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Basic of Electrical Engineering: B.Tech Year Notes

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Basic of Electrical Engineering

B.Tech 1 Yearst


Prepared By:
D.C. CIRCUITS: Ohm’s Law, Kirchoff’s Laws, D.C.
Circuits, Nodal and Loop methods of analysis,
1 Delta and star transformations, RLC
parameters. 2-14
NETWORK THEOREMS: Thevenin’s, Norton’s,
Superposition Theorem, Maximum power
A.C Fundamentals: Alternating current,
Average and rms value, Form factor, Peak
Factor, sinusoidal wave.
A.C. CIRCUITS: Pure R, Pure C, Pure L, Series 15-43
and parallel A.C. circuits, series and parallel
resonance, Q factor, cut-off frequencies and
voltages and currents, balanced star and delta
circuits, power equation, measurement of
3 power by two wattmeter method, Importance 44-68
of earthing.
TRANSFORMERS: Principle, construction &
working of transformer, Efficiency and
4 Generator. 69-82
ELCB, MCCB, Earthing.

Network theory is the study of solving the problems of electric circuits or electric
networks. In this introductory chapter, let us first discuss the basic terminology of
electric circuits and the types of network elements.

Basic Terminology
In Network Theory, we will frequently come across the following terms −
• Electric Circuit
• Electric Network
• Current
• Voltage
• Power
So, it is imperative that we gather some basic knowledge on these terms before
proceeding further. Let’s start with Electric Circuit.
Electric Circuit
An electric circuit contains a closed path for providing a flow of electrons from a
voltage source or current source. The elements present in an electric circuit will
be in series connection, parallel connection, or in any combination of series and
parallel connections.
Electric Network
An electric network need not contain a closed path for providing a flow of
electrons from a voltage source or current source. Hence, we can conclude that
"all electric circuits are electric networks" but the converse need not be true
Types of Network Elements
We can classify the Network elements into various types based on some
parameters. Following are the types of Network elements −
Active Elements and Passive Elements
Linear Elements and Non-linear Elements
Bilateral Elements and Unilateral Elements
Lumped Elements and Distributed Elements
Active Elements and Passive Elements
We can classify the Network elements into either active or passive based on the
ability of delivering power.
Active Elements deliver power to other elements, which are present in an electric
circuit. Sometimes, they may absorb the power like passive elements. That means
active elements have the capability of both delivering and absorbing power.
Examples: Voltage sources and current sources.
Passive Elements can’t deliver power (energy) to other elements; however they
can absorb power. That means these elements either dissipate power in the form
of heat or store energy in the form of either magnetic field or electric field.
Examples: Resistors, Inductors, and capacitors.
Linear Elements and Non-Linear Elements
We can classify the network elements as linear or non-linear based on their
characteristic to obey the property of linearity.
Linear Elements are the elements that show a linear relationship between
voltage and current. Examples: Resistors, Inductors, and capacitors.
Non-Linear Elements are those that do not show a linear relation between
voltage and current. Examples: Voltage sources and current sources.
Bilateral Elements and Unilateral Elements Network elements can also be
classified as either bilateral or unilateral based on the direction of current flows
through the network elements. Bilateral Elements are the elements that allow the
current in both directions and offer the same impedance in either direction of
current flow. Examples: Resistors, Inductors and capacitors.
R-L-C Parameters
The main functionality of Resistor is either opposes or restricts the flow of electric
current. Hence, the resistors are used in order to limit the amount of current flow
and / or dividing (sharing) voltage. Let the current flowing through the resistor is I
amperes and the voltage across it is V volts
According to Ohm’s law, the voltage across resistor is the product of current
flowing through it and the resistance of that resistor. Mathematically, it can be
represented as
In general, inductors will have number of turns. Hence, they produce magnetic
flux when current flows through it. So, the amount of total magnetic flux
produced by an inductor depends on the current, I flowing through it and they
have linear relationship.
In general, a capacitor has two conducting plates, separated by a dielectric
medium. If positive voltage is applied across the capacitor, then it stores positive
charge. Similarly, if negative voltage is applied across the capacitor, then it stores
negative charge

Types of Sources
Active Elements are the network elements that deliver power to other elements
present in an electric circuit. So, active elements are also called as sources of
voltage or current type. We can classify these sources into the following two
categories −
Independent Sources
Dependent Sources
Independent Sources
As the name suggests, independent sources produce fixed values of voltage or
current and these are not dependent on any other parameter. Independent
sources can be further divided into the following two categories −
Independent Voltage Sources
Independent Current Sources
Dependent Sources
As the name suggests, dependent sources produce the amount of voltage or
current that is dependent on some other voltage or current. Dependent sources
are also called as controlled sources. Dependent sources can be further divided
into the following two categories −
Dependent Voltage Sources
Dependent Current Sources

Kirchhoff’s Laws
Network elements can be either of active or passive type. Any electrical circuit or
network contains one of these two types of network elements or a combination
of both. Now, let us discuss about the following two laws, which are popularly
known as Kirchhoff’s laws.
Kirchhoff’s Current Law
Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law
Kirchhoff’s Current Law
Kirchhoff’s Current Law (KCL) states that the algebraic sum of currents leaving (or
entering) a node is equal to zero. A Node is a point where two or more circuit
elements are connected to it. If only two circuit elements are connected to a
node, then it is said to be simple node. If three or more circuit elements are
connected to a node, then it is said to be Principal Node. Mathematically, KCL can
be represented as

KCL is independent of the nature of network elements that are connected to a

Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law
Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law (KVL) states that the algebraic sum of voltages around a
loop or mesh is equal to zero.
A Loop is a path that terminates at the same node where it started from. In
contrast, a Mesh is a loop that doesn’t contain any other loops inside it.

The above statement of KVL can also be expressed as "the algebraic sum of
voltage sources is equal to the algebraic sum of voltage drops that are present in
a loop."

Star–to-Delta and Delta-to-Star Transformations for Resistive

Delta to Star Transformation In the previous chapter, we discussed an example
problem related equivalent resistance. There, we calculated the equivalent
resistance between the terminals A & B of the given electrical network easily.
Because, in every step, we got the combination of resistors that are connected in
either series form or parallel form. However, in some situations, it is difficult to
simplify the network by following the previous approach. For example, the
resistors connected in either delta (δ) form or star form. In such situations, we
have to convert the network of one form to the other in order to simplify it
further by using series combination or parallel combination. In this chapter, let us
discuss about the Delta to Star Conversion.
Delta Network
Consider the following delta network as shown in the following figure.
Star Network
The following figure shows the equivalent star network corresponding to the
above delta network.

