Develop Problem Solving

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Thinking Skills and Creativity 51 (2024) 101454

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The application of educational technology to develop

problem-solving skills: A systematic review
Dan Lu a, Ya-Nan Xie b, *
School of Foreign Languages, Northeast Normal University, China
Library, Northeast Normal University, China


Keywords: Fostering problem-solving skills is vital for students to tackle the complexities of the 21st century.
Technological tools The integration of educational technology has spurred scholarly interest in cultivating students’
Problem-solving skills problem-solving skills. A systematic examination of these scholarly pursuits can yield invaluable
Systematic review
insights and serve as a reference for both researchers and practitioners. In this context, the current
study conducted a systematic review, aiming to answer the following questions: (1) What and
how are educational technological tools applied to promote problem-solving skills? (2) What
instructional strategies are used? (3) What is the impact of the application on students’ devel­
opment of problem-solving skills? Web of Science was the database used to search literature, and
69 articles were included after the screening procedure. After analyzing the included studies, key
findings and implications include: (1) Technological tools deployed in these studies serve diverse
functions, often combined to establish immersive learning environments, which indicates that
incorporating diverse cognitive and practical technology elements into curriculum design is
essential for students’ successful problem-solving; (2) Instructional strategies like scaffolding,
guidance, tool training, course orientation, and peer collaboration are employed to facilitate
students’ problem-solving proficiencies. This finding stresses the significance of a comprehensive
approach to developing problem-solving skills, involving guidance, practical training, situational
awareness, and collaboration; (3) The incorporation of educational tools in purposefully designed
instruction has a positive impact on students’ problem-solving skills. Consequently, educators and
institutions are urged to strategically embrace these tools to foster students’ problem-solving

1. Introduction

Problem-solving is a crucial 21st-century skill that is indispensable for learning, work, and daily life in our rapidly changing society
(Annetta, 2008). As problem-solving involves cognitive processes and strategies such as constructing and manipulating representa­
tions, analyzing data, identifying causes, devising plans, and finding solutions, it is a fundamental approach to achieving effective and
meaningful learning. Therefore, problem-solving is considered essential in many subject domains in formal educational settings from
primary to tertiary education (Chan & Wu, 2007; Jonassen, 2000; Jonassen et al., 2003, 2004; Polya, 1957).
To develop problem-solving skills, students must be provided with opportunities to practice approaching problems in a non-

* Corresponding author at: Library, Northeast Normal University, 5268, Renmin Street, Changchun, Jilin 130024, China.
E-mail address: [email protected] (Y.-N. Xie).
Received 15 May 2023; Received in revised form 16 December 2023; Accepted 27 December 2023
Available online 28 December 2023
1871-1871/© 2023 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
D. Lu and Y.-N. Xie Thinking Skills and Creativity 51 (2024) 101454

threatening environment (Kapp, 2007). The rapid development of information and communication technology has turned today’s
youth into “digital citizens” equipped with effective computer and internet skills (Ferrari, 2013). Along with these technological
advances, educational technology has provided schools and educators with more opportunities to conduct meaningful teaching ac­
tivities in technology-enhanced environments. A growing body of research has focused on the integration of educational technology
with the development of problem-solving skills. Therefore, a methodical examination of the studies in this field can yield invaluable
insights and references for both scholars and practitioners.

1.1. Defining problem-solving skills

McCormick (1997) emphasized that problem-solving constitutes a particular form of elevated procedural knowledge (p. 145),
encompassing the procedural skills integral to the problem-solving process. It’s worth noting that, although creativity, critical
thinking, and problem-solving are closely correlated, this study treats them as independent constructs. Creativity is the ability to form
something new and valuable, which involves looking at problems or situations from a fresh perspective and generating novel and
original ideas (Zhou et al., 2019); critical thinking is a mode of cognitive processing that assists individuals in making well-reasoned
decisions; whereas problem-solving is a set of valuable skills for addressing and resolving various challenges (Friedel et al., 2008).
Multiple problem-solving process frameworks have been formulated to enhance these skills by directing students through the stages of
problem-solving (e.g., Good & Brophy, 1995; Hohn & Frey, 2002; Ormrod, 2000; Sternberg, 2003). This study adopted a widely
recognized model advanced by Sternberg (2003), who proposed that effectively addressing both well-defined and ill-defined problems
might entail the following sequences: (1) problem identification, (2) problem definition, (3) strategy development, (4) information
organization, (5) resource allocation, (6) monitoring, and (7) evaluation of problem-solving.

1.2. Classification of educational technological tools

Educational technological tools in this study include the Information Communication and Technology (ICT) tools used in formal
educational setting. The categorization of ICT tools proposed by Chen et al. (2000) was used in the current study, which encompasses
informative tools, situating tools, constructive tools, and communicative tools. This classification was chosen because it focuses on the
mediating roles played by the tools in the teaching process and has been found to promote higher-order thinking skills among students
(see Oliver & Hannafin, 2000; Kearney & Treasure, 2001; Neo & Neo, 2001; Lapadat, 2000).

