head that helps you gets upgraded to a highway. see the world. and book reports and journal- Hello, curious kids! Do you
think, learn and make decisions. As you learn new things and If you remember a fun day ing. Positive thinking also helps. have a question you’d like an
Imagine your brain as a experience the world around at the beach, it might make Keep in mind that whatever you expert to answer? Ask an adult
busy city with lots of streets you, these connections grow you feel happy and relaxed. If are consuming – what you’re to send your question to Curi-
and buildings. Each part of the stronger. For example, when you smell an apple pie, it may eating or what you’re watching, ousKidsUS@theconversation.
brain has a specific job to do, you are learning to ride a bike, remind you of your grandma’s listening to or reading – has the com. Please tell us your name,
just like certain areas of a city or you may be unsteady and find it baking. These thoughts are trig- power to influence your brain. age and the city where you live.
certain buildings serve differ- hard to coordinate all of the dif- gered because these pleasant Conversely, smoking ciga- And since curiosity has no age
ent purposes. When you have a ferent muscles along with your associations have been formed rettes, vaping, drinking alcohol limit – adults, let us know what
thought, it’s like a message trav- ability to balance. But the more in your brain, and through rep- and using drugs kills brain cells. you’re wondering, too. We won’t
eling through the city, passing you practice, the more the neu- etition, strengthened over time. So might head injuries that can be able to answer every question,
from one area to another. rons controlling your muscles Creativity is another super- occur when playing sports such but we will do our best.
As a professor of psychol- and your ability to balance fire power of the brain. When you as football, soccer and bicycling This article is republished
ogy and neuroscience, I have together, which makes it much let your imagination run wild, – but wearing a helmet can from The Conversation under a
studied the brain for almost easier as you practice. Neurons your brain can come up with make a big difference. Creative Commons license.
20 years. Neurologists, neuro- are wiring together and form- new ideas, stories and inven-
scientists and neurosurgeons ing neural networks. tions. Artists, writers and scien-
work every day to understand That’s why practice and rep- tists all use their creative brains
the brain better. And there’s etition are important for im- to explore new possibilities and
still a lot to learn. proving your skills, whether solve problems.
Practice and repetition playing the piano or learning a Have you ever experienced a
create skills language. Neural networks are “eureka” moment when a bril-
The neuron is a key player in created and then strengthened liant idea pops into your head out
the brain – these are tiny cells the more times they commu- of nowhere? That’s your brain’s
that send and receive signals nicate together. Scientists have way of connecting the dots and
and messages so they can com- a saying in this field: “Neurons coming up with a solution.
municate with each other. that fire together wire togeth- Keeping your brain healthy
Your brain has somewhere be- er.” Certain thinking or behav- Most scientists agree that
tween 80 billion and 100 billion ior patterns can be chalked up sleep is really important for
neurons. Neurons tend to group to this kind of repeated syn- your brain to process informa-
together to form neural tracts, chronized activity. tion from the day and to allow
which would be like the streets Developing creativity it to rest and form new connec-
and highways in the city anal- You are conscious of only a tions. A lot of people find that
ogy. When you have a thought, very small portion of the infor- they have new ideas or thoughts
neurons in your brain fire up mation your brain takes in. It is after a good night’s sleep. The

Biden says 'no..

❰❰ 16 ed their school divest Arguing that students damaged “Violent attacks, destroying the rule of law,” Biden said. caused violence during the pro-
from Israel. campus buildings and violent property is not peaceful pro- The US president has repeat- tests went beyond the law and
Nearly 2,500 pro- scenes occurred on some cam- test. It’s against the law. And edly said that he defends the that some of the demonstra-
testers were arrested during puses, Biden said such demon- we’re not a lawless country, right to freedom of expression, tions were antisemitic. ■
the demonstrations. strations were against the law. we’re a civil society. We uphold but that the demonstrators who
20 Lifestyle MAY 10, 2024 FRIDAY

Lung cancer is the deadliest of all cancers,

and screening could save many lives − if
more people could access it
BY NINA THOMAS, cigarette exposure in a person’s ly means the radiologist saw a screening. In addition, while the disease from blame. Fram-
University of Colorado lifetime, calculated by multi- lung nodule, or a spot on the some plans may cover the ini- ing screening as a proactive
Anschutz Medical Campus plying the total number of years lung. Not all lung nodules are tial low-dose CT scan, they measure to help those at risk of
The Conversation someone has smoked by the av- cancer, and patients may re- might not cover follow-up test- developing lung cancer and as
erage number of packs smoked quire additional imaging or a ing, procedures and treatment. a collaboration with those who
per day. For example, if some- biopsy to confirm. Supplementary costs such as need help quitting smoking can
Many medical organizations one smoked half a pack per day Disparities in lung cancer transportation, time off from empower people to actively en-
have been recommending lung for 40 years, they would have screening work, child care and other lo- gage in screening rather than
cancer screening for decades smoked for 20 pack-years. Public health campaigns and gistical issues can also add up to dreading or avoiding it.
for those at high risk of devel- Low-dose CT scan for lung education initiatives work to create additional socioeconom- Fear is another barrier. Many
oping the disease. cancer engage the public and increase ic barriers to screening. people believe that a lung can-
But in 2022, less than 6% of One of the primary barriers awareness of the availability and Communities that are under- cer diagnosis is a death sen-
people in the U.S. eligible for to lung cancer screening is lack benefit of lung cancer screen- or uninsured are at the highest tence. When diagnosed early,
screening actually got screened. of public awareness and un- ing. However, these efforts have risk of developing lung cancer. however, doctors treat lung
Compared with other common derstanding. Many people are been less effective in some of the They often lack access to pri- cancer with an intention to
cancer screenings, lung cancer unaware they qualify for lung communities most at risk for de- mary care providers, let alone cure. Additionally, advances
screening rates fall terribly be- cancer screening or have mis- veloping lung cancer. specialists who can facilitate in lung cancer treatment over
hind. For comparison, the screen- conceptions around what to ex- African American men screening. the past 10-15 years have led
ing rate in 2021 for colon cancer pect from the screening process. have the highest rates of de- Erasing smoking stigma to remarkable improvements
was 72%, and the rate for breast Lung cancer screening in- veloping and dying from lung Because lung cancer is linked in survival for all stages of the
cancer was 76%. Why are lung volves a yearly low-dose com- cancer compared with other to smoking, stigma plays a sig- disease. Reassurance and ed-
cancer screening rates so poor? puted tomography, or CT, scan, groups, even at younger ages nificant role in preventing many ucation around next steps and
I am a pulmonologist who a diagnostic imaging tool that and among those with less people eligible for screening paths to treatment at the time
specializes in screening and uses X-rays to create detailed smoking history. The tobacco from pursuing it. Many people of screening help diffuse some
diagnosing lung cancer. In my cross sections of the inside of industry has explicitly target- eligible for lung cancer screen- of the distress surrounding
research to improve early detec- the body. Screening 250 pa- ed the Black community with ing fear being blamed for their lung cancer.
tion of lung cancer, I’ve found tients can prevent one lung pervasive marketing tactics in previous or current tobacco use. Public health researchers are
that numerous complex barriers cancer death. In comparison, predominantly Black neigh- Stigma also discourages pa- exploring how to minimize the
hinder the widespread adoption 645 people screened with a borhoods and stores. Since the tients from discussing lung can- significant and complex barri-
of lung cancer screening. mammogram can prevent one 1970s, the tobacco industry has cer screening with their health ers to lung cancer screening for
Basics of lung cancer breast cancer death. aggressively marketed menthol care providers or community. those who need it most. ■
screening Some people have reserva- cigarettes to African Ameri- Clinicians can partner with
Lung cancer is the leading tions surrounding the scan itself cans using tailored messaging patients and communities to This article is republished
cause of cancer-related death in because of radiation exposure. and imagery. This compounds destigmatize lung cancer and from The Conversation under a
the world. But early detection can The radiation from a low-dose and exacerbates the socioeco- tobacco dependence, extricating Creative Commons license.
significantly improve outcomes. CT scan, however, is about 1.4 nomic disparities in health care
Survival rates for early stage millisieverts – the scientific unit and cancer care already seen in
lung cancer are nearly seven used to measure ionizing radia- these underserved and under-
times higher than lung cancer tion – which is less than the 3 to represented communities.
that has spread in the body. Be- 5 millisieverts of background ra- Rural communities face geo-
tween 2015 and 2019, survival diation a person may be exposed graphic barriers to lung cancer
rates for lung cancer have im- to in a given year on average screening. About 80.5 million
proved by 22%, in part because of while living on Earth. Americans live in counties with
an increase in earlier diagnosis. The whole process takes only high rates of lung cancer and
Most patients with ear- a few minutes and does not re- poor access to a quality screen-
ly-stage lung cancer, however, quire any needles, medications ing center. Many of these coun-
have no symptoms and aren’t or infusions. During the scan, ties are clustered in the Appala-
diagnosed until they reach the patient lies on the scan- chian and southeastern regions
more advanced stages that are ner’s sliding table and raises of the U.S. where smoking rates
harder to treat, underlining the their arms above their head. are highest. Over 60% of people
need for effective lung cancer The technologist may ask them living in rural areas who are el-
screening. to hold their breath for 5 to 10 igible for lung cancer screening
The U.S. Preventive Services seconds as the table passes have to travel over 20 miles to a
Task Force recommends lung through the scanner. screening facility.
cancer screening for people A radiologist summarizes Lung cancer screening may
50-80 years old, people who the results of the test for their also be costly. While most pri-
currently smoke or previous- doctor in a report. If the result vate insurances and Medicare
ly smoked but quit within the is negative for findings in the cover the cost of lung cancer
past 15 years, and people who lungs, the patient would return screening, Medicaid policies
smoked at least 20 pack-years. in one year for another scan. If vary state by state and may not
Pack-years is an estimate of the result is positive, it usual- cover the cost of lung cancer
FRIDAY MAY 10, 2024 Business 21