There are two types of transformation

Star to delta Transformation
Delta to star Transformation
Mesh Analysis
Mesh analysis provides general procedure for analyzing circuits using mesh
currents as the circuit variables. Mesh Analysis is applicable only for planar
networks. It is preferably useful for the circuits that have many loops .This
analysis is done by using KVL and Ohm's law.
In Mesh analysis, we will consider the currents flowing through each mesh.
Hence, Mesh analysis is also called as Mesh-current method. A branch is a path
that joins two nodes and it contains a circuit element.
If a branch belongs to only one mesh, then the branch current will be equal to
mesh current. If a branch is common to two meshes, then the branch current will
be equal to the sum (or difference) of two mesh currents, when they are in same
(or opposite) direction.
Procedure of Mesh Analysis
Follow these steps while solving any electrical network or circuit using Mesh
Step 1 − Identify the meshes and label the mesh currents in either clockwise or
anti-clockwise direction.
Step 2 − Observe the amount of current that flows through each element in
terms of mesh currents.
Step 3 − Write mesh equations to all meshes. Mesh equation is obtained by
applying KVL first and then Ohm’s law.
Step 4 − Solve the mesh equations obtained in Step 3 in order to get the mesh

Nodal Analysis
We use nodal analysis on circuits to obtain multiple KCL equations which are used
to solve for voltage and current in a circuit. The number of KCL equations required
is one less than the number of nodes that a circuit has.
The extra node may be referred to as a reference node. Usually, if a circuit
contains a ground, whichever node the ground is connected to is selected as the
reference node.
This is used to find the voltage differences at each other node in the circuit with
respect to the reference.
Procedure of Nodal Analysis
Step 1. Express the current through an element in terms of the node voltages.
Step 2. With the exception of the reference node, apply KCL to each other node in
the circuit.
Step 3. solve all the equations
Any complicated network i.e. several sources, multiple resistors are present if the
single element response is desired then use the network theorems. Network
theorems are also can be termed as network reduction techniques. Each and
every theorem got its importance of solving network. Let us see some important
theorems with DC and AC excitation with detailed procedures.

Thevenin’s Theorem and Norton’s theorem (Introduction)

Thevenin’s Theorem and Norton’s theorem are two important theorems in
solving Network problems having many active and passive elements. Using these
theorems, the networks can be reduced to simple equivalent circuits with one
active source and one element. In circuit analysis many a times the current
through a branch is required to be found when its value is changed with all other
element values remaining same. In such cases finding out every time the branch
current using the conventional mesh and node analysis methods is quite awkward
and time consuming. But with the simple equivalent circuits (with one active
source and one element) obtained using these two theorems the calculations
become very simple. Thevenin’s and Norton’s theorems are dual theorems.
Thevenin’s Theorem Statement:
Any linear, bilateral two terminal network consisting of sources and resistors
(Impedance), can be replaced by an equivalent circuit consisting of a voltage
source in series with a resistance (Impedance).The equivalent voltage source VTh
is the open circuit voltage looking into the terminals (with concerned branch
element removed) and the equivalent resistance RTh while all sources are
replaced by their internal resistors at ideal condition i.e., voltage source is short
circuit and current source is open circuit.
Step 1: For the analysis of the above circuit using Thevenin’s theorem,
firstly remove the load resistance
Step 2: Remove the voltage sources’ internal resistance by shorting all the
voltage sources connected to the circuit, If current sources are present in
the circuit, then remove the internal resistance by open circuiting the
sources. This step is done to have an ideal voltage source or an ideal
current source for the analysis.
Step 3: Find the equivalent resistance
Step 4: Find the equivalent voltage.
Step 5: Draw the Thevenin’s equivalent circuit.

Norton’s Theorem Statement:

Any linear, bilateral two terminal network consisting of sources and
resistors(Impedance),can be replaced by an equivalent circuit consisting of
a current source in parallel with a resistance (Impedance),the current
source being the short circuited current across the load terminals and the
resistance being the internal resistance of the source network looking
through the open circuited load terminals.
Step 1: Remove the element, where we are supposed to find the response
from the given circuit. After the removal of the element, the terminals will
be open.
Step 2: Find the current flowing through the terminals of the circuit
obtained in Step 1 after shorting them. This current is known as short
circuit current or Norton's equivalent current or Norton's current, I N in short.
Step 3: Replace all the independent sources with their internal resistances
in the circuit obtained in Step 1.
Step 4: Find the equivalent resistance across the open-circuited terminals
of the circuit obtained in Step 3 indirect methods if there are no dependent
sources. This equivalent resistance is known as Norton's equivalent
resistance or Norton's resistance, RN in short.
Step 5: If dependent sources are present, then we can find the equivalent
resistance across the open-circuited terminals of the circuit obtained in
Step 3 by using the Test source method. In the test source method, we will
connect a 1V source (or 1A source) across the open terminals and will
calculate another parameter current (or voltage). We will get the value of
Norton's resistance, RN by taking the ratio of voltage and current across the
2 terminals.
Step 6: Draw Norton's equivalent circuit by connecting Norton's current, INin
parallel with Norton's resistance, RN.

Superposition Theorem
“In any linear and bilateral network or circuit having multiple independent
sources, the response of an element will be equal to the algebraic sum of
the responses of that element by considering one source at a time.”

Step 1: First step is to select one among the multiple sources present in
the bilateral network. Among the various sources in the circuit, any one of
the sources can be considered first.
Step 2: Except for the selected source, all the sources must be replaced by
their internal impedance.
Step 3: Using a network simplification approach, evaluate the current
flowing through or the voltage drop across a particular element in the
Step 4: The same considering a single source is repeated for all the other
sources in the circuit.
Step 5: Upon obtaining the respective response for individual source,
perform the summation of all responses to get the overall voltage drop or
current through the circuit element.

Maximum Power Transfer Theorem

The maximum power transfer theorem states that, to obtain maximum
external power from a power source with internal resistance, the resistance
of the load must equal the resistance of the source as viewed from its
output terminals.

AC Fundamentals

Alternating Current
A current (or voltage) is called alternating if it reverses periodically in direction,
and its magnitude undergoes a definite cycle of changes in definite intervals of
time. Each cycle of alternating current (or voltage) consists of two half cycles,
during one of which the current (or voltage) acts in one direction; while during
the other in opposite direction. In more restricted sense, alternating current is a
periodically varying current, the average value of which, over a period, is zero.
The direct current always flows in one direction, and its magnitude remains
unaltered. In order to produce an alternating current through an electric circuit, a
source capable of reversing the emf periodically (ac generator) is required while
for generating dc in an electric circuit, a source capable of developing a constant
emf is required such as a battery or dc generator. The graphical representations
of alternating current and direct current are given in Figs. 3.1(a) and (b)
Generation of Alternating Emf:
We know that an alternating emf can be generated either by rotating a coil within
a stationary magnetic field, as illustrated in Fig. 3.2 (a) or by rotating a magnetic
field within a stationary coil, as illustrated in Fig. 3.2 (b). The emf generated, in
either case, will be of sinusoidal waveform.
The magnitude of emf generated in the coil depends upon the number of turns on
the coil, the strength of magnetic field and the speed at which the coil or
magnetic field rotates. The former method is employed in case of small ac
generators while the later one is employed for large sized ac generators.
Sinusoidal Quantities (Emf, Voltage or Current):

It is not an accident that the bulk of electric power generated in electric power
stations throughout the world and distributed to the consumers appears in the
form of sinusoidal variations of voltage and current.
There are many technical and economic advantages associated with the use of
sinusoidal voltages and currents. For example, it will be learned that the use of
sinusoidal voltages applied to appropriately designed coils results in a revolving
magnetic field which has the capacity to do work.
As a matter of fact, it is this principle which underlies the operation of almost all
the electric motors found in home appliances and about 90% of all electric motors
found in commercial and industrial applications. Although other waveforms can
be used in such devices, none leads to an operation which is as efficient and
economical as that achieved through the use of sinusoidal quantities.

