Influence of Mineral Nutrients On Strawberry Fruit Quality and Their Accumulation in Plant Organs-2

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International Journal of Fruit Science

ISSN: 1553-8362 (Print) 1553-8621 (Online) Journal homepage:

Influence of Mineral Nutrients on Strawberry Fruit

Quality and Their Accumulation in Plant Organs

R. Nestby , F. Lieten , D. Pivot , C. Raynal Lacroix & M. Tagliavini

To cite this article: R. Nestby , F. Lieten , D. Pivot , C. Raynal Lacroix & M. Tagliavini (2005)
Influence of Mineral Nutrients on Strawberry Fruit Quality and Their Accumulation in Plant
Organs, International Journal of Fruit Science, 5:1, 139-156, DOI: 10.1300/J492v05n01_13

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Influence of Mineral Nutrients
on Strawberry Fruit Quality and Their
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Accumulation in Plant Organs:

A Review
R. Nestby
F. Lieten
D. Pivot
C. Raynal Lacroix
M. Tagliavini

ABSTRACT. This review is based partly on complete articles and

partly on abstracts. Three of the 60 articles deal with the total uptake of
elements in strawberry plant organs in two different strawberry produc-
tion systems, both considered as optimal concerning amount and bal-
ance of elements. The effect on fruit quality may be dramatic if the level
of a particular element is outside this range, but there may also be effects
initiated by differences within the optimal range of elements. Most arti-
cles refer to product oriented quality, but some focus on consumer ori-

R. Nestby is Researcher at the Norwegian Crop Research Institute, Kvithamar Re-

search Centre, 7500 Stjoerdal, Norway (E-mail: [email protected]).
F. Lieten is Researcher at the National Research Centre for Strawberries,
Proefbedrijf Noorderkempen, Voort 71, 2238 Meerle, Belgium (E-mail: PDN@
D. Pivot is Researcher at Station fédérale de recherches en production végétale de
Changins, Centre des Fougères, 1964 Conthey, Switzerland (E-mail: Dominique.
[email protected]).
C. Raynal Lacroix is Researcher at the CTIFL Centre de lanxade, 24130 Prigonrieux,
France (E-mail: [email protected]).
M. Tagliavini is Researcher at the University of Bologna, Dipartimento Colture
Arboree, viale Fanin 46, 40125 Bologna, Italy (E-mail: [email protected]).
International Journal of Fruit Science, Vol. 5(1) 2005
Available online at
 2005 by The Haworth Press, Inc. All rights reserved.
doi:10.1300/J492v05n01_13 139

ented quality, as discussed by Shewfelt (1999). The discussion here is on

a general basis, so one should keep in mind that there are cultivar differ-
ences and that specification of nutrition ideally should mirror the needs
of a single cultivar, or a group of cultivars with similar requirements.
Also, to get a complete understanding of the subject future reviews
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should embrace a broader access of information including the effect on

plant development of individual elements, such as the role of calcium in
fruit firmness and its importance in cell wall structure. However, the
intention here is to narrow the information to results that suggest a di-
rect connection between nutrient uptake and fruit quality. [Article cop-
ies available for a fee from The Haworth Document Delivery Service: 1-800-
HAWORTH. E-mail address: <[email protected]> Website: <http://>  2005 by The Haworth Press, Inc. All rights reserved.]

KEYWORDS. Nitrogen, potassium, phosphorous, boron, calcium, magne-

sium, zinc, copper, iron, manganese, molybdenum, Fragaria ananassa


It may be anticipated that a direct or indirect effect on fruit quality has

been reported for most nutrients. The problem is to decide the critical
and optimum levels of any element or which element interactions are
consequential for the development of fruit quality (Tagliavini et al.,
2000b). More N, P, K and B are accumulated in the harvested fruit than
in other plant organs, and after midseason nearly all N, P, K, Mg, Zn and
B is accumulated in the fruit, indicating that at least these elements are
important for fruit quality. Calcium is considered important for fruit
firmness, in spite the fact that most Ca accumulates in plant organs other
than the fruits (Albregts and Howard, 1978 and 1980; Lieten and
Misotten, 1997). In the following review we will discuss the effects of
individual elements and their interaction on fruit quality.