Venus is losing water faster than

previously thought – here’s what that
could mean for the early planet’s habitability
BY ERYN CANGI, University some other process still at work the present day. It doubles the
of Colorado Boulder on Venus that continues to re- amount of hydrogen escape
The Conversation move hydrogen. previously calculated by plan-
Little reactions can make a etary scientists, upending our
big difference understanding of present-day
Today, the atmosphere of our Our new study reveals that an hydrogen escape on Venus.
neighbor planet Venus is as hot overlooked chemical reaction in Understanding Venus with
as a pizza oven and drier than Venus’ atmosphere can produce data, models and Mars
the driest desert on Earth – but enough escaping hydrogen to To study DR on Venus we
it wasn’t always that way. close the gap between the ex- used both computer modeling
Billions of years ago, Venus pected and observed water loss. and data analysis.
had as much water as Earth Here’s how it works. In the at- The modeling actually began as
does today. If that water was mosphere, gaseous HCO⁺ mole- a Mars project. My Ph.D. research
ever liquid, Venus may have cules, which are made up of one involved exploring what sort of
once been habitable. atom each of hydrogen, carbon and conditions made planets habitable
Over time, that water has near- oxygen and have a positive charge, for life. Mars also used to have wa-
ly all been lost. Figuring out how, combine with negatively charged ter, though less than Venus, and
when and why Venus lost its water around the Sun in which planets blankets on the bed in summer. electrons, since opposites attract. also lost most of it to space.
helps planetary scientists like me can have liquid water on their When the planet gets too hot, But when the HCO⁺ and the To understand martian hydro-
understand what makes a planet surface. Earth is in the middle, it throws off the blanket: the hy- electrons react, the HCO⁺ breaks gen escape, I developed a com-
habitable — or what can make a Mars is outside on the too-cold drogen escapes in a flow out to up into a neutral carbon monox- putational model of the Mars
habitable planet transform into side, and Venus is outside on the space, a process called hydrody- ide molecule, CO, and a hydrogen atmosphere that simulates Mars’
an uninhabitable world. too-hot side. Where a planet sits namic escape. This process re- atom, H. This process energizes atmospheric chemistry. Despite
Scientists have theories ex- on this habitability spectrum moved one of the key ingredients the hydrogen atom, which can being very different planets,
plaining why most of that water depends on how much energy for water from Venus. It’s not then exceed the planet’s escape Mars and Venus actually have
disappeared, but more water has the planet gets from the Sun, known exactly when this process velocity and escape to space. The similar upper atmospheres, so
disappeared than they predicted. as well as how much energy the occurred, but it was likely within whole reaction is called HCO⁺ my colleagues and I were able to
In a May 2024 study, my col- planet radiates away. the first billion years or so. dissociative recombination, but extend the model to Venus.
leagues and I revealed a new wa- The theory of how most of Hydrodynamic escape stopped we like to call it DR for short. We found that HCO⁺ disso-
ter removal process that has gone Venus’ water loss occurred is after most hydrogen was re- Water is the original source ciative recombination produces
unnoticed for decades, but could tied to this energy balance. On moved, but a little bit of hydrogen of hydrogen on Venus, so DR lots of escaping hydrogen in both
explain this water loss mystery. early Venus, sunlight broke up was left behind. It’s like dumping effectively dries out the plan- planets’ atmospheres, which
Energy balance and early water in its atmosphere into out a water bottle – there will still et. DR has likely happened agreed with measurements tak-
loss of water hydrogen and oxygen. Atmo- be a few drops left at the bottom. throughout the history of Ve- en by the Mars Atmosphere and
The solar system has a hab- spheric hydrogen heats up a These leftover drops can’t escape nus, and our work shows it
itable zone – a narrow ring planet — like having too many in the same way. There must be probably still continues into ❱❱ PAGE 28 Venus is losing

The steamiest movie..

❰❰ 17 But the finished Emma Stone in Crazy Stupid no, whose previous films include negotiations, mistrust and rival- tural moments people love to
product is more likely to Love (2011) or La La Land (2016), A Bigger Splash (2015) and Call Me ry in which an exchange of looks feel a part of.
elicit laughter than fire- we believe it. When Andrew Scott By Your Name (2017), has built a feels as graphic as what those In the 1990s it was Sharon
works. In one memorable scene, holds Paul Mescal in his gaze in reputation for sensual cinema. looks imply. Stone’s famous leg-crossing in
Kyle MacLachlan and Elizabeth All Of Us Strangers (2023) or Those familiar with his work Then, when the pressure is at Basic Instinct. Today’s audienc-
Berkley share an evening of pas- when Barry Keoghan looks at, will know it doesn’t take on- fever pitch but unrealised, char- es have Keoghan’s scandalous
sion in the pool so strenuous fans well, anyone in Saltburn, embers screen hanky-panky to make a acters must channel it into their bath scene in Saltburn.
have playfully dubbed it “when ignite. It is testament to her tal- film alluring. The camera’s caress game. Cinematographer Sayom- Our conversations about
flipper meets stripper”. ent as a performer that Scarlett in I Am Love (2009) is enough bhu Mukdeeprom shoots tennis these movies, the sex and what
On the other hand, when the Johansson’s smouldering voice is to make Tilda Swinton eating a matches with an intimacy rival- that sex means, are more likely
right balance is struck, a sex enough to keep us enthralled in prawn feel erotically charged. ling any sex scene. Vivid close to occur on TikTok than around
scene can be iconic. Some read- Her (2013) even though she nev- With Challengers, Guadignino ups, slow motion, sweat-soaked: the water cooler.
ers will recall the rumours that er appears on screen. does for the erotic drama what these matches are proximate, But it’s precisely because
scene in Don’t Look Now (1973) Chemistry is essential, but The Texas Chain Saw Massacre tense – and the closest Challeng- movies are fantasies we expe-
was a little too convincing. it’s hardly a paint-by-numbers (1974) did for horror. He prom- ers gets to letting off steam. rience collectively that we con-
Others may remember George exercise. ises the audience everything but In an era when online por- tinue to need them. ■
Clooney and Jennifer Lopez in Does a film need sex to be knows power is in suggestion. nography leaves nothing to the
the sequence paying homage to ‘sexy’? Challengers’ achievement is in imagination, audiences have This article is republished
it in Out of Sight (1998). The response to Challengers capturing the dynamics of sexual not lost their appetite for sexy from The Conversation under a
When Ryan Gosling looks at certainly suggests not. Guadagni- tension. It traces the power plays, movies. These films create cul- Creative Commons license.
22 MAY 10, 2024 FRIDAY

