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Page 1 Sample Paper 2 Geography Class 12

Sample Paper 2
Class XII Session 2023-24
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 70
General Instructions:
(i) Question paper is divided into 4 sections A ,B,C and D
(ii) In section A question number 1 to 17 are MCQ type questions.
(iii)In section B question number 18-23 are SA type questions(80-100 words). Question 18 and 19 are
Source based questions.
(iv) In section C question number 24 to 28 are Long Answer based questions (120-150 words).
(v) In section D question number 29 and 30 are Map based questions having 5 sub parts.

Section A
1. Ganga and Brahmaputra basins together constitute how much of the total replenishable groundwater
resources of India?
(a) 31 per cent (b) 46 per cent
(c) 52 per cent (d) 10 per cent

2. Which of the following is not correctly matched?

States Population facts
(a) Ratzel “Human geography is the systematic study of relationship between
human societies and Earth’s surface.”
(b) Ellen C Semple “Human geography is the study of the changing relationship between
the unresting man and the unstable Earth”
(c) Paul vidal de la Blache “Conception resulting from a more synthetic knowledge of the physical
laws governing our Earth and of the relations between the living beings
which inhabit it.”
(d) Mahbub-ul-Haq Concept of Neo-determinism

3. The largest amount of water resources in India are used for which purpose?
(a) Drinking and domestic purposes (b) Generating hydroelectric power
(c) Irrigation (d) Pisciculture

4. A land left follow for five years come under which category of land use?
(a) Culturable wasteland
(b) Net Sown area
(c) Season wasteland
(d) Follow land

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Page 2 Sample Paper 2 Geography Class 12

5. Which of the following is correctly matched?

States Population facts
(a) Kerala Highest literacy Rate
(b) Goa Highest rural population
(c) Tamil Nadu State with highest urban population
(d) Gujarat Highest density of population

6. Arrange the states as per the decreasing order of their percentage of urban population.
(i) Delhi
(ii) Kerala
(iii) Maharashtra
(iv) Assam
(a) (i), (ii), (iii), (iv) (b) (iv), (iii), (i), (ii)
(c) (ii), (i), (iii), (iv) (d) (iv), (ii), (i), (iii)

7. In which rock system Uranium is found?

(a) Dharwar (b) Gondwana
(c) Cuddapah (d) All of these

8. Which region is famous for the cultivation of Tulip flowers which are exported all over the world?
(a) Denmark (b) India
(c) Netherlands (d) Spain

9. Arrange the following approaches to human geography on the basis of their occurrence.
(a) Regional analysis, Exploration, Areal Differentiation, Spatial organisation
(b) Spatial organisation, Regional analysis, Exploration, Areal Differentiation
(c) Exploration, Regional analysis, Areal Differentiation, Spatial organisation
(d) Exploration, Meal Differentiation, Regional analysis, Spatial organisation

10. Consider the following statements and choose the correct option from the given options.
I. Nomadic herding is practised over vast horizontal as well as vertical distances.
II. Nomads migrate from plains to high altitude pastures during winter season and from high altitude
pastures to plains during summer season.
(a) Only statement I is correct (b) Only statement II is correct
(c) Both statements I and II are correct (d) Both statements I and II are incorrect

11. Who proposed the concept of stop and go determinism in the interaction of human beings with the
(a) Ellen C Semple (b) Griffith Taylor
(c) Paul Vidal de la Blache (d) Ratzel

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12. Assertion : The contribution of agriculture in economy has declined over time.
Reason : People are decreasing in agriculture sector in India.
(a) Only Assertion. is correct
(b) Only Reason is correct
(c) Both assertion and reason are correct. Reason correctly explains assertion
(d) Both are correct but not related to each other

13. Assertion : It is important to make policy measure for water conservation in India.
Reason : The per capita availability of water is declining.
(a) Only assertion is correct
(b) Only reason is correct
(c) Both assertion and reason are correct. Reason is correct explanation of assertion
(d) Both are correct but not related to each other

14. Which approach of human geography was followed during the later colonial period?
(a) Areal differentiation (b) Exploration and description
(c) Regional analysis (d) Spatial organisation
Direction : Read the following graph and answer the question no. 15 to 17.

