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Aerosol Fire Extinguishing Systems

Design, Installation, Operation, and

Maintenance Manual

Version 1.3.6
July 2018
P/N 19000
EX 15004

5852 Baker Road

Minnetonka, MN 55345

1.0 FORWARD................................................................................................................ 4
2.0 INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................... 5
3.0 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION .......................................................................................... 6
3.1 General .................................................................................................................. 6
3.2 Extinguishing Agent ............................................................................................... 7
3.3 Component Descriptions ...................................................................................... 10
3.3.1 Stat-X Aerosol Generator Assemblies ............................................................ 10
3.3.2 Initiation ......................................................................................................... 11
3.3.3 Control Panels and Accessories ..................................................................... 11
3.3.4 Mounting Hardware and Ancillary Equipment ................................................. 11 Generator Mounting Bracket ....................................................................... 11 Electric Remote Pull Box ............................................................................. 12
4.0 SYSTEM DESIGN AND LIMITATIONS (Total Flooding).......................................... 12
4.1 General ................................................................................................................ 12
4.2 Application ........................................................................................................... 12
4.2.1 Calculate the total mass of aerosol required to protect the hazard ................. 13
4.2.2 Calculation of Facility Leakage Rate .............................................................. 14
4.2.3 Determination of Formula Value K1 ................................................................ 14
4.2.4 Calculation of Formula Value K2..................................................................... 14
4.2.5 Calculation of Formula Value K3..................................................................... 15
4.2.6 Calculate the number of aerosol generators required ..................................... 16
4.2.7 Other Facility/System Considerations ............................................................ 17
4.2.8 Placement of Stat-X aerosol generators in the hazard area .......................... 17
4.2.9 Operating/Temperature Range ...................................................................... 19
5.0 EQUIPMENT INSTALLATION ................................................................................. 23
5.1 General ................................................................................................................ 23
5.2 Aerosol Generator Installation .............................................................................. 23
5.2.1 Single Generator System ............................................................................... 23
5.2.3 Multiple Generator System ............................................................................. 24
5.3 Post Installation Checkout................................................................................. 25
6.0 OPERATION ........................................................................................................... 25
6.1 General ................................................................................................................ 25
6.2 Operating Procedures .......................................................................................... 25
6.3 Post Fire Operation .............................................................................................. 26

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6.4 Post Fire Maintenance ......................................................................................... 27
7.0 MAINTENANCE ...................................................................................................... 28
7.1 General ................................................................................................................ 28
7.2 Preventive Maintenance ....................................................................................... 28
7.3 Inspection Procedures.......................................................................................... 30
7.3.1 Weekly ........................................................................................................... 30
7.3.2 Semi-Annual .................................................................................................. 30
8.0 SYSTEM COMPONENTS ....................................................................................... 31
9.0 WARRANTY............................................................................................................ 32
APPENDIX A: SAFETY/INFORMATION BULLETINS ................................................... 33
APPENDIX B: SHIPPING CLASSIFICATION ................................................................ 42
APPENDIX C: MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET ....................................................... 43
APPENDIX D: TABLE TO CALCULATE K2 ................................................................... 46
APPENDIX E: COMPATIBLE FIRE ALARM CONTROL PANELS................................. 48

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This manual is written for those who design, install, and maintain Stat-X® aerosol fire
extinguishing systems. It contains design, installation, operation, and maintenance
information for these fire extinguishing systems.


Fireaway assumes no responsibility for application of any systems other than those
addressed in this manual. The technical data in this manual is limited strictly for information
purposes only. Fireaway believes this data to be accurate, but it is published and
presented without any guarantee or warranty whatsoever, Fireaway disclaims any liability
for any use that may be made of the data and information contained herein by any and all
other parties.

The Stat-X aerosol fire extinguishing systems are to be designed, installed, inspected,
maintained, and tested by qualified and trained personnel in accordance with the following:

 NFPA 2010 and any other applicable NFPA Standards.

 All instructions, limitations, etc. contained in this manual.
 Storage, handling, and transportation shall be performed by qualified
and trained personnel in accordance with DOT requirements.

Questions concerning the information presented in this manual should be addressed to:

Fireaway Inc.
5852 Baker Road
Minnetonka, Minnesota USA 55345
Phone: 952-935-9745
Fax: 952-935-9757
email: [email protected]

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The Stat-X aerosol fire extinguishing systems are designed for total flooding applications
in accordance with established design criteria. Application methods, design criteria, and
limitations are contained within this manual. In any situation not specifically covered by
this manual, the application, and installation of the system must be in accordance with the
appropriate and/or applicable standards. All installations must meet the requirements of
the local authority having jurisdiction.

Stat-X fire extinguishing systems produce a highly effective, technologically advanced fire
extinguishing agent with unique operational and flow characteristics. Since these systems
are designed and installed in a manner different than other extinguishing systems with
which the system designer may be familiar, the system designer must become thoroughly
familiar with the design criteria contained in this manual to properly input design data and
parameters. There are several limitations, which must be observed in entering parameters
if accurate results are to be obtained.

Stat-X fire extinguishing systems combine an environmentally safe fire extinguishing

agent, specially developed components, and highly effective detection devices for rapid
agent application. The resulting extinguishing of fire may reduce property, equipment, and
facility damage and products of combustion to the lower levels. These systems are
electrically activated, are extremely compact, and may eliminate the expensive pressure
vessels, nozzles, and distribution piping associated with other fire extinguishing systems.
Stat-X fire extinguishing systems offer significant weight and space savings. Generators
are strategically placed throughout the hazard area and are designed to discharge in
seven to thirty-six seconds, depending on the size of the generator.

The agent produced is a Potassium based aerosol with particle sizes primarily in the  2
micron size. The aerosol has the flow characteristics of a gas and has been determined
to be non-toxic to humans when exposed for short periods at recommended design
concentrations. (See Appendix A).

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3.1 General

Stat-X systems are used to suppress fires in specific hazards or equipment located in
enclosed areas and confined spaces and where low weight/space to extinguishing
capacity is a factor. The fire-extinguishing agent is an ultra-fine aerosol which will hang in
suspension for an extended period (up to one hour) providing protection against re-flash
and may minimize clean-up. Stat-X systems are suitable for use as total flooding fire
extinguishing systems in normally-occupied and unoccupied areas. In areas where
personnel may be present the system must employ a pre-discharge alarm, with a 30
second time delay, and provision for a supervised disconnect switch to avoid unwanted
discharge during maintenance.

The following areas may benefit from an aerosol-based fire extinguishing system:

 Telecommunications Facilities  Flammable Liquid Storage Areas

 Power Plants  Marine Engine Rooms*
 Turbine Enclosures  High Value Mobile Equipment*
 Electrical Rooms  Storage Vaults
 CNC and other High Value

*These applications are not part of the UL Listing under UL Standard 2775 but are covered
under other applicable listings (American Bureau of Shipping, Marine and Coast Guard
Agency, ECB, and others)

Stat-X generators are currently listed for the following classes of fire:

 Class A - Surface Fires

 Class B - Flammable Liquids
 Class C - Energized Electrical Equipment with A or B involvement

For the above areas or additional hazard areas, the designer must invest significant time
in proper design, which may include consulting with Fireaway or other suitably
experienced professionals and consultation of applicable standards on the suitability of
the system for the protection of the hazard, the necessary design concentration,
equipment, facility, and personnel exposure effects from that concentration.

Stat-X systems are not suitable for the following hazards; or, where the following
materials may be present:

 Class A materials that burn with deep-seated characteristics (wood fiber, cotton, etc.)
 Electrical equipment operating at over 40,000 V
 Metal Hydrides, Pyrophoric substances, and chemical substances that smolder and
burn without air
 Metal powders (magnesium, titanium, etc.)
 Environments rated hazardous (explosive atmospheres).

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3.2 Extinguishing Agent

The aerosol produced upon activation of the Stat-X system is composed of ultra-fine
particles of Potassium salts with secondary inert gases. Potassium salts have long been
recognized as one of the most effective fire extinguishing agents available. It suppresses
fire by a combination of chemical and physical mechanisms similar to the Halons without
any negative effect on the environment. Because of the aerosol's ultra-fine particle size (
2 micron) there is a dramatic increase in the surface area interaction between the agent
and the fire. Potassium based aerosol has been shown in numerous tests to be a highly
effective alternative to other extinguishing agents.