Maria Goes To Lapu Lapu

Day Block Party!
BY MATTE LAUREL-ZALKO beautiful and so regal just like a Drag Show performers: Kimmy pino-Japanese-Canadian young to see my culture and heritage
true Queen. Her red gown with Couture, Bongganisa, Margaux artist, Karissa Narukami taught on full display for everyone to
gold ornaments and an elabo- Rita, and Pia Little. Their com- and supervised a painting ses- see and enjoy. I am proud that
On April 27, 2024, the Fili- rate headdress were brought bined performances certainly sion with people with disabili- finally, we have our own Phil-
pino community of Vancouver to Vancouver all the way from livened up the place! ties — truly impressive! ippine Day on Sunset on Fra-
had its first Pinoy multi-Block Cebu, Philippines. Our other From 2pm to 4pm, our sister- My Israeli-Canadian hus- ser, just like the Greek Day on
Party in the most diverse neigh- sister from our sisterhood tribe, hood tribe sis, Socorro “Babes” band was absolutely impressed Broadway, and the Italian Day
bourhood, Sunset on Fraser, Socorro “Babes” Castro New- Castro Newland single-hand- by the whole event! He said he’s on The Drive.
and despite the pouring rain, it land, was also one of the hosts/ edly emceed the event. Babes is never seen anything as fun, as The first Lapu Lapu Day Block
was such a huge success! That’s emcees of the block party. An- a real pro and a natural when it colourful and as well organ- Party certainly did not disap-
right, not even the pouring rain other sister from our sisterhood comes to hosting the event. She ised as this first Lapu Lapu Day point and it truly reminded us
can stop Filipinos from partying tribe, Malu Francisco walked was eloquent and engaging as a Block Party. He noted how Fil- that the Filipino cultural and
and celebrating our heritage and with us at the parade as we ral- host and kept the crowd happy ipinos are such happy, and fun mutual respect is alive and thriv-
culture. It was a well organised lied behind and gave our support and enthusiastic! During this loving people that not even bad ing in BC! This first block party
and coordinated event spear- to our Festival Queen, Tessa. time, there were awesome per- weather can dampen our spir-
headed by the Filipino BC un- At the parade, there were formances by John Concepcion, its. As for me, I was truly proud ❱❱ PAGE 27 Maria Goes To
der the leadership of RJ Aquino different participants from Russell!, Ruby Ibarra, Jeremy
and creative director and board various Filipino community Passion, Gabe Bondoc and lastly
director, Joe Tuliao. The multi- organisations such as the Unit- Manila Grey. Other hosts/em-
block party extended south from ed Leyteños Association, the cees for the event were Emily
John Oliver Secondary School to Cebuano Society of Canada, Lazatin and Ryan Ventura from
47th Avenue. There were about Global Pinoy Diaspora of Can- 4pm to 6pm; Adi Baybay and
60,000 festival goers that par- ada, Women of Global Change, Jara Peña from 6pm to closing.
ticipated and enjoyed various Diversity and Inclusion Support Aside from music entertain-
dance and singing performanc- Group of B.C. to name a few. All ment (which talented Pinoys
es, bought great quality Filipino those who participated in the are known for worldwide), there
merchs, and feasted on delicious parade wore traditional Filipino were tons and tons of delicious
Filipino foods! clothing with colourful masks. food available in the different
Vancouver’s first Filipi- Of course, a Pinoy parade won’t stalls that day — from Pampan-
no-Canadian MLA for Vancou- be an authentic Pinoy parade if ga Cuisine served their mouth-
ver-Kensington, Mable Elmore there was no music — there was watering kikiam, fish ball, and
showed her tremendous sup- an energetic and vibrant Filipi- kwek kwek. There’s also barbe- (PHOTO COURTESY OF WILLIAM ORSUA. HTTP://WWW.SOULMATEPRODUCTIONS.CA)

port to the first Filipino multi- no band who played pop music cue pork, barbecue chicken, and
block party that took place in with their drums, tambourines, Filipino style hotdogs. There
her riding. Mable Elmore was and xylophones as they marched were Filipino sweets as well
so proud to be a part of this first through the streets! They played such as donuts, cakes, and can-
festival of its kind. As a matter popular songs such as, “You are dies. There were stalls promot-
of fact, a year ago on April 27, my Sunshine”, which had every- ing the different products that
Mable Elmore together with one singing and dancing under are sold by so many enterprising
outgoing Philippine Consul the pouring rain! It was truly Pinoys which varied from car
General Arlene Tullid Magno so much fun and festive! There dealers, real estate mortgages,
accepted the recognition be- were also professional DJs in clothings, and even skincare.
stowed by the Province of Brit- charge of nonstop music — Wild Also, in different venues,
ish Columbia to mark April 27 Thangz and DJ Marlino. there was even a two-day Bas-
as Lapu Lapu Day. During this At the Main Stage of the ketball tournament at the John
remarkable event, Mable El- event, there were scheduled Oliver Secondary School gym
more eloquently highlighted itineraries for various perfor- — basketball to Pinoys is what
the historic significance and mances. From 11am to 2pm, the hockey is to Canadians! At the (PHOTO COURTESY OF WILLIAM ORSUA. HTTP://WWW.SOULMATEPRODUCTIONS.CA)

legacy of Filipino hero, Datu event was hosted by Global BC Auditorium, there were short
Lapu Lapu and his enduring news anchor, half Filipino Jason film screenings by young Filipi-
impact on Filipino values most Pires, and OMNI news anchor, no filmmakers highlighting their
notably the “bayanihan” spirit. Rhea Santos. There was a special creativity in cinematic art. And
Fast forward to April 27, 2024 guest appearance by Philippines of course, a Filipino Day is not
— the first Lapu Lapu Pinoy most beloved mascot, Jollibee, complete without Pinoy fashion!
Block party started at 10am with who entertained the crowd for Also at the auditorium, amazing
a colourful parade from John Ol- 15 minutes. After Jollibee, the and beautifully designed clothes
iver Secondary School and end- crowd was serenaded by Mikey were presented by Filipino de-
ed at East 48th Avenue near the Jose. At around 12:35pm, Van- signers such as Genette Mujar,
main stage. One of our dearest couver based R&B singer Nik- Gabby Ambrosio, and Wanda
sisterhood tribe sisters, Tessa kaela came on stage to showcase Cree. At the John Oliver Park,
Rama Belland (from the prom- her mellifluous vocals. At 1pm, there were Pinoy Zumba in-
inent Rama political family of the crowd went wild with the structors who led Zumba dance
Cebu) was made the Festival fun and over the top vocals and exercise classes even under a
Queen. Tessa looked stunningly performances by the Baddiengs downpour! The esteemed Fili- (PHOTO COURTESY OF WILLIAM ORSUA. HTTP://WWW.SOULMATEPRODUCTIONS.CA)
FRIDAY MAY 10, 2024 23

The National Aboriginal Hockey
Championship celebrates the strength
of Indigenous sporting communities
BY TAYLOR MCKEE, Brock The tournament has dis- ples of Indigenous sport that The NAHC and Indigenous tained its presence in the Cana-
University, CARRIERA tinct ceremonial practices that run counter to deficit narratives hockey excellence dian sport landscape.
JOY LAMOUREUX, Brock distinguish it from other elite of disadvantage. Rather than fo- The exceptionally high skill During the 2023 champion-
University hockey tournaments and rein- cusing on potential struggles that level of the NAHC has attract- ship, tournament organizers
The Conversation force the themes present in the players have overcome to reach ed the attention of scouts from called athletes onto the ice in
NAHC’s founding documents. the tournament, the NAHC is a across North America, though front of their families and local
These themes are demonstrated celebration of the strength of In- that is only a part of the reason community members. With the
The puck has dropped on an- through event programming, in- digenous sporting communities. the championship has main- best Indigenous youth hock-
other National Aboriginal Hock- cluding a players-only welcome ey players in the nation stand-
ey Championship (NAHC) — one event, opening and closing cere- ing side-by-side along the rink
of Canada’s most unique youth monies, traditional artwork inte- boards, tournament organizers,
athletic competitions and cultur- grated into trophy presentation elders and Indigenous leaders
al celebrations. This year’s tour- and playing traditional music. offered prayers and advice to
nament runs from May 5 to 11. The Truth and Reconciliation kickstart a week of exceptional
The NAHC was founded by Commission’s call to action 87 competition and athletic ability.
the Aboriginal Sport Circle in asks all levels of government In addition, the NAHC has
2002 and has been held annu- to collaborate with Indigenous hosted numerous professional
ally since then. It brings togeth- Peoples to “provide public ed- hockey alumni such as Jordin
er top under-18 male and fe- ucation that tells the national Tootoo, Ted Nolan, Bridgette
male Indigenous athletes from story of Aboriginal athletes in Lacquette, Jocelyn Larocque,
across Canada to showcase the history.” The NAHC provides a Michael Ferland, Brandon Mon-
elite athletic abilities of Cana- tangible answer to this call by tour and many others. In this
dian Indigenous youth. providing resources that tell the way, the event’s legacy is con-
Part of what makes this tour- story of the tournament and cel- nected with those of its most
nament so unique compared to ebrate past accomplishments. successful participants, further
mainstream sport is the inher- In this way, the NAHC pres- defining its place in both In-
ent focus on fostering cultural ents an important opportunity
unity and pride. for researchers seeking exam- ❱❱ PAGE 28 The National Aboriginal

