Grimiore of Shadows 10

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~-\AOIC.'\.I., 1'RAINfN(.l

Looking in1<, 1he Centers :o f People and Animals

Pmccicc thC fo(c~oi ng excrc1s...~:w1th pco~,le-.. \4•ith an1m:1lj , :Jnd •Nlth 6bJ"~rs ihar
rue n,1t nearbv flml wh,ch an, our of sight. R..:ord \'0<1r pMgms.
.A~ tln, pract1cc·tl1e above excrti,;ef, but this time transfer ·)<•ursel£ mtro rour
own .« ;Jar plexus. Rcmem.be_r, tho imuillcr yc,u can Imagine. vourself.11nd rhe •more
y:ou can forget about ·ynur ho<;ly, 1hc more .!il,.I.Ctt·ss(ul the:exerc1sc. Fi\lc minutes is
the _goal. Record )'our progrcfos.


· the a;mna posfrkm, fnhalc the tlre dcmenr int<> \'<>ur b:,dy. By lr\)agina:
rlon release It in10 I he room where \'l>U »re practicing. Rc~t'it again arid Jl;Jln
until yo,1 feel a pe1J;cp1:1ble wamuh in the. mum. (Tim w1,rmd1 .s not Imaginary;
11 can be measured w11h ,, the_rmomcter.) Yoo may cv~il leave· the n.~,m.ani u will
rcmam loaded, but you should nt1t -allow rhe room r~ remain •charged i-.x, long.
Fire elementals wi ll fin,l if ""'Y ".t:,~mfurrable" m11I t.o their 1,km;i, and will e,·c.n•
cuiilly bcgh, p layi,~ some of 1heiT pmrik>. .(Thu; 1s ,he l:t:1s1c tcchmquc uss-d an ,n
evpcari0n: t,o c-h,uge an nrea rm thar n H will be to some cl(•mental
:. ~tlty, and then t () call the t 111t1v through n hrlcf cereo\ony,) Pracrice u,u il you
·ar.e. sausfied. R~c<u·d your pro:;rc.s..-<;_
RcJ:-<-Ut the above with the i.11!,cr demerits- If r,111 nre w1><<ing ,, ut~l(k :ind·.
ha\·e no v.·alls ro cc.1ncam 1hr demenntl t<,rcC'~, h..: sure to 11 pt)n1ot1 ofr' with· Y,our
lmaginatn.>n ,,.,m, wotking.pbce•Ir\ y,)ur,ry. Rec,:,r,d your P'<>l."C"''·
Rep<:m the ~ccumulation excn·,~c "" before, bu,.accu1m1ktte ~ ·element m nne
or both hands. Emit the clement sudllcnly Ir.,· a 111011()11 of rhe hand. Repeat thiswhh
a ll the ciements, bu,l,UnR ur,, to thlrry hrcMhs 1Jf coch. l'mcrice fn,1uently. Record
yuur pn)(lres.'i.



Sir in the asunn p.1<1lrion and ~ccumulsre the flrc ek11wn1 in )'<•ur ~olnc plexu,; in
1.he-shupe ,)fa hall r,,ur "' ,b inches in dlamerer, 11 shoukl ~l11w wi1hln 1-ou like a
ciny, hocsun . With ~ ~cnrl-, m1l t11m of your hands, move the holl tll,crotlv ·out
chrough .your ~olar ple,us lnttl chc ronm,.shi11ing hot and bright, (With practke.
an intc:rise con,:encmtii:m su.:~ a., rhis c1111 m·111ally li_ght up~ ,00111.) \'<11th the help
~,r your frriagfna1i~n. dJ§sol~c illl' lnll.l $1,,wly, ur Jc;irny it wirJ1" puff ofbreatl1.
21 1
l'r..inl<:<• k11h ri'""'; <l( d1ss1r,1t1n£ rhe d cmen1 -lr.,l1 ;ipd n-pc.u the cx~rcise 1«ith
:.II 11f, J,.,.. ••li--ntL'nL'-,' RL~nrd Vl>lH pto1!ress.
RtJ''l!_.,r 11,t" n~, 1'\.'t ••. hul shapt• r1 fc fire.--demenr m u, .1 cone, .1 ~ubt:, 3
pymmh.'1 or other 1,.c ,nftgural 11 m ~fn:rc mt\\1 il'1g it • 111t tmm ft.H1r body. R{;'p,:ul with
oll chi.• elenwm11. R,;'cord \1t.,ur' r,w~r~~:-.. . .
Rll \'.cmr r(Klrn w11h an inti:.n ~c,n ilf thc·flrc~dcn·1l-1tt, inh~llnu 11
dirc'Ccly- ,nc,, rhc ""''ro r~tlwr ih«n rhr<>1t~h 'i<><lC h, Then d ...,..lve it , Rc1,c:it
wnh ull th(• ,•lcmcnr>: Iii/uh ptl1c1tcc 1r i, f'lS>tblo 1, , ,,see th<! /lr,•,clcm~nl l,IJ keep
a m~,m " ~ rn'\ in rhe w1 1ut•r. Tlw wartr elemenr wi ll kee:p n q 1ol in l-he :il1mmef.
R,•f~trJ yUur p fl~r1/i:Sb.
Draw rht• ltre;:e:lemCn1 tn frnm rhr \miv~rse, .:.o ncentmtin~ it lnM 1i ball tloar•
in)? 1n tht.• t11r J\IS.t 111 1,,mt uf \ t>1.I, i, 1chuLLL br1:Qg1nl,! 1t thn 1ugh ~yt.:4.1r bt •Jy. Dissokc

II RC'J).C-lll With :hr.· other ~lrmcnt~. Rt:-coid filur r~, ,i::rcSS. .

