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INFLUENCE OF RESOURCE MANAGEMENT ON SUSTAINABLE COMPETITIVE (It provides context about their -, which can influence how they

r -, which can influence how they manage

ADVANATGE OF MICRO ENTERPRISES (MEs) their resources and compete.)
2. How do the respondents assess the enterprise’ competitive advantage as
CHAPTER 1 – THE PROBLEM AND ITS BACKGROUND influenced by the management of its resources namely:
Introduction 2.1. Tangible; and
2.2 Intangible?
The introduction highlights the importance of resource management in today's (This question is asking how the respondents view their competitive
competitive and constantly changing business environment. It emphasizes the role advantage, considering how well they handle both tangible and intangible
of effective resource management in ensuring sustainability and competitive resources.)
advantage for businesses, particularly microenterprises. Key points include: 3. Is there a significant relationship between respondents’ assessment on the
influence of the resource management on the enterprise's competitive
 Definition of Resource Management: It refers to the effective allocation of advantage when grouped according to profile?
resources such as finances, staff, physical space, equipment, technology, and 4. Based on the findings of the study, what courses of action may be proposed to
time to achieve maximum value for an organization. improve the micro enterprises’ resource management?
 Significance of Sustainable Competitive Advantage: It involves acquiring assets,
qualities, or competencies that enable a business to better satisfy customer Research Hypothesis
demands than its competitors. Effective resource management is crucial for
smaller businesses to compete with larger companies and establish lasting  There is no significant relationship between respondents’ assessment on the
niches. influence of the resource management on the enterprise's competitive
 Importance of Microenterprises: Microenterprises, particularly in regions like advantage when grouped according to profile.
CALABARZON, are significant drivers of economic growth, contributing to Scope, Delimitation and Limitation of the Study
enhancing the quality of life, increasing purchasing power, and generating
employment opportunities.  The study focuses on the influence of resource management on sustainable
 Challenges Faced by Microenterprises: These include limited managerial skills, competitive advantage of micro enterprises in Tanauan City, Batangas.
low productivity, poor product quality, and constrained access to financing and  It aims to assess resource management as a sustainable competitive advantage
market information. Effective resource management is essential for overcoming using a quantitative research approach.
these challenges and fostering resilience, growth, and sustainable  Specifically, it will examine tangible resources (manufactured capital, natural
development. capital, and financial capital) and intangible resources (human capital, structural
 Research Gap: There is a lack of further study on how microenterprises capital, and relational capital).
effectively manage their limited resources, gain sustainable competitive  Data collection is limited to registered micro enterprises in Tanauan City,
advantage, and practice sustainability despite their resource constraints. Batangas, sourced from the City Planning and Development Office.
Understanding this influence is crucial for developing approaches that enhance  Statistical tools such as frequency and percentage, weighted mean, and Pearson
resilience and competitiveness in the local market. r will be used for data analysis.
 The study seeks to inform improvements in resource management practices
Statement of the Problem among micro enterprises to enhance their sustainable competitive advantage in
This study aims to determine the influence of resource management on compliance with local policies.
sustainable competitive advantage of micro enterprises in Tanauan City, Batangas. Significance of the Study
Specifically, this seeks answers to the following questions:
 Practical Significance: The study is crucial for micro-enterprises in Tanauan City,
1. What is the profile of the micro enterprises in terms of:
Batangas, as it provides actionable insights for optimizing resource
1.1. form of business;
management and maintaining sustainable competitiveness. It offers strategies
1.2. length of business operation;
for business owners to make informed decisions that foster growth and
1.3. number of employees;
resilience in the face of competition, benefiting the local community and overall
1.4. estimated monthly business income?
economic development.
 Methodological Significance: The study's rigorous research methods, such as Conceptual Literature
surveys and data analysis, offer a systematic investigation into how micro-
enterprises manage resources and their impact on outcomes like environmental This section of the study deals with numerous pieces of information that were
sustainability and profitability. By documenting and sharing these gathered from different sources such as books, journals, articles, and internet
methodologies, the study contributes to the broader methodological toolkit presentations which were significant to the present study.
available to researchers, advancing the field and facilitating future research in Resource Management. Blank (2024) (Resource management: why it’s important
similar contexts. and how to optimize - blog), suggests that resource management is creating an
 Theoretical Significance: The study's insights benefit micro-enterprises by accurate outline for allocating the human capital, costs, and materials required to
providing strategies for optimizing resources and maintaining competitiveness. complete a project. This plan is vital for companies looking to grow and increase
It also informs policymakers and support organizations about the specific needs revenue, as it directly influences a company's ability to fulfill its responsibilities and
of micro-enterprises, enabling them to design targeted interventions. helps organizations reach their objectives. (It is vital for growth and revenue
Ultimately, the study contributes to economic resilience and prosperity in increase, influencing a company's ability to fulfill responsibilities and reach
Tanauan City and similar communities. objectives.)