1.3. Previous review studies

In recent times, there has been a surge in review studies dedicated to examining research concerning students’ problem-solving
abilities. Several of these studies have opted to concentrate on specific instructional methods within particular subject areas. For
example, a number of review studies have delved into the research surrounding Schema-based instruction for solving mathematical
problems (Clausen et al., 2021; Cook et al., 2020; Jitendra, 2009; Peltier et al., 2018). Yeung et al. (2023) assessed the effectiveness of
team-based learning in cultivating the general skill of problem-solving in nursing education. Some studies have directed their attention
towards interventions aimed at aiding specific groups of students within specific subject domains. For instance, Kong et al. (2021) and
Hwang and Riccomini (2016) both sought to investigate interventions designed to enhance problem-solving abilities among students
with learning disabilities. Furthermore, certain studies have chosen to explore the development of problem-solving skills within
particular academic disciplines. As an example, Dood and Watt (2023) conducted a comprehensive review, focusing on students’
approaches, challenges, and achievements in solving mechanism-related problems in organic chemistry.
In recent years, numerous studies have applied various forms of educational technology to cultivate students’ problem-solving
skills across disciplines and educational levels. Several review studies have directed their attention toward the utilization of tech­
nological tools to enhance problem-solving abilities. In an effort to comprehend the current state, areas of significant interest, and
future prospects of research related to online collaborative problem-solving, Jiang et al. (2023) conducted a knowledge graph analysis
using CiteSpace. In another study, Gyaurov (2022) outlined a protocol for a systematic review centered on entertainment digital games
designed to foster complex problem-solving skills. The research examines the characteristics of these games, the specific skills they
enhance, and the mechanisms through which they promote complex problem-solving abilities. Yilmaz and Griffiths (2023) also
explored studies involving games, focusing on children’s development of social problem-solving skills during gameplay. Their ex­
amination specifically considered aspects such as research design, the types of games utilized, and the variables influencing children’s
social skills development.
Review studies focusing on the development of problem-solving abilities have typically aimed to assess instructional interventions
and their effects on students’ problem-solving skills. However, these studies often confine themselves to specific subject areas or
particular student groups, such as students with learning disabilities. Likewise, when it comes to review studies involving technological
tools, they tend to concentrate on individual tools. Broadening the scope of subject areas, participant demographics, and the variety of
technological tools within a systematic review would yield more comprehensive and consolidated insights. Specifically, a systematic
review analyzing the technology tools, the instructional design strategies employed, the findings regarding impact on problem-solving
skills will provide valuable insights and references for researchers and practitioners in broader and more diverse fields. Therefore, the
following research questions were sought:

(1) What and how are educational technological tools applied to promote problem-solving skills?

D. Lu and Y.-N. Xie Thinking Skills and Creativity 51 (2024) 101454

(2) What instructional strategies are used in the application of educational technology to promote problem-solving skills?
(3) What is the impact of the application of educational technology on students’ development of problem-solving skills?

2. Method

We carried out a methodical and structured review of the literature by adhering to the guidelines outlined in the Preferred
Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) framework (Liberati et al., 2009). The process encompassed the
following stages: (1) identifying relevant subjects and conducting a search for pertinent studies; (2) screening documents to identify
crucial studies; (3) evaluating the eligibility of the studies; and (4) incorporating the documents from the studies that were analyzed,
synthesized, and described.

2.1. Literature search

In this study, we used Web of Science Core Collection platform to search for literature within the SCI/SSCI/A&HCI. We chose Web
of Science because it provides a comprehensive and balanced coverage of high-quality, peer-reviewed articles. Although other da­
tabases, such as Scopus, also offer peer-reviewed articles, Web of Science is often considered more authoritative for SCI, SSCI and
A&HCI (Chadegani et al., 2013; Li et al., 2010; Singh et al., 2021). The search sentence is “(((ti=(“Problem solving” or “problem
solution” or “solv* problem”) or ak=(“Problem solving” or “problem solution” or “solv* problem”)) and wc=education*) OR ((ti=
(“Problem solving” or “problem solution” or “solv* problem”) or ak=(“Problem solving” or “problem solution” or “solv* problem”))
and (ti=(teaching or learning or instruct* or pedagog* or lesson or class or course) or ak=(teaching or learning or instruct* or
pedagog* or lesson or class or course)))) and ts=(technology* or “computer-assisted” or “computer-supported” or ICT or website or
online or “e-learning” or virtual* or system)”. We limited the search to “articles” and retrieved a total of 1393 articles. There is no
restriction on the publication date, and the final retrieval date is March 27, 2023.

2.2. Inclusion criteria

To ensure a comprehensive and rigorous systematic review, the articles selected for this study must meet the following criteria:

1. The research must focus on problem-solving, with other related thinking skills, such as creativity and critical thinking, excluded.
2. The articles must feature common educational technology tools that have broad applicability across different fields. Tools designed
for specific knowledge or skills, such as specialized tools used in medical science, are excluded due to their lack of generalizability.
3. The articles must be relevant to teaching in formal education settings. Self-learning and extracurricular studies are excluded, except
for online credit courses offered by universities or colleges during the COVID-19 pandemic, which are included in the review.
4. Clear and detailed descriptions of teaching methods or instructional designs related to problem-solving are necessary for inclusion
in the review.
5. The research must be empirical, with scientific measurements of problem-solving abilities used as the basis for evaluation.

Fig. 1. The screening procedure.

D. Lu and Y.-N. Xie Thinking Skills and Creativity 51 (2024) 101454

2.3. Screening procedure

As for the screening procedure, we adhered to the following steps. In the first step, the coders screened 1393 articles by assessing
their titles, keywords, and abstracts against five selection criteria, which removed 1085 articles. In the second step, the remaining 308
articles were fully reviewed. After evaluating based on the selection criteria, 239 articles were excluded, including 115 articles that did
not address problem-solving, 100 articles that did not involve common educational technology tools, four articles that were not related
to in-campus teaching, six articles that lacked specific instructional design, and 14 articles that lacked scientific measurement. In the
end, 69 relevant articles were included in the review, as shown in Fig. 1.
Two coders (two authors of the article) conducted a two-week screening procedure. All the studies were examined by two coders
based on the review’s inclusion criteria. When discrepancies happened, they were resolved by further review of the respective titles,
abstracts and full text, and discussion between the two coders. The reliability was calculated using the Cohen’s Kappa coefficient.
Following the criteria established by Viera and Garrett (2005), an agreement level is considered acceptable if the Kappa value exceeds
0.61, while it is deemed a perfect agreement when surpassing 0.81. In this study, the agreement level reached 0.805, indicating a
nearly perfect match between the two coders.