Effect on Fruit Firmness

It has been documented for many years that nitrogen (N) fertilization
influences fruit quality. Shoemaker and Greve (1930) showed that
Nestby et al. 141

strawberries fertilized with 280 kg ha⫺1 of ammonium sulfate (equiva-

lent to 58.8 kg N ha⫺1) in the spring of the fruiting year, were slightly
less firm than unfertilized strawberries, an effect that was confirmed by
others (Overholser and Claypool, 1932; Miner et al., 1997; Neuweiler,
1997). However, Darrow (1931) showed that fruits from plots fertilized
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with N were a little firmer than fruits from plots receiving no extra N. In
general, plants with low or moderate vegetative growth tend to have
firmer fruits. In contradiction to these results Cochran and Webster
(1931), Webster and Gray (1937) and Haut et al. (1935) found no influ-
ence of N on fruit firmness. Bell and Downs (1961) obtained no benefi-
cial or detrimental effect from spring application of 17 and 34 kg N ha⫺1
in the form of urea or ammonium nitrate, in plants adequately fertilized
the year before.

Effect on Fruit Size

Nitrogen applied in spring resulted in larger fruits, especially in the

latter part of the picking season (Schoemaker and Greve, 1930). This
was confirmed by Kongsrud (1988) who showed that yield and fruit
size increased in ‘Bounty’ strawberry when 90 kg N ha⫺1 was broad-
cast, half in the spring and half in the autumn of the fruiting years.
Yoshida et al. (1991) showed that 100 kg N ha⫺1 raised the number of
flowers on first inflorescences. However, fruit malformation and a
higher number of small fruits (< 2.0 g) occurred in fertilized plants re-
sulting in reduced yield. Gariglio et al. (2000) found that applying 53 kg
N ha⫺1 increased strawberry yield. The response was due to an increase
in fruit number, but not in fruit weight. Kopanski and Kaweci (1994)
showed that N application of 90 kg N ha⫺1 decreased fruit mean weight.
In everbearing strawberries, Burgess (1997) showed that application of
40 kg ha⫺1 of N, improved fruit size.

Effect on Pests and Fruit Disorders

Spring application of N increased the degree of fruit rotting (Baker,

1932). Later Vaughn et al. (1954) and Roberts and Mellenthin (1959)
found that an application of excessive N increased red stele develop-
ment, which in turn had an indirect effect on fruit quality. Kirsch (1959)
reported that spring application of N raised the amount of cull fruit.
Yoshida (1992) showed that high N applied at the beginning of October
increased the number of pistil rows in the flower, indicating a potential
for larger fruits. High N also increased the time between differentiation

of the proximal and distal ovaries by up to 30 days, and fruit malforma-

tion was severe. However, if N was applied after sepal differentiation
(10 November) fruit malformation was reduced.
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Effect on Fruit Chemical Components

