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W130H00246 Ninian-Kenz M2000R+RSI (Encod) Manual

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Mipeg 2000R + RSI

Safe Load Indicator System
Operating & Maintenance Manual
Stothert & Pitt (Kenz upgrade)
OS-200 Offshore Cranes

Central Platform South crane &
South Platform East crane
Canadian Natural Resources

Aanderaa Data Instruments Document W-130 H00 246, Date 17.11.2021, Page 1 of 59
Contents Page
SAFETY NOTES ............................................................................................................................. 5
Rope Speed Indicator ....................................................................................................................... 5
General Description............................................................................................................................ 6
Operating Instructions ....................................................................................................................... 8
3.1 Brief Description of MIPEG 2000 Operation ....................................................................... 8
3.1.1 Verification of Driver's Display Unit ......................................................................................................... 8
3.2 Information presented on the Mipeg 2000 display ............................................................. 11
3.3 Error handling ...................................................................................................................... 12
3.4 Reduced system operation ................................................................................................... 12
3.5 Tare Function ....................................................................................................................... 12
3.6 Information presented on the Mipeg RSI display ............................................................. 13
3.7 Mipeg RSI – Offline Mode................................................................................................... 14
3.8 Offine Operation .................................................................................................................. 15
3.8.1 Offline menus ...........................................................................................................................................15
3.8.2 Setting of Anti Two (Overhoist) Position ................................................................................................16
3.8.3 Set-up Parameter Menu ............................................................................................................................16
3.8.4 Setting of Rope Speed...............................................................................................................................17
3.8.5 Setting of Rope End Positions .................................................................................................................17
Operating Instructions for Portable Terminal Unit (PTU) ............................................................ 18
4.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 18
4.1.1 Starting PtuWin2 .....................................................................................................................................19
4.1.2 Security System .......................................................................................................................................20
4.1.3 Real Time Clock (RTC) ...........................................................................................................................20
4.1.4 Shortcuts ..................................................................................................................................................20
4.2 Crane Cab operations ........................................................................................................... 21
4.2.1 Mipeg Connection ...................................................................................................................................22
4.2.2 Mipeg Disconnection ...............................................................................................................................23
4.2.3 PTU Configuration ..................................................................................................................................23 Changing the Com port ........................................................................................................................24 Read PTU parameters ..........................................................................................................................24 Reset PTU parameters ..........................................................................................................................24 Changing the passwords.......................................................................................................................24 Setting Tonne-Metre/Kips-Feet/Ton-Feet in the COR .........................................................................24 Select Long File Names for the COR files ...........................................................................................24
4.2.4 Sensors ......................................................................................................................................................25 Read Sensor calibration .......................................................................................................................25 Recalibration of Sensors ......................................................................................................................26 Set Calibration Data .............................................................................................................................27 Read Sensor Frequency........................................................................................................................27 Set Temperature Compensation (only valid if temperature sensor included) ......................................27 Read Temperature Compensation (only if a temperature sensor included) .........................................27 Write Calibration File ..........................................................................................................................28 Print Calibration File............................................................................................................................28
4.2.5 Parameter Page .........................................................................................................................................29 Set Falls/Boom Length........................................................................................................................29 Read Boom Angle Limits ...................................................................................................................29 Set Boom Angle Limits.......................................................................................................................30 Read Sensor Assignment ....................................................................................................................30 Set Sensor Assignment........................................................................................................................30

Aanderaa Data Instruments Document W-130 H00 246, Date 17.11.2021, Page 2 of 59 Read the Input Switches ......................................................................................................................30 Test the Alarms (outputs) ....................................................................................................................31 Setting Auxiliary Display....................................................................................................................31 Setting Auxiliary Display GOP Test A ...............................................................................................32
4.2.6 COR Page .................................................................................................................................................33 Read COR Header...............................................................................................................................33 Read COR Data (all) ...........................................................................................................................34 Clear the COR in Mipeg .....................................................................................................................34 Print COR Data ...................................................................................................................................34
4.2.7 System Page ..............................................................................................................................................35 Setting the ID Number ........................................................................................................................35 Test Watch Dog ..................................................................................................................................35 Reset all Counters ...............................................................................................................................36 Resetting the Prom parameters............................................................................................................36
Maintenance ..................................................................................................................................... 37
5.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 37
5.2 Scheduled Maintenance ........................................................................................................ 37
5.2.1 Clearing COR ..........................................................................................................................................38
5.2.2 Calibration of Sensors..............................................................................................................................38 Calibration of Boom Angle Sensor ........................................................................................................39 Calibration of Load Hoist Sensors .........................................................................................................39 Calibration of Pulley Compensation ......................................................................................................40
5.2.3 Checking of Crane Operation Inhibit Relays ...........................................................................................41
5.2.4 Checking Crane Curves ...........................................................................................................................42
5.2.5 COR Battery Replacement.......................................................................................................................42
5.3 Unscheduled Maintenance.................................................................................................... 43
5.3.1 Built In Test Equipment. ..........................................................................................................................43
5.3.2 Faults Indicated on Driver's Display ........................................................................................................44
5.3.3 Faults Not Indicated on Driver's Display .................................................................................................44
Technical description of the main parts .......................................................................................... 45
6.1 Computer Cabinet ................................................................................................................. 45
6.1.1 Master II Card ..........................................................................................................................................46 Replacement of the Master II card ........................................................................................................46 Set-up of a new Master II card ..............................................................................................................46 Strap J5 for Safe or Ex i ........................................................................................................................46
6.1.2 SIP2 Card .................................................................................................................................................46
6.2 Driver's Display Unit ............................................................................................................ 47
6.2.1 Introduction..............................................................................................................................................47
6.2.2 Mipeg 2000 Driver’s Display Characteristics. .........................................................................................47
6.3 Sensors.................................................................................................................................... 48
6.3.1 Load Hoist Sensor....................................................................................................................................48
6.3.2 Boom Angle Sensor .................................................................................................................................48
6.3.3 Boom Hoist Sensor (Moment) .................................................................................................................49
6.4 Mipeg RSI Digital Display .................................................................................................... 49
6.3 Speed Sensors ........................................................................................................................ 49

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Figure 2.1: MIPEG 2000 System Configuration ....................................................................................................... 7

Figure 3.1: Pushbuttons on Display Unit ................................................................................................................... 9
Figure 3.2: MIPEG 2000 Driver's Display Unit .........................................................................................................10


APPENDIX A : MIPEG 2000 ERROR MESSAGES ...................................................................................... 50

APPENDIX B : MIPEG SPARE PARTS LISTING ......................................................................................... 51
APPENDIX C : MIPEG DOCUMENTATION LISTING .................................................................................. 51
APPENDIX D : MIPEG CERTIFICATE REFERENCE LIST ......................................................................... 51
APPENDIX E : NECESSARY TEST LOADS / DATA FOR CALIBRATION .................................................. 52
APPENDIX F : MIPEG 2000R CALIBRATION PROTOCOL FORM ............................................................ 53
APPENDIX G : BOOM ANGLE / CRANE RADIUS RELATIONSHIP ........................................................... 55
APPENDIX H : TABULATED OVERTURNING MOMENT............................................................................ 55
APPENDIX I : PROJECT SPECIFICATION ................................................................................................. 56
APPENDIX J : WIRING DIAGRAM ............................................................................................................... 57

Manufacturer/Agents................................................................................................................................... 60

This document is the property of Aanderaa Data Instruments A.S.

It must not be traced, copied, or exhibited to any third party without permission in writing.

Aanderaa Data Instruments Document W-130 H00 246, Date 17.11.2021, Page 4 of 59


• Prior to calibration of the load sensors, check, and if necessary, calibrate the Boom
Angle Sensor / Inclinometer.

• If the COR battery voltage goes below 3.0 V, there will be a warning, Error10, on the
display. Press the ACK button to continue operation.

• Transfer the COR data to the PTU and replace the battery as soon as possible. If
the Mipeg system loose the 24Vdc supply with a low COR back-up battery, the
COR data could be lost. Ref. paragraph 5.2.5.

• When the COR battery has been replaced, the Mipeg system will restart with the
default clock (01.01.YY), but the contents of the COR will be corrupted.

• Connect the PTU, set Mipeg clock and carry out a ‘Reset all counters’ (the Mipeg
System page).

• Care should be taken when removing the sensor cover to gain access to the sensor
unit and its wiring. The sensor cover should be supported at all times when the socket
head retaining screws are removed. The sensor covers are heavy and if their weight
is allowed to hang on the internal wiring damage to the wires and sensor could occur.
On reassembly it is essential to use the correct torque figure for the cover retaining

Rope Speed Indicator

• If the number of falls has been changed, the hooks have to be set to top position and a 'Anti Two Reset'
has to be carried out. See paragraph 3.5.

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General Description

The MIPEG 2000 crane safe load indicator comprises sensors fitted to the crane, a computer
cabinet and a display located in the crane cabin. Figure 2.1 shows a block diagram of the MIPEG
2000 system.

The load sensor provides frequency modulated electrical signals that are proportional to the
developed loads in the load hoist rope. An inclinometer provides boom angle information that is
used for calculation of the hook radius.

In operation the actual load lifted by the crane are automatically compared with corresponding data
related to the maximum permissible crane loading. The permissible and actual loads, together with
the actual, expressed as a percentage of permissible are displayed. If this percentage exceeds a
preset value, alarms and safety functions are activated.

The computer stores the required load-radius curves. These fixed crane parameters are stored in
the main computer's memory, while the calibration of the crane is performed using a known load
and boom angle, or known calibration factors. This information is tabulated into the main computer
memory via a portable terminal unit (PTU) connected to the system as shown in Figure 2.1.

In the recording version of Mipeg 2000, a crane operation recorder (COR) is provided to store data
describing events like lifts, overload alarms, system errors, calibration of sensors, etc. These COR
data can subsequently be retrieved by use of the portable terminal unit mentioned above, saved on
a disc for further treatment and eventually be printed out on suitable equipment remotely located
from the crane.

The MIPEG 2000R for this project comprises the following main parts:

- Computer Cabinet (6.1)

- Driver's Display (6.2)
- Sensors (load, moment & boom angle) (6.3)

A technical description of these main parts is given in Section 6. The numbers in parenthesis are
references to paragraphs for these descriptions.

