My Part
My Part
My Part
Structural Capital. This comprises the systems and processes that ensure consistent CHAPTER 3 – RESEARCH METHODS AND PROCEDURE
and reliable outcomes which includes the organizational knowledge, procedures,
routines, and infrastructure that support the business’ operations (Rose, 2018). In Research Environment
this study, the organizational knowledge, processes and systems that are essential
for a micro enterprise’s functions and success which also contributes to its This study focuses on the relationship between resource management and
competitive advantage. sustainable competitive advantage in micro enterprises in Tanauan City,
Tangible Resources. This refers to the physical and measurable assets, such as The city was chosen for its representation of contemporary micro enterprise
machinery, equipment, buildings, and land, utilized by an organization in its resource management.
operations to produce goods or deliver services (Jawed & Siddiqui, 2019). In this
Data will be gathered from the public market and nearby barangays, where
study, the physical resources or assets owned by a micro enterprise in Tanauan City,
many micro enterprises are located, facilitating data collection.
Batangas, that contribute to its operations such as manufactured capital, financial
capital and natural capital. Despite potential limitations due to the geographical scope, data will be
collected through surveys administered to consenting manager/owners.
The analysis aims to understand how resource management influences
sustainable competitive advantage, offering insights for enhancing the long-
term viability of micro enterprises and potentially informing strategies for
sustainable economic development.
Research Design
The chosen research design aligns with the study's objective of understanding
the relationship between resource management and sustainable competitive
advantage in microenterprises in Tanauan City, Batangas.
By using a quantitative approach, the study aims to collect numerical data to
describe and analyze the variables of interest, such as resource management
practices and competitive advantage indicators.
This design allows for the testing of causal relationships between these
variables, providing insights into how resource management influences
Additionally, the descriptive aspect of the design enables the researchers to
accurately describe the current state of resource management practices and
competitive advantage in the microenterprises.
The correlational aspect will help determine if there is a relationship between
resource management and competitive advantage, providing valuable
information for the study's objectives.
Overall, the chosen research design is well-suited to address the study's aim of management. The questionnaire will consist of two parts: the first part will
assessing the impact of resource management on the sustainability of gather information on the business profile, including form of business, length of
microenterprises in Tanauan City, Batangas. operation, number of employees, and estimated monthly income. The second
part will assess the respondents' views on their competitive advantage based
Respondents / Participants / Subjects / None of the Study on their management of tangible and intangible resources.
The respondents of the study will be the capacitated manager/owner of To ensure the validity and reliability of the questionnaire, consultations with
micro enterprises who registered their business in the locality of Tanauan City, research advisers, faculty experts, and business owners/managers will be
Batangas. conducted for refinements. Content validation will be performed by the
research adviser, panels, chairperson, and research instructor. Additionally, a
The researchers will choose 100 respondents that will participate in the pilot test will be conducted with 15 business owners/managers in Tanauan City
survey. The researchers decided to use the convenience sampling which involves to ensure clarity and effectiveness of the questionnaire.
selecting the participants based on their easy accessibility. For this study the The questionnaire will use a Likert scale for respondents to rate their
researchers will start by obtaining a list of all registered micro enterprises in agreement with statements regarding their competitive advantage. The scale
Tanauan City, Batangas. Then, they will select participants based on their availability ranges from 1 (Disagree) to 4 (Strongly Agree), with mean score interpretations
and willingness to participate. This sampling method is chosen for its ease of indicating the level of influence of tangible and intangible resources on
implementation and practicality, allowing the researchers to quickly gather data sustainable competitive advantage. The interpretations include Highly
from the registered micro enterprises in the area. Influential (3.50-4.00), Influential (2.50-3.00), Moderately Influential (1.50-
2.49), and Not Influential (1.00-1.49).