Average and Effective (RMS) Values of Alternating Voltage

and Current:
In a dc system, the voltage and current are constant and, therefore, there is no
problem in specifying their magnitude. But in case of ac system, an alternating
voltage or current varies from instant to instant and so poses a problem how to
specify the magnitude of an alternating voltage or current. An alternating voltage
or current may possibly be expressed in terms of peak (maximum) value, average
(mean) value or effective (rms) value.

Average Value of Alternating Current

The average (or mean) value of an alternating current is equal to the value of
direct current which transfers across any circuit the same charge as is transferred
by that alternating current during a given time
The average value is determined by measuring the lengths of a number of
equidistant ordinates and then taking their mean i.e. of i 1, i2, i3 … in etc. which are

RMS Value or Effective Value of Alternating Current

The rms or effective value of an alternating current or voltage is given by that
steady current or voltage which when flows or applied to a given resistance for a
given time produces the same amount of heat as when the alternating current or
voltage is flowing or applied to the same-resistance for the same time.
Consider an alternating current of waveform shown in Fig. 3.10 flowing through a
resistor of R ohms. Divide the base of one alternation into n equal parts and let
the mid-ordinates be i1, i2, i3 …in. Etc.

Average Value for Sinusoidal Current or Voltage

RMS Value for Sinusoidal Current or Voltage
Form Factor and Peak Factor of Sinusoidal Wave

Form Factor
In certain cases, it is convenient to have calculations at first upon the mean value
of the emf over half a period, therefore, it becomes essential to have some means
of connecting this mean value with the effective or rms value. The knowledge of
form factor, which is defined as the ratio of effective value to the average or
mean value of periodic wave is, therefore, necessary.

Peak Factor
Knowledge of peak factor of an alternating voltage is very essential in connection
with determining the dielectric strength since the dielectric stress developed in
any insulating material is proportional to the maximum value of the voltage
applied to it.

RMS Value, Average Value of Half Wave Rectified Alternating Current

Phase Difference of a Sinusoidal Waveform

The generalized mathematical expression to define these two sinusoidal

quantities will be written as
Phasor Diagram of a Sinusoidal Waveform

The phasor diagram is drawn corresponding to time zero ( t = 0 ) on the

horizontal axis. The lengths of the phasors are proportional to the values of
the voltage, ( V ) and the current, ( I ) at the instant in time that the phasor
diagram is drawn.
The current phasor lags the voltage phasor by the angle, Φ, as the two
phasors rotate in an anticlockwise direction as stated earlier, therefore the
angle, Φ is also measured in the same anticlockwise direction

Phasor Addition of Phasor Diagrams

One good use of phasors is for the summing of sinusoids of the same
frequency. Sometimes it is necessary when studying sinusoids to add
together two alternating waveforms, for example in an AC series circuit,
that are not in-phase with each other.
If however, they are not in-phase that is, they do not have identical
directions or starting point then the phase angle between them needs to be
taken into account so they are added together using phasor diagrams to
determine their Resultant Phasor or Vector Sum by using the parallelogram

By drawing out the two phasors to scale onto graph paper, their phasor sum
V1 + V2 can be easily found by measuring the length of the diagonal line,
known as the “resultant r-vector”, from the zero point to the intersection of
the construction lines 0-A. The downside of this graphical method is that it
is time consuming when drawing the phasors to scale.
Mathematically we can add the two voltages together by firstly finding their
“vertical” and “horizontal” directions, and from this we can then calculate
both the “vertical” and “horizontal” components for the resultant “r vector”,
VT. This analytical method which uses the cosine and sine rule to find this
resultant value is commonly called the Rectangular Form.
In the rectangular form, the phasor is divided up into a real part, x and an
imaginary part, y forming the generalised expression Z = x ± jy. ( we will
discuss this in more detail in the next tutorial ). This then gives us a
mathematical expression that represents both the magnitude and the phase
of the sinusoidal voltage as
So the addition of two vectors, A and B using the previous generalised
expression is as follows:

Phasor Subtraction of Phasor Diagrams

Phasor subtraction is very similar to the above rectangular method of

addition, except this time the vector difference is the other diagonal of the
parallelogram between the two voltages of V1 and V2 as shown.

This time instead of “adding” together both the horizontal and vertical
components we take them away, subtraction.
AC Circuits

Introduction to Single Phase AC Circuit

In a dc circuit the relationship between the applied voltage V and current flowing
through the circuit I is a simple one and is given by the expression I = V/R but in an
a c circuit this simple relationship does not hold good. Variations in current and
applied voltage set up magnetic and electrostatic effects respectively and these
must be taken into account with the resistance of the circuit while determining
the quantitative relations between current and applied voltage.
With comparatively low-voltage, heavy- current circuits magnetic effects may be
very large, but electrostatic effects are usually negligible. On the other hand with
high-voltage circuits electrostatic effects may be of appreciable magnitude, and
magnetic effects are also present.
Here it has been discussed how the magnetic effects due to variations in current
do and electrostatic effects due to variations in the applied voltage affect the
relationship between the applied voltage and current.

Purely Resistive Circuit

A purely resistive or a non-inductive circuit is a circuit which has inductance so
small that at normal frequency its reactance is negligible as compared to its
resistance. Ordinary filament lamps, water resistances etc., are the examples of
non-inductive resistances. If the circuit is purely non-inductive, no reactance emf
(i.e., self- induced or back emf) is set up and whole of the applied voltage is
utilized in overcoming the ohmic resistance of the circuit.
Consider an ac circuit containing a non-inductive resistance of R ohms connected
across a sinusoidal voltage represented by v = V sin wt, as shown in Fig
Therefore, the instantaneous power in a purely resistive circuit is given by
the equation shown below:

Instantaneous power, p=vi

The average power consumed in the circuit over a complete cycle is given

As the valve of cosωt is zero.

Pure inductive Circuit

The circuit which contains only inductance (L) and not any other quantities
like resistance and capacitance in the circuit is called a Pure inductive
circuit. In this type of circuit, the current lags behind the voltage by an
angle of 90 degrees.
Let the alternating voltage applied to the circuit is given by the equation:

As a result, an alternating current i flows through the inductance which

induces an emf in it. The equation is shown below:

The emf which is induced in the circuit is equal and opposite to the applied
voltage. Hence, the equation becomes,
Putting the value of e in equation (2) we will get the equation as

Integrating both sides of the equation (3), we will get

where, XL = ω L is the opposition offered to the flow of alternating current by

a pure inductance and is called inductive reactance.

The value of current will be maximum when sin (ωt – π/2) = 1


Substituting this value in Im from the equation (5) and putting it in equation
Instantaneous power in the inductive circuit is given by

Hence, the average power consumed in a purely inductive circuit is zero.