! 11
MA'Ot(;,.(1. TRAlNI~
,, '


As nbove, dmw ,he fire,domcnt in10 "" Intense flc,ry hull before you . Mnke' h
very str<>ng and vcri• lt" cnsc. Compress It in10 a h<,ad w,lth your lmngina1iun,
then lnio a spar~. Add m.:,re (frc-cl~mcm anti comr>rt~• i1 ngain, repeating the

P.rocess several times. Th~n gmdc t.he in1enselv h0, spark inu, .n co11on plul(
S<>.3kcd with alcohol, .ancl let ir stay there, Then prepare a similar spark clf'tht
air-elemeo1, When you "Eouch" the air-spark r.o the c'otr<n\ plug, Ir will cn1ch
fire, Th,~rechnlque -c'a n Ir us,,d to l,lght ~ C'andle. Fore and wa1e1 thrcown 1ngc1h-
er into a tum~le, "'ill cause l~ to spatter; on a larger scale this inulnple-clem.:ni
exerci!;e ~an be ~J to produce lighlJlifl!l.,thunder, rain, ere. ' Pracu ce os lmpur•
!ant. Rec1,rd your 1)1'\)~SS,


Obtain a Qf.dlsrillecl water ond a ch:anglass tumbler. Concentrate 1he fire-ele,
ment 1n10 a l\al(.filled ·ulass ,1/ wn1er and ta--;te it: the warer will caste somcwh~1
acidk. Rej:lel,t with the w:ltcr,dcment int.I) another ,glass·.of warer; it will have an
astringent taste, 1lVith the enrrh,eletneiu It will nisie musry. With the a1r-eleinent
it will rnsfe sw~1. Rt,ord your pn,grcs;,
P~ive _rneans fol c,1mo1u,,ic,1tlon wirh ~,tjries from the 01her planes, as- given
here; re~emhle Spin111aifsr technique• but allow you.10.maint:tin c<>n.troLand tc;,
dir(.-ct your pow'-"" c,,,i-;conu~lv., rather 1han bemg comple1<;,ly "t.lken o,·er,"
Sit in iron1 o' a table und I"" your hands oh it. Accumulate akasha in your
right hand and cc,n'centrn1e on the idea char with willpower alon,-,and n<, mus,
cubr-effor1 wbats0tv1>r-y/JU can ~01111·<,I tbc harul. Diffuse aw-,1y rhe vlml power.
Now concent1'!te the air•cl•mcru verr lntemely in che forefoflger o( one ha11d,
until ·the .linger seem, llgh1 A~ 11ir, \VILL 1h.c fonger to.lift, <1,n/1 haw ii da:> St>, us,ni:
no muscles.· T hen drllp •it ond Jiffus< away the air-element: Jn th,s exercise, con,
cenrrarion is must ln1portlllH! Repeat with all the other linger<, d1en with the rm-
gcrs of the other hand, rhen-with L'llCh hand, and'\\:ith cieh aon. Thl:1 cxcrds.e ii.
thc ke.y 19such ,.cminwourndc$ :Js wa lking on ">arer or lcvJrnrin~ rhroui;:h the.air..
and with comod~fllhle pru~u cc with all 1.he J:!<1fC$ of the hody, )'<./II c,,n accc:,mplish
this-sort o( chin~. However, (, or our purpos<!s here it Is only ncce>'Slry that )'OU be·
abl!,' fO raise an,I llrup l"ur at ,v'ill: Record your rr<>i{rc,\,,.

THE GJ<J"(lllll' \J; ~IV.1.1:'WS


Sir ar a,· cable with your lninds " " the 1alil~ top lma~,nc y,o ur spintual haud
Is protruding from y<>ur right physical hand, M<wc the psycb;s hand al"->ut, being
convinced that 1he 1;1vd-tic h3nd is tbl" real hond. llc,tum the p.wch1e li,mJ lnlb
the ph\'$ic'11hll tl,I. Rerear,vith the left hm11J, Five minutes w1tl1 "'"h tij rhc. ~ool.
. \'<'U r prugrc'SS.


Every pecion who wqrh w11h thtn11~spiritual and ps\'chk has, <.>n the ,lStral plane.
a guide· or te:ocher •~,,gnc,f en htm '" he'r. llus gu;,rdmn gcniu$ l~ in frequent con•
met with the , ubconscinu,, nn<l does-all he or she o m d,, I'•' nid \·ou in. your ~--
chic dc,•elnpment. Y,iur guide ts. u~uadly SUUl \S /1\C "''"' luts prcvivu~·ly !hied a
nuntbe.r o( llvc, upon rhc earth-plane. Contaet wtt h 1·our giHde, f!l1d with -1;, ther
Ji;e.mbod1" l <·tult1C$, is 1""'5ihlc thwugh rhc folk,"•tt t.~ mi,:uH.

Mnke "' pc,,.lulum by .yin!! • $mall weight such as a rinJ! or Stone to rhe end of-a
ch,micn•lm~., ~!'ring. A laJy's p:e,~danL will work lust as well. Ht•ld the cn.:I of µ,c
stnt)g , uch I h~r the pendulum s;,,i~g;;-freely~bour an inch ;,lwvc 1-hc mblc mp, and
with your ,·lbow upnml un,upported. _Pia,~ your ,pirlt h:iod ut ·r.h e J ~posal o( yom
psychic ~uidc. and ck> nm lei your physkal hand either help or hmd~r the mouc:,n
nf the pcnd11iu111. Tdl it to swing and indicare ")'l-S," tell it t l.l ,wfng anu indic:,c~
"no," a:ml "mayl1<: "ll1en n~k any q11<,srions you wanic Practi~c fr.-quen<ly
Mllrk dw lerte1> A-Z 1'\'.r,;..~ tht mp <lf a 09an:I or paper. Let the swinging (•f
the Jl"ndulum -spdl ,iu1 the '""'l; for you, l~11er, pla~e a $1l}omh sheet o{ g\;.,,.,nver
the board or paper, aod u,;c a $mall gl.,ss-or 1:urnhler, moved by rhe psychic hand,
tu-spdl (:)u t th e message,;. Prac_tice frequently.

