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ABSTRACT - Public Service is an activity or series of public services. The government as the provider of public
activities in the framework of fulfilling service needs based services is responsible for the delivery of services including the
on statutory regulations for every citizen and population of problems that arise as a result of the implementation of public
goods and services, and/or administrative services provided services. Whereas the implementation of public services is the
by public service providers (Law No. 25 of 2009). The government's effort to meet the needs of the community.
delivery of public services is based on the principles of public Public service providers are all state-run institutions,
interest, legal certainty, equality of rights, the balance of corporations, independent institutions formed under the law for
rights and obligations, professionalism, participation, public service activities, and other legal entities formed solely
equality of treatment and non-discrimination, openness, for public service activities. The organizer of the work unit is
accountability, facilities and special treatment for vulnerable the leader of the work unit that directly oversees one or more
groups, timeliness, and speed, convenience, and affordability. work units that carry out public services. Public service
The poor public services so far have prompted a crisis of delivery organizations or organizing organizations are work
public trust in the bureaucrats. The crisis of public trust was units of public service providers that are within the
actualized in the form of anarchist protests and environment of state administering institutions, corporations,
demonstrations caused by public disappointment at the independent institutions established under the law for public
performance of the bureaucracy. The issue of service activities, and other legal entities formed solely for
democratization has increasingly strengthened the position of public service activities. Public service implementers are
civil society to claim their rights as citizens to obtain an officials, employees, officers, and everyone who works in an
effective, efficient and fair public service from the organizing organization tasked with carrying out an action or
bureaucracy. The current performance of the bureaucracy is series of public service actions. The community is all parties,
confronted with various problems, such as inadequate both citizens and residents as individuals, groups and legal
competence and professionalism of the bureaucratic entities that are the beneficiaries of public services, both
apparatus to carry out their duties and functions as well as directly and indirectly. (Law No. 25 of 2009) [1].
the lack of ethics and morals of the bureaucrat apparatus so The state is obliged to serve every citizen and
that it has not been able to carry out optimal public services population to fulfill their basic rights and needs within the
to the public. framework of public services which are mandated by the 1945
Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia, building public trust
Keywords: Performance, Bureaucrats, Service, Public in public services performed by public service providers is an
activity that must be carried out in line with expectations and
demands of all citizens and residents regarding the
I. INTRODUCTION improvement of public services, as an effort to reinforce the
According to Law No. 25 of 2009, Public Service is an rights and obligations of every citizen and population and the
activity or series of activities in the framework of fulfilling realization of state and corporate responsibilities in the
service needs according to the statutory regulations for every administration of public services, required legal norms that
citizen and resident of goods and services, and/or provide clear regulation, in an effort to improve quality and
administrative services provided by public service providers guarantee the provision of public services in accordance with
(Article 1 paragraph 1). Public service providers are the general principles of good governance and corporation and
government officials who carry out the duties and functions of
to provide protection for every citizen and citizen from abuse of cheaper government). The reinventing government agenda rests
authority in the administration of public services on the principle of customer-driven government. The
The implementation of public services according to instrument of this principle is the reversal of the mental model
Law No. 25 of 2009 is carried out based on the principles: of bureaucrats from conditions that prefer to be served to prefer
public interest, legal certainty, equal rights, balance of rights to serve. The old paradigm places the bureaucratic leader in the
and obligations, professionalism, participatory equality of highest pyramid with the citizen (customer) at the bottom.
treatment and non-discrimination, openness, accountability, Instead, the new paradigm places the citizen (customer) at the
facilities and special treatment for vulnerable groups , top position with the bureaucratic leader at the lowest position
timeliness, and speed, convenience, and affordability. (Osborne & Gaebler, 1999; Hardjosoekarto, 1997) [3].
