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Changing Trends and Career

in Physical Education

C.B.S.E. Syllabus
After studyingthis chapter, students will be able to:
o Concept, Aims and Objectives of Physical Education
o Development of Physical Education in India - Post Independence
o Changing Trends in Sports- playing surface, wearable gears and sports equipment, technological
o Career Options in Physical Education
o Khelo-India and Fit-India Program

If you ask a layman, that what does he/she understand about the term
Physical Education'. The most possible answer would be that physical
education is knowledge related to sports activity, sports education, sports
coaching, health education, education about yoga or anything related to
individual fitness. But in reality, Physical Education is much more than all
this. Although these activities are associated with Physical Education, but
they are just a part of Physical Education. Physical Education uses physical
activities or movements to bring about positive changes in the physical,
mental, and emotional well-being of an individual. It is a broad field of
education which deals with the relationship between physical well-being
and movement and other domains of education.


Physical Education isa combination of two separate words, 'physical' and 'education'. The first word i.e, 'physical'
means 'related to body and ie's characteristics, such as- physical strength, physical endurance, physical fitness,
physical appearance and physical health. Whereas, the second word i.e. 'education' means 'preparation for life' or
'systematic instruction and training.
When we look at the combined meaning of these two words, we can understand that- physical education is
a systematic training of an individual by using his/her own body to achieve the objectives of developing and

Physical Education-XI Changing Trends and Career in Physical Education

developing motor skills, physical abilities, making a habit of living a healthy
mantain1ng the body,
developing the ability to control emotions for a fuller living.
Definitions of Physical Education
better manner :
definitions will help us to understand the concept of Physical Education in a

Definitions of Physical Education

those experiences which come to the individual through
o "Physical education is the sum of -Delbert Oberteuffer
of the whole field of education that deals with big muscles
O"Physical education is that phase -J.B. Nash
and their related responses." educational objectives are achieved by
movement where many of the
"Education through human exercise." -Barrow
muscle activities involving sports, games, gymnastics, dance and
means of big development and care of
"Physical Education is a part of education which gives instructions in the
o toa course of study providing training in hygiene,
the body ranging from simple callisthenic exercises of athletics and games." -Webster's Dictionary
gymnastics and the performance and management mentally,
"Physical Education is an integral part of total educational process to develop physically,
-Charles A. Bucher
emotionally and socially fit citizens through physicalactivities."
for the development of total personality
o "Physical Education is an education through physical activitiessoul."
of the child to its fullness and perfection in body, mind and
-Central Advisory Board of Physical Education and Recreation
activities selected as to kind, and conducted as to
o "Physical Education is the sum of man's physical Jesse Feiring Willians

Toconclude we can say that, Physical Education can bedefined as a teaching-learning process where physical
manner so that
activities are used as medium of instruction, and these physical activities are designed in such a
they can improve physical fitness, motor skills, knowledge, sportsmanship, emotional stability and
behaviour of a person.
Aims of Physical Education
Some of the main aims of physical education are:
To maximize our physical ability, leading us to be healthy, krnowledgeable, skillful, creative, productive and
influential in all walks of life.
o Optimal and wholesome development of the individual for complete living, as well as optimum performance
in sports competitions.
To make every child physically, mentally and emotionally fit and also to develop such personal and social
qualities in him/her that will help him to live a happy and healthy life and also build him up as agood citizen.
Objectives of Physical Education
Some of the main objectives of physical education are :
1. Physical Development: Optimum physical development is the ultimate objective of physical education. Our
body is akind of machine which grows and develops with physical activities. Physical development improves
our neuromuscular responses and leads to maximum development in all spheres.

