Offshore Vessel-6 May

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01st May 2024

Acquisition of Secondhand MPSV/ OSV OF UP TO 10 YEARS OLD

1.0 Our client is interested in acquisition of one secondhand MPSV/ OSV OF UP TO 10


2.0 Technical Details of Vessel:

2.1 Brief “Technical Particulars” of the vessel desired by the Client are given at Annexure-1.
Bidders are requested to submit detailed offer for suitable vessels along with the duly filled
Technical Particulars.

2.1 Vessels which are constructed or under construction at reputed and experienced shipyards
will only be considered. Vessels fitted with reputed OEM Manufactured main engines and
other major equipment will only be considered.

2.2 For vessels under guarantee, the entire guarantee claims to be closed before handing over
to the Client. The guarantees including extended guarantees with of Makers to be passed
on to the Client.

2.3 Vessels of up to 10 years old as on 31 March, 2024 will only be considered in the tender.

3.0 Submission of Offer:

3.1 The Offer for sale of the intended vessel shall be submitted by the Bidders in separate
envelopes as under:

a. Part-I: The detailed Technical Specifications to be submitted in a sealed envelope




b. Part-II: The Commercial Offer is to be submitted in a sealed envelope (Envelope- II)



3.2 Both the envelopes (i.e. Technical Offer and Commercial Offer) shall be enclosed together
in a covering envelope on which name of the bidder shall be mentioned.

3.3 Please note that only Sealed Offers would be accepted and Offers submitted by fax / email
will not be considered.

4.0 Date and Time for Submission of Offer

4.1 Both offers i.e. Technical Offer and Commercial Offer should reach client at the above
mentioned address not later than 1700 hours (IST) on 6th May 2024 which is the last
prescribed date and time for receipt of offers. The technical offers shall be opened at 1200
hrs (IST) of 9th May 2024. Bidders may depute their representative(s) and they shall carry
authorization letter (on letter head) to attend technical bid opening meeting.

Gr8 Value Trading FZCO

IFZA Business Park, DDP, Premises No- 42734-001, Dubai Digital Park, Dubai Silicon Oasis, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
Mob: +91 9619 179 215 | Mail: [email protected] |
5.0 Commercial Offer

5.1 Commercial Offers of only those vessels which are technically qualified will be opened. All
technically qualified bidders will be informed about the date and time of opening
commercial offer.

5.2 The Commercial Offer should take into account the following:
a. Price: The price has to be quoted in US Dollars on 100% cash basis. The price should
be ALL INCLUSIVE, inclusive of Customs duty, GST and any other taxes, duties and
levies as applicable.

b. The price has to be quoted as total price for the vessel with delivery at Vishakhapatnam
and the onus of transporting the vessel to at delivery port including insurance during the
transit would lie with the bidder.

c. Delivery: The availability date of the vessel should be indicated. The vessel should be
charter free at the time of delivery.

d. Validity: The Commercial Offer (Part-II Offer) shall remain valid for a period of 90 days
from the last date of submission of the Offer.

5.3 The commercial evaluation would be on the basis of comparative IRR workings, taking into
account the balance life of the vessel, Bunker consumption, drydock and other

5.4 (a) 100% payment will be made at the time of delivery of vessels; (b) client reserves the
right to claim suitable compensation, if the seller fails to deliver the vessel at agreed time
after signing of MOA; an appropriate clause with amount of compensation would be
incorporated in the MOA at the time of signing of MOA.

5.5 Bidders may note that in order to maintain confidentiality, bidders will not be invited at the
time of opening of commercial offers. However, to maintain transparency, the commercial
offers will be opened in presence of client‟s Independent External Monitor (IEM); and the
bids shall be kept confidential for 6 months.

Gr8 Value Trading FZCO

IFZA Business Park, DDP, Premises No- 42734-001, Dubai Digital Park, Dubai Silicon Oasis, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
Mob: +91 9619 179 215 | Mail: [email protected] |
6.0 Evaluation of Offers:

6.1 During evaluation of the Offers, appropriate weightage would be given to following
b. Cargo Carrying capacity: Vessel should have DWT of minimum 3000 at draft of 5.95

c. Speed:
1. Vessel should meet the criteria of minimum 10 knots speed at 85% MCR at maximum
2. Vessel with more than 10 knots speed will be accepted, however there will be no
additional credit/ benefit given in the evaluation process.

d. Bunker Consumption per day:

1. Bunker consumption will be compared when vessel is steaming at 85% MCR. Bunker
Consumption of main engine shall be evaluated considering SFOC @85% MCR
power from the shop test data.

