Diverse - Populations Full - Activity Guide en

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Welcome to the have THAT talk Activity Guide for Diverse Populations. This guide
contains activities for the following two have THAT talk videos: Are you New to
Canada?” and Mental Health=Health (Diverse Populations). You can do the activities
yourself, or organize a group and do them together.
We hope the videos and activities will help you:
• Be more comfortable talking about mental health
• Learn ways to improve mental health
• Know where to get help with mental health challenges

How to use this Activity Guide

Watch one of the have THAT talk videos and then work on the suggested activities.

Overview of the have THAT talk Videos

• Are you New to Canada?: The content of this video recognizes the initial feelings,
experiences and challenges of adjusting to a new country and some common
settlement stressors. A newcomer is someone who has been in Canada for a short
time, usually less than 5 years. A newcomer can be a recent immigrant or a refugee
who moved from their country of origin to another country. The video focuses on
preventing social isolation, recognizing and building on newcomers’ strengths to
cope with stressors and encouraging new Canadians to get help when they need it.

• Mental Health=Health (Diverse Populations): Ethno-cultural refers to groups of

people that share common ancestry and cultural characteristics. There are specific
cultural influences and beliefs about mental health and mental illness. People’s
interpretation and understanding of these concepts ultimately affect how people
view mental health and mental illness. This is often the basis for many of the
misconceptions and stigma surrounding this topic. The video discusses various
cultural understandings and myths about stigma, mental health and mental illness,
and the importance of taking care of one’s mental health.

Tips for working with a group

Safety: Remind participants that there are professionals who they can talk to about
their mental health or mental illnesses. Give them information about the Walk-in
Counseling clinics, the Distress Line (613-722-6914) and give each participant a copy
of the Mental Health and Substance Use Resource List found at www havethattalk.ca.

Remind the group that there are things you can’t keep private:
• If they are hurting themselves;
• If they intend to hurt themselves;
• If someone is hurting them; or,
• If they intend to hurt someone else.

If any of these things come up, talk to the participant and decide if you should call
911, the local distress line, their health care professional or their family.

Consider taking safeTALK or ASIST training so you are prepared to help someone who
may be having thoughts of suicide.

Questions: Some questions might come up that you do not have the answer to. Write
the questions down and tell the participant you will try to find an and get back to them.

Group Rules: Group rules can help participants feel more comfortable in the group. Ask
participants if they have ideas for ground rules.

Here are some ideas:

• Respect each other
• Try not to interrupt when another person is talking
• Any personal things we share are private. Do not share these things with other

Remember: Take Care of your own Mental Health

Talking about mental health can be hard for anyone. It is important to think about your
own well-being if you are doing these activities. Think of ways you can take care of
yourself that will help you stay healthy and keep balance in your life.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Ottawa Public Health Information
Centre at:
TTY: 613-580-9656
Toll free: 1-866-426-8885
Monday to Friday from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm (closed on statutory holidays).

Table of Contents

Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 2
How to use this Activity Guide ......................................................................................... 2
Overview of the have THAT talk Videos ...................................................................... 2
Who is a Newcomer? ...................................................................................................... 6
Activity 1: Building Social Connections............................................................................ 7
Activity 2: Your Body and Your Emotions ..................................................................... 11
Activity 3: Stress…What is it about?.............................................................................. 14
Activity 4: Stress: Planning and findings solutions ........................................................ 18
Mental Health=Health (Diverse Populations)................................................................. 22
Activity 1: My mental health, it’s good to talk about it. ................................................... 25
Activity 2: Reducing Stigma........................................................................................... 27
Facts about mental health and mental illness ............................................................ 29
Activity 3: How resilient am I? Making a Resilience Action Plan ................................... 31
Activity A: How Resilient am I? .................................................................................. 31
How Resilient Am I? Quiz .......................................................................................... 32
Activity B: Making a Resilient Action Plan................................................................. 33
Resilience Action Plan ............................................................................................... 34

Who is a Newcomer?
The term “newcomer” refers to someone who has been in Canada for a short time,
usually less than 5 years. A newcomer can be an immigrant or a refugee who moved
from their country of origin to another country. Almost 22%, or 1 in 5 Canadians were
born outside of Canada.

Key Messages
Coming to a new country can be both exciting and challenging. This is because people
go through many changes at the same time: a change in personal relationships and
social networks; a move from one socioeconomic system to another; and a move from
one culture to another. Although a chance to resettle in a safe place can be lifesaving, it
can also be life changing and can be associated with both opportunities and loss.

