Influence of Mineral Nutrients On Strawberry Fruit Quality and Their Accumulation in Plant Organs-2
Influence of Mineral Nutrients On Strawberry Fruit Quality and Their Accumulation in Plant Organs-2
Influence of Mineral Nutrients On Strawberry Fruit Quality and Their Accumulation in Plant Organs-2
To cite this article: R. Nestby , F. Lieten , D. Pivot , C. Raynal Lacroix & M. Tagliavini (2005)
Influence of Mineral Nutrients on Strawberry Fruit Quality and Their Accumulation in Plant
Organs, International Journal of Fruit Science, 5:1, 139-156, DOI: 10.1300/J492v05n01_13
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Influence of Mineral Nutrients
on Strawberry Fruit Quality and Their
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It has been documented for many years that nitrogen (N) fertilization
influences fruit quality. Shoemaker and Greve (1930) showed that
Nestby et al. 141
with N were a little firmer than fruits from plots receiving no extra N. In
general, plants with low or moderate vegetative growth tend to have
firmer fruits. In contradiction to these results Cochran and Webster
(1931), Webster and Gray (1937) and Haut et al. (1935) found no influ-
ence of N on fruit firmness. Bell and Downs (1961) obtained no benefi-
cial or detrimental effect from spring application of 17 and 34 kg N ha⫺1
in the form of urea or ammonium nitrate, in plants adequately fertilized
the year before.
It has been reported that low N rates cause, in the first and second sea-
son, only small increases in plant growth and yield, while higher rates
caused marked reductions in both plant growth and yield; probably be-
cause of high levels of ammonium and soluble salts in the soil during
spring in the first season. However, increasing rates of N raised concen-
trations of alpha-amino acid-N and tended to raise concentrations of
polyphenols and reduce those of ascorbic acid. The effect of N applica-
tions on titratable acidity and sugar content of fruit are inconsistent and
vary from year to year (Haynes and Goh, 1987).
Miner et al. (1997) examined the effect of autumn banded and spring
fertigated applied N on ‘Chandler’ strawberry on light soils (banded up
to 67 kg N ha⫺1 and fertigated up to 0.75 kg ha⫺1 day⫺1, and up to 1.12
kg ha⫺1 day⫺1 in 1992 and 1993, respectively). Marketable yield maxi-
mized with total N at 120 kg ha⫺1, one half banded in the autumn and
the remainder drip applied in the spring. Fruit pH and concentrations of
total acids and soluble solids were not affected by N treatments, but sol-
uble solids increased as the harvest season progressed. Kopanski and
Kaweci (1994) showed that N application of 90 kg N ha⫺1 increased
fruit dry weight and vitamin C content of ‘Dukat’ and ‘Senga Sengana’
strawberries. The effect of N on the content of organic acids and total
sugars was inconsistent. Nestby (1998) showed as an average of two
years, that the content of sucrose, glucose and fructose in the fruits of
‘Korona’ and ‘Bounty’ strawberries, increased when N was fertigated
with NO3-N levels up to 124 kg ha⫺1, starting 4 weeks before harvest
and ending in week 2 of the harvest period. From a survey in south It-
aly (Lacertosa et al., 1999), it appears that acid and sugar concentra-
tions were inversely correlated with the content of nitrogen in the fruits,
indicating that proper N fertilizer application could be effective in im-
proving fruit quality.
Hennion et al. (1999) tested N application by drip irrigation in spring.
Whereas conventional physical and chemical analysis did not show any
difference between the various fertilization systems, sensory analyses
revealed significant differences in aroma and flavor, which were im-
proved by the highest fertilization rate.
Nestby et al. 143
Liquid NH4 compared with ammonium nitrate reduced the soil ni-
trate content and the nitrate content in leaching water, without affecting
yield and fruit quality in ‘Tenira’ strawberry or reducing carbohydrate
synthesis. Plants given 40 kg N ha⫺1 as liquid NH4 fertilizer had slightly
higher carbohydrate contents than those given ammonium nitrate, while
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None 5612 56.2 56.8 72.9 78.2 60.0 40.0 61.6
80 7258 47.3 23.5 64.4 46.1 28.0 28.5 38.1
160 6734 42.7 15.9 49.3 05.0 11.0 00.0 16.2
The effects of phosphorus (P) on fruit quality have received little at-
tention. Haut et al. (1935) found that P had no effect upon fruit firmness,
while Ulrich et al. (1980) concluded that flowers and fruits of P defi-
cient plants tend to be smaller than normal, while fruit of susceptible
cultivars occasionally develops albinism.
storage at 20°C for 2 days, WSP increased whereas HSP strongly de-
creased (Naphun et al., 2000). Recently Jeong et al. (2001) showed that
the content of Ca on a dry weight basis had to be higher than 1.1% in the
above ground plant organs, to increase dry matter production of the
strawberry. High Ca fertilization caused lower fruit acidity, regardless
of the cultivar, and high Ca and over fertilization played a part in the
loss of visual fruit quality after harvest (Raynal and Carmentran, 2001).
Strawberries grown at high salinity reacted negatively with reduced
growth, yield and fruit size and soluble dry matter; supplementary Ca
restored the detrimental effect of high salt (Kaya et al., 2002).
A leaf blade value of molybdenum (Mo) of less than 0.4 ppm on a dry
weight basis, will indicate deficiency; but neither fruit size nor quality is
affected appreciably by a mild deficiency of Mo (Ulrich et al., 1980).
However, it is shown that vitamin C and sugar content increase linearly
with Mo application rates up to 8 kg/ha for ‘Redcoat’ strawberry grown
on light soil, deficient in Mo (Cheng, 1994).
High rates of soluble silicon (Si) in the water source or nutrient solu-
tion can enhance albinism in ‘Elsanta’ strawberries, and concentrations
above 0.55 µmol/liter are considered critical. Albino fruits show a
patchy pink and sometimes totally white appearance; they are also often
swollen and seedy. Such fruits are lacking in taste and do not store very
long (Lieten, 1995; Lieten et al., 2000).
sponded to leaf values lower than 20 ppm and were associated with Zn
deficiency (Lieten, 1997). Such values resulted in reduced yield, pollen
germination, fruit set and fruit size. The results indicate that the range of
Zn concentration in a nutrient solution, for satisfactory growth and fruit
quality of ‘Elsanta’ strawberries grown on rock wool, appears to be be-
tween 5 and 15 µmol/liter. Later Lieten (2000d) showed that optimum
growth, yield and fruit set of ‘Elsanta’ grown on peat bags, were associ-
ated with a concentration of 7.5 to 10 µmol/liter in the nutrient solution.
A Zn concentration above 30 µmol/liter induced Zn toxicity and Fe defi-
ciency symptoms, which resulted in lower yields and increased fruit
and Lieten and Misotten (1993). However, the level of Ca, Mg, Fe and
Mn was higher than reported by Albregts and Howard (1978, 1980),
while the level of Fe was on the same level as reported by Lieten and
Misotten (1993). Some of this may be explained by a soil pH of 8.0, and
a foliar spray applied to correct Fe deficiency symptoms.
Nestby et al. 151
Effect Elements
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N P K Mg Ca Fe Zn Mn B Mo Cu Si
x-x-x 16-7-8 1-1-0 2-2-2 2-0-0 5-0-1 1-1-0 3-0-0 1-0-0 8-0-0 1-1-0 0-2-1 0-0-1
Total 31 2 6 2 6 3 2 1 8 2 3 1
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