2.4. Data extraction and analysis

To address the research questions, relevant data was extracted and categorized from the selected 69 studies, encompassing: (1)
designations and functions of technological tools, (2) the instructional strategies, and (3) the improvement of students’ problem-
solving skills. Data extraction and analysis were conducted by the guidance of the theoretical frameworks of the variables and a
narrative synthesis methodology (Aguilar & Turmo, 2019; Davis et al., 2009). We undertook the subsequent steps: (1) individually

Table 1
Types of technological tools and their use.
Types Tools Studies Use

Informative Diagnosis tool Huang and Chuang (2008), Lin (2019) • Providing learning materials
Assessing tool Crippen and Earl (2007) • Providing tests and quizzes
Websites Forrester et al. (2001) • Diagnosing students’ problems
Videos Karabulut-Ilgu et al. (2017), Lin (2019), Song (2018) • Supporting flipped classrooms
Constructive Mind/concept/ Song (2018), Wang et al. (2018a), Yilmaz-Na and Sönmez • Facilitating analysing process
argument mapping (2023) • Enabling information searching
Information searching Hwang and Kuo (2011), Ibieta et al. (2019), Kuo et al. • Presenting problem-solving process
system (2012), Kuo et al. (2014)
Reasoning tool Sun et al. (2018)
Problem solving tool Liang and She, 2021
Informative & Learning Management Aslan and Duruhan (2020), Cheng et al. (2021), Hsiao • Providing learning materials
communicative System (e.g. Moodle) et al. (2018), Huang and Chuang (2008), Janson et al. • Providing tests and quizzes
(2020), Karaoglan-Yilmaz (2021), Lazakidou and Retalis • Diagnosing students’ problems
(2010), Tsai and Tang (2017), Wong and Kan (2022) • Presenting learning products
Whiteboard Hwang and Hu (2013) • Supporting teachers’ feedback
Live online class (e.g. Aslan (2021) • Supporting peer review and comments
Constructive & VR/AR Araiza-Alba et al. (2021), Hwang and Hu (2013), • Enabling manipulation and construction of
situational Karagozlu (2017), Kim et al. (2022), Song (2018), Wu 3D objects/artifacts
et al. (2019) • Constructing learning context through
Visualization based Kohen et al. (2019), Wang et al. (2013), Wang et al. simulation
cognitive tool (2018b) • Facilitating knowledge construction and
Simulation Ceberio et al. (2016), Chang et al. (2017), Liu et al. (2011), problem solution through directly
Molnár and Csapó (2018), Pellas and Vosinakis (2018), interacting with the problem situation
Programming tool Akcaoglu and Koehler (2014), Chadli et al. (2018), Erümit
(2019), Kim et al. (2013), Pol et al. (2008), Pol et al.
(2009), Reisslein et al. (2010), Sonnleitner et al. (2017)
Computer assisted Chadli et al. (2018), Reisslein et al. (2010)
Individual gaming Ke and Clark (2018), Hwang and Chen (2017), Hwang
et al. (2013a), Jurdi et al. (2018), Liu et al. (2011), Pellas
and Vosinakis (2018), Van den Heuvel-Panhuizen et al.
Informative, Tutoring/guided Baghaei et al. (2007), Chen (2010), Cheng et al. (2021), • Providing the learning materials
constructive & system Choi and Lee (2008), del Olmo-Muñoz et al. (2022), • Offering scaffolding
communicative Harskamp and Suhre (2007), Horton (2013), • Supporting diagnosing
Nirmalakhandan (2007), Lee (2010), Lin et al. (2018), Pee • Facilitating knowledge construction
(2019), Raes et al. (2012), Lazakidou and Retalis (2010), • Supporting collaboration and
Serin (2011), Yu et al. (2010), Zydney et al. (2012) communication
Adaptive training Neri et al. (2010), Schoppek and Tulis (2010)
Collaborative gaming Chou et al. (2020), Sánchez and Olivares (2011), Yang

D. Lu and Y.-N. Xie Thinking Skills and Creativity 51 (2024) 101454

read the articles, (2) analyzed and categorized the articles, and (3) subsequently engaged in collaborative discussions to decide on the
theoretical frameworks and establish consensus regarding the classifications of technological tools, instructional strategies, and
improvement of students’ problem-solving skills. Throughout these discussions, patterns within the literature were identified through
To answer the first research question, we adopted the classification of ICT tools proposed by Chen et al. (2000) to assist analyzing
the educational technological tools. Specifically, informative tools encompass applications that deliver extensive information through
various media like text, audio, visuals, or videos; situating tools involve systems that immerse students within an environment where
they can practically ‘experience’ the context and events; constructive tools are versatile utilities enabling information manipulation,
personal knowledge construction, or visualization of comprehension; communicative tools are systems facilitating interactions be­
tween teachers and students, or among students, transcending the physical confines (be it spatial, temporal, or both) of the classroom
(Lim & Tay, 2003). As for the specific use of the technological tools, we read the articles and identify the content describing how the
tools were utilized to facilitate the problem-solving process. Then the two coders work together to summarize the use.
With the purpose of answering the second research question, we borrowed Jonassen’s model for designing Constructivist Learning
Environments (CLEs) to assist the analysis of the instructional strategies adopted in the studies. This model is intended for problem
solving and conceptual learning (Jonassen, 1999). According to the model, a problem, question, or project is the focus of the envi­
ronment, with various interpretative and intellectual support systems surrounding it, which includes related cases and information,
cognitive tools, conversation/collaboration, and social context support system (Jonassen, 1999). It’s worth noting that this model
served as a broad analytical framework. To pinpoint the specific strategies, we additionally adopted the narrative synthesis approach,
which involved extracting key concepts from the literature. We underwent several rounds of thematic coding, culminating in the
eventual categorization of the instructional strategies.
In order to answer the third research question, we first explored the various assessment instruments employed in the studies and
their findings in relation to the proficiency of problem-solving. Furthermore, we looked into the specific problem-skills addressed in
the studies. Following multiple rounds of coding, it became evident that the assessment of students’ specific problem-solving abilities
appeared to correspond effectively with Sternberg’s problem-solving model proposed in 2003. Consequently, we applied this estab­
lished framework to categorize the enhancement of specific problem-solving skills.