The stress associated with resettlement can manifest itself in different ways, both
physically and emotionally. Many newcomers may not have time to reflect and think
about how they feel. They are coping with the challenges of finding a place to live,
looking for work, deciding where to send their children to school and learning a new
language. Also, culture shock, changes in family structure and social isolation are a few
of the additional challenges that can cause stress and affect the mental health of

Many people can feel lonely, scared, sad and overwhelmed, which can affect their
mood, energy level and appetite. These feelings are normal and experienced by many
newcomers as they adjust to their new life. It is important to:
• Recognize newcomers’ resiliency
• Normalize common feelings of loss, grief and isolation
• Provide strategies to cope and take care of one’s mental health
• Encourage people to talk about mental health challenges and get help early.

Additional Resources
• Multi-Cultural Mental Health Resource Center
• Settlement Org
• Bell Let’s Talk
• Talking About Mental Illness
• The Facts
• have THAT talk
o Videos:
 Are you New to Canada?
 Mental Health = Health (Diverse Populations)

Activity 1: Building Social Connections
• To identify the people in your life who can support you
• To discover ways to improve the connections you have and to build new ones

• Social connections are the network of relationships we have with the people (e.g.
family, friends, neighbours, professionals and colleagues) around us. We all need
connections in our lives.
• We build relationships of trust and a sense of belonging in the places where we live,
work and play.
• Making social connections promotes health, builds resilience, and provides
resources and supports to buffer the impact of stress on our lives.
• At times, everyone needs a little extra help. Accepting help for yourself and giving
help to others builds social connections, supports and resources.
• Everyone needs face-to-face contact to build strong connections with others.
• Social media is one way to connect, such as making a plan to meet a friend for a
coffee or to FaceTime your family.

30-40 minutes

• have THAT talk video Are You New to Canada?
• Flip chart paper and markers
• Print worksheets, found on page 10 and 11, “Make Your Connections Stronger” and
“Making Connections” for each participant.

1. View the have THAT talk video “Are you New to Canada?”
2. Draw a stick person in the centre of the flipchart paper.
3. Give markers to the participants. Ask them to write, around the stick figure, an
individual or group who gives them support at home, school, and work or in their

Possible Answers
• Informal supports e.g. friends, neighbours, co-worker, family, sports teammate
• Formal supports e.g. doctor, social worker, settlement worker/agency,
pharmacist, community health and resource centre staffs.
• Unique supports e.g. support group, religious group, community leader.

4. Ask the group to comment on the number and variety of people, groups and
connections that provide support.
5. Give each participant the worksheet “Make Your Connections Stronger”, found on
page 10. Ask them to complete the worksheet and share with the larger group one
or two ideas on how people support them; or how they give support to others.
6. Write on flip chart paper the headings “What help do I need?”, “Who can help me?”
and “How can they help me?” Give each participant the worksheet “Making
Connections”, found on page 11, and ask them to complete the worksheet by
thinking about how they can strengthen their present relationships and make new
7. Ask them to share one or two ideas with the larger group and write them on the
flipchart under each heading.

Possible Answers

I need to find a school • Cousin

• I will speak with my settlement worker to learn about
for my child. • Settlement Worker
the different schools in my neighbourhood.
• Neighbour
• I will FaceTime, text or write to my family and
I need to spend more friends at home.
time with my family and • Family/friends
• I will invite them to visit.
friends. • Social media
• I will show my appreciation by thanking them and
doing something nice or fun.

• Settlement Worker
I need to learn English. • Sponsor • I will call 211 to learn about different options.
• Family friend • I will register for an ESL class.
• Community phone line 211

I want to meet new • Religious Group

• I will attend a local community or cultural event.
people and build • Community Group
• I will join a soccer team.
relationships. • Community phone line 211
• I will volunteer.
• Settlement Worker

I do not understand the • Brother

medication the doctor • I will speak to a pharmacist to learn about my
• Health Navigator
has given me. medication.
• Pharmacist
• City of Ottawa
I need to learn where I • I will call 211 and ask for a translator to help me
• Ottawa Public Health
can find help in my explain what I need to find.
• 211
neighbourhood • I will visit my local library to find out about services
• Community Resource
and programs.

Worksheet: Make Your Connections Stronger!