Unlike gaseous agents the aerosol does not decompose in the presence of fire nor does
it extinguish by oxygen deprivation. Stat-X is listed under the United States Environmental
Agency (EPA) Significant New Alternatives Program (SNAP) for use as a total flooding
agent in normally-occupied and unoccupied areas. The aerosol is considered non-toxic to
humans when applied in normal design concentrations necessary to extinguish most fires;
however, there is a high obscuration factor and certain safety restrictions should be
observed when applying and handling the generators. Exposure to the aerosol should be
limited and unnecessary exposure to the particulate should be avoided. Exposure to the
aerosol is generally of less concern than is exposure to the decomposition products of a

Toxicity: Under the SNAP Program the US EPA conducted a risk screen process on the
human health and environmental risks of the agent based on laboratory test data
submitted by the manufacturer. The US EPA has ruled that the Stat-X agent is suitable for
use in normally-occupied spaces. See Table 3.2.1: Stat-X Aerosol Physical Properties.

While the components of the aerosol are not considered toxic at normal concentration
levels, ingestion of the ultra-fine particulate may cause short-term discomfort and
unnecessary exposure should be avoided. Tests have shown no long-term negative
effects from exposure to the aerosol. In addition, the aerosol has a high obscuration factor
as noted above. In normally-occupied and unoccupied spaces where personnel may
be present Stat-X systems shall only be applied in conjunction with a 30 second
time delay. In occupied areas, a system maintenance isolate switch and manual only
activation ensures egress of personnel during maintenance of the system detection and
control equipment.

Residue & Cleaning: The ultra-fine aerosol discharge remains in suspension for an
extended period and can be vented by a fan or air handling system. Residual amounts of
aerosol, which may have settled on the floor or other surfaces, can be vacuumed, blown
out or wiped clean with a water and vinegar solution.

Other Safety Considerations: The aerosol discharged into the hazard area upon
activation of the generator is relatively "cool." However, the aerosol stream as it leaves
the generator is above 100C for a short distance from the outlet of the generator.
Maximum temperatures are realized only in the last seconds of discharge.

Each model has a required installation clearance distance specified as its clearance “C-
Zone.” Steps must be taken to ensure generator placement so that it complies with this

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installation requirement. The generator housing is approximately 90°C immediately after
discharge and care should be taken if handling the post-discharge generator prior to its
cooling to ambient temperature. Generators must never be installed to discharge directly
on walls or equipment being protected, as this will cause agglomeration.

Storage: The Stat-X aerosol generator is a disposable device and is sealed with a non-
permeable membrane and has been evaluated for temperature cycling (- 40°C to + 54°C)
and humidity (up to 95% relative humidity). Accelerated aging tests have shown the
generator's charge maintains its viability for ten (10) years.

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Table 3.2.1: Stat-X Aerosol Physical Properties

Average Values @ 100 gram/m3 Concentration

Gas Products: Stat-X 15 minute Automobile- NIOSH

(ppm) *TWA Airbag Emission IDLH
20 minutes

NO2 1.08 9.90 20.00

NO 0.97 50.10 100.00
NOX = NO + NO2 2.05 60.00 120.00
CO 84.20 445.00 1,200.00
CO2 756.00 40,000.00 40,000.00
NH3 58.30 151.50 300.00

Solid Particulate: Percent

K2CO3 55.2%
KHCO3 8.2%
KNO2 7.9%
Other Potassium Compounds 5.5%
NH4HCO3 23.2%
Average pH in solution =
Particle Size Distribution: Percent

< 1m 3%
< 2m 76%
< 5m 97%
> 5m 3%

Operating and Storage Conditions:

Humidity Up to 95% @ +54C

Temperature - 40C to + 54C
Useful Life 10 years

*TWA – Time Weighted Average

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3.3 Component Descriptions

3.3.1 Stat-X Aerosol Generator Assemblies

Each Stat-X aerosol generator is comprised of an insulated stainless-steel housing
containing the aerosol forming compound, initiator, insulating medium, and internal
elements for oxidation and cooling of the aerosol stream prior to its discharge from the
unit. The initiator utilizes a secure two-wire connector for electrical activation and a
proprietary thermal detector for thermal activation. Each generator is sealed and utilizes
a non-permeable membrane to maintain the internal integrity of the unit even in humid
and high temperature environments. The Stat-X generators are protected under the
following patents: In the USA - 6089326, 5865257, 6116348, 6264772, 5831209,
6042664: In Germany - 19634006, 19636725, 19638626, and 19638628.








Illustration: Typical Stat-X Aerosol Generator Overview

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Part Number Capacity Diameter Length Weight
15100 30 grams 51 mm 109 mm 0.26 kg
15110 60 grams 51 mm 130 mm 0.35 kg
15111 60 grams 51 mm 155 mm 0.55 kg
15120 100 grams 76 mm 121 mm 0.9 kg
15130 250 grams 127 mm 150 mm 2.2 kg
15140 500 grams 127 mm 180 mm 2.9 kg
15150 1000 grams 203 mm 170 mm 5.4 kg
15160 1500 grams 203 mm 203 mm 6.8 kg
15170 2500 grams 203 mm 267 mm 9.0 kg

Table Stat-X Aerosol Generators

3.3.2 Initiation

Electrical. The initiator for the Stat-X aerosol generator consists of a two-wire
connector for electrical actuation. The two-wire connector and initiation
mechanism are secure and highly reliable initiating devices. Activation
parameters of the initiator are:

 Resistance: 1.4 – 2.0 Ohms

 Minimum Parallel Circuit Firing Current: 0.5A each, for 0.050 Seconds.
 Minimum Series Circuit Firing Current: 1.0A for 0.050 Seconds.
 Specified Maximum Test Current:  0.025A.
 Specified Maximum Supervisory Current: .005A.
 Operating Voltage: 12 – 24 V DC*.
 See Appendix E for further information on compatible fire alarm control

*The rated operating voltage under the UL Listing is 24 V DC.

3.3.3 Control Panels and Accessories

Fire alarm control panels must be UL/ULC Listed as compatible with the aerosol
generators under the UL Listing.

3.3.4 Mounting Hardware and Ancillary Equipment Generator Mounting Bracket

Stainless steel straps and brackets are used to mount the aerosol generator.
Mounting Brackets (PNs 18001, 18005, 18010, 18015) are available for the 30
grams through 2500 gram generators, depending on the method of attachment.

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Page 11 of 48 PN: 19000 (2018-07) Electric Remote Pull Box
An electric manual pull station listed by UL/ULC as compatible with the control
panel and acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction may be used to operate
the Stat-X aerosol generator system. Time Delay. A minimum 30-second time delay shall be utilized in areas where
personnel may be present to allow occupants of the area to egress prior to system
activation. While the agent itself poses no significant health hazard to the
occupants, occupants should leave the area before activation of the system to
avoid any potential problems associated with obscuration or minor irritation from
inhalation of the ultra-fine particulate. System Isolate Switch. A system isolate switch Listed by UL/ULC as compatible
with the Control Panel (located outside the protected area) is recommended
(unless prohibited by local authority having jurisdiction [AHJ]) in areas where
personnel may be present. The operation of the system shall be manual only
when personnel are present (unless prohibited by local AHJ). While the system
isolate switch is active, the automatic activation of the system is inhibited; but the
fire detection and alarm system shall continue to function. The system returns to
full automatic control when the switch is reactivated. The operation of the system
isolate switch shall electrically isolate and earth each conductor of the wiring to the
generators and initiate a visual indicator of status at the control station. Horn/Strobe Alarm. A horn/strobe alarm shall be UL/ULC Listed as compatible

with the control panel and used in conjunction with the time delay to provide an
audio and visual alert to personnel in the area that a system discharge is imminent
and that the protected area must be evacuated.


4.1 General
System design is based on the applicable requirements of the National Fire Protection
Association (NFPA) Standard 2010, the Russian Federation Fire Protection Authority
Standard NBC 88-2001 (formerly NPB 21-98), manufacturer’s design data, and the
authority having jurisdiction.

4.2 Application
The following steps must be taken to design and calculate a Stat-X system:

 Determine how the area is used and if floor, ceiling, and walls are fire-proof.

 Determine the hazard’s fire classification.

 Determine the appropriate design density based on fire classification.

 Determine the leakage potential of the hazard enclosure.

 Determine the geometrical dimensions of protected area (volume, total area,

height). (Protected equipment volume is not deducted from the total volume).
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 Determine if any large obstructions exist in the hazard.