Vinny Marcos co-chairs FIVB MWCH 2025

organizing committee
Philippine News Agency With Marcos as co-chair of who were responsible for the port complimenting the com- “It’s your [the next genera-
the LOC are Senator Alan Peter successful hosting of the Phil- mitment of Senator Cayetano tion] turn. We really like having
Cayetano and Tourism Secre- ippine 2019 Southeast Asian and Secretary Frasco, the Phil- younger people in this commit-
MANILA – The cornerstones tary Christina Garcia Frasco with Games and co-hosting of the ippines is again guaranteed to tee because it’s about passing
for the country’s solo hosting Philippine National Volleyball FIBA 2023 World Cup. be on the world sporting map [the baton of leadership],” Cay-
of the FIVB Volleyball Men’s Federation (PNVF) head Ramon The members of the LOC this time in volleyball,” Suzara etano told Marcos.
World Championship (MWCH) “Tats” Suzara as president. Board include Philippine Olym- told the strategic meeting also First Lady Liza Araneta
2025 were solidly nailed on “I’m really confident and I pic Committee president Abra- attended by representatives Marcos earlier vowed her full
Monday in a strategic meeting believe everybody knows what ham “Bambol” Tolentino, Phil- from the PSC. support to the championship
at the BGC graced by presiden- he or she’s doing,” the 25-year- ippine Sports Commission (PSC) Cayetano, also PNVF’s chair- featuring the world’s top 32 vol-
tial son William Vincent “Vin- old Marcos said. chairman Richard Bachmann man emeritus, highlighted the leyball countries—including the
ny” Araneta Marcos, who will The LOC consists of 17 and MVP Group of Companies value of having the young Mar- Philippines—at the Smart Ara-
co-chair the Local Organizing Functional Areas headed and head Manuel V. Pangilinan. cos at the helm of the country’s neta Coliseum and SM Mall of
Committee (LOC). manned by the same people “With Vince [Marcos] sup- FIVB 2025 hosting. Asia Arena from Sept. 12 to 28. ■
24 MAY 10, 2024 FRIDAY

Inflation rate slightly up 3.8% in April
BY ANNA LEAH GONZALES last February and March. Just a flagship projects (IFPs). and Industry, Interior and Lo- Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas
Philippine News Agency bit)," Mapa said. Several IFPs are intended cal Government and Justice (BSP) said the latest inflation
"But the trajectory is that two to improve the connectivity of departments, Bureau of Cus- outturn is consistent with its
months na siya dun sa world the country’s agriculture sec- toms, Philippine Competition expectations that inflation
MANILA – Headline inflation prices na bumaba so this might tor to the market, thus reducing Commission, National Bureau could accelerate temporarily
settled at 3.8 percent in April have impact dun sa pag-decline transport costs. of Investigation, and Philippine above the target range in the
this year, significantly lower ng presyo ng bigas ng konti (But “Meanwhile, we must augment National Police. next two quarters of the year
than the 6.6 percent recorded the trajectory is that world pric- local production during shortages The team oversees the impor- due to the possible negative im-
in the same month last year, the es are declining for the past two to ensure an adequate food supply tation and distribution of agri- pact of adverse weather condi-
Philippine Statistics Authority months so this might have im- at affordable prices for all Filipi- cultural products, prevents price tions on domestic agricultural
(PSA) said on Tuesday. pact in the decline of rice prices nos. Food insecurity extends be- manipulation, and addresses oth- output and positive base effects.
The headline inflation last just a bit)," he added. yond economic strain -- it directly er forms of unfair or anti-compet- The BSP, however, expects
month was within the govern- Mapa said the faster annual impacts the well-being of all Fili- itive commercial practices. the average inflation to return
ment's 2 to 4 percent target, but growth rate of the transport in- pinos,“ Balisacan said. “We prioritize food securi- to the target range for full year
was slightly higher than the 3.7 dex at 2.6 percent in April from Failure to augment local ty, economic growth, and the 2024 and 2025.
percent in March this year. 2.1 percent the previous month production during shortages welfare of our producers and "The risks to the inflation
In a briefing, PSA Undersec- also contributed to the uptrend perpetuates poverty and exac- consumers,” Balisacan said. outlook continue to lean to-
retary and National Statistician of the overall inflation. erbates vulnerability, he added. “Our actions aim to boost local ward the upside. Possible fur-
Dennis Mapa said the uptrend In a statement, National Eco- EO 59 complements the di- production and prepare for any ther price pressures are linked
in the overall inflation in April nomic and Development Au- rectives under Administrative challenges in food supply and mainly to higher transport
was primarily influenced by the thority (NEDA) Secretary Ar- Order No. 20, which reconsti- price upticks.” charges, elevated food prices,
higher year-on-year increase in senio Balisacan said that while tuted a surveillance team con- Medium-term inflation path higher electricity rates, and
food and non-alcoholic bever- inflation remains within target, sisting of the Agriculture, Trade In a separate statement, the global oil prices," it said.
ages at 6 percent from 5.6 per- the increase underscores the The BSP said the potential
cent in March 2024. need for vigilance. minimum wage adjustments
Food inflation in particu- “We are taking comprehensive could also give rise to sec-
lar rose to 6.3 percent from measures to ensure food security ond-round effects.
March's 5.7 percent. amid geopolitical concerns and "Looking ahead, the Mone-
Rice, however, recorded a weather patterns worsened by tary Board will consider the lat-
lower inflation rate of 23.9 per- climate change," Balisacan said. est inflation and Q1 (first quar-
cent in April, down from 24.4 "The government’s major ter) 2024 GDP (gross domestic
percent in March. strategies aim to increase pro- product) outturns, among oth-
"Ang nakita namin bumababa ductivity, build the resilience er information, in its upcoming
ng kunti ang world price ng rice. of the agriculture sector, and monetary policy meeting on 16
Nag peak siya January 2024 improve the efficiency of food May 2024," it added.
and then may pagbaba nung systems,” he added. The BSP assured it continues
Feb(ruary) and March. Konti Last April 30, President Fer- to support the national gov-
lang (What we saw was world dinand R. Marcos Jr. signed ernment’s non-monetary mea-
prices of rice slightly declined. Executive Order (EO) No. 59 to sures to address supply-side
It peaked last January 2024 expedite the implementation Customers buy potatoes, sayote, and other vegetables at the Kadiwa market pressures on prices and sustain
and then there's a slight decline of the country’s infrastructure in the City of Dasmarinas, Cavite on Tuesday (Oct. 18, 2022). (GIL CALINGA/PNA) the disinflation process. ■

Bitcoin climbs above $65,000 after 2 weeks

ANADOLU After climbing above the level est level since Feb. 27.
Philippine News Agency early Monday, Bitcoin was trad- Ethereum, the world's biggest
ing around USD64,100 as of 10.03 altcoin by market cap, was down
a.m. EDT (1403GMT) for a daily 0.4 percent to USD3,121 then,
ISTANBUL – Bitcoin on gain of 0.2 percent, according to but some altcoins saw their daily
Monday climbed above the data from CoinMarketCap, a dig- prices gain more than 10 percent.
USD65,000 level for the first ital asset price-tracking website. The value of the cryptocurrency
time in more than two weeks. Bitcoin on Wednesday dove market stood at USD2.36 trillion,
The last time the world's biggest below the USD57,000 level for while Bitcoin's share of the cryp-
cryptocurrency was above that lev- the first time in more than two
el was recorded on April 25. months, which marked the low- ❱❱ PAGE 27 Bitcoin climbs above
FRIDAY MAY 10, 2024 Business 25