Write a list of people who support you and one type of support you get from each
of them.
Example 1: Mom - listens to me when I am upset.
Example 2: Neighbour - helps me with shoveling snow.

Write how you support your list of people.

Example 1: Mom - I help with meals and cleaning.
Example 2: Neighbour - I bring over vegetables from my garden.

Write down one thing you can do this week to support or strengthen this
Example 1: Grandfather – I will visit or call him this week.
Example 2: Partner - I will help with the household chores.

Worksheet: Making Connections
Complete this worksheet by thinking about how you can strengthen your present
relationships and make new connections. Answer the questions “What help do I need?”,
“Who can help me?”, and “How can they help me?”


Activity 2: Your Body and Your Emotions

• To recognize the physical effects of emotions

• When you feel emotions, your body reacts. It is up to you to interpret what it is telling
• The stronger the emotion, the more your body reacts. It is important to pay attention
to the signs your body is giving you.
• Your emotions teach you a lot about yourself, your expectations, needs, beliefs, and
• Emotions are a normal part of life that can lead to either positive or negative
thoughts, attitudes and behaviours.
• Get to know yourself and you will find it easier to identify your feelings and express
them in positive ways.
• Talk to someone you trust about your feelings. It will help them get to know and
understand you better, and learn how they can support you.

30-40 minutes

• have THAT talk video Are You New to Canada?
• Flip chart paper, markers and pens
• Print one copy of “Your Body, Your emotions”, found on page 14, for each

1. View the have THAT talk video “Are you New to Canada?”
2. Tell participants that, just like stress, any emotion you feel is felt in the body. Ask
them to give examples of physical signs of stress. Listen to their answers and write
them on the flip chart paper.
3. Give each participant the worksheet “Your Body, Your emotions”, found on page 14,
to complete. Ask the participants to identify physical reactions to the different
4. In a large group, ask participants “When you compare how your body reacts to
different emotions, what do you notice?”

Possible answers
• Some emotions cause physical reactions, such as having sweaty hands when
nervous, when in love or when afraid.
• The intensity of the emotion affects the physical reaction to different degrees.
• Your body is telling you about your emotions. It is important to learn to listen to your
body and your emotions so you can choose how best to manage your emotions. For
example, when you feel anxious you can choose positive behaviours, such as
talking to a friend, meditating/praying or going for a walk.

Your emotions are linked to your mental health. Not everyone knows how to talk about
his or her mental health. Cultural beliefs and practices, and life experiences shape how
you talk about mental health. Physical signs can be one way to start to talk about
emotional well-being.

Adapted with permission from, My Life, It’s Cool To Talk About It: Educational Activities Guide, Canadian
Mental Health Association: Montreal Branch, 2013.

Worksheet: Your Body, Your Emotions
Your body sends you signals when you feel an emotion. Look at the emotions below
and write the different physical signs you notice when you feel the following emotions.
For example, when you feel stress you may have:
• Headaches
• Muscle tension or other physical pain or discomfort
• Stomach problems
• Nausea, diarrhea or vomiting
• Rapid heart rate
• High blood pressure
• Fatigue








Activity 3: Stress…What is it about?

• To learn to recognize stress and what causes it

• Stress is our body’s reaction to the demands made on it and can include physical
and emotional reactions as well as affect the way you think and behave. Stress
can be positive or negative.
• Positive stress is a challenge that you are able to cope with and manage in positive
ways. Examples include preparing for a new baby or a new job.
• Negative stress is a challenge that overwhelms you. You may feel unable to cope
and your resources may be limited, making it difficult to manage the situation in
positive ways. Examples might be the death of a loved one or moving to a new
• It is important to acknowledge your stress, talk to someone you trust and seek help
to get the support you need.

40-50 minutes

• have THAT talk video for Are You New to Canada?
• Flip chart paper, markers and pens

1. View the have THAT talk video “Are you New to Canada?”
2. Ask participants to work in groups of two or three to write a definition of stress and
share their definitions with the larger group. Write on a flip chart the above definition
of stress.
3. Write on a flip chart four headings: “Physical”, “Thoughts”, “Feelings”, and
4. Ask the group to identify symptoms of stress and write their responses under each of
the headings.