Various problems faced by the people of Indonesia According to Jabbra and Dwivedi, (1989), there are
today such as more and more people who gave negative three main elements to strengthen accountability, namely
responses or expressed dissatisfaction with bureaucratic institutional management, budget control, and personnel
services that were considered slow, not transparent, and less management. In personal management, personnel is one of the
intelligent in handling various problems faced by the government resources used to carry out the administration
community. As a result, the quality of bureaucrats' services has program so that the quality of government depends on the
continued to decline. Whereas it is the bureaucrats who are quality of its personnel. From the point of view of
given enormous authority and responsibility in running the accountability, there are two most important aspects, namely
wheels of government and the welfare of society. the ethics of civil servants and the leadership of administrators,
The Indonesian bureaucracy is still one of the especially senior administrators. The main emphasis is placed
problems facing the Indonesian people today because on professionalism and progress in the field of civil service
bureaucratic reform has not been improved as expected by the development and training [4].
public. Bureaucratic reform, especially regarding the Public demands regarding the performance of the
performance of the public bureaucracy, has not changed much bureaucracy on the quality of public services continue.
because it has not been considered as an important matter by Improving the performance of bureaucrats in public services
the government. has become a public discourse because it relates to the right of
Bureaucracy in Indonesia in its development is every citizen to get services and even human rights. The poor
inseparable from the historical factors of the life of the public services so far have prompted a crisis of public trust in
Indonesian people. The current bureaucracy is a long history the bureaucrats. The crisis of actualized public trust in the form
starting from the era of the kingdom whose people are still very of protests and demonstrations that tend to be anarchic is
simple, the colonial period to the relatively modern people. The caused by public disappointment at the performance of the
country of Indonesia is a developing country, and its people are bureaucracy.
in a transition from traditional society to modern society. The Increasingly the issue of democratization has
Indonesian nation which had experienced colonialism for a strengthened the position of civil society to demand their rights
long time greatly affected the conditions of the government as citizens to get public services from the bureaucracy that is
bureaucracy in Indonesia. This can be seen in a number of effective and efficient and fair. The current performance of the
problems such as employee recruitment, promotion, and task bureaucracy is confronted with various problems such as
implementation prioritizing individual loyalty to the leadership inadequate competence and professionalism of the bureaucratic
and must be based on the wishes of the leadership, and not how apparatus to carry out its duties and functions as well as the
the interests of the community take precedence so that the right lack of ethics and morals of the bureaucrat apparatus so that it
man on the right place is never achieved. The influence of the has not been able to carry out optimal public services to the
Indonesian royal system in the past as well as a monarchical public.
colonial government system in which state officials or state Improving the performance of the bureaucracy in
officials are considered priyai so there is a culture of shyness providing public services is an increasingly important issue to
towards superiors even though superiors make deviations immediately get the attention of all parties. The bureaucracy
(Sinambela, 2010: 61) [2] that has a poor performance in providing services to the public
The rapid advancement of science and technology will greatly affect the performance of the government and the
makes people smarter in demanding their rights as citizens. In community as a whole to improve the competitiveness of a
such circumstances, the community demands that the country in the global era. The development of the global
performance of bureaucrats in public services be increasingly environment has also contributed greatly to the bureaucracy to
improved. The increase in service demands is not only due to further enhance competitiveness in the framework of free
the increasing needs of the community but also because of the markets and the demands of globalization. The performance of
increased awareness of the community to obtain their rights. the public bureaucracy is demanded to be able to provide the
Improved services to the community as contained in best service possible. One strategy to respond to these global
the agenda of reinventing government, namely the development developments is to improve the performance of the bureaucracy
of organizations that lead to the realization of a smaller, better, in the delivery of public services because the better quality of
faster, and cheaper government (smaller, better, faster, and
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 383
public services will certainly affect the level of public trust in in carrying out the task compared with various possibilities
the government (bureaucracy). such as work standards, targets or targets or criteria that have
Osborne and Plastrik (2001), characterizing been determined beforehand and have been mutually agreed
government (bureaucracy) as expected is a government-owned upon [8]. Furthermore, according to Wexley and Yukl (1977:
by the people namely government (bureaucracy) which 99), performance is an implementation of the theory of
transfers its control authority to the community. The balance which says that a person will show optimal
community is empowered to be able to control the services achievement if he gets the benefits (benefits) and the presence
provided by the bureaucracy. With the control of the public of inducement in his work fairly and reasonably. The balance
service, the community will be better because they will have a theory above shows that optimal performance can be
better commitment, more caring and more creative in solving
achieved if there is a sense of fairness felt by employees [9].