The average power in one alteration, i.e., in a half cycle is zero, as the
negative and positive loop is under power curve is the same.

Pure Capacitor Circuit

The circuit containing only a pure capacitor of capacitance C farads is known
as a Pure Capacitor Circuit. The capacitors stores electrical power in the
electric field, their effect is known as the capacitance. It is also called the

When the voltage is applied across the capacitor, then the electric field is
developed across the plates of the capacitor and no current flow between
them. If the variable voltage source is applied across the capacitor plates
then the ongoing current flows through the source due to the charging and
discharging of the capacitor.
Let the alternating voltage applied to the circuit is given by the equation:

Charge of the capacitor at any instant of time is given as:

Current flowing through the circuit is given by the equation

Putting the value of q from the equation (2) in equation (3) we will ge t
Now, putting the value of v from the equation (1) in the equation (3) we
will get

Where Xc = 1/ωC is the opposition offered to the flow of alternating

current by a pure capacitor and is called Capacitive Reactance.

The value of current will be maximum when sin(ωt + π/2) = 1. Therefore,

the value of maximum current Im will be given as:

Hence, from the above equation, it is clear that the average power in the
capacitive circuit is zero.

The average power in a half cycle is zero as the positive and negative loop
area in the waveform shown are same.
RLC circuit consists of the passive elements Resistor (R), Inductor (L), and
Capacitor (C). If we study and understand the behavior of these passive
components individually, then we can design the filters, oscillators, etc., by
combining these passive elements.
When a resistor, inductor and capacitor are connected in series with the
voltage supply, the circuit so formed is called series RLC circuit

Let VR be the voltage across resistor, R.

VL be the voltage across inductor, L.
VC be the voltage across capacitor, C.
XL be the inductive reactance.
XC be the capacitive reactance.

The total voltage in the RLC circuit is not equal to the algebraic sum of
voltages across the resistor, the inductor, and the capacitor; but it is a vector
sum because, in the case of the resistor the voltage is in-phase with the
current, for inductor the voltage leads the current by 90 o and for capacitor, the
voltage lags behind the current by 90o

So, voltages in each component are not in phase with each other; so they
cannot be added arithmetically. The figure below shows the phasor diagram
of the series RLC circuit. For drawing the phasor diagram for RLC series
circuit, the current is taken as reference because, in series circuit the current in
each element remains the same and the corresponding voltage vectors for
each component are drawn in reference to common current vector.

The Impedance for a Series RLC Circuit

The impedance Z of a series RLC circuit is defined as opposition to the flow of
current due circuit resistance R, inductive reactance, X L and capacitive
reactance, XC.

If the inductive reactance is greater than the capacitive reactance i.e XL > XC,
then the RLC circuit has lagging phase angle

If the capacitive reactance is greater than the inductive reactance i.e X C > XL
then, the RLC circuit have leading phase angle and if both inductive and
capacitive are same i.e. XL = XC then circuit will behave as purely resistive
We know that


Substituting the values

Series resonance

Series resonance is a resonance condition that usually occurs in series

circuits, where the current becomes a maximum for a particular

In series resonance, the current is maximum at resonant frequency.

The series resonance current curve increases to a maximum at resonance
then decreases as resonance is passed.

Series resonance is a resonance condition that usually occurs in series

circuits, where the current becomes a maximum for a particular voltage.

The average power dissipated in a series resonant circuit can be expressed in terms
of the rms voltage and current as follows:

Using the forms of the inductive reactance and capacitive reactance, the term
involving them can be expressed in terms of the frequency.

where use has been made of the resonant frequency expression

Substitution now gives the expression for average power as a fun

In series RLC circuit current, I = V / Z but at resonance current I = V / R,

therefore the current at resonant frequency is maximum as at resonance in
impedance of circuit is resistance only and is minimum.

Bandwidth of a Series Resonance Circuit If the series RLC circuit is driven

by a variable frequency at a constant voltage, then the magnitude of the
current, I is proportional to the impedance, Z, therefore at resonance the
power absorbed by the circuit must be at its maximum value as P = I 2Z. If
we now reduce or increase the frequency until the average power absorbed
by the resistor in the series resonance circuit is half that of its maximum
value at resonance, we produce two frequency points called the half-power

RLC Parallel Circuit

In parallel RLC Circuit the resistor, inductor and capacitor are connected in
parallel across a voltage supply. The parallel RLC circuit is exactly opposite
to the series RLC circuit. The applied voltage remains the same across all
components and the supply current gets divided.

The total current drawn from the supply is not equal to mathematical sum
of the current flowing in the individual component, but it is equal to its
vector sum of all the currents, as the current flowing in resistor, inductor
and capacitor are not in the same phase with each other; so they cannot be
added arithmetically.

Phasor diagram of parallel RLC circuit, IR is the current flowing in the resistor,
R in amps.
IC is the current flowing in the capacitor, C in amps.
IL is the current flowing in the inductor, L in amps.
Is is the supply current in amps.
In the parallel RLC circuit, all the components are connected in parallel; so the
voltage across each element is same. Therefore, for drawing phasor diagram,
take voltage as reference vector and all the other currents i.e IR, IC, IL are drawn
relative to this voltage vector. The current through each element can be found
using Kirchhoff’s Current Law, which states that the sum of currents entering
a junction or node is equal to the sum of current leaving that node.
As shown above in the equation of impedance, Z of a parallel RLC circuit;
each element has reciprocal of impedance (1 / Z) i.e. admittance, Y. So in
parallel RLC circuit, it is convenient to use admittance instead of

Resonance in RLC Circuit

During resonance, at certain frequency called resonant frequency, f r.

When resonance occurs, the inductive reactance of the circuit becomes
equal to capacitive reactance, which causes the circuit impedance to be
minimum in case of series RLC circuit; but when resistor, inductor and
capacitor are connected in parallel, the circuit impedance becomes
maximum, so the parallel RLC circuit is sometimes called as anti-resonator.
Note that the lowest resonant frequency of a vibrating object is known as
its fundamental frequency.

Difference between Series RLC Circuit and Parallel RLC


Resistor, inductor and Resistor, inductor and

1 capacitor are connected capacitor are connected
in series in parallel

Current is different in
all elements and the
Current is same in each total current is equal to
element vector sum of each
branch of current i.e Is2
= IR2 + (IC – IL)2
Voltage across all the
elements is different
and the total voltage is Voltage across each
3 equal to the vector sum element remains the
of voltages across each same
component i.e Vs2 = VR2 +
(VL – VC)2

For drawing phasor For drawing phasor

diagram, current is diagram, voltage is
taken as reference taken as reference
vector vector

Voltage across each Current in each element

element is given by : is given by:
VR= IR, VL = I XL, VC = I IR = V / R , IC = V / XC , IL
XC = V / XL

Its more convenient to Its more convenient to

6 use impedance for use admittance for
calculations calculations

At resonance, when XL
At resonance , when XL
= XC, the circuit has
7 = XC, the circuit has
maximum impedance
minimum impedance


There are two types of systems available in electrical circuits, single phase
and three phase. In single phase circuits, there will be only one phase, i.e
the current will flow through only one wire and there will be one return
path called neutral line to complete the circuit. So in single phase minimum
amount of power can be transported. Here the generating station and load
station will also be single phase. This is an old system using from previous

Why three phase is preferred over single phase?