Possible answers

• Headaches • Difficulty • Moodiness • Changes in eating

• Muscle tension concentrating or • Irritability or angry or sleeping
or other thinking • Low morale patterns
physical pain or • Memory • Anxious • Social withdrawal
discomfort problems • Hopeless or • Nervous habits
• Stomach • Negativity or helpless such as nail biting,
problems lack of self- • Depressed teeth grinding or
• Nausea, confidence • Unhappy or guilty foot tapping
diarrhea or • Constant • Agitated or • Increased use of
vomiting worrying unable to relax caffeine,
• Rapid heart • Difficulty making cigarettes,
rate decisions. alcohol or other
• High blood drugs
pressure • Neglect of family
• Fatigue or work
• Decline in
performance or

(reference: CAMH. Stress. Retrieved Dec 13/2018 https://www.camh.ca/en/health-info/mental-illness-and-


5. In a large group, ask the participants to think about moving to Canada or to a new
city. What were the causes of stress for them in this situation? Listen to two or three
of their answers and identify the category in which each belongs – the environment,
work/school, relationships, life event or internal.

Possible answers
• Street noise
ENVIRONMENT • Unsafe neighbourhood
• Limited access to services and resources
• Learning a new culture and language
• Starting a new job or school
WORK/SCHOOL • Being unemployed or not working in your profession
• Meeting a deadline
• Taking an exam
• Separation from family and friends
RELATIONSHIPS • Conflict between parents and children
• Break up or divorce
• Limited social connections and support
• Moving to a new country or city
LIFE EVENTS • Getting married
• Death of a loved one
• Caring for a family member
• Negative self-talk, such as “I fail at everything I do”.
INTERNAL • Physical changes, such as puberty or illness or disability
• Unrealistic expectations

Many factors affect stress, such as:
• Intensity and duration of the stress
• Resilience of the individual
• Access to resources and support

In addition, cultural beliefs and practices influence a person’s experience and response
to stress and their understanding of mental health. For example, some cultures may
identify physical symptoms rather than how they feel, such as referring to physical pain;
or use other words to describe their feelings, such as “heaviness of heart” instead of

Discussion point
Moving to a new country can be exciting. At the same time, adjusting to a new climate,
culture and language, finding a job, a place to live and making new friends can be
difficult. Settling into a new country is even more challenging when you have come from
an unsafe part of the world. It is important to acknowledge your stress, talk to someone
you trust and seek help to get you the support you need.

Adapted with permission from, My Life, It’s Cool To Talk About It: Educational Activities Guide, Canadian
Mental Health Association: Montreal Branch, 2013.

Activity 4: Stress: Planning and findings solutions

• To learn new ways to cope and manage stress

• Take care of your health today and in times of stress.
• Talk to someone you trust, such as family, friends, professional, or
spiritual/community leader.
• Plan time to relax and have fun.
• Build your social connections and supports.
• Be positive, accept and learn from your mistakes, and problem solve ideas to
change your situation.
• Call 211 to find services and programs in your community or neighbourhood.

30-40 minutes

• have THAT talk video for Are You New to Canada?
• Flip chart paper, markers and pens
• Print one copy of the “Personal Action Plan”, found on page 21, for each participant

1. View the have THAT talk video “Are you New to Canada?”
2. Ask each participant to think of a stressful situation they have experienced, such as
starting a new job, taking an exam or moving to a new home.
• Ask each participant to complete the “Personal Action Plan”, found on page
21, following the questions and thinking how these actions will benefit
themselves and others.
3. Ask participants to share one or two ideas they had identified to manage stress with
the larger group.

Possible answers
• Take care of your health e.g. eat well, go for a walk, get enough sleep.
• Talk to someone you trust e.g. family, friends, professional, spiritual/community
• Plan time to relax and have fun e.g. read a book, meditate, or enjoy a hobby.

• Build social connections and supports e.g. meet a friend for coffee, FaceTime your
family, or attend a local community event.
• Be positive, accept and learn from your mistakes, and problem solve ideas e.g take
a language class, meet with your boss to plan your work and deadlines, plan your
time and prioritize what you want to get done, learn to say no, or ask family/friends
to help you with the care of a loved one.
• Access services and programs e.g. call 211, go to the library or community resource

It is important to acknowledge that stress is a normal part of life and how you feel is
normal too. Taking steps to reduce and manage stress takes time. Developing patterns
of healthy behaviours takes practice. Everyone makes mistakes – it is okay. Learn from
your mistakes and try a new idea to meet your goals to manage stress.

