Assignments Exams MSO 2023
Assignments Exams MSO 2023
Assignments Exams MSO 2023
Problem 1:
Does the following problems satisfies non-characteristics condition:
ux − 3uy = u4 , u(x, 0) = 1
ux + uy = u,
u(x, x) = ex
ux + uy = u,
u(x, x) = 1
Solution (1) In this problem a = 1, b = −3.
The initial curve is x− axis and hence f (s) = s, h(s) = 0 and g(s) = 1.
bf ′ (s) − ah′ (s) = −3 ̸= 0
. Hence the problem satisfies the NON CE condition and we can conclude from
the main theorem of method of characterisitcs that the problem admits a unique
(that we can find by method of characteristics) in some neighbourhood of x-axis.
(3) In this problem
a = 1, b = 1.
The initial curve is the line y = x axis and hence f (s) = s, h(s) = s and we
have g(s) = 1.
bf ′ (s) − ah′ (s) = 0
. Hence the problem does not satisfies the NON CE condition.
Note: In this case, we cannot say any thing about existence /uniqueness. In
fact one can see that this problem does not admit any solution.
x′ (t) = 1, x(0) = s
y ′ (t) = x(t), x(0) = s2 /2
z ′ (t) = z 2 , z(0) = H(s).
Solving them we get,
x(t) = t + s,
y(t) = t2 /2 + st + s2 /2
−1/z(t) = t − 1/H(s),
This implies
z(t) = .............(1)
1 − tH(s)
At s = 0, that at the initial point (0, 0), the projected characteristics is clearly
the parabola 2y = x2 . Notice this is also the Initial curve. Therefore,
u(x, x2 /2) = .
1 − xH(0)
But we know that
u(x, x2 /2) = g(x).
Therefore, we have
g(x) = c/(1 − cx).
For any other choice of g, clearly (1) will be violated.
ξ(x, y) = 5y − 8x
η(x, y) = 5y − 4x.
Now calculating the coefficients
Therefore finally going back to xy-coordinate system, we have
dy/dx = B/2A = 1.
This implies y − x = constant. Therefore the change of variable is chosen as
ξ(x, y) = y − x. The other change of variable can be simply chosen to be
η(x, y) = x,
ξx ηy − ξy ηx = (−1)(0) − 1 = −1 ̸= 0.
Now calculating the coefficients
B̃ = 1, D̃ = 0, Ẽ = 0, F̃ = 0, G̃ = 0,
vηη = 0.