Reznick - One Introduction To Mathematical Research

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One Introduction to Mathematical Research

Author(s): Bruce Reznick

Reviewed work(s):
Source: Math Horizons, Vol. 14, No. 2 (November 2006), pp. 16-17, 38
Published by: Mathematical Association of America
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Accessed: 14/01/2013 13:51

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I Research consists of question-asking, problem-solving, knowl

I edge-findingand checking,checking,checking.

One Introduction to

Mathematical Research
Bruce Reznick
of Illinois,
University Urbana-Champaign

Arthur C. wrote that any smoothly running

Overly general introduction
advanced technology is indistinguishable frommagic. Great
Few prospects are as daunting for a serious undergraduate
mathematics is magical. You can't learn how to make a
math major as that of doing research. Mathematical
research is harder than homework. You can't look for the metaphorical elephant disappear in plain view by reading
answers to the chapter in theback of thebook; you don't know about it.Don't be scared off by thinking thatyou don't know
enough mathematics to do research?nobody ever knows
which chapter, and you often don't even know which book,
and itwouldn't be there anyway. You're not even sure what enough mathematics. But you can always seem brilliant ifyou
take an idea or a technique in one area and apply itelsewhere.
would constitute an acceptable answer.
But in some ways, mathematical research is easier than When I teachmy undergraduate honors seminar, Introduction
homework. The time limit is flexible, and since you have toMathematical Research, I start with a single exercise.
chosen the question yourself, you are more likely to find it Repeat as often as desired.
interesting.And, ifyou invent your own problem, but solve a Present your favorite theorem and proof or problem and
differentone, you can always say that itwas what you were solution.

tryingto do in thefirst place! Change your favorite theorem in some way, and prove or
The best research involves deep new ideas and you can't solve it again.
find all the secrets in any article. Nevertheless, there are a few Change your favorite theorem in another way, so thatyou
tips thatwill put you in a more favorable position to startyour no longer know how to prove or solve it.
research career.

The most important thing you need to do is to adopt an You proved a theorem, now what?
active attitude towards themathematics you learn.When you Okay, so let's say things have gone well and you think
see something new, don't ask "Will this be on the test?", ask you've proved something. The firstthing to do is to enjoy the
"How can Imake thiswork forme?" Be bold. To paraphrase moment, whether or not you're right.After a decent interval,
the 1960s revolutionary Franz Fanon: "Knowledge cannot be the next thing to do is to put away your notes and tryto prove

given, itmust be taken." it again from scratch. (My undergraduate proof of Fermat's
Learn as much mathematics as you can, in as many Last Theorem was fun while it lasted.) Make sure you
different areas as
you can, including areas in which understand all the definitions: it's very embarrassing to
mathematics might be applied. Take hard classes. Go to as discover that you haven't proved what you thought you

many mathematical lectures as you can, even if you won't proved. (Turns out I got theBinomial Theorem wrong.) If you
understand it all. (Big secret revealed: most professors go to findyourself wanting to skip a portion of the argument as you
lectures and don't understand itall.) check your work, be very careful: this is where mistakes
In my experience, research consists of question-asking, usually hide.
problem-solving, knowledge-finding and checking, checking, Suppose everything isOK. Congratulations, you've proved
a theorem!What you want to do now is see how you can water
checking. There are many excellent books on problem-solv
it and make it grow. Magic can be making the elephant
ing; startwith How to Solve It by George Polya. Knowledge
finding is extremely dependent on your location?always get disappear. That requires elaborate equipment and thework of
toknow your librarians.Asking big questions requires inspira dozens of technicians. But there's also magic done at a table
tion. The rest of this article is devoted to the tabletop craft of with no equipment but a deck of cards, dextrous fingers and a

asking littlequestions. few good ideas.