 Academic Significance: The study's results can serve as a reference for future
researchers, enabling them to conduct similar studies and enhance their In an article by Hansen (2022) (What is resource management and why is
analytical and creative endeavors. The research contributes to the academic it important? - article), resource management involves the proactive planning,
field by providing valuable insights into resource management and competitive scheduling, and allocation of resources to achieve maximum efficiency. It is a key
advantage in micro-enterprises. aspect of project management, aiming to achieve optimal outcomes with minimal
waste. Resource management focuses on optimization and efficiency, ensuring that
resources are used effectively to make projects successful.

According to De Ocampo et al (2021) (Resource Management During

Pandemic Debtor’s Perspective - thesis), resource management involves the
efficient utilization of both internal and external resources to meet project
objectives within allocated timeframes and budgets. These resources can be
sourced from within the organization or acquired externally. Effective resource
management ensures that the right resources are allocated to the right tasks at the
right time, optimizing productivity and minimizing wastage. It encompasses
activities such as planning, allocation, monitoring, and optimization of resources
throughout the project lifecycle to ensure successful outcomes. Additionally, it
involves evaluating and managing risks associated with resource availability and
utilization to maintain project progress and mitigate potential disruptions.

As stated by Wang et al. (2022) (Impact of efficient resource management

practices on sustainable performance – research article), resource management is
essential for achieving sustainable performance and has evolved from a broader
accounting agenda within organizations. Previous research has explored various
facets of resource management, from minimizing waste and energy to addressing
challenges related to gaining a competitive advantage. Factors influencing efficient
resource management practices include process and equipment management,
manufacturing planning and control, human resource practices, product design, and
corporate social responsibility. Environmental factors such as regulations, customer
pressure, social responsibility, and environmental uncertainty significantly impact
CHAPTER 2 – REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE environmental efforts in manufacturing firms. Sustainable performance, defined as
implementing environmental initiatives encouraged by institutional standards, is According to Laverty et al. (2021) (Foundations of Entrepreneurship –
influenced by customer pressure, expected business benefits, environmental book), tangible resources are physical assets that are observable and can be
uncertainty, and regulatory pressure. physically interacted with. They vary between businesses that offer products and
those that provide services. In product-based businesses, tangible resources are
Effective resource management, integral to modern business operations, used in manufacturing goods sold to customers and may include raw materials,
involves planning, scheduling, forecasting, and optimizing the entire resource land, buildings, machinery, computers, supplies, and vehicles. For instance, the
lifecycle for successful project delivery (Gupta, 2023) (What is Resource warehouse depicted below would qualify as a tangible resource for a company that
Management and its Importance? – blog). It aims to fulfill project requirements, sells tires. Tangible resources in a service-based business encompass physical
ensure the productive utilization of resources, and build a future-ready workforce to structures like doctor's offices, banks, movie theaters, amusement parks, retail
improve business profitability and withstand market volatility. Efficient resource stores, and restaurants, which offer a combination of products and services. These
management plays a significant role in enhancing profitability and sustainability by establishments require facilities and assets to deliver their services and manage
ensuring the right resources are available at the right time and cost for successful daily operations, including computers, office equipment, furniture, and
project completion. technological tools. It's essential to consider equipment and decor as they
 Resource Management contribute to the overall product offerings, even when the primary focus is on
o Blank (2024): Highlights the importance of resource management in providing services.
achieving growth and revenue increase, which is relevant to the Additionally, Torres-Barreto et al. (2020) (Relationship between the
study's focus on how efficient resource management contributes to tangible resources of companies and their capability of knowledge absorption –
sustainable competitive advantage. research article) defined tangible resources as specific assets of a tangible nature
o Hansen (2022): Emphasizes the need for resource optimization and that a firm owns and uses to carry out its economic activity and compete within the
efficiency, aligning with the study's aim to determine the influence of market. It is commonly accepted that tangible resources alone do not create
resource management on competitive advantage. competitive advantages. However, they can lead to higher profits if the owned
o De Ocampo et al. (2021): Focuses on the efficient utilization of property is distinctive or physically unique, and if it cannot be transferred because it
resources to meet project objectives, aligning with the study's interest is essential to the firm. Tangible resources are crucial within the context of firms'
in how resource management affects business success and activities and are key factors in developing routines and capabilities. These
competitiveness. capabilities are formed through the interaction between the resources that firms
o Wang et al. (2022): Discusses the evolution of resource management possess and the capabilities they have developed.
