Group :4
Employees wish their employers put more effort into motivating them, that’s what a
recently published research commissioned by Reward Gateway conveyed. 73% of UK
employees clearly revealed that they want their bosses to be more invested in motivating them
rather than only caring about their performance. The survey also showed that 41% of
employees who aren’t strongly motivated in work will often try to find consoling in their
salary. These statistics are a clear display of the major motivator that workers seek in order to
get through their days at work, which is money. Money is nowadays the key to happiness, the
intent that makes life much more enjoyable, the aim we all aspire to obtain in order to live a
careless life. A life where shopping is relentless, price tags are not frown at or looked at in
shock, a life where not a single worry goes through the mind of each one of us the moment an
expense is mentioned, and most important of all, a life where workers go to work to do
something they love and enjoy, something they consider their life purpose, rather than just a
drudgery where they spend days and days in a state of affliction, each day eagerly checking
their bank account, waiting for a meaningless bunch of numbers to appear on their screen, to
finally feel a bit of relief, to numb their inner pain and to get through another month of hard
and unwanted work. This kind of workers often envy those who get up in the morning and
happily get ready to go to work, living a life where their work is not only an occupation but
also a life purpose, a life where money is not the only thing they get out of work, it is rather a
simple remuneration for their noted efforts. So, what’s the secret of this kind of employees,
who are motivated to go to work and give their best, not for a material reward? And as an
employer, what could motivate my employees when money is not an option?
First of all, let’s define what motivation is. Motivation is what drives employees to be fully
engaged in their work and inspired to achieve results. When employees are motivated, they’re
more likely to come to work happy, be ready to tackle new challenges and put forth their best
effort. That level of engagement and energy can lead to higher productivity and a desire to
find more creative solutions to your toughest problems. Motivation can not only give
employees the push to reach company goals more quickly and effectively, but also reach their
own career goals, as they’ll be more likely to make the most of their opportunities at work.
That’s why workers can be motivated by numerous other things besides money, the main
motivator that helps employees be delighted at work is having a good understanding of the
organisation’s business goals. Business goals represent the steps followed by a company to
achieve their wanted results, and workers, in order to give their best and feel the biggest job
satisfaction, should have a clear view of the company’s plans to feel like they are contributing
to something big, and to feel like playing a significant role in the success of the company.
Having insight into how business is going makes employees much more invested. So as an
employer, it is recommended to share work data with employees on a regular basis, by
distributing sales reports on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis or disclosing data on the
proportion of new versus returning consumers. Having access to all of this information not
only helps identify areas for improvement but also gives staff members a sense of importance
inside the company, which consequently motivates them and leads to better results as the time
goes by. As an example, a company is willing to implement a new product on the market,
instead of simply distributing tasks and giving imperative orders to workers without much
explanation, the CEO can share with them why there is a need for a new product on the
market, what lead the company to make this decision, what’s the calculated margin on this
new product and how the individual efforts of each one of them can help the company
achieve business goals quicker. This way, the employers will be strongly motivated because
they know that the firm is counting on them and this instantly lifts their spirits and establishes
a climate of trust and autonomy.
Another way to motivate employees, without spending money, that is often overlooked is
encouragement and positive feedback. Workers want to feel fulfilled at work, and sharing
positive feedback is in fact one of the key job satisfaction factors that increases motivation
levels. By simply saying words of encouragement to random employees, the CEO shows his
gratitude and humility, and the worker on the other hand feels so appreciated and noticed
among his colleagues. Many employees can be motivated simply by knowing that their efforts
make a real impact, but just as important, or maybe even more, is being recognized for their
efforts. Letting employees know they made an excellent job makes them feel good and gives
them a deep sense of loyalty and commitment to the company and its mission, therefore
motivating them to go above and beyond in their work. Positive feedback also gives
employees a sense of progress and achievement, knowing that their individual efforts made a
difference and moved not only them, but the whole organisation they work for, closer to their
goals. Encouraging employees not only motivates them to do better but also fosters a positive
relationship between them and their supervisors, when appreciated and supported, they’re
more likely to create a fun climate of productivity and hard work.
Third of all, motivating employees can turn out to be much easier when the workplace is a
pleasant place to be in. Whether their schedule is flexible or not, most employees spend many
hours at their workplace, making it an aesthetically pleasing, functional and fun workspace
makes work a lot more pleasant. As an employer, make sure things are well-kept and that you
have up-to-date equipment and interesting furniture. All these little touches will make work a
lot more enjoyable for your employees and will ensure higher levels of productivity. A
workplace is where ideas are born, where miracles are happening and where talents are
discovered, taking good care of it is an indirect way to motivate employees and guarantee
better results. Finally, in order to feel trusted and counted on, employees should have some
opportunities to lead and make decisions. Leadership opportunities give employees additional
responsibilities that can motivate them to work at a higher standard to succeed in their role
and reach their career advancement goals. Providing these opportunities by changing who
leads the team on a certain project or by rotating who leads a weekly training on a new skill
or concept can turn out to be very useful and beneficial.