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AIR International - January 2018

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From the Editor

ovember and December proved to be months In Russia, more military aircraft programmes made the news
laced with notable events in the F-35 Lightning with the roll-out of the latest Tu-160 Blackjack strategic bomber,
II programme. Following arrival of the first three the maiden flight of the first Beriev A-100 AWACS aircraft and the
Royal Norwegian Air Force aircraft at Main Air establishment of a second division in the Russian Air Force heavy
Station Ørland, the United States made the largest transport branch.
ever deployment of the type to the Republic of Korea. Eighteen Airbus and Boeing dominated the order book announced at the
F-35s, 12 US Marine Corps F-35Bs and six US Air Force Dubai Air Show, along with news of the certification of the A350-
F-35As arrived at Kunsan Air Base to participate in Exercise 1000, plus announcements on the first A321neo, assembly of the
Vigilant Ace. The five-day joint Republic of Korea and United first A330-800neo and a first look at the Boeing 777X flight deck.
States event started on December 4. Vigilant Ace involved Elsewhere, Pilatus Aircraft announced it had received EASA and
230 aircraft. Six F-22 Raptors were also deployed to Kunsan FAA certification of the PC-24 business jet, and Textron Aviation
making the event the largest fifth-generation fighter and F-35 launched the Cessna 408 SkyCourier.
deployments to date. Details of all these commercial stories can be found in this issue.
On November 28, the 412th Test Wing based at Edwards Air That’s about it for this year, other than to wish all our readers a
Force Base led Exercise Orange Flag to evaluate further the peaceful Christmas and prosperous New Year.
F-35’s interoperability with other combat aircraft types flown
by the US Marine Corps and US Navy. Twenty-eight aircraft
participated in the test event, named after the test colour –
orange, operating – in addition to Edwards, from Nellis Air
Force Base, Nevada, Naval Air Weapons Station China Lake and
Naval Air Station Point Mugu, both in California.
East of the eastern seaboard in the nation of Israel, the Israel
Air and Space Force announced an initial operational capability
declaration for its F-35I Adir following a yearlong work-up to the
official inspection. Mark Ayton, Editor

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Editor Mark Ayton Assistant Editor Mark Broadbent Editor’s Secretary Melissa Smith Advertisement Manager Ian Maxwell Group Editor Nigel Price
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AND BEYOND The Boeing 757 is a workhorse for many airlines and is
David C Isby provides an overview of US airpower, a big, set to remain so, but what might eventually replace it?
but demanding defence requirement. Mark Broadbent reports.


Ian Frain provides an overview of police aviation in the UK, Ian Harding visited Royal Naval Air Station Yeovilton to learn
which today is based around Airbus helicopters. about the carrier air wing work-up for the new carrier HMS
Queen Elizabeth.


Riccardo Niccoli visited Ovda Air Base in southern Israel to 78 FREIGHTER CONVERSIONS
discover what the multinational exercise Blue Flag has to Mark Broadbent profiles some of the latest developments in
offer its participants. the expanding area of passenger-to-freighter conversions.

MAIN PICTURE: A rare visitor to the UK early in December

was Antonov Airlines’ An-22A Antei. Nik French

46 62

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Ernesto Blanco Calcagno reports from a Headline news from around the world,
roadside where the Uruguayan Air Force including the latest Tu-160, E-Fan X, a
deployed A-37B Dragonfly jets.
SUBSCRIBE record Airbus order and the F-35I Adir.


A round-up of the big military news
AIRWAYS A subscription to stories from the recent Dubai Air Show.
Chris Kjelgaard reports on AIR International 12 LAST F-16 LEAVES TEXAS NEST
interCaribbean Airways’ efforts to grow
a hub in the Turks and Caicos Islands
offers great savings The last F-16 Fighting Falcon has
and on relief-flying and network- on cover price. been built at Air Force Plant 4 run by
rebuilding activities in the wake of See pages 34 and aerospace giant Lockheed Martin.
hurricanes Irma and Maria. 35 for details.
Sukhoi-killer, L-39CW, Il-276 and the
all-new Calidus B-250.


The Spanish Air Force has retired its last
P-3A Prion.

Behind the scenes with the Dutch
Helicopter Command’s NH90 NFHs.

Refurbished Hinds, Nigerian Air Force
Bell 412, H145M firing trials and more.

Beluga XL, Dream Chaser, Japan Airlines
and Boom Supersonic.

25 AN-22 ANTEI
The world’s largest turboprop visits
the UK.


R-350, Kalashnikov’s UAVs and more.

Predator ASW capability, Operational
MQ-4C Triton, and the Beriev A-100’s
Headlines from the commercial Airbus Cabin Flex and the A321LR.
rotary market. 32 ENGINES
98 TEXTRON LAUNCHES The FATE demonstrator engine.
Major stories in the business A new turboprop with both passenger
aviation sector. and freight variants for the utility role. NEWS COLUMNS
Aircraft developments and operational
82 updates.

Military transport branch expands its


B-52H Stratofortress improvements.


Telemetry, Triton, distraction and


F-35 arrives, Seahawk and Squirrel depart.

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E-Fan moves to next stage

The Airbus E-Fan X demonstrator will use a BAe 146 and is scheduled to fly in 2020. Airbus

Airbus is to collaborate with Rolls- proven. Using a BAe 146 represents The objectives are to mature the flight controls. Siemens will deliver
Royce and Siemens in the next phase a considerable step up in Airbus performance, safety and reliability of the electric motors and their power
of its ongoing E-Fan programme to hybrid-electric research, with the hybrid electric technology, establish electronic control unit, as well
explore hybrid-electric propulsion E-Fan programme so far having the future certification requirements as the inverter, DC/DC converter
for commercial aircraft. The E-Fan involved light aircraft, including the for electrically powered aircraft and and power distribution system.
X technology demonstrator will use e-Genius, E-Star and E-Fan 1.2 as train a new generation of designers Rolls-Royce will be responsible for
a BAe 146 with one of the aircraft’s demonstrators. and engineers. the engine, generator and power
four engines replaced by a 2MW The E-Fan X demonstrator will Airbus will be responsible for overall electronics. Airbus and Rolls-Royce
electric motor and fan. Provisions research thermal effects, electric aircraft integration, and the control will also both work on the fan
will be made to replace a second thrust management, altitude and architecture of the hybrid-electric adaptation to the existing nacelle
gas turbine engine with an electric dynamic effects on electric systems propulsion system and batteries and the Siemens electric motor.
motor once system maturity is and electromagnetic compatibility. and its integration with the aircraft’s Mark Broadbent

Big orders in the Gulf

The recent Dubai Air Show saw a The deal, worth $49.5 billion at list Volaris in Mexico and JetSMART Boeing also announced large single-
flurry of orders activity in the single- prices, makes Indigo Partners one in Chile. The 430 A320neos will aisle purchases of its own during
aisle airliner market, albeit less intense of Airbus’ largest customers, as the be split as follows: 100 A320neos Dubai. The low-cost carrier flyDubai
than previous years. Most notable was jets are in addition to the 427 A320 and 34 A321neos for Frontier, 72 ordered 175 737 MAXes (plus 50
Indigo Partners placing the largest ever Family aircraft Indigo has already A320neos and 74 A321neos for Wizz, options) and the lessor Avolon firmed a
single order for Airbus aircraft with a ordered for its four ultra-low-cost 56 A320neos and 14 A321neos for previously announced memorandum
memorandum of understanding for carriers, Frontier Airlines in the JetSMART and 46 A320neos and 34 of understanding for 55 737 MAX 8s
430 A320neo Family aircraft. United States, Wizz Air in Europe, A321neos. and 20 737 MAX 10s. Mark Broadbent

Adir makes IOC

The F-35I Adir was declared with initial operational capability (IOC) by the Israel Air and Space Force on December 6, 2017. Israel is the first nation outside of the
United States to declare the F-35 as IOC. Now equipped with nine F-35Is (six more will be delivered in the Spring of 2018), 140 ‘Golden Eagle’ Squadron based at
Nevatim Air Base spent 12-months working-up to an official inspection of all aspects required of a fighter squadron, everything from training to some elements of
operational employment. The work-up was undertaken with the first five aircraft delivered to Israel. Further testing and development of tactics, techniques and
procedures will continue. Photo Israel Defense Force

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Another Blackjack complete
On November 16, 2017, the latest but will eventually receive new the Novella NV1.70 made by the Tu-160 Blackjack bombers, some of
Tu-160 Blackjack strategic bomber equipment and be redesignated Zaslon Company, and installation which flew the type’s first combat
was rolled out of the Kazan Aircraft as a Tu-160M or M2. The different of new navigation, communications mission on November 17, 2015,
Plant production hall, a subsidiary of designations denote a midlife and self-defence suites. The UKBP launching Kh-101 missiles against
the Tupolev Company. The bomber, upgrade configuration (M) or a new- Company based in Ulyanovsk is targets in Syria.
8-04, the fourth aircraft of the build aircraft (M2); in respect of the developing a new cockpit display Further evidence of the
eighth production series of Tu-160, systems and equipment installed, system, and the Raduga Company in recapitalisation of Russia’s strategic
and the 35th Blackjack, not counting both the M and M2 will have the Dubna is developing the Kh-BD air- bomber fleet came with an
ground test prototypes, is supposed same configuration. launched cruise missile, which has a announcement in November of
to begin flight testing in February New systems and equipment for longer range than the existing Kh- a plan to modernise at least half
2018. both designations are supposed 101, specifically for the modernised of its 60-plus-strong fleet of Tu-
Production of Tu-160 bombers at to be ready in 2020. Trials of the Tu-160. The Kh-101 missile has 22M3 Backfires to a new Tu-22M3M
Kazan lasted until 1994, after which modernised variant are expected a 4,000km range (2,160 nautical standard. The first upgraded aircraft,
four unfinished airframes remained to be completed in 2021, the year miles), while the Kh-102 nuclear scheduled to fly in 2018, is expected
there. One, 8-02, was the first to that the first new-build Tu-160M2 is version has a range of 5,000km to be fitted with the same engines,
be finished and handed over to the expected to make its maiden flight. (2,700 nautical miles). avionics and mission systems as the
Russian Air Force in 1999, followed The Russian Ministry of Defence Samara-based company Kuznetsov Tu-160M2 and integration of the
by 8-03 in 2007. Following the currently intends to manufacture 50 is preparing to launch production of Kh-32 advanced cruise missile. As
roll-out of 8-04, only aircraft 8-05 new Tu-160M2s. upgraded NK-32 series 02 turbofan ever with Russian military projects,
remains in the factory. The Tu-160M/M2 modernisation engines for the Tu-160. it is not known how much funding,
For the time being, aircraft 8-04 programme includes replacing The 121st Guards Aviation Regiment if any, has been allocated to the
will remain a standard Tu-160, the current Obzor-K radar with based at Engels Air Base operates 16 programmes. AIR International

Tu-160 Blackjack 8-04 outside the Kazan Aircraft Plant production hall on November 16, 2017. OAK

New engine flies on a Su-57 Ukraine’s

On December 5, 2017, Russia’s fifth-
generation Su-57 fighter carried new tactical
out the type’s first flight fitted with
a second-stage engine dubbed the
isdeliye (product) 30. Sukhoi’s chief
test pilot Sergey Bogdan flew the The Antonov AN-BK-1 Horlytsia
test mission in aircraft T-50-2, the UAV has started flight testing,
second prototype, which lasted for it was reported in November.
17 minutes. Powered by a pusher propeller,
The new engine was installed on the the system is catapult
left with a standard AL-41F1 (isdeliye launched and lands on a fixed
117) engine on the right. undercarriage. The vehicle has
United Aircraft Corporation quoted an endurance of seven hours,
Russia’s Minister of Industry and 1,000km (539 nautical miles)
Trade, Denis Manturov who said range and a maximum take-off
the successful flight with the new weight of 200kg (440lb) and it
engine gave an additional impulse A close-up shot of the engine nozzles of a isdeliye 30 engine installed on the left can carry a 50kg (110lb) payload
and a standard (slightly longer) AL-41F1 (isdeliye 117) engine on the right on the
to the fifth-generation fighter at a cruising speed of 97kts
second prototype Su-57 fighter T-50-2 during a 17-minute flight flown by Suk-
programme. hoi’s chief test Sergey Bogdan on December 5, 2017. United Aircraft Corporation (180km/h). It has an operational
The isdeliye 30 engine has been radius of 80km (43 nautical
developed by the Moscow-based the UMPO production plant at in the 17 to 18-tonnes range, while miles). Designed by Antonov
Lyulka Design Bureau headed by Ufa (where the current AL-41F1 the AL-41F1 is rated at 15 tonnes. as an independent research
Yevgeniy Marchukov in cooperation is also manufactured). According A big incentive for developing the and development programme,
with all of the Russian large engine to design details released, the isdeliye 30 is India’s requirement the AN-BK-1 is intended to be
manufacturers. For example, engine core has a compression for a new fighter engine for the capable of reconnaissance,
Salyut of Moscow developed ratio of 6.7, air flow of 2,123kg/ Fifth-Generation Fighter Aircraft, target acquisition and weapons
the high-pressure compressor, sec (4,680lb/sec) and a turbine the Russian-Indian derivative of delivery missions. It will enter
afterburner chamber and thrust- entry temperature range of 1,950– the Su-57. India does not want its service with Ukraine in 2018. David
vectoring nozzle. Isdeliye 30 2,100K. The maximum thrust with future FGFA powered by the current C Isby
engines will be manufactured at afterburner is expected to be rated AL-41F1.

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HAVING STARTED in 1986 as a UAE and QinetiQ announce PAC seems to have exploited a Regulation Part 23 standards in
small civil aviation air show known target joint venture gap in the market with significant the normal, utility and aerobatics
as Arab Air and held at the Dubai On the first day of the Dubai Air success. The small machine is a categories it has the potential to be
World Trade Centre, the Dubai Air Show 2017 UK defence company state-of-the-art basic trainer in the used worldwide in the civilian pilot
Show is now the third largest trade- QinetiQ and UAE-based Middle East old school with relatively simple, training role.
centred air show in the world, after General Enterprises announced a easy to maintain systems built upon At the other end of the scale, PAC
Farnborough and Paris. The event joint venture to manufacture in the a proven, rugged platform. Although Kamra division, which also produces
is now held at the economic zone UAE aerial and maritime targets the basic Swedish design is half a the Super Mushshak, displayed
known as Dubai World Central to be used for test and evaluation, century old, the Super Mushshak, three of its JF-17 Thunder fighters.
(DWC) which is being built around acceptance and training purposes. which first flew in 1995, is fitted with These jets were in the markings of
Al Maktoum International Airport. The range of products produced will a glass cockpit. Air conditioning is 14 Squadron ‘Tail Choppers’, the
The eighth iteration ran between include the Banshee aerial target also standard, essential for operation Pakistan Air Force’s (PAF) newest
Sunday November 12 and Thursday and the Hammerhead fast attack in hot climates, and it is countries Thunder unit. The Tail Choppers
November 16, 2017. More than 60 craft maritime target. Spokespeople with lots of sunshine that have are the fifth operational Pakistani
companies exhibited, and trade for the venture said it presents bought the aircraft. Nigeria has unit to fly the JF-17, which will form
visitor numbers were up 20% over an opportunity to export within now received all eight machines it the backbone of the PAF in years to
2015; some 79,380 individuals the Middle East and international ordered in 2016 and has requested come. Unlike its smaller stablemate,
entered the purpose-built hall at markets. four more. Qatar has also ordered the Thunder has not achieved the
DWC. Orders worth $113.8 billion eight. In a big order for the type, sales success it has sought for so
were signed over the five days of Pakistan continues to Turkey ordered 52 in May 2017, with long. However, the manufacturer
the event. As well as a conventional promote its defence industry Azerbaijan following up with an hopes that as the airframe matures,
trade static display, this year Pakistan continues to extoll the order for 10 just before the Dubai particularly with the introduction
featuring more than 160 aircraft, virtues of its semi-indigenous Air Show. The manufacturer sees of the Block 3 version with its
each day included a flying display products at air shows. Two types scope for further development of active electronically scanned
of military and civil machines. First- were on display at Dubai, the the type with work ongoing into array radar and the integration
timers this year included China’s Pakistan Aeronautical Complex the integration of air-to-ground of a targeting pod, the relatively
People’s Liberation Army Air Force’s (PAC) showcased its Super missiles and electro-optical/ inexpensive JF-17 will attract more
aerobatic display team ‘August the Mushshak and the JF-17 Thunder. infrared equipment. Because it is customers. Myanmar has ordered
1st’ with its Chengdu J-10 fighters. With its Super Mushshak (Proficient) certified to meet Federal Aviation 16 JF-17Ms, one of which has

Dubai Air Show 2017

Jerry Gunner rounds-up the big military news stories from the recent Dubai Air Show

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The Aermacchi M-346FA demonstrator landing back at Leonardo’s
complex at Venegono, Italy, after appearing at Dubai Air Show 2017.
It appears the back-seater has everybody’s luggage on his lap!
Simone Previdi

been photographed test flying larger fleet. Although not present display, an Aeronautica Militare missile. The announcement of the
at the Chinese base of Chengdu at the Dubai Air Show, a twin-seat Italiana T-346A serial M.T.55217, new subtype at June’s Paris Air
Aircraft Industry Corporation, version, the JF-17B, flew earlier carried the designation Aermacchi Show came a year after the earlier
(CAC), manufacturer of the CAC this year and will make for easier M-346FA Fighter Attack prominently announcement at Farnborough of
FC-1 from which the JF-17 derives. integration of the type into air forces on the fin. Another M-346 had a the company’s M-346FT Fighter
It is not clear why it was in China, new to the jet. similar scheme at the 2017 Paris Air Trainer version, but was the first
because all JF-17s are finished in Show, but the manufacturer says time an allegedly converted jet had
Kamra which makes 58% of the jet, Leonardo shows new that the Dubai M-346FA is fitted with appeared in public. After the show,
and there are photos of Myanmar’s M-346FA Leonardo’s own Grifo multimode the jet was demonstrated to several
aircraft on the production line there. Leonardo continues to expand its fire control radar and that its seven Arab nations, including Qatar, visiting
The JF-17M differs slightly from M-346-based product range with weapons pylons allow it to carry out Al Udeid Air Base on November 17-
Pakistan’s jets, externally at least, in a third distinct subtype displayed air-to-ground, air-to-air and tactical 18. The Qatar Emiri Air Force is in the
having a different UHF/VHF antenna for the first time at the Dubai Air reconnaissance missions. Weapons market to replace its small fleet of six
beneath the nose and LED landing Show. Following the example set already proposed include the IRIS-T Alpha Jets, but given the Emirate’s
lights on the nose-gear. The only by earlier trainers from the same air-to-air missile to be used with recent spate of buying that includes
other acknowledged sale of the type stable, such as the MB339, the a helmet-mounted sight and the 24 Typhoons, 24 Rafales and 36 F-15
is for three aircraft for Nigeria. It is 346, which started as an advanced example at Dubai was seen carrying Eagles, any buy is likely to comprise
reasonable to assume that those trainer, is evolving into a useful AIM-9 Sidewinders and MBDA’s a significantly large number of
three are just the forerunners of a ground attack fighter. The jet on Brimstone advanced air-to-ground M-346s.

Pakistan Air Force JF-17 16-219 of 14 Squadron returns to the flight line following a display. Mr Alan

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supplied by Nobles Worldwide
and US Ordnance mounted at
the rear paratrooper doors, and
an electro-optical/IR turret were
recently delivered to an unidentified
customer. Rheinmetall’s Bk27
autocannon provides a heavier
door-mounted option, targeted by
Escribano’s Door Gun System. The
next weapon to undergo airborne
carriage trials is expected to be
Roketsan’s L-UMTAS anti-tank
missile. The same manufacturer’s
Cirit laser-guided missile and
Teber-82 laser bomb-guidance kits
for Mk82 bombs are also available
Ground testing of the armed ISR
C295 is set to begin before summer
2018, with the first flight tests set to
start that October.
Demonstrating the 295s
continued sales success was the
announcement during the show of
the sale of five more of the type to
Roketsan’s Cirit laser-guided missile in the foreground and the same company’s Teber-82 laser bomb-guidance kit under the United Arab Emirates Air Force
the wing of a C295. S Ramadier/Airbus to replace smaller CN235s from the
same manufacturer. The deal takes
Falco EVO UAS delivered to C295 ISR attack version weapon suppliers, paving the orders for the type up to 203.
Middle East customers Airbus products, including the way for flight trials to qualify their
Leonardo announced it A400M Atlas and two C295s, products to equip the C295. As UAE’s fighter fleet
had delivered its Falco EVO featured prominently in the static well as a previously announced The United Arab Emirates Air Force’s
tactical unmanned aerial display. The company announced memorandum of understanding Major General Staff Pilot Ishaq Al
system to unspecified a new C295 armed intelligence with Roketsan of Turkey signed at Balushi said during the show his
Middle Eastern customers in surveillance and reconnaissance last year’s Farnborough Air Show, government intends to sign a deal
September. The surveillance (ISR) version and one of the C295s similar arrangements have now with French firms Dassault Aviation
and intelligence-gathering was flanked by a variety of high- been reached with Expal, Escribano and Thales to modernise the nation’s
platform has an endurance tech weaponry selected to be and Equipaer of Spain, as well as fleet of 42 surviving Mirage 2000-9s.
of more than 20 hours while integrated into the new version. Rheinmetall of Germany and US The two companies confirmed the
carrying a payload of up to Airbus says it has signed a series suppliers Nobles Worldwide and deal, but no details of the nature of
100kg (220lb). of agreements with air-to-surface US Ordnance. the upgrades, the timescale or the
A spokesman revealed two value of any potential contracts were
modified C295s fitted with a revealed. French website La Tribune
palletised mission console, suggested a price tag of $350 million.
multimode radar, two 12.7mm For a long time, the UAE has
light machine guns and mounts wanted to upgrade its fleet of

United Arab Emirates Air Force Block

60 F-16E 3081, one of 79 in service.
Mr Alan

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Lockheed Martin Block 60 F-16
Desert Falcons, already the most
advanced F-16s in the world with
other state-of-the-art equipment.
Back in early 2014, it announced
proposals to upgrade its 79 single
and two-seat aircraft to a so-called
Block 61 standard, but no contracts
were ever announced. The plans
seem to have been revived,
however, because at the Dubai
Air Show a $1.65 billion deal was
announced that would not only see
the existing jets upgraded, but also
the acquisition of further F-16s.
The UAE is known to be keen
to purchase Lockheed Martin’s
F-35 Lightning II; 24 seems to
be the number of choice. It has
requested a classified briefing on
the type from the United States,
but before a deal can be signed
the Emirates will have to convince
those already involved in the
programme, including Israel and
the White House, that it can be
The two guns suggested for the C295; the lighter 12.7mm is mounted in the doorway. S Ramadier/Airbus
trusted with all the classified
data such an acquisition would hands increases exponentially. case, because it was heavily ongoing with the UAE for the type.
provide it access to. One of the A protocol has to be established involved in and contributed a lot The C-2 can carry the same load as
USPs of the F-35 is its huge data with any potential purchaser of money to the development of the A400M over a longer distance,
banks of highly classified tactical, that it understands the concerns its own Desert Falcon F-16s. The but does not have a similar rough-
technical and other information of other operators about information gained was beneficial field performance.
gathered and provided by users their sovereign data and the to Lockheed Martin. The timing
for distribution to allies. The means and extent to which it is of the programme to update Scorpion for Saudi Arabia?
aircraft’s Autonomic Logistics distributed. Individual nations those relatively new jets and the Textron has been trying
Information System (ALIS) must agree what they will share Emirates’ professed interest in unsuccessfully to secure a launch
hoovers up megabytes of data and with whom and those nations Sukhoi’s Su-35 are seen in some customer for its Scorpion light
from every flight and returns in turn have to decide what they quarters as manifestations of the attack/ISR jet for several years.
it to the ALIS hub maintained are prepared to share with every pressure being applied by the UAE That might change after the
by Lockheed Martin at its Fort other operator of the type. to ensure it joins the F-35 club. aircraft exhibited at the Dubai Air
Worth, Texas, facility. The pilot Lockheed Martin and its Show visited the Kingdom of Saudi
of each individual F-35 has all shareholders would dearly love Kawasaki pitches C-2 Arabia in the days before the show.
that information at his or her to sell the Lightning II to all- transport Pilots from the Royal Saudi Air
fingertips. Sceptics maintain comers, but the security concerns After decades of self-imposed exile Force put the Scorpion through
that with each sale the risk of make many sales problematical. from the international arms market, its paces in a series of flights from
those data falling into the wrong The UAE can plead it is a special Japan has decided to offer to sell October 29 to November 9. Saudi
some of its indigenous military pilots dropped inert munitions
aircraft overseas. Chief among those and learned for themselves how
on offer are the Kawasaki Heavy easy to fly and how capable the
Industries’ P-1 maritime patrol aircraft is. Interestingly, the $110
aircraft and C-2 cargo jet. The first billion weapons deal with the
production C-2, serial 68-1203, Saudis announced by US President
was at the Dubai Air Show. New Donald Trump in June included $2
Zealand has expressed an interest billion for light air support aircraft,
in purchasing both it and the P-1 a bill the Scorpion would seem to
and it is known that negotiations are fit nicely.

The Scorpion assembly line at Wichita, Kansas. Five of the type have been built
so far. Textron Aviation

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The last F-16 to be built at Fort Worth, F-16-52-CF serial number 1636 (c/n RA-28), takes off on delivery to Iraq on
November 14, 2017. All further production will take place at a new facility at Greenville, South Carolina. Matt Ellis

Last F-16 leaves Texas n

THE LAST F-16 Fighting Falcon crashed it is quite possible the Air Force, but even so, the Fort on a large-format 6 x 8-inch
to be built in Texas flew away rival Northrop YF-17 would Worth line has seen thousands of (152 x 203mm), high-resolution
from Lockheed Martin’s facility have won the competition for Vipers, as the jet is known, built display with data processed via
at Air Force Plant 4, Fort the US Air Force’s lightweight and delivered to air forces world a high-volume, high-speed data
Worth, on November 14. The fighter programme and the wide. From now on, any further bus. Operational capabilities are
first F-16 took to the air, albeit F-16 may have ended up as an F-16s will be built at a new facility enhanced through incorporation
inadvertently, more than 43 insignificant footnote in aviation in South Carolina. of the Link 16 data link, AAQ-33
years earlier on January 20, history. Sniper targeting pod, advanced
1974. Former naval aviator Phil Since that uncertain start, the Continued growth weapons, precision GPS
Oestricher was working as a test F-16 has grown from the initial Lockheed Martin launched a navigation and an auto ground
pilot for then F-16 manufacturer concept of a lightweight fighter new variant, the F-16V, in 2015, collision avoidance system fitted
General Dynamics at the to a jack-of-all-trades flown by but has not stopped producing as standard. The modern COTS-
Air Force Flight Test Center many air forces around the world legacy models and it was one of based avionics subsystem is
at Edwards Air Force Base, with around 4,600 built, so far. those, an F-16C variant, that was customisable.
California. He was performing Many of those jets were the last to leave the line in Texas.
a high-speed ground run of a manufactured overseas. SABCA Today’s F-16 has come a long Winding down
prototype YF-16 in advance of Belgium produced airframes way from the original concept There is no doubt that by any
of the scheduled first flight for Belgium and Denmark, of a relatively inexpensive standards the F-16 has been
on February 2, 1974, when while the Dutch company lightweight air combat fighter an outstanding success, but
oscillations caused the aircraft Fokker assembled F-16s for the for the US Air Force. The latest it now faces several problems
to rock from side to side. A Netherlands and Norway. Turkish version, the F-16V, first flew that reduce the opportunities
wing-tip-mounted missile and Aircraft Industries built several in October 2015. Weighing for further sales. Perhaps
a stabilator struck the ground, hundred for Turkey and Egypt 2.5 tonnes more than an early the most obvious is that for
so Oestricher decided to take and in South Korea, Korean F-16A, it is built around an wealthier nations and members
off; he safely landed the jet after Aircraft Industries constructed active electronically scanned of NATO, the F-16 is no longer
six minutes. Had the aircraft KF-16s for the Republic of Korea array (AESA) radar monitored the warplane of choice. That

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s nest
Jerry Gunner reviews the last F-16
Fighting Falcon built at Air Force Plant 4
run by aerospace giant Lockheed Martin

mantle has been assumed by the sale of 19 F-16Vs to Bahrain. New nest the Lockheed/Korea Aerospace
Lockheed Martin’s F-35 Lightning Part of the deal included a further At the moment, Air Force Industries T-50A if that aircraft is
II, which as production builds up announcement of an agreement Plant 4 at Fort Worth is successful in the US Air Force’s
is becoming increasingly more to upgrade Bahrain’s existing fleet dominated by the enormous T-X trainer competition. South
competitive in terms of price. of 20 Block 40 F-16s to F-16V F-35 manufacturing complex. Korea’s first home-grown
Another perhaps less obvious standard at a cost of around $1 Alongside it is the much smaller supersonic jet, the KAI T-50
obstacle to further sales is that billion. Greece, a country that plant for assembling Fighting Golden Eagle, owes a lot to the
the White House has vetoed can’t afford the F-35 and whose Falcons, known as ‘the Fighting F-16 and KAI’s work in building
the sale of F-16s to potential nearest neighbour and rival Falcon nest’. However, space the jet for the Republic. The
customers, such as Pakistan, for Turkey can, wants to upgrade its is at a premium and the F-16 T-50A shares the same basic
political reasons. Perversely, that 123-strong fleet of Block 30 and facility is due to be swallowed shape, flight controls and wing.
governmental mindset may end 40 machines to F-16V standard, up by the ever-expanding Several hundred have already
up helping F-16 sales, because too. It is this ability to update F-35 factory. Lockheed Martin been sold by KAI, predominately
the US government has vowed it existing fleets of older Vipers to admitted the possibility of ending in the Asia-Pacific region, and the
will not sell F-35s to Middle East F-16V standard that could be F-16 production for good in company has orders for more.
nations other than Israel, perhaps the saviour of F-16 production. early 2016. While continuing to At Greenville, Lockheed has
paving the way for more Viper The workforce can be kept in order long-lead components prepared manufacturing facilities
sales in the region. employment rebuilding legacy in anticipation of further and four T-50As have been built.
Lockheed Martin really pushed fighters to the newer standard orders a company spokesman The F-16V sale to Bahrain and
the F-16V at last year’s Paris Air while the production line is kept had suggested that if those the prospect of more orders in
Show, revealing the possibility of going building the fewer number contracts were not forthcoming the future, as well as agreements
a partnership with Indian mega- of new jets. That is why the move production would finish at the to upgrade earlier fleets,
corporation TATA if the Asian of the F-16 line to Lockheed end of 2017. Bahrain’s order suggest that Lockheed Martin
nation selected the type for its Martin’s plant at Donaldson has prompted the move to could easily exceed its present
air force. In September 2017, the Center Airport, Greenville, South its facility at Greenville where prediction of ending production
US State Department approved Carolina is happening. Lockheed Martin plans to build in 2022.

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Seen at Naval Air Station Fallon, Nevada in early December was Strike Fighter Squadron 87 (VFA-87) ‘Golden Warriors’ F/A-18E Super Hornet BuNo 168912/AJ302.
This aircraft, piloted by Lt Cdr Tremel, shot down a Syrian Air Force Su-22 Fitter with an AIM-120 AMRAAM missile near to the city of al Tabqa on June 18, 2017. A
kill marking featuring a Syrian flag and a small black silhouette of a Su-22 are applied below the canopy, and 50 weapon symbols on the fuselage. Kevin Whitehead

Marineflieger P-3C: second phase of upgrade

The award of a contract for the programme will fit the P-3Cs with The Mission System Refresh three-phase effort is intended to keep
second phase of the upgrade the company’s open-architecture programme, which is being carried the P-3Cs operational until 2035.
programme for Germany’s Airborne Tactical Mission System out by Lockheed Martin and Airbus Germany’s P-3Cs were acquired
Marineflieger’s eight P-3C Orion and upgrade other systems. These Space and Defence, began in 2016 from the Netherlands in 2006 and are
maritime patrol aircraft was will include the acoustic processor and will run through 2022. It extends flown by Marinefliegergeschwader 3
announced by Lockheed Martin dubbed the Airborne Rack-mounted airframe service life by an additional (Naval Air Squadron 3) ‘Graf Zeppelin’
on November 1. The $158.5 Commercial Portable Processor 15,000 hours and integrates improved from Naval Nordholz in northern
million Mission System Refresh (ARCP2). avionics and flight systems. The Germany. David C Isby

L-39CW completes flight testing Tankers and
Russia’s first new-build Ilyushin II-78M-
90A tanker aircraft was rolled out of
the factory at Ulyanovsk on November
30. Flight testing, originally scheduled
to begin in early 2017 has slipped to
2018. The new tanker is based on the
Il-76M-90A transport and uses the
same PS-90A-76 turbofan engines.
The maximum fuel load of 91 tonnes in
its internal fuel system can be increased
by a further 36 tonnes by the addition
of an auxiliary tank carried in the cargo
bay. It is equipped with two underwing
and one tail-mounted UPAZ-1M hose-
and-drogue systems, each capable of
transferring 3,000 litres (792 US gallons)
of fuel per minute. The Russian Air
Force expects to procure 31 of the type.
The Beriev A100 airborne early warning
and control system aircraft, which also
uses the Il-76M-90A airframe, made its
first flight at Beriev’s Taganrog facility on
The latest version of Aero Vodochody’s veteran trainer, the Williams International FJ44-4M turbofan engine-pow- November 18. Intended to replace Russia’s
ered L-39CW has completed flight testing and is being offered as an upgrade package to current L-39 operators. A-50 Mainstay, the A-100 retains the basic
Katsu Tokunaga/Aero Vodochody rotodome-equipped configuration of
The Czech Republic’s Aero L-39 is powered by a Williams build L-39NG version first shown its predecessor. The A-100 is equipped
Vodochody has completed flight International FJ44-4M turbofan publicly in 2014. The L-39CW with a Vega Radio Electronic Corporation
testing of its L-39CW trainer and engine and is fitted with the is being offered as an upgrade Premier mission system including an
light attack aircraft, it announced improved avionics, displays and package to current L-39 operators. active electronically scanned array radar
on November 20. The re-engined systems introduced on the new- David C Isby in elevation, with a 600km (324 nautical
miles) range. David C Isby

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Japanese E-2D takes to the air Embraer
AEW&C aerial
An Indian Air Force (IAF) Il-78 Midas
tanker successfully refuelled one of
the IAF’s three Embraer ERJ-145SM
airborne early warning and control
(AEW&C) aircraft on November 30.
Dr S Christopher, Director General,
Defence Research and Development
Organisation, who was credited with
leading India’s effort to manufacture
its own AEW&C suite for the
Embraer platform, announced that
his organisation had been tasked
with developing the air-to-air
system on the jet in June 2016. The
system relies on a probe fitted to
the fuselage above the cockpit. The
aircraft were built with the probe
already fitted.

Northrop Grumman announced it flew the first of two E-2D Advanced Hawkeye early warning and surveillance aircraft it selects Super
is building for Japan at the company’s Aircraft Integration Centre of Excellence in St Augustine, Florida, on November 13.
The new aircraft will join Japan’s existing fleet of 13 E-2Cs next year. Photo Northrop Grumman Tucano
Embraer has revealed that the Philippines

UAE’s turboprop ambitions has become the second Asia-Pacific

nation after Indonesia to order its A-29
Super Tucano. Six aircraft will be delivered
The United Arab Emirates’ (UAE) Calidus have been built in Brazil. and making extensive use of carbon to the Philippines Air Force (PAF) in
B-250 Al Badr turboprop two-seat light The B-250 has a retractable ventral fibre structural composite material, 2019, according to the November 30
attack aircraft was publicly displayed for turret mounting electro-optical the B-250 has a maximum payload announcement. The purchase is part of
the first time at the Dubai Air Show in sensors, six underwing and one of 3,600kg (7,935lb), a service ceiling the Flight Plan 2028 programme that
November. Designed in cooperation centre-line hard point for weapons, of 30,000ft (9,144m) and a range of seeks to overhaul the PAF’s capabilities.
with Brazil’s Novaer, the B-250 was external fuel tanks and sensor pods. 2,430 nautical miles (4,500km). Little The PAF already flies 12 KAI FA-50PH
designed by Joseph Kovács, as was It uses the Rockwell Collins Pro Line information has been released about advanced trainers-ground attack
the EMB-314/A-29A Super Tucano Fusion avionics suite, including an the status of the B-250, which appears aircraft and the FP 2028 programme
that it strongly resembles. The aircraft integral head-up display. to reflect the UAE’s current goal of calls for attack helicopters, too. Manilla
on display carried a Brazilian civil Powered by a 1,600shp Pratt & developing an indigenous aerospace suffers from an Islamic State-supported
registration, PR-ZNU, suggesting it may Whitney Canada PT-6A turboprop industry. David C Isby insurgency in the south of the country.

F-35s arrive in Norway

Luftforsvaret pilots Ståle Nymoen and Thomas Harlem walk from their aircraft, F-35As 5148 and 5150, to the reception ceremony after landing at Ørland Main Air Station
on November 10. Torbjørn Kjosvold/Forsvaret

The first three F-35As to arrive in achieve initial operational capability revealed that Norway has become the maintaining peace.”
Norway for the Luftforsvaret (Royal status with the Luftforsvaret during first foreign country to receive the F-35 The Block 3F mission data allows the
Norwegian Air Force), serial numbers 2019 and is expected to be declared Block 3F mission data file from the US F-35 to perform its primary missions of
5148, 5149 and 5150, landed at Ørland fully operational in 2025. Air Force’s 53rd Electronic Warfare air interdiction, close air support and
Main Air Station on November 3. They Lockheed Martin announced on Group’s Partner Support Complex. suppression and destruction of enemy
were officially welcomed into service November 6 it had delivered a full- F-35 Partner Support Complex air defences.
on November 10. Seven more of a mission simulator to Ørland, as well as director Robert Kraus said: “Delivery The Partner Support Complex is
planned total of 52 for the Nordic to fellow F-35 operators Japan, Italy of this mission data file to Norway tasked with programming the mission
nation are based at Luke Air Force and Israel. Norway will receive its new marks a great landmark. Our software data software for F-35 partner
Base, Arizona, engaged in pilot training aircraft at the rate of six each year from provides the Norwegian F-35 an nations: Australia, Denmark, Italy the
for Norwegian and other operators. 2018 up to and including 2024. unprecedented precision attack Netherlands, Norway, Turkey and the
The Lightning II is scheduled to Shortly after the delivery, it was capability – a crucial element to UK.