16 NOVEMBER 2006

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Return to your theorem.Try topush the conclusions. Have 0 and 1 are numbers.) Contrariwise, if some restriction on the
you made full use of your argument? Try to pull the parameters leads to an interestingoutcome, see what happens
hypotheses. Do you need every assumption? Does your ifyou enforce thisas a hypothesis. A productive technique is to
argument apply to a more general class of object? Have you generalize in one direction and then specialize in another one.
proved more than you thought? Isolate themechanism that Finally, some bad news. These techniques won't work all
makes your proof work. Is it familiar?Are you really proving the time. Some of thenew directions will be boring. You'll ask
something else and applying it to your case? If so, maybe questions for which you can't find an interesting answer.
that's what you should study next. Most mathematicians like You'll findproblems thatconsume your interestforweeks at a
saying "every X satisfies condition A or condition so you time, and either not solve them, or be unable to persuade
should make as many "if and only if propositions as possible. anyone else to care. Mathematical research journals are filled
Does the converse of your theorem hold? What if you play with hard-won and completely forgotten theorems. It's very
with the hypotheses? hard in advance to predict other people's reaction to your
A theorem usually isn't very interestingunless ithas some work. One good reason for answering someone else's question
applications. Work out thedetails in at least one specific case. is that it guarantees you a nonempty audience. Finally, don't
If you find thatyour theorem doesn't answer all thequestions throwout your old notes. There are a couple of questions I've
in this case, you know your next project. been thinkingabout for almost thirtyyears. It's not plagiarism
A theorem has a natural rhythm.Does your proof remind to steal from your old unpublished work.
you in any way of another proof you know, possibly in a
different area? Can you show that two apparently different The inevitable Fibonacci example
results are special instances of a more general theorem? (This Let me illustrate the techniques of the last section with an
is the concrete approach to abstraction.) example taken from Fibonacci numbers. (Caveat: Fibonacci
It always helps to tryto explain your work to other people. numbers are the lab rats of the problem-solving literature.
This might be one of themost importanttipshere. Not only are They are not particularly important,but theyare easily studied
listeners likely to have useful suggestions, but the process of because many of theirproperties are very close to the surface.)
preparing an explanation is extremely valuable in clarifying Recall that the sequence {Fn}, n > 0, is defined by:
your own thoughts.You may even find a collaborator. Most F0
0, F1
l, Fn
= + n>2.
Fn_1 Fn_2,
mathematicians these days work on joint projects. Imagine
One familiar property satisfied by the Fibonacci sequence is
giving a presentation of your result to a roomful of your the addition formula:
classmates and teachers. It's possible that one of them asks
questions in a characteristicmanner. See ifyou can answer the (!) Fm + n+1 Fm +1 Fn+1 + Fm Fn>for integersm, n ;>0.
question in yourmind. Proof. Fix m and consider the sequence {*?}, defined by xn :=
Consider the Seinfeld Principle. Take whatever you are
Fm + n+ i-Then {xn} satisfies theFibonacci recurrence xn xn_t
doing and do the opposite. Switch the foreground and the + xn-2-S? does {yn}, defined by yn :=
Fm + xFn +1+ FmF?. You
background. For example, instead of finding the roots of a = =
show thatx0 y0 and xx yx and then use the recurrence to
polynomial based on itscoefficients (very hard), tryto find the
prove (1) by induction.
coefficients of a polynomial based on its roots (the door to
The underlying mechanism of this proof is that the vector
symmetric polynomials). Perform even more elaborate
space V of sequences {an} that satisfy theFibonacci recurrence
permutations on the roles of these objects. There's also the
is two-dimensional. In fact, ifyou write out the terms of the
Oprah Principle. Visualize a solution to your problem. What with = r and = s:
sequence a0 ax
other properties would your solution have? This oftenmakes
the original problem easier. Finally, try the Postmodern or (a0,al,a2,a3,a4,a5, )

Mad Magazine Principle. Everything is in play. Change, one (r, s, r + s, r + 25,2r + 3s, 3r + 5s, )
by one, each of your hypotheses and assumptions and see what
you can see that the general element of Vcan be immediately
you can prove. (If you change the rules of implication itself, written as a linear combination of the two sequences
you are a mathematical logician!) and
(1,0,1,1,2,3,...) (0,1,1,2,3,5,..-),
Check for the presence or absence of certain familiar
which therebyform a basis of V. The first sequence in thebasis
characteristics. For example: look for linearity in your
is {Fn + j - Fn} (we can't say Fn_xbecause we haven't defined
problem. If your problem isn't linear,measure the deviation
from linearity. The same thing applies to symmetry and F_x, yet); the second sequence in the basis is {Fn}. Thus, any
sequence {an} in Vhas the general form
commutativity.You can generalize by turning every number
= - = ~
thatappears inyour problem into a parameter. (Remember that an a0(Fn + 1 Fn) + ?lFn ^n + 1+ (* 1 %) Fn
Continued on page 38


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Continued from page 17 6. Seinfeld: find all sequences {an} that satisfy (1). Hint:

= startwith puttingm = 0,1 into (1), so that

Taking an Fn + m + 1?we see that (1) follows almost
immediately. n+l 1 n+\ 0 n' /j+2 2 n+1 1 ?