problems. Services provided by bureaucrats are interpreted as
According to Mitchell, 1978: 158) good performance
obligations not rights because they are appointed by the
will be influenced by two things, namely the level of ability
government to serve the community. Therefore a strong
commitment must be built to serve so that services will be more and good work motivation. A person's ability is influenced by
responsive to the needs of the community and can design more his understanding of the type of work and the skills to do it.
creative and more efficient service models (Sinambela, 2010: Therefore someone must be able to improve their abilities and
4) [2]. skills. Besides, the contribution of work motivation to
performance cannot be ignored even though the ability of
employees is very good if their work motivation is low, of
II. RESEARCH METHOD course, their performance will also be low. The low
The qualitative research is conducted in a natural setting performance will certainly make the leader upset, given the
and the data collected is generally qualitative. Therefore, this decline in individual performance will directly affect the
study was a qualitative study. According to reference [5] decline in group performance, and of course, the decline in
qualitative research is a research method used to examine the group performance will significantly influence organizational
condition of natural objects, as opposed to experiments, where performance. Therefore individual performance must be
researchers are key instruments, data collection techniques are managed well and strive for the performance of subordinates
carried out by triangulation (combined), emphasizing the not to decline. The same thing was said by Randall S.
meaning of generalization [2]. Schuller and Susan E. Jackson (1999: 64-66), if a shortage of
III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION performance is found, managers must be able to do many
things to improve employee performance.
A. BUREAUCRATIC PERFORMANCE To improve employee performance, the role of the
According to Sinambela, et al (2010: 136-137) leader in motivating, directing and guiding subordinates is
Employee performance is defined as the ability of employees very important so that the services provided will satisfy the
to perform certain skills. In line with this opinion, Robbins community. With direction, guidance and good motivation
argues that performance can be interpreted as the result of an will guarantee cooperation between leaders and subordinates.
evaluation of the work done by an individual compared to the Keith Davis argues that without leadership, organizations are
criteria established by Robbins (1996: 439) [6]. Thus the two only a group of people who are chaotic, disorganized, and
concepts show that performance is more emphasized in the will not give birth to purposeful behavior. Leadership is a
process, where during the implementation of the work will be human factor that binds a group together and motivates them
made improvements so that the achievement of work or towards certain goals, both in the short term and long term.
performance results can be optimized. Besides that, a person's (Danim 2004: 18).
performance is very necessary because, with this Megginson (in Gomes, 1999: 180-181) explains the
performance, it will be known how far a person's ability to motivation of a worker to work is usually a complicated thing
carry out their duties. To know this, it is necessary to because motivation involves individuals and organizational
determine the criteria for achievement which are set together factors. Individual factors are needs (needs), goals (goals),
[2]. attitudes (attitudes), and abilities (abilities). While the factors
Prawirosentono (1999: 2), said that performance is originating from the organization include payment or salary
the work that can be achieved by a person or group of people (pay), job security (job security), fellow workers (co-
in an organization, in accordance with their respective workers), supervision (supervision), praise (praise), and the
authorities and responsibilities, in order to achieve the goals workers themselves (job itself).
of the organization concerned legally, not violating the law Scholars develop various theories to explain the
and in accordance with morals and ethics [7] . While Rivai motivation of workers in organizations. The theories can be
and Basri (2005: 14) say that the performance is the result or grouped into two main categories namely 1). Content theory
level of success of a person or overall during a certain period and 2) process theory. The content theory includes needs
theory, among others, from Maslow. Maslow's theory of
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 383
needs explains that human behavior is driven by certain behavior and decisions. Performance measurement tends to
internal stimuli (needs). Therefore this theory pays more focus on what is measured on the performance itself and to
attention to internal and external causes of behavior (needs motivate people and organizations to work to improve
and incentives). According to Gomes, there are three main performance, at least on the dimensions being monitored.
