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STP Report

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The visit was conducted to study the various processes in order
to understand the practical aspects related with STP for student of
Third Year Civil along with coordinator Mr. B. R. Kavathekar Sir and
Mr. S. M. Wandare Sir under guidance of Dr. G. R. Munavalli Sir.

We are gladly thankful to Director Dr. U. A. Dabade as well as
Head of the Department Dr. G. R. Munavalli and our faculties who
gave students a great guidance regarding information and instructed
them the importance of Sewage Treatment Plant in civil field. So, we
decided to visit to sewage treatment plant, which is situated at
Nishant Colony, Sangli. We are especially thankful to the operators of
sewage treatment plant because they helped us in visit at treatment
plant. We are also thankful to Mr. M. R. Kavthekar and Mr. S. M.
Wandare for their valuable information and guidance.
Sr. Subject Page
No. No.








1.0 Location of STP and area contributing:
The STP we visited locate at Padmavati Nivas, behind of the 100 ft road ,near
to Gurukul English School, 100 ft road, Nishant Colony, Sangli, Maharashtra,

Location: The STP located at 16°50'30"N in latitude and 74°34'52"E in longitude

Areas contributing to STP: The area for which this 23.5 MLD STP contributing
is includes Ankali, Brahmanal, Ganpati Peth Sangli, Haripur, Inam Dhamni,
Karnal, Market Yard Sangli, Mouje Digraj, Nandre, Padmale, R K Extension
Sangli, S S K Sangli, Samdolii, Sangalwadi, Sangli City, Sangli, Vasgade, and

The sewage produced is collected from all these areas and treated to further let
the treated sewage to river water.
2.0 Flow Diagram of Processes in STP:
2.1 Pictorial Representation of processes involved in Sequential Batch
3.0 Description of STP units:

3.1 Functions:
● Screening is a unit process because this process does not need any chemical to operate.
Two screens (manual & mechanical) capable of removing unwanted material of size 5mm and
● Both the screens are not operated at one time. If there is any power failure, then the Mechanical
Screens are operated.

2. Detritus Tank:
Detritus Tank removes Inorganic as well as some part of organic suspended solids by lowering the
velocity of flow and with the help of screw califier so that they will not enter SBR tank.
3. Splitter Box:
After the grit chamber, sludge goes through the splitter box and gets splitted in four parts further
going to different selecter zones.

4. Syllectro Zone:
● The influent to the biological treatment contains not only carbonaceous organic matter but also
nitrogenous organic matter.
● In the STP, to oxidise the NBOD Separate System is provided (As the NBOD is substantially
● In the syllectro zone, ANOXIC conditions are created where the nitrogen acts as an electron
● There are a total 8 tanks where 2 adjacent tanks give wastewater to 1 SBR tank.
● In this tank, there is a requirement of Autotrophic bacteria. Hence, the active bacteria are
pumped by the RAS pump and provided in this tank.
● Here the waste water gets aerated for 15 minutes.
5. C Tech Basin Inlet Gates:
● They will on/off automatically based on input from PLC to the Gate to allow inflow of
wastewater in the selected basin.
● Based on the pre-decided cycle time, PLC will command one of the inlet Gates to open and
receive the influent for a specified time.

6. Main Air Header Valves:

● They will on/off automatically based on input from PLC to the Valve to allow inflow of air in the
Aeration basin.
● Based on the pre-decided cycle PLC will command one of the valves to open and supply air to
the basin for a specified time.
● This valve will remain open throughout the entire filling and aeration phase of the basin and will
remain closed during other phases of the basin.

7. Selector Air Header Valves:

● They will on/off automatically based on input from PLC to the Valve to allow inflow of air in the
selector area of the basins.
● Based on the pre- decided cycle PLC will command one of the valves to open and supply air to
the basin's selector for a specified time.
● The valve will be under open condition only when the main Air Header Valve is open and will
be open for the same basin only.

8. SBR Tank:
● After Syllectro zone, sludge enters in SBR tank where it again gets aerated for 75 minutes for
increasing the count of active bacteria.
● Later for 30 minutes, sludge is allowed to settle and then decanded for the next 60 minutes.
● There are Four operating C-Tech basins in the plant.
● These C-Tech basins work in sequence and the influent flow is distributed using Automatic
Gates provided at the Inlet Chamber of C-Tech basins.
● The C-Tech basins are equipped with air blowers, diffusers, Return Activated Sludge (RAS)
pumps, Surplus Activated Sludge (SAS) pumps. Decanters. Auto valves, Programmable Logic
Controller (PLC) etc. All cycles will be automatically controlled using PLC.\

9. Decanter:
● The clear supernatant is removed from the basin using a stainless steel Decanter.
● During decanting there is no inflow to the basin.
● The moving weir DECANTER is motor driven and travels slowly from its "park" position to a
designated bottom water level.
● Variable frequency drives are provided to control the rate of movement of the Decanters.
● After the required level of supernatant is removed, the Decanter is returned to its "park" position
through reversal of the drive.
● The basin is now ready for the next cycle to begin. Stainless steel fabrication ensures resistance
to corrosion, long equipment life without any/no maintenance.