There are various reasons for this question because there are numbers of
advantages over single phase circuit. The three phase system can be used
as three single phase line so it can act as three single phase system. The
three phase generation and single phase generation is same in the
generator except the arrangement of coil in the generator to get 1200 phase
difference. The conductor needed in three phase circuit is 75% that of
conductor needed in single phase circuit.

And also the instantaneous power in single phase system falls down to
zero as in single phase we can see from the sinusoidal curve but in three
phase system the net power from all the phases gives a continuous power
to the load. Till now we can say that there are three voltage sources
connected together to form a three phase circuit and actually it is inside

The generator is having three voltage sources which are acting together in
1200 phase difference. If we can arrange three single phase circuit with
1200 phase difference, then it will become a three phase circuit. So 1200
phase difference is must otherwise the circuit will not work, the three
phase load will not be able to get active and it may also cause damage to
the system.

Phase sequence

It is the order in which the phase voltages will attain their maximum
values. From the fig it is seen that the voltage in A phase will attain
maximum value first and followed by B and C phases. Hence three phase
sequence is ABC. This is also evident from phasor diagram in which the
phasors with its +ve direction of anti-clockwise rotation passes a fixed
point is the order ABC, ABC and so on. The phase sequence depends on
the direction of rotation of the coils in the magnetic field. If the coils rotate
in the opposite direction then the phase voltages attains maximum value in
the order ACB. The phase sequence gets reversed with direction of
rotation. Then the voltage for this sequence can be represented as

Star and Delta connection

The three phase windings have six terminals i.e., A,B,C are starting end of the
windings and A’,B’ and C’ are finishing ends of windings. For 3 phase systems two
types of common interconnections are employed.

Star connection
The finishing ends or starting ends of the three phase windings are connected to a
common point as shown in. A’, B’, C’ are connected to a common point called
neutral point. The other ends A, B, C are called line terminals and the common
terminal neutral are brought outside. Then it is called a 3 phase 4 wire star
connected systems. If neutral point is not available, then it is called 3 phase, 3
wire star connection.
Delta connection
in this form of interconnection the dissimilar ends of the three coils i.e A and B’, B
and C’, and C and A’ are connected to form a closed Δ circuit (starting end of one
phase is connected to finishing end of the next phase). The three junction are
brought outside as line terminal A, B, C. the three phase windings are connected
in series and form a closed path. The sum of the voltages in the closed path for
balanced system of voltages at any instant will be zero.

The current flowing through each phase is called Phase current Iph, the
current flowing through each line conductor is called Line Current IL.
Similarly, the voltage across each phase is called Phase Voltage Eph, and
the voltage across two line conductors is known as the Line Voltage EL.
Relation Between Phase Voltage and Line Voltage in Star Connection

The arrowheads on the EMFs and current indicate direction and not their
actual direction at any instant.


There are two-phase voltages between any two lines.

Tracing the loop NRYN

To find the vector sum of ENY and –ENR, we have to reverse the vector ENR
and add it with ENY as shown in the phasor diagram above.



Hence, in star connection line voltage is root 3 times of phase voltage.

Phasor diagram,
Relation Between Phase Current and Line Current in Star Connection

The same current flows through phase winding as well as in the line
conductor as it is connected in series with the phase winding.

Where the phase current will be

Hence, in a 3 Phase system of star connections, the line current is equal to
phase current.

Relation Between Phase Voltage and Line Voltage in Delta Connection

It is clear from the figure that the voltage across terminals 1 and 2 is the
same as across the terminals R and Y. Therefore,


the phase voltages are

The line voltages are:

Hence, in delta connection line voltage is equal to phase voltage.

Relation Between Phase Current and Line Current in Delta Connection

As in the balanced system the three-phase current I12, I23 and I31 are equal in
magnitude but are displaced from one another by 120° electrical.

The phasor diagram is shown below:

If we look at figure A, it is seen that the current is divided at every junction 1,
2 and 3.

Applying Kirchhoff’s Law at junction 1,

The Incoming currents are equal to outgoing currents.

The vector I12 is reversed and is added in the vector I31 to get the vector sum of
I31 and –I12 as shown above in the phasor diagram. Therefore,

As we know, IR = IL, therefore,


Hence, in delta connection line current is root three times of phase current.
This is all about Delta Connection In a 3 Phase System.

Two Wattmeter Method of Power Measurement

Two Wattmeter Method can be employed to measure the power in a 3

phase, three-wire star or delta connected the balanced or unbalanced

In two wattmeter method, the current coils of the wattmeter are

connected with any two lines, say R and Y and the potential coil of each
wattmeter is joined on the same line, the third line i.e. B as shown below
in figure (A):
The total instantaneous power absorbed by the three loads Z 1, Z2 and Z3, is
equal to the sum of the powers measured by the two wattmeters, W1 and

The instantaneous potential difference across the potential coil of

Wattmeter, W1 is given as:

Instantaneous power measured by the Wattmeter, W1 is

The instantaneous current through the current coil of Wattmeter, W 2 is given

by the equation:

The instantaneous potential difference across the potential coil of

Wattmeter, W2 is given as:

Instantaneous power measured by the Wattmeter, W2 is:

Therefore, the total power measured by the two wattmeters W1 and W2 will
be obtained by adding the equation (1) and (2).

The magnetic circuit.

Magnets possess a magneto-motive force (m.m.f.). This m.m.f. generates magnetic

flux, which forms a magnetic field surrounding the magnet, between its north and
south poles.

Note: We say that the magnetic flux flows from the north to the south pole of a
magnet. (This is shown by the arrows on the field lines). However, it is important
to point out, that in fact, there is nothing actually flowing in the flux. We refer to
the flux as flowing from the north to the south pole, to emphasise the directional
properties of magnetic field lines. These directional properties are most apparent in
the study of electromagnetism and electromagnetic induction.

Magnetic flux can exist in a vacuum or within in a medium, e.g., the air
surrounding the magnet, or any other material within the path of the flux. The
complete path through which the magnetic flux passes between the north and south
pole is referred to as a magnetic circuit. The amount of flux produced by a magnet
will depend, among other things. on the material within the magnetic circuit. i.e.
Some materials have a greater reluctance to magnetic flux than others.
• The magnet possesses a magneto motive force.
• The m.m.f generates a magnetic flux.
• The flux exists within the magnet and the air gap between the poles. The
enclosed flux path is called a magnetic circuit.
• A stronger m.m.f. will produce more flux.
• The lower the reluctance of the magnetic circuit, the more flux will be
Eddy Currents

When a conductor is placed in a varying magnetic field, loops of electric

currents are induced in it by the magnetic field. These currents are known
as eddy currents. Eddy currents are induced whenever there is a relative
motion between the magnetic field and the conductor. This relative motion
may be in the form of varying magnetic field or a constant magnetic field
acting on a moving conductor.
Eddy currents flow in circular loops within the conductor itself, in the direction
perpendicular to the magnetic field. According to Lenz’s Law,the induced
eddy currents generate another magnetic field so as to counter the actual
magnetic field. This action resists the actual current flow in the conductor
resulting in power loss in the form of heat. In AC motors, alternators, and
transformers, eddy currents cause power loss in the core.
The heating property of eddy currents is used in induction heating. Other
applications of eddy currents include, but not limited to electromagnetic
braking, metal detection, magnetic levitation, vibration & position sensing
and non-destructive sensing.