It has been reported that low N rates cause, in the first and second sea-
son, only small increases in plant growth and yield, while higher rates
caused marked reductions in both plant growth and yield; probably be-
cause of high levels of ammonium and soluble salts in the soil during
spring in the first season. However, increasing rates of N raised concen-
trations of alpha-amino acid-N and tended to raise concentrations of
polyphenols and reduce those of ascorbic acid. The effect of N applica-
tions on titratable acidity and sugar content of fruit are inconsistent and
vary from year to year (Haynes and Goh, 1987).
Miner et al. (1997) examined the effect of autumn banded and spring
fertigated applied N on ‘Chandler’ strawberry on light soils (banded up
to 67 kg N ha⫺1 and fertigated up to 0.75 kg ha⫺1 day⫺1, and up to 1.12
kg ha⫺1 day⫺1 in 1992 and 1993, respectively). Marketable yield maxi-
mized with total N at 120 kg ha⫺1, one half banded in the autumn and
the remainder drip applied in the spring. Fruit pH and concentrations of
total acids and soluble solids were not affected by N treatments, but sol-
uble solids increased as the harvest season progressed. Kopanski and
Kaweci (1994) showed that N application of 90 kg N ha⫺1 increased
fruit dry weight and vitamin C content of ‘Dukat’ and ‘Senga Sengana’
strawberries. The effect of N on the content of organic acids and total
sugars was inconsistent. Nestby (1998) showed as an average of two
years, that the content of sucrose, glucose and fructose in the fruits of
‘Korona’ and ‘Bounty’ strawberries, increased when N was fertigated
with NO3-N levels up to 124 kg ha⫺1, starting 4 weeks before harvest
and ending in week 2 of the harvest period. From a survey in south It-
aly (Lacertosa et al., 1999), it appears that acid and sugar concentra-
tions were inversely correlated with the content of nitrogen in the fruits,
indicating that proper N fertilizer application could be effective in im-
proving fruit quality.
Hennion et al. (1999) tested N application by drip irrigation in spring.
Whereas conventional physical and chemical analysis did not show any
difference between the various fertilization systems, sensory analyses
revealed significant differences in aroma and flavor, which were im-
proved by the highest fertilization rate.
Nestby et al. 143

Liquid NH4 compared with ammonium nitrate reduced the soil ni-
trate content and the nitrate content in leaching water, without affecting
yield and fruit quality in ‘Tenira’ strawberry or reducing carbohydrate
synthesis. Plants given 40 kg N ha⫺1 as liquid NH4 fertilizer had slightly
higher carbohydrate contents than those given ammonium nitrate, while
Downloaded by [Universidad Autonoma de Chapingo] at 15:43 16 March 2016

carbohydrate content decreased by doubling liquid NH4 fertilization

(Kreusel et al., 1998). For everbearers Burgess (1997) could not detect
any influences on flavor using up to 80 kg ha⫺1 of N.
The conclusion of Yoshida et al. (2002) was that anthocyanin synthe-
sis in strawberry fruits may be reduced by N deficiency.

Effect on Shipping Quality

There have been some investigations on the effect of N on shipping

quality. Schoemaker and Greve (1930) found that a spring application
of 280 kg ha⫺1 of ammonium sulphate (58.8 kg N) in the fruiting year
had no effect upon shipping quality, even though the spring application
resulted in slightly softer fruits. N applications often adversely affect
quality indirectly rather than directly. Nitrogen, especially if applied in
the spring, has a tendency to increase leaf number and area, thus making
conditions more favorable for the growth of mold organisms in the field
and subsequently in transit (Darrow, 1931; Darrow and Waldo, 1932).
Lineberry and Mann (1935) found that the most marked effect of spring
applications of quickly available N was on the keeping quality of straw-
berries (Table 1). By transporting the fruit in a truck for five hours, plac-
ing them in a cool basement overnight and again transporting them for 5
hours, they found that spring N had a definite deleterious effect upon
shipping quality. There was a tendency of N being more detrimental if it
was applied as nitrate rather than as ammonium. When a mixture con-
taining some organic N was used rather than a complete inorganic fertil-
izer, the fruit remained firm longer. The reduction in shelf-life as a
result of high N was confirmed by Neuweiler (1997) and Burgess


Experiments of Lamarre and Lareau (1997) showed that magnesium

(Mg) applications increased fruit size in one of three years for ‘Tribute’.
According to Ulrich et al. (1980) fruit of Mg deficient plants appears
nearly normal, except for a lighter red color and a tendency to albinism.