 Determine if additional agent will be required to compensate for leakage, or


4.2.1 Calculate the total mass of aerosol required to protect the hazard

The following describes the method for calculating required concentration by hand. It is
intended to educate the user on the methodology to determine and enter required
system parameters. Actual calculations can be more readily done using the system
design calculator supplied with this manual. For Manual Calculation See Appendix D.

The required mass of aerosol required for a specific volume is calculated according to
the following formula:

M = K1 K2  K3  V  q
M – is the total mass of aerosol required to protect the hazard.
K1- is a ratio based on the non-uniformity of aerosol distribution according to the height
of the protected enclosure.
K2 – is the ratio based on the calculated leakage rate and leakage distribution for the
protected volume.
K3 – is the ratio based on specific parameters for cable tunnels.
V - is the total volume of the protected area in cubic meters.
q - is the design density of aerosol required to extinguish the hazard class.

Note: Calculated Final Application Density rates must be ≥ those shown in Table
4.2.1. For normally occupied spaces with K factors = 1, the US EPA lists the
maximum application density q as 100 g/m3.

For hand calculation of M use as value of q*:

a) Class A hazard: 97 g/m3

b) Class B hazard: 55 g/m3
c) Class C hazard involving Class B material: 62 g/m3
d) Class C hazard involving Class A material: 97 g/m3

Note*: Total quantity of M, adjusted by K factors, must equal or exceed the quantity
required to meet density levels listed in Table 4.2.1. Select number of devices to supply
or exceed the calculated quantity of M.

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4.2.2 Calculation of Facility Leakage Rate

Leakage rate is calculated according to the formula:

LR =  : Aopen

LR – leakage rate %,  : Aopen – sum of the area of unclosed openings, (windows,

doors, etc.)
Atotal – total surface area of the bounding structure, including floor and ceiling.

4.2.3 Determination of Formula Value K1

Formula Value K1 is determined according to the height of the protected enclosure as
follows: Determination of Formula Value K1 when, LR ≤ 1%

K1 = 1.00 when the height of the enclosure  3.5 meters.

K1 = up to 1.16 when the height of the enclosure 3.51 – 5.0 meters.
K1 = up to 1.26 when the height of the enclosure 5.1 – 8.0 meters.

Limiting Factors:

 LP not more than 0.04.

 Consult manufacturer for height of enclosure > 8.0m. Determination of Formula Value K1 when LR is 1% - 2%

K1 = 1.00 when the height of the enclosure  3.0 meters.

K1 = up to 1.16 when the height of the enclosure 3.1 – 4.5 meters.
K1 = up to 1.26 when the height of the enclosure 4.51 – 6.0 meters.

Limiting Factors:

 LP not more than 0.2.

 Consult manufacturer for LR > 2.0%.
 Consult manufacturer for height of enclosure > 6.0m

4.2.4 Calculation of Formula Value K2

Formula Value K2 is determined by the relationship between the leaking parameter (LP)
and the distribution of leakage in the protected enclosure (LH) as outlined below. Entry
of location and dimensions of unclosed openings into the SYSTEM CALCULATOR
included with this manual will automatically generate the correct K2 value into the
formula. For Manual Calculation See Appendix E.

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PN: 19000 (2018-07) Page 14 of 48 Calculation of Facility Leakage Parameter

Leakage parameter is calculated according to the formula:

LP =  : A open m-1

LP is a value, which characterizes the leakage of the protected enclosure as a ratio of

the sum of the area of unclosed openings to the volume of the enclosure. Calculation of Facility Leakage Distribution

Leakage distribution is calculated according to the formula:

A upper
LH = ________ x 100%
 A open
LH is a value expressed as a ratio of the area of constantly unclosed openings in the
upper half of the protected enclosure (A upper) to the sum of the area of constantly
unclosed openings.

4.2.5 Calculation of Formula Value K3

K3 = 1.5 for cable structures.

K3 = 1.7 for cable structures where the longitudinal axis of the cable structure is
situated at an angle > 45 degrees to the horizon (vertical, inclined cable
collectors, tunnels, passages, and cable wells).
K3 = 1.0 for all other structures.

Protection of cable structures should be limited to volumes  3000 m3 with a height

restriction of  12 m. LP (leaking parameter) of the structure is not to exceed 0.01m-
. LP is a value, which characterizes the leakage of the protected enclosure as a
ratio of the sum of the area of unclosed openings to the volume of the enclosure
and is determined as follows:

LP =  : A open , m-1
There may not be any automatic re-closing switches in the circuits of the cable
structure being protected.

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4.2.6 Calculate the number of aerosol generators required

The following formula is used to calculate the number of aerosol generators required for
the extinguishing system:

N = M/m
(When using generators of one size only)

N – the number of generators required. If the value of N is fractional, it is rounded up to a

whole number.
M – the total mass of aerosol required.
M – the mass charge of the individual aerosol generator Area Coverage Review

Each Stat-X generator has been tested and listed with a unique “footprint” for area
coverage (See Table 4.2.4 Aerosol Discharge Stream Characteristics). Once the
number of generators required to provide the necessary mass of aerosol has been
determined, the area coverage of each unit selected must be evaluated to ensure the
system falls within listed parameters. If not, additional units shall be provided to ensure
the final system configuration conforms to the Stat-X listing. Excess Pressure, ΔP Review

In general, very few enclosures are completely tight and excess pressure is not an issue
at normal design concentrations. However, in extremely “tight” enclosures (LP=0) an
evaluation of the structure should be made, and it is recommended that louvered pressure
venting be installed if deemed necessary. Venting should be sized to provide an effective
open area during discharge that calculates to an LP=0.001. If venting is added, the design
calculation must be recalculated including the vent open area to ensure proper design
density is maintained for the protected volume.

The chart below gives excess pressure ΔP information for each size of aerosol generator
at LP =0.001 values. For reference a ΔP of 3kPa is the threshold for damage to glass

Maximum excess pressure values ΔP (kPa) in conditionally sealed enclosure

(LP=0.001) at different design densities.

Design 100 1000 500 2500

Density 250 1500
g/m3 ΔP, (kPa) ΔP, (kPa) ΔP, (kPa) ΔP, (kPa)

50 0.66 0.53 0.21 0.12

75 0.93 0.89 0.32 0.20
100 1.62 1.43 0.66 0.31
125 2.40 2.12 0.85 0.52

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4.2.1 Minimum Application Density

Fire Class Stat-X® minimum application density

Class A 97.15
Class B 66.95
Class C - Energized Electrical Determined by A or B involvement

4.2.7 Other Facility/System Considerations Significant Obstructions/Agent Distribution

In cases where there is a large ratio of fixed equipment to total volume, or where the
protected equipment is located in such a way as to present a barrier to the free flow and
distribution of aerosol throughout the hazard area, the use of a larger number of smaller
aerosol generators is preferred. This will allow for strategic placement of the aerosol
generators and improved distribution characteristics throughout the area. See Illustration
4.2.3 Installation with Significant Obstruction Present. Total flooding in normally occupied and unoccupied areas where personnel
may be present: Note: In total flooding installations in normally unoccupied spaces
where personnel may be present, a 30 second time delay shall be installed to ensure
egress time prior to system discharge. In normally occupied and unoccupied areas,
a system isolate switch shall be installed outside the hazard area to ensure that
activation of the system is “manual only” when personnel are present. Shutdown of Air Handling and Power Supply

Upon pre-discharge detection of a fire, the ventilation system for the protected volume
must be shut-down to ensure the required application density is delivered and that the fire
is not exacerbated by excessive air-flow. In addition, electrical power to protected
equipment must be shut down. This will minimize the potential of re-ignition from a
continuous short circuit.

4.2.8 Placement of Stat-X aerosol generators in the hazard area Mounting
Stat-X aerosol generators are listed for both sidewall and center locations and may be
mounted on walls, beams, constructions, and columns as long as the unit is securely
fastened and is mounted in a position where it has an unobstructed discharge path and
where its “C-zone” (required clearance zone) will not impact on personnel, equipment, and
combustible materials located within the protected area. See Table 4.2.4 Aerosol Stream
Characteristics. The generators must also be located with adequate clearance between
structural materials and the generator housing. See Table 4.2.5 Generator Housing

The information below is a general guide for tightening fasteners used in the Stat-X
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mounting brackets. Many variables can affect the torque tension relationship when
securing fasteners, including position of the generators along with the general condition
of the fastener threads.