and its role in achieving sustainable performance, providing a
theoretical basis for the study's exploration of resource management's  Tangible Resources
influence on sustainability. o Jawed & Siddiqui (2019): Defines tangible resources as physical assets,
which are part of the resources managed by microenterprises, aligning
Tangible Resources. Jawed & Siddiqui (2019) (What matters for firms’ with the study's focus on resource management.
performance: capabilities, tangible or intangible resources? – research article?) o Rajchelt-Zublewicz et al. (2019): Classifies tangible resources based on
stated that tangible resources (TR) refer to the physical and measurable assets dimensions like physical and financial, which can help in understanding
utilized by an organization in its operations to produce goods or deliver services. how microenterprises manage these resources for competitive
Examples include land, vehicles, equipment, machinery, furniture, merchandise advantage.
inventory, and securities like stocks and bonds. TRs are not sold to customers but o Kamasak (2017): Assesses tangible resources through financial
are used in business transactions to produce goods or services or generate income. investments, which can be relevant for understanding how
On the other hand, Rajchelt-Zublewicz et al. (2019) (Tangible and intangible microenterprises allocate financial resources for competitiveness.
resources and the financial performance – research article) classified TR based on o Laverty et al. (2021): Describes tangible resources in product and
physical, technological, and financial dimensions, while intangible resources service-based businesses, providing insights into the types of tangible
encompassed human capital, relationships, and knowledge. Similarly, Kamasak resources managed by microenterprises in Tanauan City, Batangas.
(2017) (The contribution of tangible and intangible resources, and capabilities to a
firm’s profitability and market performance – journal) assessed TR through
financial investments like stocks, bonds, and equity stakes, as well as raised capital.
Manufactured Capital. According to the study of Paff (2021), the International  Manufactured Capital
Integrated Reporting Framework (IIRC, 2013b, sec. 2.15) defines manufactured o Paff (2021): Defines manufactured capital as physical objects utilized
capital, as physical objects created by human effort, distinct from natural resources, for production, highlighting the importance of these assets in
and utilized by an organization for production or service provision. These include microenterprise operations and their management.
buildings, equipment, and infrastructure like roads and water treatment plants. o Naranjo (2021): Emphasizes the role of manufactured capital in
While often produced by other entities, manufactured capital also encompasses turning resources into products, which is relevant for understanding
assets made by the reporting organization for sale or internal use. This definition how microenterprises utilize their assets for competitiveness.
underscores manufactured capital's significance in classical economics as one of o Binns (2018): Describes manufactured capital as crucial for
three capital stocks, alongside natural and human capital. Renewal and maintenance organizations, indicating its importance in microenterprise operations
of manufactured capital are vital for sustaining organizational activities, making it a and their ability to compete.
key determinant of organizational capacity. o Marsh (2022): Encompasses essential assets for providing services,
indicating the significance of these assets in the context of
Naranjo (2021) (Only natural: using the five capitals model to form a
microenterprises offering products and services.
sustainable development strategy – article) stated that manufactured capital
o Graedel et al. (2015): Stresses the importance of manufactured capital
comprises the goods and infrastructure needed to turn the resources acquired into
in sustainability, highlighting its role in microenterprises' efforts to
a product. Furthermore, the manufactured capital is the entire physical man-made
enhance efficiency and sustainability, which are crucial for
stock, produced and reproduced by society. It comprises buildings, transport,
energy, water, and waste infrastructure, industrial production facilities, and all
durable production and consumer goods, such as machinery, cars, airplanes, or Research Literature
According to a study conducted by Lopez (2021) (Strategic management
Moreover, Binns (2018) (The Five Capitals – a Model for Sustainable and competitive advantage of microenterprises in the province of Batangas,
Development – blog) defined manufactured capital as indispensable for Philippines – published in Malaysian journal), micro-enterprises often lack formal
organizations, bridging the gap between natural resources, a skilled workforce, and strategic management due to lack of resources and a focus on their current
communication structures. It encompasses crucial assets like buildings, transport operations. They also lack competitive advantages in selling low-priced products,
networks, tools, machines, and computers, serving as the linchpin for converting collaborating with partners, and expanding to new markets. However, strategic
raw materials into finished products. For an organization, possessing abundant management provides a competitive advantage, enabling micro-enterprises to
natural resources and a proficient workforce would be futile without the outperform competitors. The study found a significant relationship between
infrastructure to effectively process these resources. To maximize its utility, strategic management and competitive advantage, with most microenterprises in
manufactured capital should be dynamic and forwardthinking, driving innovation Batangas struggling to achieve this due to informal strategic practices.
and efficiency to minimize resource consumption while maximizing output.