TABLE 1. Effect of spring application of sodium nitrate or ammonium sulfate on

strawberries grown on Norfolk fine sandy loam on yield, percentage picked 1
May (% P) and percentage of good strawberries at end of the third day, when
subjected to shipping conditions in five tests at different dates in May (% GS)
1993 (Adapted from Lineberry and Mann, 1935).
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NaNO3 Yield %P % GS at different days in May Mean

kg ha⫺1 9 10 12 13 18
None 4282 54.4 56.4 70.9 35.0 54.9 61.1 55.6
112 6033 41.8 35.5 64.1 10.0 11.0 11.7 26.4
224 4976 29.0 15.6 23.7 00.0 11.0 12.1 12.5

None 5612 56.2 56.8 72.9 78.2 60.0 40.0 61.6
80 7258 47.3 23.5 64.4 46.1 28.0 28.5 38.1
160 6734 42.7 15.9 49.3 05.0 11.0 00.0 16.2

The effects of phosphorus (P) on fruit quality have received little at-
tention. Haut et al. (1935) found that P had no effect upon fruit firmness,
while Ulrich et al. (1980) concluded that flowers and fruits of P defi-
cient plants tend to be smaller than normal, while fruit of susceptible
cultivars occasionally develops albinism.


In the early stages of potassium (K) deficiency, the fruits of the

cultivars ‘Klondike’ and ‘Blakemore’ had a normal external appear-
ance, but many ripe ‘Klondike’ fruits had dead calyces (Lineberry and
Burkhart, 1943). In more advanced stages of K deficiency the wilting
and drying up of pedicles and peduncles resulted in the shrivelling of
fruits. Application of K increased concentrations of leaf K and de-
creased those of Mg and Ca, while it had no effect on the chemical char-
acteristics of fruit quality (Haynes and Goh, 1987). Miner et al. (1997)
showed for ‘Chandler’ strawberry grown on light soils, no response to
spring drip-applied K up to 2.24 kg ha⫺1 day⫺1, on fruit firmness, pH,
concentration of total acids and soluble solids; broadcast and soil incor-
Nestby et al. 145

porated autumn applied K met the K requirements. Increasing levels of

K up to 1.4 kg ha⫺1 day⫺1 in plasticulture on light soil, reduced the fruit
size of ‘Oso Grande’, while fruits of ‘Seascape’ increased in size at the
lowest levels of K but then decreased. The amount of cull fruit was not
influenced and there was no effect on fruit firmness. As a sum of two
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years, 50 kg K ha⫺1 was enough to support the strawberry cultivars

(Albregts et al., 1996). In a soilless closed system with a recycled nutri-
ent solution, an excessive uptake of potassium reduced the fruit quality
by lowering sugar content (Pivot and Gillioz, 2001). According to
Ulrich et al. (1980) fruit fails to develop full color in K deficient plants,
is pulpy in texture, and insipid to taste.


Boron (B) is an essential element for all vascular plants. It plays a

role in carbohydrate and RNA metabolism and prevents phenolic
accumulation which inhibits auxin activity (Shkolnik, 1974). Sev-
eral investigators have recorded the influence of B on pollen germi-
nation and fruit set (Guttridge and Turnbull, 1975; Visser, 1955; Vasil,
1964; Ulrich et al., 1980).
Johanson (1963) reported blasting of flowers and distorted fruits in B
deficient strawberry plants, and Willis (1945) found that some USDA
strawberry selections being tested in North Carolina had a tendency to
produce fascinated fruits, a disorder that could be prevented by apply-
ing a B fertilizer. Cheng (1994) showed that vitamin C content of ‘Red-
coat’ strawberry grown on light soil deficient of B, increased linearly
with B application rates of 0 to 8 kg ha⫺1 and sugar for rates up to 4 kg
ha⫺1. Lieten (2000b) showed that a nutrient solution without boron pro-
duced a strongly reduced number of fruits and a high percentage mal-
formed fruit.


