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IDAX Monitoring

SW to monitor processes using

Dielectric Frequency Response

User’s Manual


Art No. ZP-AG02E Doc. AG033573AE V01a 2017

IDAX Monitoring

SW to monitor processes using
Dielectric Frequency Response

User’s Manual


© 2016, Megger Sweden AB. All rights reserved.
The contents of this manual are the property of Megger Sweden AB. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or
by any means, except as permitted in written license agreement with Megger Sweden AB. Megger Sweden AB has made every reasonable
attempt to ensure the completeness and accuracy of this document. However, the information contained in this manual is subject to change
without notice, and does not represent a commitment on the part of Megger Sweden AB. Any attached hardware schematics and technical
descriptions, or software listings that disclose source code, are for informational purposes only. Reproduction in whole or in part to create
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Megger® and Programma® are trademarks registered in the U.S. and other countries. All other brand and product names mentioned in this
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AG033573AE ZP-AG02E IDAX Monitoring 3


1 Introduction
................................................................ 6
Software Installation...........................................6
2 Getting Started
................................................................ 8
3 Sample connection
.............................................................. 10
Oven bushings and high temperature coaxial cables... 10
4 Sweep and temperature settings....... 12
4.1 Overview....................................................12
4.2 Sweep........................................................13
4.3 Temperature...............................................13
Automatic entry......................................................... 13
Manual entry............................................................. 13
Loading a temperature profile.................................... 14
5 Export and Report
.............................................................. 16
5.1 Export and report........................................16
Design a personalized report...................................... 16
5.2 Settings......................................................17
5 Appendix A
.............................................................. 18
Individual Temperature Correction (ITC).............18

4 IDAX Monitoring ZP-AG02E AG033573AE

AG033573AE ZP-AG02E IDAX Monitoring 5

1 Introduction

1 Introduction

IDAX Monitoring is an additional feature to IDAX 5.0

SW to make it possible use a IDAX 300 to monitor
Software Installation
processes using DFR (Dielectric Frequency Response). Monitoring functionality is installed during installation
Examples of processes to be monitored are: of IDAX 5.0 software, but it is disabled by default. In
order to enable this functionality a licence code must
▪▪Dry-outs, reduction of moisture content, of un- be obtained.
impregnated as well as impregnated cellulose in
e.g. power transformers. For such processes ITC Monitoring functionality can be activated by entering
(Individual Temperature Corrected) dissipation factor user name and corresponding activation code.
are most commonly used
▪▪Impregnation, e.g. impregnation of dry cellulose
with insulation liquids or resins. For such processes
ITC (individual Temperature Corrected) capacitance
may be used; however, be aware of that
temperature change the geometry and the effect of
geometry is not corrected in the ITC.
▪▪Curing of resins. Curing status strongly affect the
dielectric properties of the insulation material and
therefore monitor of such process is possible. See
e.g. “Analysis of Dielectric Response Measurement
Methods and Dielectric Properties of Resin-Rich
Insulation During Processing” by Anders Helgeson
IDAX Monitoring can be used in factory environment
as well as in the field.
The connection to a PC or other intelligent system
is the same as for IDAX via the USB port and/or the
Ethernet port on the IDAX front panel.
The IDAX may be connected to the PC or other
intelligent system operation, however, you may
disconnect and reconnect at a later occasion during
the monitoring process. Then IDAX Monitoring SW
automatically collect all data points collected.

6 IDAX Monitoring ZP-AG02E AG033573AE

1 Introduction

AG033573AE ZP-AG02E IDAX Monitoring 7

2 Getting Started

2 Getting Started

This section provides a step-by-step instruction. Important

“Monitor” has inherited most of func-
1] Start the IDAX 5.0 SW.
tionality from “Moisture” and therefore
SW will appear similar to picture below.
“Test Objects” available is limited to those
2] All data will always be saved in a file, there- currently available in “Moisture”, and
fore, you should press the “New File” button only one “Test Mode” per test is allowed.
(right-hand side). For monitoring, UST configuration is
strongly recommended and therefore
the “Two Winding Transformer” with
“Test Mode” CHL (UST-R) can be used for
almost all samples (if a GST measurement
is required, select e.g. “Auto Transformer
Without Tertiary”).

4] Select “Test Object” (normally Two Winding

Transformer even if you intend monitoring a
current transformer, bushing etc.).
5] Enter temperatures into compulsory fields
“Ambient Temperature” and “Object Tem-
perature”, e.g. 22C. These two fields are
3] Then the “Create a New File” window will
there as inherited from “Moisture”, these
appear, defaulted to “Moisture”. Press the
values will not be used in the Monitoring
“Monitor” tab. For more information by
“Moisture”/”DFR”/”%DF/%PF/”DC” and
the tabs “Single Test”/”Multiple Tests/”Use 6] Enter other fields if you need information (or
Measurement as Template”, see IDAX User’s add information to nameplate later).
manual. 7] Press “Create”.