2. The offered vessel in the bidding process with least fuel consumption per day would
be taken as base. Loading will be applicable on other vessel offered in the bidding
process with higher bunker consumption as compared to the lowest bunker
consuming vessel. The loading factor for higher bunker consumption would be as
Loading for per MT excess consump on (in US$)
10 year old ship US $ 5,99,390
9 year old ship US $ 6,18,119
8 year old ship US $ 6,35,301
7 year old ship US $ 6,51,065
6 year old ship US $ 6,65,527
5 year old ship US $ 6,78,795
4 year old ship US $ 6,90,968
3 year old ship US $ 7,02,135
2 year old ship US $ 7,12,381
1 year old ship US $ 7,21,780
Resale ship US $ 7,30,191

c. Dry dock, Special Survey / Intermediate Survey: Additional loading for Dry-dock and
Special Survey based on age and up keep of the vessel will be decided depending on
the physical inspection of the vessel. In case the physical inspection reveals additional
expenses to be incurred in forth coming dry-dock; the same would be factored in for

d. Loadings after inspection of vessels: As an outcome of the physical inspection of

vessel if it is found that there is further shortfall in the parameters vis-à-vis what is
declared by the bidder and technical deficiencies are observed (other than agreed
retrofits/modifications), the same would be loaded appropriately.

e. Auxiliary Diesel Generators:

1. Vessel should have three (3nos.) Auxiliary Diesel Generators with each generator
able to take full sea load with adequate margin.

2. Vessels fitted with two (2nos.) Auxiliary Diesel Generators with each generator able
to take full sea load shall also be accepted; however there will be loading of US $
150,000/- applicable for evaluation purpose.
6.2 client would be free to call for any details/clarifications from the shortlisted bidders. The
above loading factors are calculated based on client‟s experience of operating similar
vessels and the same would be strictly adhered to while evaluating offers.


7.1 client does not bind itself to accept the lowest offer and has the sole discretion to accept or
reject any bid or scrap the tender at any stage without assigning any reason.

7.2 client does not pay any commission or brokerage in any form to any party. Brokers may
submit bids on behalf of vessel owners; however, the bids/ offers should be accompanied
with an “Authorisation Letter” from the owners authorising the broker to deal with client
for sale of the intended vessel. The “Authorisation Letter” should be enclosed with the
Technical Offer i.e. in “Envelope-I”.

7.3 The owner would have to facilitate inspection of Class records of the vessel by client
and/or by client appointed independent agency. client would prefer “online” inspection of
Class records.
7.4 client will arrange one or two independent inspections. Owners to facilitate inspection
arrangements and make arrangements at their cost for safe launch/ boats service / vehicle

within the port premises and boarding passes/ permits from port authorities for client and
client appointed third party inspectors. Owners/agents/master would be required to provide
full cooperation to inspections teams.

7.5 Integrity Pact:

a. Bidders are required to submit “Integrity Pact” (Annexure-3), duly signed by the same
signatory on all pages and details filled in properly. The acceptance of Integrity Pact
shall be unconditional and the bidder must not change any contents of the Integrity
Pact. The signed Integrity Pact should be enclosed with the Technical Offer i.e. in

b. Bidders shall not approach the Courts while representing the matters to IEMs and will
await IEMs decision in the matter.

7.6 All the new equipment installed to have Maker‟s guarantee/ warrantee for 1 year from the
date of delivery of the vessel to the Client and the guarantee shall be passed on to the
Client after delivery. Standard spare parts for 1 year operation, as recommended by
Makers, to be provided for all the new equipment to be installed on board. Class
certificates for all new equipment should also be provided.