Another thing to observe is that, if A2 = A+l, then the

The first equation should be studied under the conditions:
sequence {Xn} will lie V. Thus, another basis forVis {{(ff1},
(a0, ax) (0, 1) and (a0, ax) * (0,1). The second equation
= = t?. says that {an} satisfies a second-order constant coefficient
0 i^and j recurrence. You can also use this to guess that an = aXn +
By representing {Fn} in termsof thisbasis, we get the familiar P/in9 and use (1) to get conditions on a, /J,A, /z,which in
closed form turnwill help nail down the recurrence.

7.We noted earlier thatF_x is undefined; but any "reason

able" definitionwould have F_x +F0 = Fx,soF_x = l. In this

r.-jfr-f) way, you can generalize theFibonacci sequence to negative

(Plugging this into (1) gives a formal identity thatholds for all subscripts, find a nice pattern and compare itwith the closed
form.You can also generalize theFibonacci sequence toFt,
te R, by defining an arbitraryfunctionFt = g(f) on [0,2) and
The underlying proof mechanism immediately suggests
thenusing the recurrence g(t) = g(t -1) + g(t -2) to extend it
that the vector space of sequences {an} that satisfy any
toR. Can you do this in an "interestingway"? (I can't.) You
constant-coefficient linear recurrence
can even define a Fibonacci function on C by combining the
a . +-- + C ra n >r
n =c.a 1 n-l n-r7, recurrencewith a function on the strip {z: Re(z) e [0,2)}.

will be at most r-dimensional, and an forn^r can be 8. One reason thatyou can't easily define Fx/2 is that 0 < 0,
in a fixed in terms of the initial conditions so the closed formwould not be real.More generally,
expressed way a0, 01/2in
show that there is no sequence an of real numbers, where In
ar_x.Any shifted sequence am+n for fixedm will also be
in this vector space, and so can be expressed as a linear e Z so thatam+n+x = am+x an+x + aman. (Hints:mix up inte
combination of the basis. Thus, addition formulas are gers and half-integers; a sum of real squares can't be nega
inevitable, and there's nothing so amazing about (1). tive.)

Here are some additional small-step directions you could take 9.When you hear "addition formula," you probably thinkof
in playing with(l). the formulas
= cos t cos u ? sin t sin w;
1. Generalize (1) and find "symmetric" formulas formx + cos(f + u)
= sin tcos u + cos t sin u.
m2 + m3, etc. sin(r + u)

2. Specialize (1) to find formulas forF2n and F2n + \. Use themechanism of the firstproof to derive these, using
as your two-dimensional vector space the solutions to the
3. Combine 1. and 2. to find formulas for F3n, and more
differential equation y" + y = 0. Now generalize to other
generally, F^. One of themost common uses for (1) is as a
second-order differential equations.
lemma in proving thatFkn is always a multiple of Fn for fc,
neN. Exercise Rewrite this section using your favorite theorem or
4. Determine the addition formula for your favorite recur problem.
rence sequence with your favorite initial conditions.
5. Prove (1) using generating functions. That is, define
Human creativity is inevitably personal, and different
techniques work well for different practitioners. I hope this
m=0 n=0 articlemay prove of some value to its student readers as they
start their research. I also hope itwill irritatemy research
and explore the properties ofO, with the goal of expressing
colleagues so much that they feel obligated towrite theirown
itas a rational function of x and y. Itwill be helpful to recall
articles about theirown styles and techniques.
I thank all my students for their suggestions and feedback.
1 . I also want to thankDan Grayson, Abbey Rechner and Robin
Sahner, and the editors for their comments.
expanded version of this article can be found at
fromwhich the closed form can also be derived. www.math.uiuc edu/~resnick/mhori.pdf.

38 NOVEMBER 2006

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