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Israel offers surplus F-16s to Croatia Anti-ship
Russian Naval Aviation’s MiG-29KR
and MiG-29KUBR multi-role fighters
have had the KRTV Kh-31 (AS-17
Krypton) supersonic air-to-surface
missile added to their weapons fit.
Both of the existing versions of the
Mach 4 missile have been integrated,
with integration work completed this
autumn, according to Russian Navy
sources quoted by Isvestya. KRTV or
Korporatsia Takticheskoe Raketnove
Vooruzhenie is the Russian Tactical
Missile and Weapons Corporation.
The pilots of the 100th Otdelnoy
Korabel'noy Istrebitelnoy Aviatsionny
Polk (100th Independent Shipborne
Fighter Aviation Regiment), stationed
at Severmorsk-3 in the Murmansk
Oblast, are reported to have already
practised simulated launches of the
missile, using captive-carry rounds.
The Kh-31A is the anti-ship version
fitted with an active radar seeker,
Israel has offered to supply Croatia with surplus F-16A Netz like this 116 ‘Defenders of the South’ Squadron example to
replace its veteran MiG-21s. Andy Marden while the Kh-31P has passive
guidance intended for use against
In a surprise move, Israel has involving F-16A and F-16B Lockheed Martin. Croatia has radars. Both versions can be
offered F-16 Baraks upgraded Netz fighters. Israel has already a requirement for 12 aircraft to deployed by Russian Naval Aviation’s
to ‘Barak 2040’ standard to retired its Netz fleet but Baraks replace a similar number of MiG- other new fighter type, the Su-30SM
Croatia. The modernised jets are becoming available as Israel 21s. Saab has offered its Gripen which is already in service with three
would be included in a deal receives more F-35I Adirs from for the requirement. land-based. Alexander Mladenov

Russian Naval Aviation deliveries First KC-46A Pegasus tanker for

Russian Naval Aviation (RNA) The Su-30SMs were delivered to the US Air Force takes to the air
took on strength five new Su- the Baltic Fleet’s 72nd Air Base at The first of 18 Boeing KC-46A Pegasus KC-46A serial number 16-46007 (c/n
30SM multi-role fighters in 2017. Chernyakhovsk in the Kaliningrad tanker aircraft scheduled to enter service 41855) took off at 10:32hrs and flew
It also received eight upgraded exclave on the Baltic Sea coast. In with the US Air Force in 2018 took to for 3 hours 29 minutes. During the
and life-extended Ka-27M anti- addition, the second batch of Su- the air for the first time at Paine Field, flight, Boeing test pilots took the tanker
submarine warfare helicopters; 33 heavy shipborne fighters is being Washington on December 5, 2017. Boeing to a maximum altitude of 39,000ft
25 other refurbished machines of upgraded with the SVP-24-33 add- has already flown three engineering and (11,887m) and performed operational
various types were returned to the on navigation/attack system. Work manufacturing development and two checks on engines, flight controls
fleet, according to Russian Navy was scheduled to be completed in low-rate initial development aircraft, but and environmental systems as part of
CinC Admiral Vladimir Korolev. early December. Alexander Mladenov this is the first intended to go straight to the Federal Aviation Administration-
the user from the factory gate. approved flight profile.

HMS Queen
Elizabeth More Be-200Chs
HMS Queen Elizabeth (R08), the first
of two Queen Elizabeth-Class aircraft
carriers for the Royal Navy was
officially commissioned into service
on December 7 at her homeport of
Portsmouth Naval Base. The ship's
Commanding Officer, Captain
Jerry Kyd, read the commissioning
warrant and the iconic White
Ensign was raised, symbolising the
commissioning of the UK's flagship
into the Royal Navy's fleet. Following Flown for the first time on November 27, 2017, Be-200Chs (c/n 305), wearing the Russian state aircraft registration
final build activity and preparation RF-31140, is slated for delivery to the Ministry of Emergency Situations at the end of December 2017.
for helicopter trials in the New Year, United Aircraft Corporation
HMS Queen Elizabeth will sail to the Five new-build Beriev Be-200CHs to Russian Minister of Emergency is being undertaken at Beriev’s
United States for initial flight trials jet-powered, firefighting, amphibious Situations Vladimir Puchkov, the Taganrog-based TANTK plant.
with the F-35B Lightning II off the aircraft are set to join the fleet of delivery schedule at the TANTK The next batch of six Be-200Chs
East Coast in autumn 2018. There the Russian Ministry of Emergency Beriev plant in Taganrog calls for the slated for delivery 2020–2024 will
are currently 150 Royal Navy and Situations between 2017 and 2019. first Be-200Chs to be handed over in bring the total fleet of the Russian
RAF personnel training with the US Six more of the type will follow late December 2017. The contract for Ministry of Emergency Situations to
Marine Corps at Marine Corps Air between 2020 and 2024. According these is fully funded and production 18 aircraft. Alexander Mladenov
Station Beaufort, South Carolina.

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All-new: Il-276
Chief Executive Officer of the Ilyushin 11,500ft (3,500m) above sea level in
Aviation Complex Aleksey Rogozin temperatures of 40°C, capabilities not
posted an announcement on his required by the Russian Air Force.
Facebook page that the company had The MTA was launched in March 1999
launched a new medium transport with the signing of protocol of intent
aircraft programme designated the to create a joint venture between
Il-276. Ilyushin and Hindustan Aeronautics
Rogozin said the programme, Limited for the development and
launched on June 1, 2017 would be production of the MTA based on
developed in the best tradition of the Ilyushin’s pilot Il-214 project.
Ilyushin Design Bureau and use the On October 12, 2012, the parties
latest technologies. signed a preliminary design contract,
Although the Il-276 has much in but work proceeded slowly. In
common with the Russian-Indian 2015, India finally withdrew from
Il-214 Multirole Transport Aircraft the project, reportedly dissatisfied
(MTA project, Rogozin emphasised with the aircraft’s characteristics and
it is a different aircraft with different Russian demands for more funding. A model of the Ilyushin Il-276 transport aircraft.
technical requirements. In September 2015, the Russian
The Il-276 specification released Ministry of Defence ordered Ilyushin programme was to be reassigned 156.9kN (35,274lb) of thrust, the same
is very similar to the last iteration to adapt the MTA design to the to the SVTS project. According engine used by the Il-76MD-90A.
of the MTA. It is likely that some requirements of the Russian Sredniy to Igor Bevzyuk, Ilyushin’s Il-276 New-generation Aviadvigatel PD-
requirements in the MTA project Voyenno-Transportnyi Samolyot programme head, the Russian 14 turbofans, developed for MC-21
were there at the request of India, (SVTS or Medium Military Transport Ministry of Defence was expected to airliner will be integrated at a later
including the capability to operate Aircraft) programme. Funding approve the final requirements for date.
from airstrips located at altitudes of previously planned for the MTA the SVTS in December 2017, after Russia’s requirement for the Il-276 is
which a contract for the design and to replace An-12 medium transports,
ILYUSHIN IL-276 CHARACTERISTICS manufacture of a prototype was to be around 60 of which remain in Russian
Wingspan 35.5m (116ft 6in) signed. military service. On the international
Length 37.7m (123ft 8in) The Il-276 has a moderately swept market, the Il-276 will compete
Height 12.95m (42ft 6in) high-mounted wing, a T-shaped with the Lockheed Martin C-130J,
Take-off weight over 60,000kg (132,277lb)
tail, rear loading ramp and low Embraer KC-390 and Antonov’s Il-
undercarriage carried in nacelles on 178. According to Bevzyuk, the Il-276
Maximum payload 20,000kg (44,092lb).
the fuselage sides. Payload options prototype is expected to perform its
Cruise speed 432kts (800km/h) include 20,000kg (44,092lb) of cargo maiden flight in the first quarter of
Ceiling 12,100m (39,698ft) or 100 troops, or two personnel 2023, and deliveries will start in 2026.
Range 3,240 nautical miles (6,000km)* carriers. Initially, the aircraft will be Ilyushin is planning to produce the Il-
*Early data for the MTA listed a 3,240 nautical miles (6,000km) range with a 4.5-tonne payload or 1,215 nautical miles powered by two Aviadvigatel PS- 276 at Ulyanovsk, alongside the Il-76
(2,250km) with maximum payload. 90A76 turbofans, each rated at and Il-78.

Magic Carpet upgrade Raptor

The US Navy’s Maritime Augmented
Guidance with Integrated Controls
development between Naval Air
Systems Command and the Office of
shipboard system currently used
with MAGIC CARPET on US Navy
strike in
for Carrier Approach and Recovery
Precision Enabling Technologies
Naval Research and was initially tested
by Air Test and Evaluation Squadron 23
carriers. The land-based version of
JPALS is potentially compatible with
(MAGIC CARPET) aircraft landing (VX-23) aboard the USS George H.W. a larger number of aircraft types, Reflecting a change in rules of
system is being upgraded with Bush in 2015; testing was completed including rotary-wing, enabling them engagement that now allow US
improved software that will be by VX-23 aboard the USS George to fly a precision coupled approach forces to go after infrastructure
delivered in 2019. Presently limited Washington in June 2016. Raytheon to touchdown. The shipboard version generating income for insurgents,
to F/A-18 Super Hornet and EA-18G is offering the Department of Defense of the JPALS system will also work US Air Force F-22s struck targets
Growler, it is also intended for use on its Joint Precision Approach and with the MQ-25A Stingray unmanned in Afghanistan for the first time.
the F-35C Lightning II. Landing System (JPALS), a land- aircraft system, though the UAV will Operating from Al Dhafra Air
MAGIC CARPET was a collaborative based version of the GPS-based not use MAGIC CARPET. David C Isby Base in the United Arab Emirates,
the F-22s dropped 250lb (114kg)
GBU-39/B Small Diameter Bombs
on Taliban drug manufacturing
Rooks’ latest CAG-bird factories in Helmand province on
November 19 under Operation
Jagged Knife, a combined air
operation that also involved
Afghan A-29s and US B-52s. US
Air Forces Central Command said
the F-22 was used “for a variety of
reasons, but primarily to mitigate
collateral damage and civilian
casualties by employing small-
diameter bombs carried by the
Detached to Naval Air Station Fallon, Nevada in early December was EA-18G Growler BuNo 168266/AB500, the latest CAG-bird
The GBU-39/B is an autonomous
operated by Electronic Attack Squadron 137 (VAQ-137) ‘Rooks'. Based at Naval Air Station Whidbey Island, Washington, VAQ-137 has
been assigned to Carrier Air Wing 1 (CVW-1) since 1989, transitioned from the EA-6B Prowler to the EA-18G in 2013 and made its precision glide weapon with the
maiden Growler deployment aboard the USS Theodore Roosevelt (CVN 71) in March 2015. The aircraft is adorned with the squadron’s capability to strike fixed and re-
black and white colours, CVW-1 titles on the inner faces of the vertical stabilisers and the unit’s emblem, a stylised Rook bird, on the locatable targets from stand-off
outer faces. Of note is the CATM-88 High-speed Anti-Radiation Missile captive training round loaded on the outer wing station. range.
Kevin Whitehead

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Just after 15:00hrs on November 14,
2017, the last operational Ejército del Aire
Lockheed P-3A landed for the last time at
its new home, Cuatro Vientos Air Base. This
aircraft was one of the oldest Orions in ser-
vice anywhere in the world. Roberto Yañez

AFTER 52 years of valuable service, aircraft, serial P.3A-01/22-21 – also The purchase was part of a plan the US to be trained as Spain’s first
the last Lockheed P-3A DELTIC affectionately known by all in the to modernise Spain’s maritime P-3 crews. On July 25, 1973, three
(Delayed Time Compression) unit as ‘El Abuelo’ (The Grandfather) patrol aircraft fleet, equipped at that P-3A DELTIC Orions landed in
Orion in service with Grupo 22 – began its long operational career time with Grumman’s Albatross. Spain where they joined the veteran
of the Ejército del Aire (Spanish in 1965 when it was delivered to the Madrid was unable to afford brand- Grummans of Escuadrón 221 based
Air Force or EA) has retired from US Navy’s Patrol Squadron Eight new machines, so a decision was at La Parra, Jerez, with Spanish
service. It landed for the last time (VP-8) ‘Fighting Tigers’ as BuNo made to acquire three used but military serials P.3-1/221-20 to P.3-
at Madrid’s Cuatro Vientos Air 152153. After eight years’ service modernised P-3A Orions from 3/221-22. Four years later, on July
Base in mid-November 2017 after with the Americans, the aircraft was US Navy stocks. As part of the 8, 1977, P.3-2 crashed on landing at
a flight of about an hour from its acquired by Spain and delivered to programme, between 1971 and Jerez, killing the six crew members.
base at Morón de la Frontera. The the EA on August 1, 1973. 1972 the EA sent 45 personnel to The accident left just two P-3s

Grandfather retires
Roberto Yañez and Alex Rodríguez report on the retirement of the
last Spanish Air Force P-3A Prion at Cuatro Vientos near Madrid

With the retirement of the only P-3A in EA ser-

vice, the Grupo 22 roster is now reduced to just
three P-3Ms. Seen here is the aircraft performing
a final flypast over Cuatro Vientos Air Base prior
its very last landing. Roberto Yañez

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After its withdrawal from service P3A-
01/22-21 was placed in storage at the
Cuatro Vientos Maintenance Depot,
along with other aircraft destined for the
nearby Museo del Aire. Roberto Yañez

in service and for a few months discarded and second-hand The P-3Bs entered an extensive last flight to Cuatro Vientos Air Base
between mid-1978 and 1979, after Norwegian P-3Bs that were in modernisation programme at the on November 14 after completing
the retirement of the Grummans, the process of being replaced beginning of the year 2000 and the nearly 20,000 flight hours during
they made up the whole Ejército by newly built C-models were A-models were used as cover while its career.
del Aire maritime patrol force. obtained. This acquisition allowed they were being upgraded. The After preparation for display the
In 1979, 221 Escuadrón received for the return of the aircraft leased two Alphas were used intensively, aircraft will be transferred by road
four additional DELTIC Orions from the US Navy (except for P.3- deploying outside Spain on maritime to the nearby Museo del Aire, where
leased from the US Navy and 7, which was sent to the air force traffic control and anti-piracy it will probably be put on show to
registered as P.3-4/221-23 to P.3- museum). The seven-strong fleet missions off the Horn of Africa the public. The museum already
7/221-26, bringing the force to six now comprised five P-3Bs and the P-3A P.3-3/22-22 was retired in has an Orion on display: P.3-7, one
examples. two surviving P-3As. The P-3A’s August of 2012, but P.3A-1/22-21 of the four taken on charge back
During the 1980s, several studies increasing obsolescence and the remained in service despite its age, in the late 1970s. It is in very poor
were undertaken to replace the difficulty of maintaining them flying its last operational flight from condition and is not as significant
existing fleet with more modern led to the type being relegated Djibouti as part of the anti-piracy as P.3A-1. However, as it is a former
examples of the same type. The to supporting the P-3Bs by flying mission Operation Atalanta on US Navy machine, permission is
option of buying factory-new maritime surveillance missions or November 4, 2017. Upon its return needed from the Pentagon before it
aircraft once again had to be crew training flights. to Morón, it was prepared for its can be scrapped.

As a tribute to veterans and former members of the unit, some of Despite impending retirement, Grupo 22’s maintenance personnel kept P3A-01
whom were present to say goodbye to an old comrade after its last in tip-top operational condition. It provided 24-hour SAR coverage for the
mission, the crew of radio call sign ‘CISNE 31’ dressed in orange flight Madrid and Barcelona Flight Information Regions during the summer, before
suits like the ones used by the EA in the 1970s. deploying to Djibouti to cover for one of the deployed Spanish P-3Ms while it
Roberto Yañez underwent periodic maintenance. Roberto Yañez

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SEVENTEEN YEARS after the test crew successfully launched we really made a difference. Training
Netherlands Ministry of Defence the first torpedo [a Mk46] against We have also achieved major Aircraft and personnel from Maritime
ordered 20 NH90 NFHs (NATO a submarine during our 2016 success in our counterdrugs role Air Station De Kooy have deployed to
Frigate Helicopters) from Culdrose deployment, followed in the region. Importantly, we Culdrose for many years undertaking
NHIndustries, this major Dutch by the first successful launch by are the first country in the world operational training and evaluation
Helicopter Command (DHC) an 860 Squadron crew during to receive certification from the during Flag Officer Sea Training
programme is finally delivering summer 2017. Our training manuals United States Coast Guard to (FOST) exercises.
results. The sense of optimism was and SOPs [standard operating perform night-time counterdrugs This year’s deployment focused
tangible when AIR International procedures) are also complete.” operations on its behalf. We fly on operational aircrew training,
met with senior personnel from 7 HELRAS refers to the Helicopter with Coast Guard observers in development of ASW and anti-
Squadron (Operational Test and Long-Range Active Sonar the back plus a Marine sniper and surface warfare (ASuW) skills and
Evaluation) and 860 Squadron manufactured by US company L3 an M3M machine gun. During participation in dedicated combined
during the latest three-week Ocean Systems. one operation with the Coast anti-submarine exercises (CASEX)
training deployment to Royal There have been many Guard following the hurricane, including the Thursday war. They also
Naval Air Station Culdrose, operational programme successes we picked up 600kg [1,322lb] of participated in Exercise Kernow Flag
Cornwall, in November. for DHC to reflect upon recently. cocaine. In terms of ASW, our serials (see Carrier air wing work-up
Most notable was the humanitarian work has also been recognised by p74-77).
Tempo shift support provided in the Caribbean HELRAS manufacturer L3, which Detachment commander and
Head of operations for 860 following Hurricane Irma. confirmed at a recent convention head of tactical training operations
Squadron, Lieutenant Eric, a senior Lt Eric said: “We were the in the United States attended by for 7 Squadron Lieutenant Johan, a
tactical coordinator (TACCO) first country in position with a all operators that we are tier one senior TACCO, said the original plan
said: “There has been a real helicopter to provide damage regarding HELRAS ASW operations. was to train with the Dutch joint
shift in programme tempo after assessment. Aircraft role changes We have now completed brown support ship Karel Doorman (A833),
completing all eight programme were quickly made enabling us water ASW [shallow water], deep but plans changed when the ship
stages during 2016, including our to undertake personnel rescue, water ASW and worked with live was required to provide support in
final anti-submarine warfare [ASW] perform underslung load lifts, submarines. I am very happy with the Caribbean. He said: “We need
tests using the HELRAS system. A winching, confined area landings; the progression made.” to complete our ASW training here

Ian Harding visited Royal Naval Air Station Culdrose to
speak with his chums from the Royal Netherlands Navy
about its latest NH90 deployment to the UK

NH90 NFH serial number N110 prior to a mid-
morning mission. In the second shot (top right),
one of the two rear-crew SENSOs prepares for
a CASEX mission working with an 820 Naval Air
Squadron Merlin HM2 and a Royal Netherlands
Navy Walrus-class submarine. Ian Harding

20 | www.airinternational.com @ [email protected]
in deep water, which is not available
in the Netherlands. We also had
the opportunity to train with one of
our Netherland Navy Walrus-class
submarines during CASEX working
alongside Merlin crews from 820
A key element of the aircraft’s
operational development concerned
the size of the crew complement
which has now been resolved.
Lt Johan said: “We are here to train
two full crews to meet their future
operational requirements, which
includes supporting the NATO Rapid
Response Force 2018 programme,
which has a large ASW component.
The Netherlands Navy now deploys
with a STANEVAL [standards
and evaluation], maritime crew
complement, which comprises one
pilot, one observer or TACCO and two
SENSOs [sensor operators]. Our crew
complement for higher-level warfare
missions has therefore increased from
three to four persons, with an extra
SENSO in the back. Considering the
in-flight workload and the information approximately one year to complete,
produced by the mission system, and the first aircraft should arrive at De
we need this crew to achieve our Kooy in January 2018. We currently
objectives. The workload will increase have two variants, which are FOC
further next year when we receive the [Fully Operational Capable] and FRC
ESM [electronic support measures] [Final Radar Configuration]. Our final
upgrade. We completed some ESM MOC [Mission Operational Capable]
testing during our third week at aircraft have been upgraded. Most
Culdrose with specialists from our of our aircraft are now FRC, which is
Maritime Warfare Centre.” fully operational. We brought three
Training will be further enhanced in FRC and one FOC aircraft to Culdrose.
2018 when the DHC NH90 simulator We fly with two SENSOs operating
moves from Italy to the Netherlands. at two mission system consoles, a
ASW training is simulator heavy and fully operational sonics suite and
860 Squadron currently lose people active sonar buoys, which is a game-
for one week to carry out this work changer. Our operational position is
in Italy. The move will save time and improving significantly, as we have
money in the long run following a four aircraft here, one in the Caribbean
brief training gap. Normally, two pilots, and two specifically for training at De
two TACCOs and three SENSOs are Kooy. Serviceability is improving, too.”
trained each year, but the intention
is to increase these numbers and End game
designated training hours at De Kooy. FOC aircraft are only considered
Lt Johan confirmed: “We will continue MOC with HELRAS aboard, but
to come to Culdrose, because we they have received the latest radar
cannot complete ASW training just on upgrades, additional flight modes,
a simulator. FOST training boosts this, a digital map linked to its mission
so our philosophy is our instructors planning automated system and
train in ASW in the spring, and the an aircraft data recorder that
students train in ASuW, SAR and automatically records all mission
navigation at Culdrose during the details for four hours. A forward-
spring time and then ASW during the looking infrared system, voice
autumn/winter. We plan two visits to communication and tactical data
Culdrose each year.” link can all be replayed on mission
screens second by second during
Upgrade configuration flight if required and during the
DHC has received all 20 aircraft, debrief process. This is necessary to
but some are awaiting upgrade at review operator actions, radar, sonar
NHIndustries factory in Tessera, picture and communications.
Italy. In terms of final NH90 NFH Many specialists within 7 and
configuration, one outstanding 860 Squadrons have worked hard
avionics mission system upgrade to make the NH90 NFH a success,
will address the specific issues despite some outstanding issues
identified, as Lt Eric explained: “We are that are being addressed, especially
currently working with three different the shortage of aircrew. The NH90
configurations, which is not ideal. This fleet is scheduled to complete
will be resolved following the latest 1,250 operational hours in 2018 (up
upgrade that will be flown with one from 900 in 2017) with 1,250 hours
final standard, which is Maintenance set aside for crew training, which
Release 1 (MR1). The upgrade takes represents marked increases.

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Belgium to deploy
Refurbished Hinds NH90s
to Mali
delivered to Senegal Belgium’s Council of Ministers
approved the deployment of two
NH90 transport helicopters to
the United Nations peacekeeping
mission in Mali (MINUSMA) along
with 50 personnel on November 23.
The aircraft will arrive in Mali during
February 2018 and start flying troop
transport and medical evacuation
missions in March, taking over from
German Heersflieger NH90s. The
deployment will be for an initial four
months, but could be extended for
another two, using aircraft from 18
Squadron, 1 Wing, at Beauvechain Air
Base. Guy Martin

On November 30, 2017,
Russian arms export agency
Rosoboronexport and the
Senegalese Mil-24V-1 Hind-E attack helicopters 6W-HCB and 6W-HCC at the Wojskowe Zakłady Lotnicze 1 facility at Uzbekistani Ministry of Defence
Łódź-Lublinek airport, Poland. Wojskowe Zakłady Lotnicze 1 signed a contract for delivery of
12 Mil Mi-35M attack helicopters.
The final two of three former Vzdušné company that subsequently sold 830708), was delivered to Dakar on According to Russian news
sily Ozbrojených síl Slovenskej them to the central African nation. January 12, 2017. It was subsequently agency TASS, the deliveries will
republiky (Slovakian Air Force) Mil- They were completely overhauled registered 6W-HCA. The final two, begin in 2018. The contract was
24V-1 Hind-E attack helicopters by the Wojskowe Zakłady Lotnicze the former 0813 (c/n 730813) finalised following protracted
were handed over to Senegal in a 1 (Military Aviation Works 1) facility at wearing 6W-HCB and 0833 (c/n negotiations during the visit to
ceremony on November 30. The Łódź-Lublinek airport, Poland. The 730833) (6W-HCC), were delivered Uzbekistan of the Russian Prime
three helicopters were sold by first machine, formerly Slovakian on board an Antonov Airlines An- Minister Dmitry Medvedev.
Slovakia some years ago to a private Air Force serial number 0708 (c/n 124-100M heavy transport. Alexander Mladenov

H145M firing trials Last H215 for Ejército del Aire

HForce-configured H145M D-HADX at Pápa Air Base, Hungary during firing

trials that included a 0.50 calibre FN Herstal HMP400 podded machine gun (on
The final Ejército del Aire H215 seen after landing at the Airbus Helicopters plant
the right of the imge) and 2.75-inch unguided rockets from an FZ231 launcher
at Albacete. Behind is the second H215 bought by the Ejército del Aire (registered
(on the left). Anthony Pecchi/Airbus Helicopters
HD.21-18/802-18) starting engines for a test flight, prior to its delivery to the
Airbus Helicopters completed initial system offered as an option for Gando, Canary Islands-based 82 Grupo in December. Roberto Yáñez
live firing trials with its H145 fitted three baseline helicopters, the On November 23, the third and be customised for Ejército del Aire
with the HForce weapons system in H145M, H215 and H225. The last Airbus Helicopters H215 for SAR requirements and painted.
early November. system interfaces with the H145M the Ejército del Aire (Spanish After completion of modifications
The trials were conducted at Pápa Air crew either via a Thales Scorpion Air Force) arrived at the Airbus and test flying, it was expected to
Base, Hungary, using H145M D-HADX Helmet Mounted Sight Display or Helicopters facility at Albacete be officially handed over to the
and included the firing of 0.50 calibre the helicopter’s Wescam MX-15 following a 3.5-hour flight from Ejército del Aire as HD.21-17/802-
FN Herstal HMP400 podded machine multisensor imaging system. Marignane, France, the production 17 for 802 Escuadrón at Gando Air
guns, 2.75-inch (70mm) unguided The next stage of trials, employing facility where H215s and H225s Base at the end of 2017, although
rockets from an FZ231 launcher and Roketsan CiRiT 2.75-inch (70mm) are produced. The helicopter, it is understood that it will not be
a 20mm Nexter NC621 cannon. laser-guided rockets will be still in primer and displaying the delivered to the unit until February
HForce is an Airbus Helicopters- conducted in Sweden before the end French registration F-WWOY, is to 2018. Roberto Yáñez
led plug-and-play weapons of the year. Nigel Pittaway

22 | www.airinternational.com @ [email protected]
Nigerian Air
Force Bell 412s Armada’s upgraded AB212
Nigerian Air Force Chief of Air Staff,
Air Marshal Sadique Abubakar, has
officially inducted into service the
first of two impounded Bell 412
helicopters, which will be used to
support anti-Boko Haram operations
in the northeast of the country. As
the helicopters had remained partially
disassembled in containers for
around two years, major systems and
cameras had to be sent to the United
States and Canada for overhaul and
repair. They were originally destined
for Rivers State to protect oil and
gas facilities and were equipped
with night vision equipment, armour
plating and cameras, but were
seized in November 2016 after the
importer could not produce end-user Seen lifting off from Albacete on its two-hour flight to Rota is Armada AB212 Plus HA.18-4/01-308, the fifth of seven
certificates. They were handed over helicopters to be modernised under a programme dubbed Programa de Extensión de Vida de los Helicópteros. Rob-
to the Air Force on January 27, 2017. erto Yañez
Guy Martin
The Armada (Spanish Navy) received at Albacete to Rota after the official system, an automatic identification
its fifth modernised Agusta-Bell ceremony, which was attended by system, terrain awareness and
Lesotho Defence AB212 Plus on December 5, representatives from the companies warning system, mission tactical
Force H125 leaving just two helicopters to
be delivered in 2018 to finalise its
involved in the modernisation
programme (Babcock MCS España
computer, ballistic protection,
full replacement of the electrical
Lesotho’s Defence Force has Programa de Extensión de Vida and SENER). systems and a digital cockpit.
taken delivery of an H125 de los Helicópteros AB-212 (PEVH Improvements in the upgrade All seven AB212 Plus helicopters
helicopter from Airbus Helicopters AB212, or AB212 Life Extension programme are a new radar, an assigned to 3 Escuadrilla are
Southern Africa, and may acquire Programme). The helicopter flew electronic flight information system, expected to remain in service for
more rotorcraft in the future. The from Babcock MCS España heliport an electro-optical/infrared imaging another 15 years. Roberto Yañez
aircraft (serial number LDF-15)
was commissioned into service by
Lesotho’s Deputy Prime Minister
Monyane Moleleki on October 14
AH-64Es arrive in Europe
and named Litsebe. Moleleki also The US Army’s 1st Air Cavalry according to an announcement by the previous nine months.
inaugurated the upgraded 4,265ft Brigade (1 ACB) from the 1st Cavalry the Stars and Stripes on November 9. The 1 ACB helicopters crossed the
(1,300m) runway at Mejametalana Division based at Fort Hood, Texas, The Brigade brought 86 helicopters Atlantic by sea and were unloaded at
Air Base, which can now has deployed the AH-64E Apache (24 AH-64Es, 12 CH-47F Chinooks, 38 the Belgian port of Zeebrugge in late
accommodate aircraft weighing Guardian to Europe, as part of UH-60 and 12 HH-60 Black Hawks), October. Most will be based at the
up to 16,500kg (36,375lb). The Operation Atlantic Resolve, the together with 2,000 personnel to US Army’s headquarters at Illesheim,
improvements were carried out United States’ commitment to Europe. The unit relieved the 10th Germany, but smaller detachments
between 2013 and 2017. Looking Eastern Europe after Russia’s 2014 Combat Aviation Brigade (10 CAB), will go to Latvia, Poland and Romania.
annexation of the Crimean Peninsula, which had been on the continent for Nigel Pittaway
to the future, Moleleki said the
LDF faces the challenge of rapidly
ageing medium utility aircraft
and it is imperative that more
helicopters be acquired. Guy Martin
Final weeks of the Lynx AH9
Merlin accident
The first Leonardo AW101 for the
Luftforsvaret (Royal Norwegian
Air Force) was delivered from the
manufacturer’s final assembly
plant at Yeovil, Somerset, UK, on
November 17, 2017. A week later, on
November 24, the aircraft, Norwegian
serial number 268 (c/n 50268), was
seriously damaged when it rolled on
to its side at Sola Air Station, its new Lynx AH9A ZG885 assigned to 657 Squadron on Salisbury plain training area in early December. Ian Harding
base. Before the accident, which The Army Air Corps will bid farewell flypast of all the important locations were required to improve the
occurred immediately outside its to the Westland Lynx AH9A during around southern England on January helicopter’s performance in the hot
hangar, the aircraft had been taking the first quarter of 2018. In service 16, 2018. and high conditions of Afghanistan
part in an extensive series of test and with 657 Squadron based at RAF The last of 22 upgraded Lynx and included installation of more
evaluation exercises. The aircraft was Odiham, Hampshire, the last Lynx in AH9As, modernised under two powerful LHTEC CTS800-4N
scheduled to be unveiled to the public UK military service will be formally urgent operational requirements engines, a modified gearbox, new
at a ceremony at Sola on December decommissioned on March 31, issued in 2008 and 2010, was engine controls and digital displays
20 and the type is due to enter service 2018. Subject to weather conditions, delivered to the Army Air Corps on and a strengthened rear fuselage.
in 2018. No injuries were reported as a the squadron is planning a farewell December 15, 2011. The upgrades Ian Harding
result of the incident. Jerry Gunner

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Beluga XL assembly

The first of the five new Beluga XL transporters, derived from the A330-200F, on the Toulouse FAL. P Masclet/Airbus
The new Airbus Beluga XL is installation of the horizontal tailplane, will start soon on the second aircraft. future requirements for airlift capacity
progressing on the Toulouse final the tail cone and the vertical tailplane. The Beluga XL’s maiden flight in 2018 as it begins to increase output.
assembly line (FAL) as the company Airbus has also started the electrical will kick off a ten-month flight test Derived from the A330-200 freighter,
gears up to fly the type in the third and mechanical systems installation certification campaign before the the aircraft will have 6,000kg
quarter of 2018. for the whole fuselage. Electrical aircraft enters service with Airbus (13,227lb) more payload lifting
Work attaching the aircraft’s main power-on was scheduled for the end Transport International in 2019. capacity than the current Beluga
cargo door to the fuselage began on of the year and subsequent ground The Beluga XL project started in aircraft which have been in service
the FAL in November, following the tests early in 2018. Integration work November 2014 to address Airbus’ since the mid-1990s. Mark Broadbent

Dream Chaser’s Boom partners with

free flight Japan Airlines
Boom Supersonic, the Colorado Boom intends to fly its XB-1 to
start-up developing a new- demonstrate technologies that
generation supersonic airliner, has can be put into a future supersonic
announced a strategic partnership airliner seating up to 55 passengers,
with Japan Airlines (JAL). The which will be 170ft (51m) long,
Japanese carrier will collaborate have a 60ft (18m) wingspan and a
with Boom on aircraft design and Mach 2.2 long-range cruise speed
defining the passenger experience, and offer 9,000 nautical miles
and it has signed an option to (16,668km) range. Earlier in 2017,
purchase up to 20 aircraft through Boom said it has secured 76 orders
a pre-order arrangement. Boom for its future supersonic airliner, with
said it had been working with JAL Virgin Atlantic having signed for ten
for over a year “behind the scenes”. aircraft. Mark Broadbent

The Dream Chaser touches down at Edwards Air Force Base at the
end of its first free-flight test. Sierra Nevada Corporation

A Sierra Nevada Corporation was part of an ongoing series of

A350-1000 certified
The Airbus A350-1000 has received Royce Trent XWB-97 engine runs at
Dream Chaser recently completed tests being carried out at the NASA European Aviation Safety Agency and Toulouse on December 2; the jet was
a successful free-flight test. Armstrong Flight Research Centre. US Federal Aviation Administration scheduled to have been delivered to
Lifted to 12,400ft (3,779m) by a The Dream Chaser is designed type certification after completing Qatar by the end of December. Most
Colombia Helicopters Model 234- to provide commercial transport a year-long, 1,600-flying hour of the initial A350-1000 deliveries will
UT Chinook, the Dream Chaser services to low-Earth orbit and a certification testing campaign. The be to Qatar Airways, but two aircraft
was released and flew along a reusable utility capability. It has milestone clears the way for Airbus for Cathay Pacific Airways (B-LXA and
pre-planned flight path before been selected by NASA to provide to deliver the initial customer A350- B-LXB) are also in assembly. Airbus
landing at Edwards Air Force Base, cargo delivery and disposal 1000, A7-ANA (msn 88), to launch has so far amassed 169 orders for the
California to verify approach and services to the International Space operator Qatar Airways. This aircraft A350-1000, the largest and longest-
landing performance. The flight Station. Mark Broadbent was pictured completing its first Rolls- range A350 variant. Mark Broadbent

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A DISTINCTIVE aircraft engine The An-22A returned to
sound echoed through the wintry Manchester with the damaged
skies above northern Britain engine five days later before
early in December. It was a deep, departing for Leipzig early the
rumbling sound that instantly following morning.
stood out, the sort of tone that
naturally captures the attention of Antei ancestry
anyone interested in aviation. The An-22 was developed in
The unique engine note belonged response to a Soviet military
to the Kuznetsov NK-12MA requirement for a strategic heavy
turboprops of Antonov An-22A transport aircraft able to carry
Antei (Antheus) UR-09307 (c/n heavy loads into rough, unprepared
043481244) operated by Antonov airstrips. The type’s first flight was on
Airlines, which was flying into February 27, 1965, and four months
Manchester Airport. later it appeared in the west for
It was the first visit to the UK the first time at that year’s Paris Air
for more than a decade of the Show.
largest turboprop aircraft ever built. Two versions of the aircraft were
No wonder aircraft enthusiasts produced: the initial production Eight contra-rotating propellers are fitted to the An-22A’s Kuznetsov NK-12MA
travelled from across the country An-22 with an external start system turboprops.
to get a close look at an aircraft (of which 37 were built) and the
that, with its bulbous fuselage, twin improved An-22A (28 built) featuring from its unpressurised main cargo example outside Russia.
tails, contra-rotating propellers an air-start capability, a modified hold, which according to Antonov Antonov Airlines, based at Kiev-
and that Kuznetsov engine note, electrical system and updated Airlines can carry 60,000kg Gostomel Airport in Ukraine, is a
is as distinctive as it is rare. The navigation and radio equipment. (132,277lb) of payload. subdivision of Antonov established in
aircraft’s rarity value even generated Two An-22s were also converted The An-22 is 57.9m (189ft) 1989 providing international air cargo
coverage in a couple of national to An-22PZs to carry wing centre long, 12.53m (41ft) high and has services. The carrier specialises in
newspapers. sections or outer wings of the An- a 64.40m (211ft 2in) wingspan, charters for large and outsize cargo,
The An-22A arrived in Manchester 124 or An-225. with its wing area covering 345m2 with the sole An-22 sitting alongside
at 12:05hrs local time, landing Production for the Soviet Air Force (3,713ft2). Empty it weighs 114,000kg seven An-124-100 Ruslans, the sole
on Runway 05L, having departed and Aeroflot by the Tashkent State (251,325lb) and its maximum take- An-225 Mriya and single examples of
Helinski at 08:45hrs local time. The Aircraft Factory took place until off weight is 250,000kg (551,155lb). the An-26, An-28, An-74T and An-
purpose of the aircraft’s visit was to 1974. In the Soviet era, the An-22 The four Kuznetsov NK-12MAs each 178 in its fleet.
pick up and transport a replacement was used primarily to deliver military generate 15,000shp (11,186kW) The An-22 has appeared at
engine to Holguin, Cuba, for a equipment and humanitarian aid thrust. The aircraft’s maximum speed different European airports,
Thomas Cook Airbus A330 stranded around the Soviet Union, although is 399kts (740km/h) and it has 2,700 undertaking charters since the early
there after it suffered a rejected there were occasional appearances nautical miles (5,000km) range at 1990s. However, between 2009 and
take-off in November. at western trade shows: for example, maximum payload or 5,905 nautical 2016 it remained on the ground at
After the engine was loaded, the at the Farnborough Airshow in miles (10,950km) with a 45,000kg Kiev-Gostomel. Only on June 30,
An-22A was prepared for departure, 1988, when an An-22 delivered a (99,200lb) payload. 2016, did Antonov Airlines return the
with one photographer on the replacement engine for the An-124. aircraft to flight with a flight from
ground at Manchester reporting they Heavylifter Kiev to Leipzig. Antonov Airlines
could hear the NK-12MAs powering- Characteristics The An-22 was largely replaced said the aircraft’s 60-tonne payload
up even from the other side of the The all-metal An-22 has a high- in military service after the Soviet presents a “favourable addition” to
airport. The aircraft left Manchester mounted wing and an integral rear Union’s collapse, although five An- the carrier’s fleet, complementing
at 15:04hrs, bound for Gander in loading ramp and doors. The aircraft 22s reportedly still serve the Russian the An-124’s 150,000kg (330,693b)
Canada, where it was refuelled is equipped with winches to enable Ministry of Defence. Antonov and the An-225’s 250,000kg
before flying on to Holguin. cargo to be loaded and unloaded Airlines’ UR-09307 is the sole (551,155lb) payload capabilities.