variables in explaining worker behavior, namely: a). Performance measurement helps managers and assesses the
Employee needs; b) organizational incentives; c) perceptual performance status of their institutions and measures their
outcomes. Whereas process theory places more emphasis on progress in providing effective programs (Osborne and
the process through which workers make motivational Gaebler, 1995) [3]
choices. Process or reinforcement theory states that the Furthermore, Kumorotorno (1996) uses several
behavior of a worker can be controlled by rewards and criteria to be used as guidelines in assessing the performance
punishment. (Gomes 1999: 182) of public service organizations, as follows. 1) Efficiency,
According to Dwiyanto (1995), several indicators are which involves consideration of the success of public service
usually used to measure the performance of public organizations to get profits, utilizing the factors of production
bureaucracy as follows. as well as considerations derived from economic rationality.
1. Productivity If applied objectively, criteria. like liquidity; solvency and
Productivity means not only measuring efficiency, profitability are very relevant efficiency criteria. 2).
but also service effectiveness. Productivity is generally Effectiveness, namely whether the objectives of the
understood as the ratio between input and output. The concept establishment of public service organizations are achieved?
of productivity was deemed too narrow and then the General This is closely related to technical rationality, values, mission,
Accounting Office (GAO) tried to develop a broader measure organizational goals, and the function of development agents;
of productivity by including how much public service had 3). Justice, namely questioning the distribution and allocation
expected results as an important performance indicator. of services organized by public service organizations. This
2. Quality of Service criterion is closely related to the concept of adequacy or
Quality of service tends to become increasingly appropriateness. Both question whether a certain level of
important in explaining the performance of public service effectiveness, needs, and values in society can be met. Issues
organizations. Many negative views are formed about public relating to equitable development, services to marginalized
organizations arising from public dissatisfaction with the groups, etc., will be able to be addressed through these
quality of services received from public organizations. Thus, criteria; 4). Responsiveness, unlike business, carried out by
people's satisfaction with services can be an indicator of the private companies, public service organizations are part of the
performance of public organizations. The main advantage of responsiveness of the state or government to the vital needs of
using community satisfaction as a performance indicator is the community. Therefore, the overall criteria of the
that information about community satisfaction is often easily organization must be accounted for transparently to meet the
and cheaply available. Information about satisfaction with responsiveness criteria.
service quality can often be obtained from mass media or
public discussions. As a result of access to information about B. PUBLIC SERVICE
public satisfaction with the quality of services is relatively
Public service is defined as the provision of services
very high, it can be a measure of the performance of public
(serving) the needs of people or communities who have an
organizations that are easy and inexpensive to use. Public
interest in the organization in accordance with the basic rules
satisfaction can be a parameter for assessing the performance
and procedures that have been established (Kurniawan 2005:
of public organizations.
4), Thus public service is the fulfillment of the desires and
3. Responsiveness
needs of the community by the state organizer. The state was
Responsiveness is the ability of organizations to
established by the public (community) of course to improve
recognize the needs of the community, set agenda and
the welfare of the community. (Sinambela 2010: 5)
priorities for services, and develop public service programs
According to Law No. 25 of 2009, Public Service is an
based on the needs and aspirations of the community. In
activity or series of activities in the framework of fulfilling
short, responsiveness here refers to the harmony between
service needs in accordance with statutory regulations for
programs and service activities with needs and aspirations.
every citizen and resident of goods and services, and/or
Performance measurement is intended to produce
administrative services provided by public service providers.
objectives, information relevant to programs or organizational
Public service providers are government officials who carry
performance that is used to strengthen management and
out the duties and functions of public services. The
inform decision making, achieve results and improve overall
government as the provider of public services is responsible
performance, and increase accountability. In other words,
for the delivery of services including the problems that arise
performance measurement tends to have an impact, and
as a result of the implementation of public services. Whereas
indeed must be designed to be able to have an impact on
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 383
the implementation of public services is the government's 2. Accountability, namely services that can be accounted for
effort to meet the needs of the community. in accordance with statutory provisions.