3. Results

3.1. Use of technological tools

The study identified a total of 20 technological tools used to enhance problem-solving skills across the reviewed studies, with some
studies using multiple tools. Chen et al.’ (2000) classification of ICT tools (informative, situating, constructive, and communicative)
was used as the basic framework for presenting the technological tools. After examining the functions of the tools used in the studies,
some tools were found to possess multiple functions. As a result, we grouped the tools according to the functions they served (refer to
Table 1).
Informative tools, such as diagnosis and assessment tools, websites, and videos, were used to provide learning materials, quizzes,
and tests, diagnose students’ problems, and support flipped classrooms. For example, Lin (2019) examined the effects of a flipped
classroom with a smart learning diagnosis system on students’ learning performance, perception, and problem-solving ability in a
software engineering course. In the flipped classroom, videos that transformed in-class lectures were provided to students before class.
The smart learning diagnosis system supported the flipped classroom by allowing students to access learning materials, watch videos,
and take diagnostic assessments.
Constructive tools, such as mind maps, information searching systems, and reasoning tools, were found in the reviewed studies.
These tools were used to facilitate the analysis process, enable information searching, and present problem-solving processes. For
example, to examine the effects of the computer-based cognitive-mapping approach on students’ deep learning with complex prob­
lems, Wang et al. (2018a, 2018b) extended the traditional concept mapping technique by allowing learners to visually represent the
problem-solving process and underlying knowledge in a more comprehensive format.
Some tools serve both informative and communicative functions, such as the learning management system (LMS) of Moodle and
whiteboard. These tools can be used to provide learning materials, tests and quizzes, diagnose students’ problems, present learning
products, support teacher feedback, and enable peer review and comments. For instance, in a study by Huang and Chuang (2008), the
Moodle platform was used to incorporate a problem-based learning (PBL) activity, with the addition of a learning diagnosis tool. This
allowed students to work collaboratively to solve problems while providing diagnostic feedback on incorrect solutions to facilitate
Technological tools that serve both constructive and situational functions include virtual reality/augmented reality (VR/AR),
visualization-based cognitive tools, simulations, programming tools, computer-assisted systems, and individual gaming. These tools
can be utilized to enable the manipulation and construction of 3D objects/artifacts, construct learning contexts through simulation,
and facilitate knowledge construction and problem-solving by directly interacting with the problem situation. For instance, Chang
et al. (2017) conducted a study to investigate the effects of using individual-based and collaborative simulations to solve physics
problems on science learning. The simulations enabled students to manipulate variables to solve the problems, resulting in enhanced
learning outcomes.
Tools playing the informative, constructive and communicative role include tutoring system, adaptive training, and collaborative
gaming. This type of technological tools can provide learning materials, offer scaffolding, support diagnosis, facilitate knowledge

D. Lu and Y.-N. Xie Thinking Skills and Creativity 51 (2024) 101454

Table 2
Strategies of instruction design and improvement in problem-solving skills.
Author & Year School Level Subject area Strategies Improved problem-solving

Akcaoglu and Koehler (2014) Secondary Computer • Scaffold and guidance • Analyzing the problem
• Drawing up the solution
Araiza-Alba et al. (2021) Primary Mathematics • Training on how to use the ICT
Aslan (2021) University Medicine • Peer interaction and • Drawing up the solution
collaboration • Executing the solution
• Evaluating the solution
Aslan and Duruhan (2020) Secondary Science • Peer interaction and • Understanding the
collaboration problem
• Analyzing the problem
• Drawing up the solution
• Evaluating the solution
Baghaei et al. (2007) University Computer • Scaffold and guidance
Ceberio et al. (2016) University Physics • Scaffold and guidance • Analyzing the problem
• Drawing up the solution
• Evaluating the solution
Chadli et al. (2018) Primary Mathematics • Training on how to use the ICT • Understanding the
tools problem
• Drawing up the solution
• Executing the solution
Chang et al. (2017) Secondary Physics • Orientation of the course
• Peer interaction and
Chen (2010) University Educational psychology • Scaffold and guidance • Representing the problem
• Drawing up the solution
• Evaluating the solution
Cheng et al. (2021) Primary Computer • Scaffold and guidance • Analyzing the problem
• Orientation of the course
• Peer interaction and
Choi and Lee (2008) University Early child education • Orientation of the course • Presenting the problem
• Peer interaction and • Drawing up the solution
collaboration • Evaluating the solution
Chou et al. (2020) Primary Chinese • Scaffold and guidance
• Orientation of the course
Crippen and Earl (2007) University Chemistry • Scaffold and guidance
• Orientation of the course
del Olmo-Muñoz et al. (2022) Primary Mathematics • Scaffold and guidance
Erümit (2019) Secondary Computer • Training on how to use the ICT
Forrester et al. (2001) University Medicine • Peer interaction and
Harskamp and Suhre (2007) Secondary Mathematics • Training on how to use the ICT • Analyzing the problem
tools • Drawing up the solution
• Orientation of the course • Executing the solution
• Scaffold and guidance • Evaluating the solution
Horton (2013) University Mathematics • Scaffold and guidance
• Peer interaction and
Hsiao et al. (2018) Secondary Mathematics • Training on how to use the ICT • Representing the problem
tools • Drawing up the solution
• Scaffold and guidance • Executing the solution
• Monitoring the process
Huang and Chuang (2008) Secondary Science • Peer interaction and
Hwang and Chen (2017) Primary Science • Training on how to use the ICT • Understanding the
tools problem
• Representing the problem
• Evaluating the solution
Hwang et al. (2013a) Primary Science • Orientation of the course
• Peer interaction and
Hwang and Hu (2013) Primary Mathematics • Peer interaction and
Hwang and Kuo (2011) Primary Reading • Scaffold and guidance
Ibieta et al. (2019) Secondary Computer • Orientation of the course
(continued on next page)

