Group Project Mark Scheme

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The document outlines the assessment criteria and expectations for a group project and individual evaluation. Students will be marked based on a group report and presentation as well as an individual written report. There are clear rubrics provided to guide students in understanding what is required to achieve different grade bands.

There are six assessment criteria provided for the group project - project plan, project process, project outcome, different perspectives/cross-collaboration, presentation of information, and referencing. Higher grades require more detailed and well formulated plans, processes, outcomes, use of research and perspectives.

For the individual evaluation, students are assessed on their evaluation of the group project plan and process, the project outcome, and their own contribution and learning. More insightful, detailed and well structured reflections that demonstrate learning are expected for higher grades.


GP Teacher:

Group Project Mark Scheme

There are 60 marks available for this assignment and it contributes to 30% of the overall mark. You are marked on an evaluation of the group project, produced as a group and your individual evaluation. There are 6 assessment criteria as shown in the table below:

To achieve the marks you will need to produce: A GROUP ELEMENT, which is assessed through a 2000 word (maximum) report produced by all group members. The report can consist of multimedia and text, or text only. An INDIVIDUAL ELEMENT, which is assessed through; Self, peer and teacher observations A 1500 word (maximum) written report produced by you. Your evaluation needs to evaluate (consider the strengths, weaknesses & suggest improvements): o The project plan and process o The project outcome o Your contribution to, and learning from the project, including the cross-cultural collaboration Use the minutes of your meetings, self and group evaluations and reflection blogs to help you identify the key evidence J Look carefully at the 2 mark schemes below. Tick the criteria when you feel you have achieved that element. How easy is it for an assessor to see in your work? How could you improve and move onto the next band?

Group Element
Tick the statements that best describe your group project report. Think about how you can move onto the next band. What could you change?

Assessment Criteria

Band 1 1-2 marks

Band 2 3-4 marks

Project Plan

Our plan is simple, lacks detail We havent described what we want to achieve (aim) We havent explained why we chose this (rationale) We havent chosen an outcome, or it is very vague We have not included time frames, or they are very vague We did not allocate or describe the roles & responsibilities.

Our plan is basic with some detail We have basically described what we want to achieve (aim) We have simply explained why we chose this (rationale) We have chosen an outcome, but it is not really appropriate We have included basic time frames Some details of roles & responsibilities given.

Band 3 5-7 marks Our plan is clear & detailed. Our aims are clear & specific We begin to explain our rationale We have identified an appropriate outcome linked to the aim. We have included realistic time frames Some of our planned activities are explained in detail. Roles & responsibilities are clearly defined.

Band 4 8-10 marks Our plan is detailed and well formulated Specific aims clearly articulated We clearly explain our rationale We have a concrete outcome, well suited to our aim. We have outlined realistic appropriate time frames All planned activities are referred to and explained We have fully defined all roles & responsibilities with some justification. We have used our research to effectively and thoughtfully support our outcome We are aware and appreciate the wide range of different perspective about our topic We have treated these with empathy and understanding There is considerable, understanding, evidence and use of cross-cultural collaboration

Different Perspectives; cross-collaboration

We have not used our research to support our outcome We have not included different perspectives; it may be just personal, national or global. There is limited evidence of cross-cultural collaboration (who have we spoken to in other countries?)

We have basically used some of our research to support our outcome, but it not very effective. We have included some different perspectives There is some evidence of us collecting and or using cross- cultural collaboration (who have we spoken to in other countries? How did they affect our decisions and planning?)

We have used our research to effectively support our outcome We are aware and appreciate the range of different perspectives about our topic. We have been involved in cross collaboration and used some of this to affect our planning and outcome.

Individual Element
Tick the statements that best describe your participation (how much have you contributed to the project and the group) and your written evaluation of the group project (What do were the strengths & weaknesses? How could you improve your group project if you were to do it again? Remember an evaluation is a critical review; its not about everything being good, so be honest and use the mark criteria to help you J Again, how you can move onto the next band? What could you change?
Assessment Criteria

Band 1 1-2 marks

Band 2 3-4 marks

Band 3 5-7 marks

Band 4 8-10 marks

I am always an active member of the group I need no prompting to contribute to group discussions and activities, My contributions are always constructive. I show considerable support for other members of the group I show considerable commitment to the successful completion of the project

This first criterion is assessed through self, peer and teacher observation.

I am a passive member of the group I play a minimal part in group discussions and activities, even when I am prompted My contributions are not very constructive. I show little or no support for other members of the group I show little commitment to the successful completion of the project

I can sometimes be an active member of the group I play some part in group discussions and activities, usually when prompted My contributions to the group work are sometimes constructive. I show some support for other members of the group I show some commitment to the successful completion of the project

I am usually an active member of the group. I need little prompting to contribute to group discussions and activities, My contributions are usually constructive. I show support for other members of the group I show commitment to the successful completion of the project

How well do I participate in group work/activities?

The following 3 criteria are based on your written independent evaluation

Evaluating our group project plan & process

My evaluation is simplistic I have identified one strength and/or one weakness in the project plan and/or the process I have not suggested any improvement to the project, plan or focus.

My evaluation is basic, I have included some details I have identified one main strength and one main weakness in both the project plan and the process I have described one suggestion for improvement to the project, plan or focus.

My evaluation is detailed and includes description and explanation I have identified some of the main strengths and weakness in the project plan and the process I have a few suggestions for improvement to the project, plan or focus. Some of my suggestions are well-considered

My evaluation is detailed and well formulated. I consider all the elements I have identified most of the strengths and weakness in the project plan and the process I have several suggestions for improvement to the project, plan or focus. Most of my suggestions are well-considered

Evaluating the project outcome

My evaluation of our group outcome is simplistic. My evaluation is not linked to the aims of the project. What did we want to do? I have not understood why the outcome succeeded or failed.

My evaluation of our group outcome is basic. I have tried to include some details. My evaluation does not consistently link with our project aims. What did we want to do? How much did we achieve this? I have understood some of the reasons why the outcome succeeded or failed My evaluation of my individual contribution and learning is basic with some details. I have shown some awareness of how my contribution affected the progress of the project. What did I really do? How effective was this? There is some reflection on either the benefits or challenges I faced working as a group. What did I find difficult? Why? What did I enjoy why? I have basically considered how the cross-cultural collaboration affected my own learning and perspectives. What did this research show me about how other people from different countries think or feel?

My evaluation of our group outcome is detailed. My evaluation consistently links to our project aims. I have understood and can describe the reasons why the outcome succeeded or failed. I have tried to analyse the reasons why.

My evaluation of our group outcome is detailed and well formulated. My evaluation consistently and clearly links to our project aims. I have shown considerable insight into the successes and failures of our outcome.

Evaluating my individual contribution and learning

My evaluation of my individual contribution and learning is simplistic. I have shown a limited awareness of personal responsibility in the project. What did I really do? There is little reflection on either the benefits or challenges I faced working as a group. What did I find difficult? Why? What did I enjoy why?

My evaluation of my individual contribution and learning is detailed. I have shown an awareness of the strengths and weaknesses of my own contribution to the project. There is some reflection on both the benefits and challenges I faced working as a group. I have considered and described how the cross- cultural collaboration affected my own learning and perspectives. How did contact with people in a different country affect/change my views? Why were their opinions similar or different?

My evaluation of my individual contribution and learning is detailed and well structured. I have shown considerable insight in evaluating my contribution to the project. There is insightful reflection on both the benefits and challenges I faced working as a group. I have astutely recognised and explained how the cross- cultural collaboration affected my own learning and perspectives.

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