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Figure 2.1: MIPEG 2000 System Configuration

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Operating Instructions

3.1 Brief Description of MIPEG 2000 Operation

MIPEG 2000 is a computerised crane safety system. It measures load, moment and radius and
indicates safe or hazardous conditions.

It has three main parts; the computer cabinet, the driver's display unit and the sensors. The driver's
display unit is located in the crane driver's cabin, and its layout is shown in Figure 3.1. In addition, a
portable terminal unit is used for system maintenance.

MIPEG 2000 interfaces with the crane and prohibits some functions under dangerous conditions.
These crane operation relays and their functions are described in Appendix I. In addition, alarms
are given for loads exceeding the alarm limits of the safe working load.

It is recommended MIPEG 2000 to be constantly powered if possible, even during periods of time
when the crane is not in operation. No warm up time for the system is required, but the load sensor
will need 5-10 minutes after power on to achieve maximum accuracy and stability.

3.1.1 Verification of Driver's Display Unit

Before using the crane:Check that the LEDs back lighting the driver’s display panel are illuminated.

The back light can be adjusted if one keep the AUX button depressed and use the TEST button to
toggle the light intensity. Release the buttons between each setting.

Press the TEST button on the Drivers Display unit and confirm:

• Operation of the analogue display of percentage safe working load by allowing the needle to make
at least one complete revolution.
• Integrity of the WARNING (Yellow) and ALARM (Red) lamps on DDU - will light continuously.
• Operation of display digits. Each segment of each window will show a figure eight.
• If everything is satisfactory - proceed, otherwise call maintenance.

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Press the 'AUX' button and confirm the following:

• Accuracy of the DATE and TIME information presented. If either is incorrect make a note to inform
maintenance when the work programme is completed ie. it is satisfactory to proceed to operate the
crane with apparent DATE and TIME errors.

• COR% (Crane Operation Recorder) full reading is less than 95%. If it is greater than 95% then the text
COR FULL will be displayed in the Hook Load and SWL windows between lifts. By pressing the ACK
button, one can clear this text. Call maintenance staff who have authority to clear the COR.

• If operation of the crane continues and the COR becomes 100% full no crane functions will be available
subsequent to completing that lift when the COR increased to 100%. At this stage the horn will sound,
the COR full error code, 'Er32', displayed in Hook Load window will flash continuously as will the
ALARM light. Pressing the ACK button will cancel the horn only. Further crane operations can only be
accomplished after clearing the COR.

• Check that the number of falls is correct for the operating configuration of the crane. If not, select
correct configuration by pressing the ‘AUX’ and ‘FALLS’ buttons simultaneously.

• Verify that the correct 'Crane curve' is displayed. If not, select correct crane curve by pressing the
‘CURVE’ button.

Figure 3.1: Display Push Buttons function

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Figure 3.2: MIPEG 2000 Driver's Display Unit

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3.2 Information presented on the Mipeg 2000 display

Standard Layout

The standard layout of the driver's display is shown in Figure 3.2

The outer circular analogue scale shows percentage safe working load (%SWL).

The scale is divided into three parts, coloured:

• green - for the range 0 - 85/95% SWL,
• yellow - for the range 85/95 - 110% SWL, and
• red - for the range >110% SWL.

The top Window shows the Hook Load.

• This load will vary slightly as the amount of rope paid out varies. It also varies depending on
how the load is lifted; the smoother the lift the less the resultant fluctuation.

The left Window displays the Crane curve selected. See Appendix I for details

The right Window shows the Hook Radius.

The lower Window shows the Safe Working Load that is related to:
• the operating configuration of the crane
• crane curve selected
• the radius of operation.

Alternative Information

When the AUX button is pressed, these windows will display alternative information:

Window Information Presented with AUX button depressed

Top Calendar date expressed as day/month/year, e.g.'24:08:99'

Left Extent to which the capacity of the Crane Operation Recorder (COR) is full
of information expressed as a percentage, e.g. '45'.

Right Number of hoist falls registered in MIPEG, e.g. ' 2 '.

Lower Time on a 24 hours clock, e.g. '11.27'.


The visual and audible alarms warn of approaching danger. The WARNING (Yellow) light on Drivers
Display will flash and the buzzer inside the computer cabinet will sound when the load raised
reaches the warning limit at boom radius, crane curve and operating configuration of the crane. This
means that although a load may have been lifted at a given radius the alarm may come on as the
crane is boomed out beyond that radius and the crane capacity reduces.

To acknowledge an alarm, press the ACK button; the WARNING light will remain constantly lit until
the overload situation has decreased below the warning threshold.

The ALARM (Red) light on Drivers Display will flash when the load raised reaches the alarm. When
the ACK button is pressed; the ALARM light will remain constantly lit until the overload situation has
decreased below the alarm threshold and the WARNING light will remain constantly lit until the
overload situation has decreased below the warning threshold.

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3.3 Error handling

If a detectable error occurs the MIPEG 2000 clears the operators display, and blinks an error
message 'ERxx' in top window; "xx" is two digits identifying the error. Operator should press 'ACK’ on
the Display Unit that then resets MIPEG. If it was a spurious error, satisfactory operation will
continue, otherwise call for maintenance.

See Appendix A for Mipeg 2000 error messages. The two digit error codes have an error explanation
with fault sources and references.

3.4 Reduced system operation

MIPEG equipment may be set temporarily in "reduced system operation" by maintenance

personnel, when sensor(s) are not operable. Pressing 'ACK' will clear out messages.

• Main hoist sensor out of operation shows 'NOT MAIN' in top and lower windows
• Whip hoist sensor out of operation shows 'NOT WHIP' in top and lower windows
• Boom hoist sensor out of operation shows 'NOT MOME' in top and lower windows
• Radius sensor (Inclinometer) out of operation shows 'NOT INCL' in top and lower windows

If load hoist sensor is out of operation radius and SWL will still be valid and if boom radius sensor out
of operation hook load will still be valid.

3.5 Tare Function

The zero setting of the hook load may vary due to length of rope payed out or weight of the slings in
use. A tare function has been implemented in the Mipeg 2000 to set the hook load read-out to zero,
prior to lifting operations.

The load read-out may be 'tared' by pressing the 'FALLS' button once. The tare function will not
change the zero frequency in the system. Another push on this button will deactivate the tare
function. The tare function will only work below +/- 500 kgs.

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3.6 Information presented on the Mipeg RSI display

The Mipeg RSI, Digital Display is a microprocessor controlled unit located in the drivers cabin.
Information is presented by use of a 20 characters x 4 lines liquid crystal display. The unit also
incorporates four push buttons. Figure 3.2. shows the standard layout of the RSI display.

Figure 3.2: Mipeg RSI Display

Information presented on the display:


Bar graph The Bar graph will show dots to the right when hoisting or to the left when
Rope Speed Load Rope Speed in m/m, m/s or ft/s. (Units could be set in offline mode)
RopePdOut Length of load rope paid out from Anti2block position, in m or ft.
(Units could be set in offline mode)
Hook Pos. Hook Position in m or ft.(Units could be set in offline mode)


ACK Press to override activated outputs (Rope End & Anti 2)

and to reset the system after a spurious error
FALLS Not used. Falls selected on Mipeg 2000
TEST Press to test display and buzzer
RESET LENGTH Press to reset hook position


If the hook is near the Anti-2 or Rope end position or the Rope speed exceeds the set limit, the following
will be presented in the top line of the RSI display:
Alarm: Anti Two Hook at Anti-2 position
Alarm: Rope End Hook at Rope End
Alarm: Rope Spd Rope speed exceeding the set limit

If the power has been off the system, the following will be displayed in the top line of the RSI display:
!! Power Loss
The system can not read the counts from the proximity switches when the power is off. The system could
have lost the position of the rope and a reset the Anti-2 position is therefore required.

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3.7 Mipeg RSI – Offline Mode

The Mipeg RSI display is also used to set up and calibrate the RSI system. Press the TEST button
and then the ACK button within two seconds to obtain the offline function. The four push buttons are
then used according to the text on the display. Figure 3.3. shows the layout of the display unit in
offline mode.

Figure 3.3: Mipeg RSI Display-offline

Several crane parameters are required to initiate the system. The parameters are adjusted using
the FALLS button (increment value) or RESET LENGTH button (decrement value). Keeping the
FALLS or RESET buttons depressed gives increasing stepping (+/-10). Press ACK when the
required value is displayed and the next parameter will follow.

The following crane parameters has to be set: number of counts, diameter of drum, rope diameter,
number of turns on the drum, rope speed, anti-two band, rope end setting and if necessary the load
hoist line’s offset from the boom pin.

The set up has to be carried out in two operations, one for main line and one for whip line. The
system will be set up according to the line selected prior to going offline.

The computer will store all calibration data in its memory. The program is permanently stored on
integrated circuits. No program or memory contents are lost due to power loss.

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3.8 Offine Operation

3.8.1 Offline menus


Set Anti Two Used to set the Anti2 when block in top position
Buzzer Yes - No (Buzzer on/off)
Back light 01-02-03 (Back light intensity)
Bar graph Yes - No (Direction as Bar graph or Text)
Set up Param No(Ack) / If Yes(Falls): Go to Set up Menu (Code)
Alarm Param No(Ack) / If Yes(Falls): Go to Alarm Menu (Code)

To obtain the Set-up or Alarm parameter menu, press the FALLS button when they are displayed in the
Main menu.(The system will ask for a 'Code': Press the 'Reset Length' button twice and then the 'ACK'


# Studs: Main (Whip) Number (Number of studs to be counted / or counts if encoder)
# Turn1: Main (Whip) Number (Turns in the top layer)
# Turn2: Main (Whip) Number (Turns in the second layer)
Dia.Whl: Main (Whip) Number (Diameter of the top layer on drum in mm)
Dia.Rope: Main (Whip) Number (Rope diameter in mm)
RopWgt: Main (Whip) Number (Rope weight in kgs/100meter)
Rot.Dir: Main (Whip) Positiv or negative rotation direction on encoder
Corr1X: Main (Whip) Number (Hoist rope's horizontal offset from boom pin in m)
Corr1Y: Main (Whip) Number (Hoist rope's vertical offset from boom pin in m)
Measure units m/s - ft/s -m/min (Metres or feet per sec. or min.)