D. Lu and Y.-N. Xie Thinking Skills and Creativity 51 (2024) 101454

Table 2 (continued )
Author & Year School Level Subject area Strategies Improved problem-solving

• Peer interaction and

Janson et al. (2020) University Management and • Scaffold and guidance • Understanding the
business problem
• Representing the problem
Jurdi et al. (2018) Primary Computer • Peer interaction and
Karabulut-Ilgu et al. (2017) University Engineering • Orientation of the course • Understanding the
• Peer interaction and problem
collaboration • Representing the problem
• Analyzing the problem
Karaoglan Yilmaz (2021) University Economy • Scaffold and guidance • Monitoring the process
Ke and Clark (2018) Secondary Mathematics • Training on how to use the ICT • Understanding the
tools problem
• Analyzing the problem
Kim et al. (2013) Secondary Computer • Training on how to use the ICT
Kim et al. (2022) Secondary Art • Training on how to use the ICT
• Peer interaction and
Kohen et al. (2019) Secondary Mathematics • Training on how to use the ICT
Kuo et al. (2012) Elementary Computer • Orientation of the course • Presenting the problem
• Peer interaction and • Analyzing the problem
Kuo et al. (2014) University Computer • Training on how to use the ICT • Representing the problem
tools • Drawing up the solution
• Orientation of the course
• Peer interaction and
Lazakidou and Retalis (2010) Primary Mathematics • Scaffold and guidance • Understanding the
• Orientation of the course problem
• Peer interaction and • Drawing up the solution
collaboration • Executing the solution
• Monitoring the process
• Evaluating the solution
Lee (2010) University Physics • Scaffold and guidance
Liang and She, 2021 Secondary Mathematics • Scaffold and guidance
Lin (2019) University Computer • Scaffold and guidance • Analyzing the problem
• Training on how to use the ICT • Drawing up the solution
• Orientation of the course
Lin et al. (2018) Secondary STEM • Scaffold and guidance • Understanding the
• Executing the solution
Liu et al. (2011) University Computer • Training on how to use the ICT • Drawing up the solution
tools • Executing the solution
• Evaluating the solution
Molnár and Csapó (2018) Primary & Psychology • Training on how to use the ICT
Secondary tools
Neri et al. (2010) University Physics • Orientation of the course
Nirmalakhandan (2007) University Engineering • Scaffold and guidance
Pee (2019) University & Management • Scaffold and guidance • Drawing up the solution
graduate • Training on how to use the ICT
• Peer interaction and
Pellas and Vosinakis (2018) Secondary Computer • Training on how to use the ICT
Pol et al. (2008) Secondary Physics • Scaffold and guidance
• Training on how to use the ICT
Pol et al. (2009) Secondary Physics • Scaffold and guidance
Raes et al. (2012) Secondary Science • Scaffold and guidance
Reisslein et al. (2010) Secondary Engineering • Scaffold and guidance • Representing the problem
Sánchez and Olivares (2011) Secondary Science • Peer interaction and
(continued on next page)

D. Lu and Y.-N. Xie Thinking Skills and Creativity 51 (2024) 101454

Table 2 (continued )
Author & Year School Level Subject area Strategies Improved problem-solving

Schoppek& Tulis (2010) Primary Mathematics • Scaffold and guidance • Representing the problem
• Training on how to use the ICT • Drawing up the solution
tools • Executing the solution
• Monitoring the process
• Evaluating the solution
Serin (2011) Primary Science • Orientation of the course
• Training on how to use the ICT
• Scaffold and guidance
Song (2018) Primary Science • Peer interaction and • Understanding the
collaboration problem
• Presenting the problem
• Drawing up the solution
• Executing the solution
• Monitoring the process
• Evaluating the solution
Sonnleitner et al. (2017) University, graduate Science • Scaffold and guidance • Understanding the
Sun et al. (2018) Primary Computer • Scaffold and guidance
• Orientation of the course
Tsai and Tang (2017) University Bioinformatics • Peer interaction and • Understanding the
collaboration problem
Van den Heuvel-Panhuizen et al. Primary Mathematics • Orientation of the course
Wang et al. (2013) University Medicine • Scaffold and guidance • Analyzing the problem
• Drawing up the solution
Wang et al. (2018a) University Medicine • Training on how to use the ICT • Analyzing the problem
tools • Drawing up the solution
• Orientation of the course
Wang et al. (2018b) University Medicine • Scaffold and guidance • Analyzing the problem
• Training on how to use the ICT • Drawing up the solution
• Orientation of the course
Winkler et al., 2021 Secondary Law • Scaffold and guidance
Wong and Kan (2022) University Nursing • Scaffold and guidance
• Orientation of the course
• Peer interaction and
Wu et al. (2019) Primary Science • Orientation of the course
Yang (2012) Secondary Civics and society • Peer interaction and • Analyzing the problem
collaboration • Drawing up the solution
• Monitoring the process
Yilmaz-Na and Sönmez (2023) University Pedagogy • Scaffold and guidance
Yu et al. (2010) Secondary Biology • Peer interaction and
Zydney et al. (2012) Primary Mathematics • Scaffold and guidance
• Orientation of the course

construction, and promote collaboration and communication. For example, Sánchez and Olivares (2011) implemented a series of
learning activities based on mobile serious games to develop students’ problem-solving and collaborative skills. The game was spe­
cifically designed and developed for mobile devices, using sophisticated 3D graphics. It attempted to simulate the process of biological
evolution that occurs in nature, where students performed various actions, sometimes collectively, to develop and maintain different
animal species in the environment.