7.7 The Sellers shall ensure that the Vessel is free from all charters, encumbrances,
mortgages and maritime liens or any other debts whatsoever one day before delivery, and
is not subject to Port State or other administrative detentions. The offered vessel should
not be on “block” or “blacklisting” list of any of the ports/terminals or OFAC or any other
nations. The Sellers hereby undertake to indemnify the Buyers against all claims and
consequences of claims made against the Vessel which have been incurred prior to the
time of delivery.

7.8 A full day sea trail besides dock trial to be carried out in the presence of client
representatives to show that all the equipments are satisfactorily working before delivery.
Further, an underwater inspection would have to be arranged by the bidders before
delivery of the vessel in the presence of Class.

7.9 Underwater cleaning to be carried out if the vessel is on long layoff (more than 6 months).

7.10 client‟s past experience with OEMs shall also be considered in the technical evaluation of
the Offers.

7.11 In case modification works are required to be carried out on board to comply the
requirements as per Annexure-1, the selected bidder would have to submit drawings of
modified arrangement on the vessel and new equipment drawings including technical
specifications to the Client for review and approval before commencement of work. All the
modification drawings will have to be approved by vessel‟s present Classification Society/
statutory bodies also.

7.12 In case modifications works are to be carried out, existing drawings have to be updated
based on the modifications work and necessary approval from Class/ Statutory bodies and
Owners to be obtained. List of all drawings that would require to be amended should be
furnished to the Client in advance.

7.13 the Client will have the right to depute their representatives to the shipyard where the
modifications work shall be carried out throughout the modification period with free access
to the vessel and provided with suitable office space with internet facility. All modifications
works shall be carried out strictly in compliance with Class/Flags and Owner approved
7.14 The selected bidder would be required to submit monthly progress reports with regard to
the progress made on the equipment manufacture and the modifications work. After
commencement of work, fortnightly progress reports to be submitted to the Client along
with any changes in schedule.

7.15 The selected Bidder shall provide the Client with Classification Society approved
documents for the Modification Works, including but not limited to, revised Trim and
Stability Booklets, Damage Stability Booklets, Structural Plans, Loading Instrument,
Electrical Drawings including frequency converters, FRC Boat & Work Boat Arrangements,
Revised Safety Plan, Accommodation Plans and Equipment Certificates at the time of

7.16 Classification records and certificates are to be updated after completion of the Modification
Works and handed over prior to delivery of the Vessel.

7.17 On board tests shall be carried out after the installation work in the presence of Class/Flag
and the Client representatives. Details of onboard tests shall be submitted to the Client for
approval. All new equipments shall be shop tested as per Class rules, statutory
requirements and Maker‟s standard practice. the Client shall have right to attend the shop
tests at Maker‟s premises.

7.18 One set each of finished drawings (Hull, Machinery, Outfitting, Electrical, Piping, etc) and
equipment manuals in hard and soft copies to be submitted to client Mumbai within 15
days after signing of MOA.

7.19 Technical bid should be serially page numbered along with details of documents provided
in an index page. Bidders/owners have to agree in toto to all the terms & conditions of this
tender document, and an undertaking letter should be enclosed with the Technical Offer
i.e. in “Envelope-I”.

The bid is be liable to be disqualified, if:
i. Bidder does not meet the technical requirements, as prescribed in Annexure-1 (i.e.
Technical Parameters).
ii. Bid is not submitted in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Tender.
iii. During validity of the quotation period or extended period, if any, the Bidder increases
their quoted prices.
iv. Bidder qualifies the tender with their own conditions.
v. Bid is received in incomplete form including Price Offer.
vi. Tender is received after due date and time.
vii. Information on technical parameters is found to be incorrect or false at any time either
during the processing of the tender (no matter at what stage).
viii. While processing the tender documents, if it comes to the knowledge of the client that
some of the bidders have formed a cartel resulting in delay/ holding up the processing
of tender. All such bidders involved in cartel are liable to be disqualified for this contract
as well as for a further period of two years.

7.14 The tenderers with whom the the client has dealt with earlier may also note that their
performance during past dealings with the the client and also if they had committed breach
of contract, legal disputes or having unsatisfactory performance with any of the Government
body etc., would be taken into account and it would be at the client‟s sole discretion whether
to consider such parties in the tendering process.