Eddy current loss

As mentioned above, the power losses in conductors and ferromagnetic

cores are collectively known as Eddy current losses. Eddy current loss is
essentially an I2R loss caused within a conductor caused resistance offered
by the conductor to the flow of current. This loss is further increased by the
temperature rise.

Formula for eddy current loss

In the above section, we have derived a formula for eddy current loss in a unit volume
of steel. The total losses due to eddy currents can be derived from the following
• Ke is the eddy current constant.
• Bmax is the maximum flux density.
• f is the frequency of the induced voltage.
• V is the volume of the material.


Hysteresis is the inability of molecules in a ferromagnetic material to rapidly

change their magnetization in accordance with the change in an applied
magnetic field. For example, if a ferromagnetic material is placed in an
alternating magnetic field, the magnetization in that material will follow a path
as shown below:

Hysteresis can result in energy loss in the ferromagnetic cores of electric

machines. This is because the alternating current changes its direction of
flow constantly and therefore the direction of the magnetic field produced by
them. This forces the molecules in the core to move to change their
alignment in the proper direction. During this movement, these molecules
collide with each other and cause friction and heat. The energy loss caused
due to the friction of molecules in the core is known as hysteresis loss .

Steinmetz’s empirical formula for hysteresis loss

Charles Steinmetz, a German-American Electrical Engineer, conducted

several experiments on different ferromagnetic materials and coined an
empirical formula for calculating hysteresis loss analytically.

Where kh is the coefficient of hysteresis of the ferromagnetic material, f is the

frequency of power supply in hertz, Bmax is the maximum flux density in
weber/m2 and volume of the ferromagnetic material in m 3. As you see the
hysteresis loss increases with an increase in frequency. It highly depends on
the material of the core.

Difference between hysteresis loss and eddy current loss

The major difference between hysteresis loss and eddy current loss are tabulated
Property Hysteresis Loss Eddy current loss
Hysteresis loss is caused
due to molecular friction
Eddy current loss us caused due to the
in a ferromagnetic
Phenomenon induction of eddy current in the core and
material, under
conductors held in magnetic field.
alternating magnetic


Hysteresis loss occurs in Eddy current loss occurs in the core,

Occurs in the core of an electric conductor and body of an electric machine.
Single Phase AC Transformer

It is a static device which transfers electric energy from one electric circuit to
another with the desired change in voltage and current levels without any
change in power and frequency. Transformer is used to increase or decrease
a.c. voltage with a proportional increase or decrease in the current ratings.
Sometimes transformer is used to create an isolation between primary
voltage to secondary voltage which is called as one to one transformer.

Working Principle
The main principle of operation of a transformer is mutual inductance
between two electrical windings which is linked by a common magnetic flux.
A basic transformer consists of two coils that are electrically separate and
inductive, but are magnetically linked through a path of reluctance.

Construction Of Transformer
The transformer mainly consists of two basic components which are core
and winding. Usually, the core of the transformer is rectangular or square in
shape. The core is made up of high permeable and low hysteresis co-
efficient silicon steel. The core is consisting of Yoke and Limb. The top and
bottom horizontal portion of the transformer is called Yoke.
The copper wire is wounded on vertical portion of the core called Limb. Two
windings are wounded at the left and right vertical portion of the transformer,
which are called primary winding and secondary winding. The primary
winding having N1 number of turns is connected to the AC supply voltage.
The voltage is induced in the secondary winding. The secondary winding
consists of N2 number of turns. The magnetic field is produced in around the
The primary winding and secondary winding are magnetically coupled with
each other. When an AC is connected to the primary winding an alternating
flux is produced in the core, which will produce voltage in the secondary
winding. Consider an emf of E1 is applied to primary winding having N1 turns
which will produce and emf of E2 in the secondary winding having N2 turns.
The relation between emf E1, E2, N1 is N2.


Types Of Transformer
There are two type transformers based on its construction:
1. Core type transformer
2. Shell type transformer


Efficiency is the ratio of the output power to the input power of a transformer.
It is defined as:
η = output power input power Input power Input power = output power + Iron
loss + Copper loss

Theory of Transformer on No-Load

Let us consider one electrical transformer with only core losses, which means,
it has only core losses but no copper loss and no leakage reactance of
transformer. When an alternating source is applied in the primary, the source
will supply the current for magnetizing the core of transformer.

But this current is not the actual magnetizing current; it is a little bit greater
than actual magnetizing current. Total current supplied from the source has
two components, one is the magnetizing current which is merely utilized for
magnetizing the core, and another component of the source current is
consumed for compensating the core losses in transformers.

Because of this core loss component, the source current in a transformer on no-
load condition supplied from the source as source current is not exactly at 90°
lags of the supply voltage, but it lags behind an angle θ is less than 90 o. If the
total current supplied from source is Io, it will have one component in phase
with supply voltage V1 and this component of the current Iw is the core loss

This component is taken in phase with the source voltage because it is

associated with active or working losses in transformers. Another component
of the source current is denoted as Iμ.

This component produces the alternating magnetic flux in the core, so it is watt-
less; means it is a reactive part of the transformer source current. Hence I μ will
be in quadrature with V1 and in phase with alternating flux Φ. Hence, the total
primary current in a transformer on the no-load condition can be represented
Now you have seen how simple it is to explain the theory of transformer in no-

Theory of Transformer on Load

Now we will examine the behavior of the above-said transformer on load,

which means the load is connected to the secondary terminals. Consider, a
transformer having core loss but no copper loss and leakage reactance.
Whenever a load is connected to the secondary winding, the load current will
start to flow through the load as well as the secondary winding.

This load current solely depends upon the characteristics of the load and also
upon the secondary voltage of the transformer. This current is called secondary
current or load current, here it is denoted as I2. As I2 is flowing through the
secondary, a self MMF in secondary winding will be produced. Here it is N 2I2,
where, N2 is the number of turns of the secondary winding of the transformer

This MMF or magnetomotive force in the secondary winding produces flux φ2.
This φ2 will oppose the main magnetizing flux and momentarily weakens the
main flux and tries to reduce primary self-induced emf E1. If E1 falls below the
primary source voltage V1, there will be an extra current flowing from source
to primary winding.

This extra primary current I2′ produces extra flux φ′ in the core which will
neutralize the secondary counter flux φ2. Hence the main magnetizing flux of
core, Φ remains unchanged irrespective of load. So total current, this
transformer draws from the source can be divided into two components.