3.2. Strategies of instructional design

Various strategies were employed in instructional design to facilitate the application of technological tools in cultivating students’
problem-solving skills across different school levels, with STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) disciplines
receiving most attention (See Table 2). Some of these strategies were considered as intervention variables in quasi-experimental or
mixed studies, while others were mentioned in the research design of the studies. Notably, many studies incorporated more than one
strategy in their instructional design.

3.2.1. Scaffold and guidance

Several studies have shown that scaffold and guidance from instructors or technological tools can facilitate the cultivation of
students’ problem-solving skills. For example, in a study conducted by Lee (2010), different types of instructional preparation

D. Lu and Y.-N. Xie Thinking Skills and Creativity 51 (2024) 101454

strategies were applied to different groups of students in an introductory physics class within a web-based learning environment. The
study’s results indicate that interactive tutorials providing just-in-time scaffolding were more effective than other types of strategies
when students faced challenging and complex problems. In another study, Akcaoglu and Koehler (2014) investigated the impact of an
after-school Game-Design and Learning program using a quasi-experimental design. The experimental group was subjected to a guided
discovery approach that provided students with minimal but sufficient guidance and feedback during the game-design process. The
findings of the study revealed that the experimental group demonstrated significantly greater improvement in their problem-solving
skills than the control group, who did not attend the program.

3.2.2. Training on how to use the ICT tools

Training and providing specific instructions on how to use the tools was listed as one of the rules that guide the instructional design.
For instance, Chadli et al. (2018) developed a system to assist students in solving mathematical word problems and compared its effects
with general strategy instruction on students’ problem-solving and computational skills. In the experimental group, the researchers
provided training sessions within the learning environment to familiarize students with the problem-solving program. The study’s
results showed a significantly better performance of the experimental group compared to the comparison group. The researchers noted
that the training session played an important role in developing students’ problem-solving abilities.

3.2.3. Orientation of the course

Several studies included an orientation session at the beginning of the course to familiarize students with online instruction. For
example, Hwang et al. (2014) proposed a peer assessment-based game development approach to enhance students’ problem-solving
skills with a quasi-experimental design. In the first few weeks, an orientation was given to help students understand the learning
content, criteria of learning tasks, and functions of the game development tool. Although the orientation was not a controlled variable
in the study, it could have facilitated students’ problem-solving process by enabling them to understand the learning content, tasks,
and tools.

3.2.4. Peer interaction and collaboration

Several of the articles reviewed suggested that interaction and collaboration among students should be incorporated into the course
design. For instance, in order to assist students with three-dimensional geometric problem-solving, Hwang and Hu (2013) developed
an Interactive Future Mathematics Classroom (IFMC) utilizing a Collaborative Virtual Reality Learning Environment (CVRLE). The
IFMC included various collaborative activities, such as synchronously reviewing peers’ solving processes, collaboratively manipulating
3-D objects, and providing feedback on peers’ work for future discussions. The results of the study indicated that the experimental
group performed significantly better than the comparison group in solving geometric problems. According to Hwang and Hu (2013),
peer interactions, which ranged from encouragement and cooperation to even unrelated social discussions, were positively correlated
with the problem-solving process.

3.3. Development of problem-solving skills

The studies under review employed a variety of assessment methods to gauge problem-solving abilities. These methods encom­
passed standardized tests, problem-solving scales, self-assessment questionnaires and reports, discipline-specific tests, and the eval­
uation of problem-solving performance using grading criteria. Despite the diverse array of assessment tools employed, the studies
consistently reported positive outcomes resulting from the integration of technological tools in students’ overall problem-solving
performance. Furthermore, some of these studies focused on honing specific problem-solving skills, allowing for a more in-depth
analysis of the effects of these tools. As previously mentioned in the introduction, we utilized Sternberg’s 7-step model as a struc­
tured framework to systematically and consistently present the development of specific problem-solving skills. After closely examining
the findings from these studies, we made some modifications to these steps to better align them with the reported data (refer to Table 2
for details).
As presented in Table 2, the studies reviewed in this paper showed improvements in various problem-solving skills, with the skill of
drawing up a solution being reported to have improved the most frequently, while monitoring the problem-solving process was re­
ported to have improved less often. While some studies examined the effects of technological applications on the development of all
problem-solving skills, others focused on the improvement of one or two specific skills. For instance, Harskamp and Suhre (2006)
evaluated the effectiveness of a student-controlled computer program, based on Schoenfeld’s theory, in improving problem-solving
abilities in high school mathematics. The study found that students who used the program demonstrated greater problem-solving
ability than those in a traditional mathematics course in a wide range of specific problem-solving skills. On the other hand, Sonn­
leitner et al. (2017) conducted a study on embedding computer-based problem-solving scenarios in a sustainability course, with a
particular focus on the Genetics Lab scenario. The results showed that the computer-based scenarios deepened students’ compre­
hension of complex problem-solving related to known phenomena.