Giant from the east A very rare recent visitor to the UK was the only Antonov
An-22A Antei in civil operation. Mark Broadbent reports

The An-22A is the largest turboprop

aircraft ever built, at 57.9m (189ft) in
length, 12.53m (41ft) in height and with
a 64.40m (211ft 4in) wingspan.
All images by Joe Campion

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LOT Polish receives 737 MAX

The first Boeing 737 MAX 8 for a central and eastern European airline was delivered to LOT Polish Airlines early in December. The aircraft, SP-LVA (c/n 64067),
leased from the Air Lease Corporation, is the first of six 737 MAX aircraft that will enter service with the Polish carrier by April 2020. Boeing has also recently deliv-
ered the initial 737 MAX 8 to a Latin American carrier, with the handover of the first aircraft to Aerolineas Argentinas early in December 2017. Paul Gordon/Boeing

Air Transat updates livery

The Canadian carrier Air Transat has introduced a revised livery, seen here on Airbus A330-243 C-GTSN (c/n 369) at Toronto Lester B Pearson International Air-
port. The livery was unveiled in November 2017 to coincide with the airline’s 30th birthday. Andrew Cline

Malaysian A350-900

Malaysian Airlines has received its initial Airbus A350-900, 9M-MAB (msn 159), the first of six A350-900s that will serve the airline’s long-haul and regional routes.
Malaysian is the 17th A350-900 operator and it is the initial airline to put first class seats in an A350. There will be four such seats, along with 35 in business and 247
in economy. H Goussé/Airbus

26 | www.airinternational.com @ [email protected]
Customer Aircraft Number Date
Tighter noise regulations
The US Federal Aviation Administration
is imposing more stringent noise
standards for US civil aircraft with a
ALAFCO 737 MAX 8 20 (finalises previous November 13
The Bombardier C Series has recently secured its first maximum take-off weight (MTOW)
orders for nearly a year. An undisclosed European airline of over 121,250lb (55,000kg) with
has signed a letter of intent (LOI) for 31 C Series plus 30 Alaska Airlines 737-800 4 November 7 effect from December 31, 2017. From
options and EgyptAir has signed an LOI for 12 CS300s plus (previously December 31, 2020, the standard will
12 options. The LOIs took to 158 the number of C Series unidentified)
be applicable to new designs with
commitments, which are in addition to the 360 aircraft on Aviation Capital Group 737 4 November 7 a MTOW below 121,250lb. The new
firm order. Mark Broadbent (previously standards, designated Stage 5, require
unidentified a noise reduction of 7dB from current

Avolon 737 MAX 8 55 plus 20 options November 19 requirements for new designs. As sound
(finalises June 20, pressures decline by half for every 3dB
2017 MOU) reduction, this will effectively reduce the
LOST ORDERS FOR MRJ? sound level produced by aircraft subject
737 MAX 10 20 (finalises June November 19
20, 2017 MOU to Stage 5 to one-fifth of that permitted
The Mitsubishi Regional Jet’s order book, some 447 airliners,
by aircraft operating under the current
appears likely to be reduced by the 40 aircraft ordered in 2014 Azerbaijan Airlines 747-8F 2, purchase November 12 Stage 4 standards. Aircraft with current
by Eastern Air Lines. This airline, acquired by Swift Air earlier in commitment or pending certificates of airworthiness
2017, appears likely to buy additional Boeing 737s and cancel its
787-9 5 November 12 will remain covered by existing
MRJ order, although it has not made an announcement. There
standards. The Stage 5 standards are
have been concerns that additional programme delays will lead China Aviation Suppliers 737 260 November 8
intended to bring the United States into
to further cancellations, possibly including US-based SkyWest’s Holding Company
conformance with International Civil
order for 200. David C Isby 777/787 40 November 8 Aircraft Organization standards adopted
in July 2014. David C Isby

CDB Aviation 737 MAX 8 42 (firms June 19, November 7
2017 MOU)
737 MAX 10 6 November 7
SA Airlink and Safair merger
SA Airlink and Safair plan to merge and
TURKISH 777 FREIGHTER 787-9 8 November 7 consolidate under the Airlink banner.
Turkish Airlines has received its first Boeing 777 Freighter, The two companies at the end of
Emirates 787-10 40, purchase November
the first of two it ordered in 2011. Boeing has now delivered November applied to South Africa’s
commitmen 12
137 777Fs from its 165 orders, leaving a backlog of just 28 Competition Commission for the deal to
examples. No 777Fs have been ordered since 2014 according Ethiopian Airlines 777F 4 (two of which November be approved, with a decision due in Q1
to Boeing orders and delliveries data. Mark Broadbent firm June 19, 2017 14 2018. Under the proposed agreement,
the airlines will keep their respective

FlyDubai 737 MAX 175 plus 50 November products, aircraft fleets, management
options (purchase 15 and leadership teams, as well as
agreement) employee numbers. Guy Martin
Customer Aircraft Number Date Japan Airlines 787 4 November 7
(previously Leonardo systems in Africa
AirAsia A320ceo 14 Booked October unidentified) Leonardo is to supply air traffic control
31, announced systems to two African countries.
November 7 SCAT Airlines 737 MAX 8 November 16
In Somalia, Leonardo and Kenyan
Air Senegal A330neo 2 MOU November 15 WestJet 737 5 November 7 subsidiary Selex ES Technologies
Limited will provide a national area
CDB Leasing A320neo 30 (firms June November 15 Unidentified 777 2 November 7
20, 2017 MOU)
control centre and tower control
787 5 November 7 centres for three major airports, a VHF
A321neo 15 (firms June November 15 radio system and satellite network.
20, 2017 MOU) US Air Force PAR 747-8 2 November 7
The systems will be operational by
Program (previously
Indigo Partners (for Frontier A320neo 273 MOU November 15 unidentified) mid-2018. In Sudan, Leonardo will
Airlines, JetSMART, Volaris, deliver a nationwide ADS-B network and

Wizz Air) upgrade four secondary radar systems.
A321neo 157 MOU November 15 Commissioning of the systems and the
upgrade will start in mid-2018. Guy Martin
Private customer ACJ320 1 Booked October
12, announced Customer Aircraft Number Date
Fastjet starts in Mozambique
November 7
CemAir Dash 8 2 (firms June November 29 Fastjet Mozambique commenced
Undisclosed A320neo 7 Booked October Q400 21, 2017 LOI) domestic operations with a first flight
13, announced EgyptAir CS300 12 plus 12 November 14 using an ERJ145 leased from Solenta
November 7 options LOI Aviation Mozambique from Maputo to
VivaAerobus A320ceo 2 Booked October Beira, Nampula and Tete. The first flight
Nordic Aviation Capital Dash 8 2 (purchase November 15
23, announced followed the Mozambican government
(for Jambojet) Q400 agreement)
November 7 opening the country’s air market to
Undisclosed European CS300 31 plus 30 November 2 foreign carriers,, a move that will see
Wataniya Airways A320neo 25 MOU November 14 airline options LOI Ethiopian Airlines, Malawian Airlines,
TTA and CFM Transportes Aereo also

begin flights in the country. Guy Martin

ATR 72-600 tours west Africa

Customer Aircraft Number Date Customer Aircraft Number Date From December 11 to 14, the ATR 72-
600 demonstrator visited Ghana, Mali
FedEx Express ATR 72-600 30 plus 20 November 8 FedEx Express Cessna SkyCourier 50 plus 50 options November 28 and Burkina Faso in its first tour of west
options 40 Africa to promote the type’s potential
in providing connectivity for the region.
Mark Broadbent
Data covers orders November 2-December 4. Key: LOI – Letter of Intent; MOU – Memorandum of Understanding. Compiled by Mark Broadbent

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UMS Skeldar’s enhanced R-350

The newly enhanced UMS Skeldar R-350 is designed to carry up to 80kg (176lb) of payload for over two hours. UMS Skeldar

Manufacturer UMS Skeldar has easily be certified for aerospace means the system requires only The R-350 measures 1.15m (3.7ft)
launched a new version of its R-350 classifications and combines a national certification. It is designed in height, is 0.99m (3.26ft) wide
vertical take-off and landing UAV. short turnaround time and built- to deploy multiple payloads at the and 3.2m (10.5ft) long, with a 3.5m
The platform, launched at the Dubai in test functionality”. The platform same time in its two payload bays: (11.5ft) rotor diameter. It can carry
Air Show, offers an ability to carry up includes a complete propulsion for example, an electro-optical/ 12kg (26lb) of payload in the nose or
to 80kg (176lb) of payload for over unit that the manufacturer claims infrared camera together with laser more than 30kg (110lb) in its main
two hours and provides a jet-turbine can be replaced in less than 45 imaging detection and ranging bay. Ceiling is 8,200ft (2,500m),
engine propulsion system that minutes, and a jet turbine that can or chemical sniffer equipment. A maximum speed 65kts (120km/h)
uses Jet A1 and JP8 heavy fuels. be changed in less than 15 minutes. number of commercial off-the-shelf its data link range 13.5 nautical miles
The R-350 has a modular design The R-350 being below 150kg high-resolution sensors are available (25km) with a two-hour endurance.
that, UMS Skeldar said, “can (330lb) maximum take-off weight for the system, UMS Skeldar says. Mark Broadbent

Kalashnikov moves Resupply UAV

into UAVs The US Marine Corps will evaluate
disposable cargo-carrying
unpowered UAVs launched from
to demonstrate a capability of a UAV
to be launched from a transport
or rotary-wing aircraft at 10,000-
Russia’s Kalashnikov, part of lightweight ZALA 421-21 is a aircraft in flight. The US Marine Corps 25,000ft (3,048-7,620m) altitude. The
the Rostec State Corporation, portable multicopter powered by Warfighting Laboratory at Quantico UAVs will need to achieve a glide ratio
announced on November 28 six electric engines and launched Virginia will test glider versions of the of between 8:1 and 15:1 with a load
that in addition to designing and by hand for monitoring missions. Yates Electrospace Corporation Silent of 700lb (217kg) and land within 150ft
building UAVs it would operate The larger ZALA 421-22 Arrow. Unmanned systems with 500– (45m) of a target point. The test will
them in civil missions, including, multicopter powered by eight 1,000lb (225–450kg) gross weight examine potential of UAVs to resupply
Kalashnikov Chief Executive Officer electric engines has a maximum will be tested over a 12-month period troops in contact. David C Isby
Alexeiy Krivoruchko was quoted take-off weight of 8kg (3.6lb), a
as saying, “aerial survey, mapping, 2kg (0.9lb) payload and can carry a

UAE orders Seekers

telecommunications, cargo video camera or a thermal imager.
delivery, virus disease monitoring, The ZALA 421-02X has a 90kg
forest and private object protection (40lb) maximum take-off weight,
and meteorology”. These missions
would be carried out by a range
a 25kg (11.3lb) payload and is
powered by a combustion engine. from South Africa
of Kalashnikov designed and In June 2017, the ZALA Aero The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has $13.3 million deal with the UAE
produced UAVs currently being Group used the Paris Air Show to ordered AED 48.1 million worth of was signed with Denel Dynamics
tested. A heavy cargo UAV announce it had launched mass Seeker UAVs from South Africa, “to procure Seeker aircraft”, but
is currently planned to enter production of its ZALA 421-16E2 and these will join its existing fleet. did not indicate whether this was
production in 2018. small fixed-wing UAV. This system The order was announced during the Seeker 200 or Seeker 400. The
The ZALA Aero Group, a subsidiary has four-hour endurance, a range the Dubai Air Show by official UAE received at least seven Seeker
of the Rostec’s Kalashnikov Group, of 27 nautical miles (50km) and is spokesperson Staff Pilot Air-Vice II systems between 2002 and 2010,
is currently marketing three vertical equipped with a day camera. David Marshal Abdulla Al Sayed Al Hashemi. and deployed them to Afghanistan
take-off and landing UAVs. The C Isby and Mark Broadbent He said on November 15 that the and Yemen. Guy Martin

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ScanEagle in Australia NOMAD
The US Navy has carried out shipboard
tests of the Netted Offboard Miniature
Active Decoy (NOMAD), an expendable
rotary-wing UAV aboard the littoral
combat ship USS Coronado (LCS 4)
off the California coast. The shipboard
tests, which took place in August, were
part of a larger testing programme
that concluded in October. Previous
shipboard tests of the NOMAD had
been primarily focused on individual
UAV performance. The Coronado
tests successfully demonstrated multi-
UAV launch, operation and recovery.
Intended to be tube launched for
rapid deployment as a decoy platform
Using unmanned systems to assess infrastructure can reduce ground travel by engineers working in the Surat Basinn of up and recoverable by landing vertically
to 497,096 miles (800,000km) a year, according to Shell. Boeing Insitu on shipboard, the NOMAD has been
Boeing Insitu has been awarded year evaluation by Shell of the wells, tanks, valves, floats, vents used to develop swarm technology,
a contract to provide remotely ScanEagle and the aerial sensing, and pipes, and the environment allowing multiple UAVs to deploy
piloted aircraft services flying data analysis and data distribution surrounding the infrastructure, themselves in an optimal pattern to
beyond visual line of sight (BVLOS) systems provided by Insitu such as fencing integrity, road defend a ship. The Naval Research
for Shell and its Queensland Commercial. subsidence and flooding. Laboratory, which developed the
(Australia) Gas Company business The BVLOS flight operations Insitu says assessment times NOMAD design in conjunction
in the Surat Basin in eastern using the ScanEagle are conducted and the resolution of problems with the Office of Naval Research,
Australia. in the Surat Basin over a broad area with infrastructure have speeded conducted the tests on board the
The company is supplying the of Civil Aviation Safety Authority- up, with the data collected by the Coronado and is using it as a testbed
ScanEagle system and analytics approved airspace encompassing ScanEagle automatically processed for the development of remote
services to provide broad acre over 700,000 hectares (1.7 million and analysed in near real time to controls, autonomous flight controls,
infrastructure operations and acres). The systems are being used both the Brisbane headquarters station keeping and coordinated
maintenance, following a two- to assess infrastructure, including and field operators. Mark Broadbent flight support. David C Isby

Blade inspections
Martek Marine provided systems for Statoil to undertake condi-
tion assessments on North Sea wind turbines. Martek Aviation

In another sign of the broad wind turbines that make up Statoil’s The live video feed from the UAVs out checks. Senior Engineer Statoil
commercial applications UAVs are Sheringham Shoal windfarm off the enabled Statoil engineers to instantly for Sheringham Shoal, Dale Symonds
taking on, unmanned systems have Norfolk coast. Two hundred flights assess the condition of the turbine said Statoil is talking to Martek about
recently been used to inspect wind were undertaken to carry out the blades, thereby avoiding the downsides how they can work together at other
turbine blades in the North Sea. inspections, with eight minutes spent of using a camera from the ground windfarms. Martek has recently set
Martek Aviation used small UAVs on each turbine gathering data about and removing the requirement for up a division specialising in providing
to inspect all 264 blades on the 88 the blades. engineers to climb the turbines to carry maritime UAV services. Mark Broadbent

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Beriev A-100
maiden flight

Russia’s TASS news agency the first prototype (converted Il- joined by a second development qualities, as well as initial testing of
reported that the Beriev A-100 76MD-90A 01-03, registered 78651 aircraft. avionics and mission systems.
Airborne Warning and Control delivered to Beriev at Taganrog on Quoting the Moscow-based Vega TASS quoted: “The flight tested
System (AWACS) aircraft performed November 21, 2014) is referred to Radio Engineering Corporation, the aerodynamic characteristics,
its maiden flight from the Taganrog as the A-100LL (Letayushchaya designer of the A-100’s Premier the aircraft’s avionics and elements
Aviation Scientific and Technical Laboratoriya or flying test bed) and mission system, the news agency of the radio-technical complex.”
Complex on November 18. will be used for testing the Premier said the maiden flight tested the The A-100 utilises the Ilyushin
According to Russian sources, mission system; it will later be aircraft’s aerodynamic handling Il-76MD-90A (Il-476), powered

Operational Triton
The first operational Northrop aviation. Triton is a high-altitude,
Grumman MQ-4C Triton maritime long-endurance, unmanned system
surveillance aircraft was delivered to the that delivers a critical autonomous
Naval Base Ventura County Point Mugu capability to the Navy, expanding the
in California on November 9. A second service’s maritime patrol mission.”
Triton is planned to be delivered before After a period of operations from
the end of 2017 and both are expected Point Mugu the two aircraft will be
to be forward-deployed to Guam forward-deployed to Guam to support
during the course of 2018. the US Navy’s 7th Fleet operations
The Triton delivered in November in the Pacific Ocean. The Navy has
is the first aircraft for the US Navy’s previously announced that it will
US Navy
Unmanned Patrol Squadron 19 also deploy future Tritons to Naval
(VUP-19) ‘Big Red’. The aircraft will Air Station Mayport, Florida, Naval Air
initially operate from Point Mugu, Station Sigonella, Sicily, Italy and the Shaffer said that Northrop Grumman to complement the Boeing P-8A
which is also home to a maintenance Middle East, in support of support is under contract for MQ-4C low-rate Poseidon multimission maritime
detachment, but will be controlled global operations. production Lots 1 and 2, made up of three aircraft now entering service at RAAF
from VUP-19’s home base at Naval Air After reaching EOC, a second aircraft each, and is currently negotiating Edinburgh in South Australia.
Station Jacksonville, Florida. unmanned patrol squadron, VUP-11, for production Lot 3. The company is The Australian government has
VUP-19 is the Navy’s only unmanned will be stood up at Naval Air Station working towards the introduction of the previously announced it intends to
ISR squadron to date and was stood Whidbey Island, Washington. multi-intelligence version of the Triton, purchase seven Triton systems as part
up at Jacksonville in October 2016. Flight testing of the initial which will have enhancements over of its Air 7000 Phase 1B programme,
The unit will develop the tactics, three System Development and the current baseline aircraft, including but is yet to place an order. Also
techniques and procedures for Demonstration aircraft at Naval Air a signals intelligence payload, and will known as Integration Functional
fleet support operations prior to the Station Patuxent River, Maryland is also replace the EP-3E ARIES II signals Capability 4 (IFC-4) configuration,
declaration of an early operational also continuing and, according to intelligence reconnaissance aircraft the multi-intelligence Triton is due to
capability (EOC) and deployment of Northrop Grumman, performance platform in US Navy service. enter service with the US Navy in 2021
the aircraft overseas. so far – including that of the Triton’s The multi-intelligence version is and therefore its timing is important
Doug Shaffer, Northrop Grumman’s ZPY-3 Multi-Function Active Sensor also of interest to the Royal Australian to the RAAF.
Vice President for the Triton X-band active electronically scanned Air Force (RAAF), which is seeking Shaffer said: “The timing is perfect
programme, said: “This aircraft is array radar – is meeting or exceeding an unmanned high-altitude long- for Australia to join the Triton
the beginning of a new era for naval Navy specifications. endurance maritime ISR capability programme.” Nigel Pittaway

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United Aircraft Corporation

by Aviadvigatel PS-90-76 engines, Base, 250km (155 miles) north east intelligence systems, an ECM capably of tracking up to 300
as the baseline airframe and will of Moscow. suite for self-defence, satellite targets on the ground and in the
replace the Russian Air Force’s The A-100 retains the general communication and an S-band (75 air simultaneously and Russian
existing Beriev A-50 and A-50U configuration of the Beriev A-50 with to 150mm wavelength) Premier sources report that deliveries
Mainstay AWACS platforms a rotating radar dome carried on two radar with active electronic of production A-100 aircraft to
assigned to the 144th Airborne streamlined struts above the fuselage. scanning in elevation and operational Russian Air Force
Early Warning Aviation Regiment The A-100 is equipped with mechanical scanning in azimuth. units are set to begin in 2020.
based at Ivanovo-Severnyy Air advanced signal and electronic The Premier radar is reportedly Nigel Pittaway

Predator demonstrates
ASW capability

General Atomics Aeronautical Systems Incorporated

A General Atomics Aeronautical relay, receiving acoustic data from GA-ASI CEO Linden Blue said: aperture radar to classify the targets.
Systems Incorporated (GA-ASI) sonobuoys launched from Navy “This technology will provide long- It also said the electro-optical/
MQ-9 Predator B remotely piloted helicopters, before processing the range patrol and relay capabilities infra-red camera on the Predator
aircraft (RPA) has successfully information and retransmitting to the MQ-9 to augment maritime was capable of recording high-
demonstrated maritime patrol it to the MQ-9’s ground control mission sets. This test demonstrated definition, full-motion video
capabilities, including anti- station (GCS) several hundred miles the ability of our RPA to detect images that, when correlated
submarine warfare (ASW), the distant. submarines and provide persistent with the maritime automatic
company announced in November. A sonobuoy receiver and data tracking of submerged targets.” identification system, can verify
The Predator participated in a US processing technology supplied GA-ASI said that the Predator target identity.
Navy exercise over the Southern by Ultra Electronics and General involved in the trials was also The company said: “Additionally,
California Offshore Range west Missions Systems-Canada was equipped with the company’s Lynx the MQ-9 can be fitted with a
of San Clemente Island on combined aboard the Predator multimode radar, which features a centreline pod that can house a
October 12, which included the airframe, enabling a tracking maritime wide-area search mode, longer-range, 360-degree field
remote detection and tracking solution to be calculated and capable of detecting surface of regard surface search radar for
of submerged objects. The RPA transmitted to the GCS via satellite targets over a significant area and enhanced surveillance over water.”
performed as a communications communications. combining with inverse synthetic Nigel Pittaway

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Mike Sousa Jr, director of advanced [and] we go to higher temperatures
turboshaft business development for and reduce the cooling [air] flow [to
GE Aviation told AIR International: the turbine blades]. We also have
“We were certainly aware of the advanced materials in there and use
GE9X pressure ratio when we made those advanced materials in new
the statement that we were the and different ways and have better
highest pressure-ratio compressor in cooling configurations in order to
GE’s history”. meet all of those requirements.”
Sousa said the two programmes Additionally, “Within the FATE
differ in how they make use of programme … we are using the
additive manufacturing. In the FATE computerised control system to do
programme, “We’re just making one things that we wouldn’t have been
of a kind and we avoid tooling costs able to do any other way. It’s certainly
and can get things made a lot faster” an integral part of our being able to
by using additive manufacturing. meet the programme goals and to
Whereas, with ITEP, we’re looking take advantage of the things that we
at what is the right configuration for can do with that full-authority digital
Sikorsky, and its partner Boeing, are proving the scalability and tailoring of Sikor- production. So we might have used control that we couldn’t do if we
sky’s X2 technology with the SB1 Defiant medium-class technology demonstra- a little more on additives during the didn’t have that system on board.”
tor. The SB1 is being developed for the US Army’s Joint Multi-Role Technology
FATE programme, because that’s Also, “Part of our philosophy is that
Demonstration programme to help define the Future Vertical Lift (FVL) programme.
Technologies used on GE’s FATE engine will be available if a new centre-line engine a way to avoid having a tool-up we look at engines through the future
is required for FVL. Boeing without thinking about what the best … to make sure that we’re taking
long-term approach is to making advantage of the ability to turn things
THE 5,000 to 10,000shp-class High pressure ratio parts.” on and off when we need them and
turboshaft-engine design GE Apart from any other technological While declining to detail exactly how when we don’t need them, especially
Aviation is producing under a differences between FATE and ITEP, GE’s FATE and T901 development when you get to aircraft like FVL [the
$45 million Future Affordable during tests of the first FATE engine engines differ technologically, US Army’s potential Future Vertical
Turbine Engine (FATE) technology- in 2017 it demonstrated the highest Sousa hinted at other technological Lift requirement],” said Sousa. “The
demonstrator contract from the single-spool compressor pressure differences between FATE and ability to control things that you
US Army is slightly more advanced ratio in GE Aviation’s history – even ITEP. He said: “The FATE engine didn’t have in previous aircraft, taking
than the 3,000shp T901 design it is higher than the 27:1 ratio the high- is clearly an engine where we’ve advantage of that, understanding
developing as a candidate for the pressure compressor module in GE’s pushed the state of the art on all what that control system looks like
US Army’s Improved Turbine Engine huge new GE9X commercial-turbofan the technologies within the engine. and how that all works, is certainly a
Programme (ITEP), according to GE. engine has demonstrated in testing. We go to a higher pressure ratio technology that we’re working hard

FATE demonstrator engine

Chris Kjelgaard spoke with GE Aviation about demonstrator
engines and where the technologies might be used

According to Sikorsky, its X2 technology, at the heart of the S-97 Raider dem-
onstrator, is the foundation for Lockheed Martin’s support to the US Army’s
Future Vertical Lift programme with its air vehicle and systems design. Sikorsky

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Prime contractor Bell Helicopter is leading a team of 12 aerospace companies to
develop its V-280 Valor tilt-rotor aircraft to meet the US Army’s needs for the Joint
Multi-Role Technology Demonstration programme to help define the Future Verti-
cal Lift programme. Bell Helicopter

to make sure we take advantage of focused on getting ready for an but if not, then we’d be looking one of them being FVL, we really
for the future.” ITEP programme after the AATE for opportunities to take those think that all of their investments are
Following competitive bidding, programme was completed,” technologies and apply them to lining up towards its key priorities.
the US Army awarded GE Aviation confirmed Sousa. As a result, “With existing engines like the T408 or And ITEP is going to be just one
the FATE contract in 2011 as a cost- FATE, we were a little bit freer to T700, or a new engine like our ITEP piece of that.”
sharing programme in which the go push some of the state of the engine.” GE Aviation is convinced that a
company would contribute equally art technologies a little bit further, single-spool architecture like that in
to the development costs of the so that we could … push the limits Investments lining up its T901 engine is “the simplest when
FATE demonstrator engine. GE of those technologies and learn a Ron Hutter, executive director of you look at scaling up or down from
Aviation completed and tested the little bit more … As some of those GE Aviation’s T901 programme a baseline … having a single spool
first FATE turboshaft in 2017 and results from the FATE programme said: “The ITEP programme itself is makes that much easier to scale,”
after incorporating technological come along, we understand what going to be a critical component said Hutter. “When you start adding
lessons it learned from those tests those technologies are and how far of FVL as well. We think that, multiple spools and multiple frames
into the second FATE engine, it will we can push them as we introduce depending on which [aircraft and and multiple bearings and multiple
test the second one in 2018, after them into our products for the power requirement] case that compressors, that’s where we think
which the FATE programme will end. future.” you’re looking at, the high-test- that the complexity complicates
class engines could be the solution the scalability,” both for any further
Different power Doubt about production for those case sets, or some scaled development of the ITEP and for
requirements That said, where GE Aviation’s variance of ITEP will solve multiple “anything that might come once
As engines for rotary-wing aircraft T901 ITEP development is aimed case sets … Where [the US Army] has FVL gets better compliance from a
– in FATE’s case, potentially specifically at winning the two- identified these key areas of focus, requirements perspective.”
also for tilt-rotor aircraft as a horse race for an eventual, massive
turboprop – FATE and ITEP are single-source contract from the US
aimed at demonstrating designs Army for 3,000shp-class turboshaft
and technologies for different engines, GE Aviation doubts the
turboshaft power requirements. But 5,000-10,000shp-class FATE
both stemmed from the Advanced development effort will result in a
Affordable Turbine Engine (AATE) new production engine.
science and technology (S&T) “Both AATE and FATE are science
programme the US Army launched and technology demonstration
in 2006, according to Sousa. programmes and they certainly are
However, the AATE S&T effort intended to produce technologies
was primarily designed to lead to that end up in future products.
a subsequent programme which Certainly it’s our mission to make
would focus on developing a new sure that we develop technologies
3,000shp-class engine to replace … to be able to improve our existing
the approximately 6,000 GE T700 products,” said Sousa. But “whether
turboshaft engines powering the US there will be a new centre-line
Army’s vast fleets of UH-60 Black engine exactly that follows our
The Sikorsky-Boeing team is developing assault and attack variants of the SB1 Defiant
Hawk and AH-64 Apache helicopters FATE programme – that looks
medium-lift helicopter for the US Army’s Joint Multi-Role Technology Demonstration
– combined, nearly 3,000 rotorcraft. pretty doubtful. Those technologies programme to help define the Future Vertical Lift programme. Technologies used
“As we worked in the AATE would be available if there is a new on GE’s FATE engine will be available if a new centre-line engine is required for FVL.
programme, we were kind of centre-line engine required for FVL, Sikorsky

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Image: Jamie Hunter

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The next few months could
see Egypt and Qatar ordering
additional Rafale fighters.
All images by Jan Kraak

Aircraft developments principle on the creation of a mixed A mixed team from the Centre Foreign sales
By Jan Kraak French-German C-130J squadron d’Expertise Aérienne Militaire and the Speculation in the French press
at BA105 Evreux. Germany will order Direction Générale de l’Armement suggests that both Egypt and Qatar
THE FIRST of the two C-130J-30 six C-130Js in 2019 and these will be will likely carry out the tests. will soon use their options for 12
that are on order from the French assigned to the same squadron as the The main issue in terms of aerial additional Rafale fighters. According
Ministry of Defence (besides the four French aircraft. The logic behind refuelling for the French A400M to French newspaper La Tribune,
two KC-130Js) flew from Lockheed the move is cost-effectiveness remains the helicopter-domain. Due Qatar has asked for an extension to
Martin’s Marietta plant on November from operating both micro fleets to wake turbulence, the aircraft is its option for another 12 aircraft after
22. This aircraft should be handed together. France already has a fleet still not able to refuel helicopters. Dassault CEO Eric Trappier recently
over to the Armée de l’Air at the of 14 C-130Hs, but these aircraft This means the refuelling capability visited the country with a proposal
end of December and is planned are earlier generation Hercules and for the A400M is focused on fighter regarding the acquisition of an
to fly to France at the beginning of cannot be compared to the C-130J. aircraft. Airbus has been effecting additional batch. Although the value
2018. The second C-130J-30 will The French-German squadron will potential solutions and is currently for this potential follow-up order is
also be delivered in 2018 whereas be completely mixed, which means working on a longer hose that would unknown, the previous firm order for
both KC-130Js will follow in 2019. aircraft, aircrew and maintenance allow the helicopter to be further 24 aircraft to Qatar was estimated
The Armée de l’Air needs to increase personnel will be from both air arms. away from the turbulence. Until now at €6.3 billion. French President
its transport fleet and is especially The 12th A400M was delivered to they have not been successful, which Emmanuel Macron visited Qatar
keen on the arrival of the KC-130Js, Escadron de Transport 1/61 ‘Touraine’ is why the Armée de l’Air decided to on December 7 probably to seal a
because the aircraft will finally at BA123 Orléans on December 1; buy two KC-130Js. French press has deal, though no announcement had
provide the much-needed organic the first French A400M outfitted with speculated the A400M helicopter- been made when AIR International
French aerial refuelling capability for two underwing aerial refuelling pods. refuelling fix will take at least another closed for press. The French and
H225 Caracals. The first 11 A400Ms will be fitted four years. Meanwhile the first A330 Egyptian governments have been
All four J-models will be delivered with aerial refuelling pods when Multi Role Tanker Transport (MRTT) negotiating an extra batch of Rafales,
to the Escadre de Transport 61 at they next undergo retrofit. The new has been operating from BA125 Istres but in October the process seemed
BA123 Orléans-Bricy. However, their refuelling system will be extensively to conduct a series of tests before to have come to a halt due to a
stay at the base just south of Paris tested in the coming months to being delivered to the Armée de l’Air. disagreement over the payment
will not be permanent. On October qualify the A400M to refuel different French media has reported the MRTT method. However, after a recent visit
18, the French and German Armed fighter aircraft in the Armée de l’Air recently refuelled a Rafale and a to Egypt by France’s Foreign Minister
Forces signed an agreement in inventory. Mirage 2000N inflight. Jean-Yves Le Drian, everything

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The A400M is slowly coming of age, as aerial refuelling capabilities are going to
be tested in the coming year.

reportedly for 34 Squadron, part gathering intelligence on groups

of the Egyptian Air Force’s 203rd of combatants dispersing over
Tactical Fighter Wing. wide areas such as the Hawijah
Although a Rafale sale to the plateau and the areas around
United Arab Emirates has been Kirkuk. In the last two weeks
speculated over for at least a decade of November, the Chammal
now, the news coming out of the contingent flew approximately
2017 Dubai Air Show was not about 70 missions, which included at
the Rafale but the Mirage 2000. On least six airstrikes. During the
November 15, the UAE Minister of same two weeks, assets assigned
Defence announced the Air Force to Opération Barkhane flew 89
would like Dassault and Thales to missions: 28 fighter, 21 drone
update its fleet of approximately 60 and intelligence, surveillance and
Mirage 2000-9s. No information was reconnaissance (ISR), as well as 38
given on timelines or the value of sorties transport missions. Besides
such a contract. being permanently deployed to
Chammal, the Atlantique 2 is also
Operational updates regularly deployed to Barkhane.
By the end of November, the third On November 10, the latest
operational deployment of four Atlantique 2 deployment arrived
Aéronavale Rafale Ms to Jordan at Niamey in Niger to support the
came to an end. All Rafale fighters different operations in the Sahel
assigned to Opération Chammal region. The Atlantique 2, which is
are now Armée de l’Air aircraft. The capable of flying missions of up
seems to be back on track. Rafales continues. The final three international coalition continues to 14-hours, has a wide array of
Le Drian was Defence Minister Egyptian single-seat Rafale EMs its efforts as ISIS loses even more ISR sensors that allow its crew to
in the previous administration from the first order for eight terrain in Syria and Iraq, and most intercept telephone and satellite
and knows the Egyptian President (serial numbers EM06, EM07 and of its strongholds have now been communications, detect radar
Abdel Fattah al-Sissi very well. EM08) left the Dassault plant at liberated. As a result, there is emissions or take high-resolution
There is currently no timeline Bordeaux-Mérignac on November somewhat of a shift in operations. infrared imagery. Furthermore, the
for the potential batch of extra 27. The aircraft transited through Instead of attacking strongholds, Atlantique, when outfitted with a
Rafales to Egypt. Meanwhile, BA125 Istres on their way to which involved many deliberate Wescam MX imaging sensor can
production of the previously Egypt, arriving at Gebel El Basur strikes, as well as close air support, designate targets for its four GBU-
ordered Egyptian and Qatari Air Base the following day, missions are now also aimed at 12 precision-guided munitions.

