Moe-02-28-2024 1
Moe-02-28-2024 1
Moe-02-28-2024 1
Name Moe
Read through the evaluation criteria and circle the most appropriate score for each criterion. Provide
comments for each section as relevant/ appropriate.
5 = Excellent
4 = Very Good
3 = Good
2 = Average
1 = Needs improvement
1. Lesson Plan:
3. Anticipatory Set/ Introduction to the
5. Content
6. Teaching manner
- Student-centered methodology
7. Voice Projection
9. Rapport with Students
10. Questions
- Drama, games
15. The teacher gave praise when students
remained focused.
16. Closure
Total Score: 71
General Comments:
Show respect for the participation of everyone.
Enthusiastic participation is encouraged.
Encourage dynamic engagement
Students have a sense of inclusivity and security that encourages their active involvement.
You provided a range of enjoyable activities.
Areas of Improvements:
Taking turn in answering the questions
Be consistent in reinforcing the rules