Furthermore, the study will focus on the characteristics of a micro
enterprise based on their business profile such as their form of business, length of Data Gathering Procedure
business operation, number of employees, and estimated monthly business income
that will be assessed by the managers/owners. The researchers will also study how 1. Approval and Initial Research: Once the title is approved, the researchers will
the respondents assess the influence of resource management on sustainable begin gathering data from various sources, including related studies, online
competitive advantage of micro enterprises. sources such as journals, theses, and dissertations, to construct the
The respondents of our study will be the capacitated managers/owners of 2. Obtaining Data on Microenterprises: The researchers will obtain data on the
microenterprises registered in Tanauan City, Batangas. We will select 100 exact number of microenterprises in Tanauan City from the Business Permit and
participants using convenience sampling, choosing based on their availability Licensing Office (BPLO).
and willingness to participate. We will start by obtaining a list of all registered 3. Questionnaire Development: A research-made questionnaire will be used to
microenterprises in Tanauan City, Batangas. This method is chosen for its ease survey 100 managers/owners of microenterprises in Tanauan City. The
of implementation and practicality, allowing us to quickly gather data from the questionnaire will measure the influence of resource management on
registered microenterprises in the area. Furthermore, our study will focus on sustainable competitive advantage.
the characteristics of a microenterprise based on their business profile, such as 4. Validation and Approval: The first draft of the questionnaire will be submitted to
their form of business, length of business operation, number of employees, and the adviser, panel members, and chairperson for corrections, comments, and
estimated monthly business income, which will be assessed by the suggestions. After validation and approval, a dry run will be conducted on
managers/owners. We will also study how the respondents assess the influence selected microenterprises in Tanauan City to assess the questionnaire's
of resource management on sustainable competitive advantage of reliability.
microenterprises. 5. Actual Survey: The actual survey will be conducted in Tanauan City with 100
participants from August 16 to August 31, 2024. Participants will be assured
that their data will be kept confidential and used solely for academic purposes.
Data Gathering Instrument 6. Data Analysis: After the survey, the data will be tallied and statistically treated
The data gathering instrument for this study will be a survey questionnaire with the assistance of a statistician to interpret the quantitative results for
designed to collect information on the profile of microenterprises in Tanauan analysis and interpretation.
City, Batangas, and their competitive advantage as influenced by resource Statistical Treatment of Data
Frequency and Percentage: Used to analyze the distribution of business
demographic profiles, such as form of business, length of operation, number of
employees, and estimated monthly income.
Weighted Mean: Utilized to assess the influence of resource management on
sustainable competitive advantage in terms of tangible and intangible
Pearson r: Employed to test the relationship between the respondents'
assessment of the influence of resource management on competitive
advantage and their demographic profiles when grouped accordingly.
Ethical Considerations
Informed Consent: Participants will be informed about the purpose of the study
and their voluntary participation. They will have the right to withdraw at any
time without repercussions.
Anonymity: All responses will be treated anonymously, and participants can
choose to disclose their identities at their discretion.
Data Privacy: Adherence to the 2012 Data Privacy Act will ensure the protection
of personal information, with data processing conducted confidentially.
Full Consent: Full consent will be obtained from all participants prior to data
1. Statement of the Problem 4. Data Collection
a. Can you elaborate on why understanding the influence of resource a. Can you describe the process you will use to select and recruit
management on sustainable competitive advantage is important participants for your study?
for microenterprises in Tanauan City, Batangas? We will first obtain a list of registered microenterprises in
Understanding how resource management affects the Tanauan City, Batangas from the Business Permit and
sustainable competitive advantage of microenterprises in Licensing Office (BPLO) and select 100 capacitated
Tanauan City, Batangas is crucial for their long-term success managers/owners using convenience sampling. This method
and growth. It helps identify key areas for improvement and allows us to ensure representation from a diverse range of
strategic focus. businesses in the area.
b. How did you determine the specific questions to be addressed in b. How do you plan to address any potential biases in your data
your study? collection process?