The Atlantique has

transformed from a Cold-
War sub-hunter into an
indispensable platform in
current French military

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Military transport branch

expands its strength
by the Aviastar-SP company, also
By Alexander Mladenov situated in Ulyanovsk. Co-location
of the regiment and the plant is
THE RUSSIAN Air Force’s Voenno- considered a big advantage during
Transportnaya Aviatsia (VTA the service entry period and the
or Military Transport Aviation warranty support for the new type,
branch) increased its force which is still plagued by teething
strength in 2017. troubles.
In November, the VTA In addition, the newly formed
Command established its second regiment at Ulyanovsk is slated
division, which controls three to take on strength overhauled
heavy transport regiments in and upgraded An-124-100s, also
addition to two independent cycled through Aviastar-SP. The
squadrons equipped with medium first such aircraft (c/n 01-10)
and light types. named Oleg Antonov was rolled
The newly established out on December 1 (named after
18th Voenno-Transportnaya the prominent Soviet aircraft
Aviatsionnaya Divisya (VTAD designer who founded the
or division) is headquartered at Antonov Design Bureau in 1946,
Orenburg in the southeastern initially based in Novosibirsk in The 235th VTAP was established at Ulyanovsk on December 1, 2017, and oper-
corner of the European part of Russia and then moved to Kiev in ates an initial fleet of ten Il-76MDs transferred from the 119th VTAP. Aviastar-SP
Russia, and its principal subordinate Ukraine in 1952. Following ground
units, both operating the Il-78MD, and flight testing, this aircraft is set Slow-going Il-96MD-90A Two initial production-standard
are the 117th Voenno-Transportnoy to be handed over to the 235th programme aircraft have been taken on
Aviatsionny Polk (VTAP or regiment), VTAP in early 2018. The development, testing strength by the VTA so far, the first
also stationed at Orenburg and The other division, the 12th and production effort for the in December 2015 and the second
the 708th VTAP in Taganrog. The VTAD, is headquartered at Tver- 210-tonne Il-76MD-90A, the one following suit in January
latest addition to the 18th VTAD’s Migalovo north of Moscow and VTA’s new workhorse, proved to 2016. Both aircraft are currently
strength is the 235th VTAP, a military also controls three regiments, be an expensive and protracted used for aircrew conversion
transport regiment established on equipped with heavy transports. undertaking. This significantly training at the Ivanovo-based
December 1, 2017, at Ulyanovsk Air These are the 196th VTAP, also improved derivative of the 610th Combat Training and
Base. Its initial fleet comprises ten Il- stationed at Tver-Migalovo Air proven Il-76 workhorse (NATO Aircrew Conversion Centre. Then
76MDs and in 2018 the regiment is Base and the 334th VTAP at Pskov, codename Candid) took to the air a pause of about 30 months
slated to become the first front-line both flying the Il-76MD, while the for the first time on September followed before resumption of Il-
unit taking on strength new-build 556th VTAP at Seshta is equipped 22, 2012, at Ulyanovsk-Vostochnii 76MD-90A deliveries, as the VTA
Il-76MD-90A transports, produced with the An-124-100. airfield. had to wait for the completion

Roll-out at Aviastar-SP of the first ordered Il-78M-90A tanker took place on November 29, 2017. The aircraft has exactly the same equipment standard
as that of the Il-76MD-90A transport, including a multisensor payload in the nose and an integrated self-protection suite. Aviastar-SP

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The first Il-76MD-90A, named ‘Viktor
Livanov’ was delivered to the VTA’s
combat training centre in Ivanovo,
the 610th CTATC, in December 2015.

of the second phase of the state Il-76MD-90A transports to the procured by the Russian Ministry the cargo hold or removed from
testing and evaluation of the VTA was signed in October 2012 of Defence. there within two to three hours.
type. This long-delayed second between the Russian Ministry of The new-generation tanker also
phase finally began in February Defence and the United Aircraft New Russian tanker aircraft comes equipped with three newly
2017 using the first production Corporation (UAC), the parent set for its first flight developed Zvezda UPAZ-1M aerial
Il-76MD-90A (c/n 01-02), its main company of Ilyushin and Aviastar- Meanwhile, the first Il-78M-90A refuelling pods with an increased
purpose being testing of the newly SP. It was priced at RUB 140 billion. tanker built at Aviastar-SP, based fuel transfer rate of 3,000 litre/min.
added integrated self-protection The original delivery schedule on the design of the Il-76MD- The first Il-78M-90A also
suite and the multisensor covered the period between 2014 90A transport, was rolled out on suffered from protracted
observation payload in the nose. and 2020, but now it seems that November 29, 2017, and is set development and production.
The flight testing campaign is the delay in the development, to begin its flight testing effort The aircraft entered production
expected to be completed in early testing and launch into production in early 2018. The aircraft retains at Aviastar-SP in February 2015
2018, thus enabling resumption may postpone the completion of the full transport capability of and the original contract called
of the Il-76MD-90A’s deliveries deliveries until about 2022. its predecessor, thanks to the for the first flight to be made
to the VTA by the middle of the In June 2017, however, the convertible cargo hold. The two in early 2016. Russian military
year at the earliest. According to Russian authoritative newspaper removable tanks in the cargo needs are estimated at some 30
Aviastar-SP, the 2018 production Komersant hinted that the Russian hold house 50,000kg (110,000lb) Il-78M-90A tankers, which are
plan covers rolling out five Ministry of Defence and UAC are of aviation fuel and these can be set to complement the existing
Il-76MD-90As for the VTA. set to undertake a comprehensive rapidly replaced by the VAP-2 fleet of Il-78s and Il-78Ms, but
Currently, the production line review of the original procurement fire attack kit. This will enable the no production contract has been
used for assembling Il-76MD-90A contract. The chief reason for this Il-78M-90A to be used as a water signed for the new aircraft. The
transports and Il-78M-90A tankers is a gross miscalculation of the Il- bomber with the kit, including contract will probably be signed
has a capacity of six aircraft a year, 76MD-90A’s production expenses two tanks for dropping a total of upon successful completion of
but it is set for increase to 18 when at Aviastar-SP, combined with the 42,000 litres (9,530 US gallons) the flight testing effort of the first
additional tooling and jigs will be sharp increase of the RUB-USD of water. Tanks can be installed in Il-78M-90A.
provided in order to accelerate the exchange rate recorded in 2014
production process and grant slots and 2015. As a result, the Il-76MD-
for export and delivery to other 90A’s production turned out as
Russian government customers. being a loss-incurring activity for
In addition to one aircraft the Ulyanovsk-based company.
for use in the development According to Komersant, the loss
and testing effort and the two from each aircraft at Aviastar-SP
Il-76MD-90As handed over to accounted for RUB 1 billion. In an
the VTA, Aviastar-SP has also effort to avoid further losses, UAC
produced two more machines has requested a unit price increase
handed over to the TANTK from RUB 3.5 to 5 billion. At the
Beriev company in Taganrog for same time, as Komersant claimed,
subsequent conversion to the the Russian Ministry of Defence
A-100 airborne early warning and has rejected to increase the total
control (AEW&C) version. The contract price and this means
first of these took to the air for that the number of aircraft set for
the first time following assembly procurement would drop to about
in Ulyanovsk in November 2014 28 for a budget of RUB 140 billion.
and then made its maiden flight As of early December 2017,
in its new guise in Taganrog on there was no further news on Named Oleg Antonov, the first An-124-100 is the first of the type for the 235th
November 18, 2017. the unit price increase issue and VTAP. The giant airlifter was rolled out at Aviastar-SP on December 1, 2015, fol-
The procurement contract the possible reduction of the lowing overhaul and upgrade, and is set to be taken on strength by the unit upon
for delivering 39 newly built number of aircraft intended to be completion of its ground and flight testing effort in early 2018. UAC

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B-52H in action
By David C Isby The rotational B-52H deployment at
Al Udeid Air Base in Qatar took over
THE BOEING B-52H Stratofortress missions that had been dominated
is the oldest of the US Air Force’s by the B-1B Lancer until 2014.
three bomber types. Though the B-52Hs will continue to operate
youngest of the 76 B-52s currently from Qatar until spring 2018,
operational was built in 1962, when they will be replaced by a
the fleet will be a part of the US detachment of B-1Bs.
nuclear deterrent for decades to B-52Hs have been a vital part
come while flying a wide range of of the coalition air campaign
conventional missions. Speaking against ISIS insurgents in Syria
in Washington on October 9, and Iraq. This has been winding
Secretary of the Air Force, Heather down following the defeat of
Wilson recounted an example of ISIS; but even before this had
what this requires from today’s started, Qatar-based B-52Hs had
B-52 air and ground crews: “I was been flying combat missions over
at Al Udeid Air Base. There were Afghanistan. Starting on November
A B-52H over the Syrian desert. SSgt Marjorie Bowlden/US Air Force
B-52s there from Minot [Air Force 19, B-52Hs were used, along
Base] North Dakota. They were with other coalition aircraft, to Sustaining B-52Hs from Qatar is Lieutenant General Jeff Harrigan
supporting the fight against ISIS, strike Taliban drug labs and what a challenge. Their mission-capable said: “The B-52 is an old airplane,
everything from dropping leaflets was described as command- rate is 65%, as opposed to 74% fleet but, with its [Lockheed Martin AAQ-
to precision close air support. and-control nodes in northern wide. A shortage of spare parts led 33] Sniper targeting pod, and ability
Danger-close air support from Helmand Province. General Robin to one of the Qatar-based B-52Hs to deliver precision-guided weapons,
a B-52, which is just amazing, Rand, Commander, Air Force being used as a source for parts it is an incredible platform and gives
[shows] how the technology has Global Strike Command said the before being restored to flight me a great capability.”
changed. We were standing out on B-52Hs based in Qatar, refuelled status. Despite this, the current
the wing, 120°F, on the flight line by tankers based at Kandahar, detachment achieved some 834 Engines
at Al Udeid, talking to the crew. are able to work with Operation consecutive sorties – and counting Also speaking at the AFA convention
The crew commander said, yeah, Resolute Support maybe once a – without a maintenance abort. on September 19, Secretary Wilson
when they rotate back to Minot, week: “B-52s have done more than Back in September, speaking said: “We know we are going to
ten days after they get back, that, depending on terrain, what at the Air Force Association (AFA) have to re-engine if we are going to
they will have a nuclear surety our forces are doing and whether convention in National Harbor, keep the B-52 for the longer term.”
inspection. That’s for their the B-52 is an appropriate platform Maryland, Commander, US Air Forces The Air Force held industry days at
other mission.” or F-16s can handle it.” Central Command, Southwest Asia, Barksdale Air Force Base Louisiana

B-52H 2017: upgraded

and in action B-52H Stratofortress
61-0018 takes off at Al
Udeid Air Base, Qatar.
TSgt Amy Lovgren/
US Air Force

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on December 12–13 to look at computed separately and never
options. Barksdale is home to the co-mingled. There is little incentive
2nd Bomb Wing, the largest B-52- for the Air Force to spend this
equipped wing in the US Air Force. year’s procurement dollars to save
With a B-52H re-engine operations and maintenance dollars
programme potentially starting in in future years. A B-52H re-engining
FY2020, the Air Force appears to programme is far from assured.
be interested in an off-the-shelf
design, with the Rolls-Royce BR725, Armament
General Electric TF34-10 and Pratt B-52Hs previously lacked MIL-
& Whitney PW800 emerging as STD-1760 data bus connectivity
competitors, rather than upgrading in their internal weapons bay and
the current Pratt & Whitney aircraft guided missile and bomb
TF33-P-3/103 turbofan engines. rotary launcher (AGMBRL), but this
Speaking in Washington DC on is now being provided through an
November 30, General Rand said the upgrade programme of the weapons
Air Force had made a compelling bay and AGMBRL, imaginatively
case for the B-52 to remain in service called the 1760 Internal Weapons
for a long while and warrants being Bay Upgrade. The AGMBRL, originally A newly installed and upgraded conventional rotary launcher loaded in a B-52H
re-engined for a lot of reasons. designed to release conventional bomb bay at Al Udeid Air Base, Qatar, on November 17, 2017. Upgraded CRLs
Yet US Air Force policy, which and nuclear stores, is commonly were used by B-52 for strikes on Taliban infrastructure in southern Afghanistan
prefers investing in new-build referred to as the conventional rotary during November. SSgt Patrick Evenson/US Air National Guard
airframes, has over the years made launcher or CRL.
re-engining programmes rarely taken Before 2017, MIL-STD-1760 With the upgrade, a B-52H will be modernisation has lagged. Only 21
options, limited to types fitted with connections, had been limited to able to carry eight 500lb (227kg) B-52Hs had, by then, received the
old engines which threatened the the B-52H’s external integrated GBU-38 JDAMs on its rebuilt and Combat Network Communications
ability of aircraft to accomplish their conventional stores management rewired CRL. Upgrades of B-52Hs in Technology (CONECT) upgrade.
missions such as the KC-135A tanker system pylon that can carry up to Qatar took place during November In his words: “[This] moves the
and C-5 heavy lift transport. This nine precision-guided munitions after upgraded launchers and B-52 into the digital age for the
reflects that procurement, operations such as Joint Direct Attack Munitions technicians were flown out from first time. CONECT is an onboard
and maintenance accounts are (JDAM) and the AGM-158 Joint Air- Barksdale on a C-5M Super Galaxy. LAN [local area network] that will
separate lines of funding, each to-Surface Standoff Munition. Aircraft fitted with an upgraded allow the crew to share a common
CRL were first used in action over battlespace picture.”
Afghanistan on November 19. Only The B-52H’s 1960s-era Northrop
44 CRLs will be upgraded, swapped Grumman (formerly Norden Systems)
out between deployed B-52Hs. APQ-166 radar system has proven
difficult to maintain – its mean time
Other systems between failure is only some 46
When General Rand appeared before flight hours – but the B-52 System
the Senate Armed Services Committee Program Office managing the type’s
on June 7, he said the B-52 is currently radar modernisation program, while
the only Air Force combat aircraft funded under the current Future Years
without Link 16. As a NATO standard Defense Plan, has not yet decided on
system, the data link is viewed as a a replacement.
requisite capability for participation in A wheels and brake system
coalition air operations, and therefore upgrade, designed after an aborted
as a significant shortfall in the case of take-off at Andersen Air Force Base,
the B-52H. Guam, in 2016, which led to a B-52H
He reminded the senators – overrunning the runway and ending
Intakes of two TF33 engines on a Minot-based B-52H assigned to the 69th whose enthusiasm for building new up a total loss, is scheduled to be
Expeditionary Bomb Squadron on the flight line at Al Udeid Air Base, Qatar on aircraft and hesitancy to upgrade introduced in 2019. Until then, every
November 6, 2017. The Air Force is looking at replacing these engines in the current ones is only slightly less than B-52H landing at Al Udeid will require
near future. SSgt Patrick Evenson/US Air National Guard that of the Air Force – that B-52 the use of drag parachute braking.

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Telemetry, distraction
Perhaps indicative of toned-down CAG-bird colour schemes now emerging from paint
shops around the US Navy fleet, F/A-18E Super Hornet BuNo 168471/NG400 is the mount
of Strike Fighter Squadron 151 (VFA-151) ‘Vigilantes’. The aircraft is seen on final approach to
Naval Air Station Fallon, Nevada during a recent deployment there by Carrier Air Wing 9.

Raytheon was awarded a $79 Susan Kelly, site manager of the Raytheon suite installed.
By Rick Burgess million contract by Naval Air Raytheon in Albuquerque, New A mission suite will be installed
Systems Command in the last week Mexico, said the main challenge of on the G550 at Raytheon’s facility
RAYTHEON WILL deliver a new of November to provide the mission the programme is its tight schedule, in Tucson, Arizona, after which the
range-support aircraft to the US system for the G550. The advanced with the system being developed company will perform integration,
Navy in 2021, a company official telemetry system will be built using under a fixed-price contract: “The flight-testing and training before
said on November 28, 2017. The existing Raytheon radar and other Navy needed it yesterday.” delivering the aircraft to VX-30.
Gulfstream 550 business jet will technology. The G550 will replace The G550 will be delivered to Kelly said there is interest from
be modified by Raytheon with an Navy NP-3C (formerly NP-3D) Raytheon as government-furnished foreign nations in the telemetry
advanced telemetry system that Orion aircraft fitted with a large equipment with the airframe suite, and that the Navy could
will enable telemetry data to be billboard antenna array. The Navy configured to the Conformal use more than just the one it has
collected during weapons tests, is retiring its P-3 aircraft and needs Airborne Early Warning (CAEW) ordered so far. The Department of
especially missiles, aircraft, ships to replace the NP-3C by 2021. The standard as used by Israel and Defense has not yet announced a
and unmanned aerial vehicles, range support NP-3Cs are assigned Singapore, which includes conformal military designation for the aircraft.
but also will provide range safety to Air Test and Evaluation Squadron antenna arrays. The CAEW aircraft
and surveillance, as well as 30 (VX-30) ‘Bloodhounds’ based is already certified by the Federal On the move
communications relay for test at Naval Air Station Point Mugu, Aviation Administration, and as such Three squadrons assigned to Carrier
platforms. California. will not have to be recertified with Air Wing Five (CVW-5) moved from

Naval Air Station Fallon resident Fighter Composite Squadron 13 (VFC-13) ‘Saints’
operates F-5N Tiger II BuNo 761536/AF02 in a three-colour broken snake camouflage
scheme, applied to replicate the colour schemes used by adversary aircraft in Asia.

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and qualification
Strike Fighter Squadron 204 (VFA-204) ‘River Rattlers’ based at Naval Air Station New Orleans became the first Reserve
strike fighter squadron to provide adversary support to the active-duty fleet in October 1993. The squadron currently
operates F/A-18A Hornet BuNo 162859/AF414, shown carrying a blue-coloured ALQ-167(V) electronic countermeas-
ures jamming pod, painted in a three-tone ghost colour scheme. All images Dan Stijovich

Naval Air Facility Atsugi, Japan, to the Advanced Offboard Electronic company expects to build up to 18 Unmanned Air System (PMA-
Marine Corps Air Station Iwakuni Warfare (AOEW) system is designed systems under a future low-rate 266) Program Office said HSC-22
on November 28, 2017, continuing to be carried by the MH-60R or initial production contract. qualified as safe for flight with the
a shift that began in February when MH-60S Seahawk helicopters. MQ-8B for the LCS in November
the wing’s new E-2D squadron, The system will independently East Coast Fire Scout 2017. The squadron had previously
Carrier Airborne Early Warning detect and distract incoming cruise Squadron Qualifies operated the MQ-8B from Perry-
Squadron 125 (VAW-125) ‘Tigertails’ missiles or act as an extension of Helicopter Sea Combat Squadron class frigates beginning in 2013.
arrived at Iwakuni. a ship’s SLQ-36(V)6/7 electronic 22 (HSC-22) ‘Sea Knights’ based Fire Scout has been deployed from
F/A-18E Super Hornet-equipped warfare system, and uses Link 16 to at Naval Station Norfolk, Virginia, the West Coast to the South China
Strike Fighter Squadrons 115 connect with the shipboard system, became the first on the East Coast Sea on board the LCS USS Fort Worth
(VFA-115) ‘Eagles’ and VFA-195 and receive threat updates. to qualify to operate the MQ-8 Fire (LCS 3), teamed with an MH-60S
‘Dambusters’, and Electronic On November 29, Lockheed Scout Vertical Take-off and Landing helicopter. All operational Fire Scouts
Attack Squadron 141 (VAQ-141) Martin’s electronic warfare Tactical Unmanned Aerial Vehicle are maintained in a pool at Naval Air
‘Shadowhawks’, an EA-18G Growler programme manager, Joe from a Littoral Combat Ship (LCS). Station Point Mugu, California, from
unit, made the move. Ottaviano said the AOEW system Captain Jeff Dodge, programme which squadrons draw airframes to
CVW-5’s other strike fighter would have open architecture and manager with the Navy and Marine equip their detachments on Littoral
squadrons, F/A-18E-equipped modular subsystems and that the Corps’ Multi-Mission Tactical Combat Ships.
VFA-27 ‘Royal Maces’ and F/A-18F-
equipped VFA-102 ‘Diamondback’ Elements of Carrier Air Wing 9, currently assigned to USS John C Stennis (CVN 74), deployed to Naval Air Station Fallon,
are scheduled to move to Iwakuni Nevada in November for a detachment. One of the CVW-9 aircraft operating from the base was Carrier Airborne Early
in the future, as is Fleet Logistics Warning Squadron 117’s CAG-bird E-2C Hawkeye BuNo 165814/NG600.
Support Squadron 30 (VRC-30)
Detachment 5 operating the C-2A
CVW-5’s helicopter squadrons,
Helicopter Sea Combat Squadron
12 (HSC-12) ‘Golden Falcons’ and
Helicopter Maritime Strike Squadron
77 (HSM-77) ‘Saberhawks’, will
remain at Atsugi.

Heli-borne electronic
warfare pod
Lockheed Martin announced that its
heli-borne electronic warfare pod
under development for the US Navy
is expected to begin low-rate initial
production about 2020. Housed
in a pod and designated ALQ-248,

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There are now six RAAF pilots
trained on the F-35A, including
the Commanding Officer of No.3
Squadron, Wing Commander
Darren Clare. In a ceremony at RAAF
Williamtown, New South Wales, on
December 8, Wing Commander
Clare formally took over command
of the Squadron, which has now
ceased operating the McDonnell
Douglas F/A-18A Hornet.
Williamtown will be one of two
main operating bases for the F-35A
in RAAF service (the other is RAAF
Tindal in the Northern Territory,
home to No.75 Squadron) and
preparations are underway for
delivery of the first two aircraft to
Australia in December 2018.
Following a period of verification
and validation activities in the unique
Australia’s third F-35A Lightning II rolled off the assembly line at Lockheed Martin’s production facility in Fort Worth, Australian operating environment,
Texas, marking another major milestone in Australia’s F-35A project. Angel DeCueto/Lockheed Martin including testing the IT interface with
the local environment, further aircraft

F-35 arrives,
will be delivered to Australia in pairs
throughout 2019.
The first two units to convert to
the aircraft will be No.2 Operational
Conversion Unit and No.3 Squadron

Seahawk and
at Williamtown and, according to
Air Vice Marshal Leigh Gordon,
head of Joint Strike Fighter for the
Defence Capability Acquisition and
Sustainment Group (CASG), the
Australian F-35A programme remains

Squirrel depart
on track to achieve initial operational
capability (IOC) on schedule by the
end of 2020.
Air Vice Marshal Gordon said:
“There is always risk, but at the
moment the programme is on
schedule and we’re forecasting to
On the other side of the ledger, production Lot 10, and all will be deliver on schedule in accordance
By Nigel Pittaway two veteran Royal Australian Navy delivered to the US Air Force’s 61st with our plan to IOC. Everything is
helicopter types in the shape of the Fighter Squadron at Luke Air Force on track for IOC in December 2020
THE THIRD Lockheed Martin Aerospatiale AS350BA Squirrel and Base, Arizona, during 2018, where and indeed on track to support the
F-35A Lightning II for the Royal Sikorsky S-70B-2 Seahawk, bowed they will join the international F-35 first two aircraft arriving in Australia in
Australian Air Force (serial number out of service on December 1. training school. December 2018.”
A35-003) was rolled out of the The first two RAAF aircraft After 2 OCU and No.3 Squadron
factory at Fort Worth in November, F-35 delivery delivered (A35-001 c/n AU-01 and become operational on the F-35A (an
appropriately painted in the The Royal Australian Air Force’s A35-002 c/n AU-02) are also at Luke event defined by IOC), the remaining
markings of No.3 Squadron, the (RAAF) third F-35A (c/n AU-03) is and are being used to train Australian two units – No.77 Squadron at
first operational fighter squadron one of eight (A35-003 to A35-010) and American F-35A pilots and RAAF Williamtown and No.75 Squadron
to convert to the type. being procured in low-rate initial maintenance personnel. at Tindal – will undergo their own

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conversion to the Lightning II, ahead The first aircraft (serial number to Canberra on delivery to the Referring to both the Seahawk
of final operational capability being N24-001) first flew in December Australian War Memorial. and Squirrel, Commander Fleet Air
declared by the end of 2023. 1987 and the type entered service Arm Commodore Chris Smallhorn
in 1989 and was shortly deployed Squirrel bows out said: “These aircraft have proven
Seahawk farewell afterwards to the Middle East during The AS350BA Squirrel first entered to be some of the most successful
In a dual ceremony at HMAS the first Gulf War. service with the Royal Australian airframes in naval aviation history.
Albatross, near Nowra, south of Speaking at the farewell Navy (RAN) in 1984; by mid-2017, Over 30 years, the majority of naval
Sydney, on December 1, the Royal ceremony, Commander Fleet Air just six remained on strength with aviators have trained in the Squirrel
Australian Navy’s Fleet Air Arm said Arm Commodore Chris Smallhorn the Navy’s 723 Squadron at Nowra, and many, including myself, have
farewell to both the Seahawk and said: “In 1989, the Bravo was without the last survivors of a helicopter type wonderfully fond memories of their
Squirrel, after 29 and 33 years of doubt the most advanced maritime that has served in all three services time learning to fly. The Squirrel has
service respectively. helicopter of its age. It has proven to of the Australian Defence Force in its been so versatile in peace and war
The S-70B-2 Seahawk, flown by be a magnificent combat helicopter 33-year operational history. that it has created a truly impressive
816 Squadron, has been replaced by for anti-submarine and surface Six were initially acquired by the chapter in the history of the Fleet Air
the Lockheed Martin/Sikorsky MH- operations and also served us Navy for utility and survey roles, but Arm.”
60R Seahawk, which is now the Fleet exceptionally in secondary utility type the fleet was expanded with the The Squirrel will be replaced in the
Air Arm’s naval combat helicopter. missions. transfer of eight former Australian training role from January 2018 by
The final S-70B-2 Seahawk (or “The Bravo has had an almost Army (and before that Royal the Airbus Helicopters H135 (EC135
Bravo) operational deployment to continuous presence in the Middle Australian Air Force) aircraft in 2000, T2+) under the joint Army-Navy
the Persian Gulf had been completed East since 1991 and was always on when 723 Squadron assumed the Helicopter Aircrew Training System
in July with the return of the Anzac- station at home, having come to the helicopter aircrew training role for programme. Like the Seahawk,
class frigate HMAS Arunta and three assistance of countless Australians.” RAN pilots and observers. one aircraft has been delivered to
of the 16 helicopters originally Shortly after the ceremony one The Squirrel was also deployed the Australian War Memorial. The
delivered were maintained in an aircraft (serial number N24-003, side to the Persian Gulf aboard RAN helicopter (serial number N22-017,
operational condition to the very number 872 and named Christine warships earlier in its career. side number 864) was delivered by
end, albeit shore based at Nowra. In after the 1983 American horror Painted grey and armed with a road in August and was one of four
29 years of operational service, no movie, due to its temperamental door-mounted machine gun, they Squirrels deployed to the Middle East
Seahawks were lost. nature) was flown from Nowra earned the nickname Battle Budgies. during the first Gulf War.

MAIN PICTURE: On December 11, 2017, HMAS Albatross conducted ceremonial divisions.
The occasion marked the withdrawal from Royal Australian Navy service of the S-70B-2
Seahawk and the AS350BA Squirrel helicopters. An Australian Army OH-58A Kiowa leads a
Royal Australian Navy AS350BA Squirrel and its replacement a Eurocopter EC135
over the skies of Nowra, New South Wales. LSIS Jayson Tufrey/Royal Australian Navy

BOTTOM LEFT: The Royal Australian Navy marked the end of an era by handing over the last
of its S-70B-2 Seahawk ‘Bravo’ helicopters to the Australian War Memorial for preservation
in the national collection on December 4, 2017. POIS Phil Cullinan/Royal Australian Navy

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US combat a
today and b
t the end of 2017, US combat All of US airpower has been challenged by Because of these issues, US airpower, which
airpower remained, as it has been an ageing force structure. The average age of has gone unchallenged for decades, could
since the end of the Cold War, a US Air Force aircraft is 27 years. The other prove to be transient. Decisions are being
unquestionably the strongest and services have similar, if less severe, problems. made today, that will determine what US
most capable in the world. No Older airplanes cost more money to operate airpower will look like in 2030 and decades
other country can come close to matching it and require expensive upgrades to remain beyond.
in terms of strength, numbers or capabilities, operationally survivable, especially in the face of
but it’s also facing a broad range of challenges. rising near-peer adversaries. Airpower in context
Some of these are the same problems shared Readiness overall has also declined since the US airpower is as diverse as it is capable. The
with many of its coalition partners, such as Cold War, reflecting funding limitations and the Air Force, Navy, Marine Corps and Army each
resource constraints in an international security priority given to the need to expend resources – maintains large fleets of aircraft. Each service
environment changed by events following in terms of money and flying hours – on conflicts develops its own aircraft as set out under US
the occupation of the Crimea and the rise of and deployments worldwide. In a few areas, law, reflecting the different types required to
ISIS. Others reflect US-specific issues, such such as the Air Force’s fighter pilot shortage and provide each service with the requirements
as repeated failures to pass the budgets that the Navy’s availability of non-deployed combat for its distinct set of missions and capabilities.
include defence spending. aircraft, it has the potential to be crippling. In addition, US Special Operations Command

Lightning strikes behind

a B-52H Stratofortress
at Minot Air Force Base,
North Dakota. Senior Airman
Armstrong/US Air Force

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t airpower
David C Isby
provides an
overview of United
States airpower, a
big, but demanding
defence requirement

is, operationally, in effect a standalone joint registered aircraft that are flown by civilians, The threat of sequestration under the Budget
air arm, with the Air Force, Army and Navy under contract or charter, in support of US Control Act has continued to affect readiness. In
contributing fixed-wing and rotary-wing military forces and operations. 2016, outgoing Secretary of Defense Dr Ashton
aircraft. Each service has its own reserve units, Carter said that unless sequestration is addressed,
equipped with the same types of aircraft and Impact of political dysfunction there would be, “$100 billion in cuts from 2018 to
its aircrew and technicians trained to the same All areas of US national security, including 2021, which would introduce unacceptable risks”.
standards as the active-duty force. The Air airpower, have been undercut by political A bitterly polarised and divided US electorate
National Guard and Army National Guard are dysfunction. The repeated inability of increases the potential risk for airpower
both powerful forces. Congress to pass the budget request into law, becoming collateral damage in future political
US airpower is not limited to the instead relying on continuing resolutions, battles. The desire to overturn everything,
Department of Defense. The Coast Guard, has made effective planning difficult. Early whether from discontented majorities on the
while not under the Department of Defense in 2017, Chief of Staff of the US Air Force, right or the left, is a threat. US airpower needs
in peace time, is an armed service. Also General David Goldfein said: “There is no political stability. It relies on aircraft that take
contributing to US airpower are aircraft enemy on the planet that can do more decades to develop and are planned to remain in
operated by the CIA, the Customs and Border damage to the US Air Force than us not service for up to a century. Changes of direction
Protection agency and many commercially getting a budget.” at each election can ruin it.

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An A-10C Thunderbolt II departs from a KC-135

Stratotanker in a stylish manoeuvre during
a mission in support of Operation Inherent
Resolve. SSgt Trevor McBride/US Air Force

BOTTOM RIGHT: An AH-1Z Viper attack

helicopter takes off from the flight deck of
amphibious dock landing ship USS Pearl Harbor
(LSD 52) during flight operations to enhance
interoperability between Navy ships and Marine
aircraft as part of a Composite Training Unit
Exercise. Cpl Cordoba/US Marine Corps

Impact of the international US Air Force The Air Force buys and operates aircraft,
security environment In 2017, the US Air Force marked the manned and unmanned, to enable it to carry
US airpower has to deal with the return of 70th anniversary of its organisation as an out its core missions: air and space superiority;
great power competition. After the Russian independent service and the centennial of intelligence, surveillance, and reconnais­
occupation of the Crimea in 2014, the 2016 its first operational setback, the unsuccessful sance (ISR); mobility and lift; global strike; and
NATO summit in Warsaw unanimously deployment of the 1st Aero Squadron to fight command and control.
changed its policy from one of assurance to guerrillas in Mexico in 1917. The Air Force To do this, the Air Force still relies primarily
one of deterrence. China continues to make remains, by law, America’s primary provider on manned aircraft, although its core ISR
moves to secure its control of international of airpower, with some 5,500 manned and mission is now predominantly being carried
trade routes in East Asia and has publicly unmanned aircraft in its inventory. Other out by unmanned air vehicles (UAVs), and
declared its policies of increasing its power services have large numbers of aircraft space missions require space vehicles,
and influence on a worldwide basis. that are used to support the legally defined boosters and satellites, as well as the terrestrial
Previous challenges for US airpower have by mission objectives for each service, on infrastructure that launches and operates
no means gone away. Other regional tensions, the land or sea. The Air Force has primary them. The Air Force’s strategic bombers – its
such as that with North Korea (escalating responsibility to control and use the air (and main combat strength in the opening decades
its testing of nuclear weapons and ballistic space) to defeat threats to the United States’ of the Cold War – are now limited to 20 B-2
missiles) and Iran have also put increasing use of them. Spirits, 76 B-52H Stratofortresses, and 61
reliance on US airpower to deter and, if
necessary, retaliate. For US Forces Korea,
their guidance is: “Be ready to fight tonight.”
Maintaining this readiness for even a part of
the force is tremendously costly and stressing
in terms of resources and personnel.
Conflicts against violent extremist
organisations in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, sub-
Saharan Africa and elsewhere continue to
require extensive efforts from US airpower. In
2016, then Chief of Staff of the US Air Force
General Mark Welch described the Air Force
as: “heavily engaged around the world. The
average age of our aircraft is at an all-time
high and the size of our force and state of
our full-spectrum readiness are at or near
all-time lows.” Since the campaign against ISIS
extremists in Syria and Iraq started in 2014,
coalition air arms have delivered over 80,000
weapons in some 26,000 airstrikes. Over 70%
of those strikes have been conducted by the
US Air Force.

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B-1B Lancers. Its main combat strength relies

on 1,700 fighters, about 1,100 of which are
combat-coded, meaning they are equipped
and intended for operations.
Since the end of the Cold War, the Air
Force has repeatedly cut force structure
to make resources available to maintain
readiness for operations and the quality of its
force, even when other services expanded
their combat forces after 2001. The Air Force
currently has 55 combat-coded fighter
squadrons, down from 134 in 1991. The
Congress has acted to prevent further force
structure cuts involving aircraft such as the
A-10 Thunderbolt II and U-2S Dragon Lady in
recent years.
The Air Force is currently facing an aircraft
procurement bow wave, having to bring
into service and pay for the production
of multiple types between now and the
mid-2020s. The highest priority Air Force US Army deploy, manoeuvre and be sustained, carrying
procurement programme is the Lockheed Aviation is the US Army’s major investment troops and supplies. UAVs, helicopters and
Martin F-35A Lightning II. The first squadron area, absorbing some 21% of its current fixed-wing aircraft provide ISR for units at all
was declared operational in 2016, the funding. For the US Army, it is used to support levels, from squad up to theatre.
second is in transition, and production is its ground manoeuvre forces; its divisions and As with the other services, the Army
now starting to ramp up. The Air Force brigades. Earlier this year, Chief of Staff of the is starting to re-orientate its tactical and
currently plans to replace all its A-10s and US Army, General Mark Milley said its highest operational thinking towards defeating near-
F-16 Fighting Falcons with the F-35A. The priority mission is: “sustained ground combat peer opponents, which has meant looking
Northrop Grumman B-21 Raider stealth in a full spectrum environment against a highly again at how it operated in the closing decade
bomber, selected for production in 2015, will lethal threat or near-peer adversary”. of the Cold War. At the same time, the Army
be operational in the 2020s. Boeing’s KC- Army aviation makes a powerful must meet its extensive commitments to
46A Pegasus tanker will enter service soon, contribution to the ability of the United States today’s conflicts. It has had to disband units
probably in early 2018. It will eventually to fight throughout the spectrum of conflict. to afford to keep the remainder deployed or
replace a third of the current KC-135R and Attack helicopters provide ground units with sustained. By the end of 2018, there will only
KC-135T Stratotankers, many of which were responsive, accurate and lethal firepower. be 11 Combat Aviation Brigades in the active
built in the 1950s. Helicopters enable ground units’ ability to force structure, a reduction of two from 2015.

ABOVE: A KC-135 Stratotanker assigned to the 100th Air Refueling Wing based at RAF Mildenhall, England, prepares to transfer fuel to a B-2 Spirit from Whiteman Air
Force Base, Missouri, off the coast of Spain. The B-2 was one of two deployed to RAF Fairford, England to participate in theatre bomber assurance and deterrence
operations. SSgt. Micaiah Anthony/US Air Force

BELOW: A B-1B Lancer at Andersen Air Force Base, Guam on August 17, 2016 prior to the first mission in history in which all three of Air Force Global Strike Command’s
strategic bomber aircraft (B-1B, B-2 and B-52H) conducted integrated operations in the US Pacific Command area of operations in support of the continuous bomber
presence mission. TSgt Richard Ebensberger/US Air Force

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of its aircraft were considered flyable in 2016,

when 80% of Marine units did not have the
minimum number of aircraft for training and
basic operations, and flight hour averages
were below minimum standards. Grounded
aircraft were either awaiting repairs or had
been triaged to make sure other aircraft were
ready to go if required. While other services
use tiered readiness, the Marine Corps
prioritises deployed and pre-deployed units.
Consequently, in recent years, non-deployed
forces often lack resources for training and
maintaining readiness.
The Marine Corps has invested heavily in
a planned procurement of 260 F-35Bs and
80 F-35Cs to replace its aging fighter force
of F/A-18 Hornets and AV-8B Harrier IIs. The
F-35B is the short take-off and vertical landing
variant and the F-35C is the carrier variant.
The Marine Corps operates a large rotary-
wing force, and is currently completing its
modernisation with MV-22B Ospreys and AH-1Z
attack helicopters. A new heavy-lift helicopter,
the CH-53K King Stallion, is entering production.

US Coast Guard
The smallest of the US armed services, the
Coast Guard contributes to US airpower by
carrying out maritime security and safety as its
core missions. Its fixed-wing and rotary-wing
aircraft specialise in surveillance and search
All four system demonstration test article CH-53K King Stallions at Sikorsky Aircraft’s facility in West Palm and rescue. As with the Navy, UAVs offer the
Beach, Florida. Lockheed Martin-Sikorksy Coast Guard the potential to embark an air
capability even on its smaller ships. The Coast
US Navy Admiral John Richardson said: “The challenges Guard’s close integration with civil authorities,
The US Navy’s airpower supports sea power, are increasing and the funding is decreasing”. however, makes extensive UAV operations in
its primary maritime mission, ensuring that US As with the other services, the Navy is having controlled US airspace problematic.
national security can make use of international to reconfigure its airpower to be able to deal
waters for any task required of it. Unlike the with conflict with a great power while still
Air Force’s bow wave problem, naval aviation having to carry out its current high operating
is generally procuring mature programmes tempo. In 2016, for example, the Navy had
producing aircraft with few major issues. The two carriers in the Mediterranean concurrently A-10C Thunderbolt II
Navy’s aviation fleet is younger than the Air conducting combat missions over Syria. This The distinctive twin-engine A-10 is the only US
Force’s (16 years on average compared to 27 represented a return to carriers operating Air Force combat aircraft designed primarily
years) but it has been facing inventory and in mutual support, once a feature of Cold for close air support, using its internal 30mm
readiness problems. The Navy sees faster War operations, but one that had been GAU-8 cannon, a wide range of precision-
procurement of new aircraft as the long-term allowed to lapse as the Navy’s force structure guided munitions (PGMs) and the tactical skills
solution, but their high cost, especially for became stretched by resource and personnel of its mission-specialist pilots. The US Air Force
F-35C Lightning IIs, makes this difficult. limitations in recent years. proposed retiring the A-10 for budget reasons.
The US Navy’s aircraft carriers have After encountering congressional and popular
unparalleled versatility and warfighting US Marine Corps opposition, the Air Force is now extending
capabilities. The fleet is, by law, required to The US Marine Corps is the Navy’s the life of the A-10 fleet through to at least
have 11 carriers, but has ten at the present expeditionary and contingency force, and 2022. This includes re-winging aircraft beyond
time, with only nine carrier air wings, one Marine Corps aviation’s primary mission is the initial 173 completed in 2016 and adding
having recently disbanded. The first ship of supporting forces on the ground or afloat new capabilities include Advanced Precision
a new class, the USS Gerald R Ford (CVN as part of these operations. For this reason, Kill Weapon System 2.75-inch laser-guided
78), the second is under construction, Marine Corps airpower aims to maintain a rockets. The A-10 will eventually be replaced
has introduced new technologies such as high level of readiness, even though only 43% by the F-35A Lightning II.
electromagnetic-powered aircraft catapults
and expanded bandwidth to accommodate
the high demand for real-time ISR data.
These advances are designed to increase
the carrier’s sortie generation capability by
a third, to 160 (sustained) or 270 (surge)
per day.
However, these are not the only ships that
enable US Navy airpower. Amphibious warfare
ships carry rotary-wing aircraft, including the
highly capable Bell-Boeing MV-22 Osprey
tiltrotor, and will operate F-35B Lightning IIs.
All surface warships are increasingly capable
of using UAVs for ISR missions. The Navy has
invested heavily in shore-based airpower
for ISR, such as the P-8A Poseidon maritime
An EA-18G Growler from Electronic Attack Squadron 132 (VAQ-132)
surveillance aircraft and the MQ-4C Triton
‘Scorpions’ air refuelling with a Royal Australian Air Force KC-30A tanker
maritime surveillance UAV. during Exercise Talisman Saber 2017. Sgt Peter Borys/Royal Australian Air Force
In 2016, the Chief of Naval Operations,

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F-35A Lightning IIs from

the 34th Fighter Squadron
based at Hill Air Force Base,
Utah, over the Utah Test
and Training Range. Nial
Bradshaw/US Air Force

B-52H Stratofortress
The eight-engine B-52H is the oldest US Air
Force bomber. Its production stopped in 1962,
but its global strike capabilities, delivering
PGMs, have been extensively used in combat
in recent years. Some 50 of the 76 B-52Hs
remain capable of carrying nuclear-armed
cruise missiles. No replacement is currently
planned. The US Air Force is interested in
procuring new engines for its B-52Hs, because
the remaining service life makes it possible for
the aircraft to continue in service until 2060.
Among the options being considered are
either a refurbished (the lowest cost option) or
an upgraded new-production version of the
current Pratt & Whitney TF33 or the Rolls-
Royce BR725, with the B-52H retaining its
current eight-engine configuration.