10 Changing Trends and Career in Physical Education Physical Education-X/

2 Mental Development: Various physical activities not only require physical strength but also need alertness
of mind, deep concentration and precise movements. The study of physical education also includes
understanding techniques of the game, rules and regulations, anatomical and physiological studies, balanced
diet, etc. Thus mental level of an individual can be developed with the help of physical education.
3 Social Development: Social traits are essential for better adjustment in life. Asociety can prosper in ahealthy
social environment and this is possible only through the program of physical education.
4. Neuro-Muscular Co-ordination : The activities of physical education provide ample opportunities tor the
better neuro-muscular co-ordination. Good neuro-muscular co-ordination helps to keep off fatigue during
vigorous activities and enhances accuracy and efficiency of body movements.
5. Emotional Development :Physical Education also emphasis on enmotional development of a person. Physical
education enables a person to gain control over his/her emotions which ultimately enhances the personality
of the person. Physicaleducation teaches the students to accept both success and failure gracefully. This
helps him/her in future life as he/she is able to accept the success and failure in life alike.
Development of Health :The development of health is an important objective of physical education. This
develops health related habits through health education. This also provides education about the prevention
of communicable diseases. There are various programmes about recreation. The programmes of physical
education in modern age reduce the anxiety, stress and tension upto a large extent, so that the health of
individuals could be promoted.
7 Development of Organ Systems: Physical Education Programmes helps to develop all organ systems such
as-respiratory system, circulatory system, digestive system, nervous system, and muscular system. This leads
to increased physicalefficiency and capacity.
8. Intellectual or Cognitive Development: Development of intellectual or cognitive abilities is also an objective
of Physical Education. While taking part in any of the physical Education related event, the participant has to
learn and remember various rules and regulations related to that event. Such learning further enhances the
intelectual or cognitive abilities of the person. Various studies have proved that students who excel in various
sports and games have ahigher intelligent quotient as compared to the students of leser physical ability.
Enhance Habit of Discipline :Physical Education programmes helps to encourage ahigh level of interest
and personal engagement in physical activities. This further leads to enhancement of sense of initiative,
enthusiasm and commitment towards various tasks.
10. Achieve Optimum Physical Fitness and Health:Physical education programmes helps to develop physical
fitness and capacity through healthy habits of sleep, exercise, food etc.
1. Develop Specific Skills :Physical education programmes helps an individual to enhance and develop more
specific mnotor skills such as- dancing, gymnastics, etc.
12. Enjoyment and Satisfaction : To provides enjoyment and satisfaction through physical activities
13. Character Building : Physical Education Programme helps to build character traits such as morality, self
esteem, self-efficacy and resilience, and reduces levels of stress.
14. Development of Evaluative Skills :lt enables participant toevaluate his/her own and others' performances.
15. Remedial Values: Physical Education Programme teaches safety habits where one can learn about corrective
exercises which will lead to safety habits amongst individuals.
16. Effective Citizenship : Physical Education Programme prepares an effective citizen who serves the country
in better manner.


After independence, Government of India introduced following schemes to promote sports and physical education
throughout the nation :

Physical Education-XI Changing Trends and Career in Physical Education 11


Changing Authority
In In In (b) (a)
infrastructure InNationalintroduced
In1970-71, In in To In the In In
(LNIPE). In the
was Federations sports, (c) for
2018, 2010, 1987, 1984 1982, 1965, All International
Inlevel. In(a) (a) recommended
(b) Central (b) (a) Physical
To To involve physical 1959, 1958, 1957, 1953, 1951,
In started forcoaching
Insupervision India National aiThme of secondarv
Tolevel. To To Central
CBSE promote
XIX Society Sports AsianSports National National Sports 1995, 1973, First different loprepared Improvement
Trends of rural Council Rajkumari Asian promote introduceadvise
Advisory Education
Commonwealth India fitness in for
made which Games college
the Gwalior,
Institute Institute
championship youth
and of
College financial program the Games the
and (SAI) Talent Fitness Physical college of
Physical National status Youth Al games Amri t National
indigenous government
Career excellence was held was India Sports scheme were
Physical Board of Committee, of
to Search and got Madhya of and of
running standards
build of Corps ofWelfare renamed Physicalassistance. Sports Physical
promote Efficiency status Kaurorganised Plan
inEducationGamesInstitutes India Indiain spot peoples Council was
sports. was physicalEducation Physi cal
Physical for wasScheme was Pradesh. of popularly
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started Department State
of streamline Physical games
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Lakshmibai activities, Education
Education adevelop was a was India. Sports. was time. health Delhiin
conducted Physical
compulsory Games. huge in talent sports Subject
and established launched
promote to sponsered in setup Education physical and and known
1975 was known minister to s
international boost to inwith University" councils 1954 coaching as wasports as
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subjectawareness by and India.
two for and aim Lakshmibai liaison
and at India) Indian Chand
Ministry College
and Del h i program Recreation
sports, to district
for Delhi. and maintainence women
level.objectives issues. in and
make to named between introduce youth
classes amongSports sportspersons promote
of of and in subject 1950 Commit ee
Rural College sports
participation in indianEducation Physical
as Punjab Indian, to in
IX (SNIPES) Government 1956. at with
topeoples. and
facilities Sports Lakshmibal
Physical councils Coaching partic1pate was
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proper of Education Physical there set
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state physically
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merged utilization sports. and launched National and wereno games
(LNCPE).Educationestablished objectives 1948.
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with schemestrong. to inInstitute professional and
games and commitee
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Sports sports level. (LCPE) under Sports coaches
was and
of a.

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