1 Delaurier A Study of Mechanical Flapping Wing Flight
1 Delaurier A Study of Mechanical Flapping Wing Flight
1 Delaurier A Study of Mechanical Flapping Wing Flight
flapping-wing flight
J. D. D E L A U R I E R
Institute for Aerospace Studies,
University of Toronto,
Downsview, Ontario, Canada
and J. M. HARRIS
Battelle Memorial Institute
Columbus, Ohio, USA
(like a propeller), and fixed wings provide the lift. All of the
ABSTRACT above designs have been called "ornithopters" by their builders,
but only those which meet the "bird like wing" definition will be
The feasibility of mechanical flapping-wing flight has been stud- referenced and discussed.
ied by analyses and experiments. The key results from this work Although nature's flapping-wing examples had been humanity's
include the development of an efficient wing with unique features original inspiration for achieving flight, the successful mechanical
for twisting and lift balance, as well as a lightweight and reliable realisation of this has been limited largely to small rubber-
drive mechanism. These were incorporated into a radio-con- powered ornithopters built by aeromodellers*1*, which all derive
trolled, engine-powered, flapping-wing aeroplane (ornithopter), from the 1874 model flown by Alphonse Penaud*2'. A current
whose flight tests have been the proof-of-concept focus of this commercial example of this is the "Tim Bird" (Figure 1) which,
research. In September 1991, this aircraft achieved successful sus- like Penaud's, uses a twisted rubber band operating a crank
tained flights, demonstrating the practicability of this particular system to flap the wing spars.
solution for mechanical flapping-wing flight. A more sophisticated series of rubber-powered ornithopters
were built by von Holst<3' for his study of bird flight. These have a
very intricate stick and tissue construction, with a drive mecha-
nism incorporating an eccentric drum which varies the supplied
moment to the flapping wings. Therefore, maximum flapping
NOMENCLATURE forces are applied to the wings when needed during the cycle.
As for motorised flapping models, successful examples are few
b wingspan and sparsely documented. Those that warrant particular mention
CLe local lift-curve slope wrt flapping axis angle are the engine-powered ornithopters designed by Percival Spencer
c local chord (reported by Dwiggins<4>) and David Atkins (reported by Brooks,
y spanwise coordinate et a/<5>)- However, no design details or performance figures were
% chordwise distance from a fixed reference point to the given.
local aerodynamic centre A notable exception is the 18 ft-span robot pterosaur designed
xac chordwise distance from the reference point to the and constructed by AeroVironment of Monrovia, California<5'.
wing's aerodynamic centre This remarkable aircraft, with its computerised stability
Figure 7. 1991 Selig S1020 aerofoil. Figure 9. Side view of the drive mechanism.
increased while the elevator angle is brought back to zero. Note Figure 13. Omithopter in flight, 4 September 1991.
that the simulation's predictions are conservative in that ridge lift The durations were long enough to adequately evaluate the or-
and head winds are not modelled. nithopter's performance, stability and control. The flight videos
Additionally, a plywood mockup of the omithopter had been showed speeds of approximately 50 ft/sec at flapping frequencies
constructed and launch tests were performed in order to gain ex- from 3-0 to 3-8 Hz (averaging 3-3 Hz). According to the pilot,
perience with attaining the strong level throws dictated by the these evidently exceeded the minimum conditions for level flight.
simulation. This proved to be a valuable training tool as well as a The aircraft was flown "hot", staying at altitudes below 300 ft for
means for obtaining launch speed data. documentation by the ground based cameras. Therefore, the previ-
These efforts paid off on 24 October with two excellent launch- ously predicted minimum flight conditions of 45 ft/s at 3 Hz are
es. For the first time, the omithopter rose higher than the launch probably valid.
altitude and appeared to be sustaining. However, the engine Turns were attempted, for the first time, and these were execut-
prematurely failed in both cases, so the landings did not meet the ed smoothly and easily with no unstable tendencies. The rudder
criterion of being discretionary. Also, it was unclear if the or- worked with the mean dihedral, as designed, to give the required
nithopter flew free of ridge lift, so unequivocal success could not bank angles. A slight amount of asymmetrical thrust was readily
compensated for with rudder trim. The longitudinal stability was
be claimed. It appeared then that a solution to the engine failure
likewise very good, confirming the adequacy of the chosen static
problem (which had plagued this project off-and-on from 1985)
margin. The elevator trim for level flight was found to be essen-
was now the top priority. tially zero, as calculated. In all, the omithopter appeared to be
This was dealt with by increasing the first stage drive ratio and inherently stable.
improving the fuel feed. Meanwhile, a new windtunnel rig had When in flight, there was no perceptible fuselage heaving or
been developed*10' which allowed a flapping Mark-6 outer panel pitching in response to the flapping. Undoubtedly, there is some
to be tested for average lift and thrust. The results showed that the unbalanced force imposed on the fuselage; but the three-panel
omithopter would only have marginally sustained flight. At the wing apparently worked at reducing this. In fact it was striking,
same time the development of the Mark-8 wing showed such looking at the videos, how smoothly the omithopter flew.
promise that it was decided to make no further flights with the Finally, both landings were very satisfactory, with no damage
Mark-6 wing. Instead, the omithopter was preserved for tests with for the first one, and only slight damage to the subrudder for the
the new wing. second. If required, that could have been a field repair.
The Mark-8 wing was ready by June 1991, having undergone
windtunnel tests which confirmed its performance potential*10).
Also, both bench runs and run ups at flight speeds on a truck
mounted rig were conducted to proof test the wing structure, drive CONCLUDING REMARKS
mechanism and fuel feed system. The omithopter was then ready
for flight testing, and the opportunity for this occurred on The flights of 4 September graphically demonstrated the feasibili-
4 September. ty of this particular approach to engine powered flapping wing
The location was near Newton-Robinson in rural Ontario (about flight. It is readily acknowledged that there may be other solutions
30 miles north of Toronto). The winds were from the north at ap- for attaining this; but the omithopter design resulting from this
proximate speeds of 5-15 mph, and the aircraft was launched from work has certain technologically attractive features. First of all,
the top of a northward facing ridge. Both launches were excellent, the wing design operates very efficiently because the Shearflex
smooth and level; and in both cases the omithopter climbed and feature allows it to incorporate a thick, modern, aerofoil with a
performed sustained flight (shown in Fig. 13) until it was decided wide attached-flow angle of attack range and high leading-edge
to land. The pilot kept the elevator angle initially at zero, planning suction efficiency. Next, the three-panel feature substantially re-
only to increase it as required. As it turned out, the initial up- duces two of the main design problems for omithopters, namely
elevator suggested by the Launch simulation was not needed, the unbalanced lift imposed on the fuselage and the difference
between downstroke and upstroke power. Further, a drive mecha-
probably because of ridge-lift effects.
nism was found that was lightweight, reliable, and capable of
The flight duration was limited only by the amount of on board
delivering simple harmonic motion to the wing. Note the
fuel, which is a maximum of 4 oz. Since a fair amount of run up important fact that the drive reduction provided such an apparent
was performed before the first launch, it was decided to land back inertia at the engine that no flywheel had to be added. That
before the tank emptied. If that occurs, the wing might lock at an is, the engine was able to run as comfortably through its throttle
unstable flapping angle. Therefore, the first flight was 1 min 46 s. range as if it were rotating a propeller.
The second flight was longer, at 2 min 46 s.