B-1B Lancer
The B-1B entered service in 1986 and
completed production in 1988. Originally
designed to carry nuclear weapons, it was
reconfigured for conventional weapons in the America’s silver bullet, the
early 1990s and modified to deliver PGMs. F-22 Raptor, this example from
After extensive combat over Afghanistan Tyndall Air Force Base, Florida.
and Iraq, where B-1Bs flew many close air Airman Cody Miller/US Air Force
support missions using standoff weapons
and onboard sensors, the B-1B now deploys intended to destroy hardened and/or deeply turbofans produces more than 50,000lb of
to Andersen Air Force Base, Guam in support buried targets. Its stealth characteristics allow thrust – a 22% increase over the C-5’s original
of Pacific Command’s continuous bomber it to evade radar detection and safely penetrate TF39 engines – and is Stage IV noise compliant.
presence operations, and remains able to hostile airspace. Only 20 B-2s are currently The C-5M also has a 58% greater climb rate to
carry out conventional global strike missions. operational. Initially deployed in 1997, it is an initial cruise altitude that is 38% higher than
The B-1B will remain in service until 2040. It is expected to remain in service until 2058. No the original C-5. The C-5M upgrade included
likely to be replaced by the B-21 Raider. replacement is currently planned. improved avionics and structural reinforcement.
The last of 52 C-5Ms was completed in 2017. The
B-2 Spirit C-5M Super Galaxy C-5M will remain in service to the 2030s and no
A stealth bomber with a unique flying-wing The C-5M, an upgraded and re-engined version replacement is currently planned.
design, the B-2 bomber provides the US of the original 1960s design, is the US Air Force’s
Air Force with its penetrating global strike largest airlifter. It moves outsized cargo as part of C-17A Globemaster III
capabilities to deliver either nuclear or the Air Force’s global mobility mission. According Currently the workhorse of US global
conventional weapons. Among its missions to Lockheed Martin, each of the C-5M’s new mobility capability, C-17 production has
is to deliver large conventional weapons, General Electric CF6-80C2 (F138-GE-100) been completed (with no replacement

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F-35A test aircraft AF-01 loaded with four 2,000lb

GBU-31 Joint Direct Attack Munitions on a September
27, 2016 loads-flutter test flight from Edwards Air Force
Base, California. This was the first flight with externally
loaded GBU-31s. Darin Russell/Lockheed Martin

under development). While the aircraft was capability that has enabled every joint and E-8C JSTARS
designed to have a 30-year service life (which coalition air operation for decades. Helped The E-8C aircraft is the airborne component
older C-17s will reach starting in 2025), by further upgrades to keep the fleet viable of the Joint Standoff Target Attack Radar
high utilisation rates mean the 223-aircraft until replacements are procured, the KC-135 System or JSTARS. The aircraft integrates
fleet might have to be upgraded to meet is expected to be in service until the 2060s. battle management capabilities with a ground
operational commitments. Fleet upgrades are Upgrades include a glass cockpit display and moving target indicator radar and a high
planned to sustain the C-17 in service through the replacement of obsolescent systems. bandwidth datalink used to transfer data to
to 2040. C-17 Block 20 retrofits include some The KC-135 force is to be replaced by aircraft the system’s ground stations. Mission crews
60 items to create a common fleet-wide procured under three programmes: the first comprise US Air Force and US Army personnel.
configuration that includes the Large Aircraft third by the KC-46A Pegasus, the second and All E-8C aircraft were originally built as
Infrared Countermeasures system, cockpit third by yet-to-be determined types under Boeing 707 airliners, the age of which has
and structural upgrades. The C-17 Advanced programmes dubbed KC-Y and KC-Z. contributed to the requirement for lengthy
Technology Demonstration is testing high- and costly overhauls to meet the demands
efficiency engines and drag-reduction devices. E-2D Advanced Hawkeye of combatant commanders and a high
The E-2D Advanced Hawkeye twin-turboprop, operational tempo. Replacement is planned
C-130J Super Hercules the US Navy’s battle management and airborne for 2024–2030.
The latest version of the classic C-130 early warning aircraft, is in production at a rate
design provides the Air Force with upgraded of five aircraft per year. Seventy-five E-2Ds EA-18G Growler
medium-lift global mobility capability and are included in the US Navy’s programme of The carrier-based EA-18G Growler electronic
is replacing earlier C-130E and C-130H record that will replace the earlier E-2C. The attack aircraft replaced the US Navy’s legacy
versions. C-130Js are being produced under last of the US Navy’s ten Carrier Airborne Early EA-6B Prowlers.
a multi-year procurement programme that Warning Squadrons is due to re-equip with the Growlers have seen extensive combat
makes American C-130 series aircraft among E-2D by 2025. use, starting with the initial US-led Operation
the youngest types in service. The Air Force Identifiable by its large rotodome housing Odyssey Dawn and NATO’s Operation Unified
will retain a fleet of 300-320 C-130 aircraft the radar and signals intelligence antenna, Protector over Libya in 2011.
and continue procurement of a tanker for the E-2D features an improved APY-9 radar The EA-18G Growler is due to receive the
refuelling rescue helicopters (HC-130J) that is and cooperative engagement capability using ALQ-249 Next-Generation Jammer Mid-
now completing a replacement programme the Naval Integrated Fire Control System Band (NGJ-MB) external jamming pod, which
of earlier HC-130N and HC-130P aircraft. – Counter Air architecture fed by multiple is currently in development. The NGJ-MB
Modified variants of the C-130J are used offboard datalinks. The E-2D can be refuelled pod uses the latest digital, software-based
by Special Operations Command (SOCOM) in flight. and active electronically scanned array
and include the heavily armed AC-130J technologies to provide enhanced airborne
gunship; deliveries of 37 AC-130Js are to be E-3G Sentry electronic attack capabilities to disrupt and
completed by FY2025. SOCOM also flies the One of the US Air Force’s small, but high- degrade enemy air defence and ground
MC-130J, a special operations aircraft capable value force of large manned ISR aircraft, the communication systems.
of safely penetrating hostile airspace; 42 will Boeing-developed E-3 Sentry fleet is currently NGJ-MB is part of the NGJ system, which
be delivered by 2022. The US Marine Corps being upgraded to Block 40/45 standard, the comprises three stand-alone systems: NGJ
is replacing its older C-130 tankers with 79 upgrade package at the heart of the changes Mid-Band, NGJ Low-Band and a future NGJ
KC-130J tankers equipped with a roll-on/ that transform E-3B and E-3C models to E-3G High-Band. Each covers a different frequency
roll-off set of sensors and weapons known as standard. band and addresses a variety of adversary
the Harvest Hawk attack capability. The Coast Designed to increase capabilities and systems.
Guard flies an earlier version (also designated reliability and reduce sustainment costs, the NGJ will augment and eventually replace
HC-130J but distinct from those flown by upgrade package includes improvements the ALQ-99 Tactical Jamming System
the Air Force) for surveillance and search and to communication systems, computer- currently integrated on the EA-18G Growler.
rescue missions. processing, electronic support measures, The NGJ will address advanced and
threat tracking and the next-generation emerging threats and provide the Growler
KC-135 Stratotanker identification friend-or-foe identification with advanced jamming, electronic attack
The KC-135 was initially deployed in 1956 and system. The baseline Boeing 707-based capabilities (which will allow it to switch off
completed production in 1965. It comprises airframe and its Northrop Grumman APY-2 enemy air defence networks and disable radars
87% of the Air Force’s tanker fleet, with an radar remain unchanged. without kinetic action) and enhanced network
average aircraft age of some 55 years. The The US Air Force plans to keep E-3G Sentries connectivity.
KC-135 supports the Air Force’s mobility and in service through 2035-2040, but is already The current US Navy programme of record
lift mission by providing the aerial refuelling starting to consider an AWACS replacement. is for 160 EA-18G Growler aircraft, which

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is scheduled to be completed in the near

F-35C test aircraft CF-02 fires an
future; the number of aircraft may increase
AIM-9X while inverted in a test flight
to meet emerging threats. Many of the
from Naval Air Station Patuxent River,
upgrades planned for the Super Hornet Block Maryland on June 8, 2017. Dane
3 configuration will be integrated on the EA- Wiedmann/Lockheed Martin
18G Growler.

F-15C Eagle
The twin-engine F-15C Eagle (and the two-
seat F-15D), along with the F-22 Raptor,
are the US Air Force’s primary offensive and
defensive counter air combat aircraft. F-15s
have been responsible for the vast majority
of US Air Force air-to-air victories in recent
There are about 250 active US Air Force
F-15 Eagles with, in the case of the F-15C, an
average age of 32 years. The active-duty Air
Force has just three combat-coded fighter
squadrons equipped with the F-15C: the 493rd
Fighter Squadron based at RAF Lakenheath,
England, and the 44th and 67th Fighter
Squadrons based at Kadena Air Base, Okinawa
Japan. The majority of the 250-aircraft fleet F-16C Fighting Falcon up to 300 Block 40/42 and Block 50/52 F-16s
is operated by the Air National Guard, which The single-engine F-16C (and two-seat F-16D) flying beyond 2048 and includes an option
specialises in homeland defence. is the most numerous type of fighter in the to increase the number of aircraft to 489; the
Recent F-15 upgrades include a new US Air Force inventory. Different F-16 units Air Force operates a fleet of over 1,000 Block
active electronically scanned array radar and specialise in a range of missions, including 40/42 and Block 50/52 aircraft.
self-defence systems. A decision on whether suppression of enemy air defence or, for The first two active-duty US Air Force F-16
the F-15 force will be upgraded and retained some Air National Guard units, homeland air squadrons have transitioned to the F-35A
through the 2030s or retired in the 2020s will defence. Lightning II, the type’s replacement.
be made in 2024. F-16s are primarily used for air-to-ground Upgrade of 72 Air National Guard F-16s with
missions delivering precision-guided Northrop Grumman’s APG-83 Scalable Agile
F-15E Strike Eagle munitions (that now includes the long-range Beam Radar active electronically scanned
The US Air Force’s current first-line, all- JASSM-ER missile), but retain a strong air-to- array radars (capable of detecting small targets
weather, air-to-ground fighter, the two-seat air capability. amongst surface clutter) for cruise missile
F-15E, has seen extensive combat since The F-16 force has an average age of 25 defence is starting.
1991, including close air support in Iraq and years. Under an ongoing service-life extension
Afghanistan, delivering a range of PGMs. Most programme, the US Air Force is extending the F/A-18 Hornet
weapons in the US inventory are integrated aircraft’s current structural service life from Legacy F/A-18 Hornets (single-seat A and
on the F-15E, which is projected to remain in 8,000 equivalent flight hours to 13,856 using C and two-seat B and D versions), some of
service through 2040. modification kits and repairing life-limiting which have been in service since the 1980s,
Ongoing upgrades include the new fractural-critical and safety-of-flight critical are currently used in combat for air-to-ground
APG-82(V)1 AESA radar, the Eagle Passive/ structure. missions, especially by the US Marine Corps.
Active Warning Survivability System, a new On November 20, the US Air Force released a Legacy Hornets will remain in Marine Corps
mission computer, improved cockpit display request for proposal for the supply of structural service until replaced by F-35B and F-35C
and infrared search and track sensors. No modification kits for F-16s valued at $403 Lightning IIs.
replacement for the F-15E has been decided million. The contract is part of the ongoing F-16 Many F/A-18C and F/A-18Ds have undergone
upon. service life extension programme (SLEP) to keep a SLEP from 6,000 to 10,000 flight hours.

F-35B Lightning II BuNo 169028/VM28 lands on the flight deck of

amphibious assault ship USS Wasp (LHD 1). Mass Communication
Specialist 3rd Class Levingston Lewis/US Navy

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F-22 Raptor
The F-22 Raptor is the US Air Force’s primary
air-to-air fighter. Originally a 750-aircraft
programme, only 195 F-22s were built, 159 of
which are currently combat coded. The F-22
has suffered from low availability rates (recently,
just 62%), reflecting the high maintenance
requirements of its low observable stealth
technology. Raptors continue to fly combat
missions over Syria. With new software and
communications capabilities, the F-22 is being
upgraded to enable it to meet air-to-air threats
into the 2040s. It has a secondary air-to-surface
capability, delivering precision-guided munitions
from its internal weapons bays, especially the
250lb GBU-39/B Small Diameter Bomb.
A US Air Force programme dubbed
Penetrating Counter Air is considering a possible
F-22 replacement for the 2040 timeframe.

F-35 Lightning II
Hornets continue to suffer from the using the E-2D Advanced Hawkeye’s The F-35 Lightning II is the largest and
ongoing high operational tempo caused by cooperative engagement capability and Naval most expensive single defence programme
combat deployments in the Middle East. In Integrated Fire Control System – Counter Air in history. While a US programme, F-35
recent years, low availability of Hornet aircraft architecture. Currently operated in Block 1 international partners are integral to its
in non-deployed squadrons is reflected in and Block 2 configurations, the US Navy’s fleet development, production and sustainment.
long queues for overhaul and insufficient may migrate to an all Block 3 force through It was intended to be affordable – high costs
flight hours for training and proficiency flying. upgrades and new production. Airframe life of have driven more combat aircraft from the
The Marine Corps reduced the number of Super Hornet aircraft is being extended under skies than enemy action – through economies
Hornets in its squadrons to keep the remaining the Service Life Assessment Programme. of scale in production and sustainment by
aircraft available for flight operations, and A likely shortfall of 138 strike fighter aircraft having a single design replace many older
have brought 30 Hornets out of retirement, by the 2020s led to further Super Hornet types. The F-35 remains controversial because
overhauled them, and returned them to production moving forward this year, with of its lengthy and expensive development
service. a total of 80 new advanced Super Hornet process, but is now in operational service and
Block 3 aircraft planned up to 2022. US demonstrating its capabilities, including ISR.
F/A-18 Super Hornet Block 1, 2 Navy operational requirements may keep Its stealth technology has reduced
and 3 production going for longer. operational and maintenance costs from those
Single-seat F/A-18E and two-seat F/A-18F Current F/A-18 Super Hornet Block 2 (but associated with previous generations of stealth
Super Hornets currently equip most strike not Block 1s) will be upgraded to Block 3 aircraft, primarily the F-22 Raptor. Additional
fighter squadrons assigned to each US configuration with unspecified enhancements challenges remain, including operating its
Navy carrier air wing, and will continue to to improve the type’s radar signature. The global sustainment network and upgrading the
do so until 2040. The US Navy is currently Block 3 is designed for networked combat onboard systems and software.
studying potential sixth-generation designs operations using the Naval Integrated Fire The Conventional Take-off and Landing
as a replacement for its Super Hornet fleet. Control Counter Air network, enabled by an version, the F-35A, first became operational in
Meantime, Super Hornets will remain the onboard Distributed Targeting Processor- 2016 with the 388th Fighter Wing based at Hill
fleet’s primary air defence fighter even Networked mission computer and a Tactical Air Force Base, Utah. The Short Take-Off and
after the F-35C Lightning II enters service. Targeting Network Technology multichannel Vertical Landing version, the F-35B, became
Onboard sensors, network connectivity and datalink system. Other elements of the operational with Marine Fighter Attack Squadron
compatibility with a wide range of precision- upgrade include an advanced cockpit display 121 (VMFA-121) at MCAS Yuma, Arizona in 2015,
guided munitions provide the Super Hornet system and improved crew interface. now based at MCAS Iwakuni, Japan.
with a powerful anti-surface capability. The Conformal fuel tanks mounted atop the The F-35C Carrier Variant is due to become
Super Hornet has the potential to carry longer fuselage at the wing roots will increase the operational with Strike Fighter Squadron 147
range weapons and conduct over-the-horizon Block 3’s range from 630 to 750 nautical miles (VFA-147) based at Naval Air Station Lemoore,
air-to-surface or air-to-air engagements (1,390km). California in 2019.

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ABOVE: F/A-18F Super Hornet BuNo 166969/SD123 assigned

to Air Test and Evaluation Squadron 23 (VX-23) flies over USS
Gerald R Ford (CVN 78) during ship integration testing. Erik
Hildebrandt/US Navy

TOP LEFT (OPPOSITE): An F/A-18C Hornet assigned to Marine

Fighter Attack Squadron 115 (VMFA-115) ‘Silver Eagles’ conducts
an arrested landing during an Integrated Training Exercise at
Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center, Twentynine Palms,
California. SSgt Kowshon Ye/US Marine Corps

BOTTOM LEFT (OPPOSITE): Strike Fighter Squadron 213’s CAG-

bird, F/A-18F Super Hornet BuNo 166663/AJ200, launches
from the aircraft carrier USS George H W Bush (CVN 77). Mass
Communication Specialist 3rd Class Christopher Gaines/US Navy

The US Air Force requested 46 F-35As in its and Seventh Fleets’ areas of responsibility. a national intelligence asset. This was the
budget sent to Congress in 2017. The service Two Naval Reserve squadrons still operate prime Rivet Joint mission throughout the
had hoped to procure 60 F-35As per year, P-3C Orion. The P-8A features an open Cold War, one that repeatedly took it to
but affordability and retrofit costs are keeping architecture sensor and communications the boundaries of hostile airspace escorted
annual production limited. The programme suite built to facilitate the insertion of sensors by crowds of admiring MiGs. However, the
of record is 1,763 F-35As for the US Air Force, and network-ready technologies. Designed aircraft and its systems have also been used
311 F-35Bs for the US Marine Corps and as an ISR aircraft for maritime and joint to support joint and coalition air operations,
280 F-35Cs for the US Navy and 80 for the operations, the P-8A will acquire advanced anti- tasked by a combatant commander to fly
Marines. The F-35 is planned to remain in submarine warfare capabilities. Increment 3 is missions to detect, identify and geolocate
service into the 2060s. expected to be fielded in 2023 with network- signals throughout the electromagnetic
Delays in the F-35 System Development enabled connectivity, sensor and targeting spectrum. The Rivet Joint fleet is configured
and Demonstration phase are only now being enhancements and improved communications. to standards dubbed Baselines; the current
overcome as more aircraft are produced and Baseline 11 upgrades include, enhanced
become operational. The F-35 Joint Program RC-135 Rivet Joint sensors, network connectivity, data fusion,
Office’s priority is now shifting to upgrading The RC-135 Rivet Joint is a highly modified digital cockpit instruments and modernised
those F-35s built in Low Rate Initial Production KC-135 airframe and a heavyweight of US operator interfaces. Air Combat Command’s
Lots 1 to 8, at the same time as developing Air Force ISR for decades used primarily as Rivet Joint force assigned to the 55th
new capabilities incorporated in new-build
aircraft under the Joint Program Office’s Sailors prepare to launch an F/A-18F Super
follow-on modernisation strategy, more Hornet assigned to Strike Fighter Squadron
recently changed and dubbed Continuous 213 (VFA-213) ‘Black Lions’ from the aircraft
Capability Development and Delivery, the most carrier USS George H W Bush (CVN 77).
Mass Communication Specialist
significant aspect of which is new software
3rd Class Matt Matlage/US Navy
to enable a range of designed-in capabilities.
Other upgrades will include improved infrared
search and track capability and integration of a
broad range of precision-guided munitions.

P-8A Poseidon
Using the airframe of the Boeing 737-800
twin-engine airliner, the P-8A Poseidon
maritime surveillance aircraft is replacing the
US Navy’s Lockheed P-3C Orions. The P-8A
is currently in production and operational
with both US Navy active-duty Patrol and
Reconnaissance Wings based at Naval Air
Station Whidbey Island, Washington (CPRW-
10) and Naval Air Station Jacksonville, Florida
(CPRW-11). P-8A Patrol Squadrons maintain
detachments from forward operating
bases in the US Navy’s Fourth, Fifth, Sixth

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Lockheed Martin-
Sikorsky’s forthcoming
HH-60W Combat Rescue
Helicopter. Sikorsky

Reconnaissance Wing based at Offutt Air Force replacement is uncertain and may be an Originally, the AH-1Z programme started out
Base, Nebraska has increased cooperation with unmanned system or an optionally piloted with the objective of remanufacturing AH-1W
the Rivet Joint-equipped Royal Air Force No.51 high-altitude type currently under development. Cobras, but this was later changed to build
Squadron in recent years, and RAF aircrew fly new airframes.
on US Air Force Rivet Joints. The AH-1Z design reflects the Marines’
ROTARY-WING approach to the attack helicopter mission.
U-2S Dragon Lady While the AH-64 Apache is primarily an anti-
The Lockheed Martin U-2S Dragon Lady AH-1Z Viper tank weapon system, the AH-1Z is an escort
ISR aircraft is the primary US high-altitude, Production of Bell AH-1Z Viper attack helicopter and infantry support platform.
all-weather surveillance and reconnaissance helicopters for the US Marine Corps will end in
aircraft used to acquire critical imagery and 2019 completing a modernisation programme AH-64E Apache
signals intelligence during peacetime, low- that included the Bell UH-1Y light transport The AH-64E Apache is the latest version of
intensity conflict, and large-scale hostilities. and utility helicopter; the AH-1Z and the UH- the US Army’s attack helicopter, currently
The Air Force had planned to replace its 1Y replace the AH-1W and UH-1N that had replacing older AH-64Ds in a remanufacture
U-2s with upgraded Block 40 RQ-4 Global been in US Marine Corps service for decades. programme that will run into the 2020s.
Hawk unmanned aerial vehicles, but has now Both types enhance speed, manoeuvrability The AH-64E provides substantial upgrades
committed to retaining the U-2S in service for and payload, and share 85% commonality in avionics, communications and weapon
the next five years. The type could potentially featuring a common tail boom, engine, rotor capabilities. Almost all of the US Army’s
remain in service until 2045 before reaching system, drive train, avionics architecture, objective Apache fleet of 690 AH-64Es will be
the end of its current airframe life. Its eventual software, controls and displays. remanufactured from AH-64Ds.
In a subsequent programme, the Army
intends to re-engine the AH-64E with a yet-
to-be-selected engine developed under the
Improved Turbine Engine Program.
After proposing to disband all Army National
Guard Apache battalions, four will be retained,
each equipped with 18 aircraft.

V-22 Osprey
Despite a lengthy and troubled development,
the V-22 Osprey has become a valuable
asset to the US Marine Corps and Air Force
Special Operations Command, however it is
still a costly aircraft to maintain and operate.
Production of the MV-22B medium lift
transport version for the US Marine Corps
is approaching completion of the current
programme of record for 360 aircraft. The
Marine Corps may order an additional 20
MV-22Bs and is currently adding capabilities
including weapons, air-to-surface sensors,
electronic warfare and an aerial refuelling
An MQ-9 Reaper configured with the two sensor turrets of the Gorgon Stare II wide area airborne surveillance capability, the latter to enable sustained F-35B
system at Kandahar Airfield, Afghanistan. US Air Force operations from amphibious assault ships. The

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Marine Corps is carrying out a number of fleet- MH-60R and MH-60S Seahawk Gray Eagle production will end in 2018 when
wide upgrades to create a common baseline MH-60R and MH-60S models of the Seahawk the last of 167 air vehicles called for by the
MV-22C version from the three Blocks, 70 are the US Navy’s standard shipboard programme of record is delivered.
different hardware configurations and seven helicopters, sharing 85% commonality. The
different software configurations currently MH-60S conducts anti-surface warfare, combat RQ-4 Global Hawk
operational in its Osprey fleet. The current search and rescue, mine countermeasures and Global Hawk is the standard high-altitude,
production schedule includes 48 CMV-22s logistics support; the MH-60R is a specialist long-endurance UAV primarily used as a deep
for the US Navy, the type selected to replace anti-submarine warfare helicopter. Of the 275 look ISR system. The Block 30 RQ-4 uses
the C-2A Greyhound in the carrier onboard MH-60S helicopters ordered by the US Navy, the electro-optical/infrared, synthetic aperture
delivery mission and attrition replacements final aircraft was delivered in 2015 and the last of radar and signal intelligence sensor payloads.
for Air Force Special Operations Command to 280 new MH-60Rs will be delivered in 2018. The upgraded Block 40 version, capable of
maintain its fleet of CV-22s at 50 aircraft. Retrofitting the Seahawk fleet with improved using a greater selection of sensor payloads,
mission computers with open architecture is in production. Its ground moving target
CH-47F and MH-47G Chinook is scheduled to start in 2019 as part of the indication radar detects and tracks moving
Currently moving towards the end of US Navy’s long-term preplanned product vehicles and transmits this via datalink to a
production, the US Army’s fleet-wide CH- improvement programme designed to keep distributed common ground system. The
47F upgrade programme includes both the MH-60R current throughout its life. developmental universal payload adapter
new-build airframes and remanufactured Both types are scheduled to have mid-life allows it to use the MS-177 electro-optical
CH-47Ds. The CH-47F configuration includes upgrades in the mid-2020s to modernise sensor and optical bar camera.
a new digital cockpit, airframe modifications onboard systems and avionics. Before that Planned upgrades include: weather-
to reduce vibration and cargo handling and they will undergo a Service Life Extension avoidance radar, anti-icing systems, and
survivability capabilities. As the Army moves Program (SLEP) to address issues identified by the Airborne Signals Intelligence Payload,
to an all CH-47F fleet, Block II upgrades will Service Life Assessment Programs now taking Northrop Grumman’s multi-intelligence
start. This is intended to keep the helicopters place. advanced collection sensor.
operationally viable until they are replaced by US Air Force Global Hawks are currently
a new type selected under the Future Vertical flying ISR missions lasting 30 hours or more
Lift programme in the 2040-2060s timeframe.
UNMANNED to watch many of the world’s combat zones
The Block II upgrade will include a new-design from 65,000ft. Three Block 20 Global Hawks
rotor blade and components to enable a future MQ-1 Predator are operated by the Air Force as EQ-4B
up-engine programme to be integrated. The propeller-driven MQ-1 Predator medium- communication relays using the Battlefield
US Army Special Operations Command altitude long-endurance unmanned air vehicle Airborne Communications Node.
has a fleet of 67 MH-47Gs, a helicopter with (UAV) first entered service in the 1990s, flying
a similar baseline configuration as a CH-47F, ISR missions over Bosnia. It later became the MQ-4C Triton
but fitted with specialised systems that include first UAV to be armed – with Lockheed Martin Based on the Global Hawk airframe but designed
long-range fuel tanks and radar for low- AGM-114 Hellfire missiles – for air-to-ground for the maritime surveillance mission, the US
altitude penetration missions. The MH-47G missions on a regular basis. The Predator Navy’s MQ-4C Triton has successfully completed
RENEW programme will replace the 67 MH- revolutionised tactics by making streaming its developmental testing, and low-rate initial
47Gs by 2027. video available to aircraft or ground and naval production continues. Initial operational
units. It was the first true remotely piloted test and evaluation will start in FY2021; it will
UH-60M and HH-60M Black Hawk aircraft with combat missions flown by pilots include systems for a multi-intelligence payload
The Black Hawk is the most numerous not at the home base, but at remote locations, within the forthcoming configuration dubbed
helicopter in the US Army inventory. Digital- initially at Creech Air Force Base, Nevada. Used Integrated Functional Capability 4. The multi-
instrumented UH-60M Black Hawks make operationally by the Air Force and the CIA, intelligence payload includes additional signal
up over two-thirds of the Black Hawk fleet. as well as international users, the Predator intelligence capabilities and systems that will
The remaining analogue UH-60Ls are being is being replaced by the MQ-9 Reaper in Air be used by Triton to conduct the mission set
upgraded to digital standard through the Force service. currently undertaken by the EP-3E signals
UH-60V upgrade programme, fitting a new intelligence reconnaissance aircraft, known as
all-digital cockpit incorporating multifunction MQ-1C Gray Eagle ARIES II (Airborne Reconnaissance Integrated
displays and advanced avionics. The UH-60V The US Army’s Gray Eagle medium-altitude, Electronic System II).
will have a high level of standardisation and long-endurance UAV, the largest in use by The first operational Triton detachment
commonality in terms of training, components and a new capability for the Army, is used to outside the continental United States will be
and capabilities with the UH-60M, and is conduct ISR missions. The Gray Eagle, which to Andersen Air Base on Guam in 2018, where
planned to remain in service beyond 2050. shares a common airframe and engine with the the air vehicles will be co-located with Air
The Improved Turbine Engine, with increased Predator, is operated in a different way to the Force Global Hawks. The air vehicles deployed
power, fuel efficiency and reliability, will be Air Force NQ-1 in that its operators deploy with to Guam will be in the baseline configuration
installed in UH-60s from 2026. the system. dubbed Early Operational Capability.

A US Army MH-47G Chinook with the 3rd

Battalion, 160th Special Operation Aviation
Regiment at the Gulfport Combat Readiness
Training Center, Mississippi, during a multi-
service training exercise called Southern Strike.
Airman Sean Carnes/US Air Force

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Sailors assigned to USS Stethem (DDG 63)

conduct in-flight refuelling operations
with an MH-60R Seahawk helicopter,
assigned to Helicopter Maritime Strike
Squadron 77 (HSM-77) ‘Saberhawks’. Mass
Communication Specialist 2nd Class Jeremy
Graham/US Navy


Eagle unmanned aerial system, belonging
to Company D, 10th Aviation Regiment,
armed with two AGM-114 Hellfire air-to-
surface missiles at Al Asad Air Base, Iraq.
SSgt Isolda Reyes/US Army

RQ-7B Shadow Multispectral Targeting System-B with electro- 46A procurement is intended to replace a third
The AAI RQ-7B Shadow is equipped with optical/infrared sensors. The Reaper is able of the ageing KC-135 Stratotanker fleet by 2027.
electro-optical/infrared sensors and laser to provide fused full-motion video streams, The Air Force currently expects to take delivery
designator, plus a datalink to provide full a laser designator/illuminator and synthetic of its first KC-46As by early 2018 and to sustain
motion video to ground terminals. Used by aperture radar. Introduced to combat in 2007, steady-state production of 15 KC-46s a year.
brigade-level Army units for ISR, the upgraded current Reaper production is the long-range In addition to being capable of refuelling both
RQ-7Bv2 version, like the Gray Eagle, has extended-wing Block 5 version, offering receptacle and probe-equipped receivers on
become the focus of the Army’s manned- significantly extended endurance and payload. the same sortie, the KC-46 can also receive fuel
unmanned teaming tactics, working with Production is due to run through 2022. from other tankers in flight.
AH-64Es to replace the Army’s withdrawn Planned upgrades include an automatic take-
OH-58D Kiowa Warrior scout helicopters. The off and landing system and an enhanced radar. CH-53K King Stallion
US Marine Corps plans to replace its existing Since 2014, US Air Force MQ-9 Reapers The CH-53K King Stallion programme
RQ-7B Shadows with a UAV designed to its have operated in US Central Command’s area is transitioning into production, with a
service requirements. of responsibility equipped with the Gorgon programme of record for 200 new-build
Stare II wide area persistent surveillance helicopters to replace the CH-53E Super
MQ-8C Fire Scout system housing the Air Force’s only day- Stallion, the US Marine Corps’ heavy-lift
Based on the airframe of the Bell 407 night persistent wide-area motion imagery helicopter. Heavy lift is a critical Marine Corps
helicopter and powered by the same Rolls- capability. capability for moving equipment inland
Royce 250-C47B engine, the Fire Scout was Gorgon Stare II features two sensor turrets during amphibious operations. The CH-53K
developed to meet an operational requirement fitted with multiple multi-spectral sensors, will provide greater reliability and decreased
for a UAV that could operate from smaller an electro-optical sensor derived from the maintenance, as well as increased range,
surface warships deployed in the Middle Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency’s survivability and payload.
East. While primarily a surveillance platform, ARGUS technology manufactured by BAE
it is capable of being armed with 2.75-inch Systems, and an infrared sensor integrating
rockets fitted with the Advanced Precision Kill the largest IR arrays manufactured by Exelis.
Weapon System guidance kit. Procurement Gorgon Stare is used, amongst other things, to
was completed in 2017 with 60 units ordered detect improvised explosive devices. Carrier Air Wing 2030
(of a planned 177). Upgrades planned to The Reaper’s kinetic payload capability has The US Navy’s Carrier Air Wing of 2030 will
be completed by 2020, include a maritime allowed it to employ the 500lb GBU-38 JDAM comprise four Strike Fighter Squadrons (VFAs),
surveillance radar to provide cueing for turret- in combat. Air Force Reapers are also operated two equipped with ten F-35C Lightning IIs
mounted electro-optical/infrared sensors and as part of Special Operations Command. each and two more with 12 F/A-18 Super
its rangefinder/target designation capabilities. Hornets each. These will be supported by
squadrons operating EA-18G Growlers, MQ-25
MQ-9 Reaper TYPES IN FLIGHT TEST Stingrays, E-2D Advanced Hawkeyes and MH-
The Reaper is a medium to high-altitude, long- 60R/MH-60S Seahawks. With the increasing
endurance UAV, developed from the MQ-1 KC-46A Pegasus emphasis on networked air operations, the
Predator, optimised for weapons delivery Based on the Boeing 767 airliner, the current US Navy has taken the lead in developing a
while retaining an ISR role utilising Raytheon’s programme of record for the 179-aircraft KC- number of emerging capabilities – the near-

58 | www.airinternational.com

term example being the Naval Integrated Fire

Control-Counter Air (NIFC-CA) architecture
– to enable the future Carrier Air Wing to fight
both as an integral unit and as part of a joint
and coalition force.

JSTARS recapitalisation
Recapitalisation of the Air Force’s 16 E-8C
JSTARS (Joint Standoff Target Attack Radar
System) aircraft was previously identified as
one of the top five Air Force modernisation
priorities. This programme is currently in
the source selection process between three
competing teams: a version of the Boeing
Business Jet (a 737-700 derivative) from
Boeing; the Bombardier Global 6000 (the
same type currently in US Air Force service
as the E-11 communications relay aircraft) MQ-25 Unmanned Carrier phase will be a combat experiment dubbed
offered by a team comprising Lockheed Aviation Air System Combat Dragon III, possibly involving the
Martin, Raytheon and Sierra Nevada; and the After Northrop Grumman’s X-47B deployment of two AT-6s and two A-29s to
Gulfstream Aerospace G550 from Northrop Unmanned Combat Air System conduct combat missions in Iraq or Syria. The
Grumman and L3 Technologies. demonstrated the ability of an unmanned OA-X is not a procurement programme and
However, the Air Force may replace its E-8Cs air vehicle to operate from a US Navy has no programme of record.
with a network linking multiple manned and aircraft carrier, Naval Air Systems Command
unmanned sensor and battle management launched a competition for the MQ-25A Trainer – eXperimental (T-X)
nodes and platforms, rather than a new Stingray unmanned tanker and the potential Previously identified as one of the top five
aeroplane. The future of the programme might to also serve as an ISR and communications US Air Force modernisation priorities, the
be announced in early 2018. relay platform using podded sensors and T-X programme is currently the subject
datalinks, and possibly even for weapons of a major competition between teams
HH-60W Combat delivery. Four companies were competing – comprising Boeing and Saab offering the
Rescue Helicopter Lockheed Martin, Boeing, General Atomics brand-new T-X aircraft, Lockheed Martin
The $8 billion programme for the HH-60W and Northrop Grumman – but the latter and Korean Aerospace Industries’ T-50,
Combat Rescue Helicopter to replace the dropped out when the request for proposals and Leonardo with its T-100, a modified
Air Force’s HH-60G Pave Hawk helicopters was issued in October. The winner will be version of the M-346 Master. The winner
started with contract award in 2014 and decided in 2018 and the air vehicle could will be announced in spring 2018. Initial
includes the procurement of 112 new-build be in service as soon as 2020. Total MQ-25 operating capability for the US Air Force’s
HH-60Ws, training systems and operations development costs are budgeted at some new trainer is planned for FY2024, with a
support. The HH-60W will have improved $5 billion. total procurement of 350 aircraft through
hot-high performance, an enlarged cabin the mid-2030s.
and longer range. Nine HH-60Ws will begin Observation Attack –
developmental testing in 2018, with first eXperimental (OA-X) EMERGING PROGRAMMES
deliveries in 2019. Replacement of the HH- Four different commercially available aircraft
60G is planned to be complete by 2029. types participated in the US Air Force light
attack experiment at Holloman Air Force Base, Airborne Battle
High-altitude, high-speed ISR New Mexico last August (see ‘Souped-up Management System
The Northrop Grumman RQ-180 is a trainers, a crop duster and an experimental jet’, The Air Force will need to replace its
previously classified high-altitude stealth UAV p64-71, AIR International, December 2017): the current fleet of E-3 AWACS aircraft by 2045
that entered low-rate initial production in L3-Air Tractor AT-802L Longsword turboprop, and is studying a range of alternatives,
2013. Developmental aircraft may have been Textron’s Scorpion jet and AT-6 Wolverine from a new aircraft (Boeing has offered
flying operational missions since 2012. The turboprop; and the A-29 Super Tucano from a 737-based design similar to the Royal
Lockheed Martin SR-72 design, an optionally Embraer-Sierra Nevada Corporation. Australian Air Force’s E-7 Wedgetail) to
manned hypersonic aircraft capable of both The light attack experiment was the latest a network of manned and unmanned
ISR and strike missions with speed in the Mach phase of the overarching Observation Attack terrestrial and airborne sensor and battle
4-6 range, could fly as soon as 2023. – Experimental or OA-X programme. The next management capabilities.

BELOW: Air National Guardsmen watch an MQ-9 Reaper unmanned aerial vehicle during Combat Hammer at Duke Field, Florida. Combat Hammer is Air Combat
Command’s Weapon System Evaluation Program for air-to-ground weapons. The evaluation staged in February 2017 was the first air-to-ground weapons
evaluation of the Air National Guard’s MQ-9 Reaper mission set. SMSgt Robert Shepherd/Iowa Air National Guard

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a large heavy lift helicopter and capability five

envisages what amounts to a C-130 Hercules
capable of vertical take-off and landing.