 Lopez (2021):
According to Marsh (2022) (What are the 6 capitals of integrated  Key Point: Micro-enterprises often lack formal strategic management due to
Reporting? – blog), manufactured capital encompasses the tools, machinery, plants, resource constraints, affecting their competitive advantage.
infrastructure, and buildings that are essential for providing services, rather than  Connection to Study: This highlights a critical issue in micro-enterprises,
being the end product or service derived directly from them. These assets are aligning with your study's focus on resource management. It emphasizes the
crucial for supporting and enhancing the processes that drive the delivery of goods importance of efficient resource allocation and strategic planning in
and services, playing a foundational role in the overall operations of an organization. achieving competitive advantage, which is central to your research.
Additionally, Graedel et al. (2015) (Industrial Ecology: The role of On the other hand, Aidara et. al (2022) (Sustainability Performance of
manufactured capital in sustainability – research article) stated that manufactured Informal Micro-Enterprises: The Case of Senegal), emphasizes the significance of
capital is important for a sustainable organization to enable flexibility, innovation entrepreneurial competencies, financial, human, and social capital, government
and increase in the speed to market its products and services. It can also be used to support, and business environment as key factors contributing to the enhancement
reduce resource use and enhance both efficiency and sustainability. of sustainability performance of micro-enterprises. With this context, it is evident
that tangible sources like material sources and human skills are crucial parts of
growth and economic efficiency in microenterprises (Fazal et al., 2021) strategies, they often encounter failures, prompting them to refine their approaches
(Entrepreneurial competencies and microenterprises sustainability). The effective to remain competitive. Younger entrepreneurs tend to focus on marketing, finance,
management of these resources requires integrating knowledge from various and research and development, while family-oriented individuals prioritize human
aspects like economics, management, and sociopsychology in order to maximize resource management. Additionally, educational attainment influences involvement
resource utilization while simultaneously fortifying sustainability initiatives. It has in production, marketing, and research and development strategies. Interestingly,
been determined that strategic planning emerges as a critical component that age, gender, civil status, and the number of training sessions attended do not
influences both tangible and intangible outcomes, thereby enhancing the long-term significantly impact the use of business strategies among micro manufacturers in
success and sustainability of microenterprises (Mustapa et. al, 2022) (Modeling the Quezon province. However, educational attainment plays a significant role in
Significance of Sustainability Orientation on the sustainability performance of strategy application.
Micro-Enterprises in an emerging economy).
 Almase (2018):
 Aidara et al. (2022):  Key Point: Business strategies are essential for enterprises to understand
 Key Point: Various factors, including entrepreneurial competencies, their performance and foster growth, with various factors influencing the
financial, human, and social capital, influence the sustainability adoption of strategies.
performance of micro-enterprises.  Connection to Study: This provides insights into the broader context of
 Connection to Study: This underscores the multifaceted nature of resource management in micro-enterprises. It suggests that resource
resource management in micro-enterprises. It suggests that effective management strategies, including business strategies, are crucial for
resource management goes beyond tangible resources to include growth and competitiveness, aligning with your study's focus on resource
intangible ones like human capital, aligning with your study's holistic management's impact on competitive advantage.
approach to resource management.
 Fazal et al. (2021): Theoretical Framework
 Key Point: Tangible sources like material sources and human skills are  Resource-Based View Theory (RBT): The study is grounded in the Resource-
crucial for growth and economic efficiency in micro-enterprises. Based View Theory by Barney and Grant (1991), which emphasizes that a firm's
 Connection to Study: This emphasizes the significance of tangible competitive advantage is derived from its internal resources and capabilities.
resources, such as those you're investigating in Tanauan City, Batangas. It This theory helps identify the resources that microenterprises (MEs) can
reinforces the importance of your study's focus on tangible resource leverage for sustainable competitive advantage, focusing on the firm's
management in micro-enterprises. resources and capabilities crucial for business sustainability.
