Essentials of Contract
Essentials of Contract
Essentials of Contract
idhos th. rM
d 5,8-Boteh
Koll noo: 63
Oppurtunity o toork
coohes r s donju VK, uho e me this
hs coork
apt o rouo mony nou hingg while prepovig
his 04iqnmen
Yours respecdly
Kolt oo: 63
Table (ondents
St wo TiUe
nd rodv hon
2 Dotnihon
(onol varobn
ndre durhon
louo 16 a
Si frederick ollock rroru Aareement 4 promiee enmorrea be by
font roct
he 4 m tboHroct 04 an agreement
he ndon Cothact Art, 1872 desraines
(Sechon 2(e d dion (otract Act,S72)
Prorcea bie bs louo ofo nitor-l
Surh ronsidorotion )
tsenhals &a vohd (ordtert
. G 4 Areptonee
Amoptaroe mene thol rondinq Cecion ACb d tte (otrant. Acl, the
pPronto cohom he dr wos mado nos onsent to tho dfe
Ame phoro Hhe
proposal Pets fn Ooe menl tormina Pro ms e . In
3. eenkon to ewale a lqal oblgaton.
romde. othe prmes ha Son to buy him a brele he Srores
more hon 9oo In h boords Aor oler Sovnqo %, Pother
3. onerdrrakon
0areemen no erdorsed y cosideration ard. 04 pev SPehon 25
Ahe A- Sorh tbrmean eeds to be real amd not
deluss'onal. f rondroc4
Cotnou (orsidoroton toill bet omne Oadum Vorum
CaovremenH coHhout
(Orsidoro-tion). There mst be o need br ho 0deqvars d his (osidoaaton
Houbevep, Seotton 8s d he A loua out a w n e plione cohere an
ntons ideved phn 1 not 'nra lid Ond he gtanees Such
reh ons Irdude an CLaree mat rohed belueen por on behol
orhion 4 love , on agyoomn dhor 4 1 a omniment poy Prson
toho o4 a \ready dono Sometna ooilliraly tov he promisos 1ett.
A .
( o m
irdivduol o Seotion 12
Soid to be ourd mind actordinq
o underStord the
Po he irdent d Ahe oplraot louo, plain incopacitu
(ond rant Coher we Bade hot he poaty mug rot he dvded by
ersor Such
Slalde, it Svaost 4hat 0s In he coce a insolvenn
ov bida him to m ereainq nto o (onlrac-t
H torol, 0qreed ipto coHh or b O mino 1 void ab-intho Je, ro
450de ¢ louo Hol brbrd o gevson om taking ditrop
"s5T stomel moors ho} B toill b polalore Yoton
qouon on hs form
qrouos ttoeg aordindu on he 0%m pho n hol A oil by
Tm ledoy, pfomisáar oppel bbids A Arom rh Hhing
Coad denginqtha no
5.we Consent
Tor14al onraot, Simple (onsen 1 nd Sried(ongent muat be tre
Seotion 13 deeroiheg (onaent 04 ' W
Ahay ogre o he Some 1ssue n
th same toay two rofe porteG are 01d o (ongenl
foovCon (Sechon 15)
Pny ootiviBu ol
unadhonged Ov
or Ahal
unrons-tHhtional in Teop
popeg tbbidden uy dalde h rdian eral fode tor
husbond precsurR, Ns coide to hrouw
stodvs, a
0crd On her She does nt gr Are
dorumens This mons oerolon becavse vnde (oeation 1S aforlror
ol null
CS (Sohior 17)
fro ud
Aheore d on uncoillnqnegs Ord beneiThe ord:hone
ed b
One poats bobre he oler orty couspe haem. P he false dedorarhbn
uoore d' H
Ond i drd Go toithod bofrg
. od d te (onlroct net be
'proora obel or irdenhion one hot a PHhe rohibided b loo
br ae Hhe pouo to dodeal Ate aude irclvdoe hOvm to
qov. i
Cowo. eq1slative
hltpsl louo ectopv tom
legolceaYe t'ndra.