KC-Y and KC-Z tankers

The gap between the KC-46A (KC-X) and
the KC-Z will be filled by procurement of an
interim type, designated KC-Y, but is likely to
be an improved KC-46 design with survivability
enhancements. The US Air Force is considering
emphasising survivability in its next new clean-
sheet design tanker, the KC-Z, projected to
enter service around 2035. The KC-Z might
use a stealthy blended wing design and have
extensive electronic warfare capabilities to give
it greater range, survivability and penetrating

Marine UAV experimental

The US Marine Corps is looking for a design,
available for production in the near-term, that
B-21 Raider US Air Force service, will be cross-decked from will offer medium altitude and long-endurance
Selected in October 2015 to meet the Long EC-130Hs, with L3 Communications as the UAV capabilities similar to the MQ-1 Predator,
Range Strike-Bomber requirement, the prime contractor. The first EC-37B is expected but that is capable of operating either from
B-21 is being developed by the Air Force’s to be completed in FY2021. unprepared airstrips or amphibious warfare
Rapid Capabilities Office, rather than the ships. This effectively mandates a vertical,
normal procurement organisations. The B-21 F/A-XX sixth-generation fighter short take-off and landing capable design.
programme remains under a cloak of security The US Navy is looking at a range of options
to limit threat responses to its next-generation and technologies to replace the Block 3 MH-XX shipboard helicopter
stealth technology. The design is based on F/A-18 Super Hornet in the 2040 timeframe. The MH-XX is the replacement for the current
extensive classified development undertaken This includes the potential roles of stealth, MH-60R/MH-60S Seahawk fleets. MH-XX is
in previous decades, likely including flying improved engine and weapons (including scheduled to enter service in the 2030s, and
technology demonstration aircraft. directed energy) technology. The Navy is is expected to make use of designs developed
Under current plans, at least 100 B-21s are thinking more in terms of a specific manned for the FVL programme.
to be procured, with the per-aircraft cost held aircraft than a network of manned and
to $550 million in then-year dollars. It will have unmanned capabilities. Penetrating Counter Air
the capability to penetrate hostile airspace and The US Air Force is studying this as a potential
deliver conventional or nuclear gravity bombs Future Vertical Lift F-22 Raptor replacement in the 2030s
as well as stand-off weapons, including the The joint-service Future Vertical Lift (FVL) timeframe, with consideration of a range
planned Long-Range Stand-Off missile. programme is developing tiltrotor and rigid- options from a sixth-generation manned
rotor helicopter technology – two different fighter design using emerging technologies to
EC-X technology demonstrator aircraft will be use of a network of manned and unmanned
Air Combat Command’s EC-X requirement is a flying in 2018 – that together can potentially airborne technologies to create an integrated
replacement for its aging Lockheed EC-130H revolutionise rotary-wing flight. The US Army solution to the mission of establishing air
Compass Call, a modified Hercules turboprop has asked the companies working on the superiority in hostile airspace.
transport airframe equipped with electronic technology demonstrators if, with access to
attack systems designed to disrupt enemy funding, they would accelerate the transition Future combat airpower
command, control, and communications. of their designs to the FVL so that production Earlier in 2017, Secretary of the Air Force
Headquartered at Langley Air Force Base, would start in the 2020s rather than 2030s as Heather Wilson said it was unlikely that the
Virginia, ACC selected the Gulfstream G550 as currently planned. need for aerospace power would decrease
the baseline airframe for the EC-X programme, The FVL programme is not being presented over the next decade.
which will enable ACC to use development as a family of rotorcraft – helicopters or Sustained investment in the future of US
that had already been carried out for G550s tiltrotors – but rather five capability sets of airpower has been difficult in recent years,
modified for electronic warfare missions, vertical lift. Capability one is for scout and light reflecting budgetary uncertainty (imposed
ordered by Italy and Israel. attack missions. Capability two is, in effect, by dysfunctional US politics) and high
On September 14, the US Air Force the eventual replacement for both the H-60 operational and readiness costs (imposed
announced that mission systems for the family and the AH-64 Apache. Capability three by ongoing conflicts and the real threat of
highly-modified G550s, designated EC-37Bs in replaces the CH-47 Chinook. Capability four is more intense ones). This put a premium

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on deciding how best to invest in future cyberwarfare attacks from near-peer in decision-making. Serious threat systems
airpower. Chief of Staff of the US Air Force adversaries in a future conflict may limit exist and require serious decisions to be made
General David Goldfein has said: “The time is their tasking in other mission areas. Some that will make no one happy, mandating
now for the Air Force to make decisions on air-to-surface tasks, such as suppression of actions that are going to be costly in political,
force modernisation based on answering the enemy air defences, are likely to be the first budgetary and resource terms.
question, who do we need to be in 2030 and for unmanned systems to assume within In the future, the United States is unlikely
what is standing in our way?” an expanded mission set. Some tanker to fight wars completely on its own. The
US airpower has to meet emerging near- and combat support missions – such as future of airpower will be multinational and
peer threats. Potential adversary aircraft are communications relay or standoff jamming – networked. General Goldfein said: “Our allies
being armed with lethal long-range air-to- are also likely candidate mission sets. are a source of exciting technologies with
air missiles, and prototypes described as A huge task faces the leaders of America’s military applications. We need to strengthen
fifth-generation stealth fighters are flying. armed services: combining emerging our alliances. We have them; our adversaries
The United States has given less emphasise technologies and conventional aircraft do not.”
to electronic warfare since the end of the using networked capabilities to link multiple Other changes are harder to predict.
Cold War; this now appears a likely area of systems – manned and unmanned, flying and Attitudes towards airpower, especially when
threat advantage of potential near-peer foes. terrestrial – to enable them to share data and applied by the only current superpower,
Cyberwarfare threats are increasingly powerful fight as an integrated force. are becoming critical. The use of unguided
and seek to disable computerised logistics Discussing networked capabilities at an Air munitions has become limited through fear of
systems. Cruise and ballistic missiles threaten Force Association meeting in July, General collateral damage and the resultant political
forward operating bases and aircraft carriers. Goldfein said: “Focus on the highway before and diplomatic impact. As any future conflict
Long-range surface-to-air missiles might we focus on the truck. Our first question in with a near-peer adversary is likely to see
make it impossible to operate large ISR and any acquisition programme of the future is not widespread jamming of the GPS guidance on
tanker aircraft close to the threat zone and going to be what it can do. Our question will which most US precision-guided munitions
may prevent transport aircraft from entering be, how does it connect?” The other US armed rely, and possibly direct attacks on US
combat zones. services are making similar decisions. satellites, this may prove problematic to future
Investment in US airpower could develop Transitioning from the type of conflicts US war fighters.
improved technologies such as artificial airpower has had to fight since the end of A century ago, US airpower, fresh from its
intelligence and autonomous operations, many the Cold War to preparing for a possible fight failure in Mexico in 1917, was plunged into
of them emerging from the private sector. against a near-peer adversary is challenging. combat in Europe. The US Army, US Navy and
UAVs that can swarm, organise themselves and US airpower has been used to setting the US Marine Corps alike relied on their British,
attack a target offer a potential replacement for tempo, not being surprised by challenges. French and Italian allies to provide aircraft,
some strike aircraft. Some combat aircraft can It has become dependent on detailed weapons, tactics and training. By the end of
be supplemented by loyal wingmen, UAVs that standard operating procedures and, faced the war in 1918, US airpower was in position
can operate as part of a flight. with limited opposition, has gone beyond the to become world class. A century on from this
While unmanned systems have taken over need to minimise risk and losses of aircraft remarkable transformation a similar one must
much of the ISR mission, the constraints and personnel, to become, in many ways, be achieved; perhaps less dramatic, but no less
of bandwidth and likely electronic and centralised in tactical thinking and risk averse necessary. AI

TOP LEFT (OPPOSITE): MV-22B Osprey BuNo 168348/

YR14 assigned to Marine Medium Tiltrotor Squadron
161 (Reinforced) takes off from the flight deck of
amphibious assault ship USS America (LHA 6). Lance
Cpl Dusty Kilcrease/US Marine Corps

TOP RIGHT: Water plumes arch across an RC-12X

Guardrail aircraft marking the pilot’s final flight from
Bagram airfield, Afghanistan. Bob Harrison/US Forces

MAIN PICTURE: A U-2S Dragon Lady at Al Dhafra Air

Base, United Arab Emirates following a mission in
support of Operation Inherent Resolve. TSgt Anthony
Nelson Jr/US Air Force

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In 1921, the R33 and R36 airships were used
to assist the police force with traffic control
around the Ascot and Epsom horse racing
events. An aerial balloon was used by the
police force in the 1924 Epsom Derby and
nine years later the Metropolitan Police first
used an autogyro to patrol that year’s Derby.
Subsequently the Cierva autogyro was
demonstrated to police forces.
It was in 1947 when a helicopter was
first used to support a police operation.
The Norfolk Constabulary was searching
for a fugitive and were helped by a civilian
Sikorsky S-51 Dragonfly flown by the
late Alan Bristow (who founded Bristow
Later, in 1968, there were four
experiments in the country to evaluate
the use of helicopters in airborne law
enforcement. Scotland played host to one
of these trials that took place between
February and March that year. These
included using an Army Air Corps Westland
Scout AH1 helicopter flown by an army
pilot and a police observer of inspector and
sergeant rank to be based at RAF Kinloss.
During the 2012 Olympics, there
was a brief return to the use of military
aviation assisting the authorities when
elements of the armed forces, namely
the battlefield helicopters of the Joint
Helicopter Command and Royal Navy
helicopter squadrons, provided airborne
security to protect the event alongside the
Metropolitan Police Air Support Unit. More
recently, in response to the terror attack on
Westminster Bridge in May 2017 the Joint
Special Forces Aviation Wing deployed an
AS365N3 Dauphin.

Protecting th
Ian Frain provides a brief overview of police aviation in the UK,
which today is based around Airbus helicopters

irborne policing in the UK has come London the Metropolitan Police Air Support Other important technical developments for
a long way from the early days of Unit (ASU) started to operate the twin-engine airborne law enforcement include forward-
using an airship and autogyro in Bell 222A. By the end of the 1980s and into looking infrared systems, video downlink to
the early part of the 20th Century. the 1990s, nearly all forces were covered by ground units and Spectrolab SX-16 Nightsun
Enforcement from the air as we an ASU, with the favoured helicopters being searchlights.
would recognise it began with experiments in the MBB Bo105 and Bk117 and the Eurocopter The missions of the regular ASUs were
the 1960s and 1970s when the Army Air Corps AS355F/AS355N Twin Squirrel. not limited to just airborne surveillance and
provided a Bell 47 Sioux or a Westland Scout Newly developed technology has been command and control for the police on
to the various police constabularies around implemented in the pursuit of better law the ground; they also had a secondary air
the country. The army would fly and operate enforcement since police helicopters entered ambulance role. The Sussex, Cambridge
the helicopter, but there would be a police service, from the GEC Avionics Heli-Tele and Wiltshire constabularies all operated
observer present. system mounted on the Metropolitan Police MD Helicopters MD900s or MD902s in the
A decade later the then Colt Cars operated Bell 222As in the 1980s for closer monitoring helicopter emergency medical service (HEMS)
a single Aerospatiale AS350A for the Devon of the ground from the air, to experiments role. The latter unit worked together with the
and Cornwall Police Constabulary, while in in the 1990s with night vision goggles. Wiltshire Air Ambulance Trust (established

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Airbus Helicopters H135s, comprising both EC135P2s like

G-SUFK (msn 0730) pictured here and upgraded EC135T2s,
make up most of the police helicopters operated in the UK.
Dave Sturges/AirTeamImages

he kingdom
in 1990) and the South West Ambulance operator such as Bristow (which supplied the with night and day channels, forward-looking
NHS who supplied the paramedics. The pilots for the Metropolitan Police ASU Bell infrared, a multi-sensor turret, a searchlight,
Wiltshire Air Ambulance Trust, a charity, 222A operations), Bond Helicopters (which a loudspeaker address system and secure
used the money raised to fund a third of the supplied pilots to the likes of the Strathclyde communications with a microwave voice and
police MD902’s operating costs under the Police) and Specialist Aviation Services, data downlink.
agreement. formerly Police Aviation Services, which At one time, two smaller operators, the
supplied the MD900/MD902 Explorer to Cambridge and Stapleford Tawney based
Police aviation develops various forces. Aeromega and Norwich Sterling Aviation in
Unlike a lot of police ASUs around the Airbus Helicopters based at Oxford East Anglia, also provided pilots. Aeromega
world, such as those in the United States, Airport at Kidlington (formerly known as supplied the pilots for the Cambridge, Essex
the police pilot in the UK tends not to be Eurocopter UK) also designed and installed and Suffolk forces, while Sterling provided an
a sworn police officer but a commercial a special mission pod for the police EC135 AS355 for the policing of Norfolk.
contract pilot. Like the aircraft, the mission from around 2001 onwards, which was then In the aftermath of 9/11 with the effects
equipment role fit and the maintenance also used by some other police forces. This of organised terrorism felt across the world,
support, pilots come from a major helicopter included an under-fuselage surveillance pod the need to counter the new threat was

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made a priority by the police forces around to NPAS from Babcock MCS (Mission Critical
the country. By mid-2003, the rotary-wing Services, formerly Bond Aviation Group –
assets of the UK were predominantly from Bond Air Services).
Eurocopter, namely the EC135, AS355F/ With the MD900/MD902 removed from
AS355N and MD900/MD902 Explorer. The the NPAS fleet, there is now no secondary
only exceptions were the Devon and Cornwall HEMS role, which is only carried out by the air
Constabulary, which operated a sole MBB ambulance charities and, to a lesser extent, the
Bk117C, and Dyfed Powys Police, which flew Maritime and Coastguard Agency helicopters.
one AgustaWestland AW109E (replacing a One example of the change is illustrated by the
previously damaged AW109E Power) supplied Wiltshire Police and Wiltshire Air Ambulance
by Sloane Helicopters of Northamptonshire. Trust partnership, where, with the county losing
The newest additions to the UK fleet its MD902 under the NPAS reorganisation, the
have been from Airbus Helicopters. The Air Ambulance Trust has had to purchase a Bell
Metropolitan Police ASU was the first 429 to continue HEMS provision.
customer for the EC145, also known as the
H145, at the end of 2006, followed later by Airbus all around
the Devon and Cornwall force and the Police The Airbus H135 (EC135T2/EC135T2+ powered
Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI). by Turbomeca Arrius 2B2, or EC135P2+
Since the late 2000s, only the Airbus powered by Pratt & Whitney PW206B), which
Helicopters EC135T2/EC135P2 series, now form the bulk of police aviation in the UK,
known as the Airbus H135, and the H145 are is widely used for airborne policing globally
used for police aviation in the UK. and arguably is the benchmark for law
enforcement, especially in Europe.
Nationalisation and It is single pilot instrument flight rules-
rationalisation certified. The avionics package includes
During 2009, the Association of Chief Police the Nouvelle centre panel display system
Officers looked back at the air operations and flight control display system, and
strategy, which had then been in existence the helicopter is equipped with the latest
for 16 years since its inception in 1993. surveillance technology such as forward-
Subsequently, it was decided the current looking infrared, a Nightsun 30 million-
strategy and structure was fragmented and candle power searchlight, the Skyforce aerial
thus not cost-effective. mapping system (which has a complete
The new National Police Air Service (NPAS) address database built in) and a public address
was officially launched in October 2012, system. The crew complement is a pilot and
with changes starting to take shape almost two observers, one in the left-hand seat and
immediately. The first of these was the one in the back, who is the main observer
centralisation of control of all air assets from responsible for mission management and for
the NPAS Operations Centre in Wakefield, tracking people or vehicles of interest.
Yorkshire. Prior to this all mission tasking was The larger Airbus Helicopters H145 (formerly
carried out by the police force in its own EC145 and also referred to as Bk117C2, derived
county. from the Bk117C1) used by the Metropolitan
Several bases were closed, taking it to a Police and PSNI is powered by Turbomeca
15-base model, and consequently there was a Arriel 1E2 turboshaft engines. The aircraft are
reduction in aircraft numbers. Currently, these equipped with the Wescam MX-15 imaging
remaining bases across England and Wales sensor, the Skyquest touchscreen video
operate two types of helicopters, the Airbus management system and Gigawave digital
H135 and H145, covering a vast area. video link. The larger size of the H145’s cabin
In October 2015 at the Helitech means apart from the pilot and two observers,
International Helicopter Exhibition, the first there is the ability to carry up to another
of seven upgraded H135s was handed over three personnel and even with police dogs.

The Metropolitan Police ASU, one of the

three H145 operators, is the only one in the
country to have a permit to fast-rope officers
in tactical situations, common practice with
ASUs in the United States and Europe.
The Metropolitan Police ASU, known as
NPAS London since 2015 and based at Lippets
Hill in Essex, was established in 1980 with a
trio of Bell 222As (the only unit in the country
to do so) and after 13 years flying the type the
ASU replaced it with the Eurocopter AS355N
Twin Squirrel, flown for another 13 or so years
until 2007. The unit was then the first operator
of the H145 in July 2007 and subsequently
the first to have the Skyquest management
system, a key part of which is the open
architecture adaptable system. Devon and
Cornwall became the second unit with this
new technology when it took delivery of the
H145 in 2010.
At the end of April 2016, a pair of the
NPAS London H145s had the distinction of
Avionics aboard the UK’s single pilot instrument flight rules-certified police helicopters includes the Nouvelle escorting elements of Marine Helicopter
centre panel display system and flight control display system. Squadron 1 (HMX-1) including Marine One

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EC135T2+, G-POLB (msn 283),

was the first of seven upgraded
EC135s handed over by Babcock
MCS (Mission Critical Service) to
the National Police Air Service.
All photos Ian Frain unless stated

Sikorsky VH-3D and MV-22B Ospreys, on an operational drone unit after nearly two years the most recent operator being Greater
orienteering rehearsal flight into London from of trials that had started in November 2015. Manchester Police, whose ASU operates an
RAF Mildenhall in Suffolk. This was in support of The unit is equipped with six DJI Inspire H135 and is now known as NPAS Barton,
President Barack Obama’s last visit to the UK. systems, which are equipped with a HD/4K as the unit operates from City Airport
zoom camera and thermal imaging to allow Manchester at Barton.
Unmanned and fixed-wing for 24-hour operations. In 2014, the NPAS awarded a contract
There is a growing trend in the use of Only a few police forces in the UK to deliver four P68R twin-engine aircraft
unmanned aerial vehicles for corporate operated the fixed-wing Britten Norman produced by the Italian company Vulcanair
and individual private use. The airborne law Defender high-wing twin-engine aircraft, SPA to the Austrian company Airborne
enforcement community around the world Technologies. These four aircraft will
especially in the United States, is embracing be equipped with the Wescam MX-10
the technology to complement their air assets. imaging system and Churchill navigation
In the UK, Wiltshire Police (which lost augmented reality system and will
its ASU) launched an Unmanned Aviation complement the Airbus Helicopters fleet
Support Group with a team of trained Special operated by NPAS.
Constabulary Officers and one regular The role of the police aviation in the UK
police officer holding Civil Aviation Authority has not changed in supporting the authorities
licences. on the ground by way of surveillance,
The forces of Cambridgeshire, Bedfordshire assisting in emergencies, tracking fugitives
and Hertfordshire conducted a successful and investigating crimes or accidents. The
nine-month trial of UAVs and subsequently constantly evolving technology in airframes
introduced them into service in June 2016. and sensor technology over the decades is
In July 2017, the Devon and Cornwall and The Spectrolab SX-16 searchlight mounted on NPAS also helping to preserve law and order for
the Dorset Police launched the UK’s first H135s has 30 million candle power. now and the future. AI

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Blue Flag
Riccardo Niccoli visited Ovda Air Base in southern Israel to discover what
the multinational exercise Blue Flag has to offer its participants
F-15C Baz 840, marked with three and a half Syrian Air Force roundels each
denoting an aerial victory (two MiG-23s, one MiG-21 and a shared MiG-23)
from the 1980s, on take-off from Ovda Air Base during Exercise Blue Flag
2017. The aircraft is carrying an IAI-Elta electronic countermeasures pod
on station 3. Riccardo Niccoli

One of six F-16I Sufa fighters

deployed to Ovda from 107 ‘Knights
of the Orange Tail’ Squadron’ from
Hatzerim Air Base. Erik Bruijn

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very other year since 2013, the scenarios were written as generic North v specialise in replicating potential enemy’s tactics
Zroa Ha’Avir VeHahalal (Israel Air South engagements. and the flight profiles of enemy fighters. The
and Space Force or IASF) has run Red Squadron is also responsible for operating
Exercise Blue Flag from its Ovda COMAO enemy-style command and control (Ground
Air Base in the Negev Desert. The aim overall was to teach participants how Control Unit or GCU) and anti-aircraft units.
In designing Blue Flag, the IASF drew on to work with other air forces in combined air The ATC’s operating area near the base over
experience gained taking part in similar events operations (COMAO). the Negev includes live-fire ranges, airspace
around the world, such as Red Flag in the Blue forces fought against Red in defensive dedicated to high-altitude supersonic flight
United States, Spring Flag and STAREX in Italy, counter air operations (DCA), attack, and low-flying areas. As well as ground targets,
and Anatolian Eagle in Turkey. suppression and/or destruction of enemy the ranges incorporate surface-to-air missile
The 2017 iteration was the largest international air defences, electronic warfare and special (SAM) threats. In spring 2017, 115 Squadron
exercise ever held in Israel, involving more forces (SF) operations. According to the Israelis, transitioned from the F-16A Netz to the F-16C
than 80 aircraft and in excess of 1,200 military unlike exercises such as Red Flag, Blue Flag Barak, receiving aircraft formerly operated by
personnel from various Israeli units and seven does not pit one nation or group of nations the disbanded 110 Squadron at Ramat David.
foreign air forces, from France, Germany, Greece, against another; the Israeli exercise emphasises Col Itamar, Ovda base commander said:
India, Italy, Poland and the United States. cooperation over competition. “The Blue Flag exercise is a central event in the
For two of these air forces, Germany’s The exercise was planned, arranged and IASF, as part of which we operate and train a
Luftwaffe and India’s Bharatiya Vayu Sena, Blue coordinated by IASF headquarters, together vast aerial force for two consecutive weeks.
Flag marked a first in Israel, while the French with the Advanced Training Center (ATC), at The ability to host seven air forces, train and
Armée de l’Air was back after an interval of some Ovda Air Base. This facility in the southern part debrief together and to cooperate reflects our
61 years; the last time French aircraft operated of Israel, not far from Eilat, is used by the IASF international status and national resilience. In
from Israeli soil was during the 1956 Suez crisis. to carry out advanced combat training. The the world we live in today, a state must have
Given Israel’s closeness to Syria and other ATC was activated in 2005, and is controlled the ability to create coalitions and we want
trouble spots in the Middle East, with NATO, by 115 ‘Flying Dragons’ Squadron, also known to learn from other air forces, strengthen our
Russian, Syrian and other nations engaged as the ‘Red Squadron’. It is the IASF’s dedicated deterrence capability and exhibit the IASF to
in real-world operations nearby, the exercise Red Air resource and its pilots, flying F-16s, our participants.”

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A Siły Powietrzne Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej Block 52+ F-16C taxis by an Israeli Air and Space Force, 122 Squadron, G550 Nahshon-Eitam Conformal Airborne Early
Warning aircraft. This shot shows the conformal cheeks housing antenna of the Elta EL/W-2085 phased array airborne early warning radar. Israel Defence Force

BLUE FLAG 2017 – PARTICIPANT AIRCRAFT The operational phase of the two-week What the participants said
exercise began on November 2, 2017, with a According to Captain Tal, from SAR Unit 669:
Zroa Ha’Avir VeHahalal general briefing for all participants. Every flying “In the exercise, we were placing an emphasis
101 Squadron 6 F-16C Barak day foresaw two main waves of missions, on teamwork and the ability to cooperate
designed to increase in complexity as the with infantry forces on the ground, as well as
103 Squadron 1 C-130J Shimshon* exercise progressed. strengthening the cooperation between the
106 Squadron 7 F-15C and F-15D Baz Crews began with a series of familiarisation combatants and aircrew members in order to
flights and then on November 7 and 8 DCA minimise the helicopters’ time on the ground.
107 Squadron 6 F-16I Sufa missions were introduced. From November One of the main challenges we faced while
115 Squadron 8 F-16C Barak** 9 to 12, the programme included Blue v Blue planning the exercise was the attempt to adapt
missions, with participants judged on their its content to both forces. The Indian unit is
122 Squadron 1 G550 CAEW ability to plan and execute small-scale air different from our SAR Unit 669, but there are
133 Squadron 7 F-15A and F-15B Baz operations against a similar-sized force. many similarities.”
The period November 13 to 15 was Lt Col Nadav, Commander of 133 Squadron,
Armée de l’Air
dedicated to night-time SF operations. which led this year’s Blue Flag exercise, said:
EC.3 5 Mirage 2000D The SF part of the exercise included ground “We began working on the exercise a year ago,
and air missions, such as urban warfare, and in the past four months we focused on it
navigation, and searching for and rescuing almost exclusively. It is a massive exercise of
JG 73 6 EF.2000 downed pilots. They trained alone during the an extent that has never occurred here before
Elliniki Polemiki Aeroporia first week, becoming fully integrated with the and it requires the full attention of everyone
rest of the exercise for the last. involved. As lead squadron, we are responsible
335 Mira 5 Block 52+ F-16C and F-16D Core participants were Indian Air Force Garud for what the participants rehearse, which
Bharatiya Vayu Sena commandos and SAR Unit 669 from Israel, scenarios and missions they perform and what
supported by Indian and Israeli C-130Js and their rules are.
77 Squadron 1 C-130J* UH-60 Black Hawk helicopters. The combat jet “Border protection sorties are very similar to
Aeronautica Militaire aircraft acted as escort and defence assets. air defence, a scenario we rehearse quite a lot
Finally, the last day, November 16, saw a in the IASF. In Blue v Blue, two equally capable
6° Stormo 2 Tornado IDS large force engagement COMAO, the most Blue teams train against one another. This
3 Tornado ECR complex activity to which the earlier exercises scenario requires creativity, long-term thinking
had been leading. and analytical capabilities. It is a battle of minds
Siły Powietrzne Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej
6 ELT 6 Block 52+ F-16C A G550 Nachshon-Shavit Special
Electronic Missions Aircraft, a type
United States Air Force also operated by 122 squadron based
31st Fighter Wing 7 F-16C at Nevatim Air Base, takes off from
Ovda. Erik Bruijn
*Operating from Nevatim Air Base
**Operating as Red Air, including three Baraks on loan
from 109 and 117 Squadrons

Let the games begin

The whole exercise simulates a continuous
combat scenario. Different targets are
attacked every day, and every mission,
successful or not, affects the rest of the
exercise. Missions flown included border
protection, air-to-air battles, and two-sided
Blue v Blue sorties, in which the participating
aircraft are divided into attackers and
defenders and fight each other. About 100
sorties were flown each day, for a total of
about 1,000 flights during the fortnight.

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in which each side needs to think how to beat

its equal opponent. The third scenario drilled in
the exercise is air-to-ground attacks in enemy
territory, while facing SAM and air-to-air threats.”
According to Lt Col Roi, commander of
the Ovda Operations Support Unit: “The main
focuses of the exercise are mutual tactical
learning, to better know each other, to
enhance multinational cooperation and to take
advantage of high quality training, but above all
we want the exercise to be safe.”
Lt Col G from the Aeronautica Militare (Italian
Air Force), said: “The difference between flying
in Israel and flying in Italy is the operational
environment. In Israel, we practise low-altitude
flight against a variety of threats and scenarios
that are very difficult to perform in Italy. The
fact this year’s Blue Flag has a large amount of
countries enables us to share more information,
learn more and improve our capabilities. The
Italian Air Force has already trained a number
of times in Israel, and the current exercise
continues to strengthen our relationships.” Elliniki Polemiki Aeroporia Block 52+ F-16C 001 inside one of the hardened aircraft shelter sites at Ovda Air
According to Lt Col Guy, head of the IASF’s Base. Israel Defence Force
training branch in the IASF Air Division: “The
IASF has two main goals in the exercise: the first Very important for such a complex exercise threats included an Air Defence Command
is to improve the operational readiness of all is the best use of the limited airspace in Israel. (ADC) Patriot PAC-3 Yahalom battery and man
air forces involved via a quality mutual training All airspace over the country is under military portable air defence systems. This was the first
experience, while creating a fertile ground for control to ensure deconfliction between time that ADC had participated in Blue Flag.
mutual learning; the second is to show the world military and civilian traffic and also to identify Red and Blue Forces’ air-to-air and air-to-
that the IASF is an advanced, strong and leading intruders more easily. Blue Flag 2017 had ground missions were controlled by separate
force, improving Israel’s international status as a access to the airspace south of a line Tel Aviv– GCUs while airborne command and control
result. We see each participant as an ambassador. Jerusalem down to Eilat. The skies north of was provided by a Gulfstream G550 CAEW
All the teams we wanted to participate are that line, close to Lebanon and Syria, were out from 122 Squadron.
participating. It’s pretty exciting to see all these of bounds. The northern part of the exercise The whole exercise was coordinated by the
kinds of aircraft flying here. Blue Flag is unique area was named Blue Country, the southern Air Boss, a Colonel from IASF headquarters, but
because it’s happening in Israel. Not a lot of Red Country. Over most of the training areas the mission commanders were chosen from
nations can host multilateral exercises like this at there were no restrictions on height or speed; pilots of the various participant contingents on
such a level. Everyone is training pretty hard, and low flying is a key part of Blue Flag. a rotating basis.
it gets a bit harder each day.” Jordan cooperated with the Israeli
authorities by allowing flights inbound to Mission accomplished
Where there’s a will… Eilat to be rerouted into its airspace for the We’ll give the last word to Israel Air and
Another aspect of the exercise, underlined by duration of Blue Flag. Limitations to civil air Space Force Chief of International Affairs
the Israelis, was the full immersion of all the traffic were applied for about three hours Lt Col Richard, who says apropos of Blue
participants in common activities. They not each day while each 90-minute fast-jet flying Flag: “People are seeing there is a lot to learn
only briefed, debriefed and flew together but exercise was in the air. The GCU at Ovda was from Israel. In our tiny airspace and in the
also messed and socialised as a group in a spirit responsible for traffic separation, as well as environment around us, things are so intense.
of mutual cooperation and respect for the controlling exercise traffic. It also provided The Russians are here. Many of the world’s air
others’ knowledge. One of the main problems air traffic control for other local traffic and forces are passing through here on their way to
to arise was the relatively poor English of some ground control interception for the Red operations in Syria and elsewhere in the region,
of the participants – not everyone involved is forces. Red Air was provided by 115 Squadron, so we provide a sort of battle lab in which
a pilot – but even this hurdle was surmounted sometimes augmented by other Israeli F-16s forces can hone a spectrum of skills needed to
with a determined attitude. or F-15s on loan from the Blue forces. Ground combat growing threats.” AI

C-130J Super Hercules KC-3806 was the first Indian military aircraft to
participate in Israel’s Exercise Blue Flag. Israel Defence Force

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Icelandair operates 25 Boeing 757-200s and a single 757-300. Its 757s have all been updated
with new cabins and connectivity and the Scimitar Blended Winglets, visible here in this shot of
TF-FIS (c/n 26245) departing Birmingham Airport in October 2017. Dave Sturges/AirTeamImages

hirty-five years after the Boeing 757 for DHL (including DHL Air UK at Nottingham twin-engine operations clearance and 3,900
entered service the type remains East Midlands Airport, EAT Leipzig, DHL Latin nautical miles (7,200km) range, rising to 4,100
very well used. According to data America in Fort Lauderdale and Blue Dart in nautical miles (7,600km) with winglets.
from Airfleets, 689 remained in Chennai) between them operate 35. By having more seats than 737/A320-size
service as of November 2017, which Other major operators are Icelandair (25 single-aisles but fewer than the smallest
is almost two-thirds of the 1,049 examples 757-200s and one 757-300), the Thomas Cook twin-aisle widebodies such as A330s or
(913 757-200s, 80 757-200PFs, 55 757-300s Group (ten 757-300s with Condor in Germany 787s, airlines can use 757s to manage high
and one 757-200M) built from 1983 to 2005. and five with UK-based Thomas Cook Airlines) passenger flows on popular trunk routes. This
Large network airlines in the United States and the TUI Group (14 757-200s). explains why the US majors operate 757s on
are the biggest operators. Delta Air Lines key transcontinental services; American, for
currently has 124, United Airlines has 77 Midsize capacity and range example, operates the aircraft between New
and American Airlines has 36. Major cargo So many 757s remain operational because York and Los Angeles and San Francisco and
carriers have big fleets, too. FedEx Express the aircraft has a useful combination of on routes from Dallas Fort Worth.
operates 109 757-200SFs, UPS Airlines has capabilities. It has midsize capacity (200–280 The 757’s range enables it to fly
75 and the various carriers worldwide flying seats, depending on configuration), extended intercontinental services, too. The European

70 | www.airinternational.com

The Boeing 757 is a workhorse for many airlines and is set to remain so,
but what might eventually replace it? Mark Broadbent reports

operators such as Thomas Cook and TUI have to head with Icelandair’s Reykjavik–Dallas an alternative transfer hub between the two
long used 757s in this way, flying to Caribbean Fort Worth flight, also operated with 757s. continents. The 757’s range enables the airline
and US East Coast destinations. More notably, The two carriers using the 757 on the same to serve long-haul routes on both continents,
some carriers use 757s on thin routes across route offers further proof of how the type but to do so with an appropriate seat count. As
the Atlantic, the links between large hubs and is right-sized for routes between long-haul the airline’s Chief Executive Officer Birkir Holm
secondary airports where demand means a secondary destinations and how it lets airlines Gudnason Gunnarson told AIR International:
larger widebody would be uneconomical. access markets they couldn’t otherwise “They fit us perfectly.”
For example, Open Skies and La Compagnie feasibly serve. The 757’s size/range configuration also suits
operate 757s from Paris to New York, and The 757 becoming a mainstay of Icelandair’s cargo operators. According to UPS Airlines, the
American and United use the type on routes to fleet – the carrier has expanded the number freighter can haul 15 containers on its main
Europe from New York Newark. it operates by five times since 2008 – is itself deck up to a maximum payload of 86,900lb
In November 2017, American announced it another interesting case study of the type’s (39,417kg) over 1,950 miles (3,057km),
would introduce 757-200s on a new seasonal capabilities. Icelandair, which now serves 46 complementing the smaller freighters used
route, starting in June 2018, from Dallas Fort destinations in North America and Europe, regionally and the larger widebody types used
Worth to Reykjavik. The service will go head has a strategy of making its Reykjavik base on intercontinental routes.

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Upgrades Comparisons such as these underpin the What can replace it?
The 757’s versatility is a key reason why lots efforts to trim the 757’s operational costs, Despite the upgrades to keep the aircraft
remain in service, despite its advancing years. one of which is the introduction by Aviation fresh, the 757’s increasing age nevertheless
Although United has rationalised its 757 fleet Partners Boeing (APB) of Scimitar Blended raises a question: what will replace it?
in recent years (60 of the FedEx 757-200SF Winglets (SBWs) as a retrofit option. Boeing doesn’t have a natural successor to
fleet are converted ex-United aircraft) and Blended Winglets were created by APB the 757 in its portfolio. The closest in range
American in 2017 phased out 17 jets inherited in the late 1990s to optimise airflow around is the 3,515 nautical mile-capable (6,510km)
from the US Airways merger, these two a Boeing airliner’s wing by reducing the 737 MAX 9 and the closest in seating is the
carriers and Delta each have no immediate induced drag caused by wingtips disrupting 230-seat 737 MAX 10, launched at the Paris Air
plans to phase out the type completely. the circulation of air between the tips and the Show 2017.
The cargo carriers are also set to use outboard airflow. The devices were certified Airbus argues its A321 does the job.
the aircraft well into the future. FedEx only for the 757-300 in 2003 and for the 757- Payload/range charts in Airbus’ Aircraft
introduced the 757F a decade ago to replace 200 in 2005, since when most 757s used for Characteristics for Airport Planning document
the 727F and that process was only completed passenger operations have been retrofitted show an A321neo with a 93,500kg (206,132lb)
in 2013. Icelandair says the 737 MAX 8s and 737 with them. maximum take-off weight will be capable
MAX 9s it will receive from 2018 to 2021 will The SBW was introduced in 2013 to of 3,900 nautical mile (7,222km) routes, a
complement rather than replace the 757s, the optimise the winglet’s performance. It comparable performance with a 757 flying
respective 162 to 178-seat and 178 to 193-seat replaces the Blended Winglet’s aluminium transcontinental services.
capacities of these aircraft slotting in beneath cap with a sharply swept-back tip and adds Tellingly, some key 757 users have
their bigger stablemate. an aerodynamic trailing-edge wedge (which purchased A321s in large numbers: American
Reflecting the commitment to the 757, also has a scimitar tip) to the lower part of the operates 98 A321ceos and has ordered 100
investments in the jet continue. American has winglet. APB claims the SBW on a 757-200 A321neos, while Delta has placed orders
introduced a new cabin with lie-flat business reduces fuel burn by an extra 1.1% over the totalling 122 A321ceos. Both are using the
class seats and wi-fi connectivity for 757s Blended Winglet, meaning an SBW-equipped type on the transcontinental routes, which
used on European and Latin American routes, 757’s fuel burn is now 6% more fuel-efficient have been the 757’s bread and butter.
while Delta and United are installing new than a 757 without winglets. Airbus also has the new A321LR variant of
slimline seats. Icelandair has modernised its Icelandair began retrofitting 757s with the A321neo that when a third fuel tank is
757 cabins with new seats, LED lighting and SBWs early in 2017 and all its 26 aircraft were activated will be able to fly routes of 4,000
Global Eagle Entertainment satcom systems due to have been modified by the end of the nautical miles (7,408km) with 206 passengers.
offering passengers gate-to-gate wi-fi year. United, which previously put SBWs on The company says the A321LR will therefore
connectivity (the first European airliners so its 737NGs, is also retrofitting its 757s with the be able to fly those niche thin intercontinental
equipped). devices. services the 757 serves. Norwegian, Aer Lingus
The 757’s engines (either Rolls-Royce Upgrades are also available for the 757’s and Air Transat will be among future A321LR
RB211-1535E4/RB211-1535E4Bs or Pratt & flight deck. Rockwell Collins and Boeing operators.
Whitney PW2040s/PW2043s) are increasingly offer a flight deck retrofit that replaces six However, none of these options is an exact
inefficient, compared to the new generation cathode ray tube displays with three 15.1- like-for-like replacement. The 737 MAX 9
of powerplants now entering service. inch (383mm) LCD screens and analogue won’t be able to fly as far, the 737 MAX 10
Icelandair’s Q3 2017 earnings presentation instruments with new systems that boost has less capacity and the A321LR’s 206-seat
includes a telling graph that says its new 737 situational awareness including an engine- maximum capacity is slightly down on the
MAXs will burn 20% less fuel per seat and 35% indicating and crew-alerting system and a 757’s 200 seats-plus capability, although it will
less fuel per hour than its 757s. head-up guidance system. match the 757 for range.

