2015 Investigation by Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy of Filiform Corrosion of Electrocoated Steel Substrates
2015 Investigation by Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy of Filiform Corrosion of Electrocoated Steel Substrates
2015 Investigation by Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy of Filiform Corrosion of Electrocoated Steel Substrates
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: This work aims at studying by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) the susceptibility to filiform
Received 19 February 2015 corrosion of low carbon steel covered by cataphoretic coating. The determination of the exposed metallic
Received in revised form 7 May 2015 area variations of scratched samples during ageing test is an estimation of the disbonding of the coating
Accepted 21 May 2015
and/or the filiform corrosion. This area can be evaluated by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy
(EIS). A simplified electrical equivalent model used to estimate the exposed metallic area is valid if the
corrosion products are correctly dissolved before characterization. Furthermore the steel is a very com-
Filiform corrosion
plex substrate and thus many parameters must be optimized in order to remove the corrosion products
before EIS measurements.
© 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction of the coating to water and oxygen [11,12], adherence of the paint
system and the presence of salts [13].
In automotive industry, the body car is composed of different In addition electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) is a
metallic substrates such as steel, hot dip galvanized steel and alu- useful tool to evaluate the efficiency of new coatings such as barrier
minium alloys of 6016 series. The hot dip galvanized steel is for properties and water uptake of organic coating [14], cut edge corro-
the majority of cars the most used substrate due to its sacrificial sion [15,16], delamination process and filiform phenomena [17]. As
properties. For economic reasons such as treatment cost of galva- shown in previous papers, EIS can be used to evaluate the sensitiv-
nization process and availability and cost of zinc, steel substrate ity to filiform corrosion through the estimation of exposed metallic
has been recently more and more investigated and reused without area. More particularly filiform corrosion of aluminium was pre-
sacrificial protection in car industry. The corrosion protection of all viously evaluated by EIS on scratched coated samples [18,13,19].
the metallic parts of the body car is often obtained by a first organic The method used is based on the electrical equivalent model pro-
layer applied by cataphoresis. Furthermore steel substrate is very posed by Kendig [20,21]. This circuit consists of two time constants
reactive and sensitive to corrosion and also to filiform corrosion (Fig. 1). The first time constant observed at high frequency is related
when organic coated. This specific type of corrosion is produced to the coating properties.
between the coating and the substrate by formation of filaments In the case of a very low coating capacitance (10−10 F/cm2 ) and
[1]. In the presence of defect in the organic coating, galvanic corro- a large defect as a scratch, this time constant is generally shifted
sion develops between the head front of the filament (anode) and towards higher frequencies than those reached with usual proce-
the tail (cathode) [2–4]. At the anode, the most important reac- dures.
tion is the oxidation of the iron while at the cathode, the tail of the The second time constant, at low frequency, takes into account
filament is the area where the reduction of O2 in OH− ions occurs. the corrosion reaction of the metallic substrate. This time constant
This corrosion phenomenon can induce delamination of the coating is characterized by the double layer capacitance Cdl and an element
and formation of corrosion products (iron oxides and hydroxides). Zf which contains the charge transfer resistance Rct and electrical
Numerous parameters influence filiform corrosion such as metallic elements taking into account the low frequency behaviour which
substrate [5–8] but only few data are reported for the steel substrate appears when iron dissolution takes place [22]. Cdl and Rct are two
[7,8], surface preparation [9,10], presence of defects, permeability parameters which can be used to specify the sensitivity of the sys-
tem to delamination or filiform corrosion. The active metallic area
is proportional to the electrical parameters related to this time con-
∗ Corresponding author. stant. Such an equivalent circuit is valid for the study of scratched
E-mail address: [email protected] (A.-P. Romano). organic coatings considering that the resistance under the film is
0300-9440/© 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
2 A.-P. Romano, M.-G. Olivier / Progress in Organic Coatings 89 (2015) 1–7
2.2. EIS
Table 1
Chemical composition (weight %) of QPanel [24].
Weight (%)
Fe 98.10
Ma 0.25–0.60 max
C 0.13 max
P 0.04
S 0.05
Si 0.30
Ct 0.20
Cu 0.30
Fig. 2. Electrical equivalent circuit used to interpret the EIS data when the reactions
Balance 0.32
are controlled by charge transfer.
A.-P. Romano, M.-G. Olivier / Progress in Organic Coatings 89 (2015) 1–7 3
corrosion. Qox and Rox can only be determined when one time
constant is observed in the impedance spectra. This condition can
be approached when the dissolution of corrosion products due to
filiform corrosion is complete.
The Qox value can be only used to give a quantitative information
on the delaminated area if this parameter remains close to a pure
capacitance (n close to 1).
3. Results
3.1.1. Electrolyte
The effect of different parameters was investigated on bare steel
samples. First of all the choice of the electrolyte used to carry out
the EIS measurements was optimized. The passive behaviour of
steel was checked in alkaline solution at pH 12. The degreased steel
samples were immersed in 0.01 M NaOH solution (pH 12) and EIS
measurements were performed every half an hour. On the Bode dia-
grams (Fig. 3), only one time constant can be observed attributed
to the formation and properties of the passive layer. A reinforce-
ment of the passive behaviour of the oxide layer is observed during
the first hours of immersion and characterized by a more capaci-
tive behaviour at low frequencies. For longer immersion times than
17 h, the diagrams change with a loss of the capacitive behaviour
of the passive layer at low frequency. These changes are attributed
to the decrease of pH solution at value 11 with contact with the air.