The delivery of public services is based on the principles 3. Conditional, namely services that are in accordance with
of public interest, legal certainty, equality of rights, the the conditions and capabilities of service providers and
balance of rights and obligations, professionalism, recipients while adhering to the principles of efficiency
participatory equality of treatment and non-discrimination, and effectiveness;
openness, accountability, facilities and special treatment for 4. Parisipatif, namely services that can encourage
vulnerable groups, timeliness, and speed, convenience, and community participation in the delivery of public
affordability. services by taking into account the aspirations, needs,
The implementation of public services is carried out by and expectations of the community;
public service providers, namely state or government 5. Equality in rights, namely services that do not
administrators, economic and development providers, discriminate from any aspect, especially ethnicity,
independent institutions formed by the government, business religious race, class, social status, and others.
entities or legal entities that are authorized to carry out part of 6. Balance of rights and obligations, namely services that
the functions and functions of public services, business consider aspects of justice between the giver and
entities or legal entities that cooperate and or contracted to recipient of justice.
carry out part of the duties and functions of public services.
And the public or private sector that performs part of the There are ten general service principles stipulated in the
duties and functions of public services that cannot be handled Decree of the State Minister for Empowerment of State
or managed by the government. Apparatus Number 63 / KEP / M.PAN / 7/2003 Regarding
Society in general needs services, it can even be said General Guidelines for Public Service Delivery, the ten
that services cannot be separated from human needs. Society principles are as follows;
always needs quality public services, but these needs are a. Simplicity; public service procedures are
often not in line with expectations because public services straightforward, easy to understand, and easy to
that occur so far are characterized by convoluted, slow, implement;
expensive and tiring. b. Clarity; 1) technical and administrative requirements
Public services are becoming an increasingly strategic for public services; 2) work units/officials who are
policy issue in Indonesia because improvements to public authorized and responsible in providing services and
services now tend to run in place while the implications are resolving complaints/problems/ disputes in the
very broad both in the political, economic, socio-cultural implementation of public services; 3) details of the
fields, and others. In the political field, improvements in cost of public services and payment procedures.
public services will have implications for improving the level c. The certainty of time; the implementation of public
of trust in the government. Poor public service has been one services can be completed within a specified time
of the important variables that have prompted a crisis of period.
public trust in bureaucrats (the government). The crisis of d. Accuracy; public service products are received
public trust was manifested in the form of protests and correctly, correctly and lawfully
demonstrations. Therefore, improving the performance of e. Security; public service processes and products provide
bureaucrats in public services is absolutely necessary so that a sense of security and legal certainty.
the public's bad impression of bureaucrats can be corrected. f. Responsible; the head of the public service provider or
Improving the quality of public services must continue appointed official is responsible for administering the
to be rolled out. The bureaucratic apparatus in providing service and resolving complaints/problems in the
public services to the community is a must. Saefullah (1995: implementation of public services.
5) states that the government as a bureaucratic institution has g. Comprehensive work facilities and infrastructure, work
a function to provide services to the community. While the equipment and other supporting facilities including the
community as the party that gives the mandate to the provision of telecommunications and information
government has the right to obtain services from the technology (telematics) facilities.
government. h. Ease of access; place and location of adequate service
Theoretically, public service is basically satisfying the infrastructure, easily accessible to the public and can
community. To achieve that satisfaction, high-quality service utilize telecommunications and information
is demanded, according to Sinambela (2010: 6) [2], reflected technology.
in: i. Discipline, courtesy, and friendliness; service providers
1. Transparency, which is a service that is open, easily must be disciplined, polite and polite, friendly, and
accessible to all who need it and is provided adequately provide services with sincerity.
and easily understood;
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 383
j. Convenience; the service environment must be orderly, be handled (including dividing tasks that can be left to
orderly, provided a comfortable, clean, tidy waiting the public)
room, a beautiful and healthy environment, and c. Bureaucracy must be able and willing to make changes
equipped with service support facilities, such as to the system and work procedures that are more
parking, toilets, places of worship and others. oriented to the characteristics of modern organizations,
To realize the ten principles of public service is not namely: fast, precise, accurate, open service while
easy, because it is related to the complexity of the maintaining quality, cost efficiency, and timeliness.
