8DJH24 Blue GIS Brochure EN

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8DJH 24 – blue GIS

Load-break switchgear for the

secondary distribution level

Good for the environment and economically valuable.

Our new 8DJH 24 blue GIS load-break switchgear
meets the requirements of tomorrow, offering all
benefits of the proven 8DJH concept at the same
time. The factory-assembled, type-tested, and 3-pole
­metal‑­enclosed 8DJH 24 using Clean Air is a ring-main
unit up to 24 kV, 21 kA and 630 A. By using Clean Air,
the insulating medium free of F-gases which exclu-
sively consists of the natural elements of the ambient
air, it highly contributes to reducing greenhouse gas

Sustainable innovation
The “Clean Air” technology stands for ecological,
future-proof power distribution and easy handling
throughout the entire lifecycle. It combines the
sustainability of the “blue GIS” portfolio with the
well-known advantages of the 8DJH product family
that have been proven in practice for a long time.
The result: Real innovation, which turns over a
new, pathbreaking leaf in the area of load-break

blue Switch
The centerpiece of the switchgear is the innovative
“blue Switch”, a three-position switch-disconnector
with vacuum interrupter in the secondary path, which
does not produce any toxic decomposition products
during the switching process. Thus, the dielectric
strength of the gas remains constant throughout the
entire service life, ensuring environmentally friendly
disposal of the switchgear at the end of the lifecycle.
The blue Switch is used in ring-main panels and – in
combination with fuses – in transformer panels. The
simple, reliable and well-known operating principle –
close, open, earth – of the 8DJH product family is
carried on within the blue GIS portfolio, and therefore
ensures continuity.


Cost-efficient. Safe. Durable.

The ecological gas-insulated load-break switchgear blue GIS
8DJH 24 blue GIS brings along everything that is The new 8DJH 24 belongs to the blue portfolio
required for safe and cost-efficient network operation. of Siemens AG. Every GIS of this portfolio
Of course, this includes a compact design, freedom is equipped with Clean Air and the proven
from maintenance during the entire service life, high Siemens vacuum technology. It meets the
operating and personal safety, as well a high expectations of the Siemens customers
availability. A hermetically sealed welded switchgear further on, for example, with respect to
vessel ensures that the switchgear parts carrying switchgear availability, maintenance-free
high voltage are particularly insensitive to ambient design, personal safety, environmental
conditions, and reliably prevent the ingress of foreign independence and cost-efficiency. Clean Air
objects. consists of the natural elements of the
ambient air and is therefore free of F-gases,
The medium-voltage switchgear has been developed
with a global warming potential < 1, highly
for use in public and industrial energy systems of the
stable, non-toxic, non flammable, and
secondary distribution level. Possible applications
suitable for every application temperature.
include secondary transformer substations, customer
The 8DJH 24 using Clean Air enables easy
transfer substations, and switching substations, as
handling at any time up to disposal at the
well as industrial and infrastructure facilities that
end of the product lifecycle.
benefit from the proven advantages of Siemens GIS in
their networks and want to use an insulating medium
free of fluorine gas at the same time.

Intelligent. Digital.
With the growing change of the distribution grids,
the need for optimum system control and utilization
increases. The 8DJH 24 can be equipped with motor
operating mechanisms, integrated sensors, innovative Clean Air
electronic indicators, and IoT-capable communication
units. This provides multiple intelligent and digital

Vacuum interrupter

Gas-insulated switchgear

Technical data

Common technical data

Rated voltage Ur kV 15 17.5 24
Rated short-duration power-frequency withstand voltage Ud kV 36 38 50
Rated lightning impulse withstand voltage Up kV 95 95 125
Rated frequency fr Hz 50
Rated continuous current Ir – busbar A 630
Rated continuous current Ir – feeders up to A 630
Rated peak withstand current Ip up to kA 52.5
Rated short-time withstand current Ik (up to 3 s) up to kA 21
Insulating medium Clean Air
GWP (Global Warming Potential) <1
Rated filling level kPa 190
Panel widths mm 350 / 450 / 550 / 840
Panel depths Standard mm 775
Option with base and mm 890
rear pressure relief duct
Panel height (without Standard mm 1400
LV ­compartment) Option mm 1200
Option with base and mm 1700
rear pressure relief duct
Ambient air temperature range Standard °C –25 to + 55
Option °C −40 to +70
Internal arc classification (option) up to IAC A FLR 21 kA 1 s, IAC A FL 21 kA 1 s
Partition class PM
Loss of service continuity LSC 2
Degree of protection Primary part IP65
Standard Switchgear enclosure IP2X
Option Switchgear enclosure IP3X
Expected service life > 40 years
(under normal service conditions)
Classification IEC 62271‑1 / -100 / -102 / -103 / -105 / -200