The specific questions were derived from a thorough review We will mitigate bias by clearly defining our selection criteria,
of existing literature and an analysis of the unique challenges obtaining consent from participants, and ensuring
faced by microenterprises in the local context. Each question confidentiality of responses.
aims to address a specific aspect of resource management 5. Data Analysis
and its impact on competitive advantage. a. What statistical methods will you use to analyze the data collected
2. Theoretical Framework from your survey?
a. How does the Resource-Based View (RBV) theory help explain the We will use frequency and percentage analysis, weighted
relationship between resource management and sustainable mean calculation, and Pearson correlation coefficient to
competitive advantage? analyze the data collected from our survey.
The RBV theory posits that a firm's resources, when valuable, b. How do you plan to interpret the results of your data analysis in
rare, and difficult to imitate, can lead to sustainable relation to your research questions?
competitive advantage. In our study, we use this theory to These statistical methods will help us interpret the data and
analyze how different types of resources, both tangible and determine the strength and direction of the relationship
intangible, contribute to competitive advantage. between resource management and competitive advantage.
b. Can you explain how the concepts of tangible and intangible 6. Ethical Considerations
resources apply to your study? a. How will you ensure the confidentiality and privacy of the
We apply RBV by examining how effectively managing tangible participants in your study?
resources (like infrastructure and equipment) and intangible We will ensure that participants' responses are anonymous
resources (like knowledge and relationships) can lead to and confidential, and that their data will only be used for
sustainable competitive advantage for microenterprises. academic purposes.
3. Research Design and Methodology b. Have you considered any potential ethical issues that may arise
a. Why did you choose a quantitative, descriptive, correlational during the course of your research, and how do you plan to
research design for your study? address them?
We chose a quantitative, descriptive, correlational design to We have considered potential ethical issues and will address
quantitatively measure the relationship between resource them by obtaining informed consent, ensuring voluntary
management and competitive advantage. This design allows participation, and maintaining data security.
us to gather numerical data and analyze correlations. 7. Significance of the Study
b. How do you plan to ensure the reliability and validity of your data a. What do you hope to achieve by conducting this study, and how
collection instruments and procedures? do you expect it to contribute to the existing body of knowledge?
To ensure the reliability and validity of our data, we will use This study will contribute to the existing body of knowledge by
established survey instruments, conduct a pilot study, and providing insights into how resource management practices
employ statistical tools to analyze the data. can impact the competitive advantage of microenterprises.
Understanding the relationship between resource
management and sustainable competitive advantage is crucial
for microenterprises in Tanauan City, Batangas, as it can help
them identify areas for improvement and enhance their
competitiveness. Our study's findings may contribute to
existing knowledge by providing practical recommendations
for microenterprises to optimize their resource management
b. How do you plan to disseminate the results of your study to
relevant stakeholders?
We plan to disseminate our findings through academic
publications, conferences, and workshops to share our
insights with relevant stakeholders in the field.
8. Alignment with Theoretical Framework
a. How does your literature review support the theoretical
framework of the study? Can you elaborate on the key theories
and concepts that guide your research?
Our literature review supports the Resource-Based View (RBV)
theory, which suggests that a firm's resources, when managed
effectively, can lead to sustainable competitive advantage. The
studies we reviewed provide insights into how resource
management practices can impact competitiveness in
microenterprises, aligning with our research focus.
In our study, the theoretical framework is based on the
Resource-Based View (RBV) theory, which asserts that a firm's
resources are fundamental in determining its competitive
advantage. Our literature review supports this framework by
highlighting the importance of resource management in
achieving sustainable competitive advantage in
microenterprises. Authors such as Blank, Hansen, and De
Ocampo et al. discuss how effective management of tangible
and intangible resources can positively influence a firm's
competitive position. Additionally, studies by Lopez and Aidara
et al. emphasize the significance of strategic management and
entrepreneurial competencies in enhancing sustainability
performance, aligning with the RBV's focus on leveraging
internal resources for competitive advantage. Overall, our
literature review provides a comprehensive overview of how
resource management practices can contribute to sustainable
competitive advantage in microenterprises, supporting the
RBV theory as the foundation of our study.