8] Save the “File” at location of your choice

8 IDAX Monitoring ZP-AG02E AG033573AE

2 Getting Started

Act. Energy Activation Energy used for ITC tem-

perature correction. Incorrect values
scale data slightly incorrect but has
limited impact as long as Reference
temperature is not too far from actual
measurement temperature. Typical
values (Cellulose means pressboard,
Kraft paper or Crepe paper):

9] Now, you have a “Test” (labeled CHL, upper, ▪▪Oil-impregnated cellulose,

left-hand side of window) that can be run -20-80°C: 0.9 eV
(after connected to IDAX and start by press ▪▪Non-impregnated cellulose,
“Start” button in lower right-hand side cor- >80°C: 1.0 eV
ner Temperature Reference temperature for ITC
Moisture Select a database (Default or other,
to be modified in Settings tab), and
Moisture is plotted. Note that in
case Moisture is selected, Activation
energy and (reference) Temperature
is fixed to value determined by the
selected database

In lower part of right-hand side, it is a section labeled

“Settings” that display part of settings for the test:
Stop Lowest frequency to be used in DFR
frequency sweep of the full sweep defined on
settings tab (see section Settings tab).
You may change “Stop frequency” in
drop down list.
Test mode By clicking this button you see the
basic connection diagram.
Voltage Applied voltage level. You may use
(RMS) any voltage level, however, if you
use voltage level below 7 Vrms (10 V
peak), you preferable change from
200 V peak amplifier to 10 V peak
amplifier on Settings page (may be
advisable measuring under Vapor
Phase conditions).

AG033573AE ZP-AG02E IDAX Monitoring 9

3 Sample connection

3 Sample connection

This section provides a step-by-step instruction on

how to connect the test specimen.
1] Start the IDAX 5.0 SW.
2] All data will always be saved in a file, there-
fore, you start by press “New File” button.

Oven bushings and high

temperature coaxial cables
A common application of IDAX Monitoring is monitor
sample during processing in a climate chamber, e.g.
oven drying or Vapor Phase drying. In this case, bush-
ings for bringing cables into the chamber are neces-
sary and often also special high-temperature cables,
which does not get damaged by high temperatures
and kerosene. There are different types of connectors
and cables on the market that will work for this
application, description below will act as example.

▪▪BNC Adapter, female/female: Rosenberger 51K501-
▪▪High temperature cable: PRO POWER, RG142
Coaxial Cable, RG142, 50 ohm, order code
▪▪BNC connector (fit to cable above): Rosenberger

10 IDAX Monitoring ZP-AG02E AG033573AE

3 Sample connection

AG033573AE ZP-AG02E IDAX Monitoring 11

4 Sweep and temperature

4.1 Overview Moisture By select a database, you activate
Moisture assessment based on table
In the Overview tab, the measurement results as
database selected (see Settings page).
function of time are presented.
Inactivate the function by selecting
Note One or more parameters (e.g. %DF) to be “None”. If a database is selected,
plotted need to be activated; otherwise the Frequency (Hz), Act Energy (eV) and
graph will be empty. Temperature (°C) are set to fixed val-
ues determined by database selected.
The parameters buttons (below the graph) are:
%M The moisture content in % based on Moisture
assessment table: Left-hand side axis
°C The temperature in degree Celsius; Left-hand
side axis
C Capacitance in Farad; Right-hand side Y-axis
C’’ Complex part of complex capacitance
(Impedance Z = 1/(j*2*pi*frequency*(C-jC’’))
%DF Dissipation factor*100 = Loss current*100 /
Capacitive current = C’’*100/C
%PF Power factor*100 = Loss current*100/Total
current = C’’*100/(sqrt(C’’^2+C^2))

Based on settings of “Settings” (lower part of right-

hand section of window) the frequency sweep data
are plotted differently:
Frequency Frequency for data to be plotted
Act. Energy Activation energy if ITC temperature
(eV) correction is enabled
Temperature By select a temperature you activate
(°C) ITC temperature correction to selected
temperature (otherwise, select None)