4. Discussion

The integration of educational technology with the cultivation of problem-solving skills has garnered significant interest among
both researchers and practitioners in recent times. Previous review studies have tended to narrow their focus on specific technological
tools, instructional approaches, subject areas, or student demographics. Consequently, this review study was undertaken to

D. Lu and Y.-N. Xie Thinking Skills and Creativity 51 (2024) 101454

comprehensively examine a wide array of technology tools and instructional design strategies, as well as assess their impact on
problem-solving skills, without being constrained by specific instructional methods, student groups, academic disciplines, or research

4.1. Use of technological tools

After conducting the review, we found that 20 technological tools were commonly used to promote students’ problem-solving
skills, which aligned with the tools identified in previous systematic reviews by Lai and Bower (2020) and Granić (2022). These
tools were categorized into several types based on their functions, including informative, constructive, informative & communicative,
constructive & situational, and informative, constructive & communicative. It was found that most tools possessed multiple functions,
and different tools were often combined to construct the learning environment. Given that blended learning environments involve
various factors that can affect problem-solving performance, such as learning activities, resources, feedback, and evaluation (Soph­
onhiranraka et al., 2015), it is essential for course designers to adopt technological tools that perform multiple functions or combine
different tools to perform various functions.
Furthermore, the use of these technological tools was found to be closely related to the problem-solving process. For example,
informative tools were mostly used to facilitate the understanding of the problem, situational tools to present the problem, and
constructive tools to analyze the problem and develop solutions. Communicative tools were used in almost all stages of the problem-
solving process. This suggests that researchers have designed and applied these tools in response to the challenges posed by different
stages of problem-solving.

4.2. Strategies of instructional design

4.2.1. Scaffold and guidance

The systematic review revealed that many studies have utilized the approach of scaffold and guidance to enhance students’
problem-solving abilities. Previous research has suggested that providing guidance at various stages of the problem-solving process can
be beneficial (Chang et al., 2006; Huang et al., 2012; Lee, 2017). There are several advantages to this approach. Firstly, graduated
scaffolding can reduce the cognitive and memory load on students, allowing them to concentrate on complex problems without feeling
frustrated (Puntambekar & Hu¨bscher, 2005; Quintana et al., 2004). Secondly, guidance can help students form a deeper understanding
and representation of the problems (Chi et al., 1994; Chen & Bradshaw, 2007; Zulfah et al., 2020). Thirdly, the step-by-step scaffold
and guidance approach can enhance students’ deep processing of information that is crucial to solving the problem (León et al., 2015).
While scaffold and guidance are widely recognized for their significance in improving students’ problem-solving skills, there is
ongoing debate about the appropriate degree and timing of support. Some researchers advocate for minimal support, provided only on
demand, with the amount gradually decreasing over time (Renkl, 2002; Collins et al., 1989; van Merriënboer et al., 2003; Reif, 1995;
Harskamp & Suhre, 2006). However, studies have shown that students may not always seek guidance at the right time, and some
learners with insufficient prior knowledge may require more human scaffold to model information problem-solving, as they may suffer
from minimal guidance (Kim & Hannafin, 2011; Kirschner et al., 2006). Therefore, additional research is needed to explore the
appropriate degree and timing of scaffold and guidance.

4.2.2. Training on how to use the tools

Numerous studies have emphasized the importance of training students on how to use technology tools effectively. Providing
specific instructions and training on tool use is a crucial aspect of instructional design. ICT tools can be complex and may require
specific skills to use efficiently. When students are unfamiliar with these tools, they may focus more on becoming proficient in their
use, rather than on the thinking activities they are intended to support. However, with proper training, students can learn to use these
tools more efficiently and effectively. This training can help reduce the cognitive load imposed by ICT tools, enabling students to
become more confident when using them.

4.2.3. Orientation of the course

Many studies have emphasized the importance of course orientation in cultivating students’ problem-solving skills through the use
of technological tools. Since this approach often involves unconventional materials and teaching methods, it is crucial to introduce
students to the course’s objectives and design, so they understand how it can benefit their problem-solving skills. Without proper
orientation, students may view the course as a waste of time (Ceberio et al., 2016). Moreover, research suggests that students tend to
focus on surface aspects of problems instead of gaining a comprehensive understanding of the problem area when faced with
problem-solving tasks (van de Wiel et al., 2000). When knowledge is taught through close association with specific problems, it be­
comes challenging for learners to separate fundamental knowledge from the problem and apply it to new situations (Anderson et al.,
1996; Patel et al., 1993). Therefore, introducing students to the problem-solving process and its steps can help reduce cognitive load
and improve their ability to grasp new knowledge.

4.2.4. Peer interaction and collaboration

Peer interaction and collaboration have been found to be crucial components for developing students’ problem-solving skills in
many reviewed studies. Collaborative learning can lead to the improvement of students’ high-order thinking skills as they can be
scaffolded by their peers, which is consistent with the findings of previous studies (Hwang & Kuo, 2011; Kim & Hannafin, 2011). Group

D. Lu and Y.-N. Xie Thinking Skills and Creativity 51 (2024) 101454

discussions and other forms of peer interaction can also help to link abstract knowledge to daily experiences, leading to a deeper
understanding of the problem and easier identification of solutions (Sonnleitner et al., 2017). Additionally, when students have access
to their peers’ ideas, they are more likely to reflect on their own thinking and modify their solutions appropriately (Loibl et al., 2017).
However, studies suggest that collaborative learning needs to be balanced with individual learning in terms of proportion and order
(Rummel & Spada, 2005). For example, Sun and Looi (2013) pointed out that many students require individual learning tasks before
they can progress to collaborative learning activities in a group. Effective collaborative learning involves regularly switching between
individual activities such as self-exploration and reading, and group activities such as discussion and working together (Chang et al.,
2012). Thus, it is essential to strike a balance between collaborative and individual learning to ensure the development of well-rounded
problem-solving skills in students.