implementation of public services, many factors affect the d. The bureaucracy must position itself as a facilitator of
achievement of optimal service performance. Efforts to public service rather than as a change of agent for
improve the performance of public services will be hampered, development
when we do not understand the problems that exist in each of e. Bureaucracy must be able and willing to transform
the factors that influence these, therefore we need the ability themselves from bureaucracy whose performance is
to integrate and integrate each of these factors. rigid to become a bureaucratic organization whose
Every public service delivery must have service structure is more decentralized, innovative, flexible
standards as a guarantee of certainty for the giver in carrying and responsive.
out their duties and functions and for the recipient of services Thus it can be said that bureaucratic organizations must
in the application process. The service standard is a standard be able to provide public services effectively and efficiently
that is standardized in the administration of public services as to the community, according to the needs and interests needed
a guideline that must be obeyed and implemented by service by the community. Fast service by the bureaucratic apparatus
providers, and becomes a guideline for service recipients in by providing services as expected by the community,
the submission of requests, as well as a means of community therefore it is necessary to prepare a workforce or apparatus
control and / or service recipients of the performance of that truly has the ability (capability), has a loyalty of interest
service providers. Therefore it is necessary to arrange and set (competency), and has a relationship of interest (consistency
service standards in accordance with the nature, type, and or coherency). (Osborne
characteristics of the services carried out and pay attention to Therefore, in responding to the principles of public
the environment. In the process of formulation and service that need to be followed by all public service
preparation, it involves the community and/or other bureaucracy apparatuses, it must also be accompanied by
stakeholders (including the bureaucratic apparatus) to obtain polite attitudes and behavior, hospitality from the public
advice and input and build awareness and commitment. service apparatus both in the way of conveying something
In relation to the administration of government, related to the service process and in terms of overloaded
bureaucracy as the spearhead of implementing public services service time. This is possible so that the service can satisfy
includes various development programs and government the people or groups of people being served.
policies. But in reality, the performance of the bureaucracy
which is intended to carry out the general tasks of C. BUREAUCRATIC PERFORMANCE IN PUBLIC
government and development is often not in line with SERVICES
expectations by the community. The performance of the
The performance of bureaucrats in public services can
bureaucracy in carrying out government and development
be improved through excellent service, quality service that is
tasks (including the administration of public services) is given
by applying the concept of "wholehearted service". The
the appearance of a long and convoluted process when the
whole-hearted service initiated by Patricia Patton is intended
community completes its affairs related to the services of the
to be a service that originates from oneself that reflects
government apparatus. As a result, the bureaucracy always
emotions, character, beliefs, values, points of view and
gets a negative image that is not favorable for the
feelings. Bureaucratic apparatus is expected to be able to
development of the bureaucracy itself (especially in terms of
provide services to customers wholeheartedly. This heartfelt
public services). Therefore, in order to overcome such a bad
service shows the sincerity of the apparatus to serve. With
impression of bureaucracy, the bureaucracy needs to make
sincerity to serve, of course, the community as a customer
some changes in its attitude and behavior. among others:
will feel there is satisfaction. This customer satisfaction is a
a. The bureaucracy must prioritize the nature of the task
measure of the success of public services. (Paton in
approach which is directed at protecting and providing
Sinambela 2010: 8)
public services, and avoid the impression of an
Sedarmayanti, (2011: 312) provides the basic
approach to power and authority
requirements in the preparation of performance improvement
b. Bureaucracy needs to improve its organization which is
plans, namely:
characterized by a modern, lean, effective and efficient
1. The clarity of the main tasks and functions that are
organization that is able to distinguish between tasks
formulated in the tasks and functions of the organization
that need to be handled and those that do not need to
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 383
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 383
service users. The ability and resources of the bureaucratic principle of humanitarian equality, everyone dealing is treated
apparatus are very much needed so that orientation towards with equal importance.
service can be achieved. For example, among others, it is the The performance of the bureaucracy must play a role as a
problem of providing the apparatus's working time which is public servant, transparency, and there are no illegal payments.