Yc,o ~h,oukl culriv,1;0 the 11dont of aummaric " 'firing, .IS it.can be useful to your.self
and c,tln,cnt. A 1to',id wny 10 sqin w.iuld be llJ p'l;ice your mind in a re~epti,•e con•
Jlrton :;1nd simply lx·i:in wrl.rtnA "fre~ r,-,1,r) ~,f thoui:h.r "- 1.c.. whaceve,- comes ro
mrnd. wuhoul hdpmg ur himlerinµ or ,wen pArt:1c11 H1rlv 1h111kh1u 11lx.1ut ii. Afttr
som~ pncticc, yourt:il.,nr will grow raptJI)'. ·

M,-.(,1!.AL TR,'.l~IN(1

Then, ore three type,rof automatic writing:

I. Au(omanc or -mechanic;il : The hand wrtw absolutely autolllllt«:ally,
without your knowing what mformauon will be written or what will be-
given 10 you. This method can also give you paintings or m ~ s In
other languages.
2. lnsp,rational: as if you were "thinking" aloud Inside or (,ui:si<le your
o"-n personality. The tne.~ es may cm11• from the Jc1) o( your roul or
from outside. You know what you wHI wr.l•e-
3. lntwuve Method, You have 1hc fcdlng that 1~,u Jkl it yourself.

Prncucc t'n.,qucntly.


You .should. have been keeping a lisnng of y<lur drc11m.1 for ¥>me time now, and
should have developed the capabilJty co remember them quite well. If you h:ive
such a list. ,n 1hc .-•cning, just before you sle·ep, fix 1n y(Jur mind sorne pla~
chat you w,,uld like r,, visit, or some person that you wonlcl like to see. In your
dreams u,U youNlf 10 be wearing different cloth..-,, or will yourself to suddenly
I,,, in some 01he.r loca le. Practice ver,· l'req_uenrly. R,•~orJ your progre..,..
Tl IE G!,JJ.1'11 Kf; Uf S!IAL\'.l'i l~

"Master" Magical Training


The. fu.ncu-on.-. of r.hc .nund m rt~p..:ct tel rhe.dt!.me.rus :-.n: a."f,.illow~

\Viii Ft din~ \Vatcr

ln,dle< t
l1>1clh#<'1tCe Al e Eµrth

Me,iimr~ ,1n chi's-arui gi:t o. drar impreSShU\ t,f <·ai:h, lr will enable you lO con-
m,1 tli.,~c iuncrioos in yourself aml mhct,·,


Imagine your ment~I !>.1dy, within v,mr ,t<rr.,I hodii.. wichill yOOT°{,h ysii:al body,.a.,
tht-iugb you '\\:ere \~,:anng",n :-;l lk ~love-,.,,...,, yc,ur h i1L'\d m:id a wool glov.e- over tha.t.
~fcdlcace on th1~. Take reri 1111m11 c~. Re:c~mJ ~ruur prpj;(ress.
lmu~me tha1 w'ftll ai,v pan ur 1hc ph1·,«:1l l;,t,Jy t h,u moves, so ·also i£ the
same-part ,;i, the mcrual i,_~11' ttHw lng. ,md ,,1,o the <n1he r arr of ,.h~ asrrnl body.
each with~, the ,,th~r,. MtJ mn< 011 Ih b IN tell m11\ ut~ . R~<.<lrJ ytl<lf prugress.


Remeuiher rl:i:"ft an) cmie p.1u :ut! mag:nerh:-mg with yout haod.s, t"t forth

r:iirclth.. ~(1~r~y w'h.h ~·our hnnd..i ~,r tlngef;'i in -~ )r way, the 1:m,.~ . mental. a1&d
iurr.J l1t1n.Js IIIUSI' ,,in./fllll e •11nuhAne.•u.1;ly. lmaginf Lh;tl wli,u.;vcryou '"1'e;eemg ·~
1-cin~ r er,d,·c.d nur ,,nly hy vour r hr:;rcal eyes..hur your mental e-i·cs and ;i,smil
cv~ as wdl. Ten mmures R~-cor<l '"''ut r r~n,;ss.
Rcp<::1c the ,tbooc c:(cr<IS<.· wlth l,,aring, <ensln~ s,,un,1 with rou r physical,
mental. and a5rrnl cnJ'~, i111ul10.ncuu,ly. h t> c, pccmlly rl.'w:m:ll111l ti:1 li,1~n to mu.~k
ln way; Ten min utes i, the ~.,,. R«l•t,I )'<'ur pt"!,'tC5>,.
ReF.c•t the llhq ve cxc.rci,;e with feeli ng. Ten nunmc& is the goal. Record your
Repeat chc nbove exercise wlrh two se nses ~nnultanc ously. Ten minures i.s
the gun I. Reen rd i•our prOl(re,;.1.


Assume the asanu posirjon o:1nd close your eyes. Im<1ginc thut you nre in the ccnh.·r
of an unlimltL.J space fill,-d with the finest of matter, the universal ether (Sec illtL<•
rrarion on r n~c 218. ). To your mental and amal sense.~ rt will appear ru have an
ultravinlcr color. lnholc seven hreachs of it and convey Ir mto your hluoJscrcam.
chen disperse ir. Graduolly incrcasc to thirt)• hrcarhs. Record your pro~rt'ss.
Repeat the above exercise. but fill ch~ cnurc body. You should feel 1mired .,,uh
w <'lltirc unit= . Record your progress.


Using the akasha principle in this way you hecome unll,·d with the universe. ye,
secluded completely from the world. It is an unusual stat e of mind and an unusu-
a l St"dte of 1-cin,::. T h is is the condition of tho.e with in II Witch's Circle or w11hm
any Circle yt,u mtl\' make for spcci11I Magic. ,'\ny wish. any thought, any im:1i;:1na..
tio n created in this sphere, warh the d\rnam ic cnnc:c,urunon o( will powcr1 fo1th.
and lhc fu llest conviction i, b11unJ to be realitc,1.
Sin m~ in the asana p,.1$1rl11n, inhale tbe akasha and fill the wholt· l~,Jy. As
you inhale. know that you urc i11itialir:tg control of tht four elements: 1hey willful,
fill anything thar you order! 13c confide nt! Record your progn.-s:;.