All torque recommendations are given in inch-pounds and are minimum torque values
for UL/ULC Listing.

Bracket PN Clamp Nut Torque Bracket Pivot Bolt Torque

18001 20 N/A
18005 20 40
18010 30 80
18015 50 100 Mounting Height

In general, the aerosol generators should be mounted in rooms at or near ceiling height
and angled to discharge down toward the floor at an angle to insure three-dimensional
distribution of aerosol. Normal orientation from vertical is 15° - 30° for sidewall mounting
and vertical for center mounting. In larger volumes (≥100m3) utilizing a 1500E unit and a
2500E unit the rotational angles should ensure an unobstructed discharge path as long
as possible. The aerosol generators must be mounted in such a way as to have a
clear discharge path and must not discharge onto walls or equipment as this will
result in agglomeration and decreased effectiveness. In order to ensure maximum
distribution of aerosol throughout the hazard area, the maximum height of generator
placement must be limited as indicated in Table 4.2.4. In facilities with walls higher than
the heights given in Table 4.2.4 aerosol generator systems for total flooding must be
designed to place generators on multiple levels. When multiple generators are installed in
the same enclosure, they shall be installed on multiple levels (tiers) along the enclosure
elevation; with each level (tier) maintaining compliance with the installation height
limitations and the maximum area coverage limitations. This will ensure complete and
even distribution of aerosol throughout the hazard area. See Illustration 4.2.5
Installation in High Walled Facilities for an example of a 2-tier installation.

Generators used in underfloor applications should be mounted to discharge

horizontally due to the limited height of the volume. For the same reason, underfloor
applications should generally utilize smaller units (500g or less). Flow
Placement of the aerosol generators to insure proper aerosol flow and distribution is
extremely important. Generators should be spaced as evenly as possible around the
hazard area and directionally positioned to promote a circular, three-dimensional flow
pattern. Aerosol generators must never be positioned to discharge directly at each
other! This will cause agglomeration of the aerosol particulate; reducing the
aerosol’s extinguishing effectiveness. For the same reason, aerosol generators in
total flood applications should also be positioned to ensure that the aerosol stream
does not impinge directly on walls or the sides of equipment being protected. See
Illustration 4.2.6 Typical Aerosol Generator Placement.

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Table 4.2.4 Aerosol Discharge Stream Characteristics
Installation Limitations

Model Length of Installation Maximum Area Maximum Area Discharge

C – Zone Height Coverage Coverage Time
(momentary Limitations Limitation Limitation (seconds)
peak temp † (square) (rectangle)
>75°C)** (meters)
30 gram 0.25 meter 0.5 to 1.22 1.200m x 1.200m 7
60 gram 0.35 meter 0.5 to 2.00 1.700m x 1.700m 10
60 gram 0.30 meter 0.5 to 2.00 1.700m x 1.700m 10
100 gram 0.46 meter 0.5 to 2.50 2.184m x 2.184m 12
250 gram 0.75 meter 0.5 to 2.75 3.454m x 3.454m 2.450m x 4.880m 12
500 gram 1.27 meter 0.5 to 3.50 4.880m x 4.880m 23
1000 gram 2.30 meter 0.5 to 4.88 4.880m x 4.880m 16
1500 gram 2.00 meter 0.5 to 4.88 4.880m x 4.880m 23
2500 gram 2.70 meter 0.5 to 4.88 4.880m x 4.880m 36

** The “C-Zone” is a distance where the momentary peak temperature of the

discharge will not exceed 75°C. Generators must also be installed with as long a
clear discharge path as possible to reduce possibility of agglomeration.

† 2500 gram generators should not generally be installed in volumes with a height
< 3m. When multiple generators are installed in the same enclosure, they shall be installed
on multiple levels (tiers) along the enclosure elevation with each level (tier) maintaining
compliance with the installation height limitations and the maximum area coverage
Table 4.2.5 Generator Housing Clearance

Model Required Clearance from Combustible and Structural Materials

mm inch
30 gram 7 0.25
60 gram 7 0.25
100 gram 13 0.50
250 gram 13 0.50
500 gram 13 0.50
1000 gram 13 0.50
1500 gram 30 1.00
2500 gram 30 1.00
Note: Fittings (junction box, conduit) directly connected to the generator must be
metallic only.

4.2.9 Operating/Temperature Range

Stat-X electrical aerosol generators are listed to operate within a temperature range of
- 40 °C to +54 °C. The generators are sealed with a non-permeable membrane and have
been evaluated for exposure to humidity (up to 95%) and cycled temperature (- 40°C to +
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Aerosol Generators (Sidewall Mounting)




C Zone equipment

*Spacing should be even unless prevented by obstruction

aerosol generators (center mounting)




* Spacing should be even unless prevented by obstruction

Illustration 4.2.3 Installation with Significant Obstruction Present

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**Note: 50% of the required generators
Hl must be mounted on upper tier

Mount at 15° to 30° angle to vertical

* Note: 50% of the required generators

must be mounted on lower tier


**Note: 50% of the required generators

must be mounted on upper tier


* Note: 50% of the required generators

must be mounted on lower tier


4.2.5 Installation in a High Walled Facility

Example of a 2 Tier Installation

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Aerosol Generators (Sidewall Mounting)

equipment equipment

equipment equipment

C Zone

*Spacing should be even unless prevented by obstruction

aerosol generators (center mounting)




* Spacing should be even unless prevented by obstruction

4.2.6 Typical Aerosol Generator Placement

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5.1 General
All Stat-X equipment must be installed to facilitate proper operation, inspection, testing,
and any other maintenance as may be necessary. Equipment must not be subject to
mechanical, chemical, or other damage, which could render the equipment inoperative.
Equipment must be installed in accordance with all applicable standards and the contents
of this section of the manual.




5.2 Aerosol Generator Installation

The Stat-X aerosol generators should be located within the protected hazard area. The
following installation instructions must be followed in the exact sequence outlined below
to prevent accidental discharge, bodily injury, or property damage.




5.2.1 Single Generator System

1. Position mounting bracket and securely fasten to wall, ceiling, or other support in a
location and manner, which ensures the generator will not be subjected to accidental
damage or movement.

2. Remove generator from shipping container and inspect integrity of the non-permeable
membrane. Do not install if the membrane is ruptured in any way or if circuit is broken.
Verify igniter integrity with Ohmmeter. Do not install if reading is outside range of 1.4 to
2.0 ohms.

3. Securely attach generator to the mounting bracket with generator clamp taking care to
ensure clamp is free of the initiator mechanism and that all bolts are securely tightened.

4. Position generator, via the bracket-mounting swivel, to allow for an unimpeded

discharge upon activation. Care must be taken so that the generator does not directly
discharge at close range at the wall, ceiling, horizontal, or vertical surfaces of the
equipment within the hazard area.

5. Taking care to ensure power is off, connect electrical lines to the initiator fitting at the
top of the generator.

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5.2.3 Multiple Generator System

1. Position mounting brackets and securely fasten to wall, ceiling, or other support in a
location and manner which ensures the generators will not be subjected to accidental
damage or movement.

2. Make sure mounting brackets are located in a manner to ensure a circular flow pattern
and maximum mixing of aerosol during discharge.

3. Remove generators from shipping container and inspect integrity of the non-
permeable membrane. Do not install if the membrane is ruptured in any way or if circuit
is broken. Verify igniter integrity with Ohmmeter. Do not install if reading is outside
range of 1.4 to 2.0 ohms.

4. Securely attach generators to the mounting brackets with generator clamps taking
care to ensure clamps are free of the initiator mechanism and that all bolts are securely

5. Position generators, via the bracket-mounting swivel, to allow for unimpeded

discharge upon activation. Care must be taken so that the generator does not directly
discharge at close range on the wall, ceiling, or vertical surfaces of the equipment
within the hazard area. Generators must be positioned to promote circular flow and
mixing of aerosol from multiple generators. Aerosol generators must never be
positioned to discharge directly at each other! This will cause agglomeration of the
aerosol particulate, reducing the aerosol's extinguishing effectiveness.

6. Generators may be wired individually back to a control device or connected in series

on a loop. Activation current must be supplied to each generator as follows:

Activation parameters of the initiator are:

 Resistance: 1.4 – 2.0 Ohms
 Minimum Parallel Circuit Firing Current: 0.5A each, for 0.050 Seconds.
 Minimum Series Circuit Firing Current: 1.0 A for 0.050 Seconds.
 Specified Maximum Test Current:  0.025A.
 Specified Maximum Supervisory Current:  0.005A.
 Operating Voltage: 12 – 24 V DC*.
 Refer to Appendix E for further information on compatible UL/ULC
Listed control panels.