Adapted with permission from, My Life, It’s Cool To Talk About It: Educational Activities Guide, Canadian
Mental Health Association: Montreal Branch, 2013.

Personal Action Plan
Identify one stressful situation, answer the questions below, and think about the benefits
of your actions.



Today I will:

Next week I will:

Next month I will:

If I need support with my plan, I will talk to:

If you are feeling overwhelmed, do not hesitate to speak to your family doctor, or call a
help line such as the Distress Centre at 613-238-3311.
For general health information, you can also phone the Ottawa Public Health at 613-
580-6744 or visit www.ottawapublichealth.ca/mentalhealthresources for a list of local
mental health and substance use resources.

Mental Health=Health (Diverse Populations)

Ethno-cultural refers to groups of people who share common ancestry and cultural
characteristics. There are over 200 ethnic groups represented in Canada’s population
and Ottawa is no different1. Ottawa has the fifth highest number of immigrants in
Canadian cities and ¼ of residents are immigrants.2
There are specific cultural influences and beliefs about mental health and mental illness.
People’s interpretation and understanding of these concepts ultimately affect how
people view mental health and mental illness. This is often the basis for many of the
misconceptions and stigma surrounding this health issue. This Mental Health=Health
video discusses various cultural understandings and myths about stigma, mental health
and illness, and identifies factors that promote and protect mental health and build
Key Messages
• Mental health is the capacity of each us to feel, think, and act in ways that
enhance our ability to enjoy life and deal with the challenges we face.
• Mental illness is a diagnosable illness and affects people of all ages, education,
income levels, and cultures.
• People living with mental illness can experience positive mental health and
people without mental illness can experience poor mental health. You do not
need to have a mental illness to have poor mental health.
• Just as people’s life experiences and circumstances change, so do their moods,
thoughts, and sense of well-being.
• Many stressful situations can negatively affect our mental health, such as
divorce, new relationship, new school, living in a new country, adapting to a new
culture, experiencing war or injustice, experiencing loss, not speaking the
language, and experiencing discrimination and racism.
• Everyone has the ability to experience good mental health. Think of your mental
health in the same way you think of your physical health.
• Get help early and talk to someone you trust about your mental health
challenges, like a family member, friend or professional.
• Try one thing to help you overcome your present life challenge or challenges.
• Look for ways to connect with your family, friends and neighbors, like
volunteering at a cultural event in the community; bringing food for someone in
need; or perhaps signing up for special interest class through the City of Ottawa.

1Case for Diversity (2016). MHCC. Improving Services for Immigrant, Refugee, Ethno-cultural and Racialized
2City of Ottawa (2016). Equity & Inclusion Lens: Immigrants


Stigma is a set of negative beliefs and prejudices about a group of people, as well as
negative behaviors towards groups of people. Many people face stigma because of their
race, religion, gender, sexuality, economic situation and a variety of other things. Stigma
prevents people from asking for help and receiving the support they need.

Examples of negative beliefs and practices towards people living with a mental health
challenge include:
• Describing them as not being normal or using words like “psycho” or “crazy”.
• Blaming them for their mental health challenges and making them feel
• Telling them “they just need to get over it. You could if you wanted to”.
• Being afraid of someone with a mental illness.
• Avoiding or excluding a person with a mental health challenge.

What can you do to reduce stigma?

• Try not to use hurtful and labeling words like “psycho” or “crazy”.
• Reach out to someone who you think might be struggling and encourage
them to get help.
• Learn more about mental illness by checking out trusted websites like the
Canadian Mental Health Association, the Mental Health Commission of
Canada, and the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health.
• Develop healthy relationships with people in your life who have mental health
challenges and illnesses.
• Reach out for help from family, friends, religious/cultural leaders or
• Accept that life is not always perfect, but that you can find solutions to
overcome life’s challenges.
• Find time to breathe, reflect on what you are thankful for, and pray if that is
something that you practice.
• Take care of your health by eating well, being active in nature and getting
plenty of sleep.

How can you help someone who wants to talk about his or her mental health?
If someone shares their mental health concerns with you, it is important for you to listen,
be supportive and encourage them to get help. You do not have to know all the answers
and it is not your role to fix everything. Your role is to help the person get the help they
Additional Resources
• Bell Let’s Talk
• Talking About Mental Illness
• The Facts
• have THAT talk
• Videos:
 Are you New to Canada?
 Mental Health = Health (Diverse Populations)

Activity 1: My mental health, it’s good to talk about it.