15. Which state has higher proportion of cultivators as compared to others?

(a) Himachal Pradesh (b) Goa
(c) Tamil Nadu (d) Rajasthan

16. In which of the following Union Territory, there is very high percentage of agricultural labourers?
(a) NCT of Delhi (b) Chandigarh
(c) Puducherry (d) Lakshadweep

17. Which state has higher proportion of other workers?

(a) Bihar (b) Goa
(c) Madhya Pradesh (d) Chhattisgarh

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Section B
18. Read the given passage carefully and answer the questions that follow.
Bio-energy refers to energy derived from biological products which includes agricultural residues,
municipal, industrial and other wastes. Bioenergy is a potential source of energy conversion. It can
be converted into electrical energy, heat energy or gas for cooking. It will also process the waste and
garbage and produce energy. This will improve economic life of rural areas in developing countries,
reduce environmental pollution, enhance self-reliance and reduce pressure on fuel wood. One such
project converting municipal waste into energy is Okhla in Delhi.
The challenge of sustainable development requires integration of quest for economic development with
environmental concerns. Traditional methods of resource use result into generating enormous quantity
of waste as well as create other environmental problems. Hence, for sustainable development calls for
the protection of resources for the future generations. There is an urgent need to conserve the resources.
The alternative energy sources like solar power, wind, wave; geothermal energy are inexhaustible
resource. These should be developed to replace the exhaustible resources. In case of metallic minerals,
use of scrap metals will enable recycling of metals. Use of scrap is specially significant in metals like
copper, lead and zinc in which India’s reserves are meagre. Use of substitutes for scarce metals may also
reduce their consumption. Export of strategic and scarce minerals must be reduced, so that the existing
reserve may be used for a longer period.
Question :
(i) What. are the economic implications of bio-energy for rural community?
(ii) Why do we need alternatives to conventional fuel resources such as fossil fuels?
(iii) Why should export of rare and scarce minerals be reduced?

19. Observe the given map and answer the following questions.

(i) Name the railway line shown in the map.

(ii) Name the station marked as ‘A’.
(iii) Name the port located on the coast of Spencer Gulf through which this railway line passes.

20. How is growth different from development in modern society? Explain in brief.

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Page 5 Sample Paper 2 Geography Class 12

21. Highlight both positive and negative effects of urbanisation.

22. What is Pastoral Nomadism? State its characteristics.

“Gathering has little chances to become important at global level.” Analyse the statement by giving three

23. Write any three differences between subsistence agriculture and commercial agriculture.
What do you understand by market gardening and horticulture? Analyse any three characteristics of this
type of agriculture.
Section C
24. Explain any two methods that can be used to conserve the depleting resources of water in India.

25. How can you say that different marketing centres try to provide services by targeting different markets?

26. “Population in. a region is affected by its geography”. Explain.

Explain the economic and social factors that affect the distribution of population in a region. Give

27. Explain the distribution of any two type of energy resources in India.
Non-conventional energy resources will prove more sustainable in the long term. Describe any two non-
conventional energy resources found in India.

28. Elucidate the concept of ‘trading’ in tertiary sector of economy.

Section D
29. On the political map of India, locate and label any five of the following with appropriate symbols.
(i) Hazaribagh copper mine
(ii) A bauxite mine
(iii) A leading producing state of tea
(iv) Largest producer of jute in India
(v) A leading cotton’ producing state
(vi) An international Airport in Thiruvananthapuram.
(vii) An oil refinery

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30. On the given political map of the world, the following seven features are shown. Identify any five of
these features and write their correct names on the lines marked near each feature.
(i) An inland waterway
(ii) A major airport
(iii) A major seaport
(iv) Western Terminal Station of Trans-Canadian Railway
(v) An international airport
(vi) Canal
(vii) A major airport in Asia.


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