truly oriented towards providing services to the community. Bureaucratic officials need to provide information and
The ideal bureaucracy is a bureaucratic apparatus that is not transparency as a community right and can be held
burdened by other office duties outside the service to the accountable. Also, it is necessary to empower the public by
community. The ideal service officers should also not have supporting the development of the democratization process.
other activities or jobs such as part-time work outside office The importance of competitive bureaucratic performance
between sections in improving quality in serving the public
work that can interfere with the tasks of providing services.
competitively, not asking to be served or burdening people
The performance of bureaucratic apparatus services can be
with extortion, discrimination, and ignorance. Furthermore, in
maximized if all the time and concentration of the apparatus recruiting human resources through selection, they must have
are devoted to serving the service user community. (Padje, et good competence and morals, not appoint employees or
al). leaders for reasons of collusion and nepotism. Likewise,
Public service as a process of organizational providing awards and salary compensation according to
performance (bureaucracy), engagement and influence of achievement is not due to collusive work relations, which
organizational culture is very strong. In other words, any results in discriminatory and certainly not educating.
activities carried out by public service officers must be guided
by the normative rules that have been determined by public
organizations as an embodiment of the culture of public ACKNOWLEDGMENT
organizations. Therefore Dennis A. Rondinelli (1981) once Thank you to the Unima FIS leadership who agreed to
reminded that the main cause of failure in carrying out this the research plan, and to the Unima leadership who provided
public service orientation was the strong commitment of a research funding so that this article could be completed.
narrow-nuanced political culture; lack of skilled and skilled
workers in local units; lack of financial resources to carry out
their duties and responsibilities; an attitude of reluctance to
delegate authority; and the lack of technological infrastructure [1] U.-U. Nomor, ‘tahun 2009 tentang Pelayanan Publik’.
and physical infrastructure to support the implementation of 25AD.
public service tasks. [2] L. P. Sinambela, Reformasi Pelayanan PublikTeori
Kebijakan dan Implementasi. 2010.
[3] D. Osborne and T. Gaebler, ‘Mewirausahakan
IV. CONCLUSION Birokrasi (Reinventing Government): Mentransformasi
The performance of bureaucrats in public services in Semangat Wirausaha ke Dalam Sektor Publik’,
Indonesia shows that quality is still low. In essence, public Pustaka Binaman Presindo, Jakarta, 1995.
services are designed and organized to meet the needs of the [4] O. P. Dwivedi and J. G. Jabbra, ‘Public service
service user community. However, for the public as service accountability: A comparative perspective’. Hartford:
users in assessing the performance of the bureaucratic Kumarian Press, 1989.
apparatus in the quality of public services that are effective, [5] Sugiyono, Penelitian Kuantitatif. Bandung: Alfabeta,
efficient, transparent, and fair have not been fulfilled. The 2018.
community will feel satisfied and fulfilled if the services [6] S. P. Robbins and T. A. Judge, ‘Perilaku organisasi’,
provided by the bureaucratic apparatus are according to what Ed. kesepuluh. Jakarta PT Indeks Kelompok
they expect. When the community, for example, wants to make Gramedia, 2006.
a resident card, permission to drive a vehicle, permission to [7] S. Prawirosentono, Manajemen sumberdaya manusia:
build a building, etc. then in a short time can be done kebijakan kinerja karyawan: kiat membangun
appropriately, with relatively low cost and good quality. But if organisasi kompetitif menjelang perdagangan bebas
the services received are long-winded, require a relatively long dunia. Badan Penerbit Fakultas Ekonomi (BPFE),
time, the costs incurred are quite high and not transparent, even 1999.
the results are received poorly and various other errors, then [8] V. Rivai and A. F. M. Basri, Performance Appraisal:
surely the community does not feel satisfied and disappointed. Sistem yang tepat untuk menilai kinerja karyawan dan
Therefore, fundamental changes in public services are meningkatkan daya saing perusahaan. PT
needed through bureaucratic performance that is truly RajaGrafindo Persada, 2005.
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Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 383