• To understand what mental health is
• To understand the importance of talking about our mental health

• Mental health is the capacity of each us to feel, think, and act in ways that enhance
our ability to enjoy life and deal with the challenges we face.
• Mental illness is a diagnosable illness and affects people of all ages, education,
income levels, and cultures.
• Everyone has the ability to experience good mental health, including people living
with a mental illness. Think of your mental health the way you think of your physical
• We all face challenges throughout our lives, such as learning to live in a new
country. It is normal to feel alone, sad and overwhelmed at these times, but it is
important to get help early and talk to someone you trust about your mental health
challenge. You could talk to a family member, friend or professional.

20-30 minutes

• have THAT talk video for Mental Health = Health (Diverse Populations)
• Flip chart paper and markers

1. View the have THAT talk video “Mental Health = Health (Diverse Populations)“
2. Write the theme “My mental health, it’s good to talk about it” on flip chart paper.
3. Ask participants to answer the question “What does good mental health mean to
you?” Write their answers on the board.
4. Ask participants to break into smaller groups of two or three to write their own
definition of mental health on flip chart paper.
5. Ask each small group to share their definition with the larger group. Highlight the key
elements of each one and listen to the participants’ comments.
6. Divide the participants into two groups. Ask one group to write, “Ideas to help
someone talk about their mental health”.
7. Ask the second group to write, “Things we do that stop people talking about their
mental health”.

8. Ask each group to share their ideas with the larger group. Highlight the key elements
of each one and listen to the participants’ comments.
9. Provide participants with resources where they can find support in the community or
a professional to talk about their mental health.

Sometimes we may have misconceptions of people who live with a mental illness, such
as “they are crazy”. This is incorrect and it can lead to prejudices and false beliefs. It
causes people to be ashamed or even afraid to talk about their mental health. It stops
them reaching out for the help they need.

Possible answers
What does good mental health mean to you?
• Feeling good about yourself
• Balance in all aspects of your life
• Being happy, not having worries
• Having good relationships with other people
• Having a sense of belonging to a community.
Ideas to help someone talk about their mental health and things we do that stop
people talking about their mental health



• Making them feel safe and able to

• Not listening to what them.
trust you.
• Gossiping to other people.
• Actively listening to what they say.
• Dismissing what they say and feel as
• Not judging them.
• Accepting their feelings are normal.
• Talking about people who live with mental
• Having a positive relationship.
illness as being “crazy” or “weird”.
• Helping them find resources or
• Not wanting to spend time with them.

Adapted with permission from, My Life, It’s Cool To Talk About It: Educational Activities Guide, Canadian
Mental Health Association: Montreal Branch, 2013.

Activity 2: Reducing Stigma

• To explore how specific cultural influences and beliefs about mental health and
mental illness affect people’s interpretation and understanding
• To learn how to reduce stigma for people living with mental health challenges

• Stigma is a set of negative beliefs and prejudices about a group of people, as well as
negative behaviors towards groups of people. Many people face stigma because of
their race, religion, gender, sexuality, economic situation and a variety of other
• Stigma prevents a person living with a mental health challenge from asking for help
and prevents them receiving the support they need.
• Culture can influence our understanding, beliefs and practices about mental health
in positive and negative ways.
• It is important to talk about mental health to stop stigma.

• 30 minutes

• have THAT talk video for Mental Health = Health (Diverse Populations)
• Flip chart paper and markers

1. View the have THAT talk video “Mental Health = Health (Diverse Populations)"
2. Read each of these statements to the group:

a. Mental health and mental illness are the same thing.

b. People with mental illnesses are violent and dangerous.
c. Mental illness is a curse from God.
d. People with mental illnesses are poor and/or less intelligent.
e. Mental illness is caused by a personal weakness.
f. Mental illnesses are rare.
g. People with mental illnesses are usually homeless.

3. Ask them to think about each statement and then share their responses with the
group. This will help start a conversation about stigma. Share the “Facts about
mental health and mental illness”, found on page 30, as you discuss each statement.
4. Write on a flip chart paper the definition of stigma.

5. Ask the participants:
• Did you learn or notice anything about these statements today?
• Were you surprised by any of the information? If so, why?
6. Ask the participants:
• “How does stigma affect people living with mental illness?” Write their responses
on flip chart paper.
7. Everyone can help to reduce stigma. Ask participants:
• “What could you do to reduce stigma where you live, work and play?” Write their
responses on flip chart paper.