7.15 JURISDICTION CLAUSE: All matters connected with this tender shall be governed by the
Indian Law both substantive and procedural, for the time being in force and shall be subject
to the exclusive jurisdiction of Indian Courts at Mumbai.

(1)Sealed Envelope-I
i. Detailed Technical Particulars of the vessel (as per Annexure-1)
ii. Undertaking: as per Annexure-2.
iii. Authorization letter: Brokers submitting offers on behalf of owners are required
to submit an “Authorization Letter” from the owners authorizing the broker to deal
with client for sale of the intended vessel.
iv. Integrity Pact: duly signed on all pages and details filled in properly.
v. Terms & conditions: Undertaking from the Bidders/owners, agreeing in to-to to
all the terms & conditions of this tender document.

(2) Sealed Envelope-II

i. Price bid: Unconditional, all inclusive price for the offered vessel, with delivery at
Mundra to Colombo range.

Note: Price bid should not be enclosed or revealed or combined with Technical
offer (i.e. Envelope-I).

Annexure 2


i. Any bidder from a country which shares a land border with India will be eligible to bid in
this tender only if the bidder is registered with the Competent Authority.

ii. “Bidder” (including the term „tenderer‟, „consultant‟ or „service provider‟ in certain
contexts) means any person or firm or company, including any member of a consortium or
joint venture (that is an association of several persons, or firms or companies), every
artificial juridical person not falling in any of the descriptions of bidders stated hereinbefore,
cluding any agency branch or office controlled by such person, participating in a
procurement process.

iii. “Bidder from a country which shares a land border with India” for the purpose of this Order means:-

a. An entity incorporated, established or registered in such a country; or

b. A subsidiary of an entity incorporated, established or registered in such a country; or
c. An entity substantially controlled through entities incorporated, established or registered
in such a country; or
d. An entity whose beneficial owner is situated in such a country; or
e. An Indian (or other) agent of such an entity; or
f. A natural person who is a citizen of such a country; or
g. A consortium or joint venture where any member of the consortium or joint venture falls
under any of the above.

iv. The beneficial owner for the purpose of (III) above will be as under:
1. In case of a company or Limited Liability Partnership, the beneficial owner is the natural
person(s), who, whether acting alone or together, or through one or more juridical
person, has a controlling ownership interest or who exercises control through other
Explanation -
a) “Controlling ownership interest” means ownership of or entitlement to more than twenty-five percent of share or capital or profits of the company;

b) “Control” shall include the right to appoint majority of the directors or to control the
management or policy decisions including by virtue of their shareholding or
management rights or shareholders agreements or voting agreements;

2. In case of a partnership firm, the beneficial owner is the natural person(s) who, whether
alone or together, or through one or more juridical person, has ownership of entitlement to
more than fifteen percent of capital or profits of the partnership;

3. In case of an unincorporated association or body of individuals, the beneficial owner is

the natural person(s), who, whether acting alone or together, or through one or more
juridical person, has ownership of or entitlement to more than fifteen percent of the
property or capital or profits of such association or body of individuals;

4. Where no natural person is identified under (1) or (2) or (3) above, the beneficial owner
is the relevant natural person who holds the position of senior managing official;

5. In case of a trust, the identification of beneficial owner(s) shall include identification of

the author of the trust, the trustee, the beneficiaries with fifteen percent or more interest in
the trust and any other natural person exercising ultimate effective control over the trust
through a chain of control or ownership.

v. An Agent is a person employed to do any act for another, or to represent another in
dealings with third person.
vi. The successful bidder shall not be allowed to sub-contract works to any contractor from a country which shares a land border with
India unless such contractor is registered with the Competent Authority.

I/We have read the clause regarding restrictions on procurement from a bidder of a country
which shares a land border with India; I/We hereby certify that I/we am/are not from such a
country OR from such a country and my/our certificate of registration with the Competent
Authority is attached herewith (strike out whichever is not applicable). I/ we hereby certify that I/
we fulfill all requirements in this regard and are eligible to be considered.

Place: Signature of the Bidder

Date : with rubber stamp of the Company

1. Wherever applicable, evidence of valid registration by the Competent Authority shall be


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