Word and Gestutt Rites fo r Cont:roll ing the Elemen ts

Note thnt the elemcnr; cnn he projencJ on 11 11 planes. Mental, l'hysu;al. and
Astr.d. The power or the clcmcms CM be ,lirct1cd by a suitable ritunl. wh,ch you
yourself can compose. Yen., may use the finger-gestures, positions of hunds. selected
formulas or word~. :1ntl rhl' various elements drnwn in and di.sclmr,::eLI from yoo.r
body nc various rimes durin)l che ritual. Use logic and inruirion in sctrln~ up a rit·
uni, nml you will surely he right!
Tc.> accomplish an ohjl"Ct1ve, set up u 11t.' ntulll for an e le mc nL r1( the: astral
:;phu e. Also comf>O$C n ..cconJ ritual co dissolve thi~ power almost immediately.
O pcmtc the same with th._. ,nher three ck·mcn1s. When you have pcrfon11c-d th,-se
clglll power rnes o n rhc n~tt:-11 spher~, compo:;~ c11,;hr mon: for the mcntnl sphere

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and eight more for I he material sphere. This is a difficult series of ritC4 10 accom-
pUsh, for full conccntnnion muse be maintained ac all time~. It l.s .in extremely
powerful form ofMngic!
Remember, cvel')'thing can be achieved! Practice, prnccice, practice!
You should be continuing with your previous exercises as a manor of h:ihi1,
mastering them be11er and better us time goes on.


A.5 B pracritloncr of Magic It is now wilhin )'Ou1 puwcs h.> C.teuL.: living bc:tng:i:
entitles which nt first will have their primal)' existence on the astral. but which
will, with continuing use, sian 10 appear on the physical plane. Thc,se beings can
make e,cellcnt servants for you and fo r ochers. and you can create quite n num•
b.,r of them. Eleme,uals can be of great use in influencing others· minds, In
strengthening the intellect, in building friendships, in getcinR 01hetS to 11Jop1
your feelings and point of view, and ro hnprovc your own mind. There arc mnny
other use.s, but you must alwat, remember to llse this power wisely ,md honesily.
Remember also the basic rule among the Witches:

The good that ye do returns to ,ou three times rwer , , . me ,-,.•ii rha1
ye do also returns IO you .. , mree t/me5 IJ<ff!

Rules for the Creation of Elemen tal~

I. Use your imai;:innl ion 10 create ,i form. Thm~ ve')' intcnsd1•-
z. It mus1 h::we a numc!
3. Its rask mus1 be firmly impressed by willpower and imaginarion. Give your
orders in tl1e present tense when creating and commanding.
4. Determine in advance its exact span oi life.

How to Create Elementals

Try a s.1 mrlc cusc:
I. C hn(lsc a lamp, ball, jewel. etc. In which 10 store your elemental between
2. Imagine, as you sir in the asana position,• large universal ocean of light.
Shape with your mind an immense ball of light.

l 19

3. Compress and accumulate It unril it Is twelve 1<) cwen[)' inches in diomc•

,er. Fix ,n your mind that after each t11Sk i; accomplished It wi ll return
and attach itself to 1hc "storn~• objecr."
4. lmprCb'flatc this "sun ball" w1rh your i:oal and de,lrc for 11.
5. Give it ll suitable name cha, only you will know: "Lucis," for example.
6. Fix its exact date of death.
7. Give it orders. "You w,ll wor~ at the ta>k I hove set unti l ir is accom•
pli.shcJ (or untll a given date). Then you "''II re turn, Go no w."
8. It Is advisable to recall the elcmcntol and load it with light and power
every few days.

. . . ..

You are alrcad1• familiar with 1hc naruml elemcm.,ls whn inhabit the astral plane,
and the artificial ones who arc crcu1« I There nrc othcxs, however,
"'hich nrc bothersome and should be avoided or concrolled. Thc-sc include "Lar-
vae" which :1n· fom1ed involunmrily by a strong physical excitement in the men-
tal plane, and disnprc~n when the excitcmcm fade$. They ha\'c no form, but thai

whi~h .i~·S)'lllOOlie. nf' 1hc1r sources. "l'hiintom_," (trigmnre fn,mdaydream /.an.tas,.s;
they,strcngrhen wi1:h c.,,ntinue<i repetition (such n~ ;1 .~uilL or r,:is,;~m1on com,
plex 1t>r an er6tic f.uit1\~y). Th~c c~n M)m erl1)1c~ hcc~1me· even ·stn..mM enough co
b<.-·~en In Ja.1·Hgbt. "Phanmsm,;'' are anln,atL-d represen1.a11..:ins ot dcce11~c,d p;,oplc,
caused l,\1praisiog, 1l1,uurnmg, tribu{cs~ ('IC. Frcqu~.ndy, the:.~ wlU ,n,pcr51;111ruc ihe
de"partcd, nnd hcRce~ac.r.o unt for m~m ~, J')Ol>r or iri3c.c ut'ille ..contacrs'' l.f !'lpiritual-
1St,;; All rhe.s..- entities lrnve a stmng In.tine, fur scJf;p(~scrv11r1011,

Ccrrnin heron! nhd metallic co111hihadon~ l)h)vid~ ready ,1ceumulacors, i>r "cnn-
densors" of p,.ythic forces. It I• c/,i,ve.riient to brew. ~ome <,>f theS<• and kee,, them
avnil,ible for nee,:1~,1 Magic.

Simple Conden,or
Bring-two• renrh.s j)lnt ,,( di,tJlfoJ 1v_:itcr to a rapid.6.111, then-add two rnbl~.spo..m, ut
dtied c11mnmile .flowt,.,,, Take from the heat and ,1lluw w cooL Filter into a very
d ean cunr~lncr and keep rcfr,gcrati,d, Th,~ is ,•cr.v cnsy 10 pre·parc nn,I c• n: be 1.1$<'<1
(qr m~ny p1,rpo,;e,.