Possible Answers
How does stigma affect people living with mental illness?
• They may feel afraid, ashamed, angry, misunderstood, alone and excluded.
• Stigma makes it hard for them to reach out for help or accept help.
• Stigma can delay them getting the help and support they need

What could you do to reduce stigma where you live, work and play?
• Try not to use hurtful and labeling words like “psycho” or “crazy”.
• Reach out to someone who you think might be struggling and encourage them to get
• Learn more about mental illnesses by checking out trusted websites like the
Canadian Mental Health Association, the Mental Health Commission of Canada and
the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health.
• Develop healthy relationships with people in your life who have mental health
challenges and illnesses.
• Share the impacts of stigma on people living with mental illness with family, friends
and community.

Facts about mental health and mental illness

Mental health and mental illness ARE NOT the same thing.
Mental health is more than the absence of a mental health condition or illness. It is a
positive sense of well-being. Mental health is the capacity of each and all of us to feel,
think, and act in ways that enhance our ability to enjoy life and deal with the challenges
we face.

Mental illness is an illness that is diagnosed by a medical doctor. People living with
mental illness can experience positive mental health and people without mental illness
can experience poor mental health. You do not need to have a mental illness to have
poor mental health.

People with mental illnesses ARE NOT violent and dangerous.

As a group, people with mental illnesses are no more violent than any other group. In
fact, they are far more likely to be the victims of violence than to be violent themselves.
Stigma can limit acceptance by family, friends and the community; limit ability to make
friends and maintain relationships; and take part in social activities. People begin to
internalize and believe these negative attitudes, which leads to lower self-esteem,
shame and guilt.

Mental illness IS NOT a curse from God.

A doctor, diagnoses mental illness like they would diagnose physical illness. Mental
illnesses affect people of all ages, education, income levels, and cultures. Culture
beliefs shape our understanding of mental health and illness, and our behaviours. Some
are positive, such as the importance of supporting community members who are facing
life challenges. However, some cultural beliefs and practices can lead to
misunderstanding and stigma. For example, some believe that mental illness is a curse
and a punishment by God, or that the devil or evil spirits cause it. These beliefs can
negatively affect the individual, family or community. For example, mental health stigma
can affect marriages, relationships and the economic prospects for other family

People with mental illnesses ARE NOT poor and/or less intelligent.
Many studies show that most mentally ill people have average or above-average
intelligence. Mental illness, like physical illness, can affect anyone regardless of
intelligence, social class or income level.
Many people, and their families, do not get help because of the prejudice and negative
attitudes around mental illness. It means they do not get help and support early.

Mental illness is NOT caused by a personal weakness.
A mental illness is not a character flaw, weakness or lack of will power. It is a
diagnosable illness. People living with mental illnesses need to talk with someone they
trust and have support to make healthy choices for their lives.

People living with mental illnesses can experience positive mental health and people
without mental illnesses can experience poor mental health. You do not need to have a
mental illness to have poor mental health. As everyone faces life challenges, we can all
have changes in our mood, thoughts, and sense of well-being.

Mental illnesses ARE NOT rare.

Mental illness is not a single disease but includes many classifications such as anxiety,
depression, schizophrenia, eating disorders and personality disorders.

Many things affect our mental health. For example, stressful life situations like coming to
a new country, adapting to a new culture and a new way of life, experiencing trauma,
war or injustice, being separated from family, not speaking the language and
experiencing loss, discrimination and racism can affect our mental health.

People with mental illnesses ARE NOT usually homeless.

While many homeless people have mental health or substance use issues, not all
people with mental illnesses are homeless, in fact that is not at all true. The majority of
people living with mental illness have jobs, go to school, and are contributing to society
in a meaningful way.

Activity 3: How resilient am I? Making a Resilience
Action Plan

• To learn how resilient you are
• To plan ways for you to increase your resilience

• Resilience is our ability to work through life’s challenges in a positive way. It helps us
to thrive and reach our full potential even when times are tough.
• It can make the difference between feeling overwhelmed by a challenge and using
the experience as a learning opportunity.
• You can learn to be resilient at any age.
• Resilience is a set of skills you can learn and build on over time.
• You can increase your resilience. This will help you cope with challenges and
recover better afterwards.