Rope Spd Main (Whip) Number (Max. rope speed / range of Bar Graph)
ApAntTw Main (Whip) Number (No. of counts from AntiTwo position)
Rope End Main (Whip) Number (No. of counts from AntiTwo position)

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3.8.2 Setting of Anti Two (Overhoist) Position

If the power has been off the system, the following will be displayed in the top line of the RSI display:
!! Power Loss
• Press 'TEST and 'ACK' within two seconds to go offline
• The following will be displayed: Set antiTwo No
• Raise both hooks to the correct anti two (over hoist) position.
• Hold the 'FALLS' button pressed and confirm with 'ACK'. The system will now reset the rope position.
• The following will be displayed: Set antiTwo Yes and then ok!
• Press the 'TEST' button to end the offline operation.
• Lower the hook(s) to reset the Anti2 alarm.

3.8.3 Set-up Parameter Menu

When the Mipeg RSI system is initially installed, the system parameters have to be set. All values
below are default values, ref. Appendix F1.

If the power has been off the system, the following will be displayed in the top line of the RSI display:
!! Power Loss
• Press 'TEST and 'ACK' within two seconds to go offline
• The following will be displayed: Set antiTwo No
• Hold the 'FALLS' button pressed and confirm with 'ACK'. The system will now read the drum
• The following will be displayed: Set antiTwo Yes and then ok!
• Press the 'ACK' button several times to go to: Set up Param.
• Press 'FALLS' to enter the Set Up Menu. .(The system will ask for a 'Code': Press the 'Reset
Length' button twice and then the 'ACK' button.)
• Press 'ACK' to go to: #Studs: Main: 100
• Use the 'FALLS' button to increment ('RES' to decrement) to the correct number for the encoder.
• Press 'ACK' to go to: #Turn1: Main: 0010
• Use the 'FALLS' button to increment ('RES' to decrement) to enter the number of turns in the top
layer on the drum.
• Press 'ACK' to go to: #Turn2: Main: 0020
• Use the 'FALLS' button to increment ('RES' to decrement) to enter the number of turns in the
second layer on the drum.
• Press 'ACK' to go to: Dia.Whl: Main: 500
• Use the 'FALLS' button to increment ('RES' to decrement) to set the correct diameter for the drum
(diameter of the top layer on the drum).
• Press 'ACK' to go to: Dia.Rope: Main: 019.0
• Use the 'FALLS' button to increment ('RES' to decrement) to the correct rope diameter(mm).
• Press 'ACK' to go to: RopWgt: Main: 0000
• Use the 'FALLS' button to increment ('RES' to decrement) to set the rope weight (kgs/100m).
• Press 'ACK' to go to: Corr1XMain: 0.0
• Use the 'FALLS' button to increment ('RES' to decrement) to the correct dimension. This setting will
compensate for the load hoist line’s horizontal offset from the boom pin (see figure in Appendix
• Press 'ACK' to go to: Corr1YMain: 0.0
• Use the 'FALLS' button to increment ('RES' to decrement) to the correct dimension. This setting will
compensate for the load hoist line’s vertical offset from the boom pin (see figure in Appendix F1).
• Press 'ACK' to go to: Measure Unit: m/s
• Use the 'FALLS' button to increment ('RES' to decrement) to select units: m/s, m/m or ft/s.
• Press the 'TEST' button to end the offline operation.

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3.8.4 Setting of Rope Speed

• Press 'TEST and 'ACK' within two seconds to go offline.

• The following will be displayed: Set antiTwo No
• Press the 'ACK' button several times to go to: Alarm Param.
• Press 'FALLS' to enter the Alarm Menu.
• The system will ask for a 'Code': Press the 'Reset Length' button twice and then the 'ACK' button.
• The following will be displayed: Rope Spd: Main: 05.00
• Use the 'FALLS' button to increment ('RES' to decrement) to the correct rope speed. This setting
will adjust limit for over speed warning on the display and also the bar graph range.
• Press the 'TEST' button to end the offline operation.
• Select whip line and repeat(if applicable)

3.8.5 Setting of Rope End Positions

When the Mipeg RSI system is initially installed or if the rope is changed, the rope end positions
have to be set. Carry out paragraph 3.7.2 prior to setting the rope end positions. This procedure has
to be repeated both for the Main hook and the Whip hook (if applicable).

Lower the hook to the Rope End position.

• Press 'TEST and 'ACK' within two seconds to go offline.
• The following will be displayed: Set antiTwo No
• Press the 'ACK' button several times to go to: Alarm Param.
• Press 'FALLS' to enter the Alarm Menu.
• The system will ask for a 'Code': Press the 'Reset Length' button twice and then the 'ACK' button.
• Press 'ACK' button twice to go to: RopeEnd Main(Whip): 00000000
• Hold the 'FALLS' button pressed and confirm with 'ACK'. The system will now read the drum position
and put the new counter value into the memory.

• Press the 'TEST' button to end the offline operation.

Raise the hook and lower again to check that the Rope End signals are working correctly.

• Select whip line and repeat (if applicable).

• All calibration values should be filled into the parameter protocol, Appendix F1.

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Operating Instructions for Portable Terminal Unit (PTU)

4.1 Introduction

Any Windows based Laptop Computers could be used as ‘Portable Terminal Unit’ (PTU).

The Laptop should be loaded with the PtuWin2 program that will enable certain functions for offline
operation of the MIPEG SLI system located in the crane cab and for computer or printer operation in
the control room. The installation file, PtuWin2_Install.exe is supplied on a CD.

Installation of the PtuWin2 program on your computer:

1. Insert the Mipeg CD in your CD drive.

2. Open the Windows Explorer or ‘My Computer’ and click on the Mipeg CD.
3. In the PtuWin directory, click on PtuWin2_Install.exe. This will start the installation program.
4. Click to accept the pre-selected settings to copy the PtuWin2 accompanying files to the proper
location on your hard drive.
5. When all files have been installed, click OK to restart the computer.

A folder called Program Files\PtuWin has been created on your hard disk. Use Windows
Explorer to open this directory. Create a shortcut to the program: PtuWin2.exe and copy the
shortcut to the Windows desktop.

A folder called \COR will also be created on the hard disk the first time you run the PtuWin2 program.
The COR files from the Mipeg will be saved in this folder.

Distribution License
Warning: This computer program is protected by copyright law and international
treaties. The software and users operating manuals are copyright material. No part of
this material may be distributed without the expressed permission of Aanderaa Data
Instruments AS.

Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation registered in the U.S. and other

countries. All other trademarks and service marks are the property of their respective

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4.1.1 Starting PtuWin2

To start the PtuWin2 program, click the PtuWin2 icon on the Windows desktop.
When you start the PtuWin2, the PTU program dialog box appears, as follows:

In the main dialog box one can select one of the different Mipeg types. The Mipeg type in operation is
marked with an active button. To change, click on the new button and restart the PtuWin2 program.

Com1 is used as the standard communication port. If required, this can be changed to Com2. See
paragraph The PtuWin2 program also has to be restarted after a change of communication

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4.1.2 Security System

In order to avoid unauthorised use of the PTU, especially use that has influence on the safety of the
crane, a security system is implemented in the PtuWin2 program. This means that a person must
know certain codes to get the different functions performed.

The security system of the PtuWin2 is based on four security levels, numbered 1-4. Each of these
levels is given a certain code. The different functions are assigned to one of the security levels. The
more restriction required the higher level the function is given.

The Access Code for level 1 is: 111

The Access Code for level 2 is: 222
The Access Code for level 3 is: abc
The Access Code for level 4 is not available

The code for level no's 1-3 can be changed by a PTU function. See paragraph for more
details. The code for level no. 4 cannot be changed by use of the PTU. This level is for special
system functions used by service engineers only.

When the operator has given the code for a certain level, the PTU will not ask for the code any more
for functions of this level or lower, until the PtuWin2 program is closed or a 'Mipeg disconnect' is

4.1.3 Real Time Clock (RTC)

The Mipeg Real Time Clock (RTC) is synchronised to the PC real time clock. The clock in the PC
must therefore first be set correctly prior to starting the PtuWin2 program.

The following steps are recommended for reading the Mipeg clock:

• If not connected, effect a Mipeg connection as described in paragraph 4.2.1.

• From the main dialog box, click the 'Read RTC' button.
• The system will now read and display the real time clock data from both the PTU and Mipeg.

The following steps are recommended for setting the Mipeg clock:

• If not connected, effect a Mipeg connection as described in paragraph 4.2.1.

• From the main dialog box, click the 'Set RTC' button.
• Enter the required Security Code and repeat the function.
• The system will now set the real time clock in the Mipeg system and display the real time clock
data from both the PTU and Mipeg.
• There could be 1-3 seconds difference in the data after a synchronisation.

4.1.4 Shortcuts

In addition to using the mouse to select functions, one can also use a few keys on the keyboard

C - Connect
D - Disconnect
Z - Go back to the previous window
X - Exit window

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4.2 Crane Cab operations

The crane cab operations are also called off-line operations and are divided into five parts:

• PTU Configuration (4.2.3)

• Sensor calibration/check (4.2.4)
• Parameter readings/settings (4.2.5)
• COR operation (4.2.6)
• System operations (4.2.7)

The day-to-day operations are included in the three first parts.

Prior to any of these operations, one has to do a Mipeg connection operation as described in
paragraph 4.2.1. After the crane cab operations are finished, a 'MIPEG disconnection' has to be
performed as described in paragraph 4.2.2.

A complete crane cab operation will then consist of the following sub operations:

• MIPEG connection (4.2.1)

• PTU configuration (4.2.3) and/or
• Sensor calibration/check (4.2.4) and/or
• Parameter readings/settings (4.2.5) and/or
• COR operation (4.2.6) and/or
• System operations (4.2.7)
• MIPEG disconnection (4.2.2)

When security codes are requested, key in the security code. Ref. paragraph 4.1.2 for more details.