O phthalmic Fire-Lotion
Orm!! one-half pin, of d,snlld.l w".ter '"' 11
rapid boil, then udd t wo tcas poun; of
Jrkd camomi le fl owers a nd o ne ten-
spo.>1i of f·l.,:r~n Eu/>h,as/11 (l:.y,•hr;gh;).
Tak.t from hent and allow t11 <'1101, then
decarn mco anrn hc.•r, clean C<JUtlJaner.
Take o bunch uf dried wlllow,<wirchc~·
and li~h, rhc~. ,hen phmgc th,• hurniog
switches mto the lu1i111>: rhfa 11i1 II lnh.i,c
rhe lotion w11.h d\e fire ,•lcmcnt. Filt"r Ir
1fltO ~ '18ucc.r- and pu l; ,, m fr<ln,t. u f \, t'>u-

b Jad }'Our body. with nine r.rcatbs of firc-

dcrnent nnJ transfer it int,-, th e llL1u1tl.
¥ou may als., c lu1tge II w1th the:desirc
that h. gread i jnrpn1,·• y,,.,r a,rrlll
si~ht. Put the l, l(IOn 111 a clean conta in
e r nnd keep under retn,eer:::u 1.o n.

lZ I
T,-ir. GlUM( lR.f.. (Jf S l:I-AOOWS

A "unlv<!r~al cnncl~n"'ir" can he made <>Clime ti'\!,• Jlowc~. et.1c1unhcr sk,n, Acucla
lca\'t•S, (: ifu1tunon flo wt rs. pt~ppt.•,rmint 1..::-wci>, h::;WC-'i or V1t1l11 odtlrlHlt, wil1ow
lea,•~. nnd rnlin~-c.,. ail br<,wed ln1.,, a >U<mg_•1ca. For rh~ tlmc being y.<lu will nm
need this·. Slanlnr cond~ns<)r.~ CQn he madt> specifi~ally for earrh. a ir, fir:e. and
water. S11cb legemfary things ss.c.l1xics of youch-11nd "c.,uldcora ' of wisdom"' Wt>re
extremely well-prepared c,,ndensor-ll!Eds.

&,lid Condcn•or
A ..,lid candcnsor can Ix- pt<flllrc,1 by m1xm1t oquul volume.- o( all the planetary
n,ccnls in pc,wd'1! form, k-nJ, ell,, irori.~'t•ld, copper, hras,, ;1coJ s,lvcr, plu~ jiuh-cr•
11.t...J hluc resin, animal ch'nrcrn1I, :'md 1'n11'\c:rul Col'll. FCir the tinic be'ing you w/11 nm
need chi,, IJur for ~d,·an,:-,,1 working, (and ,f y,)u can afford the ,;old ttLid ,ulv~r)
you may· wish w make up ·a small ttmou111· for lnst,'tti,n lnro a hollow wand nr
other applicacio11.


Your trainln,g h<1,1 prQg.Te>'-~i:I for bv now, 51111. bear in mind chm 1t is ve11• 1mpor,
uun to malncnm 001,h a Ma~•cal, balar:iec,1 mm.I. a.nd u h"1nlthr btid)·, At tills cim~
1·ou may wuut t11 be~m , pectt1 llzed trnlnin~ to dcvdc,p sp(Xl~I cap.1biliiie,\vlrhln
ynurielr ( i.e.. dnlrnudicn.:e, far-sct:mi:, ,1r >¢11slng N,hoc pcoph,~ r ,1rher ¢nt1•
rics'-t.•-m(~tfun$ and c"1n~d1..1u.-.n'-!~!( at ,l dl~mncc), l h corrc·c1 -" wc.a'; wi thin
)'O\lr~u. le) Wt>tk ,, n spc~lal cnleius you w,,I,, " ' attain, c11nsulr ,h,, chnn, rhell
p,d, o ut ex<!~c~~ from i:hc follnwong r•2~.sfo1special prnct,ct'.

Elements Fire Air Water Earth Akasha

Scns..>:S Eyes Ears Pecception Taste All In a ll
Exercises in Optic- Acous'ric, Emotional Expanding Reati±rng
ron,entrJtion, wt the. rrolilics
mo..litnri<m con~clousnC$.~
Fw,d.,,11<.l'ltal WIii lnrd let r Feeling Con,dousnffi u,nsclen~e
qu;ilitics <'>f
rh~ mind
I( you (enli.c " weakne.'3 in yuuric11', cpncenrm1f' ,.,n appr<)priorn p,-ychi~ ex<:r•
cises (utll'i,in~ 1h~ :1hovd, u, l,111,i,: y,111nsclf ,nH) hafnnc,•.


"Wizard" Magical Training


Place a cotto n pad soaked with the ophthalmic fire-lotion o ver each e)'e and rig a
blindfold to hold the pads in place. Sitcin~ in the as:ma posh ion (sec illw.trarion.
1"'8" ZZ4). breathe in the Unlvcrsol White Light which pcnncnrc., everythin~.
Know t hot you""" every place, everywhere d1.11 this light pcrmcm:es, Concen-
trate tlus light on both C)'es. Hold for ten minutes as you practice lookinJ? far be1'0n<l
and about you. Then discharge and remove the pads. This exercise aids in using the
c.rysrnl, the Magic-mutor, dark swfaces etc., for SCl')'ing, and improves your abilir)' 10
understand any writing seen physically and Reco rd your observations.


Practice of chis exercise enables o ne to hear voices at the remo resr distances and
to unde,stand the lan)lu<lges of all beings. Make up two new cotton plugs and
moisten chem with the simple condensor. Place them before you and Imbue each
with nine breaths of rhe air elemcnr. Insert the plugs Into your cars and fill yo ur
head wlth nine breath~ of aka,ha. Tmts, fcr yo ur con~iousncss into the region n(
vvur cars. Knou, r.hat )'OU c:m hcnr anything, nnywhcre, absolutely ! Disehurgc the
akasha after nt least ten minut~. and remove tht! plugs. Record your observutions.


Thi, is the foculty of perceiving and feeling nil the phenomcn• and rowel'li occur•
mg in the clements nnd evcrywhorc thnt the nka, ha pcrvaJcs. Practice if this
exercise will ,lcvclop you, capab,liry fo r psychnmttry, m,11cnali:ations, sense rcr-
ceptions and touch sensnt ions.
Referring ro yo ur charts on your personality, strengths and weaknesses from
page ZZZ , no te whether your personality is predominant!\' earth, air, fire, o r
wa ter, and chec k below to note where you will place your pad of fluid condcnsor
for rhi, e.xcrclsc.
• If the fire clement is dominant, )'Our as1Tol sensory cent er: forehead.
• If the a ir element is dominant, yo ur a.11.ral sensory center: hean .
• If the water element is dominant, yuur ostml sensory center. solar plexus.
• lf the earth element is dom inant. your astral sensory center: hand;
or thighs.