* The rated operating voltage for UL Listing is 24 V DC

7. After verifying power is off, connect electrical lines to the initiator fitting at the top of
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the generator.

5.3 Post Installation Checkout

After the Stat-X generators have been installed and connected to the appropriate
detection and/or control system; perform the following inspection and tests.

1. Verify generators of the correct size are installed per the installation drawings.

2. Verify generator mounting brackets and clamps are properly installed and that all
fittings are tight.

3. Verify all electrical connections have been made and test for electrical continuity using
an Ohmmeter (electrical only).

4. Verify generators are positioned properly. Check for obstructions in the path of the
aerosol discharge stream. Generators must be installed such that they cannot
cause personnel injury upon activation. The aerosol discharge stream must not
impinge at close range on walls, ceiling, or vertical surfaces of equipment!

5. Manually operated electrical pull stations must be properly installed, readily

accessible, and clearly identified.

6. Verify time delay functionality and integrity.

7. All acceptance testing shall be in accordance with this manual, any applicable
standards, and the authority having jurisdiction.


6.1 General
A solid charge of the aerosol composition is contained within the sealed generator. Upon
activation of the initiator, the charge begins a controlled burn producing an ultra-fine
aerosol. The aerosol passes through an oxidation filter, where CO is converted to minor
amounts of CO2, and then through a cooling bed where the temperature of the aerosol is
rapidly reduced before it escapes through the discharge ports of the generator at low
pressure. Generator placement within the hazard area provides proper flow and
distribution of the aerosol within the protected area.

6.2 Operating Procedures

6.2.1 Electrical Automatic Operation

Electrical automatic operation occurs upon activation of the detection circuit, initiating a
voltage source from the Fire Alarm Panel to the generators. In normally unoccupied
areas where personnel may be present, a 30 second time delay shall be installed to
ensure egress time prior to system discharge. In normally occupied and
unoccupied areas, a system isolate switch shall be installed outside the hazard area
to ensure activation of the system is “manual only” during maintenance operations.
Personnel must evacuate the hazard area promptly upon hearing the pre-discharge alarm.
Ensure no one enters the hazard area after discharge and call the fire department
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6.2.2 Remote Electrical Manual Operation
Manual electrical operation is performed by manual release from a releasing device
located outside the protected enclosure. Operate as follows:

1. Upon fire notification, leave the hazard area quickly.

2. Proceed to the appropriate remote manual/electrical pull station for the hazard.
3. Ensure all personnel have exited the protected enclosure
4. Operate manual pull station.
5. Allow no one to enter the hazard area. Call the fire department promptly.

6.2.3 System Isolate Switch

The automatic operation of the system shall be prevented by means of a system
maintenance isolate switch (located outside the protected area) when personnel are
present in the hazard area. The operation of the system shall be manual only during
system maintenance and control system testing. While the system isolate switch is active
the automatic activation of the system is inhibited but the fire detection and alarm system
shall continue to function. The system shall return to full automatic control when the switch
is reactivated.

The operation of the system isolate switch shall electrically isolate and earth each
conductor of the wiring to the generators and initiate a visual indicator of status at the
Control Station.



6.3 Post Fire Operation

After discharge of a Stat-X fire extinguishing system, qualified fire extinguishing system
maintenance personnel must perform post fire maintenance and system installation
procedures outlined in this manual. Observe all warnings, especially those pertaining to
the length of elapsed time before entering the hazard area.







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6.4 Post Fire Maintenance
The following procedures must be followed in the exact sequence to maintain and re-
commission a Stat-X extinguishing system:

1. After discharge, allow a minimum holding time of 10 minutes.

2. Always be sure to have backup portable extinguishers at hand for use in the unlikely
event of re-ignition.
3. Vent the area thoroughly by operating the ventilation system, by fan extraction, or
by opening doors and windows. To avoid unwanted inhalation of fire by-products
and aerosol, a protective breathing apparatus or mask should be worn if it is
necessary to enter prior to complete ventilation of the hazard volume.
4. Inspect the area to ensure the fire is completely extinguished and that there are no
localized hot spots or other sources of re-ignition present.
5. Clean any minor amounts of residue, which have not been removed during
ventilation, by thoroughly vacuuming, blowing, brushing, or washing away (with a
water vinegar mixture) as appropriate. Check to make sure that there is no
agglomeration due to discharge too close to equipment, walls etc. If any
agglomeration exists it must be wiped or washed clean.
6. Any residue which is not cleaned up following discharge can absorb moisture. A
change in room temperature during a fire event or discharge can affect humidity
and it is important to reduce the enclosure humidity as soon as possible following a
7. Remove spent generators, being sure to wear gloves or other hand protection. The
generators will remain quite warm to the touch for a time after actuation.
8. Dispose of spent generators according to applicable federal, state, and local
9. Contact your Stat-X distributor immediately for replacement generators.





Due to the ultra-fine particle size and the method of generation, the particulate is quite
buoyant and suspends in the gas/air mixture within the protected enclosure. Because of
this “buoyant” effect the aerosol does not begin to “settle” for an extended period (up to
an hour) and therefore is extremely easy to vent from the protected area. Minor amounts
of particulate may be deposited on or in equipment and, generally, there is little need to
do anything beyond extraction of the air within the protected volume through a fan or air
handling system – followed by a blow down with compressed air. Any particulate deposited
on horizontal surfaces will be ≤ 5µm and will not form a continuous layer. Large gaps will
exist between particles.

As a precautionary measure, however, it is always important to inspect and clean

the site thoroughly following a discharge. While the aerosol itself is quite “clean”,
environmental factors are also a consideration. The unknown, and potentially harmful, by-
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products of an actual fire pose the biggest risk to sensitive equipment. Because unknown
products from the fire itself may be present or because of unwanted environmental
conditions, it is always recommended that the area be thoroughly cleaned to ensure no
unwanted particulates or by-products are present. For example, on-site maintenance and
housekeeping may have been lax allowing accumulation of dirt in the enclosure. During
discharge, any dirt within the enclosure will be blown around and then deposited as
unwanted residue throughout the area. Also, in rare cases, unit orientation may have been
altered improperly or equipment may have been re-oriented within the protected enclosure
resulting in an improper discharge directly onto a wall or equipment surface. This could
result in the deposit of small, localized areas of highly concentrated agglomerated
particulate on that surface. If left untended, an agglomerated mass may take on moisture
and may cause non-progressive surface discoloration (copper, bronze) of unprotected
metal surfaces. It is therefore, very important that any agglomerated particulate be cleaned
up with a water/vinegar solution within 24 hours following a discharge.


Before performing maintenance procedures, refer to the material safety data sheets
and safety bulletins in the appendix at the back of this manual.

7.1 General
While Stat-X extinguishing systems require significantly less maintenance than other
fire extinguishing systems which operate at pressure, a regular program of systematic
maintenance must be established to insure continuous, proper operation of any fire
extinguishing system. A periodic maintenance schedule must be followed, and an
inspection log maintained for ready reference. At a minimum, the log must record: (1)
inspection interval, (2) inspection procedure performed, (3) maintenance performed, if
any, because of inspection, and (4) the name of the responsible person performing the

7.2 Preventive Maintenance

Perform preventive maintenance per Table 7.2 Preventive Maintenance/Replacement

Schedule Requirement Paragraph

Weekly Check all electrical connections 7.3.1

Visual inspection of components

Semi-annual Inspect/test all system components 7.3.2

Test electrical continuity
Inspect bracketing & position of generators

10 - Year Replace generators from service 7.3.3

Table 7.2 - Preventive Maintenance/Replacement Schedule

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Stat-X fire suppression systems require significantly less maintenance than other fire
suppression systems; a regular program of systematic maintenance must be established
to ensure continuous, proper operation of any fire suppression system.

Stat-X systems maintenance schedule requires weekly, bi-annual and ten (10) year
maintenance, where weekly maintenance involves only visual inspection of the
components and electrical connections. All Stat-X generators must be replaced with a
new device after reaching ten (10) years from the manufacture date. The manufacture
date code is located on the label of each device. Stat-X devices must be installed as per
this manual or owner’s manual, and follow the bi-annual inspection steps described in
the table below.