 Mustapa et al. (2022):  Sustainable Competitive Advantage: Competitive advantage is sustained when
 Key Point: Strategic planning influences both tangible and intangible a firm outperforms its competitors by developing its resources more cost-
outcomes, enhancing the long-term success and sustainability of micro- efficiently or distinctively. Achieving sustainable competitive advantage involves
enterprises. innovating and using resources to fulfill consumer needs in unique ways that
 Connection to Study: This highlights the broader impact of strategic are difficult for others to replicate. This advantage is non-duplicable and can
management, a key component of resource management. It suggests that lead to long-term success.
effective resource management strategies, including strategic planning,  VRIO Framework: Resources must have four attributes—valuable, rare,
can lead to sustainable competitive advantage, which is central to your inimitable, and non-substitutable—to gain a sustainable competitive
study. advantage. The VRIO framework helps assess whether a company's resources
Moreover, Almase (2018) (Business Strategies of Micro Manufacturing can provide a sustainable competitive advantage. However, possessing these
Enterprises in the Province of Quezon) revealed that business strategies are resources does not guarantee an advantage; strategic deployment and
essential for all enterprises to understand their performance and capabilities to adaptation to industry changes are also crucial.
foster growth. Despite the high failure rate among startups and small businesses in o VRIO resources are resources that are valuable, rare, hard to copy, and
the Philippines, recent statistics show that a significant percentage survive beyond supported by the organization. These resources can give a company a
the first year and even up to ten years. Therefore, it's crucial for businesses to adopt competitive advantage because they're unique, valuable, and not
effective strategies as they progress. Although business owners implement easily replicated by competitors.
 Tangible and Intangible Resources: Resources are classified into tangible and investments, and other financial resources, available to micro enterprises in
intangible assets. Tangible resources are economic benefits and visible Tanauan City, Batangas, which are essential for their day-to-day operations.
contributions, like products and commodities. Intangible resources provide
access to talents, information, capabilities, and knowledge. Tangible resources Human Capital. This encompasses health, knowledge, and skills of individuals within
can deteriorate with usage, while intangible resources do not and can be used an organization (Binns, 2018). In this study, the collective skills, expertise, and
simultaneously by multiple managers. capabilities of the employees within a micro enterprise in Tanauan City, Batangas,
 Application to Tanauan City's MEs: The RBT review provides insights into how which contributes to its competitive advantage.
resource management influences the sustainable competitive advantage of MEs Intangible Resources. This encompasses elements such as employee knowledge and
in Tanauan City. It assumes that effective resource management aims to achieve skills, a company's reputation, brand identity, intellectual property rights, leadership
sustainable competitive advantage and assesses whether Tanauan City's MEs qualities of executives, and organizational culture that are crucial for the success of
have adequate resource management practices for long-term operation. a micro enterprise (Kennedy et al., 2020). In this study, the resources or assets of a
Conceptual Framework micro enterprise, in Tanauan City, Batangas, that cannot be physically touched but
are crucial for its success such as human capital, structural capital and relational
 The conceptual framework of the study is depicted in Figure 2, using the Input- capital.
Process-Output (IPO) model.
Manufactured Capital. This encompasses the tools, machinery, plants,
 The input stage includes the profile of micro-enterprises in Tanauan City,
infrastructure, and buildings that are essential for providing services (Marsh, 2022).
Batangas, such as their form of business, length of operation, number of
In this study, the physical assets and infrastructure that are produced by a micro
employees, and estimated monthly income. It also involves assessing how these
enterprise for its operations such as tools, machinery, plants, infrastructure, and
enterprises perceive their competitive advantage, influenced by their resource
buildings that are essential for providing services and conducting business activities.
 The process stage involves constructing and validating the survey questionnaire, Micro Enterprises (MEs). Businesses with PHP 3,000,000 or less in assets and
testing its reliability, and then collecting and analyzing data using statistical operate under various industries (Magna Carta for MSMEs, 2010). In this study, the
tools. most common type of business in different countries and is characterized by their
 Finally, the output stage aims to propose strategies or recommendations to small scale with typically fewer employees, one to nine employees, compared to
enhance the sustainable competitive advantage of micro-enterprises in Tanauan larger enterprises that have PHP 3,000,000 or less in assets and operate under
City, Batangas, focusing on resource management. various industries.