Pay attention to the messages in the Status Window. Always wait until the computer has completed
the operation in progress. Failure to do so may cause a 'Run Time Error' and the computer will close
the PtuWin2 program. If the Mipeg is still 'Off-line', you have to reset or power-down the Mipeg to re-

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4.2.1 Mipeg Connection

The MIPEG connection is performed in the following steps:

• Check that the PC batteries are charged before leaving the control room.
• In the cranecab, first connect the PTU cable to the connector of the Driver's Display and then
turn PC power on.
• Start the PtuWin2 program as described in paragraph 4.1.1. The Main dialog box is displayed.
• Click the 'Connect' button or press 'C' on the keyboard to connect to Mipeg.
• Enter the required Security Code.

• Wait 1-10 seconds for acknowledgement/error message. When connected, the message 'Off
line' will be displayed on the Mipeg Driver's Display.
• The Mipeg and the PC are now connected, and one can proceed with the off-line functions.
• After the crane cab operations are finished, a 'MIPEG disconnection' has to be performed as
described in paragraph 4.2.2.

The first time the connection is done an error message may occur. Please «press any key» on the
laptop to continue.

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4.2.2 Mipeg Disconnection

The MIPEG disconnection is performed in the following steps:

• From the main dialog box, click the 'Disconnect' button or press 'D' on the keyboard to
disconnect. The Mipeg system goes back to normal on-line display of information.
• From the main dialog box, click the 'Exit Program' button or press 'X' on the keyboard to exit the
PtuWin2 program.
• Turn PC power off and disconnect the cable. Put the display connector cover back in position.

4.2.3 PTU Configuration

Several PTU parameters could be set in the PTU Configuration menu. The following steps are
recommended for the configuration of the PTU:

• If not connected, effect a Mipeg connection as described in paragraph 4.2.1.

• From the main dialog box, click the 'PTU Config.' button.
• Enter the security code.
• A new section in the main dialog box will now appear as follows:

Aanderaa Data Instruments Document W-130 H00 246, Date 17.11.2021, Page 23 of 59 Changing the Com port

• Click to open the PTU Configuration menu as described in paragraph 4.2.3.

• The Com Port in operation is marked with an active 'Operation button'
• Use the Com scroll down window to select Com1 - Com9
• The PtuWin2 program has to be restarted when the Com port has been changed. Read PTU parameters

• Click to open the PTU Configuration menu as described in paragraph 4.2.3.

• Click the 'Read PTU par.' button.
• The PTU parameters will now be read from the Mipeg system.
• The message 'Reading PTU-parameters…finished!' will be displayed in the Status window when
ready. Reset PTU parameters

• Click to open the PTU Configuration menu as described in paragraph 4.2.3.

• Click the 'Reset PTU par.' button.
• The PTU default values will now be set into the PtuWin2 program.
• The message 'Reset PTU parameters…Ok!' will be displayed in the Status window when ready. Changing the passwords

• Click to open the PTU Configuration menu as described in paragraph 4.2.3.

• Select the password you want to change in the password scroll down window.
• Enter the new password in the lower window.
• Click the Change button to enter the new code. Setting Tonne-Metre/Kips-Feet/Ton-Feet in the COR

• Click to open the PTU Configuration menu as described in paragraph 4.2.3.

• Click the Tonne-M, if Tonne-Meter is to be used in the COR heading
• Click the Kips-Feet button, if Kips-Feet is to be used in the COR heading
• Click the Ton-Feet button, if Ton-Feet is to be used in the COR heading
• The PtuWin2 program has to be restarted to activate the new setting. Select Long File Names for the COR files

• Click to open the PTU Configuration menu as described in paragraph 4.2.3.
• Click the Long File Names button to select ‘Long File Names’ (recommended)
When ‘Long File Names’ is selected, the COR file will be recorded as MXXX_YYYY_ZZA.COR,
Where XXX is the crane ID number, YYYY-year, ZZ-month, A-record number(A-Z)
• The PtuWin2 program has to be restarted to activate the new setting.

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4.2.4 Sensors

The Sensor Calibration menu is included in the Main Dialog Box.

• To work with a sensor, one first has to carry out a Mipeg connection as described in paragraph
• Then use the mouse to select a sensor in the 'Sensors' scroll down window:
• Load-Main
• Load-Whip
• Moment
• Pulley Comp.
• Inclinometer
• Temperature
• If Load-Main sensor, number of falls on the hoist line is required. Use the mouse to select the
number of falls in the 'Falls' scroll down window. Read Sensor calibration

To read the Calibration data, one first has to select a sensor as described in paragraph 4.2.4.

• Click the 'Read Calibr.' button.

• The calibration values for the selected sensor will be displayed as follows:

Aanderaa Data Instruments Document W-130 H00 246, Date 17.11.2021, Page 25 of 59 Recalibration of Sensors

To calibrate a Sensor, one first has to select a sensor as described in paragraph 4.2.4.

Cal. Point 0 - The Zero calibration is done as follows:

• Use the mouse to select Cal. Point 0
• Enter the Y-value (see Appendix E for details):
• 0 tonnes for Load
• normally 30 degrees for Inclinometer
• Click the 'Recalibrate' button and wait a few seconds. (Enter security code if required)
• In the Status Line the following will be written: 'Calibration in progress…'
• Followed by: 'Read Sensor Calibration Data..Ok!'
• The calibration values will be updated.

Cal. Point 1 - The maximum point (100%) calibration is done as follows:

• Use the mouse to select Cal. Point 1
• Enter the Y-value (see Appendix E for details):
• Load lifted in tonnes for Load
• normally 80 degrees for Inclinometer
• Click the 'Recalibrate' button and wait a few seconds (Enter security code if required)
• In the Status Line the following will be written: 'Calibration in progress…'
• Followed by: 'Read Sensor Calibration Data..Ok!'
• The calibration values will be updated.

Cal. Point 2 - The Midpoint (40-60%) calibration is done as follows:

• Use the mouse to select Cal. Point 2
• Enter the Y-value (see Appendix E for details):
• Load lifted in tonnes for Load
• Click the 'Recalibrate' button and wait a few seconds (Enter security code if required)
• In the Status Line the following will be written: 'Calibration in progress…'
• Followed by: 'Read Sensor Calibration Data..Ok!'
• The calibration values will be updated.

When the calibration is completed, one should write all calibration values (Mipeg Calibration Protocol) to a
file and also print the file for future references. See paragraph and

Aanderaa Data Instruments Document W-130 H00 246, Date 17.11.2021, Page 26 of 59 Set Calibration Data

• First one has to select a sensor as described in paragraph 4.2.4.

• Use the mouse to select Cal. Point 0, 1 or 2
• Enter the X-value from the Calibration Protocol
• Enter the Y-value from the Calibration Protocol
• Click the 'Set Calibr. Data' button and wait a few seconds (Enter security code if required)
• When ready, the following will be written in the Status Line: 'Set Calibration Data… Ok!' Read Sensor Frequency

• First one has to select a sensor as described in paragraph 4.2.4.

• Select the number of samples from sensor (#Read). Normally 10 times.
• Click the 'Read Frequency' button.
• The sensor frequency will be read and displayed.
• In the Status Line the following will be written: 'Read Sensor Frequency…Ok' Set Temperature Compensation (only valid if temperature sensor included)
• First one has to select a sensor as described in paragraph 4.2.4.
• Enter the values for the Gain and Offset. The Gain factor is taken from the sensor certificate.
• The Offset is set to the default 100 the first time the sensor is calibrated.
• Then click on 'Set Comp' button to enter the new values.
• In the Status Line the following will be written: 'Setting Temp. Comp data…Ok'

This Is Only Required Prior To The First Calibration Of A New Sensor With Temperature Sensor Read Temperature Compensation (only if a temperature sensor included)

• First one has to select a sensor as described in paragraph 4.2.4.

• Click the 'Read Comp.' button in the Temperature Compensation window on the Main Dialog Box.
• The Gain and Offset values for the sensor will be displayed.

Aanderaa Data Instruments Document W-130 H00 246, Date 17.11.2021, Page 27 of 59 Write Calibration File

All calibration values (Calibration Protocol) could be read from the Mipeg 2000 system and
written to a file on the disk on the PTU.

• In the main dialog box, click the 'Write Calibr. File' button.
• A new window opens:

• One can now read all calibration values. Press X to exit.

• A file called CridXXX.cal has been created in the /Cor directory. (XXX-crane ID number.)
• This file should be printed when returning to the control room or saved with another name for
future references. (It will be overwritten the next time a 'CridXXX.cal' file from the same crane is
created) Print Calibration File

The calibration file should be printed when returning to the control room and also saved with
another name for future references.
• Connect the PTU to a Windows printer.
• In the main dialog box, click the 'Print Calibr. File' button.
• A scroll down window opens below the 'Print Calibr. File' button
• Use the mouse to scroll through all Cal files saved in the \Cor directory.
• Click to select the calibration file to be printed.
• The PTU - Calibration file will appear on the screen.
• Click the 'Print Calibr.' button to make a hard copy of this info.
• The Windows print dialog box will appear. Select and click OK.
• Click the 'Exit Page' button to return to the main dialog box

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4.2.5 Parameter Page

The following steps are recommended to open the Parameter dialog box:

• If not connected, effect a Mipeg connection as described in paragraph 4.2.1.

• From the main dialog box, click the 'PTU Param.' button.
• Enter the security code.
• The Parameter dialog box will now appear as follows: Set Falls/Boom Length

• The number of Falls has to be selected in the sensor selection in the main dialog box.
• In the Parameter dialog box, use the mouse to open the scroll down window for Boom length.
• Select the new boom length from the list and click the 'Set Falls/Boom Length' button.
• When ready, the following will be written in the Status Line: 'Set Falls and Boom Length…Ok!' Read Boom Angle Limits

• In the Parameter dialog box, click on the Read Limits buttons.

• The Low and High angle limits will be displayed.
• When ready, the following will be written in the Status Line: 'Reading Boom Angle Limits…Ok!'

Aanderaa Data Instruments Document W-130 H00 246, Date 17.11.2021, Page 29 of 59 Set Boom Angle Limits

• In the Parameter dialog box , enter new Low and/or High boom angle limits.
• Click on the Set Limits button.
• When ready, the following will be written in the Status Line: 'Setting Boom Angle Limits..Ok!' Read Sensor Assignment

• In the Parameter dialog box, click on the 'Read Assign' button.