Type of Survey: Weekly/Six Month/On 10th year Date:

Inspection Steps Yes No N.A.

Perform a general visual inspection of all aerosol generators for damaged
or missing parts. Examine each device for a puncture in the aluminum foil
seal at orifice plate. Replace generator if foil is punctured or ripped.
Verify at the control panel for any fault or trouble indication with regards to
the panel output releasing circuit(s). If there is an indicated releasing
circuit fault, verify electrical signal connection from panel to each aerosol
generator electrical initiator. Test using a multi-meter, the line resistance
of the releasing circuit signal line. Replace aerosol generator if each
electrical initiator resistance exceeds operational range of 1.4Ω to 2.0Ω.
Inspect aerosol generators for physical damage that is not superficial,
such as cracks, dents, distortion, or corrosion. If damage is found,
replace generator as instructed in the owner’s manual.
Verify mounting brackets and straps, tightness of mounting hardware, and
generator alignment are properly secured. Tighten all loose hardware or
replace damaged parts.
Ensure paths of emergency egress from protected area is not impeded by
an aerosol discharge as well as unobstructed access to manual pull
stations and abort devices (where installed). Ensure there are no
obstacles inhibiting the proper operation of the aerosol generators or
distribution of aerosol in the event of fire.
Ensure automatic dampers (where fitted) are functional. Verify leakage
areas identified during the original system design have not been modified.
Follow specific recommended manufacturer maintenance and test
procedure for the fire detection/control system and fire detection devices,
and per local codes.
The aerosol generators have an installed service life of ten (10) years.
Replace each generator ten (10) years from the marked date code in the
lower right corner of the product label.
N.A.: Not Applicable

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7.3 Inspection Procedures

7.3.1 Weekly

1. Check all electrical connections to insure operation of the Stat-X extinguishing

system in the event of a fire.

2. Make a general visual inspection of all aerosol generators for damaged or

missing parts.

3. Make sure that the generators are not obstructed and that the required
clearances have been met.

7.3.2 Semi-Annual

1. Make a general visual inspection of all aerosol generators for damaged or

missing parts.

2. Ensure access to hazard areas, lines of egress, and manual pull stations are
unobstructed and that there are no obstacles inhibiting the proper operation of
the aerosol generators or distribution of the aerosol in the event of a fire.

3. Inspect Stat-X aerosol generators for physical damage, such as cracks, dents,
distortion, or corrosion. If damage is found, replace generator as instructed in
Section 6 of this manual.

4. Inspect mounting brackets, straps, and associated hardware for loose, damaged,
or broken parts. Replace damaged parts and tighten all loose hardware.

5. Inspect all manual pull stations for cracks, broken or cracked glass plate, dirt or
distortion. Inspect station for signs of physical damage, replacing if necessary.

6. Inspect all electrical connections and run electrical continuity tests using an
Ohmmeter. Repair and replace as necessary.

7. Make sure that the generators are not obstructed and that the required
clearances have been met.

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Replacement/Removal from Service

The aerosol generators have an installed service life of ten years. They are to be replaced
ten years from the date code in the lower right corner of the product label. The Date Code
appears as follows, where the 2-digit numeric character represents the year and the single
digit numeric the month of shipment from the factory:

18 19 20 21 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

18 = 2018, 19 = 2019, 20 = 2020, etc. A unit marked 18 12, for example, would
have shipped in December 2018


Aerosol Generator Assemblies

Model Capacity P/N

30E 30 grams 15100
60E 60 grams 15110
60ME 60 grams 15111
100E 100 grams 15120
250E 250 grams 15130
500E 500 grams 15140
1000E 1000 grams 15150
1500E 1500 grams 15160
2500E 2500 grams 15170

Mounting Brackets

Model P/N
30 gram, 60 gram SS 18001
100 gram SS 18005
250 gram, 500 gram SS 18010
1000 gram, 1500 gram, 2500 gram SS 18015

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Fireaway represents that this product is free from defects in material and workmanship,
and it will repair or replace any product or part thereof which proves to be defective in
workmanship or material for a period of eighteen (18) months from the date of first
shipment from our factory. Defective units should be returned shipment prepaid to the

Fireaway Inc.
5852 Baker Road
Minnetonka, Minnesota USA 55345

Fireaway will repair or replace and return shipping prepaid. Return or repair shall be the
purchaser’s sole remedy for defect.

Limitations of Liability

This warranty does not cover equipment damaged during shipment or by misuse,
accident, or negligence, or which has been repaired or altered by others. Fireaway shall
not under any circumstances be liable for special or consequential damages such as, but
not limited to, damage or loss of property or equipment, loss of profits or revenue, cost of
capital, cost of purchased or replacement goods, or claims by customers of the original
purchaser. Remedies set forth herein to the original purchaser and all others shall not
exceed the price of the equipment supplied.

This warranty is exclusively and expressly in lieu of all other warranties, whether
expressed or implied, including warranty of merchantability or fitness.

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Stat-X fire extinguishing systems use flammable solid devices. Personnel responsible for
fire extinguishing systems must be aware of the potential dangers associated with the
improper handling, installation, or maintenance of this equipment.

Fire extinguishing system service personnel must be thoroughly trained in the proper
handling, installation, and service of the Stat-X hardware and follow the instructions in
this manual and in the Safety Bulletins contained in this Appendix. Fireaway has provided
appropriate warnings and cautions throughout the text of this manual. These warnings
and cautions are to be adhered to always. Failure to do so may result in potential injury to

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Safety Bulletin #1

Environmental and Health Issues for STAT-X aerosol generators

Environmental Issues

There are no known environmental issues associated with the use of Stat-X aerosol
generators. Both the Ozone Depletion Potential (ODP) and Global Warming Potential
(GWP) are zero.

Toxicity and Health Issues

Aerosol generators do not present a known health hazard in their benign state - as the
constituent chemicals are pressed into a solid form that is stable - even at elevated
operating temperatures. There are no environmental or health hazards from the chemical
in storage.

Unlike gaseous agents, the aerosol does not decompose in the presence of fire nor does
it extinguish by oxygen deprivation. Stat-X suppresses fire (primarily) by chemical
interference with the “Fire Propagation” radicals (OH, H, and O) that are essential
elements in the expansion of the fire. Stat-X interacts rapidly with these free radicals within
the fire zone – thus interrupting the on-going fire reaction.
The aerosol, itself, consists of solid and gas combustion products. The solid phase is
composed of highly dispersed particles of salts and oxides of alkaline metals that present
insignificant health hazards for humans at normal design concentrations. The gas phase
may contain small amounts of carbon monoxide CO, carbon dioxide CO2, nitrogen oxides
NOx, and ammonia NH3. Production of these gases is minimal in the case of Stat-X due
to its patented construction, chemical formulation, and its manufacture in the United States
using only technical and reagent grade chemicals. In tests conducted by a certified,
accredited testing facility in the United States, Stat-X generators were shown to produce
gas levels several orders of magnitude less than the standard allowed for automobile
airbag systems for passenger vehicles (See Figure 1).

Tests have shown no long-term negative effects from exposure to the aerosol. While the
components of the aerosol are not considered toxic at normal concentration levels,
ingestion of the ultra-fine particulate may cause short-term discomfort and unnecessary
exposure should be avoided. Studies conducted to date, indicate that any potential
toxicological issues with the aerosols in general are related to possible elevated levels of
potentially harmful products that may be produced in the gas phase – such as, CO, NOx,
etc. - and not due to the influence of the solid particulate.1,2 In the case of Stat-X, in
particular, the effect is negligible due to the extremely low level of gas production (See
Figure 1).

1E.A. Smith, E.C. Kimmel, et al, “Toxological Evaluation of Exposure to Two Formulations of a
Pyrotechnically-Generated Aerosol: Range Finding and Multiple Dose”, HOTWC.96
2“Search of Halon Alternatives in Fire Extinguishing” Safety Problems During Emergency Situations, Issue
1-M, 1992, pages 73-79.

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In tests conducted by VNIIPO (Russian State Fire Protection Institute), the aerosol was
considered to have the same acute toxicity as Halon 13013. The Toxicology Institute of
the Public Health and Medical Department of the Russian Federation and tests conducted
by the Institute of Biophysics (Department of Public Health and Medicine Russian
Federation), as well as others, have shown that the aerosol does not present a health
hazard due to limited accidental exposure at normal design concentrations. Exposure to
aerosol is generally of less concern than exposure to the decomposition products of a fire.
Accidental exposures under five minutes are normally considered safe. Certain safety
restrictions, however, should always be observed. Exposure to the aerosol should be
avoided as ingestion of the ultra-fine particulate may cause short-term discomfort. The
discharge of the aerosol also has a relatively high obscuration factor. Thus, the following
system installation requirements must be observed.