In order to avoid this pH evolution, a commercial alkaline buffer
solution (di-sodium hydrogen phosphate/sodium hydroxide sup-
plied by VWR) was used. In Fig. 4, in the buffer solution at pH 12,
we can observe that the passive behaviour of steel appears for short Fig. 4. Bode modulus (a) and phase (b) diagrams for steel substrate immersed in
buffer alkaline solution at pH 12 after different immersion times.
Table 3
Results of the electrical parameters obtained by fitting for the scratched coated steel
placed for 1 h in HCl vapour and then dissolution of the corrosion products (2 min
in sulfuric acid solution at pH 2). EIS measurements in buffer alkaline solution at pH
The values of the Qox and Rox are practically constant till 2 h
30 min of immersion in the electrolyte.
Fig. 6 shows the EIS data obtained on scratched samples exposed
to the HCl vapour and placed for 0 h, 4 h and 24 h in climatic cham-
ber in order to propagate the filiform corrosion. The samples were
analyzed in buffer alkaline solution at pH 12 after 2 h 30 min of
immersion. Except for the sample not exposed to climatic cham-
ber, the EIS spectra show a complex phase diagram which cannot
be reduced to one single time constant. The behaviour is more resis-
tive in low and medium frequency ranges when exposure time to
the climatic chamber is increasing.
In order to explain this electrochemical behaviour, the EIS
response of the scratched electrocoated sample placed for 4 h in cli-
matic chamber was recorded in the buffer solution at pH 12 every
half an hour. On the Bode diagrams in Fig. 7a, after 30 min in con-
tact with the electrolyte, the value of the modulus at 0.01 Hz is low
and close to 104 . The phase angle is lower than 45 ◦ C in all the
investigated frequency range. With immersion time, the modulus
at low frequency is increasing and for immersion time longer than
Fig. 5. Bode modulus (a) and phase (b) diagrams for steel substrates for differ-
ent immersion times in sulfuric acid solution at pH 2. EIS measurements in buffer 1 h, two time constants are observed.
alkaline solution at pH 12 after 2 h 30 of immersion. This unstable EIS response behaviour can be explained as
described in the schematic representation shown in Fig. 8. The
after dissolution of the corrosion products formed during HCl vapor
Table 2
Results of the electrical parameters obtained by fitting for the uncoated steel
substrate for different immersion times in sulfuric acid solution at pH 2. EIS mea-
surements in buffer alkaline solution at pH 12 after 2 h 30 min.
Fig. 7. Bode modulus (a) and phase (b) diagrams for scratched electrocoated sam-
ples. 4 h in climatic chamber and EIS measurements every half an hour in buffer
Fig. 9. Bode modulus (a) and phase (b) diagrams for scratched electrocoated sam-
alkaline solution at pH 12.
ples. The potential is fixed at −1 V/OCP with different times of cathodic polarization.
EIS measurements in buffer alkaline solution at pH 12.
EIS spectra obtained for short immersion times are often observed
when a galvanic coupling is active [25]. In the first hour of
nated area more anodic. With time, corrosion products are forming
immersion in buffer alkaline solution, two different zones can be
and pH is becoming more uniform: two time constants are then
distinguished: a passive layer established in the scratch in direct
visible but new corrosion products are present under the delami-
contact with buffer solution and probably an active zone under-
nated coating. All these phenomena make the EIS spectra difficult
neath the delaminated coating where the pH does not reach a
to interpret and to be used to quantify the susceptibility to filiform
sufficient value to allow the formation of a passive layer. During the
corrosion of steel. In order to overcome the establishment of a gal-
first time of immersion, a galvanic coupling is created between this
vanic coupling a third step was included before EIS measurements
two zones: the scratch is probably more cathodic and the delami-
in alkaline solution. This step consists of submitting the scratched
sample to a short cathodic polarization in buffer alkaline solution.
During this step, the water reduction is strengthened and produced
gaseous hydrogen. This reaction will allow to homogenize fastly the
alkaline pH (production of hydroxyl ions) on all the metallic surface
and to facilitate the evacuation of corrosion products not dissolved
during the acidic dissolution step.
The parameters of the cathodic polarization must also be opti-
mized. The potential is fixed at −1 V vs OCP. The time between the
polarization and the EIS measurement is fixed at 10 min. Different
times of cathodic polarization comprised between 30 s and 3 min
were tested. The obtained results are presented in Fig. 9 for the
sample not submitted to climatic chamber. For this sample, delam-
ination is not present yet and so this sample is used to determine
the best compromise for the cathodic polarization time. As shown
on this diagram, for a time of the cathodic polarization higher than
1 min 30 s, two time constants are observed due to the degrada-
tion of the coating. In order to avoid a subsequent degradation of
the interface due to this step, the cathodic polarization time was
limited to 1 min.
In order to check the effect of the cathodic polarization after
delamination in climatic chamber, the same procedure was used
Fig. 8. Explanation of the unstable behaviour observed in the Bode diagrams in to evaluate the scratched electrocoated samples placed in climatic
Fig. 7. chamber for 4 h. EIS measurements were carried out every half
6 A.-P. Romano, M.-G. Olivier / Progress in Organic Coatings 89 (2015) 1–7
Fig. 10. Bode modulus diagrams for scratched electrocoated samples. 4 h in climatic Fig. 12. Icat as a function of exposure time in climatic chamber. Experimental condi-
chamber, cathodic polarization (1 min at −1 V/OCP) and EIS measurement every half tions: scratched electrocoated steel sample, 2 min H2 SO4 pH 2, cathodic polarization
an hour in buffer alkaline solution at pH 12. (1 min at −1 V/OCP) and EIS measurements in buffer alkaline solution at pH 12 after
2 h 30 min.
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