• The Sensors in operation will be marked in the tick-off windows.
• When ready, the following will be written in the Status Line: 'Reading Sensor Assignment…Ok!' Set Sensor Assignment

• In the Parameter dialog box, mark the Sensors in operation in the tick-off windows.
• When a change is carried out, 'Setting Sensor Assignment...Ok!' will be written in the Status
Line. Read the Input Switches

• In the Parameter dialog box, click the 'Read Switch' button.

• The switches closed will be marked in the tick-off boxes.
• When ready, the following will be written in the Status Line: 'Reading Input Switches…Ok!'

Aanderaa Data Instruments Document W-130 H00 246, Date 17.11.2021, Page 30 of 59 Test the Alarms (outputs)

• In the Parameter dialog box, click the 'Alarms' tick-off boxes, one at the time.
• For each one, 'Setting Digital Outputs…Ok!' will be written in the Status Line.
• The different outputs will be activated. See the Mipeg manual for details. Setting Auxiliary Display

• In the Parameter dialog box, click the 'Aux. Display' scroll down window.

• Select Inclinometer and click 'Set Aux Display' button.

• The following will be written in the Status Line: 'Setting Aux. Display…Ok!'
• When the Mipeg system comes back online, Inclinometer (in degrees) will be displayed in the
lower driver's display window.

• Select Moment and click 'Set Aux Display' button.

• The following will be written in the Status Line: 'Setting Aux. Display…Ok!'
• When the Mipeg system comes back online, Moment (in tonnes-metres) will be displayed in
the lower driver's display window.

• When the cable is disconnected, the lower display window will switch back to SWL.

Aanderaa Data Instruments Document W-130 H00 246, Date 17.11.2021, Page 31 of 59 Setting Auxiliary Display GOP Test

• In the Parameter dialog box, click the 'Aux. Display' scroll down window.
• Select GOP-test A and click 'Set Aux Display' button.
• The following will be written in the Status Line: 'Setting Aux. Display…Ok!'
• When the Mipeg system comes back online, GOP-sensor (in tonnes) will be displayed in the
lower driver's display window (only if GOP-sensor is included in the system). The sea state and
the text GOP will flash every second time in the curve window. The amber and red lights in the
display will flash indicating that the system is now in GOP-test mode. All lifted loads are in the
GOP-test mode multiplied with a factor. The factor for each project can be read in the COR
printout. In the COR record the lift will be recognized as a three line record for each lift. See
below for typical recording.
13:30 GOP TEST - LOAD FACTOR: 5 0027
13:30 50.0 50.0 432 432 8 8 00:06 0.6 M 2/21.47 0029

• When the cable is disconnected, the lower display window will switch back to SWL.

GOP - Test A:
The GOP - Test A is carried out following the below steps. The test mode will force the system into
the following test conditions;

1. The load carried by the hook will be multiplied by the load factor 3 ie a 5Te load will be
registered as a 15 Te load
2. The analogue output signal will be set as normal ie providing a normal back tension signal
3. The system will revert back to normal operating mode if the laptop is switched off or the
connection cable is disconnected.

GOP - Test B: (NCP South crane only):

The GOP - Test B is carried out following the below steps. The test mode will force the system into
the following test conditions;

1. The load carried by the hook will be multiplied by the load factor 2.5 ie a 5Te load will be
registered as a 12.5 Te load
2. The analogue output signal will be divided by the factor 1.5,
3. The system will revert back to normal operating mode if the laptop is switched off or the
connection cable is disconnected.

Note: During GOP Test , the GOP output will still not be tripped if a Platform curve is selected.

NB! NCP South Crane: Test-factor for GOP-test A. 2.5 – Load

Test-factor for GOP-test B. 1.5 – SWL Analog out J21-8

NSP East Crane: Test-factor for GOP-test A. 5.0 – Load

No GOP-test B.

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4.2.6 COR Page

The following steps are recommended to open the COR dialog box:

• If not connected, effect a Mipeg connection as described in paragraph 4.2.1.

• From the main dialog box, click the 'COR Page' button.
• Enter security code.
• The COR dialog box will now appear. Read COR Header

• In the COR dialog box, click the 'Read COR Header' button.
• The information will now be read from the Mipeg.
• When ready, 'COR Header Transfer…Ok!' will be written in the Status Line.
• The COR dialog box will display COR information. Use the slide-down bar to see more info.

Aanderaa Data Instruments Document W-130 H00 246, Date 17.11.2021, Page 33 of 59 Read COR Data (all)

• In the COR dialog box, click the 'Read COR (all)' button.
• The information will now be transferred from the Mipeg.
• When ready, the following will be written in the Status Line: 'COR-data Transfer…Ok!'
• COR dialog box will appear as follows. Use the slide-down bar to see more info. Clear the COR in Mipeg

• Prior to clearing the Mipeg COR, one has to do 'Read COR data',
• In the COR dialog box, click the 'Clear COR in Mipeg' button.
• Enter security code and repeat function.
• Click OK to 'Confirm clearing the COR data' when asked.
• When ready, the following will be written in the Status Line: 'Ok!'
• The Mipeg COR is now cleared and the Mipeg will restart at 0% COR memory used. Print COR Data

• In the COR dialog box, select the COR-file to print in the file window.
• Then click the 'Print COR' button.
• The Windows print dialog box will appear. Select and click OK.
• Click the 'Exit Page' button to return to the main dialog box.

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4.2.7 System Page

The following steps are recommended to open the System dialog box:

• If not connected, effect a Mipeg connection as described in paragraph 4.2.1.

• From the main dialog box, click the 'System Page' button.
• Enter the security code.
• The System dialog box will now appear as follows: Setting the ID Number

• In the 'PTU-System' dialog box, click the 'Set Cr.ID. Eeprom' button.
• 'Setting Crane ID in Eeprom…Ok!' will be written in the Status Line. Test Watch Dog

• In the 'PTU-System' dialog box, click the Test Watch Dog' button.
• The following will be written in the Status Line: 'Testing Watch Dog…Ok!'
• If Ok, the Mipeg system will restart.

Aanderaa Data Instruments Document W-130 H00 246, Date 17.11.2021, Page 35 of 59 Reset all Counters

• In the 'PTU-System Page' dialog box, click the 'Reset All' button.
• Enter accumulated number of lifts (from the last COR print-out)
• Click OK to continue
• Enter accumulated number of over-lifts (from the last COR print-out)
• Click OK to continue
• Enter accumulated number of l moment peaks (from the last COR print-out)
• Click OK to continue
• Enter accumulated number of Usage hours (from the last COR print-out)
• Click OK to continue
• The following will be written in the Status Line: 'Reset All…Ok!'
• All the accumulated counters in the Mipeg are now set back to the default values, but the
calibration values remains unchanged. Resetting the Prom parameters

• In the 'PTU-System' dialog box, click the 'Reset Prom Param.' button.
• When asked, click OK to confirm the reset.
• The following will be written in the Status Line: 'Reset Prom Param …Ok!'
• All calibration values in the Mipeg will now be set back to the default values and a
complete calibration is required.
• The Mipeg RTC will also be set to default. Set the Mipeg RTC correctly before continuing.
• Carry out 'Reset all counters', to set the start date and counters in the COR.

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5.1 Introduction

This section describes the maintenance procedures for MIPEG 2000 system. It is divided into two
- scheduled maintenance (5.2)
- unscheduled maintenance (5.3)

It is recommended that all repair work is performed by Aanderaa Data Instruments A.S, Bergen,
for the aspects of warranty related requirements.

5.2 Scheduled Maintenance

The maintenance schedule and instructions below should be followed rigorously to ensure
correct operation of the MIPEG 2000 system.


Perform check detailed in Section

Prior to Verification of system operation Crane driver 3, 'Operating instructions for
Each shift crane driver

Depress 'AUX' button on Driver's

Weekly Check 'COR' percent full reading Crane supervisor / Display. If COR full reading 75%
Maintenance engineer or more, clear COR. See
paragraph 4.2.

Check calibration of load sensor and Crane supervisor / See paragraph 5.2.2. below
3 Monthly inclinometer Maintenance engineer

Check integrity of crane operation Crane supervisor / See paragraph 5.2.3. below
inhibit relays. Maintenance engineer

6 Monthly Check crane curves Crane supervisor / See paragraph 5.2.4. below
Maintenance engineer

As required Calibration of pulley compensation Crane supervisor / See paragraph below
Maintenance engineer

Replacement of COR battery Crane supervisor / See paragraph 5.2.6. below

Maintenance engineer

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5.2.1 Clearing COR

Data describing events like lifts, overload alarms, system errors, calibration of sensors, etc., are
stored in the COR memory during crane operation. There is provided memory space for 5400 events
on this system. The percentage of memory used is displayed on the driver's display, see paragraph

Before the memory is completely filled up with COR data, these must be transferred to the PTU and
then be printed out or treated in another way. If this is not done before the COR is 95% full, the
message 'COR full' will appear on the driver's display between lifts. If the COR gets 100% full, an
error message, `Er32', will appear, the horn will blow, and the boom out inhibit will be activated.

It is recommended that the COR full reading is done every week by the crane supervisor. The criteria
for doing a 'Clear COR' operation is set to a COR full reading of 75%. This value will vary and is
mainly determined by how much the crane is used.

The clearing of the COR is done in the following steps:

• Perform a 'Read COR data (all)' operation as described in paragraph
• Perform a 'Clear COR' operation as described in paragraph
• When back in the control room, perform a COR report print-out operation as described in

5.2.2 Calibration of Sensors

The sensors of Mipeg 2000 are carefully checked during installation and their initial calibration
constants are semi-permanently kept in the Mipeg 2000 nonvolatile memory. Their output might vary
within certain limits due to temperature drift, ageing and changes in environmental conditions. If the
variation is too large, malfunction may occur, and a calibration must be performed.