4.3. Development of problem-solving skills

The study’s findings suggest that the use of technological tools with supporting instructional strategies can enhance students’
problem-solving skills. These findings are in line with those of a recent systematic review conducted by Lai and Bower (2020), which
also demonstrated that technology use can bring significant learning benefits, including improvements in problem-solving skills. Taken
together, these results provide compelling evidence for the integration of technology in education.
Technological tools can contribute to the development of problem-solving skills in various ways. Gaming, for instance, provides a
non-threatening environment that facilitates students’ practice of problem solution (Kapp, 2007). By progressing through the levels of
the game, students receive positive feedback in the form of higher scores, which can help develop their self-efficacy and confidence,
thus facilitating their problem-solving process (Dörnyei, 1994). Augmented reality (AR) and simulation tools contribute to
problem-solving skills development by providing visual representations and allowing students to manipulate the anticraft. These tools
can lower students’ cognitive load and increase their focus, while also making their thinking visible, deepening their understanding,
and helping them reflect on and test existing solutions, ultimately leading to novel problem-solving (Holzinger et al., 2009; Ke & Hsu,
2015; Lan et al., 2021; Song, 2014; Wijaya et al., 2021; Zhang et al., 2020). Web-based learning environments constructed with
websites, videos, and search engines can also cultivate problem-solving skills by allowing students to apply divergent and convergent
thinking strategies to draw up solutions (Chiou et al., 2009; Hwang et al., 2013a, 2013b). Additionally, web-based creative thinking
environments allow students of different cognitive styles to practice problem-solving at their own pace (Kuo et al., 2014). Finally,
diagnostic tools can test students’ prior knowledge and thinking skills, enabling instructors or online systems to assign the most
appropriate problems to facilitate the development of students’ problem-solving skills (Huang et al., 2014; Panjaburees et al., 2013).
While review studies have generally found positive outcomes associated with the use of technology in education, it is important to
avoid assuming that technology use will inevitably lead to improvements in learning outcomes and experiences. Many of the reviewed
studies were the result of extensive collaboration and effort between researchers and educators, aimed at examining the potential
benefits of technology integration. In actual classrooms, however, technology is often integrated without the same level of support and
collaboration. Consequently, it is possible that randomly selected classes attempting to integrate technology may not experience the
same positive outcomes as those in the reviewed studies.

5. Conclusion

5.1. Summary of the major findings

This review investigated how technological tools were used, the approaches employed in their implementation, and the resulting
improvements in problem-solving skills within formal educational settings. After conducting a thorough and structured examination of
various studies, the following conclusions emerged: (1) The technological tools employed in these studies served a wide range of
purposes, often combined to create engaging learning environments to promote students’ problem-solving skills. (2) Instructional
strategies, such as providing support, guidance, training in tool usage, course orientation, and peer collaboration, were commonly
employed to facilitate students’ problem-solving process. (3) The deliberate integration of educational tools into well-designed
instructional approaches had a favorable impact on students’ problem-solving capabilities.

5.2. Implications

The findings from this study have implications both for research and pedagogy. In terms of research implications, future studies
should place greater emphasis on assessing the impact of technology application on the development of specific problem-solving skills.
As the findings reveal, many studies have not delved into the assessment of specific skills during problem-solving, thus hindering the
presentation of the developmental aspects of the thinking process effectively. Additionally, further research is needed to explore the
application of educational technological tools in fostering problem-solving skills in subjects within the social sciences and humanities,
where the cultivation of problem-solving abilities has been gaining increasing attention. Two pedagogical implications emerge to
guide educators using educational technology to enhance problem-solving skills. First, educators can blend technological tools with
diverse functionalities to create a learning environment that targets students’ problem-solving processes. Second, instructional stra­
tegies like scaffolding, guidance, tool training, course orientation, and peer collaboration should be incorporated into instructional
design to ensure positive learning experiences and outcomes for students.

D. Lu and Y.-N. Xie Thinking Skills and Creativity 51 (2024) 101454

5.3. Limitations and further research

Similar to all research, this study had certain limitations. The first limitation is that the search approach adopted for the chosen
database could only include a representative selection of research papers published in a number of established journals, and it may not
have encompassed all the relevant papers on the topic of improving students’ problem-solving skills through educational technology.
Nevertheless, the collection of 69 papers was enough to create a reasonable sample size to describe the population and analyze the
pattern. To update and extend the current systematic literature review, upcoming research could widen the range for reviewing
published papers, include additional search engines, and broaden the scope of search terms employed. The study’s second limitation
lies in treating problem-solving as a relatively independent construct and concentrating solely on the subskills within the problem-
solving process. Future research could benefit from adopting a more comprehensive theoretical framework to encompass other
closely related thinking skills such as critical thinking and creativity. The third limitation of this review is that it did not evaluate the
effectiveness of using technological tools in terms of effect size. The absence of a report on the effectiveness of the meta-analysis
method could weaken the robustness of the conclusion. There is an opportunity for future studies to conduct a meta-analysis to
determine the effect size of educational technology on the enhancement of problem-solving skills.
During the preparation of this work the authors used ChatGPT in order to polish the language.
After using this tool, the authors reviewed and edited the content as needed and take full responsibility for the content of the

CRediT authorship contribution statement

Dan Lu: . Ya-Nan Xie: Conceptualization, Data curation, Formal analysis, Methodology, Writing – review & editing.

Data availability

Data will be made available on request.


This work was supported by the Department of Social Sciences, Ministry of Education, PRC under Grant 21YJA740022.


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