Chapter Vii

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National and Local Level Plans and Approaches

National Climate Change Action Plan

The National Climate Change Action Plan (NCCAP) assesses the current situation of the country with
regard to climate change risk and outlines the NCCAP's agenda for adaptation and mitigation for 2011 to 2028 as a
response to the current situation and projected impact. It also prioritizes food security, water sufficiency, ecosystem
and environmental stability, human security, climate-smart industries and services, sustainable energy, and capacity
development as the strategic direction for 2011 to 2028.
In drafting the NCCAP, the multi-sectoral processes conducted ensured that the concerns of various sectors are heard
and considered. Public financing will prioritize adaptation to reduce vulnerability and risks of communities particularly
the marginalized poor. At the same time, this plan will provide a policy environment that will encourage the participation
of the private sector to optimize mitigation opportunities towards sustainable development.

The Local Climate Change Action Plan

A LCCAP is the action plan formulated by local governments to address climate change concerns. It focuses on both
climate change adaptation and mitigation and describes how LGUs plan to respond to the impacts of climate change
and mainstream them into local development plans (i.e. land use plan, sectoral development plan, investment
Mainstreaming Timeline

2014 – The Department of the Interior and Local Government-Local Government Academy published the Guidebook
on the Formulation of LCCAP (Book 1 and 2). Subsequently, the DILG issued Memorandum Circular 2014-135 to guide
LGs in formulating said plan;
2014 – The then Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board published the Supplemental Guidelines on Mainstreaming
Climate Change and Disaster Risks in the Comprehensive Land Use Plan;
2015 – The Department of Budget and Management, CCC, and DILG issued JMC 2015-01 encouraging LGs to identify,
prioritize, and tag climate change-related programs, activities, and projects in their Annual Investment Program;
2016 – The DILG published the Local Planning Illustrative Guide in Preparing and Updating the Comprehensive
Development Plan to include climate change considerations in the process;
2017 – The DILG-LGA and CCC published the Enhanced LGU Guidebook on the Formulation of LCCAP (Book 3 and
4) to espouse the use of Climate and Disaster Risk Assessment and to encourage LGs to undertake low-emission
development strategies taking off from the conduct of greenhouse gas inventory.
2020 and 2021 – The DBM in their issuance of the annual Local Budget Memorandum annexed the Visual Process
Guide for CCET to demonstrate the sequencing of risk assessment, strategies identification, mainstreaming, and
budget tagging.

The National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan (NDRRMP)

The National DRRM Plan serves as the national guide on how sustainable development can be achieved through
inclusive growth while building the adaptive capacities of communities; increasing the resilience of vulnerable sectors;
and optimizing disaster mitigation opportunities with the end in view of promoting people’s welfare and security towards
gender-responsive and rights-based sustainable development.
The NDRRMP outlines the activities aimed at strengthening the capacity of the national government and the local
government units (LGUs) together with partner stakeholders, to build the disaster resilience of communities and to
institutionalize arrangements and measures for reducing disaster risks, including projected climate risks and enhancing
disaster preparedness and response capabilities at all levels.

The NDRRMP has 4 priority areas:

1. Disaster Prevention and Mitigation provides key strategic actions that give importance to activities revolving
around hazards evaluation and mitigation, vulnerability analyses, identification of hazard-prone areas and
mainstreaming DRRM into development plans.
 Disaster Prevention – the outright avoidance of adverse impacts of hazards and related
 Disaster Mitigation – the lessening or limitation of the adverse impacts of hazards and
related disasters.
2. Disaster Preparedness provides for the key strategic actions that give importance to activities revolving
around community awareness and understanding; contingency planning; conduct of local drills and the
development of a national disaster response plan.
3. Disaster Response gives importance to activities during the actual disaster response operations from needs
assessment to search and rescue to relief operations to early recovery activities are emphasized.
 Early Recovery -- multidimensional process of recovery that begins in a humanitarian setting.
4. Rehabilitation and Recovery priority area cover areas like employment and livelihoods, infrastructure and
lifeline facilities, housing and resettlement, among others.
 Rehabilitation – measures that ensure the ability of affecting communities and/or areas to restore
their normal level of functioning by rebuilding livelihood and damaged infrastructure and increasing
the communities’ organizational capacity.
 Post Disaster Recovery – the restoration and improvement where appropriate, of facilities,
livelihood and living conditions of disaster-affected communities, including efforts to reduce disaster
risk factors, in accordance with the principles of “build back better

Monitoring and evaluation are essential components of results-based programming in DRRM as these will ensure
that the plan’s on-time implementation and that learnings from past experiences become input to the plan altogether.
The Philippine Development Plan
The Philippine Development Plan (PDP) 2011-2016 is the development roadmap of the country. It translates the
country’s development agenda -- “Social Contract with the Filipino People”– into priority actions and projects. The
current PDP envisions a country with an organized and widely shared rapid expansion of the economy through a
government dedicated to honing and mobilizing the people’s skills and energies as well as the responsible harnessing
of the country’s natural resources.

The National DRRM Framework (NDRRMF)

On June 16, 2011, the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Framework (NDRRMF) was
approved by the executive committee of the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC).
The framework is in conformity with and captures the essence and priorities of Republic Act 10121. The Framework
envisions a country which have “safer, adaptive and disaster-resilient Filipino communities toward sustainable
The NDRRMP recognizes that certain concerns cut across the 4 DRRM priority areas. These include health, human-
induced disasters, gender mainstreaming, environmental protection, cultural sensitivity or indigenous practices, and
the rights based approach. They are a combination of issues and approaches that should be taken into consideration
in each of the priority areas.
 Health
People’s vulnerability to disaster has become more complex with the onset of Climate Change. Single hazard
events such as floods and heat waves can overlap resulting in a broad range of impact scenarios.
 Human-induced disasters
In the Philippines, people are vulnerable not only because of natural hazards but also due to disasters more
commonly associated with armed conflict, terrorism and war.
 Gender mainstreaming
Gender mainstreaming is about the recognition, acceptance, identification and addressing of the different
roles, needs, capacities and vulnerabilities of men, women, children, people with disabilities, older persons
and other groups.
 Environmental protection
Care for the environment and making sure that current activities do not create stress on our natural resources
should be considered in all the four aspects of DRRM
 Cultural sensitivity/indigenous practices
The NDRRMP recognizes the importance of culturally-sensitive risk reduction measures at all levels.
 Rights-based
DRRM is our country’s priority because people have the right to live, safety, information, education, cultural
beliefs and right to better lives.

Local Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan (LDRRMP) is the plan that serves as the basis for the
implementation of DRRM programs, projects and activities at the local level. Its formulation in every local government
unit is required by Republic Act (RA) 10121.

Community Preparedness Plan will improve the ability of individuals and groups to reduce the effects of the hazard
impact and manage their resources until assistance is available. Post-disaster Studies have shown that groups
perform better during disaster response with prior planning.

Emergency planning management refers to the coordination and management of resources and responsibilities
pertaining to the mitigation of, preparedness for, response to, and recovery from an emergency.

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