The zero point drift of the load hoist sensor(s), i.e. the deviation from zero on the display reading with
empty hook is considered to be the most important factor to monitor. It must be kept in mind that the
zero point for this sensor(s) has been defined at 45 degrees boom angle and hook at deck level.
Deviation from zero in a no load condition might be caused by different length of hoisting rope payed

The calibration constants could be set up in two different ways:

1. Normally one would use calibrated test loads or dynamometers for the force sensors and crane
radius marks on the deck for the inclinometer. The MIPEG will read the frequency from the
sensor, while the corresponding quantity (Value), i.e. weight or angle, is entered using the PTU
keyboard. This PTU function is described in paragraph ‘Recalibration of Sensors’. For
details on how to calibrate the different sensor types see paragraph –

2. It is also possible to enter both the frequency and the corresponding quantity (Value), using the
PTU keyboard. This method is used to enter old calibration constants; giving calibration values to
MIPEG which already are recorded in the calibration protocol, Appendix F. This is described in
paragraph ‘Set Calibration Data’.

A compensation for a possible variation caused by an unlinear load sensor arrangement is included in
the MIPEG system (Cal.point 2). Point 2 calibration is done the same way as point 0 and 1. If the
compensation is not required, point 2 should be set to zero.

Cal.point 0: Empty hook / No load

Cal.point 1: 100% load
Cal.point 2: 40-60% of full load

The calibration protocol given in Appendix F should be followed whenever possible. Ensure that the
calibration points of the boom angle sensor are checked, and if necessary, calibrated before any other
sensor is calibrated.

Aanderaa Data Instruments Document W-130 H00 246, Date 17.11.2021, Page 38 of 59 Calibration of Boom Angle Sensor

Calibration of the boom angle sensor is recommended if the deviation between the real and the
indicated crane radius is greater than one metre.

It is recommended that two permanent calibration points are used, one at minimum radius using the
boom's end stop, the other point at approximately 30 degrees boom angle, i.e. 87% of maximum
radius. The two points must be marked on the deck as radius in metre.

As Mipeg 2000 always measures boom angle above horizontal, a calibration point at maximum
working radius is not recommended as a small inaccuracy in the radius can cause a significant
inaccuracy in the angle reading. This is because changes in boom angle in the range 0 to 20 degrees
will give a small change in radius of approximately 7%. Radius/angle relationships for calibration
purposes are given in Appendix G.

The calibration procedure for the boom angle sensor is given as follows:

• Boom out to the outer radius mark on the deck.

• With the hook on this mark, do a calibration of point zero as described in paragraph,
function Calibrate Sensors’.
• Type in the boom angle according to the table in Appendix G, or according to earlier recorded
data in the calibration protocol.
• Boom in to the inner radius mark on the deck.
• With the hook on this mark, do a calibration of point one similar to point zero.
• Set MIPEG in on-line state and check the two calibration points.
• If not ok, go back to point a) and/or d) and make adjustments of point zero and/or point one.
• If ok, go off-line and read back the new calibration data, see paragraph, point c).
• Make a record in the calibration protocol. Calibration of Load Hoist Sensors

Calibration of the load hoist sensor(s) is recommended if the hook load reading in a no load condition,
i.e. boom angle at 45 degrees and hook at deck level, is outside the following limits:

Single Fall: Greater than 1 Tonne or less than -1 Tonne

Plural Falls: Greater than 2 Tonnes or less than -2 Tonnes

Calibration requires calibrated test loads or a calibrated dynamometer to measure the test loads.
Recommended sizes of the test loads are given in Appendix E.

The calibration procedure for the load hoist sensor(s) is as follows:

• Boom in/out to the radius that gives a boom angle of 45 degrees, see Appendix G.
• Lower the empty hook to just above deck level.
• Do a calibration of point zero as described in paragraph, function 'Calibrate Sensors'.
• Type in zero as hook load.
• Put on the test load and hoist it just above the deck level.
• Do a calibration of point one similar to point zero.
• Set MIPEG in on-line state and check the two calibration points.

Test with approximately 50% of SWL and verify if the Mipeg readout is acceptable. If not, a
third calibration point could be activated:

• Do a calibration of point two as above.

• Repeat the load test.

If the calibration is acceptable without point 2, the frequency and value for point 2 should be set to

Aanderaa Data Instruments Document W-130 H00 246, Date 17.11.2021, Page 39 of 59 Calibration of Pulley Compensation

The weight of the pulley on the load hoist sensors could cause a varying output from the load sensors
as the boom angle varies. A compensation for this is implemented on MIPEG.

The parameters for this compensation are stored as calibration parameters according to the following


Main 0 Weight parameter

Angle for maximum load value
Whip 1 Weight parameter
Angle for maximum load value

The checking and calibration of the pulley compensation is done as follows:

• Select Main hoist line first and repeat for Whip hoist line if applicable.
• With the boom at maximum radius, position the empty hook just above the deck level. Keep
this hoisting line position during the rest of the test.
• Boom in and note the displayed hook load values for every 5 metre from maximum to
minimum radius.
• Check the variations of the hook load values. If the variation exceeds 0.5 tonne for whip line
and one tonne for main line, a calibration as described above is required.
• Read out the pulley compensation parameter values as described in paragraph 4.2.4,
according to the table given above. Adjust the weight parameter value according to the
following formula: Adjustment = (Variation / No. of falls) / (1 - cos(A))
where: A : Boom angle difference for variation readout

If the hook load value is greatest near the maximum angle, see parameter values readout, the
weight parameter shall be increased. In the opposite case, it shall be decreased. Recalibration of Moment Sensor (Not in use)

The overturning moment is calculated from the force measured by the moment sensor. This sensor is
sensitive to variations in offlead angles. The moment will typically be non zero even when a no load situation
exists due to moment caused by the dead weight of the boom, hooks and hoisting ropes.

Recalibration of the moment sensor is recommended if the indicated overturning moment deviates more than
100 tonne*metres from the calculated one.

The moment is not normally indicated on the driver's display, but can be displayed temporarily by using the
PTU function described in paragraph

The recalibration of the moment sensor requires a great test load, and it is therefore normally done in a plural
falls configuration. Required test loads are given in Appendix E, and tables of overturning moments/sensor
forces are given in Appendix G/H.

Aanderaa Data Instruments Document W-130 H00 246, Date 17.11.2021, Page 40 of 59
The recalibration of the moment sensor is performed as follows:

a) Boom in/out to the radius given in Appendix G/H.

b) Lower the empty hook to just above deck level.
c) Do a calibration of point zero as described in paragraph, function 'Calibrate Sensors'. Type in
moment value according to table in Appendix H.
d) Put on the test load as given in Appendix E, and hoist it just above the ground.
e) Do a calibration of point one similar to point zero.
f) Set MIPEG in on-line state and check the two calibration points.
g) If not OK, go back to point a) and do a new recalibration.
h) If OK, go off-line and read back the new calibration point, see paragraph, point c). Be aware of
that it is the sensor force and not the overturning moment that is read back as value.
i) Make a record in the recalibration protocol.

When doing recalibration of the moment sensor, it is important to be aware of what to give as values:

Set in Sensor Calibration Data Sensor force
Calibrate Sensors Moment
Read Sensor Calibration Data Sensor force

5.2.3 Checking of Crane Operation Inhibit Relays

Checking of the crane operation inhibit relays are recommended to be performed by the crane
supervisor every third month.

All relays can be checked by means of the PTU function described in paragraph Make access
to each of the implemented signals, switch them on/off, and observe that the correct action is

To test the overload outputs, one needs a hook load sufficient to create an overload condition. In
order to use a smallest possible load, one can set MIPEG in the highest sea condition. Pick a load
size according to the crane curves. With this load available, the check is done in the following steps:

• Lift the load off the ground.

• While watching the %SWL readings on the driver's display, boom out until it reaches the warning
limit. The yellow light should be activated. Boom out until it reaches the alarm limit. The red light
and the horn should now be activated.
• Boom in and put the load down.

In addition to this, the output relays may be tested as follows:

MIPEG Nonoperational
Turn MIPEG power off. The horn and overload relays should be activated.

Simulate an error condition on MIPEG. The horn and overload relays should now be activated.

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5.2.4 Checking Crane Curves

The tables of safe working loads (SWL) are permanently stored in the Mipeg 2000 memory and are
called crane curves. These are thoroughly tested during the commissioning of the crane. One should
therefore not expect any problems with the crane curves during operation, but it is recommended that
the crane supervisor checks the crane curves installed in Mipeg 2000 against the load- radius tables
available in the cranecab twice a year.

The crane curve checking is done in the following steps:

• With no load in the hook, hoist the boom to top position.

• Set number of falls to the lowest implemented value.
• Set curve to the lowest implemented value.
• While reading radius and SWL from driver's display and comparing the readings with the
load-radius tables, lower the boom to maximum radius.
• Change the curve to next lowest value and perform point d) while hoisting the boom to top
• Go through all crane curves for this number of falls, then change to next number of falls and go
through all curves, and so on until all combinations are checked.
• If possibilities for more boom lengths are implemented, change to next boom length, and repeat.
• After the checking of the crane curves is finished, set the parameter values for boom length,
number of falls and curve back to the correct values.

5.2.5 COR Battery Replacement

The COR battery is located on the Master II card in the Computer Cabinet and must be unsoldered to
be replaced. The battery is available as spare part, ref. Appendix B.

Battery type: Tadiran TL-2150 , size 1/2 AA

Nom. voltage: 3.6 V
Nom. current: 10 microamps (when Mipeg is unpowered)

When the battery voltage goes below 3.0 V, there will be a warning, Error 10, on the display. Press
the ACK button to continue operation. Transfer the COR data to the PTU and then replace the battery.
If the 24Vdc power supply to the Mipeg system is lost with a low COR back-up battery, the COR data
could be lost. Ref. Section 1, Safety Notes and Appendix A, Mipeg 2000 Error Messages.

When the COR battery has been replaced, the Mipeg system will restart with a default clock
(01.01.YY), but the contents of the COR will be corrupted. Connect the PTU, set Mipeg clock and
carry out a ‘Reset all Counters’ under the ‘Mipeg System Page’.

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5.3 Unscheduled Maintenance

5.3.1 Built In Test Equipment.

The computer will start to execute once the logic supply (5V) reaches it's working level after power is
turned on to the system.

The first part of the computer program is called the Startup BITE (=Built In Test Equipment). This part
can commence execution as long as the "inner kernel" is functioning properly. The "inner kernel"
comprises the microprocessor with it's crystal and the first program circuit and requires only the logic
supply present to fulfill it's first task, the Startup BITE. The "inner kernel" is isolated from the rest of
the card by buffers.