System Installation Requirements

Total flood systems may be applied in normally occupied and unoccupied areas in
conjunction with a 30 second time delay and system isolate switch to ensure egress of
personnel prior to system discharge and manual only activation whenever personnel may
be present in the protected volume.

3 *Andreev V.A., et al, “Replacement of Halon in Fire Extinguishing Systems”, Proceedings of the Halon
Alternatives Technical Working Conference, 1993.

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Stat-X Aerosol Physical Properties
Average Values @ 100 gram/m3 Concentration

Gas Products: Stat-X Automobile-Airbag NIOSH

(ppm) 15 minutes TWA* Emission Standard IDLH
20 minutes TWA*
NO2 1.08 9.90 20.00
NO 0.97 50.10 100.00
NOX = NO + NO2 2.05 60.00 120.00
CO 84.20 445.00 1,200.00
CO2 756.00 40,000.00 40,000.00
NH3 58.30 151.50 300.00

Solid Particulate: Percent

K2CO3 55.2%
KHCO3 8.2%
KNO2 7.9%
Other Potassium Compounds 5.5%
NH4HCO3 23.2%
pH in solution = 8.6

Particle Size Distribution: Percent

< 1m 3%
< 2m 76%
< 5m 97%
> 5m 3%

Operating and Storage Conditions:

Humidity Up to 95% @+54C
Temperature - 40C to + 54C
Shelf Life 10 years

* TWA = Time Weighted Average

Figure 1.0

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Before handling Stat-X aerosol generators, all personnel must be thoroughly trained in
the safe handling of the generators, as well as, in the proper procedures for installation,
removal, shipping, and disposal.

READ, UNDERSTAND, and ALWAYS FOLLOW the operation and maintenance

manuals, owner’s manuals, service manuals, etc., that are provided with the individual

The following safety procedures must be observed always:

Moving Generators
Generators should be shipped compactly in an upright position in the packaging provided.
They must be properly secured in place and not allowed to roll around or be dropped from
the tailgates of vehicles. Dropped generators are not to be installed.

Rough Handling
Generators must not be dropped or permitted to strike violently against each other or other
surfaces. Dropped generators are not to be installed.

Containers must be stored standing upright where they are not exposed to extreme
environmental conditions or are subject to being knocked over.

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In most cases the discharged generator can be disposed of in any landfill that handles
industrial waste. However, local regulations must be researched and observed. Each
discharged aerosol generator will contain the following material:

1. Stainless steel outer shell – all.

2. Mild steel cross members (100, 250, 500), spacer ring – all.
3. Stainless steel inner shell (30 – 2500), top and bottom plates, screens (all sizes),
and cross members (1000, 1500, 2500)
4. Activated Alumina: CAS 1333-84-2 (Aluminum Oxide non-fibrous)

30E 60E 100E 250E 500E 1000E 1500E 2500E

30g 60g 100g 550g 970g 1670g 2350g 3600g

5. Fiberglass rope (ø1cm x 50cm).- 250 - 2500

6. Ceramic Paper < 15g (30, 60, 100).
7. Wire – 24gauge, PVC coated (< 1g)
8. Trace Chemicals: K2CO3 (water-soluble particulate “trapped” in unit during

Contact Fireaway if there are any questions relative to the above.

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General Bulletin # 4:


Stat-X aerosol has been tested on a wide range of materials including structural,
aviation composites, and materials commonly used in electronics, and circuit boards. In
all cases it has been shown that Stat-X has no deleterious effect on the operating
capability of equipment.456

“Fire propagation” radicals (OH, H, and O) are essential elements in the propagation of
the fire. Stat-X suppresses the fire (primarily) by chemical interference with these free
radicals within the fire zone – thus interrupting the on-going fire reaction.

Potassium radicals (K) are the main active component of Stat-X aerosol. They are very
active and react with these “propagation radicals” – much like the bromine radicals in
Halons. The chemical reaction may be represented as follows, for example:

K + OH = KOH
KOH + H = K + H2O
K + OH, etc…

In addition, the flame propagation radicals recombine on the surface area of the ultra-fine
aerosol particulate to further interfere with flame propagation:

O + H = OH
H + OH = H2O

Due to the ultra-fine particle size and the method of generation, the particulate is quite
buoyant and suspends in the gas/air mixture within the protected enclosure. Because of
this “buoyant” effect the aerosol does not begin to “settle” for an extended period and,
therefore, is extremely easy to vent from the protected area. Minor amounts of particulate
may be deposited on equipment and, can be cleaned with a water and vinegar solution
after venting extraction of the air within the protected volume through a fan or air handling
system – followed by a blow down with compressed air. Any particulate deposited on
horizontal surfaces will be ≤ 2µm.

As a precautionary measure, however, it is always good practice to inspect and clean the
site thoroughly following a discharge. While the aerosol itself is quite “clean”,
environmental factors are also a consideration. The unknown, and potentially harmful, by-
4Findings, Study of Gas Aerosol Fire Extinguishing Compounds on Structural Materials, Maximov, Babkin,
Samokhvalova, Report of Metall Company 1991.
5Findings, Corrosive Effect of Gas Aerosol Fire Extinguishing Compounds on Structural Materials in
Aviation Technology, Leonova G.P., Usankova L.A., Report of All Union Scientific Research Institute for
Aviation Materials 1991

6Findings, Effect of Gas Aerosol Fire Extinguishing Compounds on Electronic Equipment,

Karelin V.G., Antonov, B.I., Scientific Industrial Organization Energia, 1991
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products of an actual fire pose the biggest risk to sensitive electronic equipment. Because
unknown products from the fire itself may be present, it is always recommended that
equipment be blown down with air or vacuumed following a discharge to ensure no
unwanted by-products from the fire itself are present.
Unlike HFC’s, which can break down and produce deleterious compounds such as
hydrofluoric acid when exposed to the high heat of a fire, Stat-X does not break down
when exposed to a fire and quickly extinguishes by means of chemical interference with
the flame’s free radicals. Stat-X has been approved by the United States Environmental
Agency (EPA) and approved for use under the EPA’s Significant New Alternatives
Program (SNAP).7

Stat-X aerosol composition8

Stat-X aerosol consists of a gas (30%) and solid particulate (70%) mixture. Mean
dimensions of aerosol particulate are in the range of 1-2 µm. The aerosol consists of the
following, primarily, potassium compounds (% mass 90 seconds after discharge) and
carrier gases:

Compound: (particulate) % Original Mass

Particulate captured within generator housing during 30.00

K2CO3 22.08
KHCO3 3.280
KNO2 3.160
Other potassium compounds 2.200
NH4HCO3 9.280

Compound: (gas carrier)

N2 21.93
H2O 6.550
CO2 1.361
CO 0.097
NH3 0.041
NO 0.001
NO2 0.002
HCN 0.006
Other Trace
Total 100.00

7 Authorization letter from US EPA, 2004

8 100 ft3 tank testing of Stat-X Fire Suppressant Units, Talley Defense Systems, 1999
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General Bulletin # 5: Stat-X Installation Guidelines

Aerosol generators should normally be mounted near ceiling height and angled to discharge down
(under floor excepted) toward the floor at an angle to insure three - dimensional distribution of
aerosol. Normal orientation from vertical is 15° - 30°.

Aerosol generators must never be positioned to discharge directly at each other and must be
mounted in such a way as to have an unobstructed discharge path, nor discharge at close range
onto walls, ceiling, or equipment. Always check for obstructions in the path of the aerosol
discharge stream. Generators must be installed such that they cannot cause personnel injury
upon activation.

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Stat-X generators have received the following shipping classification from the United
States Department of Transportation:

1. For shipment by motor vehicle, rail, or cargo vessel: UN3268, Class 9, Proper
Shipping Name: Safety Devices (check latest factory SDS if US DOT Special
Permit is applicable)
2. For shipment by air (Cargo or Passenger): UN0432, Class 1.4S, Proper Shipping
Name: Article, Pyrotechnic for Technical Purposes

Generators must be shipped as originally packaged by the manufacturer.