Fruits of calcium (Ca) deficient plants of the cultivars ‘Klondike’ and

‘Blakemore’ where much deformed while still green and were still
small when ripe (Lineberry and Burkhart, 1943). According to Ulrich et
al. (1980) Ca-deficient fruit develops a dense cover of achenes either in
patches or over the entire fruit; it is hard in texture and acid to the taste.
Sprays of calcium using CALHARD R (200 ppm Ca2+ chelated with

carboxylic acids) once a week, with solution volume of 20 m3/ha in-

creased fruit firmness. The skin puncture force of Ca-treated fruits was
higher than in control fruits, as were the contents of Ca and ascorbic
acid. Calcium treatments reduced the content of water soluble pectin
(WSP) and increased hydrochloric acid soluble pectin (HSP). After
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storage at 20°C for 2 days, WSP increased whereas HSP strongly de-
creased (Naphun et al., 2000). Recently Jeong et al. (2001) showed that
the content of Ca on a dry weight basis had to be higher than 1.1% in the
above ground plant organs, to increase dry matter production of the
strawberry. High Ca fertilization caused lower fruit acidity, regardless
of the cultivar, and high Ca and over fertilization played a part in the
loss of visual fruit quality after harvest (Raynal and Carmentran, 2001).
Strawberries grown at high salinity reacted negatively with reduced
growth, yield and fruit size and soluble dry matter; supplementary Ca
restored the detrimental effect of high salt (Kaya et al., 2002).


Copper (Cu) is in comparison with other micro-elements of minor

importance to strawberries. It plays a role in fixation of nitrogen, the
uptake of calcium and is an important constituent of chloroplasts (Berg-
man, 1993).
Leaf blades with less than 3 ppm of Cu on dry basis are copper defi-
cient; no specific symptoms of deficiency were observed on fruit of
strawberry (Ulrich et al., 1980). For ‘Elsanta’ grown on perlite, in-
creased Cu concentrations had no significant effect on pollen germina-
tion, fruit set, fruit size and subsequent yield, and a nutrient solution
containing 0.5 µmol Cu per liter was sufficient to obtain satisfactory
growth and fruit quality. At the beginning of harvest, 36% of the Cu in
the plants was located in the roots, 32% in the crowns, 17% in crowns
and leaves and 1.5% in fruits (Lieten, 1996, 1997).


According to Ulrich et al. (1980) iron (Fe) deficiency which appears

at levels lower than 40 ppm in leaf dry matter, has little effect on fruit.
However, according to Lieten (2000c) iron deficiency reduced yield
and fruit size and caused fruit abortion. A concentration of 10 µmol Fe
per liter in the nutrient solution is the minimum level to maintain accept-
Nestby et al. 147

able vegetative and reproductive development of ‘Elsanta’ strawberries

grown in peat bags. However, to avoid any risk of Fe deficiency a rate of
20 µmol Fe per liter of nutrient solution is recommended.
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Except for a decrease in fruit size, manganese (Mn) deficiency has no

appreciable effect on fruit appearance or quality. Leaf blades with less
than 25 ppm Mn on dry weight basis are considered to indicate defi-
ciency range (Ulrich et al., 1980).


A leaf blade value of molybdenum (Mo) of less than 0.4 ppm on a dry
weight basis, will indicate deficiency; but neither fruit size nor quality is
affected appreciably by a mild deficiency of Mo (Ulrich et al., 1980).
However, it is shown that vitamin C and sugar content increase linearly
with Mo application rates up to 8 kg/ha for ‘Redcoat’ strawberry grown
on light soil, deficient in Mo (Cheng, 1994).


High rates of soluble silicon (Si) in the water source or nutrient solu-
tion can enhance albinism in ‘Elsanta’ strawberries, and concentrations
above 0.55 µmol/liter are considered critical. Albino fruits show a
patchy pink and sometimes totally white appearance; they are also often
swollen and seedy. Such fruits are lacking in taste and do not store very
long (Lieten, 1995; Lieten et al., 2000).


Zinc (Zn) plays an important role in the regulation of protein syn-

thesis (Kessler 1961) and prevents phenolic accumulation, which in-
hibits auxin activity (Bergman, 1993). It is one of the most important
micro-components in flowers and fruits of strawberries (Lieten and
Misotten, 1993). Zn deficiency can reduce anther development and pol-
len tube growth (Visser, 1955; Guttridge and Turnbull, 1975).