Where θ2 is the angle between the Secondary Voltage and Secondary Current
of the transformer.
Now we will proceed one further step toward a more practical aspect of a

Open Circuit Test on Transformer

The connection diagram for open circuit test on transformer is shown in the
figure. A voltmeter, wattmeter, and an ammeter are connected in LV side of
the transformer as shown. The voltage at rated frequency is applied to that LV
side with the help of a variac of variable ratio auto transformer.

The HV side of the transformer is kept open. Now with the help of variac,
applied voltage gets slowly increased until the voltmeter gives reading equal
to the rated voltage of the LV side. After reaching rated LV side voltage, we
record all the three instruments reading (Voltmeter, Ammeter and Wattmeter
The ammeter reading gives the no load current Ie. As no load current Ie is quite
small compared to rated current of the transformer, the voltage drops due to
this current that can be taken as negligible.

Since voltmeter reading V1 can be considered equal to the secondary induced

voltage of the transformer, wattmeter reading indicates the input power
during the test. As the transformer is open circuited, there is no output, hence
the input power here consists of core losses in transformer and copper loss in
transformer during no load condition. But as said earlier, the no-load current
in the transformer is quite small compared to the full load current so, we can
neglect the copper loss due to the no-load current. Hence, can take the
wattmeter reading as equal to the core losses in the transformer.

Let us consider wattmeter reading is P o.

Where, Rm is shunt branch resistance of transformer.

If, Zm is shunt branch impedance of transformer

Therefore, if shunt branch reactance of transformer is X m,

These values are referred to the LV side of the transformer due to the tests
being conducted on the LV side of transformer. These values could easily be
referred to HV side by multiplying these values with square of transformation

Therefore, it is seen that the open circuit test on transformer is used to

determine core losses in transformer and parameters of the shunt branch of
the equivalent circuit of the transformer.
Short Circuit Test on Transformer
The connection diagram for the short circuit test on the transformer is shown
in the figure below. A voltmeter, wattmeter, and an ammeter are connected in
HV side of the transformer as shown. A low voltage of around 5-10% is
applied to that HV side with the help of a variac (i.e., a variable ratio auto
transformer). We short-circuit the LV side of the transformer. Now with the
help of variac applied voltage is slowly increased until the wattmeter, and an
ammeter gives reading equal to the rated current of the HV side.

After reaching the rated current of the HV side, we record all the three
instrument readings (Voltmeter,Ammeter and Watt-meter readings). The
ammeter reading gives the primary equivalent of full load current IL. As the
voltage applied for full load current in a short circuit test on the transformer is
quite small compared to the rated primary voltage of the transformer, the core
losses in the transformer can be taken as negligible here.

Let’s say, voltmeter reading is Vsc. The watt-meter reading indicates the input
power during the test. As we have short-circuited the transformer, there is no
output; hence the input power here consists of copper losses in the
transformer. Since the applied voltage Vsc is short circuit voltage in the
transformer and hence it is quite small compared to the rated voltage, so, we
can neglect the core loss due to the small applied voltage. Hence the
wattmeter reading can be taken as equal to copper losses in the transformer.
Let us consider wattmeter reading is Psc.

Where, Re is equivalent resistance of transformer.

If, Ze is equivalent impedance of transformer.

Therefore, if equivalent reactance of transformer is Xe.

These values are referred to the HV side of the transformer as the test is
conducted on the HV side of the transformer. These values could easily be
converted to the LV side by dividing these values with the square of
transformation ratio.
Hence the short-circuit test of a transformer is used to determine copper losses in
the transformer at full load. It is also used to obtain the parameters to
approximate the equivalent circuit of a transformer.

D.C Generator
An electrical Generator is a machine which converts mechanical energy (or
power) into electrical energy (or power). The generator operates on the principle
of the production of dynamically induced emf i.e., whenever flux is cut by the
conductor, dynamically induced emf is produced in it according to the laws of
electromagnetic induction, which will cause a flow of current in the conductor if
the circuit is closed.
Hence, the basic essential parts of an electric generator are:
A magnetic field and
A conductor or conductors which can so move as to cut the flux
In dc generators the field is produced by the field magnets which are stationary.
Permanent magnets are used for very small capacity machines and
electromagnets are used for large machines to create magnetic flux. The
conductors are situated on the periphery of the armature being rotated by the

DC generator construction
The actual DC generator consists of the following essential parts:
Magnetic frame or Yoke
Pole Cores and Pole Shoes
Pole Coils or Field Coils
Armature Core
Armature Windings or Conductors
Brushes and Bearing

A) Magnetic frame or Yoke

Purpose of Yoke is
1. It act as a protecting cover for whole machine
2. It provides mechanical support for poles
3. It carries the magnetic flux produced by poles

b) Pole Cores and Pole Shoes

The field magnets consist of pole cores and pole shoes. The Pole shoes
serve two purposes:

1. They spread out the flux in the air gap

2. They support the exciting coils

c) Armature
When current is passed through field coils, they electro-magnetize the
poles which produce the necessary flux.

The Armature serves two purposes:

1. Armature houses the armature conductors or coils

2. It provides low reluctance path for flux

It is drum shaped and is built up of laminations made sheet steel to reduce

eddy current loss. Slots are punched on the outer periphery of the disc. The
Armature windings or conductors are wound in the form of flat rectangular
coils and are placed in the slots of the Armature. The Armature windings are
insulated from the armature body by insulating materials.

d) Commutator and brushes

The function of Commutator is to facilitate collection of current from the
armature conductors and converts the alternating current induced in the
armature conductors into unidirectional current in the external load circuit.
The commutator is made up of insulated copper segments. Two brushes are
pressed to the commutator to permit current flow. The Brushes are made of
carbon or Graphite. Bearings are used for smooth running of the machine.

E.M.F. equation


Fi = flux per pole in weber

z = total number of armature conductors=no. of slots * no. of conductors/slot

P = no. of generator poles

A = no. of parallel paths in armature

N = armature rotation in revolutions per minute (rpm)

E = emf induced in any parallel path in armature

Types of generators
DC generators are usually classified according to the way in which their fields are
excited. DC generators may be divided into,
(a) separately excited dc generators, and
(b) self-excited dc generators.

a) separately excited dc generators

Separately excited generators are those whose field magnets are energized from
an independent external source of dc current.

b) self-excited dc generators
Self-excited generators are those whose field magnets are energized by the
current produced by the generators themselves. Due to residual magnetism,
there is always present some flux in the poles. When the armature is rotated,
some emf and hence some current flows which is partly or fully passed through
the field coils thereby strengthening the residual pole flux.
There are three types of self-excited dc generators named according to the
manner in which their field coils (or windings) are connected to the armature. In
shunt the two windings, field and armature are in parallel while in series type the
two windings are in series. In compound type the part of the field winding is in
parallel while other part in series with the armature winding.
DC Motor
A DC motor is an electrical machine that converts electrical energy into
mechanical energy. In a DC motor, the input electrical energy is the direct
current which is transformed into the mechanical rotation

Different Parts of a DC Motor

A DC motor is composed of the following main parts:
Armature or Rotor
The armature of a DC motor is a cylinder of magnetic laminations that are
insulated from one another. The armature is perpendicular to the axis of
the cylinder. The armature is a rotating part that rotates on its axis and is
separated from the field coil by an air gap.
Field Coil or Stator
A DC motor field coil is a non-moving part on which winding is wound to
produce a magnetic field. This electro-magnet has a cylindrical cavity
between its poles.
Commutator and Brushes
The commutator of a DC motor is a cylindrical structure that is made of
copper segments stacked together but insulated from each other using
mica. The primary function of a commutator is to supply electrical current
to the armature winding.
The brushes of a DC motor are made with graphite and carbon structure. These
brushes conduct electric current from the external circuit to the rotating
commutator. Hence, we come to understand that the commutator and the brush
unit are concerned with transmitting the power from the static electrical circuit to
the mechanically rotating region or the rotor.