Neediest areas are being shortchanged on

government funds − even with programs
designed to benefit poor communities
BY ERIC STOKAN, University spent in neighborhoods where a We asked what happens as ence and public administration, systematically worsen existing
of Maryland, Baltimore majority of families have low to that share increases: Are those we were not entirely surprised inequities.
County, AARON DESLATTE, moderate incomes – a category communities more likely to re- by our findings. Other research- In the case of the CDBG pro-
Indiana University, MICHAEL researchers abbreviate as “LMI.” ceive additional funding? ers have documented similar gram, local governments have a
OVERTON, University of To count as LMI, a house- We found that the neighbor- trends for other programs, in- lot of discretion in distributing
Idaho hold must make 80% or less of hoods with the largest share of cluding the Opportunity Zones funds. That creates a conflict
The Conversation the median income in an area. low- to moderate-income fam- program, which may be target- between two goals: growth and
So, in the Baltimore metropol- ilies, relative to the city, were ed toward neighborhoods that equity. Will governments op-
itan area, which in 2023 had a less likely to receive CDBG have begun to gentrify. timize for economic growth,
If you live in one of the most median household income of funds than communities that These findings are also consis- seeking maximum returns on
economically deprived neigh- US$121,700, a household could were closer to the 51% thresh- tent with analyses of the CDBG investment and increasing tax
borhoods in your city, you might make up to $97,600 and quali- old. In other words, the need- program in evaluations of a few dollars with community devel-
think the government is direct- fy. If 51% or more of the house- iest places weren’t the ones large cities. In our work, which opment funds? Or will they use
ing a smaller share of public holds in a census tract earn less most likely to receive money. looked at more than 15,000 cen- these funds to bolster the hard-
funds to your community. And than that income, then the tract The disadvantaged get less sus tracts in nearly 1,300 cities, est hit and economically disad-
you would typically be right. is eligible for LMI funding. As scholars of political sci- we concluded that these effects vantaged communities?
This is the case even with aren’t limited to a small number Cities, for their part, must
programs that have been spe- of urban communities. confront trade-offs regarding
cifically designed to benefit What’s more, economic devel- the type of investments to make
low-income communities. Over opment policies already wors- and where to make them. For
the long run, federal funds tend en these effects. Property tax cities, this could mean using
to flow toward areas that are abatements and other tax pol- funds to build a public park in
relatively better off. icies aimed at attracting busi- a wealthier neighborhood or to
That’s what we found in a re- nesses and development often repair a youth services center in
cent study of the U.S. Depart- leave schools deprived of critical a very low-income community.
ment of Housing and Urban funding, which exacerbates so- If these examples seem stark,
Development’s Community De- cial and racial inequities. consider that Pharr, Texas, used
velopment Block Grant program. This isn’t just a problem with a portion of its CDBG funds to
We looked at 20 years of data federal programs. The political buy equipment to host festivals,
from the CDBG program, which scientist Jessica Trounstine, in and the council in Comstock
in 2022 provided about $4.3 bil- her influential 2018 book “Seg- Township, Michigan, unani-
lion to cities and states across regation by Design,” has shown mously decided to use CDBG
the country. Federal rules re- that cities distribute their pub-
quire that 70% of these funds be lic investments in ways that ❱❱ PAGE 28 Neediest areas are

March employment rate up at 96.1%,

unemployment down at 3.9%
BY ANNA LEAH GONZALES Mapa said the Labor Force annual increase, employing Economic and Development to achieve this goal. These will be
Philippine News Agency Participation Rate (LFPR) in 963,000, followed by manufac- Authority (NEDA) said the gov- accompanied by reskilling and
March 2024 was registered at turing with 553,000 new jobs, ernment remains committed to upskilling programs to increase
65.3 percent, or about 51.15 mil- and public administration and creating more high-quality jobs employability,” said NEDA Sec-
MANILA – The country's un- lion Filipinos aged 15 and above defense with 229,000 addition- for Filipinos and fostering a re- retary Arsenio Balisacan.
employment rate in March this who were either employed or al employed individuals. silient workforce. Balisacan said a medium- and
year was estimated at 3.9 per- unemployed. Underemployed persons – or “We will continue to priori- long-term Foreign Investment
cent, lower than the recorded The employment rate in those who expressed the de- tize creating high-quality and Promotion and Marketing Plan
4.7 percent in March last year, March 2024 was recorded at sire to have additional hours well-paying jobs to address the (FIPMP) is underway and target-
National Statistician Dennis 96.1 percent, higher than the of work in their current job rising issues of vulnerable em- ed to be completed by June 30.
Mapa said. 95.3 percent estimate in March or to have an additional job or ployment. We will focus on at- The Inter-Agency Invest-
In a briefing on Wednesday, of the previous year. to have a new job with longer tracting job-generating invest- ment Promotion Coordination
Mapa said the number of un- Several sectors contributed hours of work – also declined to ments from the private sector Committee, established follow-
employed Filipinos during the to employment gains. 5.39 million in March from last and scaling up social and physical ing the amendment of the For-
month went down to 2 million The wholesale and retail year's 5.44 million. infrastructure to improve our
from 2.42 million in March 2023. trade sector saw the highest In a statement, the National people’s employment prospects ❱❱ PAGE 28 March employment
26 MAY 10, 2024 FRIDAY

AI can now generate entire songs
on demand. What does this mean
for music as we know it?
BY OLIVER BOWN, UNSW This integration is a small from an exclusive high art form one with a tune, some lyrics, or production and consumption
Sydney but remarkable feat. The sys- to more of an everyday language a funny idea can now express So Udio’s declaration that
The Conversation tems are very good at making – think what smartphones have themselves in music”, I don’t anyone can express themselves
up coherent songs that sound done to photography. feel I have enough control to in music is an interesting provo-
expressively “sung” (there I go So imagine you could send express myself with these tools. cation. The people who use tools
In March, we saw the launch anthropomorphising). your father a professionally I can see them being useful like Suno and Udio may be con-
of a “ChatGPT for music” called The effect can be uncanny. I produced song all about him for to seed raw materials for ma- sidered more consumers of mu-
Suno, which uses generative know it’s AI, but the voice can his birthday, with minimal cost nipulation, much like samples sic AI experiences than creators
AI to produce realistic songs still cut through with emo- and effort, in a style of his pref- and field recordings. But when of music AI works, or as with
on demand from short text tional impact. When the music erence – a modern-day birth- I’m seeking to express myself, I many technological impacts, we
prompts. A few weeks later, a performs a perfectly executed day card. Researchers have long need control. may need to come up with new
similar competitor – Udio – ar- end-of-bar pirouette into a new considered this eventuality, Using Suno, I had some fun concepts for what they’re doing.
rived on the scene. section, my brain gets some and now we can do it. Happy finding the most gnarly dark A shift to generative music
I’ve been working with various of those little sparks of pat- birthday, dad! techno grooves I could get out may draw attention away from
creative computational tools for tern-processing joy that I might Can you create without of it. The result was something I current forms of musical culture,
the past 15 years, both as a re- get listening to a great band. control? would absolutely use in a track. just as the era of recorded mu-
searcher and a producer, and the To me this highlights some- Whatever these systems have But I found I could also just sic saw the diminishing (but not
recent pace of change has floored thing sometimes missed about achieved and may achieve in the gladly listen. I felt no compul- death) of orchestral music, which
me. As I’ve argued elsewhere, the musical expression: AI doesn’t near future, they face a glaring sion to add anything or manip- was once the only way to hear
view that AI systems will never need to experience emotions limitation: the lack of control. ulate the result to add my mark. complex, timbrally rich and loud
make “real” music like humans and life events to successfully Text prompts are often not And many jurisdictions have music. If engagement in these
do should be understood more as express them in music that res- much good as precise instruc- declared that you won’t be new types of music culture and
a claim about social context than onates with people. tions, especially in music. So awarded copyright for some- exchange explodes, we may see
technical capability. Music as an everyday language these tools are fit for blind thing just because you prompt- reduced engagement in the tra-
The argument “sure, it Like other generative AI search – a kind of wandering ed it into existence with AI. ditional music consumption of
can make expressive, com- products, Suno and Udio were through the space of possibili- For a start, the output depends artists, bands, radio and playlists.
plex-structured, natu- trained on vast amounts of ex- ties – but not for accurate con- just as much on everything that While it is too early to tell
ral-sounding, virtuosic, original isting work by real humans – trol. (That’s not to diminish went into the AI – including the what the impact will be, we
music which can stir human and there is much debate about their value. Blind search can be creative work of millions of oth- should be attentive. The effort
emotions, but AI can’t make those humans’ intellectual a powerful creative force.) er artists. Arguably, you didn’t to defend existing creators’ in-
proper music” can easily begin property rights. Viewing these tools as a prac- do the work of creation. You tellectual property protections,
to sound like something from a Nevertheless, these tools tising music producer, things simply requested it. a significant moral rights issue,
Monty Python sketch. may mark the dawn of main- look very different. Although New musical experiences is part of this equation.
After playing with Suno and stream AI music culture. They Udio’s about page says “any- in the no-man’s land between But even if it succeeds I be-
Udio, I’ve been thinking about offer new forms of musical en- lieve it won’t fundamentally ad-
what it is exactly they change – gagement that people will just dress this potentially explosive
and what they might mean not want to use, to explore, to play shift in culture, and claims that
only for the way professionals with and actually listen to for such music might be inferior
and amateur artists create music, their own enjoyment. also have had little effect in halt-
but the way all of us consume it. AI capable of “end to end” ing cultural change historically,
Expressing emotion with- music creation is arguably not as with techno or even jazz, long
out feeling it technology for makers of music, ago. Government AI policies
Generating audio from text but for consumers of music. For may need to look beyond these
prompts in itself is nothing new. now it remains unclear whether issues to understand how mu-
However, Suno and Udio have users of Udio and Suno are cre- sic works socially and to ensure
made an obvious development: ators or consumers – or wheth- that our musical cultures are
from a simple text prompt, they er the distinction is even useful. vibrant, sustainable, enriching
generate song lyrics (using a A long-observed phenome- and meaningful for both indi-
ChatGPT-like text generator), non in creative technologies is viduals and communities. ■
feed them into a generative voice that as something becomes eas-
model, and integrate the “vocals” ier and cheaper to produce, it is This article is republished
with generated music to produce used for more casual expression. from The Conversation under a
a coherent song segment. As a result, the medium goes Creative Commons license.
FRIDAY MAY 10, 2024 Technology 27