Definition of Terms Natural Capital. This refers to all the environmental resources and processes,
whether renewable or nonrenewable, that provide goods or services supporting an
This portion of the study provides important terms used by the researchers
organization's success in the past, present, or future (Paff, 2021). In this study, the
throughout the previous page. The definitions provided are defined as conceptually
natural or environmental resources and assets that are utilized by a micro enterprise
and operationally used.
in Tanauan City, Batangas, in its operations, which includes air, water, land,
Competitive Advantage. This refers to the unique set of attributes or actions that biodiversity, and ecosystem services that are essential for the micro enterprises’
enable an organization to outperform its competitors (Wang, 2014). In this study it operations and success.
refers to the unique attributes and strategies — including offering innovative
Relational Capital. The value that a business derives from its relationships with
products or services, maintaining strong customer relationships, managing
stakeholders, such as customers, suppliers, partners, and the community which is
resources effectively, and achieving financial stability — that distinguish micro
crucial for the success of the business (Cosa, 2023). In this study, the relationship of
enterprises in Tanauan City, Batangas, enabling them to outperform competitors
a micro enterprise with its internal and external stakeholders, which includes the
and achieve success in the market.
quality of relationships with customers, suppliers, partners, and the community, that
Financial Capital. This encompasses all forms of money and assets, ensuring that can impact the micro enterprises’ performance and competitive advantage.
enable a business to operate, invest, and grow, ensuring its financial profitability
Resource Management. The practice of regulating and assigning your team's
(Naranjo, 2021). In this study, the total monetary assets, including cash,
resources to projects to maximize efficiency and which involves the strategic
allocation of resources to achieve organizational goals (Viter, 2023). In this study, the
proper allocation and utilization of resources by micro enterprises in Tanauan City,
Batangas, including tangible resources such as financial capital, manufactured
capital, natural capital; and intangible resources such as human capital, relational
capital, and structural capital, which is crucial for its success and competitive

Structural Capital. This comprises the systems and processes that ensure consistent CHAPTER 3 – RESEARCH METHODS AND PROCEDURE
and reliable outcomes which includes the organizational knowledge, procedures,
routines, and infrastructure that support the business’ operations (Rose, 2018). In Research Environment
this study, the organizational knowledge, processes and systems that are essential
for a micro enterprise’s functions and success which also contributes to its  This study focuses on the relationship between resource management and
competitive advantage. sustainable competitive advantage in micro enterprises in Tanauan City,
Tangible Resources. This refers to the physical and measurable assets, such as  The city was chosen for its representation of contemporary micro enterprise
machinery, equipment, buildings, and land, utilized by an organization in its resource management.
operations to produce goods or deliver services (Jawed & Siddiqui, 2019). In this
 Data will be gathered from the public market and nearby barangays, where
study, the physical resources or assets owned by a micro enterprise in Tanauan City,
many micro enterprises are located, facilitating data collection.
Batangas, that contribute to its operations such as manufactured capital, financial
capital and natural capital.  Despite potential limitations due to the geographical scope, data will be
collected through surveys administered to consenting manager/owners.
 The analysis aims to understand how resource management influences
sustainable competitive advantage, offering insights for enhancing the long-
term viability of micro enterprises and potentially informing strategies for
sustainable economic development.

Research Design

 The chosen research design aligns with the study's objective of understanding
the relationship between resource management and sustainable competitive
advantage in microenterprises in Tanauan City, Batangas.
 By using a quantitative approach, the study aims to collect numerical data to
describe and analyze the variables of interest, such as resource management
practices and competitive advantage indicators.
 This design allows for the testing of causal relationships between these
variables, providing insights into how resource management influences
 Additionally, the descriptive aspect of the design enables the researchers to
accurately describe the current state of resource management practices and
competitive advantage in the microenterprises.
 The correlational aspect will help determine if there is a relationship between
resource management and competitive advantage, providing valuable
information for the study's objectives.
 Overall, the chosen research design is well-suited to address the study's aim of management. The questionnaire will consist of two parts: the first part will
assessing the impact of resource management on the sustainability of gather information on the business profile, including form of business, length of
microenterprises in Tanauan City, Batangas. operation, number of employees, and estimated monthly income. The second
part will assess the respondents' views on their competitive advantage based
Respondents / Participants / Subjects / None of the Study on their management of tangible and intangible resources.