Technical data

Three-position switch-disconnector
Rated voltage Ur kV 15 17.5 24
General-purpose switch function Rated mainly active load breaking current Iload A 630
Rated short-circuit making current Ima up to kA 52.5
Electrical endurance Class E3
Number of electrical operating cycles with Iload n 100
Number of short-circuit making operations with Ima n 5
Capacitive switching Class C2
Mechanical endurance / number of operating cycles Class / n M1 / 1000
Disconnector function Mechanical endurance / number of operating cycles Class / n M0 / 1000
Make-proof earthing switch Rated short-circuit making current Ima up to kA 52.5
function Electrical endurance Class E2
Number of short-circuit making operations with Ima n 5
Mechanical endurance / number of operating cycles Class / n M0 / 1000

Three-position switch-disconnector/fuse combination

Rated voltage Ur kV 15 17.5 24
Switch function Rated mainly active load breaking current Iload A 200
Rated short-circuit making current Ima up to kA 52.5
Number of electrical operating cycles with Iload n 100
Number of short-circuit making operations with Ima n 5
Mechanical endurance / number of operating cycles Class / n M1 / 1000
Switch-fuse combination function Rated transfer current Itransfer A 1300
Maximum permissible power Sr of the transformer 1) up to kVA 1600 1600 2000
Disconnector function Mechanical endurance / number of operating cycles Class / n M0 / 1000
Make-proof earthing switch Rated short-circuit making current Ima up to kA 6.3
function Electrical endurance Class E2
Number of short-circuit making operations with Ima n 5
Mechanical endurance / number of operating cycles Class / n M0 / 1000

Vacuum circuit-breaker with three-position disconnector

Rated voltage Ur kV 15 17.5 24
Circuit-breaker type 1 function Rated operating sequence O – 0.3 s – CO – 3 min – CO
Rated short-circuit breaking current Isc up to kA 21
Electrical endurance Class E2
Number of short-circuit breaking operations with Isc n 50
Capacitive switching Class C1
Switching of cable systems Class S1
Mechanical endurance / number of operating cycles Class / n M2 / 1000
Disconnector function Mechanical endurance / number of operating cycles Class / n M0 / 1000
Make-proof earthing switch Rated short-circuit making current Ima up to kA 52.5
function Electrical endurance Class E2
Number of short-circuit making operations with Ima n 5
Mechanical endurance / number of operating cycles Class / n M0 / 1000

1) Depending on the primary voltage of the transformer and the HV HRC fuses used

Product range
Individual panels

Ring-main feeder (R)



Capacitive voltage
detecting system

Surge arrester
or limiter 775

Circuit-breaker feeder (L)
HV HRC fuse


Voltage 1400


Cable connection 450
with outside cone
(not included in
scope of supply) Transformer feeder (T)
SiBushing (integrated
measurement of
current, voltage, and


All dimensions in mm. 550

Product range
Individual panels

Cable feeder (K) Three-position




Capacitive voltage
detecting system

Surge arrester
775 or limiter
Billing metering panel (M)
HV HRC fuse

P1/P2 transformer
1400 sensor


Fixed earthing points for
busbar earthing

P1 and P2 are terminal

designations of the
current transformer

Cable connection with

outside cone (not included
in scope of supply)

(integrated measurement
of current, voltage, and

All dimensions in mm.

Product range
Panel blocks

Three-position Panel blocks with transformer feeders


RT 1 ring-main feeder, 1 transformer feeder



Capacitive voltage
detecting system

Cable connection
with outside cone
(not included in
scope of supply)
HV HRC fuse

RRT 2 ring-main feeders, 1 transformer feeder



All dimensions in mm.

Product range
Panel blocks

Panel blocks with circuit-breaker feeders Three-position


RL 1 ring-main feeder, 1 circuit-breaker feeder



Capacitive voltage
detecting system

Cable connection
with outside cone
(not included in
scope of supply)
HV HRC fuse

RRL 2 ring-main feeders, 1 circuit-breaker feeder



Optionally with busbar extension

All dimensions in mm.