What to expect from the next generation of

chatbots: OpenAI’s GPT-5 and Meta’s Llama-3
BY ABDUL SADKA, Aston be able to learn from this with Therefore, it will be capable
University the aim of providing more cus- of taking an image as input to
The Conversation tomised answers. provide a detailed description
This could enable smarter en- of the image content. Equally, it
vironments at home and in the can automatically create a new
Recently, there has been a workplace. GPT-5 will be more image that matches the user’s
flurry of publicity about the compatible with what’s known prompt, or text description.
planned upgrades to OpenAI’s as the Internet of Things, where It will be able to perform tasks
ChatGPT AI-powered chat- devices in the home and else- in languages other than English
bot and Meta’s Llama system, where are connected and share and will have a larger context
which powers the company’s information. It should also help window than Llama 2. A context
chatbots across Facebook and support the concept known as window reflects the range of text
Instagram. industry 5.0, where humans and that the LLM can process at the
The technology behind these machines operate interactively time the information is generat-
systems is known as a large within the same workplace. ed. This implies that the mod-
language model (LLM). These GPT-5 will feature more ro- el will be able to handle larger
are artificial neural networks, bust security protocols that chunks of text or data within a
a type of AI designed to mimic make this version more robust shorter period of time when it is
the human brain. They can gen- to communicate and interact emotional intelligence, allowing against malicious use and mis- asked to make predictions and
erate general purpose text, for with the system. This includes for more empathic interactions handling. It could be used to generate responses.
chatbots, and perform language greater mastery of language with users. This could be useful enhance email security by en- Meta is planning to launch
processing tasks such as classi- translation. The upgrade will in a range of settings, including abling users to recognise poten- Llama-3 in several different
fying concepts, analysing data also have an improved ability customer service. GPT-5 will tial data security breaches or versions to be able to work with
and translating text. to interpret the context of dia- also display a significant im- phishing attempts. a variety of other applications,
They acquire these abilities logue and interpret the nuances provement in the accuracy of Overall, the upgrade from Ope- including Google Cloud. Meta
through an intensive process of language. how it searches for and retrieves nAI should be more versatile, announced that more basic ver-
known as training, where the Compared to its predecessor, information, making it a more more energy efficient in its com- sions of Llama-3 will be rolled
AI system is exposed to vast GPT-5 will have more advanced reliable source for learning. putations and offer a more adapt- out soon, ahead of the release
amounts of data in an effort reasoning capabilities, meaning It is said to go far beyond the able and personalised service. of the most advanced version,
to improve what it does. Ope- it will be able to analyse more functions of a typical search en- Meta’s Llama upgrade which is expected next summer.
nAI and Meta are expected to complex data sets and per- gine that finds and extracts rele- Llama-3 is Meta’s competitor The transition to this new
release the newer versions of form more sophisticated prob- vant information from existing to GPT-5. It features several im- generation of chatbots could
their chatbots – called GPT-5 lem-solving. The reasoning will information repositories, to- provements compared to its pre- not only revolutionise genera-
and Llama 3, respectively, be- enable the AI system to take wards generating new content. decessor, Llama-2. It is a more tive AI, but also mark the start
fore the end of summer 2024. informed decisions by learning GPT-5 is also expected to capable model that will eventual- of a new era in human-machine
But how will these differ from from new experiences. show higher levels of fairness ly come with 400 billion param- interaction that could trans-
their predecessors and what Hence, it will be able to pro- and inclusion in the content it eters compared to a maximum of form industries and societies
value will they add? vide more accurate informa- generates due to additional ef- 70 billion for its predecessor Lla- on a global scale. It will affect
Like its predecessor GPT-4, tion to users. For instance, the forts put in by OpenAI to reduce ma-2. In machine learning, a pa- the way people work, learn, re-
GPT-5 will be capable of under- system’s improved analytical biases in the language model. rameter is a term that represents ceive healthcare, communicate
standing images and text. For in- capabilities will allow it to sug- It will be able to interact in a a variable in the AI system that with the world and each other.
stance, users will be able to ask it gest possible medical conditions more intelligent manner with can be adjusted during the train- It will make businesses and or-
to describe an image, making it from symptoms described by the other devices and machines, ing process, in order to improve ganisations more efficient and
even more accessible to people user. GPT-5 can process up to including smart systems in the its ability to make accurate pre- effective, more agile to change,
with visual impairments. 50,000 words at a time, which is home. The GPT-5 should be dictions. and so more profitable. ■
However, GPT-5 will have twice as many as GPT-4 can do, able to analyse and interpret Llama-3 will also be multi-
superior capabilities with dif- making it even better equipped data generated by these other modal, which means it is ca- This article is republished
ferent languages, making it pos- to handle large documents. machines and incorporate it pable of processing and gen- from The Conversation under a
sible for non-English speakers It will feature a higher level of into user responses. It will also erating text, images and video. Creative Commons license.

Maria Goes To.. Bitcoin climbs above..

❰❰ 22 reminded us that the all, I was truly impressed and tographer, everybody’s favou- spend the whole day enjoying ❰❰ 24 to market, known as
heroic legacy of Datu proud that the first Lapu Lapu rite, William Orsua. Through and savouring Filipino culture dominance, was at 53.3
Lapu Lapu and the les- Day Block Party was able to his creative eye, he was able to come rain or shine! ■ percent and Ethereum's
sons of our rich Filipino history unite people from different gen- capture moments of happiness, dominance was at 15.9 percent.
can truly bridge gaps, strength- erations, backgrounds, and even cultural pride, unity, creativi- Matte Laurel-Zalko is a former The selloff in the cryptocurren-
en the bonds of communities, various ethnicities for a day of ty, and peace. All of which truly restaurateur and hotelier, a moth- cy market last week came as in-
and allows us to celebrate the fun and celebrating Filipino cul- describe what Filipino culture er, a wife, a health and wellness vestors' demand has waned in Bit-
buoyant and rich tapestry of cul- ture at its finest. is truly about! Don’t miss next aficionado, food and wine enthu- coin since its halving last month,
tures that make up the mosaic of The whole event was captured year’s Lapu Lapu Day Block Par- siast, a dog-lover, and lifestyle col- and Binance's former CEO and
Philippines and the Province of by none other than Pinoy pride ty on April 27! Already, my hus- umnist exclusively for Philippine co-founder was sentenced to four
British Columbia alike. Above and the super talented pho- band and I will make sure we can Canadian Inquirer (PCI). months in prison. ■
28 MAY 10, 2024 FRIDAY

Venus is losing.. The National Aboriginal..