The respondents of the study will be the capacitated manager/owner of  To ensure the validity and reliability of the questionnaire, consultations with
micro enterprises who registered their business in the locality of Tanauan City, research advisers, faculty experts, and business owners/managers will be
Batangas. conducted for refinements. Content validation will be performed by the
research adviser, panels, chairperson, and research instructor. Additionally, a
The researchers will choose 100 respondents that will participate in the pilot test will be conducted with 15 business owners/managers in Tanauan City
survey. The researchers decided to use the convenience sampling which involves to ensure clarity and effectiveness of the questionnaire.
selecting the participants based on their easy accessibility. For this study the  The questionnaire will use a Likert scale for respondents to rate their
researchers will start by obtaining a list of all registered micro enterprises in agreement with statements regarding their competitive advantage. The scale
Tanauan City, Batangas. Then, they will select participants based on their availability ranges from 1 (Disagree) to 4 (Strongly Agree), with mean score interpretations
and willingness to participate. This sampling method is chosen for its ease of indicating the level of influence of tangible and intangible resources on
implementation and practicality, allowing the researchers to quickly gather data sustainable competitive advantage. The interpretations include Highly
from the registered micro enterprises in the area. Influential (3.50-4.00), Influential (2.50-3.00), Moderately Influential (1.50-
2.49), and Not Influential (1.00-1.49).
Furthermore, the study will focus on the characteristics of a micro
enterprise based on their business profile such as their form of business, length of Data Gathering Procedure
business operation, number of employees, and estimated monthly business income
that will be assessed by the managers/owners. The researchers will also study how 1. Approval and Initial Research: Once the title is approved, the researchers will
the respondents assess the influence of resource management on sustainable begin gathering data from various sources, including related studies, online
competitive advantage of micro enterprises. sources such as journals, theses, and dissertations, to construct the
 The respondents of our study will be the capacitated managers/owners of 2. Obtaining Data on Microenterprises: The researchers will obtain data on the
microenterprises registered in Tanauan City, Batangas. We will select 100 exact number of microenterprises in Tanauan City from the Business Permit and
participants using convenience sampling, choosing based on their availability Licensing Office (BPLO).
and willingness to participate. We will start by obtaining a list of all registered 3. Questionnaire Development: A research-made questionnaire will be used to
microenterprises in Tanauan City, Batangas. This method is chosen for its ease survey 100 managers/owners of microenterprises in Tanauan City. The
of implementation and practicality, allowing us to quickly gather data from the questionnaire will measure the influence of resource management on
registered microenterprises in the area. Furthermore, our study will focus on sustainable competitive advantage.
the characteristics of a microenterprise based on their business profile, such as 4. Validation and Approval: The first draft of the questionnaire will be submitted to
their form of business, length of business operation, number of employees, and the adviser, panel members, and chairperson for corrections, comments, and
estimated monthly business income, which will be assessed by the suggestions. After validation and approval, a dry run will be conducted on
managers/owners. We will also study how the respondents assess the influence selected microenterprises in Tanauan City to assess the questionnaire's
of resource management on sustainable competitive advantage of reliability.
microenterprises. 5. Actual Survey: The actual survey will be conducted in Tanauan City with 100
 participants from August 16 to August 31, 2024. Participants will be assured
that their data will be kept confidential and used solely for academic purposes.
Data Gathering Instrument 6. Data Analysis: After the survey, the data will be tallied and statistically treated
 The data gathering instrument for this study will be a survey questionnaire with the assistance of a statistician to interpret the quantitative results for
designed to collect information on the profile of microenterprises in Tanauan analysis and interpretation.
City, Batangas, and their competitive advantage as influenced by resource Statistical Treatment of Data
 Frequency and Percentage: Used to analyze the distribution of business
demographic profiles, such as form of business, length of operation, number of
employees, and estimated monthly income.
 Weighted Mean: Utilized to assess the influence of resource management on
sustainable competitive advantage in terms of tangible and intangible
 Pearson r: Employed to test the relationship between the respondents'
assessment of the influence of resource management on competitive
advantage and their demographic profiles when grouped accordingly.

Ethical Considerations

 Informed Consent: Participants will be informed about the purpose of the study
and their voluntary participation. They will have the right to withdraw at any
time without repercussions.
 Anonymity: All responses will be treated anonymously, and participants can
choose to disclose their identities at their discretion.
 Data Privacy: Adherence to the 2012 Data Privacy Act will ensure the protection
of personal information, with data processing conducted confidentially.
 Full Consent: Full consent will be obtained from all participants prior to data
1. Statement of the Problem 4. Data Collection
a. Can you elaborate on why understanding the influence of resource a. Can you describe the process you will use to select and recruit
management on sustainable competitive advantage is important participants for your study?
for microenterprises in Tanauan City, Batangas?  We will first obtain a list of registered microenterprises in
 Understanding how resource management affects the Tanauan City, Batangas from the Business Permit and
sustainable competitive advantage of microenterprises in Licensing Office (BPLO) and select 100 capacitated
Tanauan City, Batangas is crucial for their long-term success managers/owners using convenience sampling. This method
and growth. It helps identify key areas for improvement and allows us to ensure representation from a diverse range of
strategic focus. businesses in the area.
b. How did you determine the specific questions to be addressed in b. How do you plan to address any potential biases in your data
your study? collection process?