For most strawberry cultivars deficiency is associated with Zn levels

lower than 20 ppm in the leaflets. Under deficiency conditions, fruit size
appears normal although number and size of fruit are reduced (Ulrich et
al., 1977 and Lott, 1996). In ‘Elsanta’ strawberry grown in rock wool, a
Zn concentration lower than 5 µmol/liter in the nutrient solution corre-
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sponded to leaf values lower than 20 ppm and were associated with Zn
deficiency (Lieten, 1997). Such values resulted in reduced yield, pollen
germination, fruit set and fruit size. The results indicate that the range of
Zn concentration in a nutrient solution, for satisfactory growth and fruit
quality of ‘Elsanta’ strawberries grown on rock wool, appears to be be-
tween 5 and 15 µmol/liter. Later Lieten (2000d) showed that optimum
growth, yield and fruit set of ‘Elsanta’ grown on peat bags, were associ-
ated with a concentration of 7.5 to 10 µmol/liter in the nutrient solution.
A Zn concentration above 30 µmol/liter induced Zn toxicity and Fe defi-
ciency symptoms, which resulted in lower yields and increased fruit



As shown in experiments with several combinations of nutrients,

fruit quality can be maximized in plants receiving a combination of N, P
and K (Pal and Pandey, 1986). Similar results were obtained by Luang-
prasert (1996), who showed that combined soil application of NPK fer-
tilizer (13-13-21 and 15-15-15) at 25 g/plant per month and foliar
fertilizer or seaweed extract, increased fruit size over sole (15-15-15) fer-
tilizer treatment; fruit sugar content was not affected by any treatment.
The greatest marketable fruit yield of the strawberry cultivar ‘Fern’
in soilless culture, was obtained with the control solution which had an
electrical conductivity (EC) of 900 µS/cm, a K:(Ca + Mg) ratio of 0.73
and NO3 as N source. Reducing the K:(Ca + Mg) ratio to 1:5 reduced
fruit acidity. Increasing EC to 2150 µS/cm reduced N uptake from the
solution and increased fruit acidity (Raynal et al., 1992). In a soilless
closed system, the recommended ionic balance of K/Ca of 0.85 in the
nutrient solution was difficult to maintain, because of a high consump-
tion of potassium and a low consumption of calcium. This resulted in a
high K/Ca ratio in the fruit and low fruit quality because of a low
content of sugars (Pivot and Gillioz, 2001).
A low nutrient status during the first period of flower differentiation
favored floral initiation and increased yield, but a low nutrient status
Nestby et al. 149

during the differentiation of the primary flower bud enhanced phyllody-

like symptoms (Lieten, 2000a).


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The elemental composition of plant and fruits of three strawberry

clones from planting and through three and a half month harvest season
from January to late April was examined by Albregts and Howard
(1978, 1980). They found that most of the elemental accumulation oc-
curred after the plant began to fruit. From that stage on some accumula-
tion occurred in the tissues of the plant, demonstrated by an increase in
average dry weight from 15.4 g at first fruiting to 27.1 g at the end of
harvest season, and some in the harvested fruit. More N, P, K and B ac-
cumulated in the harvested fruit than in tissues of the plant. After middle
of the harvest season (midseason), nearly all of the N, P, K, Mg, Zn and
B accumulated in the harvested fruit. The total Ca accumulation dou-
bled and the total K accumulation almost doubled between midseason
and end of harvest, with Ca accumulating mostly in plant organs other
than the fruit, and K accumulating mostly in the harvested fruit. The
content in different plant organs and fruit at the end of the harvest
season, are shown in Table 2.
The data in Table 2 are averages of three genotypes, and the investi-
gation revealed clear differences in nutrient accumulation, mainly ac-
counted for by partitioning to fruits. By comparing any normal yield
with the data of Table 2, an estimate of the amount removed from the
specific field, or the amount that has to be applied to the crop, can be
Later Lieten and Misotten (1993) investigated nutrient uptake by the
strawberry ‘Elsanta’ grown in bags during a spring culture in plastic
tunnel with beginning and end of fruit harvest 2 May and 10 June, re-
spectively. The amount of nutrients exported to plant organs are sum-
marized in Table 3. It is interesting to observe that for each micro-
nutrient, there is a strong correlation between accumulation at end of
harvest, reported by the two research groups; except for K, which was
higher in the report by Lieten and Misotten (1993) compared to
Albregts and Howard (1978, 1980). However, the accumulation of
micronutrients differed substantially, especially for iron and manga-
nese. In an open field experiment in Cesena, Italy, planted in July using
frigo plants (quality A), accumulation of nutrients (not tabulated here)
was on a similar level as reported by Albregts and Howard (1978, 1980)

