3) Cases Elnahdi
3) Cases Elnahdi
3) Cases Elnahdi
OTC cases
Are prescribed for the treatment of a Are intended for relief of minor
specific medical problem. ailments.
Are usually more powerful and have Are considered safe if warnings and
more side effects than OTC directions are followed.
Stick Figures with Blocks
WWHAM technique
Respiratory .
Women health.
Ring worm
Patient Education
Hair must be cut short.
Head covering for infected child.
Personal hygiene.
Ringworm of the Groin (Tinea
Erythematous patches with active raised edge covered with minute papules,
vesicles, & crusts. Itching is present.
Site: upper medial side of the thigh, buttocks and the pubic area.
Lines of Treatment
Local antiseptic wash.
Local antifungal with topical corticosteroids for few days and then stop the
corticosteroids and continue with the antifungal.
Systemic antifungal
Patient Education
تغسل كل المناشف و المالبس بالصابون و المطهر في الماء الساخن
استعمال المالبس الداخلية القطنية
كي المناشف و المالبس
عدم تبادل األغراض الشخصية
Ringworm of the Foot (Tinea Pedis)
Cracked flaking peeling between the toes. The affected area is usually reddish or
whitish and itchy with burning sensation.
Sites: On the feet or between the fingers.
Lines of Treatment
Local antiseptic wash.
Local antifungal.
Systemic antifungal.
Patient Education
الحفاظ الدائم على جفاف القدمين و بين األصابع خاصة بعد الوضوء و الغسل المتكرر
تغسل كل المناشف والجوارب بالصابون و المطهر في الماء الساخن
استعمال الجوارب القطنية
كي المناشف و الجوارب
عدم تبادل األغراض الشخصية
Scabies is classified by the WHO as a water-related
disease.[3] The disease may be transmitted from objects,
but is most often transmitted by direct skin-to-skin contact,
with a higher risk with prolonged contact. Initial infections
require four to six weeks to become symptomatic become
Severe itching mainly at night, lesion consists of burrows, papules, vesicles,
scratch marks.
Lines of Treatment
حمام دافئ باستعمال لوفة خشنة و صابون كبريت
Anti mite as Eurax , Benzanil , Ectometherin , Scabine , Benzyl benzoate
يدهن علي الجسم مرة يوميا ً ماعدا الوجه والرقبة
Sedating anti histamine.
Emollient lotion to decrease itching
Local antibiotic. If there is secondary bacterial infection
Systemic antibiotic if there is secondary infection
Patient Education
يعزل المريض عزال ً تاما عن اآلخرين.
غلي المالبس و األلحفة و الماليات و غيرها من األغراض المنزلية التي يحتك بها المريض
يعطي العالج لجميع أفراد األسرة في نفس الوقت
Diagnose Psoriasis (as chronic
Red papules and plaques covered with silvery scales on elbow, knees, sacral
region and scalp.
Nail infection occur (pitting, brittleness, thickening) also in other joints.
Psoriasis characterized by remissions & relapses.
Lines of Treatment
in case of limited cases, the following can prescribed:
Potent corticosteroid as immunosuppressive (scalp, palms, soles).
Regulate the cell growth using topical Calcipotriol (Daivonex).
Decrease the growth of cells using tar.
Keratolytic, using salicylic A. to reduce flakes.
Emollient or moisturizing cream
Callus and Corns
Callus and Corns
A callus (Tayloms) is an area of skin that thickens after exposure to repetitive
forces in order to protect the skin, when a calluse develop a mass of dead cells
in its center; it becomes a corn (Heloma).
Lines of Treatment
Keratolytic agent.
Electrical cautery.
Patient Education
طريقة االستعمال:
تغمس المنطقة المصابة فى ماء دافئ لمدة خمس دقائق و تجفف برفق
في حالة كون الدواء دهان أو سائل (ليس لصقة) يوضع الجلي الواقي على الجلد السليم المحيط بالمنطقة
المصابة لحمايته من أثر الدواء
تدهن المنطقة المصابة بالدواء أو تلصق اللصقة على المكان المصاب و يترك لمدة ال تقل عن يوم أو حسب
المدة المذكورة في النشرة
في المرات التالية يغمس الجلد فى ماء دافئ ثم يبرد بالمبرد قبل و ضع الكمية الجديدة من الدواء
يراعى عدم مالمسة الدواء للعينين خاصة في حاالت األطفال
Benign papillomatous of skin or mucous membrane caused by
virus (papilloma virus). Common in children 6 – 12 year
Lines of Treatment
Keratolytic agent.
Podophyllin resin25%.
Increase the immunity , must be covered not cut to
prevent the spreading
Then ----- Electrical cautery.
or ------ Surgical.
Patient Education
طريقة االستعمال:
تغمس المنطقة المصابة فى ماء دافئ لمدة خمس دقائق و تجفف برفق
في حالة كون الدواء دهان أو سائل (ليس لصقة) يوضع الجلي الواقي على الجلد السليم المحيط بالمنطقة
المصابة لحمايته من أثر الدواء
تدهن المنطقة المصابة بالدواء أو تلصق اللصقة على المكان المصاب و يترك لمدة ال تقل عن يوم أو حسب
المدة المذكورة في النشرة
في المرات التالية يغمس الجلد فى ماء دافئ ثم يبرد بالمبرد قبل و ضع الكمية الجديدة من الدواء
يراعى عدم مالمسة الدواء للعينين خاصة في حاالت األطفال
Herpes simplex
Small grouped vesicles on erythematous base, the regional
lymph node not enlarged unless secondary infection occurs,
herpes facials (around the mouth), herpes
keratoconjunctivitis; herpes genitalis.