❰❰ 21 Volatile EvolutioN, or of the puzzle of how water is There is also a need for new ❰❰ 23 digenous and broader developments led to the cre-
MAVEN, mission, a sat- lost from planets, which affects Venus missions and observa- sport history. ation of the 1992 Sport: The
ellite orbiting Mars. how habitable a planet is for tions. Future Venus missions will Moving beyond Way Ahead and 1998 Sport:
Having data collected in Ve- life. We’ve learned that water provide some atmospheric mea- deficit perspectives Everybody’s Business policies,
nus’ atmosphere to back up the loss happens not just in one fell surements, but they won’t focus The NAHC provides Indige- as well as the North American
model would be valuable, but swoop, but over time through a on the upper atmosphere where nous youth the chance to cele- Indigenous Games, Aboriginal
previous missions to Venus ha- combination of methods. most HCO⁺ dissociative recom- brate their culture and partic- Sport Circle, and, eventually,
ven’t measured HCO⁺ – not be- Faster hydrogen loss today bination takes place. A future Ve- ipate in sports at an elite level the National Aboriginal Hockey
cause it’s not there, but because via DR means that less time nus upper atmosphere mission, and also tackles the deficit per- Championship in 2002.
they weren’t designed to detect is required overall to remove similar to the MAVEN mission at spective commonly applied to By facilitating an opportu-
it. They did, however, measure the remaining water from Ve- Mars, could vastly expand every- Indigeneity. nity for Indigenous Peoples to
the reactants that produce nus. This means that if oceans one’s knowledge of how terrestri- In research, a deficit perspec- participate in sports against the
HCO⁺ in Venus’ atmosphere. were ever present on early al planets’ atmospheres form and tive treats individuals as the sub- best in the nation, the tourna-
By analyzing measurements Venus, they could have been evolve over time. ject of numerous problems that ment honours the resiliency of
made by Pioneer Venus, a com- present for longer than scien- With the technological ad- need “solving.” This perspective Indigenous Peoples while em-
bination orbiter and probe mis- tists thought before water loss vancements of recent decades “continues to reinforce to oth- phasizing notions of commu-
sion that studied Venus from through hydrodynamic escape and a flourishing new interest ers what is not working, while nity and presenting youth with
1978-1992, and using our knowl- and DR started. This would pro- in Venus, now is an excellent failing to "actively seek out and the opportunity to grow per-
edge of chemistry, we demon- vide more time for possible life time to turn our eyes toward report on what is working well.” sonally and professionally.
strated that HCO⁺ should be to arise. Our results don’t mean Earth’s sister planet. ■ In this specific context, the One unique way the NAHC
present in the atmosphere in oceans or life were definitely term deficit perspective refers commits to this strengths-
similar amounts to our model. present, though – answering This article is republished to language and practices (most based approach is evident in
Follow the water that question will require lots from The Conversation under a often from non-Indigenous the distribution of tournament
Our work has filled in a piece more science over many years. Creative Commons license. people) that emphasize the awards. As part of the closing
problems, issues and failures — ceremonies, each team sits in
both historical and present — of the stands with award recipi-
Indigenous Peoples. ents being called down to the ice
Neediest areas are.. Because a deficit perspective fo- while being cheered on by both
cuses on highlighting what is miss- teammates and opponents.
❰❰ 25 funds to expand the turn-on-investment justification. for youth programs, services ing or absent in one group versus Because it puts a strengths-
water capacity at a lo- What governments can do for the disabled, or even subsis- the dominant other, it leads to the based approach in practice by
cal craft brewery. Fortunately, policymakers tence payments – to ensure that continuing subjugation of Indig- centering and celebrating In-
Both activities may be im- aren’t powerless. Our research neighborhoods with the great- enous events and evolving tradi- digenous sporting excellence,
portant for economic develop- indicates there are steps that all est need receive these funds. tions, including the NAHC. The NAHC challenges the
ment; qualifying these activities levels of government can take. They should also work with For numerous reasons, In- deficit-based perspective that
as community development, At the federal level, the U.S. community development or- digenous Peoples are routine- so often informs research and
however, neglects the focus on Department of Housing and Ur- ganizations and neighborhood ly the subject of deficit-based reporting on Indigenous sport.
helping those with the least. ban Development might tighten groups when considering their research. If performed exclu- For this reason, the NAHC
From the federal government the requirements around how it, spending priorities. sively and without engaging maintains an important posi-
down to city governments, law- as well as state and local govern- Getting community input Indigenous communities, defi- tion in the Canadian hockey
makers are increasingly focused ments, distributes CDBG dollars. is especially important. That’s cit-perspective research has landscape as a successful and
on improving social equity. The Over the years, scholars have because, as our research found, the potential to harm relation- lasting example of Indigenous
reality is that many cities in the sought changes to the funding the poorest neighborhoods ships between Indigenous and athletic excellence. ■
U.S. are profoundly unequal, and formula to improve equity. were more likely to receive settler communities.
the most disinvested communi- Since states decide how CDBG CDBG funds when communi- Shifting sport policy Lucas Rotondo, a research
ties are already plagued with so- funds are allocated to local gov- ty development corporations Throughout the late 1980s assistant and undergraduate
cioeconomic challenges. Adults ernments, they could play a key – nonprofit organizations that and 1990s, the focus of Cana- student from Sport Manage-
and children in these environ- role in improving social equity represent local interests – par- dian sport policy shifted from ment at Brock University, co-au-
ments often live with an in- access. Specifically, they could ticipated in decision-making. elite sport and national sport- thored this article. The authors
creased risk of everything from get rid of competitive bidding In community development, ing excellence towards the in- also acknowledge the extensive
asthma to toxic exposure to lead. processes for these funds and as in so much of life, it matters clusion and participation of contribution of Mel Whitesell,
That’s why it’s so concerning instead prioritize local govern- who has a seat at the table. ■ marginalized communities. executive director of the Manito-
that programs designed to reduce ments with higher needs. As a result, Indigenous ba Aboriginal Sports and Recre-
inequality in disinvested com- Finally, local governments This article is republished sport leaders and organiza- ation Council.
munities may be systematically could consider using redistrib- from The Conversation under a tions participated in sport This article is republished
targeted toward relatively bet- utive spending mechanisms – Creative Commons license. policy development alongside from The Conversation under a
ter-off neighborhoods with a re- such as providing CDBG funds the federal government. These Creative Commons license.

March employment..
❰❰ 25 eign Investment Act, as data science, analytics, and hard skills among workers and of the Konektadong Pinoy Bill, He added that the conduct of
leads the formulation artificial intelligence. create a more agile and adaptive which NEDA expects to reduce a timely review of the minimum
of the FIPMP. “For the government to sus- workforce, we at NEDA contin- costs and expand access. wage rate and the study on the
Balisacan said the govern- tain a robust labor market and ue to advocate for the passage “Digital connectivity can improvement of the wage ad-
ment also plans to enrich the reap the benefits of the demo- of the Apprenticeship Bill, Life- provide the workforce with justment process will help in
content of training programs graphic dividend, it must en- long Learning Bill, and the En- more opportunities, particu- sustaining employment gains
for workers and employers sure that people are healthy, ed- terprise Productivity Act,” Bal- larly for individuals engaged in while safeguarding workers’
by integrating courses on ad- ucated, and skilled. To facilitate isacan said. care work and other household purchasing power amid elevat-
vanced productivity tools such the development of soft and He also called for the passage responsibilities,” he said. ed prices. ■
FRIDAY MAY 10, 2024 29

Yes, adults can develop food allergies.
Here are 4 types you need to know about
BY CLARE COLLINS, diated food allergies in adults in have bitten those mammals. allergic reaction. with symptoms ranging from
University of Newcastle a US survey were to: When tick saliva crosses into The most allergenic tree pol- hives and swelling, to difficulty
The Conversation • shellfish (2.9%) your body through the bite, an- lens are from birch, cypress, breathing and anaphylaxis.
• cow’s milk (1.9%) tibodies to α-Gal are produced. Japanese cedar, latex, grass, Common trigger foods in-
• peanut (1.8%) When you subsequently eat and ragweed. Their pollen can clude wheat, seafood, meat,
If you didn’t have food allergies • tree nuts (1.2%) foods that contain α-Gal, the al- cross-react with fruit and veg- poultry, egg, milk, nuts, grapes,
as a child, is it possible to develop • fin fish (0.9%) like barra- lergy is triggered. These trigger- etables, including kiwi, banana, celery and other foods, which
them as an adult? The short an- mundi, snapper, salmon, cod ing foods include meat (lamb, mango, avocado, grapes, celery, could have been eaten many
swer is yes. But the reasons why and perch. beef, pork, rabbit, kangaroo), carrot and potato, and some hours before exercising.
are much more complicated. In these adults, about 45% re- dairy products (yoghurt, cheese, herbs such as caraway, corian- To complicate things even
Preschoolers are about four ported reacting to multiple foods. ice-cream, cream), animal-or- der, fennel, pepper and paprika. further, allergic reactions can
times more likely to have a This compares to most com- igin gelatin added to gummy Fruit-pollen allergy is not occur at lower levels of trig-
food allergy than adults and are mon childhood food allergies: foods (jelly, lollies, marshmal- common. Prevalence estimates ger-food exposure, and be more
more likely to grow out of it as cow’s milk, egg, peanut and soy. low), prescription medications are between 0.03% and 8% de- severe if the person is simulta-
they get older. Overall, adult food allergy and over-the counter supple- pending on the country, but it can neously taking non-steroidal
It’s hard to get accurate fig- prevalence appears to be in- ments containing gelatin (some be life-threatening. Reactions inflammatory medications like
ures on adult food allergy prev- creasing. Compared to older antibiotics, vitamins and other range from itching or tingling of aspirin, drinking alcohol or is
alence. The Australian National surveys published in 2003 and supplements). lips, mouth, tongue and throat, sleep-deprived.
Allergy Council reports one in 2004, peanut allergy prev- Tick-meat allergy reactions called oral allergy syndrome, to Food-dependent exercise-in-
50 adultshave food allergies. alence has increased about can be hard to recognise because mild hives, to anaphylaxis. duced allergy is extremely rare.
But a US survey suggested as three-fold (from 0.6%), while they’re usually delayed, and they 4. Food-dependent, exer- Surveys have estimated preva-
many as one in ten adults were tree nuts and fin fish roughly can be severe and include ana- cise-induced food allergy lence as between one to 17 cas-
allergic to at least one food, doubled (from 0.5% each), with phylaxis. Allergy organisations During heavy exercise, the es per 1,000 people worldwide
with some developing allergies shellfish similar (2.5%). produce management guide- stomach produces less acid with the highest prevalence be-
in adulthood. While new adult-onset food lines, so always discuss manage- than usual and gut permea- tween the teenage years to age
What is a food allergy allergies are increasing, child- ment with your doctor. bility increases, meaning that 35. Those affected often have
Food allergies are immune re- hood-onset food allergies are 3. Fruit-pollen allergy small molecules in your gut are other allergic conditions such
actions involving immunoglob- also more likely to be retained Fruit-pollen allergy, called pol- more likely to escape across as hay fever, asthma, allergic
ulin E (IgE) – an antibody that’s into adulthood. Possible reasons len food allergy syndrome, is an the membrane into your blood. conjunctivitis and dermatitis.
central to triggering allergic for both include low vitamin D IgE-mediated allergic reaction. These include food molecules Allergies are a growing
responses. These are known as status, lack of immune system In susceptible adults, pollen that trigger an IgE reaction. burden
“IgE-mediated food allergies”. challenges due to being overly in the air provokes the produc- If the person already has IgE The burden on physical
Food allergy symptoms that “clean”, heightened sensitisation tion of IgE antibodies to anti- antibodies to the foods eat- health, psychological health
are not mediated by IgE are due to allergen avoidance, and gens in the pollen, but these en before exercise, then the and health costs due to food
usually delayed reactions and more frequent antibiotic use. antigens are similar to ones risk of triggering food allergy allergy is increasing. In the US,
called food intolerances or hy- 2. Tick-meat allergy found in some fruits, vegetables reactions is increased. This this financial burden was esti-
persensitivity. Tick-meat allergy, also called and herbs. The problem is that allergy is called food-depen- mated as $24 billion per year.
Food allergy symptoms can α-Gal syndrome or mammalian eating those plants triggers an dent exercise-induced allergy, Adult food allergy needs to be
include hives, swelling, difficul- meat allergy, is an allergic reac- taken seriously and those with
ty swallowing, vomiting, throat tion to galactose-alpha-1,3-ga- severe symptoms should wear
or chest tightening, trouble lactose, or α-Gal for short. a medical information bracelet
breathing, chest pain, rapid Australian immunologists or chain and carry an adrenaline
heart rate, dizziness, low blood first reported links between auto-injector pen. Concerning-
pressure or anaphylaxis. α-Gal syndrome and tick bites ly, surveys suggest only about
IgE-mediated food allergies in 2009, with cases also report- one in four adults with food al-
can be life threatening, so all ed in the United States, Japan, lergy have an adrenaline pen.
adults need an action manage- Europe and South Africa. The If you have an IgE-mediated
ment plan developed in consul- US Centers for Disease Control food allergy, discuss your man-
tation with their medical team. estimates about 450,000 Amer- agement plan with your doctor.
Here are four IgE-mediat- icans could be affected. You can also find more informa-
ed food allergies that can oc- The α-Gal contains a carbohy- tion at Allergy and Anaphylaxis
cur in adults – from relatively drate molecule that is bound to a Australia. ■
common ones to rare allergies protein molecule in mammals.
you’ve probably never heard of. The IgE-mediated allergy is This article is republished
1. Single food allergies triggered after repeated bites from The Conversation under a
The most common IgE-me- from ticks or chigger mites that Creative Commons license.
30 MAY 10, 2024 FRIDAY