TABLE 2. Accumulation of elements in plant organs at end of harvest season

(2 seasons data except for Mn) as an average of three genotypes. The table
combines results from different tables presented by Albregts and Howard
(1978, 1980).
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Plant organs Element accumulation Element accumulation Yield

kg/ha g/ha kg/ha
N P K Ca Mg Fe Zn Mn B
Roots and crowns 5.2 0.8 3.4 5.7 1.2 164 29 27 9
Petioles 2.5 0.6 7.1 3.0 0.7 17 6 6 4
Leaves 14.4 1.5 8.7 9.2 1.8 69 12 43 11
Flower and Stalk 0.8 0.2 1.0 0.4 0.1 5 1 3 1
Dead Foliage 5.1 0.8 2.0 9.6 1.1 132 8 36 11
Fruita 1.7 0.4 2.1 0.7 0.2 7 2 3 1
Fruitb 31.3 5.6 40.5 3.9 3.1 86.4 34.5 47.3 44.1 29,898
Calyx 372
Sum 61.0 9.9 64.8 32.5 8.2 480.4 92.5 165.3 81.1 30,270
a All unharvested fruit
b All harvested fruit

TABLE 3. Accumulation of elements in plant organs at end of harvest season

for ‘Elsanta’ as reported by Lieten and Misotten (1993), with adjustments to the
level of fruit yield (A&H) reported by Albregts and Howard (1978, 1980). The ta-
ble combines results from different tables presented by Lieten and Misotten

Plant organ Element accumulation Element accumulation Yield

kg/ha g/ha kg/ha
N P K Ca Mg Fe Zn Mn B
Fruit 62.3 7.7 110.9 3.8 3.5 404 43 191 69 59,450
Other plant organ 34.4 10.0 47.9 52.3 10.3 4656 105 1247 256
Sum 125.5 17.7 158.8 56.1 13.8 5060 148 1438 325 59,450
Adjusted to A&H 63.9 9.0 80.9 28.6 7.0 2576 75 732 165 30,270

and Lieten and Misotten (1993). However, the level of Ca, Mg, Fe and
Mn was higher than reported by Albregts and Howard (1978, 1980),
while the level of Fe was on the same level as reported by Lieten and
Misotten (1993). Some of this may be explained by a soil pH of 8.0, and
a foliar spray applied to correct Fe deficiency symptoms.
Nestby et al. 151

These results indicate that cultivated strawberries of different geno-

types do not differ much in the amount of an element taken up, although
soil type and cultivation system may affect it. For the micro-ele-
ments there was less correlation, possibly because of the differences
in availability of nutrients in the three production systems (Albregts and
Downloaded by [Universidad Autonoma de Chapingo] at 15:43 16 March 2016