25 minutes (depending on the size of the group)

• have THAT talk video for Mental Health = Health (Diverse Populations)
• Print one “How Resilient Am I?” quiz, found on page 34, and one “Resilience Action
Plan”, found on page 35, for each participant
• Flip chart paper, markers and pens

Activity A: How Resilient am I?

1. View the have THAT talk video “Mental Health = Health (Diverse Populations)”
2. Give each participant a copy of the “How Resilient Am I” quiz.
3. Ask participants to complete the quiz and add up their score.
4. Read the scoring section under the quiz. Ask if anyone wants to share their thoughts
about the quiz, such as “did anything surprise you?”

Possible Participants Answers

• Surprised by how resilient they are.
• Surprised that they are not as resilient as they thought.

Reassure participants that this is only one quiz. It gives an indication of their resilience
and helps them to start thinking about learning more resilience skills or continuing to
practice existing skills. If they are concerned, it is a good idea to promote in a respectful
way that they talk to a health professional.

How Resilient Am I? Quiz

Check either “agree” or “disagree” to each statement and add up the number of checks
you have for “agree” and “disagree”. Do not feel frustrated if you have many “disagree”
boxes. Build on your strengths and come back to the checklist in a few weeks.


When life gets tough, I will meet with people from my community or my
country of origin.

I believe I can learn from difficult times.

When I am under stress, I will talk to someone I trust like a

family member, a friend, a religious/community leader or a

When life gets busy or stressful, I will try to make time for myself,
praying or reflecting on what I am thankful for.

I cope well with change.

I can call 211 to find programs and services available to

newcomers in my city and community.

After a stressful event, I can let go and move forward.

I focus on the positives and the things I can control.

Agree: If you answered “agree” to five or more of the statements, your resilience is
good. The higher the number of “agrees”, the more resilience you have and feel that
even though life can have tough times, it is important to keep perspective.
Disagree: If you answered “disagree” to five or more of the statements, your resilience
may be low and there are opportunities to strengthen your resilience. The higher the
number of “disagrees”, the less resilience you have at this time. Start working on a plan
to improve your resilience. For the items you identified as “disagree”, think about ways
that you can work to change this. Building your resilience is a process, and it is
important to look at ways you can change the “disagrees” to “agrees” over time. It can
take work and time, but keep at it!

Activity B: Making a Resilient Action Plan
1. Show participants the “Mental Health= Health" video.
2. Say to the participants “In the video there are ideas about building resilience. Do you
remember any of them?” Write their answers on flip chart paper.
3. Give each participant a copy of the “Resilience Action Plan”. Ask them to think of
one challenge they are facing and answer each of the questions.

Possible Answers
• Eating healthy, getting enough sleep and doing something that I enjoy
• Being okay with not doing everything perfectly
• Knowing my strengths and what helped me in the past

What tools and support do I have in my life to help build my resilience?

• Call 211 to find programs and services available to newcomers in your city and
• Meet with people from your community or your country of origin
• Talk to someone you trust. It can be a family member, a friend, a
religious/community leader or a professional

What new things can I try to help me overcome my challenge and recover?
• Practicing deep breathing and mindfulness
• Being active and listening to music
• Being thankful for the good things in my life
• Connect with the community (cooking, share a meal)

Take Time to Breathe Deeply

1. Sit comfortably, with your knees bent and your shoulders, head and neck
2. Place one hand on your upper chest and the other just below your rib cage. This
will allow you to feel your diaphragm move as you breathe.
3. Inhale through your nose. The hand below your rib cage should move out. The
hand on your chest should stay as still as possible.
4. Tighten your stomach muscles, letting them fall inward as you exhale through
your mouth. The hand on your upper chest should stay as still as possible.
5. Practice deep breathing for about 15-30 seconds. Explain that deep breathing
can be used any time they need a short break. This is a good way to take a “time
out” from a situation and relax.

Resilience Action Plan

Answer the questions below and think of ideas to help build your resilience. Set a date
when you will put your plan into action.

What is one challenge I am facing


How do I feel?
For example:

• Angry
• Frustrated
• Sad
• Anxious
• Confused
• Other feelings
What can I do to cope with my feelings?
For example:
• Get together with friends and family
• Talk to health professional
• Get out and be active
• Breathe deeply
• Meditate
• Listen to music
• Other ideas
What helped me cope or get through a
challenging time in the past?

What tools do I have in my life to help

build my resilience?

What new thing can I try to overcome my

challenge and recover?


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