Make " ccitton p:id. anJ ,nolstrn It wn.h • condcno;or. Pince Ir before yc,u a,,cl
Imbue II wu h nine breaths o( the water clement. L;.., on a coue,h ,ind pince the pad
over the astral sensory area; keep your eyes closed from here on. Accumuln<e tbc
water element into your body, p1crunng char \'00 are floating m the Universal Water
Elem em. in an .:'ndless ocean which pervades e"erywhcre. Transfer your conscious-
ness into the .seruory area. lmnginc inttnSd)' the strong mngnr:tk power o( the wmer.
After tu k~as1 lN'I ml!l!Jh!S, grndu:ally clrop imn;:mntion of 1ht~ un ivcn.ial w:c1te·r, dis,
,,olvc the w:ncr clement, remove nnJ dbchnri.>e rhc ct1ndcn,or 1111d. As \'OU sm,ng1h•
en In tlus exercise you w,11 be able, ultm1a,d1•, to induce this foculty merely by
transfe.rrin_g consciousness in to the senSOI)' areR, Record your obscrv~,tions .

.. .
.. ...

.• • . ••
.. .. .. '. .•' . . .
.... . •. •

. .• .
... ... • ..... , •
·. .· .... .·
:· ♦ • •

• ♦

• • • • ..

•• ♦ •

• • ♦ ..

.... .
.... .



An "elemental" Is produced on the base of deliberate thoughts, and works mainly
on the mental plane. An "elementary" is far more penetrating am,i subtle, and Is
created from one or s.:vcral el~mcnu.
An clemenrary should only be given one rask at a tlme, otherwise it may
become confused. It mun be made of elements &ultablc for the job, and It must be
given a name at the momem ,,f creation. The greater the loading, the beuer the
elementary. Always keep them under control: otherwise you might become
responsible karmically for a vampire!
Elemcntaries manufactured for your own use can be created through your own
body, bu1 those dcstln~"<l for use by others should be created by projection of the
elements directly from the earth. You should f'uc the method for calling up an ele-
mentary at the rime it is created.
There are rwo fundamental methods for creation of dcmentaries.
• Method •I: Projection of one element into a ready-made form.
• Method •2: Prpjcction of sc,•cral clements in10 a ready-made form.

Method # I for P.roduclng an Elementary

I . Place the "form object" before you; a lamp, ball, ring, etc. will do.
2. Fill the form object with the element appropriate to Its ra.;k. Repeat again
and again for a strong response.
3. lmpregna·te rhe doll witl, your Jcsirc for accomplishing the cask.
4. Simultaneously, give it a name.
5. Simultaneously, allm 11" lifcumc.
6. Drnw 1he elementary <lUl und send It on its way m the 1&k, ordering 1t t o
return "home" when It is finished with its task.
7. After sending the elementary off, /~1 about it! Otherwise, your thoughts
may in1eriere with ic., work.
8. When you think the job might be accomplished, use o pendulum to check
whether your elementary ha., returned, You can call it back for reloading.
9. When the elementary Is back in the form object you may wrap the object
in black si lk, as silk 15 n p,-ychic insulawr. However, ,f you wrap rho object
when the clcmcnrnry is away It will nu1 be >1blc 10 return ond will die.
Thi.s method will suffice if the job co be accomplished i:s • simple one. If
not, you n eed a more contplex elementary.
Mt l'hod #2 for Producing an Elcn1e11ta11•
I. M•k,e " doll at lcus1 four 111che. high from two ports loam and cm~
. '
part lie~wax.
2. Drive a-penctl from it.• head u, its feet 10 make a holl11w <>p.~11ing.
J. FUI che hollow with a !°iquic;I c,mckruor. If, al\J mu:, if, rhc elementary is
for pcrror.1111 use. 11dd a bit of your own ~perm c~r blow,
4. S..-nl th;, opcmng with wax.
S. I-told the doll in your left ha nd, and ruh ir gc1>tl)' w,ch fO"r nghc hand.
BrcMhe imo it arid ruune it.
6. Thrm,gh du, doll~ feet l~ad rlw g~nic,I reijlOn with c:frth olemenr an!l fix.
Tim;iu~.h iis feet loa.d rhe.ab,lorninnl rcgl,m with 1li.c ,v:tiorelcmrot.:md
tr.,. Through lts feet load· the chc~t region wi1.h che air el·~menc·~nd fix.
Through ,ts feet l@ad the head rc~ton,w,th the fire demon ~and fix. TI,c
a'sttal body ha;; now been produced.
i .·Conctnrra1e into rhc doll's l1cnd the metical qualitie'$ that you witnl 11
to hn\re.
8, H;,1\1 th~ 1l,11l In )'('UI k(t hanJ.~nd accumulan, ,di:ea.vy ch.irge of l1gl,\ 1
fn.>111 1h~ un,v~r., f. In the righr h;md.
9. Pix. the elemenrary•~ death dace In your mind.
10'. Trnns(eT ,he light mco the doll, Cati it by 11s name, (You will ii.-)!m r.o
.cost at1d fed its heartbeat and·re.pimri<m.) Tdl tt J<lY!Ou~ly 10 """·
IL. You may wrap the doll in black , ilk fur snin,gc, but do ll(II wrap it when
the d.erncnrruy's a.mnl i; "'""1'· ,u tlu,i Cl>ultl kHI 11.
12. Alli,w '"' one tn mud1 II . St,1rc it ~cc1m,ly ,mu sufe,ly.
U : lrs ~,,., ""d cl,)rhing will be 1-. y,lu d~tctm1ne for ~nch mbsion . Th¢ cle-
mcnr ory wlll develop In sire and potency ns it as LL"«,l .& ·sure you remem"
her you• U11 lnnnon and Char-Jmg Ritual.