Howard, 1978, 1980). In one instance strawberries were produced in the

field, fertilizing each year with a N, P, K fertilizer in the spring and a
balanced nutrient mixture each September while Lieten and Misotten
(1993) used a fertigation system, optimizing the nutrients on a daily ba-
sis and Tagliavini et al. (2000) conducted their experiment at an ex-
tremely high soil pH. In all cases the estimates of uptake are calculated
at the end of harvest season.
Albregts and Howard (1978,1980) and Lieten and Misotten (1993)
have discussed the uptake of mineral elements in the period from plant-
ing of small plants until the end of harvest of Junebearing strawberries.
Often under field production the plants are kept for several production
periods, attained either by manipulating the day length or by utiliz-
ing the natural seasonal changes of day length and temperature. The
uptake of nutrients between the end of harvest and a new growing
and harvesting season is important for the total picture of elemental
uptake of the strawberry. This period in the life of the plant includes
important processes taking place in the autumn, or under artificial re-
duction of day length, such as flower initiation and development, and
structural changes in cell wall and plasma membranes and the build up
of nutritional reserves to prepare for environmental stresses.


The collective analysis of past published reports shows that nitrogen

is the nutrient most related to fruit quality (Table 4). There are both pos-
itive and negative effects of N application and papers from the literature
cited show extremely variable effects of spring N on fruiting strawber-
ries. Depending on the total level of available N, a spring application of
N may have a definite undesirable effect on fruit quality characters such
as firmness and size and content of sugar, vitamin C, aroma, color and
on sensory analyses. However, on light soils spring N supply generally
results in favorable effects, but one has to be careful to avoid excessive
growth in the spring, which especially in wet seasons will promote rot-
ting, softer fruit and reduce the shipping quality. High N application late
in the autumn may increase malformation of fruits.

TABLE 4. Number of articles in this review indicating negative, neutral or posi-

tive (x-x-x) effect on fruit quality of elements at levels optimal for yield and

Effect Elements
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N P K Mg Ca Fe Zn Mn B Mo Cu Si
x-x-x 16-7-8 1-1-0 2-2-2 2-0-0 5-0-1 1-1-0 3-0-0 1-0-0 8-0-0 1-1-0 0-2-1 0-0-1
Total 31 2 6 2 6 3 2 1 8 2 3 1

It is reported that applied N at levels exceeding the optimal uptake for

production of yield and development of fruit size, may have positive ef-
fects on fruit quality. This is not necessarily in conflict with the accumu-
lated levels at the end of harvest reported by Albregts and Howard
(1978 and 1980), Lieten and Misotten (1993) and Tagliavini et al.
(2000), since the accumulated uptake for a whole season is higher. Also,
some of the applied N will leach and will not be accessible to the plant.
The optimal levels for uptake as suggested here, may therefore be rec-
ommended also for the desired development of fruit quality.
Better methods to decide the requirement of nitrogen at different de-
velopmental stages of the strawberry would help to reduce the uncer-
tainty of time and amount of nitrogen application. Reports of Raynal-
Lacroix et al. (1999) and Raynal-Lacroix and Abarza (2000a, 2000b)
show promising results using the petiole sap nitrate test method, to give
a precise determination of nitrogen requirement at different develop-
mental stages of strawberry cultivars. This tool could simplify and im-
prove the decision making of N application.
Potassium deficient plants may give shrivelled fruits, because of the
drying up of pedicles and peduncles, and the browning of the calyxes.
Potassium also influences uptake of Ca and Mg, and a good balance in
the ratio K/(Ca + Mg) of the nutrient solution or soil, is important for a
balanced uptake of these elements in the plant and is reflected in appro-
priate growth and good fruit quality.
Boron, zinc and calcium have a direct affect on fruit quality, and
plants deficient on B and Zn, show poor pollen germination and reduced
fruit set, while a deficiency of all three elements reduces fruit size. In
addition Ca is important for development of fruit firmness, while B and
Mo have been shown to be important for content of vitamin C and sug-
Nestby et al. 153

ars in strawberry fruits. Boron deficient strawberry plants may produce

fasciated fruits.
Excessive Ca and Si may lead to a loss of visual fruit quality and albi-
nism, respectively. For P, Mg, Cu, Fe and Mn the reviewed articles indi-
Downloaded by [Universidad Autonoma de Chapingo] at 15:43 16 March 2016

cate no major direct effect on fruit quality (Table 4).


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