Recurrent herpes simplex is stimulated by fever, common
cold, influenza, menstruation, exposure to sun, and
excessive coitus
Lines of Treatment
Gentian violet.
Topical antiviral.
Topical antibiotic (in case of or to prevent secondary
Systemic antibiotic to prevent secondary infection.
Systemic Antiviral in severe cases. (by physician).
Corticosteroids are contraindicated.
Herpes zoster ( referral case )
some information about the case
Unilateral grouped vesicles on an erythematous base along the course of
sensory nerve neuralgic pain, the regional lymph nodes are usually enlarged and
Sometimes, it is wrongly diagnosed as allergy.
Lines of Treatment
Systemic antibiotic.
Gentian violet topically.
Vit.B12 depot amp.
Systemic antiviral.
Musculoskeletal system
Low Back Pain
Low Back Pain
Pain comes on quickly, stiffness, acute sudden, also no sciatica pain,
& neurological pain, electrical shock, the low back pain increases by cough
Lines of Treatment
Muscle relaxant.
Systemic analgesic, anti inflammatory.
Local analgesic anti inflammatory
Patient Education
تقليل الوزن
المشي اليومي المنتظم
تجنب االستمرار أو الوقوف لفترات طويلة و في وضع الجلوس يكون الظهر مفرودا
عدم حمل أشياء ثقيلة و عند رفع شيء من األرض حاول الجلوس بثني ركبتيك مع الحفاظ على الظهر
مستقيما ثم رفع الحمل عن طريق فرد الركبتين مع الحفاظ على الظهر مستقيما و ذلك بغرض التحميل على
عضالت الفخذين بدال من عضالت الظهر
النوم على مراتب قوية غير رخوة
Symptoms for referral
• numbness or tingling in legs or feet
• Problems with bowel or bladder function
• If backache is not related to movement
• Pain in the upper back not obviously due
to muscle or ligament strain
• If associated with other symptoms of
illness like Fever
• Severe pain at night that may wakes from
• No improvement with over-the-counter
medication after 1-2 weeks.
Low Back Pain
Oral ulceration
Red patches, necrotic patches. Pain , increase with citrus juice
Lines of Treatment
Anti septic washes.
Astringent as Pyralvex.
Local oral anesthetic as Lidocaine viscous.
Local enhance the healing as mebo , hycum gel , gingi gel
• Systemic analgesic anti inflammatory
Patient Education
1-Oral care
2- Tooth paste with out Sod. Lauryl Suphate free
2-Soft brush
Dyspepsia atypical Heart Burn
A burning sensation in the chest, just behind the breastbone or in the
Lines of Treatment
Treat the cause.
Local neutralizing Antacid.as moxal
Prokinetics if necessary
H2 Blocker as zantac
Proton pump. Inhibitors as losec
Patient Education
Avoid spicy, fatty meals, pepper, coffee, tea, coca, smoking, alcoholic drinks,
snacks between meals. Also avoid aspirin, & NSAIDs.
Never lay down after a meal, allow 2 to three hours between eating and bedtime
Diagnosed Peptic Ulcer ( referral
case )
Duodenal ulcer: epigastric pain 2hrs after meal commonly relieved by anti acid,
& food, patient is anxious; overweight due to food alleviates the case.
Gastric ulcer: epigastric pain 10- 30 min. after meal relieved by (vomiting & anti
acid) , there is loss of weight due to food lead to pain.
Lines of Treatment
H2 blockers.
Proton pump inhibitor is used in resistant cases.
Ranitidine is the drug of choice because: no anti androgenic activity, no CNS
side effect, and no drug interaction.
Anti acids (neutralization).
Mucosal protective drug as Sucralfate.
Prostaglandin analogues (Misoprostol), but contraindicated in pregnant
Patient Education
AS hear burn
Irritable bowel syndrome (Spastic
Tense anxious which may give dyspnea, palpitation, and tachycardia. In some
cases painless diarrhea with mucous (no blood), in majority cases flatulence,
distension, with diarrhea or constipation, tenderness in sigmoid colon, no
complete defection
Lines of Treatment
Spasmolytic drugs.
Digesting & anti acids if hyperacidity is in the symptoms.
Ant flatulence & can use intestinal antiseptic.
Regulate defecation by using fibers.
Probiotic to activate the flora of intestine.
• Anxiolytic
Patient Education
Treat any depressive reaction, avoid any anxiety, regular physical activity, &
normal diet.
Avoid much heavy eating, but several small meals with high fibers content
are recommended.
Avoid rapid eating.
Avoid high fatty meals & junk food.
Decrease or eliminate fermentable food (gas forming diet).
Avoid drinking much fluid with meal.
Overweight and Obesity
Overweight and obesity are defined as abnormal or excessive fat accumulation
that presents a risk of serious health problems.
1. Modify the diet to be mainly dependent on low carbohydrate and high fibers
2. Increase exercise at least 3 times weekly
3. Use slimming drugs
Lines of TTT
Decreasing fat absorption ( orlistat - chitosan - anthocyanidine ).
Fats and carbohydrates burners (chromium).
Decrease appetite by bulky forming fibers (Psyllium seed husk - bran –
Mucivital – Twinfast ).
other lines:
o Metformin (increase the burning & utilization of glucose).
o Acarbose (decrease the absorption of glucose).
o Thyroxine (Increase basal metabolic rate).
Overweight and Obesity
Patient education
•Avoid junk food and soda drinks.
•Modify your life style: don’t eat one meal daily but divide it into 3 meals,
don’t sleep directly after meals.
•Walking, Running, Rowing, Swimming or any exercise must be done at least 3
times weekly.
•Always weigh yourself using the same scale to measure the weight change
The healthy weight loss is about 3-5 kg/month
• http://www.webmd.com/