Method #l
I. Decide purpo,;,:, form, sex, name, llfo span, rirual for calling, nnd whether
the cleme nt11I is to he bound to• Joli or a 0.:1crminc the stor•
age locaci,)n; n must nor come inro contact with nrnngers.
2. Draw a la rge circle on a piece of paper, and Inscribe two squares wichm ii.
making an eight-pointed star which symbolizes both the positive and the
negative aspects of all the elements. Draw a sign repre..<enring rhe ele•
ITlcntary in t:hc middle of the octogrJm. The elementary will stand at this
spot. (S..·c illusummn on pngc 228.)
J . Engrave t he same s,gn o n round piece of mewl abo ut one half inch in
diameter. We no w hnvc the great Kyl lcho re and the small Kyhchorc
(Kylichore: u place for scon1gc and prcservau on of the elcmenwry). Pl:,ce
the small Kylichore in che center of the great Kylichme.
4. Call the elementary b1• the name you have chosen. bearing in mlnJ nll of
Step I above.
5. Assuming that this is a flame elementary, sir in the pooition nnJ
inhale the fire element, impregnating it with your desire. (Animate le
afterward with your imagination.) Trans-fer the accumulated fire clement
into the center of the smal l Kylichore. Repeat chis again and again; a
spark will begin ro grow.
6. When you grow tired, send the elemental off to its storage place in a sec•
rion of wall, a do ll, o r a talisman, for instance. Puc the small Kyli<:bo re In
a safe pla-ce, fold the large o ne and put it away.
7. When you wane co continue charging, spread pu1 the greai Kylicho rc,
place the smoll o ne tn the center and call the elemeniary's name.
And rhc name will reappear. Continue as before , frequentl y adding to
the llnm<!.
8. When it is large enough, transmute rhe llame hltl' the desired sh•pc.
E,·en the n . 1•ou can conilnue loading It. (The large Kylicho re a< used
nnly for loadin)l.)
9. To use the elementary, u1ih:c the ritual o r cake 1he small Kylkhore in
hr1nd aml gsvc an order.

T , If 0Rl'10f~E o, Sl·IAOOW,;

Method #2 - Ad,'llnccd Method.

Sarne as Me,hod •I (bei,:lnnlni:: on p.• g• 227), bur ,mng,nc ,he comple, e shnre
from ,he bei;:lnning.


C ut o lliecc ofblo1ung paper or cnrdboard to the size of the picture.
I. Mo i.sten th<' Jl'lper wi1:h the fluid comlcnsor and lcr it dry. I( the p,crure is
on oil palnring, the condensor is not re<:1ulrcd.
2. Place the paper cllrecdy again5t the bm:k of ,he picture ,ind rrmecc it
from dust.
3. As in Merhod : 2 for Producing an Eleme,uary (pa2<: 226), form the men-
tal body by imaginution. It musr correspond ro the s11t of the picn,re.. If

me picture doe~ not show me whole figure, then fill in what is mwing
with rour ima11ination. Transfer the dc5ired mental capabilitico.
4. Projec1 the elements as indicnted in Method #2.
5. Cull i1 10 Hfe as in Method ,2.
6. It is often advisable to store the elementary in the wall behind the picture.
Otherwise, your visitors will begin seeing the image move as it gets
scronger, and you may pick up an unfortunate reputation.
7 The sam~ method applies to statues :lnd

h is not advisable to animate pictures with great sexual appeal because the
dcmcnrnry could possibly come ro control you.


Dissolutio n Procou .# I
If you give your elemencary a pre-set death date there should be no problem in
having it last too long. However. if you want to deuctivatt it ahead of time, the
following technique should be used.
I. Holding the doll m the left h:inJ, load your right hand very heavily with
akasha, so that It glows blue-black.
2. Project suddenly, into the heart of the doll to srop its hean and lun~-
J. Remove and dissolve the mental body into the Universal light. This dis-
solves the clcmentary's mental body.
4. Dis>olve each clement of l~s astral body, one at a time.
5. Break off hs head, catch any condensor Auid in• blotter, and bum it.
6. Bury che waxen figure in some remote location.
Dissolu tion Process #2
If your elcmcntul')' Is ve11• strong the following method should IX! used.
I. Fill ynur lr.uhtub ,.,Ith wutcr "' hot as you can stand. Get in.
2. Hold rhe figure, wrapped in silk, in your left hand.
3. Load )'OOr tighr hand very heavily with akasha.
4. Shake off the silk wrnppin~ with the left hand, lmmediRtely kill the dc-
me.,uary with ,m akasha bolt, and submerge the d"II in 1hc rub.

5, llllllk ,o,ensclr tl;a, all power, all abilities, nil Ufc iS ~ ing rhrougb tht
w.uer mm your body, .sc,ul, and mind ..
6.,ce~s·rema.inmg power rcmuins. m the. anl.l p1(1t~c:•~ yqu ~m
"Ma~ic::1! badd.ash."
7. Oet aut uf th" tub ai.1 d dry ,,ff, l"'1\'l11g the doll in thecoollttij ware,. Drain
tht If the doll stUl bn.< an aura, A.ll the- tub with h<Jt W'J IW' 3fl'l '"•
and let tho dcill soak for a linlt> lon~er.
S. Buro.or bury the s111:, wrapping an.<I the n,mnlns of the doll

More Training
Ye~, much mor,e train'ing·i:s po,siblc. If you've ron:si:crcd all of it tip through,"\Vl:,
arJ," a,fi,•e•v~r cis). at the very lcrut, then cmnuct me i:hro~gh 1he puhl i$.l\cr, i(
)'OU w,mL Leci.: mtk. ·
All <>f diis .ls likely 10 ,-~ke ,1ulr;: :1 while. and by, m e 1in10 y,, u t1nlsh with It.
.)'.OU probably will knowquite wcll.whca: you want m.stud)· and p~~ 11~~1. Just

h is noc jltsr the nnalgoal,

But th¢ 19Umey i.iwlf,
Which is.w11rth1• ond mem<,rable.
For the adventures c:if !he 11und,
The Sf1irlt , nnd the rol,I
Whieh one oncoun«'1'< in rlie Quest
Ari: enriching beyond all 111~..,,;.,re.
An(l, ~ . ,y.e nhy-seeker,
.Go,e~-:, in rhe Way of tht.Gods
And know TI,e., blcssu'tl!~I

BleSS<-d Be.
Ed Fitch.