The Startup BITE has the following facilities:

• Check bus which interconnects the PCBs.

• Check if upper program part is accessible.
• Check timer circuits if operating correctly.

Start by replacing the Master II card. If all checks are passed the full system software is initialised and
starts the normal execution.

Different checks are continuously performed during normal system execution:

• Sensor data limit checks

• Processing data evaluation
• Processing time control ("watch dog" function)
• RTC (Real Time Clock) verification
• COR data verification
• Serial data communication checks
• Evaluation of operator interference by the use of the PTU
• Evaluation of the crane's parameter set
• Evaluation of the program circuits (checksum verification)

These tasks are all contained in the software package called the Online BIT-functions. If any of the
checks fail this will lead to an immediate shut down of the system by use of the normal error exit and
indication, see paragraph 5.3.2.

The third software part containing test functions is the Offline BITE package. These functions all
operate in conjunction with the operator communication through the PTU and are described in
paragraph 4.2.5.

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5.3.2 Faults Indicated on Driver's Display

Fault recognised by the Mipeg 2000 system during run-time, will be indicated on the driver's display
by a flashing light in the WARNING and ALARM lamps and an error code in the upper window. The
horn will blow for 10 seconds and overload alarm will be activated.

When the crane driver acknowledges the fault, the fault indications on the driver's display will
disappear and the overload function will be deactivated. If, however, the fault is of a permanent
nature, the same indications will appear over again.

Any fault alarm given will be recorded in the COR together with the information of the driver's
acknowledgement or not. The fault may of course be located in the computer (and be of a major kind,
ref. paragraph 5.3.1 above) or the cabling to the display may be damaged both of which will display a
normal error indication.

The error code will assist the maintenance engineer in locating the fault. Appendix A gives a list of
error codes with the probable fault source(s). When fault tracing, reference should be made into the
technical description where further details may found.

5.3.3 Faults Not Indicated on Driver's Display

Prior to faultfinding on this level, the Mipeg 2000 system should be given a power reset by turning
power off/on. These faults normally fall into the following categories:


"Dead system", Trace the input power through fuses on TR1. If 24 Vdc
a typical power supply problem present check fuse located on the Master II card.
Faults located in the Driver's Display If the error is strictly located to the display unit, error
prohibiting normal error indication. indication by the use of the horn will still be maintained.
If not, reference to paragraph 5.3.1 should be made.
Erratic behaviour, where parts of the If a malfunction is established and no fault found in the
system do not operate properly or as cabling a replacement of the display or cards may be
specified. necessary, see paragraph 6.1.
The system does not follow the input Check the cabling of the switch or eventually replace
switches the Master II card, see paragraph 6.1
Horn or other outputs not functioning. Check the cabling of the item or eventually replace the
Master II card, see paragraph 6.1

Aanderaa Data Instruments Document W-130 H00 246, Date 17.11.2021, Page 44 of 59

Technical description of the main parts

MIPEG 2000 R comprises the following main parts:

Computer Cabinet (6.1)

Driver's Display Unit (6.2)
Sensors (load, moment and boom angle) (6.3)

A technical description of these main parts is given in this section.

6.1 Computer Cabinet

The Computer Cabinet houses the Mipeg computer, UI converters and terminal rows for external cable

The cabinet is sealed to IP66. Dimensions: 380*380*210 mm. Weight: Apr. 15 KGs.

The computer cabinet has been found to comply with the IEC 79-15 1987 standard and has successfully
met the type verification and test requirements of this standard.

There are two fuses in the system:

Supply Location Fuse type

24 Vs Master II Card FA, 1.0 A / 250V - 5*20 mm

24 Vs TR1 - no. 3 FA, 3.15 A / 250V - 5*20 mm



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6.1.1 Master II Card

The computer is built in microprocessor technology located on the Master II card. The Master II card
also contains power, sensor and interface logic. The cards are connected to the terminal rail through
connectors on the cards. These connectors can be split to make a quick replacement of cards.

The Master II card contains the following electronics:

• microprocessor with program memory
• volatile memory used to store the crane's parameter set
• timing circuits
• interface for three S-sensors
• interface for the inclinometer
• DC/DC converter for generation of the galvanic isolated power supply 5V, 12V
• level detection circuits on logic (5V) and input (24V) power,
• power protection circuits
• fuse: 1A/250V - 5*20mm
• battery, See paragraph 5.2.5. Replacement of the Master II card

When replacement of the Master II card is found to be necessary one should always continue with the
same program unless this circuit (EPROM) is proven damaged.

The EPROM containing the program is found in socket U37. To remove this socket inserted
component, gentle insert a small screwdriver under the component and twist until component is free.
Insert carefully onto spare Master II card. Set-up of a new Master II card

Prior to operation of the Mipeg 2000 system, a new Master II card has to be reset with default values
from the system program, the clock has to be set, the ID number should be set, accumulated counter
values and old calibration values should be entered:
• Reset the Prom parameters, ref. paragraph
• Set the RTC, ref. paragraph 4.1.3
• Set the ID number, ref. paragraph
• Do a 'Reset All Counters', ref. paragraph
• Enter old calibration values from the Calibration protocol, ref. paragraph Strap J5 for Safe or Ex i

Due to the use of Zener barriers for Exi systems, the strap J5 on the Master II card has to be set in
different positions for a safe or Ex i.
• SAFE: strap J5 in position towards the crystal
• Ex i : strap J5 in position towards J14

6.1.2 SIP2 Card

The SIP2 card, containing extended interface logic is mounted on the top of the Master II card. There is a
ribbon cable between the cards. Power is distributed on this system bus, as well as logic signals.
Interconnections between the cards are made by the use of card edge jumper cables.

The SIP2 card contains the following electronics:

• parallel IO circuits with optical isolation and converter circuits.
• analogue output circuits
• analogue input circuits
• tacho inputs
• keyboard and display interfaces
• galvanic isolated power circuits 5V, 15V

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6.2 Driver's Display Unit

6.2.1 Introduction

The Mipeg 2000 Driver's Display is a microprocessor controlled display designed for use in harsh

Information is presented by four LCDs and by an analogue needle. All LCDs and the display facia are
backlit by LEDs. The unit incorporates two alarm indicators (LEDs). Information to be visualised on
the display is transmitted from the computer on a serial interface line.

The Display Unit consists of three major parts all housed in an enclosure supplied with a cable
entry through a gland and terminal row:

• A printed circuit board including the front plate and electronic components of the display.
• A push-button panel mounted on the front plate. This panel consists of five push-buttons.
• A connector for the PTU connection mounted on the bottom plate of the enclosure.

The back light can be adjusted if one keep the AUX button pressed and use the TEST button to
change the light intensity. Release the buttons between each setting.

The display is mounted on a bracket fitting which enables the unit to be tilted in both the vertical and
horizontal planes. ‘Silica Gel’ should be included inside the enclosure to prevent condensation of
water on the display front glass.

It is recommended that the Display is serviced by Aanderaa Datainstrument personnel, only.

6.2.2 Mipeg 2000 Driver’s Display Characteristics.

Physical characteristics
Outer size: 225 x 200 x 60 millimetre
Overall weight: Approximately 3 kgs
Housing material: Aluminium given an epoxy resin finish.

Electrical characteristics
Supply Voltage: Nom. 7.5 Vdc
Supply current: Nom. 152 mA

External connections
Two pairs connected to a terminal row.
• DC supply: DD+/-.
• Serial communications line to/ from display: RS485 A/B

Environmental characteristics
Operating/Storage temperature: -20, +40 C
Sealing: to IP65

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6.3 Sensors

MIPEG 2000 sensors are used to measure the following:

• Loads in the hoisting line(s)

• Overturning moment relative to the slewing ring
• Boom inclination relatively to horizontal plane

A technical description of each of the sensors is given in the following paragraphs.

6.3.1 Load Hoist Sensor

The load hoist primary sensor(s) is of S-band type. This primary sensor is MIG-welded to a
suspension part that also carries a pulley for the load sensing. The sensor measures the material
stress in the suspension part, which is proportional to the line load.

The output from the sensor is a frequency signal in the range 350-450 Hz. The resolution is typically
5Hz/tonne for a one fall configuration. The sensor has a two wire power/signal connection and is not
damaged by short or open circuits. The primary sensor may be overloaded 5-10 times the nominal
working range. This is far above the yield strength of the material. The primary sensor is temperature
compensated. The primary sensor is sealed hermetically to SEN431614-k (MIL-STD-883A).

The sensor cover is sealed to protection index IP67. The sensor has been examined against the
requirements of the CENELEC standards EN50 014 and EN50 018 for flameproof enclosures and has
been approved for use in hazardous areas and to bear the marking EEx d IIB T6. The sensor cover
mounted on the sensor with four socket screws. These are tightened with a torque wrench to a torque
of 5 Nm. The flame gap area must be filled with an 'EExd' approved protection matter/grease, e.g. of
mark PBC.

To verify correct/undamaged cabling and sensor, a resistance measurement from the terminal row in
the computer cabinet can be done. Between disconnected cores, the resistance shall be app-
roximately 6 ohms (3 ohms in sensor plus cable). There shall be open circuits between cores and
drain, and between drain and chassis earth.

Pin sensors with temperature sensor included have an extra wire for the temperature resistor. The S-
sensor and the temperature sensor use a common ground wire. The resistance in the temperature
sensor shall be approximately 2200 ohms.

The load hoist sensor(s) has to be replaced as a complete unit.

6.3.2 Boom Angle Sensor

The Boom Angle Sensor is an inclinometer mounted in an EX d enclosure at the boom foot. The
inclinometer gives a voltage output in proportion to the boom angle (BAS+). Voltage supply to the unit
is 12Vdc (BAR+). The Inclinometer has a typical resolution of 30-35 mV/degree boom angle. The
sensor is not damaged by shorts or open circuits.

The unit is manually set to give approximately 4 Volt dc at zero degree boom angle if the unit is
installed facing towards the left hand side of the crane. At minimum radius the voltage will then be
approximately 7 Volts.

If the unit is installed facing towards the right hand side of the crane, it should manually be set to give
approximately 7 Vdc at zero degree boom angle. At minimum radius the voltage would then be
approximately 4 Volts. The output from the sensor can be read by means of a PTU function as
described in Section 4.