The Boeing 757 has seen continued investment including installing Blended
Winglets as seen here on 757-200F G-DHKB (c/n 29312), pictured in November
2017, which is operated by DHL Air. 4x6zk-moni shafir/AirTeamImages

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All these factors, together with the 757’s age, point. A small, stubby little light twin[-aisle] Richard Aboulafia continued: “Boeing has
have led to the battle lines for a new midsize will inherently be less efficient than a single- two big challenges. The first is to create a
airliner custom designed for the segment aisle aircraft, and we have a comfortable twin-aisle jet with near single-aisle operating
becoming more sharply drawn recently. single-aisle aircraft with good range.” and manufacturing economics. The second
At the ISTAT Americas conference 2017, The caveat ‘at this point’ suggests a new challenge is to convince airlines to pay a
industry players said they had been shown a midsize product is not completely off the premium, and they hope it’s a slight one, for a
concept for a new midsize Boeing dubbed agenda, however, and conceivably Airbus more capable jet. I expect Boeing has its hands
the 797 by some (although Boeing itself does could deliberately be adopting a wait-and-see full right now trying to make all this work.
not refer to it as such), resulting from the approach to observe Boeing’s mid-market “Could Airbus do its own twin-aisle jet? There’s
company’s ongoing New Mid-market Airplane decisions before further developing the A321 a chance of that. They have a much clearer R&D
(NMA) studies. or producing its own clean-sheet design. roadmap. Boeing’s R&D spend is fully committed
A presentation on airliner programmes The European company recently taking through 2021, with 777X and others, while Airbus
during the subsequent Paris Air Show by the majority stake in the Bombardier C Series has few obligations after this year.”
Mike Delaney, Vice-President, Airplane could be significant in that it potentially The companies’ actions to develop a true
Development, slightly lifted the veil on opens an opportunity for Airbus to use the successor to the 757 are likely to be a key
Boeing’s thinking. A slide depicted an Canadian aircraft’s newer technologies and part of the rivalry between Airbus and Boeing
undesignated twin-engine aircraft around the big promises of savings on fuel burn and in the years ahead. AI
250 seats mark, positioned between the 737 operational costs in an all-new midsize
MAX 10 and the smallest Dreamliner, the 787- product.
8, exactly where the 757 sits.
Delaney’s presentation cited a 2025 The race is on
service entry if an NMA were launched. The Teal Group Vice-President of Analysis Richard
timescales involved in developing a new Aboulafia thinks the mid-market segment
airliner, from design through parts fabrication, to succeed the 757, “is going to be a very
assembly, testing and certification, suggest a interesting race”.
2018 or 2019 launch should an NMA get the He told AIR International: “The A321neo’s
go-ahead. economics will be tough to beat, and a re-
Airbus seems conscious of the threat posed winged A322 or just an improved A321neo-
by a possible new midsize Boeing. A May plus would be even better in terms of
2017 Reuters report citing unnamed sources capabilities. However, a Boeing 797
said the company was investigating further would have unbeatable capabilities,
A321 improvements to create what has been and of course it would be a much
termed an A321neo-plus. Reports online also more modern airframe. So far,
speculate about Airbus launching a fresh the market has preferred
midsize product, dubbed the A322 by some single-aisle jets for
observers. routes in this size
Airbus’ outgoing Chief Operating Officer class.
Customers John Leahy has said a new Airbus
midsize product isn’t a priority, telling the
company’s 2017 Annual Press Conference: “I
don’t see any real need for an A322 at this

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Carrier air wi
Heard of the UK’s new carrier HMS Queen Elizabeth and the F-35B Lightning II fighter,
but what about a UK carrier air wing? Ian Harding has, and visited Royal Naval Air
Station Culdrose to see it in action

ith a new era of carrier able to deliver our part in this, we need to to relearn some of the carrier lessons we
aviation on the horizon, Royal ensure our personnel have the right skills have lost. It brought us closer together as a
Naval Air Station Culdrose in and mindsets required for aircraft carrier naval air station as we practised those skills
Cornwall recently launched operations. Culdrose will provide the vast operating with fixed and rotary-wing aircraft.
its first exercise to ensure majority of the aircrew for the carrier task With HMS Queen Elizabeth operating close
the station is carrier ready. Held between group that will protect the carrier alongside to Culdrose, our job as the carrier air wing
November 13 and 22, 2017, Exercise Kernow Type 45 destroyers, Type 23 and Type 26 was to work up the aircrew, engineers and
Flag (Kernow is Cornish for Cornwall) was a frigates, submarines and the new RFA class all the support functions to ensure we can
ten-day exercise aimed at preparing it further tankers. During the ten-day exercise, we launch and recover aircraft on time. This will
for operations on board HMS Queen Elizabeth flew over 600 hours around the clock, in five ensure the ship is fit for purpose and can
(R08), the Royal Navy’s brand-new flagship different aircraft types operating with ships deliver whatever effect is required on time.
aircraft carrier. Kernow Flag was staged while and submarines in order to prove our carrier Kernow Flag was less about the operational
HMS Queen Elizabeth was underway during abilities. Throughout Kernow Flag, the air aspects of the aircraft and how specific tactics
two months of sea trials. station operated as if it was on board HMS are performed – our squadrons understand
Queen Elizabeth, and tested all aspects, from their specialist roles well – and more
Home to carrier aviation engineering to the supply chain through to about changing operational cultures and
Employing over 3,000 personnel, Culdrose the front end of flying.” behaviours.”
has a crucial role to play training aircrew, flight Following the loss of the Harrier GR9s
deck operators and other carrier support staff, Carrier culture and therefore a fixed-wing carrier capability
as well as providing aircraft to support future Discussing Kernow Flag with AIR International, in 2010, Fleet Air Arm rotary-wing carrier
carrier operations. Commanding Officer of Culdrose Operations Officer and Exercise operations have been very different. There
Royal Naval Air Station Culdrose Captain Dan Control (EXCON) Battle Force Commander are certain space limitations and operational
Stembridge, a naval aviator with extensive Lieutenant Commander Craig Whitson- constraints that apply aboard a carrier when
experience of carrier operations on the Sea Fay said the event took a year to plan and fixed and rotary assets are combined that do
Harrier FA2 and F/A-18E Super Hornets from represented a major undertaking involving not apply when operating from a land base
US Navy super carriers, explained: “RNAS aircrew, engineers, flight deck operators, fire or a single-spot ship. In these situations, the
Culdrose is essential to the delivery of the crews, logistics, chefs, administration staff rotary component has more operational
UK’s carrier strike capability. For us to be and contractors: “The exercise enabled us freedom and latitude.

Merlin HM2s prepare to touch down on HMS Seahawk’s flight deck attended by Royal Navy flight deck handlers. All photos Ian Harding unless stated

74 | www.airinternational.com

wing work-up

An F-35 Ground Training Aid (GTA) is towed into position on deck by Royal Navy flight deck handlers. Built of fibre-glass, GTAs are dubbed faux fighters and enable
handlers to get used to the size and weight of a real F-35B; each GTA is fitted with water tanks to simulate fuel and weapons loads between 16 and 24 tonnes. Four
are assigned to the School of Flight Deck Operations.

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Lt Cdr Whitson-Fay explained: “Operations operational perspective: “The important part and 829 NAS flying the Merlin HM2, the Sea
to and from the flight deck are constrained of this exercise was testing and experiencing King ASaC7-equipped 849 NAS, Hawk T1As
and tightly controlled to the minute, so that the time-critical elements first hand. It all from 736 NAS and Avenger T1s from 750
fixed and rotary-wing assets can operate in starts with the daily flight programme. If NAS. Aircrew from all four Merlin squadrons
the same space. We have a whole generation fixed-wing movements are scheduled [Hawk were pooled, as they will be during carrier
of good naval aviators who are not used T1As], rotary assets cannot move from the operations. Ships assigned to Flag Officer
to operating within such tight constraints. deck at the same time. Our operating time Sea Training operating in training areas of the
Kernow Flag was about us relearning on deck is therefore limited, because of their south coast, a Walrus-class submarine from
the lessons of old, operating within tight [fixed-wing] long take-off and departure the Royal Netherlands Navy, and Royal Navy
constraints, starting with the basic steps of profile. In general, we would be able to fast patrol boats were also involved. Some
departing and arriving back on time, to the operate from the deck approximately ten anti-submarine warfare (ASW) serials involved
minute. minutes either side of fixed-wing aircraft. Dutch NH90 NFH helicopters that were
“A key element of the exercise was to “We therefore apply the procedures deployed to Culdrose to conduct deep-water
create complexity and extra confusion that used during land-based or single-spot ship ASW training.
the ship’s personnel will encounter as they operations. In terms of our [rotary-wing]
aim to meet the carrier and their squadron’s planning and briefing, for an average sortie Objectives
flight programmes, plus the objectives of the we brief 75 minutes prior to launch. With 30 A sense of realism was at the heart of the
specific operation they are supporting. All minutes to go, we walk to the aircraft. For three exercise objectives: achieve 350 flying
three elements must come together for the a more complicated sortie the brief may be hours during the period; achieve 60% aircraft
ship to operate and function, but it’s not just done further in advance, and that brief can serviceability across engineering; and only
about aviation; maintenance and engineering itself take some hours to prepare. operate using a similar deployed stores pack
must also work effectively. Logistics, supplies “During Kernow Flag, we received a strict used on current deployments. This tested both
and administration must be tested and time slot for departure, and if we couldn’t engineering capability and the supply chain
personnel need to eat. meet that time for any reason, communication to ensure they fit and function correctly, so
“Without these elements working together guidelines were stringently applied to personnel could adjust and react to life aboard
there is no aviation capability. We therefore maintain deck safety. For future carrier a carrier and second-guess scenarios.
set out our daily plan, worked out where the operations, we would talk directly with the It was essential for a live exercise to take
conflicts of interest were and aligned them flight coordinator in the operations room place so the results and lessons learned could
so that aircraft could leave and arrive back on who would then decide if we should stand be closely scrutinised to help determine the
time.” down or if our flight will be rescheduled. This correct number of Merlin helicopters required
process was simulated at Culdrose using a given the number assigned to overseas
New generation separate communications channel within our operations, developmental testing and in
Lt Nick Allen, a Merlin pilot assigned to 820 own squadron. Our designated operations planned maintenance. Nine Merlin HM2s were
Naval Air Squadron (NAS) and one of the new personnel then called it in with exercise assigned to Kernow Flag; the Fleet Air Arm has
generation of aircrew to benefit from the control, who then took the decision whether a fleet of 30.
exercise, was one of the first pilots to land to depart or stand down.”
a Merlin on HMS Queen Elizabeth during Command and control
recent sea and deck trials. He previously Aviation Nerve centre for Kernow Flag was EXCON,
flew from HMS Ocean (L12) and explained Every front-line squadron based at Culdrose with the primary role of replicating planning
the importance of Kernow Flag from an participated in Kernow Flag: 814, 820, 824 and decision-making functions undertaken

“During the ten-day exercise, we flew over 600 hours around

the clock, in five different aircraft types operating with
ships and submarines in order to prove our carrier abilities.”
Commanding Officer of Royal Naval Air Station Culdrose, Captain Dan Stembridge

A typical flight deck scene of the future

with Merlin HM2s and an F-35, in this
case a Ground Training Aid.

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tasking during the first week included basic

simulated deck operations, fast jet air defence
serials, winching, USL lifts and combined anti-
submarine exercise (CASEX) serials. Operational
tempo further increased over the weekend
when Merlin and Sea King ASaC7s conducted
SAR and winching exercises with four P2000
patrol boats and large-scale inert CASEX
missions. Two Merlin HM2s operating in unison
as a dip-gang, a reference to the type’s primary
ASW role, hunting for an inert submarine using
a Lockheed Mk39 EMATT (Expendable Mobile
ASW Training Target). This is a programmable
unmanned underwater vehicle (UUV) used to
simulate the acoustic and magnetic signatures
of a submarine for ASW training. An EMATT
UUV can be programmed on predetermined
nautical headings, to change route, speed up,
slow down and emit different sounds just as a
live submarine would to disguise its presence.
The latest version of the Mk39 has a maximum
speed of 8kts (14km/h) and can operate to
depths of 600ft (183m) with an endurance
of up to ten hours, depending on the speed
Two F-35B Ground Training Aids, a Merlin HM2 and two Sea Harrier FA2s on the dummy deck, dubbed HMS programmed.
Seahawk, during Exercise Kernow Flag. Royal Naval Air Station Culdrose photo section/Royal Navy Week two featured a SWARMEX, a swarm
exercise, involving multiple jet skis and small
by a Battle Watch team in conjunction with embarkation on to an aircraft carrier at sea; fast boats attacking a ship underway in
its air operations centre. The Battle Watch six Merlin HM2s, two Sea King ASaC7s, four Falmouth Bay countered by Merlin helicopters
team had responsibility for delivering a daily Hawk T1As and one Avenger T1 performed a armed with M3M machine guns to repel the
flying programme within the evolving exercise formation fly past over the aircraft carrier HMS swarm, which in a real scenario could involve
scenario. EXCON also ensured key personnel Seahawk (RNAS Culdrose), before elements jet skis and fast boats each packed with high
were able to continually assess and appraise of the rotary-wing contingent landed on a explosives.
the Task Group’s position relative to the set dummy flight deck. Another large-scale CASEX involved
objectives, and to identify and learn lessons as Awaiting them were Royal Navy flight Dutch NH90s and Merlin HM2s working
the exercise progressed. deck handlers, all initially trained at Culdrose cooperatively to hunt and strike the Dutch
Forward planning on a rolling 72-hour basis, and presently training on board HMS Queen Walrus-class submarine.
EXCON was also responsible for booking Elizabeth. The dummy deck used for the
aircraft, helicopters, airspace and ensuring exercise is a permanent facility used by the Acid test
communications and frequencies were Royal Navy School of Flight Deck Operations Kernow Flag was a demanding exercise
maintained to enable the ship’s company to based at Culdrose. Each year, the school trains designed to test man, machine and processes.
complete its tasks. over 2000 personnel in flight deck operations The ten-day event represented the next stage
Lt Cdr Whitson-Fay spoke about the in a realistic confined environment using both of the ongoing process of carrier development
preparedness to deal with emergencies that ground training aircraft, which include F-35 by Royal Naval Air Station Culdrose. Primarily
can arise aboard a ship: “Aircraft become replica aircraft, and live Sea Harrier FA2s. about developing operational culture and
unserviceable and a solution must be found. Mission intensity grew as the simulated war behaviour, its acid test will be the lessons
The key is ensuring everyone gets the right developed. Week one saw basic flying and deck learned by both the Fleet Air Arm and the
information at the right time to take action. activity indicative of a carrier air wing making Royal Navy and a clearer view of the future.
Whatever the situation, we task the most preparations for combat. Programme and AI
appropriate assets to meet the threat, taking
account of the variables at the time. If it’s a
submarine threat, our Merlin’s will be tasked;
if there is an increased air threat, our Sea King
ASaC7s [Crowsnest-equipped Merlin HM2s
in the future] supported by our jets [F-35B
Lightning IIs in the future] will do that; if it’s a
surface threat, then tasking may comprise a
combination of types.”
EXCON’s planning for Kernow Flag included
a variety of potential mission eventualities
with interaction from air, surface and sub-
surface assets, so the future Task Group could
anticipate repelling an aggressive force to
stabilise a region.
While ASW and anti-surface warfare
missions involving Merlin and Sea Kings
featured prominently, other important types
of missions were practised. These were air
defence, humanitarian assistance, search
and rescue using patrol boats, vertical
replenishment, replenishment at sea,
underslung load (USL) lifts and manoeuvres to
deter jet ski attacks.

Action stations
On day one, multiple aircraft departed
Culdrose at 11:00hrs to simulate a mass A Merlin HM2 assigned to 820 Naval Air Squadron with HMS Queen Elizabeth titles.

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Second lives
Mark Broadbent profiles some of the latest developments in the
expanding area of passenger-to-freighter conversions

This Boeing 767-300BDSF, N331AZ (c/n 24875), pictured on approach to Cincinnati in October 2017, is an IAI Bedek-converted 767 freighter operated for
Amazon Prime Air. Growing e-commerce and a plentiful feedstock of aircraft are stimulating demand for conversions. Jehan Ghouse/AirTeamImages

lot is happening in the passenger- conversions for legacy A330-200s and A330- According to EFW, the A330-300P2F will
to-freighter (P2F) conversions 300s. The agreement involved ST Aerospace carry up to 61,000kg (134,500lb) with a 526m3
market right now. December leading engineering development and EFW (18,581ft3) volume, providing capacity for 26 96
saw the first completed A330P2F leading the industrial phase, with Airbus x 125-inch (2.4 x 3.1m) unit load devices (ULDs)
conversion from the Airbus, ST providing OEM data and certification support. or 26 88 x 125-inch (2.2 x 3.1m) main deck
Aerospace and Elbe Flugzeugwerke (EFW) The first two conversions are A330-300P2Fs ULDs. On the lower deck, the aircraft will carry
collaboration delivered to a customer. for DHL Express, which has ordered eight 32 LD3s or nine 96 x 125-inch ULDs and two
This milestone will be followed in 2018 by examples (it has options on ten more). EgyptAir 88 x 125-inch ULDs.
the same partnership starting work on the Cargo is the launch customer for the A330- The A330-200P2F will carry up to 60,000kg
initial A321P2F conversion. The year is also 200P2F. The first A330-300P2F for DHL was (132,300lb) and have 453m3 (16,016ft3) of
scheduled to see the first deliveries from the converted by EFW in Dresden; it completed volume. Its main deck capacity will be 22 96 x
Boeing 737-800 conversion programmes test flights in October 2017 and entered 125-inch ULDs or 23 88 x 125-inch ULDs, with
run by Boeing and the conversions specialists service in December following European 26 lower deck LD3s (or eight 96 x 125-inch
Aeronautical Engineers Inc (AEI). Aviation Safety Agency approval. This is later ULDs and two LD3s).
All this activity and more is evidence of than initially planned, as when the A330P2F EFW says the A330P2Fs will have up to
a boom in the converted freighters market was launched the target was to deliver the first 30% more volume while using up to 20%
segment and this is growth the industry aircraft in 2016. less fuel per tonne of payload compared
expects will be sustained for many years to Of the two models the A330-300P2F is to the A300-600P2F, which the A330P2F is
come. designed to be, Airbus says: “suitable for designed to replace.
integrators and express carriers, thanks to its The conversion work involves installing
A330P2F high volumetric payload capability with lower- a Class E cargo compartment and linings,
In 2012, a co-operative venture was density cargo. Meanwhile, the A330-200P2F window plugs, a main-deck cargo door on
announced between Airbus, ST Aerospace in will be optimised for higher-density freight and the left-hand side of the fuselage, a new
Singapore and Dresden-based EFW, covering longer-range performance.” reinforced floor grid and panels, a cargo

78 | www.airinternational.com

loading system, a 9g barrier net, smoke offers 24 main-deck positions for 88 x 125- orders and commitments for the 767-300BCF
curtain, door surround structures and a inch ULDs. The Israeli company’s product since launching the conversion back in 2005.
courier area. The conversion also deactivates offers a total structural payload of 125,200lb All Nippon Airways was the first operator in
doors two, three and four, installs new smoke (56,699kg) for winglet-equipped aircraft 2008. The 767-300BCF commitments include
detection and air distribution systems, and or 128,200lb (58,150kg) for those without an order for nine jets placed in 2016 by Atlas
upgrades water and waste systems, hydraulics winglets. The 767-300BDSF complements IAI Air, one of three companies that fly 767
and lighting. Bedek’s other 767 P2F conversion, the 767- freighters for Amazon Prime Air, the others
200BDSF for 767-200s/767-200ERs, which being ABX Air and Air Transport International.
767 conversions carries a typical load of 19 88 x 125-inch ULDs Other 767s operated for Prime Air include
A direct competitor for the A330P2F in the and offers a maximum take-off weight of up Bedek-converted 767-300BDSFs.
midsize market segment is the converted to 351,000lb (159,210kg).
Boeing 767-300/767-300ER. There are The 767-300BDSF/767-200BDSF A320/A321P2F
currently two conversion options for this conversions are carried out by Bedek in Tel The current activity in the conversions market
aircraft: Boeing’s own 767-300BCF (Boeing Aviv. The 767-300BCF work is undertaken does not just involve widebodies. Right now,
Converted Freighter) and the 767-300BDSF for Boeing by ST Aerospace in Singapore Airbus, ST Aerospace and EFW are in addition
(Bedek Special Freighter) conversion offered and, from 2018, by Evergreen Aviation to the A330P2F working on the A320/A321P2F
under a supplemental type certificate (STC) Technologies Corporation in Taiwan, which conversion programme launched at the 2015
by IAI Bedek, the maintenance, repair and previously converted three 747-400Fs into Paris Air Show.
overhaul and conversions arm of Israel the 747-400LCFs used to transport 787 The A320P2F will have 11 main-deck ULD
Aerospace Industries. fuselage subassemblies to the Dreamliner positions and carry 21,000kg (46,297lb)
Boeing’s 767-300BCF has 24 positions for assembly lines. over 2,100 nautical miles (3,889km) and the
88 x 125-inch ULDs on the main deck and George Alabí, Regional Director, Product A321 P2F will have 14 main-deck positions,
can lift approximately 114,500lb (51,930kg) Marketing, Boeing Commercial Airplanes, told a 27,000kg (59,524lb) payload and 1,900
of payload. IAI Bedek’s 767-300BDSF also AIR International that Boeing has received 33 nautical miles (3,158km) range.

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Conversions of A320s and

A321s will be carried out by
an ST Aerospace, EFW and
Airbus partnership. Airbus

“We will be able to induct an A321 to our facility in the third quarter of 2018.”
ST Aerospace
This conversions for the aircraft will install lower-lobe compartments. Modifications The cargo door will be hydraulically operated
a cargo door on the forward fuselage, a required to convert a 737-800 into a and actuated from the inside of the aircraft
Class E main deck cargo compartment and freighter include installing a large main-deck by an independent system using hydraulic
a 9g rigid cargo/smoke barrier, window cargo door, a cargo-handling system and pressure drawn from either an electrically
plugs and a reinforced floor grid and floor accommodation for up to four non-flying operated hydraulic pump or a manual hand
panels. Doors 2R, 3L, 3R, 4L and 4R will be crew members or passengers. pump. There will be a reinforced floor, a single
deactivated and mechanically locked and, like Alabí told AIR International: “[The 737- vent door system, cabin windows replaced
the A330P2F, there will be upgraded hydraulic, 800BCF] offers freighter operators newer with lightweight aluminium window plugs, a 9g
fire protection, lighting, air distribution and technology, lower fuel consumption and rigid cargo/smoke barrier with a sliding door, a
cockpit systems. better reliability.” Its higher payload capability relocated digital flight data recorder enabling
Airbus says advantages of the A320/ and longer range compared to a converted an 84.5-inch (2.1m) ceiling height throughout
A321P2F will include a more useable volume 737 Classic will, he said, improve cargo the cargo compartment and stretch-formed
and compatibility with the A330P2F enabling operators’ ability to open new markets. fuselage skins.
crews to move across fleets and airlines to Boeing’s 737-800BCF conversion provides The IAI Bedek 737-800 P2F conversion is
carry out mixed-fleet flying. competition for two separate third-party the 737-800BDSF, which offers three different
An ST Aerospace spokesperson told AIR products from AEI and IAI Bedek, which both configuration options: 11 88 x 125-inch ULDs
International: “[The company is] confident we hold STCs to convert 737-800s. and one 79 x 60.4-inch (2 x 1.5m) ULD; 11 88
will be able to induct an A321 to our facility in Miami-based AEI announced its 737-800SF x 108-inch ULDs and one 79 x 60.4-inch ULD;
the third quarter [of 2018]”, to start work on programme in 2015. The company’s product or nine 88 x 125-inch ULDs and one smaller
the first conversion, ready for delivery in 2019. sits alongside its other STCs for 737 Classics: ULD and a single pallet. The brochure for the
an 11-pallet conversion for the 737-400, 737-800BDSF quotes a 53,000lb (20,040kg)
Boeing 737-800 ten-pallet and nine-pallet conversions for payload.
In 2018, Boeing will deliver its first 737-800BCF, the 737-300 and an eight-pallet option for The first 737-800SF is due to be delivered
which since its February 2016 launch has the 737-200. AEI also offers eight-pallet and by AEI to the conversion’s launch customer,
secured 30 firm orders and 25 commitments, 12-pallet conversions for the Bombardier GECAS, in 2018. The lessor has ordered 20
mainly from Chinese carriers, including CRJ200 and the MD-80 respectively. conversions from AEI and it is also the launch
YTO Airlines and China Postal Airlines. The The AEI 737-800SF conversion will install customer for Boeing’s 737-800BCF. The
conversions will take place at Boeing Shanghai an 86 x 140-inch (2.1 x 3.5m) cargo door on initial 737-800SF, last operated by Corendon
Aviation Services and STAECO in Jinan. the left side of the fuselage and modify the Airlines in Turkey, was handed over by GECAS
The 737-800BCF is designed to carry up main deck to a Class E cargo compartment to AEI in Miami in May 2016. Altogether, AEI
to 52,800lb (23,949kg) of cargo on 2,023 able to carry 11 88 x 125-inch ULD and up has secured 80 orders for the 12-pallet 737-
nautical mile (3,750km) routes. The aircraft to five supernumerary seats. Compared to 800SF. The first aircraft from an agreement
has 12 ULD positions, with 5,000ft3 (141.5m3) the 52,800lb payload capability of Boeing’s with an undisclosed customer, covering
of cargo space on the main deck. There is a in-house 737-800BCF, the AEI 737-800SF will 15 aircraft plus 15 options, is due to start
further 1,540ft3 (43.7m3) of capacity in two offer a 52,000lb (23,587kg) main deck payload. conversion in 2018 for delivery in 2019.

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Market trends
In short, there’s a lot of activity in the
conversions market. What explains it? A couple
of trends are coalescing. Despite the choppy
state of the air cargo market in recent years,
the continued expansion in e-commerce –
reflected by Amazon launching Prime Air – is
stimulating freighter demand.
This trend isn’t likely to change, Boeing’s
George Alabí told AIR International: “Increased
demand is projected to continue in the
coming years, as express carriers bolster
regional networks to meet e-commerce and
other time-critical air cargo needs.”
A growing feedstock of aircraft reaching the
end of service as passenger airliners is another
trend driving the P2F market. A time has been
reached in the product life cycle of these
aircraft where their residual values have fallen
to a point where it is cost-effective for asset
owners to convert them to freighters.
These background factors seeem as though
they are set to keep the P2F conversions
market buoyant well into the future, according
to the manufacturers. Boeing’s latest Current
Market Outlook out to 2036 predicts demand A view of the interior of the first A330P2F for DHL, which has ordered eight aircraft and has options on ten
for 1,560 conversions (1,100 single-aisles and more. The A330-300P2F will carry up to 61,000kg (134,500lb) of cargo. Airbus
460 widebodies) and Airbus’ latest Global
Market Forecast envisages a requirement for ATSG already have a decade-long relationship product development stage – Boeing’s
1,224 conversions over the next 20 years. working on Precision’s Boeing 757-200PCF marketing material for freighter products
With this long-term potential it is freighter and 757-200PCC passenger/ lists a notional aircraft with a capability to
little wonder there are set to be further freighter combi conversions. carry 165,346–176,369lb (75,000–80,000kg)
developments in the market. In August A further segment of the conversions payloads over a 3,900–4,100-nautical mile
2017, Precision Aircraft Solutions and Air market to monitor is the one for larger twin- (7,200–7,600km) range – and reports over the
Transport Services Group (ATSG) announced aisle widebodies. Previously converted aircraft last couple of years say IAI Bedek is looking at
the formation of 321 Precision Conversion in this size category, such as DC-10s, MD-11s obtaining an STC to convert legacy 777s in the
to offer a P2F option for A321-200s. The and Boeing 747s, are ageing, and older 777- next few years.
new company aims to secure an STC 200 and 777-200ER-series aircraft exiting Any Triple Seven conversions in the future
for its conversion in 2019, which would passenger operations provide a new business would only underline the vitality of the P2F
obviously create competition for the Airbus/ opportunity to replace those veteran types. market in giving airliners second lives as
ST Aerospace/EFW product. Precision and There is a 777-200ER BCF project at the freighters. AI

Boeing launched its 737-800BCF conversion for the 737-800 in 2016, with the conversion
providing competition for AEI’s 737-800SF and IAI Bedek’s 737-800BDSF. Boeing

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s a geographically compact nation remote, small countryside aerodromes and Ruta Nacional (National Road) No.9, running
with small armed forces, Uruguayan highways – far from their main base – are of parallel to the Atlantic Ocean in the eastern
military doctrine emphasises having paramount importance. province of Rocha, just 28km (17 miles) from
a well-trained, volunteer professional the Brazilian border.
workforce (no military service is Strikers on the highway At road marker 306, located 306km (190
available) to maximise utilisation of its limited The FAU’s A-37Bs are Uruguay’s main strike miles) east of downtown Montevideo, is a
equipment and material resources. Therefore, if asset and are assigned to the Escuadrón 6,500ft (2,000m) stretch of highway marked
attacked by a more powerful foe, the country’s Aéreo No.2 (Caza) (Air Squadron No.2/ as 03-21. A wide circular hardstand at either
services defensive plan is to strike back in small Fighters) based at the 2do. Mario Walter end of the runway is available for aircraft to
packs, attempting to cause maximum attrition Parallada Air Base, the home station of park. Aircraft involved were A-37Bs FAU 279
to the enemy, while awaiting assistance from a Brigada Aérea No.2 (Air Brigade No.2) near the (c/n 43304, former US Air Force serial number
friendly nation. Therefore, as part of the Fuerza town of Durazno in central Uruguay, 190km 70-1289) and FAU 282 (c/n 43267, former US
Aérea Uruguaya (FAU or Uruguayan Air Force) (120 miles) north of the capital Montevideo. Air Force serial number 69-6422).
Annual Activity Plan, deployments to operate The latest highway deployment was carried The detachment, comprising 70
its Cessna A-37B Dragonfly attack jets from out between November 6 and 10, 2017, on personnel that included ten pilots and 30

Ernesto Blanco Calcagno reports from a roadside where the
Uruguayan Air Force deployed A-37B Dragonfly jets

82 | www.airinternational.com

non-commissioned officers in charge of

maintenance, refuelling, communications,
logistics, firefighting and security, was led
by Major (Av) Richard Bruno, the squadron
commander. Av stands for Aviador (Aviator).
On the first and last day of the detachment,
air transportation of equipment and personnel
was provided by a CASA C212 Aviocar from
Escuadrón Aéreo No.3 (Transporte) (Air
Squadron No.3/Transport) based at Montevideo,
home station of Brigada Aérea No.1 (Air
Brigade No.1). Liaison duties were carried
out by a Cessna C206H from Escuadrilla de
Enlace (Liaison Squadron) from Brigada Aérea
No.3 based at Boiso Lanza Air Base, the FAU’s
headquarters north of Montevideo.

Highway closures
Three missions were flown each day with the
assistance of the Policía Nacional de Tránsito
(National Transit Police) during ground operations.
Police officers closed the highway to passing cars
and observers for approximately 15 minutes.

ABOVE: After missions, the A-37Bs parked on a circular hardstand at the east end of the runway. All pilots flew
without squadron patches on their flight suits and carried their service issued 9mm pistols.

MAIN PICTURE: Dragonfly FAU 282 lifts off from Ruta 9. Adjacent to the road, in the background,
is the squadron’s communications hut. All Images by Gerardo Tajes

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who can guide the A-37s based on his or her

A technician refuels one of the training on the jet’s full performance facts.
A-37B’s wing tip 75 imperial Interceptions and air combat manoeuvring
gallon tanks over the wing.
were undertaken between the two A-37s;
previously, the adversary was provided by an
IA-58A Pucará twin turboprop.
SAR and combat SAR (CSAR) support for the
A-37 deployment was provided by the FAU’s
Escuadrón Aéreo No.5 (helicópteros) (Air
Squadron No.5/Helicopters) with a Bell 212
Twin Huey and a Bell UH-1H Huey. Downed
pilot simulations were also conducted near
La Paloma, involving an A-37 pilot, who after
bailing out had to walk to a secure location
to be picked up by friendly forces from a safe
landing zone selected by the pilot.
Escuadrón 5 has conducted overseas UN
missions in Ethiopia, Eritrea and presently the
Democratic Republic of Congo with ample
experience of SAR and CSAR tasking.
The operations were performed with a
minimum of two aircraft, the Bell 212 used to
collect the pilot and the Huey as a gunship
escort, armed with two 7.62mm or .50 guns
on either side.
To ensure safe flight operations, personnel Mission details
conducted a road sweep by car, inspecting it Sorties lasted for approximately one hour
for debris before every take-off and landing. each, starting with low-level navigation
Air traffic control service was carried out (below 1,000ft) towards nearby designated
from a hut positioned parallel to the road, fixed ground targets. Simulated attacks and
with VHF radio equipment supplied by the close air support missions were conducted
FAU’s Servicio de Comunicación e Informática with the Ejército Nacional Uruguayo’s
(Communication and IT Service). During each (Uruguayan National Army) Batallón de
mission, the A-37s were under the control Infantería Mecanizada No.12 (Mechanised
of the FAU’s Centro de Operaciones Aéreas Infantry Battalion No.12) based at Rocha.
(COA or Air Operations Centre) located at Battalion No.12 deployed to an area west of
Boiso Lanza Air Base. The COA uses data the port town of La Paloma 97km (60 miles)
received from two ARSR-3D(M) Lanza radar west of the highway strip at marker 306,
units built by Indra Sistemas of Spain; a where the unit used MOWAG Grizzly general-
mobile unit is positioned around the country purpose armoured vehicles as targets for the
as required, and a fixed unit located at Santa A-37s.
Clara de Olimar, northwest of Rocha. Lanza For these combined exercises, Escuadrón 2
is a state-of-the-art system, and part of the nominated a forward air controller, a combat-
FAU’s Sistema de Vigilancia y Control del qualified A-37 pilot, who in radio contact from
Espacio Aéreo (Air Control and Surveillance the ground – and knowledgeable about the
System) that communicates and transmits aircraft performance and weapons delivery
data (including meteorological information) envelope – provided target information and
via HF/GPRS and fibre-optics, assisted by the talk-on to the attacking aircraft.
installation of eight communications relay The Army also provided its own zone
stations, across the country. The FAU’s old controller trained by the Escuadrón de Vuelo
and soon to be retired Dragonflies are not Avanzado (EVA or Advanced Flying Squadron)
equipped with a digital datalink. based in Durazno, who is the only officer

MIDDLE: An FAU UH-1H Huey approaches to land with a C212 Aviocar parked on
the circular section of the road also used by the Dragonflies to park overnight.

BELOW: A-37B FAU 279 flares prior to landing on Ruta Nacional No. 9.

84 | www.airinternational.com

Overhead, the Dragonflies conducted

defensive air patrols, in a racetrack pattern; A-37B FAU 279 seen on short finals to runway 03 on Ruta 9. Pilots new
however, the pattern and heading could to highway operations, were made aware of the possibility of turbulence
created because of the close proximity of a nearby forest.
change if a ground threat towards the jets
was detected or to avoid disclosure of the
probable helicopters position to an enemy
ground observer. Once in contact with the
downed pilot, the para-jumpers on board
the Twin Huey used isolated personal
report (ISOPREP) protocol to verify the
pilot. The report, completed by all military
personnel before deployment to potential
hostile areas, contains full personal details
and four self-generated secret questions,
which have to be answered correctly
whilst being rescued. CSAR crew carry the
downed pilot’s ISOPREP details to ensure
they collect a friend and not a foe. Failure
to reply correctly requires the pilot to be
handcuffed and taken back to base for
In all, 30 hours were flown by the A-37s.
Major Bruno told AIR International he
was satisfied with the safe and successful
completion of the deployment.

have taken place between FAU personnel from its neighbours Brazil and Argentina, so
and Martin-Baker Argentina to assess the Escuadrón 2’s main role is aerial policing.
possibility of retrofitting the fleet with a new Without the Pucará amongst its ranks – a
ejection seat. The British firm is offering a type often tasked with intercepting low-
replacement seat based on the one utilised performance illicit aircraft – and with
on the Embraer Tucano fleet. The company a handful of Swiss-built armed Pilatus
claims considerable weight savings and PC-7U turbo trainers in service, the ancient
conversion costs, easier maintenance and Dragonfly fleet is stretched to its limits
improved performance when compared for such tasking. FAU high command has
to the old seat. Of note is the possibility insisted that if new aircraft are purchased for
of through-the-canopy ejection at zero its fighter/attack squadrons they must have
altitude, within a speed range of 70 to a radar, seen by pilots as a substantial tool
430kts, a far safer ejection envelope than the during the final moments on air interception
Dragonfly possesses now, requiring speed whilst approaching a target, following the
and height before bailing out. initial guidance and vectors to the target
Pilots from Escuadrón 2 and 1 (the latter is provided by the Lanza 3D radars of the AOC.
now stood down since the Pucará fleet was The FAU requires eight to 12 jets to replace
withdrawn from service and its pilots keep the Dragonfly, and possibly the Pucará,
current by flying PC-7Us) visited Nanchang unifying Escuadrón 2 and 1 into a single
in China in August 2016, to assess and fly the fighter attack unit. Acquisition of a high-tech
Hongdu L-15B lead-in fighter trainer jet. The aircraft will represent a major technological
aircraft has a passive electronically scanned step forward and be a perfect partner to the
array radar, IFF, ECM and radar warning Lanza 3D radars that are to be upgraded
receivers. Uruguay’s main air threat comes during 2018, finally bringing the FAU into the
from illicit flights crossing the country to and 21st Century. AI

Pilots new to the Dragonfly flew initial A-37B FAU 279 ready to go with green air inlet screens
missions with instructors to familiarise for the GE J-85-17A turbojet engines fitted to prevent the
themselves with the highway, narrower than possibility of debris ingestion on the unprepared runway.
a standard runway, and local conditions like
strong turbulence generated by the prevailing
Atlantic sea breeze striking a forest south
of the road. On later missions, the new
pilots operated as aircraft commander with
minimum supervision.
Escuadrón 2 maintenance engineers
(Aerotécnicos) perform wonders to keep
the Dragonfly fleet flying 41 years after the
arrival of the first batch of eight aircraft
in 1976. Of great concern is the soon to
be depleted stock of Weber ejection seat
cartridges. There is no supply chain; seat
production has long stopped, and the
current stock of cartridges is estimated to
run out in 2018.