DC Motor Working
In the previous section, we discussed the various components of a DC
motor. Now, using this knowledge let us understand the working of DC
A magnetic field arises in the air gap when the field coil of the DC motor is
energized. The created magnetic field is in the direction of the radii of the
armature. The magnetic field enters the armature from the North pole side
of the field coil and “exits” the armature from the field coil’s South pole
The conductors located on the other pole are subjected to a force of the
same intensity but in the opposite direction. These two opposing forces
create a torque that causes the motor armature to rotate.

Working principle of DC motor

When kept in a magnetic field, a current-carrying conductor gains torque
and develops a tendency to move. In short, when electric fields and
magnetic fields interact, a mechanical force arises. This is the principle
on which the DC motors work.

Types of DC motor
DC motors have a wide range of applications ranging from electric shavers
to automobiles. To cater to this wide range of applications, they are
classified into different types based on the field winding connections to the
armature as:
• Self Excited DC Motor
• Separately Excited DC Motor
Now, let us discuss the various types of DC Motors in detail.

Self Excited DC Motor

In self-excited DC motors, the field winding is connected either in series or
parallel to the armature winding. Based on this, the self-excited DC motor
can further be classified as:
• Shunt wound DC motor
• Series wound DC motor
• Compound wound DC motor

Shunt wound DC motor

In a shunt wound motor, the field winding is connected parallel to the
armature as shown in the figure.
Series wound DC motor
In a series wound DC motor, the field winding is connected in series with
the armature winding as shown in the figure.
Compound wound DC motor
DC motors having both shunt and series field winding is known as
Compound DC motor, as shown in the figure.

The compound motor is further divided into:

• Cumulative Compound Motor
• Differential Compound Motor
In a cumulative compound motor, the magnetic flux produced by both the
windings is in the same direction. In a differential compound motor, the flux
produced by the series field windings is opposite to the flux produced by
the shunt field winding.

Separately Excited DC Motor

In a separately excited DC motor, the field coils are energised from an

external source of DC supply as shown in the figure.
Speed Control of DC Shunt Motors
The speed of a DC shunt is given by,

• Flux Control Method

• Armature Resistance Control Method

Flux Control Method
The flux control method is based on the principle that by varying the field
flux ϕ, the speed of DC shunt motor can be changed .

In this method, a variable resistance (called field rheostat) is connected in

series with the shunt field winding. By increasing the resistance of the field
rheostat, the shunt field current Ish can be reduced and hence the field flux.
Thus, by the flux control method, the speed of a DC shunt can only be
increased above the normal speed.
The flux control method is frequently used for the speed control of DC shunt
motors because it is simple and inexpensive method.

Armature Resistance Control Method

The armature resistance control method is based on the principle that by
varying the voltage available across the armature, the back EMF of the
motor can be changed, which in turn changes the speed of the shunt motor.

In this method, a variable resistance RC (called controller resistance) is

inserted in series with the armature.

Thus, due to the voltage drop in the controller resistance, the back EMF is
decreased and hence the speed of the motor. The maximum speed that
can be obtained using armature resistance control method is the speed
corresponding to RC = 0, i.e., the normal speed. Therefore, by this method
only speed below the normal speed can be obtained .

A fuse is a short piece of wire or thin strip which melts when excessive current
flows through sufficient time. whenever the current flowing through fuse element
increases beyond its rated capacity then short circuit or overload occurs. This
raises the temperature and the fuse element melts, disconnecting the circuit is
protected by it.

It is Switched Fuse Unit. It has one switch unit and one fuse unit. When we
operate the breaker, the contacts will get close through switch and then the
supply will passes through the fuse unit to the output.

MCB is an electromechanical device which guards an electrical circuit which
automatically switches off electrical circuit during abnormal condition of the
network means in over load condition as well as faulty condition. The normal
current rating is ranges from 0.5-63 A with a symmetrical short circuit breaking
capacity of 3-10 KA, at a voltage level of 230 or 440V.
Characteristics of MCB The characteristics of an MCB mainly include the following
•Rated current is not more than 100 amperes
•Normally, trip characteristics are not adjustable
•Thermal magnetic operation

Early earth leakage circuit breakers are voltage detecting devices, which are now
switched by current sensing devices (RCD/RCCB). An ECLB is one kind of safety
device used for installing an electrical device with high earth impedance to avoid
shock. There are two types of Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker (ELCB) Voltage
Operated ELCB Current Operated ELCB
Characteristics of ELCB
This circuit breaker connects the phase, earth wire and neutral
The working of this circuit breaker depends on current leakage

Molded case circuit breakers are a type of electrical protection device that is
commonly used when load currents exceed the capabilities of miniature circuit
breakers. They are also used in applications of any current rating that require
adjustable trip settings, which are not available in plug-in circuit breakers and
MCBs. The main distinctions between molded-case and miniature circuit breaker
are that the MCCB can have current ratings of up to 2,500 amperes, and its trip
settings are normally adjustable.

Wires and cables

Wire is a single electrical conductor, whereas a cable is a group of wires swathed
in sheathing.
The main requirements of the insulting materials used for cable are:
1. High insulation resistance.
2. High dielectric strength.
3. Good mechanical properties i.e. tenacity and elasticity.
4. It should not be affected by chemicals around it.
5. It should be non-hygroscopic because the dielectric strength of any material
goes very much down with moisture connect

Electrical Earthing
The process of transferring the immediate discharge of the electrical energy
directly to the earth by the help of the low resistance wire is known as the
electrical earthing. Mostly galvanized iron is used for earthing.
Earthing provides simple path to the leakage current. Earthing is an important
component of electrical systems because of the following reasons:
•It keeps people safe by preventing electric shocks
•It prevents damage to electrical appliances and devices by preventing excessive
current from running through the circuit
•It prevents the risk of fire that could otherwise be caused by current leakage

Types of Electrical Earthing

Neutral Earthing: In neutral earthing, the neutral of the system is directly
connected to earth by the help of the GI wire.
The neutral earthing is also called the system earthing. Ex. Generator, T/F, Motor
Equipment Earthing: Such type of earthing is provided to the electrical
equipment. The noncurrent carrying part of the equipment like their metallic
frame is connected to the earth by the help of the conducting wire.


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