Th<' "B<xik ofSliadow• of the Clutier C<>un" and rhe "(:}r,n,om, of Shadows" att
compan ,on volum~ 10 be used h, scttmJ! up Ourcr Court (or cramin~) c,wtns.
lo;._1far as wns p(>~iblc, all rites and pracuces have been drawn from rmditlons.
folklore, and histo rical sources and have r~nably good aEam,cy. The niethod of
Magtc employl-d, h6wever, is lisualli• between the·ce~emoriial and 'Wiccan rypes.
.One reason dictated rh" ,oe of an oftlti)es rdath-cly cQmplex ceremonial
method ,wc:r ahvays us)ng rhl.' degmu ly ~Imrie Wirch Magic;. Many·q( 1he ,1t1c1cnr
rituals. if cn11rely rccnn,m,c1cd ;1/;«,rdini.t ru Crnfr pra<:1.1cc, end up bcm~ uncom,
(on.1bly dose to somc rnC"s. This, tu• :1n~• W1«an knows, •j:4 no·accidcnr.
The exercises rhemsekcs _give :J good rrnJnlng ,n Magh:al thlnlting thnt will
s.erve very well, no maner what the ~ecikcr's' indrruitiops. ,A:Magic:,jrfented
inquirer ~ould·b,, led bj·Outer C'..(,urt dev"rional rite,t ro ~ new and grearer ~•er-
ence for the Lady.
The re are several.appliqitions (qnm 01,Jrer G,.urt. A. version o(ir mar be used
bi• an already-esmblishe,J' frRdiuon co 011 many "l\ole&" cha1 it might have in 110.
o wn ritual ,md traininJl tornptmJi,m,. It may b,; uscJ us u ocarl1· ur co1nplctely
..:lf-sitfndtnt "from organi::n1u>n" 10 ><:recn am.I rrnin pro.<pccl.l\"c ll'111ia1.-s. Ri.<ko
mlly bc taken nn,1 ne"' g11">11nJ b,,.l:en hy nn Outer 'Cm,n iir~.m,mtlt•n, ,ind 11uti•
1H(:,, nf 1im1•cn hl11h col,ber may he " bt:,incd ~t .wl ll ,l'rum (lurerCvurt et.J\'cn, .
Abo, ~he O uter Coun 1s ttsclf n cvmplccc, sdf-<:1,111romcd s1•s1cm.
Each ~rnop rce..ivmg 1111,. O U1 er Court 111a1crial n1nr nJd h}. :J1er. and/or sub,
1rilc:1 lr,1m 11 depending on rhcir rcl<pcc1ivc hnmch c,f the Craft. their 11\lcrerts a1,d
tk-$11,~ . and local n~ecl,. The 111,\tcrial. :tl rh,.iugh pnmllel 10 G.1rLlncrl1m W,rch•
., c<in be tcc<1:nfig11red t,,)-C',:Clrlc., TmJlrlunal, Larin., ol' Mill.lie Eu111pc•n ,ryp,,,.
Con.cc1Yably, 11 would even be po~s.1hl,· 111.1no<l1fr 1hc ()mer l;,, un nw1~n~I w
such vnrtr.rit"ulS us Mcx,crm--Axtt.-c:, /\nctl~nt Et,:yptmn. M~Jpc:,rnmmn, Ctc:cmn. ;.1
fvrm i,fNursc (.)..i,n,,111. ,,r c,•~n l'olyn<>mn \Vuch.:_n,(,. 111c 1111lv 1'cq111rt incm, o(
Cl>Utsc. would b,, I hnr ,h., b,,"C,r:,(11111111> .,f rhc Crar, nvr he ,,lrt·r<·, I.
A variety of rlrunls and trlldltlons from moov sources will give nn:ngrh roan
Outer Coun m<>vemcnt, and to Wicai in general. Moclifknrions and aJdirlon.s ro
thia marcrial arc encouragtcl.

AKASHA: Magical life-force.

AN IMA: The female side of one's charJcter,
AN IMUS: The male side of o ne's chamctrr.
ASPERGILLIS: A sprink ler for boly or consecrat«l water.
ATHAME: The Wi1ch's tradition;il Magical 1001, the consccraced, black, hnndled
BELTANE: Muy E"e or May li1,i. One of the high fesrh•als .,f Paganism.
BCX)K O F SH...'\00\VS: A compendium ..-/ Wicca rituals, spells, ,raining tcchniqut-s,
procedures, gu1ddtnes, and other materials deemed unporcant to a Witch or to a
full coven. There as a "'idc winery of chese book$ cxmnl, 1tl().\t o{ which have not
b«n published, as they nre tL<u>lly considered secret. Each W1cca traditio n ls
likely co have 1L< own more or less standard Book of Shadow, .
BRASSARID: Dc"oree. Prieness. suprorr«. (Archaic poetic use.)
BRAZIER: Incense burner, 0 1 thunblc. Usuall1• ceramic or metnl nnd ,.,fcen desgnecl
to be suspended or S1•'Un~ l,y a chain. Often they ha\'\' a lay« of sand in rhe ho, ,
torn so thn1 incense ~11d,.:i may be inse.ned. or ~lnwln,:: charco.c1I briqueues arc
placed inside robe spnnklc:d with pow<lcrt-J mcen.<c.
C ENSE, C ENSER: .ee '"Br•tier."'
CONDENSER. PSYC I IIC: An hcrhal, mmeral, o r metallic substance which accu•
mul-'~Cs ;md lw,IJs M :tj!kt'II power.
CONSECRATION: ln>huing an object o rsubsrnncc wh-h Mn~lcul power.
COVENSTEAD: 17w place, usu;,lli- ,1 re>1tlcncc. a1 which II coven «"l(Ulnrly perfunns
its ntu!ll'i. In um:1c.nt 111110 1h1.i. wuulJ have been u Lcm plc:.

CREATRIX: Female creat,>r. Goddess.

C ROSS-QUARTER DAYS: The twditional P.lgan holidays which occur exactly
!,.,tween each Sabbat (q .... ) nr Sea>On;1I Fe.clval (q.v.). These are Lady Day or
Candlcmas (February 2), &hone (Mu, I ), l.,mmms (A.,~us• I ). and Samhain or
Hnllnwcen (October 31).


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