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6.3.3 Boom Hoist Sensor (Moment)

The moment sensor is positioned in the boom hoist arrangement. It measures the stresses in the
boom hoisting lines. The overturning moment is calculated by multiplying the measured boom hoist
force with a proportionality factor. This factor is a function of the boom angle, and in MIPEG 2000 this
factor is combined in the moment curves.

The moment primary sensor is of S-band type. The suspension part is different from the one used in
the load hoist sensor, but the description given there applies. The resolution of the moment sensor is
typically 0.1-0.2 Hz/tonne*metre.

The moment sensor has to be replaced as a complete unit.

6.4 Mipeg RSI Digital Display

The Mipeg RSI Display is a microprocessor controlled unit located in the drivers cabin. Information is
presented by use of a 20 characters x 4 lines liquid crystal display. There are four push buttons
available on the display front.

The unit has a four two wire power/signal connection. Nominal voltage: 24 Vdc.

The display unit is sealed to IP54 and certified Ex nC IIC T4 by NEMKO, approval no. Ex 94Y025.

6.3 Speed Sensors

The speed sensor(s) are used to measure the speed and direction of the hoist rope. The encoder
mounted on the main hoist drum. The encoder(s) are connected into the system on the SIP2 card,
connector J21. To change the rope direction, change over no. 1 & 2 for the main line and no. 3 & 4 for
the whip line.

The signal resolution is 100 pulses / revolution. The shaft encoders are sealed to protection index IP65.
Operating temperature: -10 / +40 °C . Weight approx. 1.4 kg.

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CODE Error Explanation, (fault sources & references)

COR battery voltage below 3.0 V.

10 (Replace COR battery, Set Mipeg clock and Reset all counters)
Ref. paragraph 5.2.5 and SAFETY NOTICES

19 Sensor fault, Moment sensor out of range.

(Cabling, sensor, Master II card).

20 Sensor fault, Whip hoist sensor out of range.

(Cabling, sensor, Master II card)

21 Sensor fault, Main Hoist sensor out of range.

(Cabling, sensor, Master II card).

23 Sensor fault, Inclinometer out of range.

(Cabling, sensor, Master II card).

25 Computer fault, Initializing error. (Master II card).

28 Computer fault, SWL-parameter error. (Master II card).

30 Computer fault, EEPROM/RTC read/write error (Master II Card)

31 Computer fault, EEPROM overflow (Master II Card)

32 COR overflow, Prohibited to proceed, See 5.2.1.

50 Crane identity does not correspond to parameter set.

51 Both or none of the Main and Whip inputs selected.

9509 No communication between the computer cabinet and the display.

or (Cabling, Display, Master II Card)

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Cranes: Stothert & Pitt OS200 (Kenz upgrade) Ninian (NCS & NSE)

Part Name Part no.

Master II Card DI-130 P01 001.R
COR Battery DI-130 P01 001.b1
SIP2 Card DI-123 P01 008


Display Box/Front DI-130 P02 000
Mounting Bracket DI-130 P02 005
PTU-Connecting Cable DI-130 P02 006


Digital Display DI-122 P02 001
Display Mounting Bracket DI-122 P02 003

Main Hoist Sensor (NSP-East) DI-112 P01 291
Main Hoist Sensor (NCP-South) (New 2021) DI-112 P01 059
Moment Sensor (Removed from both cranes) DI-112 P01 169
Boom Angle Sensor DI-124 P05 000
Rope Speed Indicator, 2RHI 100 pulses Encoder DI-124 P03 003


S - 123 B01 001 Block Schematic, Master II card

A-130 M02 000 General Assembly, Mipeg 2000 Driver's Display

A-112 M01 291 General Assembly, Main Hoist Sensor (NSP-East)
A-112 M01 083 General Assembly, Main Hoist Sensor (NCP-South)
A-112 M01 160 General Assembly, Moment Sensor (Removed)
1-124 M05 000 General Assembly, Inclinometer


MIPEG Part Marking Certificate no.

Load Sensor: EEx d IIB T6 SP Ex 88602X (NSP-East)

Main Hoist Sensor: Ex II 2 G Ex d IIB T6 Gb Presafe 16 ATEX 7889 X
Ex d IIB T6 Gb IECEx PRE 16.0014X

Inclinometer EEx d IIB T6 NEMKO 85.032X

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Cranes: Stothert & Pitt OS200 (Kenz upgrade) Ninian (NCS & NSE)

The following test loads/data are recommended for calibration:

No. Cal. Cal. at:

Sensor of Falls Point ( Degrees Test value

Inclinometer - 0 30 No test load

1 80

0 45 0 Tonnes
Main Hoist 1 1 45 12 Tonnes

0 45 0 Tonnes
Main Hoist 2 1 60 24 Tonnes

0 45 0 Tonnes
Main Hoist 3 1 75 35.4 Tonnes

Pulley comp. - 0 - Weight parameter

Main sensor 1 Angle – max. Value

Max. Angle Limits - 0 - Max. Angle on (deg)

1 Max. Angle off(deg)

Min. Angle Limits - 0 - Min. Angle on (deg)

1 Min. Angle off(deg)

Aanderaa Data Instruments Document W-130 H00 246, Date 17.11.2021, Page 52 of 59
Cranes: Stothert & Pitt OS200 (Kenz upgrade) Ninian (NCS & NSE)

Owners Name Code: ID No.: .

Calibrated - Date/Sign.:____________________________________________

No. of
Sensor Falls Point Output Value

Boom Angle/ - 0 V Degrees

Inclinometer 1 V Degrees

0 Hz Tonnes

Load Hoist, 1 1 Hz Tonnes

Main 2 Hz Tonnes

0 Hz Tonnes

Load Hoist, 2 1 Hz Tonnes

Main 2 Hz Tonnes

0 Hz Tonnes

Load Hoist, 3 1 Hz Tonnes

Main 2 Hz Tonnes

Pulley Comp. Main Tonnes Degrees

Max . Angle Limit - - Degrees

Min. Angle Limit - - Degrees

Aanderaa Data Instruments Document W-130 H00 246, Date 17.11.2021, Page 53 of 59

Cranes: Stothert & Pitt OS200 (Kenz upgrade) Ninian (NCS & NSE)

CRANE:______________________________ Date/Sign: _____________________

MAIN MENU Default:

Set Anti Two (Read from Sensors: yes/no) -

Buzzer (yes/no) No

Backlight (1/2/3) 1

BarGraph (yes/no) Yes


# Studs: 100

# Turn1: 0.0

# Turn2: 0.0

Dia.Whl: (mm) 500

Dia.Rope: (mm) 0

RopeWgt: (kgs/100m) 0

Corr1X: (m) 0.0

Corr1Y: (m) 0.0

Measure unit (m/min / m/s / ft/s) m/s


Rope Spd: 05.00

AntiTwo: (mm) 200

Rope End (Read from Sensors: yes/no) 1000

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Cranes: Stothert & Pitt OS200 (Kenz upgrade) Ninian (NCS & NSE)

RADIUS = Distance from Centre of Gravity to Jib Pin (+ Sheave radius for whip)
+ Boom Length * cos(@) + Offset Centreline * sin(@)

RADIUS for Main line = 2.2 + 54.9 * cos(@) + 0.4 * sin(@)

Main Main
1 fall 2or> falls
Boom lengths: 54.86 m 54.86 m
Angle Radius Radius
0 57.2 57
5 57.1 56.8
10 56.5 56.2
15 55.5 55.2
20 54.1 53.8
25 52.3 52
30 50.1 49.9
35 47.6 47.3
40 44.7 44.4
45 41.5 41.2
50 38 37.7
55 34.2 33.9
60 30.2 29.9
65 25.9 25.7
70 21.5 21.3
75 17 16.7
80 12.3 12.1
85 7.6 7.3
90 2.8 2.5


Removed Moment-sensor on NSP East crane & NCP South crane.
There are no moment sensors included in these systems. The moment will be calculated as load x radius
and added to the contribution from the dead weight of the boom. The calculated moment values for each lift
will be recorded in the COR memory.

Aanderaa Data Instruments Document W-130 H00 246, Date 17.11.2021, Page 55 of 59

Cranes: Stothert & Pitt OS200 (Kenz upgrade) Ninian (NCS & NSE)
Crane specifications
LOAD SENSORS: Main Line – 1, 2 & 3 Falls




J22-1 OUT#0 : 110% SWL-Horn
J22-2 OUT#1 : 110% SWL-BOI
J22-5 OUT#4 : 1 FALL
J22-6 OUT#5 : 2 FALLS
J22-7 OUT#6 : 100% MOMENT
J22-8 OUT#7 : DECK/SEA


J23-11 INP#1 : Spare
J22-12 INP#2 : Spare
J22-13 INP#3 : MAN RIDING (Not in use)
J22-14 INP#3 : ID-KEY (see note below)


J21-7 ANOUT#1 : 0-100% ROPE TENSION / 0-10V)
J21-8 ANOUT#2 : 0-100% SWL / 0-10V)
J21-9 ANOUT#3 : 0-100% MOMENT / 0-10V)

MIPEG 2000 Recording System

LOAD CASE: PLF, 2, 4, 6 (Beaufort)
UNITS: Radius in Metre, Load in Tonnes
ENCODER: 2RHI - 100 pulses


An ID code could be used to identify the crane drivers. Each crane driver should have an ID key and his
own dedicated four digit code.

When the crane driver uses the ID key on the computer cabinet, he will be asked to key in an 'ID code' on
the RSI display. Follow the instructions on the RSI display. The ID code and time will be recorded in the
COR memory. The crane driver should remove the ID key when he is leaving the crane. If the ID key is
not used, the default value (0000) will be recorded in the COR.

GOP Test
See Setting Auxiliary Display GOP Test

NCP South Crane: Test-factor for GOP-test A. 2.5 – Load

Test-factor for GOP-test B. 1.5 – SWL Analog out J21-8

NSP East Crane: Test-factor for GOP-test A. 5.0 – Load

No GOP-test B.

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Cranes: Stothert & Pitt OS200 (Kenz upgrade) Ninian (NCS & NSE)

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Cranes: Stothert & Pitt OS200 (Kenz upgrade) Ninian (NCS & NSE)

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