12 IDAX Monitoring ZP-AG02E AG033573AE

4 Sweep and temperature settings

4.2 Sweep 4.3 Temperature

In the Sweep tab, the measurement sweeps are In the temperature tab, the measurement tempera-
presented. At left-hand side the frequency sweeps are tures are presented. At left-hand side the temperature
listed labeled with Date+Time. labeled with Date+Time is listed (format according to
computer settings) at the right hand the temperature
Note One or more parameters (e.g. C and %DF) to at the specific time.
be plotted need to be activated; otherwise the
graph will be empty.
Automatic entry
The parameters buttons (below the graph) are: Measurement temperatures may be read using
C Capacitance in Farad; Right-hand side Y-axis either automatic logging device (default) or logfile.
C’’ Complex part of complex capacitance Automatic logger use Modbus data interface and is
(Impedance Z = 1/(j*2*pi*frequency*(C-jC’’)) connected via LAN (Ethernet). In order to use it the
%DF Dissipation factor*100 = Loss current*100 / IP address or hostname must be entered in the field
Capacitive current = C’’*100/C “IP / Hostname”
%PF Power factor*100 = Loss current*100/Total
current = C’’*100/(sqrt(C’’^2+C^2))

You may change interval at which data are read and

saved. It must be verified with specifications of log-
ging device if other parameters need to be changed in
case different logger than Querx-PT100 is used.
Use any compatible temperature logger with Modbus
TCP interface.

Manual entry
▪▪Press “Add” button to enter temperature manually.
▪▪To delete a temperature data point, press “Del”.
▪▪Delete all data points by pressing “Clear”.
▪▪Load temperature data points by pressing the
“Load” button (more information about “Load” see
section “Loading a temperature profile” below).
▪▪The “Edit” function is activated by double-clicking
on a temperature in the list.
The data points are automatically sorted by date/time
and extrapolated before after covered times (using

AG033573AE ZP-AG02E IDAX Monitoring 13

4 Sweep and temperature settings

two last data points if more than one data point).

If you need two constant temperatures, e.g. 100°C
and 120°C use 4 data points (two at 100°C and 2 at

Note If no temperature is entered “Ambient Tem-

perature” from Nameplate is used.

Loading a temperature profile

It is also possible to load a complete temperature
profile. The file should be semicolon separated *.csv
with the following format:
YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM;Temperature

YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM;Temperature
can be:
2013-09-19 09:42;21,5
The first row means 19th (19) September (09) 2013,
at 09:42 (24h syntax). Temperature in degree Celsius
is shown after the semicolon.
1] By pressing “Load” button, an Open dialog
window will appear showing all files with
extension “.csv”.
The “Load” function accepts both point and
comma as decimal separator.

Note By changing view to show all files “*.*” it is

possible to show files created e.g. as *.txt

14 IDAX Monitoring ZP-AG02E AG033573AE

4 Sweep and temperature settings

AG033573AE ZP-AG02E IDAX Monitoring 15

5 Export and Report

5 Export and Report

5.1 Export and report

1] Press the “Export” button to export all meas-
urement data into a *.txt-file
2] Pressing the “Report” button connects data
to Microsoft Word and opens a report dialog
where pre-defined report templates are
3] Select “Monitor_Example_A4” and press
3] Below you see the data “Overview (picture)”
that earlier was placed under the Overview
name. By delete the square (the overview
picture from template) and then drag-and-
drop e.g. Sweep (Picture) to same location,
you have changed the template.

Note All graphs/pictures will be in report as in SW,

if you have enabled only %DF in Overview
graph, only %DF will be present in Overview
graph in report.
4] Save it under a new name that will appear
under Template next time you press “Report”
Design a personalized report button.
The most simple way of designing a personalized
report template is to select an existing template and
then modify it.

1] Select “Monitor_Example_A4”.
2] Press “Modify”.
The “Monitor_Example_A4” report can now
be modified under “File”.
You may design the report using normal
Word functionality and “drag-and-drop”
data from the legend on left-hand side of
report generator.

16 IDAX Monitoring ZP-AG02E AG033573AE

5 Export and Report

5.2 Settings ▪▪At left hand-side, bottom section, you may add
a new table “New”, delete an exciting table
“Remove” or “Import” a table into the SW (e.g.
created by another SW installation).
Export is available from bottom part of table (right-
hand side).
▪▪“Moisture Table” is the actual table selected
• Name is simply the name.
• Frequency affects the relation between dissipation
factor and moisture, therefore the frequency for the
table need to be stated.
• Temperature affects the relation between dissipation
factor and moisture, therefore the frequency for the
table need to be stated.
The Settings Tab looks similar to standard IDAX SW,
described in IDAX User’s manual. • Activation energy for the material assessed affects
In bottom, middle, part of the window a section labe- the ITC correction and therefore it need to be stated
led Monitoring is added with the following functions: (estimated).
• The table is the relation between %DF (dissipation
Sleep Time: (Default 15 minutes) factor/100) and moisture content. Values between
After a measurement is completed, the system waits points are interpolated using Log(%DF) and
(sleep) for the selected time before next measurement Log(Moisture%) and extrapolated from two last points
is started. If a frequency sweep takes about 5 minutes outside covered range.
to perform (1 kHz to 10 mHz, single frequency meas- Delete data pair by pressing the red “X”
urements) and sleep time is 15 minutes you will get a Add new data pair by pressing the green “Add” button.
new sweep every 20 minutes. Selectable alternatives Press “Save” to save the data table.
are none, 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 60 or 120 minutes. Press“Export” of table, to be stored or imported by
other used.
Time Format: (Default “Process Time”) Edit assessment limits
Each DFR sweep has a Date+Time stamp (when it starts) Assessment limits for %DF, %PF and Moisture can be
and each temperature also has a date+Time stamp. adjusted to suit particular requirements. These limits
You can select if data should be plotted with X-axis are applicable only to measurements during monitor-
set as Date+Time (Computer time) or if time = 0 is set ing process.
at start of first measurement sweep (Process time).