Generators packaged and shipped as Class 1.4S by aircraft shall have the following
storage limitations:

Maximum weight/ single packaging on Passenger Aircraft 25 kgs

Maximum weight/ single packaging on Cargo Aircraft 100 kgs

Stat-X generators have been ruled by the United States BATF to be exempt from the
reporting requirements of 18 U,S.C. Chapter 40 sections 842 and 843 and the
implementing regulations.

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Leakage K2 value at parameter of leakage distribution according to the height of the protected enclosure LH%
LPm-1 0 5 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

0.000 1.025 1.025 1.025 1.025 1.025 1.025 1.025 1.025 1.025 1.025 1.025 1.025
0.001 1.028 1.031 1.037 1.049 1.062 1.075 1.087 1.089 1.089 1.074 1.057 1.046
0.002 1.032 1.037 1.048 1.073 1.098 1.122 1.146 1.150 1.150 1.122 1.088 1.066
0.003 1.035 1.042 1.060 1.097 1.133 1.169 1.203 1.208 1.208 1.168 1.119 1.086
0.004 1.038 1.048 1.071 1.120 1.167 1.214 1.258 1.265 1.265 1.213 1.149 1.106
0.005 1.033 1.053 1.082 1.143 1.201 1.258 1.312 1.320 1.320 1.257 1.178 1.125
0.006 1.045 1.059 1.094 1.166 1.234 1.301 1.363 1.373 1.373 1.299 1.207 1.144
0.007 1.048 1.064 1.105 1.188 1.266 1.343 1.413 1.424 1.424 1.340 1.235 1.163
0.008 1.051 1.070 1.116 1.210 1.298 1.384 1.462 1.473 1.473 1.380 1.262 1.181
0.009 1.054 1.075 1.127 1.232 1.329 1.423 1.508 1.521 1.521 1.419 1.289 1.200
0.010 1.057 1.080 1.136 1.253 1.359 1.462 1.554 1.568 1.568 1.457 1.315 1.217
0.011 1.060 1.086 1.149 1.275 1.390 1.500 1.598 1.612 1.612 1.493 1.341 1.235
0.012 1.064 1.092 1.160 1.296 1.419 1.536 1.641 1.656 1.656 1.529 1.366 1.252
0.013 1.067 1.097 1.170 1.316 1.448 1.572 1.682 1.698 1.698 1.563 1.391 1.269
0.014 1.070 1.103 1.181 1.337 1.476 1.607 1.722 1.739 1.739 1.597 1.415 1.280
0.015 1.075 1.108 1.192 1.357 1.504 1.641 1.761 1.778 1.778 1.630 1.439 1.303
0.016 1.076 1.134 1.202 1.377 1.531 1.675 1.799 1.817 1.817 1.662 1.462 1.319
0.017 1.079 1.119 1.213 1.396 1.558 1.707 1.836 1.855 1.855 1.693 1.485 1.335
0.018 1.083 1.124 1.223 1.416 1.585 1.739 1.872 1.891 1.891 1.724 1.508 1.351
0.019 1.086 1.130 1.234 1.435 1.610 1.770 1.907 1.926 1.926 1.754 1.530 1.366
0.020 1.089 1.135 1.244 1.454 1.636 1.800 1.941 1.961 1.961 1.783 1.552 1.382
0.021 1.092 1.140 1.254 1.473 1.661 1.830 1.974 1.994 1.994 1.811 1.573 1.399
0.022 1.095 1.146 1.264 1.491 1.685 1.859 2.006 2.027 2.027 1.839 1.594 1.412
0.023 1.098 1.151 1.275 1.510 1.709 1.888 2.038 2.058 2.058 1.866 1.614 1.427
0.024 1.101 1.156 1.285 1.528 1.733 1.915 2.068 2.089 2.089 1.892 1.634 1.442
0.025 1.104 1.161 1.295 1.546 1.756 1.993 2.098 2.119 2.119 1.918 1.654 1.456
0.026 1.107 1.167 1.305 1.563 1.779 1.969 2.127 2.149 2.149 1.943 1.674 1.470
0.027 1.111 1.172 1.315 1.581 1.802 1.995 2.156 2.177 2.177 1.968 1.693 1.484
0.028 1.114 1.177 1.324 1.598 1.824 2.021 2.183 2.205 2.205 1.992 1.712 1.498
0.029 1.117 1.182 1.334 1.615 1.846 2.046 2.210 2.232 2.232 2.016 1.730 1.511
0.030 1.120 1.188 1.344 1.632 1.867 2.071 2.237 2.258 2.258 2.039 1.748 1.524
0.031 1.123 1.193 1.354 1.648 1.888 2.095 2.263 2.285 2.285 2.061 1.766 1.538
0.032 1.126 1.198 1.363 1.665 1.909 2.118 2.288 2.310 2.310 2.083 1.784 1.551
0.033 1.129 1.203 1.373 1.681 1.929 2.141 2.313 2.335 2.335 2.105 1.801 1.564
0.034 1.132 1.208 1.382 1.679 1.990 2.164 2.337 2.359 2.359 2.126 1.818 1.577
0.035 1.135 1.213 1.392 1.713 1.969 2.186 2.360 2.382 2.382 2.147 1.834 1.589
0.036 1.138 1.218 1.401 1.729 1.989 2.208 2.383 2.405 2.405 2.167 1.851 1.602
0.037 1.141 1.223 1.410 1.745 2.008 2.229 2.406 2.428 2.428 2.187 1.867 1.614
0.038 1.144 1.229 1.420 1.760 2.027 2.250 2.428 2.450 2.450 2.207 1.883 1.625
0.039 1.147 1.234 1.429 1.775 2.045 2.271 2.449 2.472 2.472 2.226 1.899 1.638
0.040 1.150 1.239 1.438 1.790 2.064 2.291 2.470 2.493 2.493 2.245 1.914 1.649
0.050 1.185 1.261 1.497 1.883 2.217 2.459 2.638 2.672 2.672 2.417 2.050 1.742
0.060 1.208 1.294 1.550 1.983 2.327 2.600 2.792 2.833 2.833 2.544 2.167 1.817
0.070 1.226 1.318 1.617 2.075 2.458 2.733 2.942 2.992 2.992 2.698 2.268 1.878
0.080 1.263 1.356 1.667 2.175 2.577 2.892 3.100 3.159 3.159 2.843 2.391 1.975
0.090 1.294 1.393 1.733 2.292 2.708 3.058 3.294 3.358 3.358 3.000 2.525 2.066
0.100 1.319 1.438 1.781 2.358 2.808 3.168 3.418 3.462 3.462 3.107 2.614 2.138
0.110 1.351 1.468 1.854 2.454 2.932 3.300 3.556 3.597 3.597 3.225 2.713 2.228
0.120 1.382 1.504 1.923 2.556 3.049 3.423 3.683 3.721 3.721 3.334 2.804 2.298
0.130 1.413 1.540 1.988 2.653 3.160 3.535 3.798 3.834 3.834 3.435 2.888 2.363
0.140 1.444 1.577 2.048 2.745 3.265 3.638 3.901 3.937 3.937 3.526 2.963 2.423
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Table to Calculate K2

Leakage K2 value at parameter of leakage distribution according to the height of the protected enclosure LH%

0 5 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

0.150 1.476 1.612 2.103 2.833 3.363 3.732 3.992 4.028 4.028 3.608 3.031 2.475
0.160 1.507 1.648 2.153 2.915 3.453 3.817 4.071 4.109 4.109 3.681 3.091 2.521
0.170 1.538 1.683 2.199 2.993 3.538 3.892 4.138 4.180 4.180 3.745 3.143 2.561
0.180 1.569 1.718 2.240 3.067 3.617 3.957 4.194 4.239 4.239 3.801 3.225 2.595
0.190 1.600 1.752 2.276 3.135 3.688 4.013 4.238 4,288 4.288 3.847 3.267 2.622
0.200 1.632 1.786 2.308 3.199 3.753 4.059 4.269 4.326 4.326 3.884 3.333 2.643

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Manufacturer Model

Potter Electric PFC-4410RC

Potter Electric PFC-6075R
Potter Electric P-400R
Potter Electric ARC-100
Notifier RP-2002 / RP-2002E
Notifier NFS-320 / NFS-320E
Notifier NFS2-640 / NFS2-640E
Gamewell-FCI GF506R
FireLite MRP-2002 / MRP-2002E

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