What’s next?
The political establishment in Uruguay has
shown no indication or interest in procuring
replacement aircraft to modernise the FAU
fleet. In view of this attitude, recent meetings

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Connecting th
Chris Kjelgaard reports on t might seem unlikely that an air taxi national carrier of the Turks and Caicos Islands,
company operating a single Cessna the total population of which is about 35,000
interCaribbean Airways’ light aircraft for on-demand services people. In a month’s time the fast-growing
efforts to grow a hub in the linking the three airports in the Turks and regional airline will be serving 22 destinations
Caicos Islands could grow to become a in 12 countries in the western, northern and
Turks and Caicos Islands vitally important regional carrier linking most eastern Caribbean with a fleet of 13 turboprop
providing convenient countries in the northern, western and eastern regional aircraft and several regional jets.
parts of the Caribbean region. But in the space The largest aircraft in the fleet – and also
connections between of 25 years a carrier that began flight operations interCaribbean’s main workhorse – is the
many Caribbean countries on February 6, 1992 as InterIsland Airways and Embraer EMB 120 Brasilia, of which the carrier
– and on interCaribbean’s has subsequently seen two name changes – operates seven in standard 30-seat airline
first to Air Turks and Caicos in 2003 and then configuration and one in 18-seat corporate
relief-flying and network- in 2013 to interCaribbean Airways – has done charter configuration. It also operates two 19-
rebuilding activities in the just that. seat de Havilland Canada Twin Otter 300s, one
Today the air taxi service founded in 1991 by 15-seat Beech 99, one 10-seat Britten-Norman
wake of hurricanes Irma Lyndon Gardiner, who remains interCaribbean Islander and one seven-seat Beech 200 Super
and Maria Airways’ owner and chairman, is not only the King Air.

EMB 120RT Brasilias on the hard stand ahead of the next flight.
All photos interCaribbean Airways

86 | www.airinternational.com

the Caribbean
Even though interCaribbean Airways’
network now extends from Havana in the
Sadler also revealed that interCaribbean
Airways was in talks with eight airports in
does already serve San Juan in the US
dependency of Puerto Rico, the largest
west to Nassau to the north and Antigua to Florida and other states in the Southern international gateway airport in the
the east, connecting most major Caribbean United States with the aim of adding some northern Caribbean.)
nations and territories in between, the carrier or all of them as new destinations. While
is about to get a lot bigger in terms of both he declined to name any of these airports, Irma and Maria disrupt
network reach and fleet size. At the Caribbean Sadler later told AIR International, “What interCaribbean’s plans
Aviation Meetup conference in Sint Maarten I can say is that we focus on cities that At the Caribbean Aviation Meetup, Sadler
last June, interCaribbean’s CEO Trevor do not have Caribbean services but may said interCaribbean’s short-term aim was to
Sadler – who joined the airline in 2013 and support traffic to one or many Caribbean connect more of the Western Caribbean with
with Gardiner instituted its latest rebranding points.” the Eastern Caribbean. Although he didn’t
and expanded regional focus – revealed that Should interCaribbean add any airports name interCaribbean’s five planned new
interCaribbean would soon announce five in Florida or other southern US states destinations at the event, Sadler subsequently
new destinations in the Eastern Caribbean and to its network, these would become revealed to AIR International that they were
that, along with more Brasilias, it would begin the first destinations in the mainland Dominica, Saint Lucia, Sint Maarten and the
adding 50-seat Embraer ERJ-145 regional jets United States served by the fast-growing two largest islands in the US Virgin Islands,
to expand its fleet and network. regional carrier. (However, interCaribbean Saint Croix and Saint Thomas.

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However, interCaribbean’s plans to launch In the early stages, our handling-company

INTERCARIBBEAN AIRWAYS’ service to the five destinations in the autumn team [Platinumport] could only communicate
PLANNED DESTINATIONS AS of 2017 were dramatically disrupted when in with us from a phone in the town. With all
OF FEBRUARY 2018 September hurricanes Irma and Maria, two of scheduled flights cancelled, once there was
Antigua and Barbuda the most powerful and catastrophic Atlantic communication we recognised there was a
Antigua: V.C. Bird International Airport hurricanes in history, whirled through much of need for relief flights.”
The Bahamas the northern Caribbean, devastating many of
Nassau: Lynden Pindling International Airport the islands the carrier served – including the InterCaribbean’s post-hurricane
British Virgin Islands Turks and Caicos Islands, which is home to relief flying
Tortola: Terrance B. Lettsome International interCaribbean Airways. What interCaribbean Airways then did to
Airport “The hurricanes impacted our business, organize and operate relief flights to and from
Cuba perhaps in a way like no other airline,” Tortola provides a dramatic tale of ingenuity,
Havana: José Martí International Airport Sadler told AIR International. “Ten of the resourcefulness and government-agency
Santiago de Cuba: Antonio Maceo Airport 22 destinations we were going to serve cooperation in helping relief agencies get
Dominica from November 1 were impacted by the to Tortola to provide assistance and aiding
Douglas–Charles Airport back-to-back hurricanes. Perhaps it is tourists and newly homeless residents leave
Dominican Republic unprecedented for an airline to see that 50% the British Virgin Islands.
Puerto Plata: Gregorio Luperon International of its destinations could not be served. We “Relief flying was both in and out of
Airport are trying to rebuild back.” Tortola,” said Sadler. “We provided a series of
Santiago de los Caballeros: Cibao International By late November, interCaribbean’s main relief flights for various governments and relief
Airport hub at Providenciales International Airport on agencies who came to the rescue to help in
Santo Domingo: Las Americas International Providenciales (commonly known as ‘Provo’ any they could. We recognised there was a
Airport and the most-populated island in the Turks need for flights for people in Tortola and the
Haiti and Caicos) was back in business, but “there [British Virgin] islands wanting to leave, either
Cap-Haïtien: Cap-Haïtien International Airport is some softening of the demand that is, in tourists who had stayed during the hurricanes,
Port-au-Prince: Toussaint Louverture part, tied to the local point-to-point traffic”, or residents whose businesses or buildings
International Airport said Sadler. He explained that “because of were wiped out. Although the need was clear,
Jamaica the hurricanes, many travellers or workers there was no power, no internet and very little
Kingston: Norman Manley International Airport at resorts have been laid off for two to three in the way of a working phone, and so the
Montego Bay: Sangster International Airport months. This impacts the in-and-out demand challenge was how to get the message out.”
Puerto Rico in that slice of our business.” While “this is However, “Where booking online, or calling
San Juan: Luis Muñoz Marín International beginning to build back up for Provo, our on-island would not work and where visiting
Airport domestic services are softer as a result of an agency was a limited option as they too
Saint Lucia the decimation of personal homes and hotel had no power, we recognised that sometimes
Hewanorra International Airport resorts on Grand Turk and South Caicos folks on-island were in touch with family and
Saint Martin (containing Saint-Martin and Sint islands.” friends elsewhere. So the solution we put in
Maarten) Tortola in the British Virgin Islands, a major place was to put those seats into distribution
Sint Maarten: Princess Juliana International destination for interCaribbean, saw terrible and our own system and use social media
Airport devastation and commercial air service to to get the word out, so that one-on-one
Turks and Caicos Islands and from Tortola was suspended for several communications with family or business
Grand Turk Island: JAGS McCartney weeks. “Tortola was hit very badly,” said could create the bookings.”
International Airport Sadler. “The airport was closed for about three That said, there was a big ‘But’. “Because
Providenciales: Providenciales International weeks to commercial traffic, with the airport there was a need for permissions for landing,
Airport perimeter fence down, the terminal damaged we could not operate on the basis of showing
South Caicos: South Caicos Airport and the tower damaged too. The impact up and looking to fill up a flight,” noted
US Virgin Islands was felt further in the basics – there was no Sadler. “We could not use our Tortola base to
Saint Croix: Henry E. Rohlsen Airport power and no internet and no phones were overnight as the crew accommodations were
Saint Thomas: Cyril E. King International Airport working. The airport was rather off the grid. beyond use, so it was a matter of operating

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persons who otherwise could not enter the

United States to be able to do so to connect
directly on an international flight leaving there.
In the period until some power was restored,
there were numerous cases which required us
to check in with the US Customs and Border
Patrol to affirm on a case-by-case basis that
a passenger was approved before we could
board that person. We worked with the two
travel agencies and our own direct sales staff
in Tortola to manage existing bookings, and
work with those who just came to the airport
to buy tickets on available flights to leave.
Now, power is restored at the airport and
some internet is there.”

Network rebuilding and fleet

As much of the Caribbean focuses on
rebuilding following the near-apocalyptic
devastation caused by hurricanes Irma and
Maria, interCaribbean Airways has put off its
plans to launch service to its five planned new
destinations until February 1. It has done so
“to give some time for the recovery efforts

remotely and in conjunction with the staff of staff members had a phone that worked while
Platinumport. The airport and Platinumport others did not. That phone had WhatsApp.
asked if we could bring food for people to eat: So what we did was to gather all passport
There was a willingness to come to work, but data on paper, writing out all the details. Then
due to the situation, people were hungry. We the staff member with the phone would
had to understand the basic human needs. take photo images and a couple of people,
We sent supplies and food on these flights, so including myself, would then manually enter
operating a relief flight was not as simple as the data into the [interCaribbean Airways]
flying in and picking up passengers.” departure control system to verify if it was OK
The challenge was additionally complicated or not for a passenger to board.
by the fact that “we operate also to countries “We used WhatsApp to pass messages
that require APIS [Advance Passenger back and forth to account for each person,
Information System] such as the United States, their bags, their body weights for weight and
where APIS is not optional”, Sadler pointed balance and we completed clearing the flights
out. “So we faced new challenges on how we this way. We operated numerous flights using
were going to get passport data when there this process to ensure regulatory compliance.”
was no power, there were no phones working Even more remarkably, Sadler noted that,
and there was no WiFi.” “While we were supporting the British Virgin
Islands from a distance via WhatsApp, we were
WhatsApp to the rescue doing so from our offices where we were
How interCaribbean Airways managed running on generators for over three weeks to
to overcome these huge obstacles “is a provide power and internet connectivity.”
testament to today’s technology – and a big Meanwhile, said Sadler, “The US
thanks to WhatsApp,” said Sadler. “One of the government made some exceptions for some

Various shots of interCaribbean EMB 120RT and for on-island stakeholders to make public
Brasilias VQ-TBC (msn 283) and VQ-TVG (msn what facilities they have available”, according
268). Interestingly, VQ-TBC was on the Embraer to Sadler.
production line when InterIsland Airways was From February 1, however, interCaribbean
formed back in 1992. will serve its five new Caribbean destinations
– plus any it decides to serve in the mainland
United States in the foreseeable future –
with a considerably enlarged fleet that will
include additional Brasilias as well as ERJ-145
regional jets. Although serial production of
the Brasilia ended in 2001, many Brasilias are
still in commercial service and Sadler told AIR
International that “we are currently adding
some [Brasilias] to sustain the additional
demand for service across the region and
expect the aircraft [type] to be part of our
operations for the next five to 10 years”.
The introduction of regional jets to
interCaribbean Airways’ fleet – perhaps
the biggest single step in the carrier’s 25-
year history – was scheduled to occur in
December, the airline agreeing with an
unidentified leasing company to acquire two
ERJ-145s initially. “It is a big step – but one
we are ready for – in expanding our footprint,
either by providing more capacity on existing

www.airinternational.com | 89

Baggage loading is straightforward on the EMB 120.

services or contemplating the addition of “we applied our low cost carrier-type mindset clearinghouse for settlement of multi-sector
longer-haul services and new destinations,” to bringing lower fares to that market”, airline ticket sales. It also participates in
said Sadler, revealing that in the short term interCaribbean was operating 18 flights a bank settlement plans covering airline sales
interCaribbean expects to operate from four week to Tortola, according to Sadler. “It’s a in 180 countries throughout the world and
to six ERJ-145s. “The reality is that we will great market to be in and we have plans to the Caribbean. In October interCaribbean
very probably be able to increase that to 10 grow in Tortola,” he added. launched two new payment options and was
to 12 aircraft” over time, he added, noting Similarly, having introduced Cuba to its working on a third, to expand the different
that the need for additional aircraft will arise network in 2016, interCaribbean now serves ways by which customers can complete their
from “a combination of new routes and their both Santiago de Cuba (near the island’s ticket purchases.
sustainable demand, replacing [the Brasilia] eastern end) and Havana (near the 780-mile- Additionally, interCaribbean has announced
on some routes either full-time or [to meet] long island’s western end), the country’s two British Airways as its first major interline
seasonal demand, and some other factors it is largest cities. “We love Cuba,” said Sadler. So partner and Sadler said that as of last
premature to announce”. much does interCaribbean Airways love Cuba summer the carrier had four other interline
that it agreed its first codeshare deal with agreements “in the works”, at least one of
Pursuing passenger-service Cubana, the national carrier of the Republic which has subsequently gone into effect. By
excellence of Cuba. then, interCaribbean Airways was working on
Despite the big changes jet operations Its Cubana codeshare agreement is typical interline deals with 11 carriers altogether, in
are likely to bring interCaribbean Airways, of the regional carrier’s determination to addition to British Airways.
the airline’s recent history shows it is very provide its customers with convenient “The US carriers are potentially the
capable of coping with them successfully, booking, seamless travel for checked baggage most interesting” interline targets for
whether they be operational challenges or and easy connections to partner airlines, interCaribbean, “but they seem to be the
political and regulatory hurdles which must viewing these capabilities as cornerstones of most distant in terms of potentially wanting
be surmounted. Rapid growth is nothing new its passenger-service philosophy. Not only are to do so,” said Sadler. “Cooperation with
to interCaribbean. For instance, it launched interCaribbean’s services and fares contained them remains elusive, but the business and
service to Tortola in the British Virgin Islands in all three of the major global distribution customer reasons make good sense. With our
in 2015 with three round-trips a week from systems, but the carrier is a participant adding new routes and alternatives to what
San Juan. However, by December 2016, after in the US Airlines Reporting Corporation is connectable today, we are hopeful that in
time these airlines will find the customer-
convenience value in an interline and
through-check-in with our company.”
However, interCaribbean is having
no such problems in agreeing interline
deals with the Caribbean’s two largest
state-owned carriers, Caribbean Airlines
and LIAT. “They’re government-owned:
we don’t want to compete with them,
said Sadler. ”We have just launched the
interline agreement with Caribbean
Airlines, giving connections to a bit more
of the Caribbean.” With LIAT, “We’re at the
Embraer’s EMB 120 is powered by two Pratt & Whitney Canada
PW118-series turboprops each rated at 1,800shp (1,340kW).
technical point of integration” of IT systems
to allow seamless interlining.

90 | www.airinternational.com

Caribbean political arena

One area in which interCaribbean Airways has
been fearless in promoting its growth agenda,
both at home in the Turks and Caicos Islands
and internationally throughout the Caribbean
region, is in dealing actively with national
governments at the topmost level. It seems to
be doing so with a fair amount of success.
At home, interCaribbean Airways needed
to persuade the Turks and Caicos Islands
(TCI) Government to make arrangements
at Providenciales International Airport
to facilitate quick and easy transfers to
international connecting flights for transit
passengers who arrive at the airport on
flights from other nations and don’t have TCI
entry visas.
So, explained Sadler, “interCaribbean met …
with the TCI Government to share our vision
for expansion and how we could well be the
connecting hub of the western Caribbean.
The vision of government was to establish
the financial hub of the Caribbean. With all
that entails, having connectivity not just from
the north but also from the south was an
imperative. We had subscribed to the vision as
an airline, and in so doing had moved to build interCaribbean’s EMB 120RT Brasilia cabin configuration.
a connective schedule that prior to the full
realization had also set a limited number of Internationally, interCaribbean has met with Adds Sadler: “Unfortunately the traveller
services to neighbouring islands.” the presidents and prime ministers of various is paying such a high price that clearly the
Additionally, “Building on the connective Caribbean national governments to discuss the opportunity to travel for business or leisure
schedule had also provided greater ever-vexing issue of taxation of airfares between is dampened significantly … Some of the
opportunity for Latin America and the destinations within the region, which typically region’s travel is 10 to 20 minutes of flying,
Caribbean to come to the Turks and Caicos adds taxes of around 100% of the cost of the and yet the taxation of such a journey is no
any day of the week they choose, as we had fare itself. In these meetings, interCaribbean different to [that for a] traveller coming from
now been able to achieve daily schedules promotes an initiative put forth by IATA to the mainland United States or Europe. The
to all of the major markets and in so doing stimulate intra-Caribbean air traffic by reducing airlines of the region would be well placed
typically could offer 10 to 12 connection airfare taxes on intra-Caribbean flights. to increase [service] frequency if the taxation
points via Providenciales,” said Sadler. “Our view and that of IATA is if we can find levels were adjusted. Imagine flying from
“To support this we were successful the support across the Caribbean to introduce Miami to Orlando and paying $150 in taxes, as
in having government recognize that a a dual tax regime that applies a kinder level that distance is greater than most [Caribbean]
nominal investment in carving out an in- of taxation to the citizen or resident of the island-to-island travel. Unless we can come
transit entrance with all requisite security Caribbean, by supporting a tax that maybe together as one region and see ourselves as
elements” at the airport was vital, he said. is 50% of what is otherwise charged, those a single market, the connectivity craved by
The TCI Government recognised that revenues would find their way back into many will be unlikely to improve.”
this made sense and quickly made the government by way of increased travel [and] But there does appear to be hope,
required modifications, creating an easy- increased spend at other destinations,” said according to Sadler. More than a third of the
transit facility. “This meant the delays we Sadler. “We firmly believe that the reductions national governments with whose leaders
[had] experienced as a consequence [of in direct customer taxes will come back to interCaribbean has discussed the issue have
cumbersome transit arrangements] were their treasuries in a different manner. Our goal expressed their support for reducing taxes on
over, and now we could offer seriously quick is to see the diminished taxation for all travel intra-Caribbean airfares. Should a quorum of
connections,” officially of 30 minutes but in that begins and ends in another Caribbean Caribbean governments eventually vote for
reality even less. “Our on time performance country to be at no more than 50% of the … such a measure, then interCaribbean Airways’
has since rocketed,” Sadler noted. international taxes.” growth could really take off. AI

“interCaribbean has announced British Arways as its first major interline partner.”

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H175 arrives in Australia

BABCOCK AUSTRALIA has shipped for Australia’s aviation industry and and engineers to operate the new
two Airbus Helicopters H175s to is evidence of our commitment helicopters and it expects to employ
Australia for offshore operations to growing our mission critical a further 19 Timorese, including four
from Dili in Timor Leste. capabilities. Right across the globe, local engineers. Boag continued:
The helicopters arrived in Darwin Babcock is trusted to deliver high- “This contract represents a significant
aboard a chartered Antonov An-124 quality services that our clients capital investment in aircraft,
freighter on November 2017 and are expect and we are delighted to infrastructure and training by Babcock
the first of their type to operate in be expanding our footprint in the and is the culmination of many
Australia. The super medium H175s region.” months of planning, preparation and
Airbus Helicopters/Babcock Australia
will be operated from Dili by Babcock The helicopters will be implementation. Babcock has worked
Offshore Services Australasia on reassembled in Darwin by and rescue support and medical closely with Airbus to deliver training
contract. Babcock engineers before being evacuation services over the Timor to our people on the ground and in
Babcock Offshore Services flown to Dili. The contract will Sea, 500km (270 nautical miles) the air that will ensure the safe and
Australasia Managing Director John commence on January 1, 2018 northwest of Darwin. reliable assembly and operation of the
Boag said: “Babcock’s investment and the two H175s will provide The company says Airbus new H175 helicopters for our client.”
in two brand-new H175s is a first personnel transportation, search Helicopters has trained 27 pilots Nigel Pittaway

AC312E completes altitude testing

CHINA’S XINHUA news airport, itself 10,800ft (3,293m) Developed by Harbin Aircraft which announced an order for
agency has reported that the above sea level, for the testing Industry Group, a subsidiary of a single helicopter at the 11th
Harbin AC312E helicopter has work. the Aviation Industry Corporation China International Aviation and
completed altitude testing on the Xinhua reported: “In addition, of China, the AC312E flew for the Aerospace Exhibition at Zhuhai
Tibetan Plateau, in the country’s taking off from an airport with an first time in July 2016 and Xinhua in November 2016. In September
Yunnan Province. altitude of 14,763ft (4,500m) and reports that it is expected to 2017, an order for a further four
The testing, concluded in cruising at an altitude of 16,400ft receive type certification and begin aircraft was placed by the Tibet
November, involved the helicopter (5,000m), the aircraft has reached deliveries to customers in 2018. Development and Investment
operating at altitudes up to a range of 500km (270 nautical The first customer will be the Group. Nigel Pittaway
20,670ft (6,300m) and the AC312E miles) with a 500kg (1,100 lb) China Aero Geophysical Survey
was based at Ninglang Luguhu payload.” and Remote Sensing Centre,

Chinese internet

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Airbus Helicopters/Babcock Australia

Leonardo Airbus Helicopters

Leonardo Helicopters

notch up sales in the UAE

LEONARDO HELICOPTERS configured AW169 and subsequently the opportunity to test the H160s contractual obligations inside and
announced orders for both its took delivery of a VIP configured excellent passenger flight experience outside the UAE and to further its
AW139 and AW169 helicopters version. We are thrilled the unique first hand. The H160 definitely meets investment in the aviation industry.”
during the 2017 Dubai Air Show. capabilities of this new generation our demanding standards for VIP Leonardo said the order is part of
On November 12, the model have met Falcon’s diverse travelling, in terms of comfort.” an agreement with ADA announced
manufacturer announced that it operating goals and they have The H160 will enter service in the at the end of 2015, covering a total
will team up with leasing company chosen to increase their fleet to oil and gas sector in 2019, followed of 15 AW139, AW169 and AW189
Milestone Aviation Group to supply include 11 Leonardo helicopters.” by the emergency medical services helicopters. Deliveries of the 15
three AW169s to Falcon Aviation The first AW169 delivered to version in 2021. helicopters will be undertaken
of Abu Dhabi. The following day, Falcon Aviation has recently become ADA signed a contract for the through to 2019.
Leonardo announced it will provide the global fleet leader in terms of purchase of three additional AW139 The helicopter manufacturer
two additional AW139 helicopters to flight hours among the 40 of the helicopters at the show, with has sold more than 140 AW139s to
Abu Dhabi Aviation (ADA). type currently in service. deliveries expected to occur before operators in the Middle East and no
The three AW169s destined for The company also announced the end of 2017. The helicopters will fewer than 60 are in service in the
Falcon Aviation will enter service in the an order for three additional Airbus be used in the offshore transport role UAE. ADA is the largest commercial
first quarter of 2018 and they represent Helicopters H160 helicopters at and will join 15 earlier AW139s in the helicopter operator in the Middle
the first helicopter lease transaction the Dubai Air Show, expanding its ADA fleet. East, operating 16 AW139s, four Bell
for the UAE-based company. Falcon commitment from the original Letter ADA chairman Nadar Ahmed 206s, 19 Bell 212s and 15 Bell 412s.
Aviation already operates two AW169s, of Intent for a VIP version of the Al Hammadi said: “The services ADA also announced at Dubai
as well as two AW189 and four AW109 helicopter signed in May 2016. provided by ADA are driven by that it has been selected by Bell
Grand and GrandNew helicopters. Captain Raman Oberoi, Chief customer’s needs. These helicopters Helicopter Textron as an authorised
Carlo Gualdaroni, Leonardo Operating Officer of Falcon Aviation, are widely used in the United Customer Service Facility for Bell
Helicopters’ Chief Business Officer, said: “We took the decision to Arab Emirates, the GCC and the 412s and 212s to support continued
said: “Falcon Aviation was the global increase our request following a Middle East. The company has customer growth in the Middle East.
launch customer for the offshore- flight demonstration where we got recently expanded its fleet to cover Nigel Pittaway

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Pilatus achieves PC-24 type certification

Pilatus Aircraft Ltd

PILATUS ACHIEVED type PC-24 delivers a maximum speed The Swiss aircraft manufacturer line at Stans and the company says
certification for its new PC-24 of 440kts [815km/h] compared to has invested over CHF 500 million in it is on track to deliver 23 aircraft
business jet from the European the contractually agreed 425kts the PC-24 development programme to customers around the world in
Aviation Safety Agency and the US [787km/h], to cite just one example.” and a further CHF 150 million on 2018. The first production aircraft
Federal Aviation Administration Pilatus officially announced the facilities and equipment at Stans to was handed over to PlaneSense in
on December 7, clearing the way twin-engine PC-24 programme in expand series production capability. Switzerland in December, before
ahead for deliveries to begin later in 2013, but the company says that The fuselage and wings of the first being flown to the United States
the month. it had been working on various production PC-24, for US fractional in January for the official delivery
Speaking in early December, concepts for more than a decade aircraft owner PlaneSense, were ceremony.
Pilatus Chairman Oscar Schwenk prior to the launch. The first aircraft joined at Stans in July. PlaneSense Schwenk said: “I’m extremely
said: “The PC-24 is the first ever (HB-VXA, msn P01) made its maiden already operates 34 single-engine proud of my workforce, and
Pilatus business jet. Naturally, the flight from Buochs, adjacent to the PC-12 turboprop aircraft and has six would like to thank Pilatus owners,
requirements associated with Pilatus facility in Stans, Switzerland, PC-24s on order. the two aviation authorities and
obtaining certification for this sort on May 11, 2015. This event was Another major operator for the our first 84 PC-24 customers
of aircraft are extremely rigorous, followed by the second aircraft (HB- type will be Australia’s Royal Flying for their trust and confidence in
and I need hardly mention that VXB, msn P02) in November 2015 Doctor Service (RFDS), which has myself and my team. This project
we faced some big challenges. In and the third (HB-VSA, msn P03) in ordered three aircraft (plus one involved considerable risk, but
2013, we announced that the PC-24 March 2017. option) for its operations in Western we always believed 100% in our
would be ready in 2017, and now, Pilatus says that by the beginning Australia and one aircraft (plus one PC-24 and were prepared to go all
shortly before the end of the year, of December the three test aircraft option) for its operations in South the way to the limits of what we
we have achieved exactly that, and had accumulated over 2,205 flight and Central Australia. The RFDS is can reasonably do to ensure its
all performance data promised to hours in various climatic conditions also a major operator of the PC-12. success. Obtaining certification is
our first 84 customers have been from icing conditions to hot and By early December there were our reward for so many years of
achieved or even exceeded. The high testing. eight PC-24s on the production untiring effort.” Nigel Pittaway

Cabin altitude for Legacy 450 and 500

AT THE 2017 Dubai Air Show in
Embraer SA
November, Embraer announced
enhancements to its mid-size Legacy
450 and 500 business jets, including
a revised cabin attitude of 5,800ft
(1,768m). The Brazilian aircraft
manufacturer says that the new lower
cabin altitude will make them the best
in their respective classes in this regard.
Embraer says the current maximum
cabin altitude for the two aircraft is 6,000ft
(1,828m) at an aircraft cruising altitude
of 45,000ft (13,716m), representing a
cabin differential pressure of 9.3psi (0.64
bars). This differential pressure will be
increased to 9.73psi (0.67 bars), which
the company says will reduce the cabin
altitude to 5,800ft. It says the Legacy 450
and 500 environmental control systems
will maintain a cabin altitude equivalent to
sea level when the aircraft are flying below
27,050ft (8,245m).
Deliveries of new aircraft with the
increased cabin differential pressure will
begin in the first quarter on 2018 and an
upgrade will also be available for existing
aircraft in the global fleet. Nigel Pittaway

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Challenger milestones, Global 7000 ramp-up

on December 6 that two of its
Challenger series of business jets
had notched up significant delivery
milestones in the past few months.
The Montreal-based manufacturer
said that deliveries for its super mid-
size Challenger 350 had surpassed
200 units and the larger Challenger
650 had achieved the 50th delivery
milestone. In addition, it said that
the Challenger 300 series has now
achieved deliveries in excess of 650,
while the 600 series aircraft is now
approaching the milestone of 1,100
Peter Likoray, Senior Vice
President, Sales and Marketing,
Bombardier Business Aircraft, said:
“Achieving these significant delivery
milestones is a testament to the
unrivalled capabilities of our newest
Challenger aircraft.” Bombardier
Bombardier is also gearing up
for production of its Global 7000 The company inaugurated a facility will combine state of the art the most advanced business jet in the
ultra-long-range business jet, which completion centre of excellence for production methodology and tools world is being done in Montreal. We
is due to enter service during 2018. the new aircraft in November 2017 with a skilled workforce to produce have world class expertise right here,
Four of the five flight test aircraft and is seeking up to 1,000 more the Global 7000. and we want to reach out to that
are now flying and deliveries to the workers in the Montreal area over the Alain Bellemare, Bombardier’s skilled workforce to help us continue
first customers is set to begin in the coming 18 months. The company President and CEO, said: “We are so shaping the future of business
second half of the year. said that the new CAD 65 million proud that this meticulous work on aviation.” Nigel Pittaway


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Enhancing the A321

AIRBUS IS progressing with most visible changes to the Combined with a new higher Alongside the ACF option, the
final assembly work on the variant from previous A321s. maximum take-off weight (MTOW) latest A321neo build standard
first A321neo with a new build The cabin exit door just ahead of 97,000kg (214,000lb), the also introduces an important
standard that enables the type of the wing, known as Door changes mean an A321neo with the change to the underfloor cargo
to carry more passengers and 2, has been removed and four ACF option will have a maximum area: an option to install a third
fly further. new upwards-swinging double capacity of 240 passengers, which auxiliary centre tank (ACT) to
The company has released emergency over-wing exit doors Airbus says will suit operators such extend the aircraft’s range.
an image of the first A321neo have been added. The door just as those in the Asia-Pacific region Previously, there was provision
with the changes, D-AVZO (msn aft of the wing, Door 3, has been flying intraregional services where in the A321 for up to two
7877), at its Hamburg factory. moved further aft by four fuselage there is a high level of passenger 2,992-litre (790 US gallon) ACTs.
Airbus said this aircraft is due frames. One pair of the new over- demand. Adding a third ACT,
to fly “in the coming months” wing doors and the relocated Door The ACF is an option for now. combined with an increased
before being delivered to its as- 3 can be activated or deactivated. Just before this edition of AIR MTOW of 97,000kg (213,848lb),
yet undisclosed customer in the Removing Door 2 and International closed for press, will create a total fuel capacity of
second quarter of 2018. moving Door 3, Airbus says, it was announced 50 A321neos 32,943 litres (8,702 US gallons).
The key aspects of the new “facilitates for the first time an ordered by Qatar Airways for In this configuration the aircraft
build standard are Airbus Cabin uninterrupted seating zone delivery from 2019 would be will be known as the A321LR
Flex (ACF) and an option for spanning the entire forward half configured with ACF. Airbus and it will be the longest-
additional fuel capacity. The of the aircraft, thus enabling has said ACF will become the range single-aisle airliner in
ACF introduces new door and variable business-class sizes standard cabin configuration for production, able to fly 4,000
fuselage arrangements for the without degrading layout all A321neos produced from 2020 nautical miles (7,408km) with
aircraft, which constitute the efficiency”. onwards. 206 passengers.

This is the first A321 to have ACF, which removes Door 2 just ahead of the wing and adds new over-wing exit doors. Airbus

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This will be 400 nautical miles Group and put into service Boeing presents 777X
flight deck
(740km) further than the range of a with Aer Lingus. There are also
baseline (i.e. non-A321LR) A321neo. commitments for the variant
For comparison, a baseline from Air Astana (which will
A321neo with two ACTs has a fuel lease aircraft from ALC) and TAP
capacity of 29,822 litres (7,848 US Portugal. The scheduled delivery
gallon). Airbus said the three ACTs date for the first A321LR is the
on the A321LR are bigger than fourth quarter of 2018.
the ACTs initially installed on the The new build standard with
A321ceo: the tanks on the A321LR ACF and extra tanks marks
have 3,121 litres (824 US gallons) of the latest step by Airbus in
capacity compared with the 2,992 an ongoing programme of
litres on the A321ceo. modifications made to the A320
Several airlines have already been family in recent years. Capacity
disclosed as A321LR customers. has been increased by six seats
The Spanish low-cost carrier to 189 in the baseline A320ceo
Primera Air will be an early operator, and 214 in the A321ceo, thanks
leasing two examples from AerCap. to the use of the Space-Flex
Its President and Chief Executive interior solution, designed to use
Officer Andri Mar Ingolfsson previously unoccupied space at
believes the A321LR “will be a the rear of the cabin. Airbus has
game-changer in the industry”. also introduced upgraded fuel The resemblance to the 787 is evident from newly released images of the 777X
All 30 A321neos destined for pumps, landing gears and new in- flight deck. Boeing
the low-cost carrier Norwegian flight entertainment connectivity
will be delivered as A321LRs. to the aircraft. Airbus is promising BOEING HAS shown CGIs of the flight wings by 7ft (2.1m) to the full 235ft
Seven A321LRs will be leased the A320neo variants will deliver a deck for the 777X, revealing in full for 5in (71.7m) span for flight prior to
from Air Lease Corporation (ALC) 20% fuel burn advantage by 2020. the first time the newest Triple Seven departure and then retract to ensure
by the International Airlines Mark Broadbent cockpit. The flight deck is dominated ICAO Code E gate compatibility.
by the five large 15.1-inch (383mm) The image shows both a close
Rockwell Collins LCD screens, four of resemblance to the 787 Dreamliner’s
which are on the main panel with the flight deck to maximise commonality
fifth on the central stand. with the Dreamliner and therefore
There will be Class 2 electronic make mixed fleet flying possible
flight bag compatibility and the for customers, and commonality
overhead control panel will have a with current and legacy 777 flight
switch to control the wingtip folding decks (for example, the layout of the
mechanism, which will extend the overhead panel). Mark Broadbent

A330-800neo progress

Assembly work on the initial Airbus A330-800neo is underway in Toulouse

ahead of its planned mid-2018 first flight. H Goussé/Airbus

JUST A few weeks after the A330- year. By December, the A330-
900neo’s first flight, final assembly 800neo had only attracted one
work on its sister aircraft, the order, for six jets from Hawaiian
A330-800neo, started in Toulouse. Airlines, compared to 206 for
This aircraft, msn 1888, will be A330-900neo.
used for the 300 hours of testing The A330-800neo is optimised to
required to certify the A330- carry 257 passengers in three classes
800neo in addition to the 1,100 for routes of up to 7,500 nautical
hours of certification tests which miles (13,890km) with a baseline
the A330-900neo will undertake. 242,000kg (533,518lb) maximum
Airbus says the A330-800neo is take-off weight (MTOW). Airbus has
“on track” for its planned mid- five weight variants for the model,
2018 first flight. Certification with a 251,000kg (553,360lb) MTOW
and service entry of the variant is extending range capability to 8,150
planned for 2019 after the A330- nautical miles (15,094km).
900neo hits those milestones next Mark Broadbent

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Textron launches the SkyCourier

AN ALL-NEW commercial aircraft blade aluminium, auto-feathering
will be in the skies later this decade, propeller. Maximum cruise speed
the Cessna SkyCourier 408. will be 200kts (370km/h) and range
This twin-engine, high-wing, 900 nautical miles (1,667km) or 400
large utility turboprop, launched nautical miles (741km) with a 5,000lb
late in November 2017 by Textron (2,268kg) payload. Take-off field
Aviation, will be produced in both length will be 3,300ft (1,006m) and
cargo and passenger variants. the service ceiling 25,000ft (7,620m).
Cargo carrier FedEx Express is the The SkyCourier 408 will succeed
launch customer, having signed an the Cessna Caravan as Textron
agreement for 50 aircraft plus 50 Aviation’s utility aircraft designed for
options. Service entry is planned for high-frequency cargo and passenger
2020. operations. The company’s president FedEx Express has ordered up to 100 newly launched Cessna
SkyCourier 408s as it continues a fleet modernisation strategy.
The SkyCourier 408 has been and Chief Executive Officer Scott
designed to address the needs Ernest said: “The aircraft will fill a
of operators in high-frequency gap in this market segment with Both the SkyCourier 408s and ATR strategy”, replacing the Caravans the
markets. The cargo variant will its superior performance and low 72-600Fs will be used in the feeder company has used in the role for
feature a large 87 x 69-inch operating costs in combination role. Feeder aircraft are classed by more than 30 years and slotting in
(2.2 x 1.7m) door and a flat- with the cabin flexibility, payload FedEx as those with a MTOW below beside the ATR 72-600Fs.
floor cabin with a built-in roller capability and efficiency only a 60,000lb (27,215kg), able to provide Refleeting with the SkyCourier
system. It will be able to carry clean-sheet design can offer.” a service to small and medium- 408s will enable FedEx to carry
three LD3 containers and have Textron said the SkyCourier sized markets. They complement more along the spokes from its
a 6,000lb (2,722kg) maximum 408 had been designed in close the company’s mainline jet fleet, hubs. With its 6,000lb payload, the
payload capability. In passenger partnership with FedEx, with Ernest which comprises Boeing 777Fs, cargo variant offers a considerable
configuration the SkyCourier 408 commenting: “With our depth of 767Fs, 757Fs, MD-11Fs, MD-10Fs and step-up in capacity from the
will have a maximum payload of expertise and proven success in Airbus A300Fs and A310Fs. Broadly Caravan, which has a 3,070lb
5,000lb (2,268kg) and carry up to new product development, we were speaking, the concept is the main (1,393kg) maximum payload,
19 passengers. It will feature dual eager to work directly with a world hubs are fed by the large jets with according to Textron Aviation’s
crew doors and an aft passenger class company like FedEx Express the feeders then transporting freight specifications for the aircraft. The
door to enable efficient boarding to jointly develop the Cessna along the regional spokes of the SkyCourier 408 being able to carry
and exit, and large cabin windows to SkyCourier.” network from the hub. LD3s is another significant point,
maximise the amount of natural light FedEx announcing the SkyCourier FedEx currently uses more than as the Caravan does not have this
in the cabin. Both configurations will 408 purchase came just a few 300 aircraft in the feeder role, with capability and it should mean these
offer single-point pressure refuelling weeks after it was announced as the most owned by FedEx and leased containers can be brought off the
to enable fast turnarounds. launch customer for the new ATR and operated by different third-party Airbus and Boeing freighters at
The SkyCourier 408 will be 72-600 Freighter (see AI December companies and operated under their the hubs and put straight onto the
54ft 10in (16m) long, 19ft 9in (6m) 2017, p6). The purchases are part operating certificates. SkyCourier 408.
in height and have a 72ft (21m) of an ongoing fleet modernisation FedEx Express President and Caravans have been used by
wingspan. The aircraft will be at FedEx, which with a presence Chief Executive Officer David FedEx for more than 30 years and
powered by a 1,100shp (820kW) in more than 220 countries and Cunningham said the SkyCourier with the new aircraft the Cessna line
Pratt & Whitney Canada PT6A-65SC territories is the world’s largest 408s would, “play a key role in will continue with the company for
with a McCauley Blackmac four- express transportation company. our feeder aircraft modernisation years to come. Mark Broadbent

In passenger configuration the

SkyCourier 408 will be able to
seat 19 passengers, with a sepa-
rate passenger exit door designed
to allow fast turnarounds.
All photos Textron Aviation

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