4 5 6


8 9 10 12


775 350



1 Low-voltage compartment 7 Enclosure

• Customer-specific options in different heights 200 mm, • Hermetically tight, welded switchgear vessel made of
400 mm, and 600 mm possible stainless steel
2 Busbar extension, modularity • Enclosure made of sendzimir-galvanized sheet steel,
• Busbar extension as an ordering option switchgear front powder-coated
• Plug-in unit consisting of contact coupling and screened 8 SiBushing
silicone coupling • Outside-cone bushing type C with integrated
• Insensitive to pollution and condensation ­measurement of current, voltage and temperature
• Switchgear installation, extension, or panel replacement 9 Current sensor
without gas work • Single- or three-phase inductive current sensor
3 Indicators ­according to IEC 61869‑10
• Voltage detecting systems, short-circuit/earth-fault 10 Voltage sensor
indicators, and transformer monitors from various • Voltage sensor (resistor divider) according to
manufacturers IEC 61869‑11
4 Ring-main feeder 11 Cable-type current transformer
• Switch positions: CLOSED – OPEN – EARTHED • According to IEC 61869‑1 and -2
• Switching functions as a general purpose • Designed as ring-core current transformer, 1-phase
­switch-disconnector (class E3) according to IEC 62271- • Free of dielectrically stressed cast-resin parts
103 and IEC 62271‑102 • Insulation class E
• Designed as a three-position switch with the following • Inductive type
functions: switch-disconnector and make-proof earthing • Secondary connection via terminal strip in the panel
12 Cable compartment
• Can be implemented with and without motor
• Access to cable compartment only when the feeder is
5 Transformer feeder isolated and earthed
• High-voltage switch-fuse combination according to • Bushings according to DIN EN 50181 with outside cone
IEC 62271‑105 and bolted connection M16, interface type C as standard
• HV HRC fuse-links according to DIN 43625 and optionally interface type A and plug-in contact for
(main dimensions) with striker; “medium” version transformer feeder
according to IEC 60282‑1
– as short-circuit protection of transformers Connection of:
– with selectivity – if correctly selected – to upstream • Cable elbow plugs or cable T-plugs with bolted contact
and downstream equipment M16 for 630 A
– 1-phase insulated • Paper-insulated mass-impregnated cables via commercial
• Option: Shunt release (f-release) adapters
• Option: “Tripped” indication of transformer switch for • Thermoplastic-insulated cables (1- and 3-core cables)
remote electrical indication with 1 normally open contact • Option: mounted cable clamps on cable bracket
• Can be implemented with or without motor • Surge arresters and surge limiters

6 Circuit-breaker feeder 13 Dimension options

• Consisting of a vacuum switching unit with an integrated • Switchgear heights 1200 mm and 1400 mm
three-position disconnector and associated operating • Deep cable compartment cover
mechanisms 14 Pressure relief
• According to IEC 62271‑100 • Pressure relief downwards
• Can be implemented with and without motor • Optionally upwards with absorber
• Auxiliary switch: 6 NO + 6 NC or 2 NO + 3 NC + • Up to IAC A FL 21 kA / 1 s or IAC A FLR 21 kA / 1 s
2 C/O ­contacts
• Options: Closing solenoid, shunt release, c.t.-operated
release, low-energy magnetic release, undervoltage
release, circuit-breaker tripping signal, varistor module,
position switch, and operations counter

Smart Infrastructure combines the real and digital worlds across
energy systems, buildings and industries, enhancing the way
people live and work and significantly improving efficiency and

We work together with customers and partners to create

an ecosystem that both intuitively responds to the needs of
people and helps customers achieve their business goals.

It helps our customers to thrive, communities to progress

and supports sustainable development to protect our planet for
the next generation.


8DJH 24

Published by
Siemens AG
Smart Infrastructure
Electrification & Automation
Mozartstraße 31 C
91052 Erlangen, Germany

For the U.S. published by

Siemens Industry Inc.
100 Technology Drive
Alpharetta, GA 30005
United States

Article no. SIDS-B10063-00-7600 (Status 04/2023)

Subject to changes and errors. The information given in this document only contains general descriptions and/or performance features which may
not always specifically reflect those described, or which may undergo modification in the course of further development of the products. The requested
performance features are binding only when they are expressly agreed upon in the concluded contract.
© Siemens 2023

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