Romblon’s Bonbon DOT positions PH
named 1 of world’s as Muslim-friendly
top 50 beaches destination at travel fair
BY JOYCE ANN L. described as Palawan's "over- BY MA. TERESA
ROCAMORA looked slice of heaven". MONTEMAYOR
Philippine News Agency "Loved for its amazing seclu- Philippine News Agency
sion, Entalula Beach in Palawan,
Philippines, impresses with its
MANILA – Romblon prov- striking limestone cliffs that MANILA – Department
ince’s Bonbon Beach has earned provide a stunning and dramat- of Tourism (DOT) Secretary
a spot in the prestigious 2024 ic backdrop to its white, sandy Christina Garcia Frasco has
World's Top 50 Beaches list, the shores," its description read. positioned the country as a
Department of Tourism (DOT) "The water is remarkably clear, Muslim-friendly destination
has announced. providing excellent conditions for through a "listening session"
Joining the province was an- both swimming and snorkeling, with tourism players from the
other Mimaropa destination, the where visitors can explore vibrant Middle East.
Entalula Island in El Nido, Pala- coral reefs just a short swim from Frasco met with some 90
wan, placing fourth out of 50 and the shore," it added. travel and tourism stakeholders
further positioning the region as El Nido’’s Hidden Beach, from the Middle East market
a premier beach destination. meanwhile, cemented its place on the sidelines of the Arabian MOU SIGNING. Tourism Secretary Christina Garcia Frasco and Megaworld Hotels
The list hailed Bonbon as in the recognition site’s Hall of Travel Market (ATM) 2024 on & Resorts Managing Director Cleofe Albiso lead the signing of a Memorandum of
a "laid-back paradise" with a Fame for beaches, having con- Monday. Understanding to establish more Muslim-friendly properties in the Philippines on
unique natural sandbar that sistently ranked among the top She said the Philippines and the sidelines of the Arabian Travel Market 2024 on Monday (May 6, 2024) in Dubai,
stretches out to Bangug Island. beaches, globally. the Middle Eastern countries United Arab Emirates. Frasco has positioned the country as a Muslim-friendly
"The beach itself is undevel- The 24 World’s Top 50 Beach- share common culture, history destination through a "listening session" with tourism players from the Middle East.
oped, preserving its serene and es list is based on the votes of and religion that have shaped (DEPARTMENT OF TOURISM - PHILIPPINES/FACEBOOK)

unspoiled charm. The sand is more than a thousand travel both nations including the rich
fine and white, while the water professionals. Islamic heritage. percent recovery from UAE, Philippines.
is incredibly clear, providing According to the list’s web- “The Islamic influence con- 547 percent from Qatar and 130 Through MOU, all MegaWor-
lovely swimming conditions site, the voters were not given nects the Philippines to the percent from Kuwait. ld properties commit to be Ha-
without big waves," its descrip- any specific criteria as to what broader Islamic world, includ- Frasco said there are already lal- and Muslim-friendly.
tion of Bonbon read. makes a beach the best but were ing the Middle East, fostering a over one million seats from the Frasco said they would also
"As a lesser-known destina- asked to describe why they shared appreciation for Islam- region coming into the Philip- be the DOT’s partners in fur-
tion, Bon Bon Beach offers a think it is the best. ic traditions, architecture and pines in 2023. thering the country brand, Love
quiet retreat compared to more Each vote was accompanied by cultural customs," she said. “The Muslim travel market is the Philippines, and in ensur-
tourist-heavy spots, so much so a compelling description, adding Following a citation it earned poised to significantly contrib- ing the Filipinization of resort
that often you could have this depth to the selection process during the Halal in Travel Glob- ute to the growth of the global properties all over the country.
beach all to yourself," it added. and making sure extra thought al Summit 2023, the Philippine tourism industry, with arrivals “We know that we are looking
The less frequented Enta- was put into the vote, it said. ■ government under the admin- expected to reach 140 million forward to our full support and
lula, on the other hand, was istration of President Ferdi- by the end of 2023 and an esti- utmost cooperation and mak-
nand R. Marcos Jr. reinforced mated expenditure of USD225 ing sure that we attract and also
its position as an emerging billion by 2028,” she said. create stronger ties in attract-
Muslim-friendly destination. MOU signing ing our Muslim brothers and
"Since then, we have eyed this Frasco also led the opening of sisters, which we need so much
niche market by strategically the Philippine Pavilion at the ATM in our country,” Albiso said.
developing our Halal Tourism 2024 at the Dubai World Trade Under the MOU, the DOT will
portfolio, offering Halal-cer- Center where she underscored the engage MHR as partner in car-
tified dining, increasing halal significance of the country’s par- rying out the 2025 National Ac-
accreditations, and conducting ticipation in the event. commodation Standards, Halal
Halal awareness orientations," During the event, Frasco and and Muslim-friendly Tourism
Frasco said. Megaworld Hotels and Resorts Standards and Guidelines, Balik
In terms of the recovery of (MHR) Managing Director Bayani sa Turismo, Philippine
international arrivals from the Cleofe Albiso signed a mem- Retirement Authority-accred-
Middle East into the Philip- orandum of understanding ited merchant, and the Filipino
Discover the charm of Bon Bon Beach in Romblon, Romblon as it makes it to the pines in 2023 from 2019 pre (MOU) to establish more Mus- Brand of Wellness. ■
45th spot on the best beaches list. (DEPARTMENT OF TOURISM - PHILIPPINES/FACEBOOK) pandemic, there has been 419 lim-friendly properties in the
MAY 17,
JULY 10, 2020
2024 cx328



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