 The specific questions were derived from a thorough review  We will mitigate bias by clearly defining our selection criteria,
of existing literature and an analysis of the unique challenges obtaining consent from participants, and ensuring
faced by microenterprises in the local context. Each question confidentiality of responses.
aims to address a specific aspect of resource management 5. Data Analysis
and its impact on competitive advantage. a. What statistical methods will you use to analyze the data collected
2. Theoretical Framework from your survey?
a. How does the Resource-Based View (RBV) theory help explain the  We will use frequency and percentage analysis, weighted
relationship between resource management and sustainable mean calculation, and Pearson correlation coefficient to
competitive advantage? analyze the data collected from our survey.
 The RBV theory posits that a firm's resources, when valuable, b. How do you plan to interpret the results of your data analysis in
rare, and difficult to imitate, can lead to sustainable relation to your research questions?
competitive advantage. In our study, we use this theory to  These statistical methods will help us interpret the data and
analyze how different types of resources, both tangible and determine the strength and direction of the relationship
intangible, contribute to competitive advantage. between resource management and competitive advantage.
b. Can you explain how the concepts of tangible and intangible 6. Ethical Considerations
resources apply to your study? a. How will you ensure the confidentiality and privacy of the
 We apply RBV by examining how effectively managing tangible participants in your study?
resources (like infrastructure and equipment) and intangible  We will ensure that participants' responses are anonymous
resources (like knowledge and relationships) can lead to and confidential, and that their data will only be used for
sustainable competitive advantage for microenterprises. academic purposes.
3. Research Design and Methodology b. Have you considered any potential ethical issues that may arise
a. Why did you choose a quantitative, descriptive, correlational during the course of your research, and how do you plan to
research design for your study? address them?
 We chose a quantitative, descriptive, correlational design to  We have considered potential ethical issues and will address
quantitatively measure the relationship between resource them by obtaining informed consent, ensuring voluntary
management and competitive advantage. This design allows participation, and maintaining data security.
us to gather numerical data and analyze correlations. 7. Significance of the Study
b. How do you plan to ensure the reliability and validity of your data a. What do you hope to achieve by conducting this study, and how
collection instruments and procedures? do you expect it to contribute to the existing body of knowledge?
 To ensure the reliability and validity of our data, we will use  This study will contribute to the existing body of knowledge by
established survey instruments, conduct a pilot study, and providing insights into how resource management practices
employ statistical tools to analyze the data. can impact the competitive advantage of microenterprises.
 Understanding the relationship between resource
management and sustainable competitive advantage is crucial
for microenterprises in Tanauan City, Batangas, as it can help
them identify areas for improvement and enhance their
competitiveness. Our study's findings may contribute to
existing knowledge by providing practical recommendations
for microenterprises to optimize their resource management
b. How do you plan to disseminate the results of your study to
relevant stakeholders?
 We plan to disseminate our findings through academic
publications, conferences, and workshops to share our
insights with relevant stakeholders in the field.
8. Alignment with Theoretical Framework
a. How does your literature review support the theoretical
framework of the study? Can you elaborate on the key theories
and concepts that guide your research?
 Our literature review supports the Resource-Based View (RBV)
theory, which suggests that a firm's resources, when managed
effectively, can lead to sustainable competitive advantage. The
studies we reviewed provide insights into how resource
management practices can impact competitiveness in
microenterprises, aligning with our research focus.
 In our study, the theoretical framework is based on the
Resource-Based View (RBV) theory, which asserts that a firm's
resources are fundamental in determining its competitive
advantage. Our literature review supports this framework by
highlighting the importance of resource management in
achieving sustainable competitive advantage in
microenterprises. Authors such as Blank, Hansen, and De
Ocampo et al. discuss how effective management of tangible
and intangible resources can positively influence a firm's
competitive position. Additionally, studies by Lopez and Aidara
et al. emphasize the significance of strategic management and
entrepreneurial competencies in enhancing sustainability
performance, aligning with the RBV's focus on leveraging
internal resources for competitive advantage. Overall, our
literature review provides a comprehensive overview of how
resource management practices can contribute to sustainable
competitive advantage in microenterprises, supporting the
RBV theory as the foundation of our study.

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