Edit Ranges (screen shot below)

A moisture table may be selected which maps an ITC

corrected dissipation factor at a certain frequency to a
moisture content.
▪▪At left hand side you have available tables.
The “Default” table comes with installation.
AG033573AE ZP-AG02E IDAX Monitoring 17
5 Appendix A

5 Appendix A

Individual Temperature
Correction (ITC)
An important property on most insulation materials is
the possibility makes a master curve from a set of DFR
data obtained at different insulation temperatures [1].
DF at 20C
DF at 40C
DF at 60C
DF at 80C
Dissipation factor

Figure 2. Master curve at 20°C, dry Kraft paper

Since the master curve now describe the relation
between frequency and temperature, dielectric
0,01 parameters such as the dissipation factor (DF) at 50
Hz can now be plotted as function of temperature [2].
See Figure 3.
0,001 0,01 0,1 1 10 100 1000
Frequency, [Hz] This technique is used to establish individual
Figure 1. DFR of dry mass-impregnated Kraft paper at differ- temperature correction factors (ITC) [3] to correct
ent temperatures. measurements performed at a higher, or lower, than a
reference temperature of e.g. 20°C.
To create a master curve, you prepare the insulation
sample and measure the sample at different temper- For example if measure the DF at 50 Hz of the
atures while making sure that other entities such as insulation material in Figure 1-3 at 40°C, the DF is
moisture content is kept constant. See Figure 1. The about 0,004 or 0,4%, see figure 1 (or Figure 3). By
temperatures in Figure 1 are 20°C (blue, lowest dis- measure a frequency sweep and plot it as function of
sipation factor at 1 Hz), 40°C (green), 60°C (orange) temperature, the estimated dissipation factor at 20°C
and 80°C (red, highest dissipation factor at 1 Hz). is about 0,005 (0,5%).

The curves are then shifted in frequency by using

Arrhenius equation with activation energy as a single
parameter and temperature as variable. Figure 2 show
the master curve created from measurement data in
Figure 1. The activation energy is 0.9 eV.

Figure 3. DF at 50 Hz as function of temperature (°C)

A similar application is to estimate the DF at a high

operating temperature based on a measurement at
ambient temperature. In Figure 4, the DF as function
of frequency is measured on an about 100 m oil-filled
400 kV cable at about 20°C; the cable connects a
Generator Step-Up transformer to the substation.

18 IDAX Monitoring ZP-AG02E AG033573AE

5 Appendix A

[1] U Gafvert, “Condition Assessment of Insulation
Systems, Analysis of Dielectric Response Methods, NORD-IS

[2] ITC patent. US2010/0106435 A1

[3] M Ohlen et al, Dielectric frequency response and

temperature dependence of dissipation factor, TechCon
Asia Pacific, Australia, 2009

Figure 4. DF as function of frequency for an oil-filled 400 kV


The DF is high, about 0,01 (1%) at 50 Hz but is it

critical or not? By looking at the 50 Hz DF as function
of temperature, see Figure 5, heat dissipation cal-
culations showed that the if DF at 60-80°C is above
about 10%, there is a large risk of a thermal runaway
breakdown. The cable was replaced prior any failure.

Figure 5. DF at 50 Hz as function of temperature. Data from

figure 4.

Other examples are when evaluating new of modified

insulation materials. A manufacturer of Kraft papers
for bushings was evaluating different modifications
in order to lower the DF. The new material had
significantly lower DF at 20 °C, however, DFR meas-
urement showed increase loss at lower frequencies
and consequently, the 50 Hz DF was higher at 90°C
compared to the original bushing paper.

AG033573AE ZP-AG02E IDAX Monitoring 19

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Megger Sweden AB Megger Sweden AB
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Subject to change without notice. Printed matter No. ZP-AG02E Doc. AG033573AE V01a 2017

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