10. RAS Pump: RAS pump is used to pump active bacterias from the SBR tank back to the Syllectro
11. SAS Pump: SAS pump is used to pump out dead bacterias and extra active bacterias from the
SBR tank to centrifuge.
12. Centrifuge: Water from bacterias is removed and is reverted back for screening.
13. Chlorine Connect Tank:
Decanted water is passed to baffle walls and is given a dose of 2 to 3 ppm chlorine gas to get rid of
pests and insects.
14. Fully PLC Based Intelligent Control -
● Operational Simplicity to complete C-Tech plant operation is controlled automatically through a
PLC system, which is a major factor in reducing operating costs.
● All key functions like, RAS, sludge wasting, aeration intensity, cycle time control, decanting rate
etc. are automatically controlled along with data logging.
● Complete historical records of plant operation are available on touch of a button.
15. Centrifuge: The sludge from sludge sump is taken for dewatering and finally for its ultimate
3.2 Dimensions:
Sr. No. Unit Dimension (Sizes)

1 Volume of Aeration Tank 13119.60 m3

2 No. of basins & operating blowers provided 4

3 Volume required per basin 3279.90 m3

4 Side Water Depth of C tech basin 5.30 m

5 Length of C tech basin 34.50 m

6 Width of C tech basin 18.00 m

7 Volume of C tech basin 3291.30 m3

8 Total Volume of 4 basins 13165.20 m3

9 Freeboard provided in C tech basin 0.50 m

10 Total depth of C tech basin 5.80 m

11 No. of Selector compartments 6

12 SWD of Selector Compartment 5.30 m

13 Length of Selector Compartment 18.00 m

14 Width of Selector Compartment 5.50 m

15 Volume offered by Selector Compartment 524.70 m3

16 Minimum Liquid Depth 3.04 m

17 Maximum Liquid Depth 5.30 m

18 Average depth of C tech basin 4.17 m

19 Height of diffuser air release point above bottom of tank 0.25 m

20 Aeration Depth 3.92 m

21 No. of stand by blowers 2

4.0 Design parameters:

Design Basis adopted for calculations:

● Inlet Flow 23500 m3 / day
● Peak Factor 2.00
● Inlet BOD 250 mg/L
● Outlet BOD ≤5 mg/L
● Inlet COD. 400 mg/L
● Outlet COD <100 mg/L
● Outlet TN ≤10 mg/L
● Outlet Ammonical Nitrogen ≤ 2 mg/L
● Inlet suspended solids 350 mg/L
● Outlet suspended solids ≤10 mg/L
● Outlet Phosphorus ≤ 2 mg/L
Treatment Sequence:
● Volume of sewage treated in a day: 23500 m3 / day
● Filling & Aeration Phase: 1.50 Hrs.
● Settling Phase: 0.75 Hrs.
● Decanting Phase: 0.75 Hrs.
● Total Cycle Time = B+C+D: 3.00 Hrs.
● No. of Cycles per day/basin = 24/E 8.00 Nos.
● Hours of aeration time/day/basin = B x F :12 Hrs.
● No. of basins receiving flow simultaneously: 4 Nos.
● No. of basins Aerating simultaneously: 2
● No. of basins Decanting simultaneously: 1

● Flow rate = A/24: 979.16 m3 / h

● Flow rate to each basin = K / H: 244.79 m3 / h

Screen Chamber:
1. Design flow:
Q = 22500 m3 / day
= 0.26 m3 / sec
QD = 2 X 0.26
= 0.520 m3 / sec
Assume, V= 0,8 m/sec ……………………(Range: 0.6 to 1.2 m/s)
As= 0.65 / m2
Dimensions of screen:
Now, Assume height of screen, h= 1 m…………. (Range: 0.5 to 1 m)
Assume, w= Width of the opening= 25 mm …………… (For medium screen)
No. of spaces, (Ns)
Ns = 26
No. of bars, Nb = 26 -1
Nb = 25
Width of the screen = W = Ns*w + Nb*d
Assuming, Thickness of the bar, d = 10 mm…………………. (range 5 to 15 mm)
W = 26 X 25 + 25 X 10
W = 900 mm
Check for velocity,
v= 0.578 > 0.3 m/s
Hence, OK
For length of the screen,
Assuming free board = 1 m & = 80 …………. for mechanical cleaning.
H = 1+1 =2m
Length of the screen,
L = 1.96 m
Say = 2 m
For manual cleaning, in maintenance operation = 45 ………… (Range 40 to 80)
Length of the screen, L= 2.82 m
Say L = 3 m
3. Drop required hl = 0.0729 (V2 – v2) ………… (for clean bed)
= 0.0729 (0.82- 0.582)
= 0.02 m
Now for 50 % clogged screen,
V = 1.6 m/s
hl = 0.0729 (1.62 -– 0.582)
= 0.16 m
Drop = 0.16 m
Design Summary:

For mechanical cleaning screen

● Width of the screen = 0.9 m
● Length of the screen =2 m
● Height of the screen =1m
● No. of spaces = 26
● No. of bars = 25
● Drop = 0.16 m
For manual cleaning screen, only length changes, L = 3m

Splitter Box:

Two splitter box are provided.

● Size= 3m X5m
● Length= 5m
● Width= 3m
● Number 1 splitter way provides sewage water to SBR 1 and 2.
● Number 2 splitter way provides sewage water to SBR 3 and 4.

Grit Chamber:

Q=23.5MLD =0.272m3 /s.

Using peak factor =2
Q = 0.544m3/s.
Providing only one grit chamber.
-Critical Velocity Vc = 4
Assume Grit Removal Size, d= 0.21mm
-Specific gravity =2.65
-Density of water =988kg/m3
1.VC = 0.23m/s
Assume velocity of flow Vf = 0.2m/s
2. Velocity of Settling (Vs)
Vs = [0.707(Ss-1) d16 V-0.6]0.714
Vs = 0.0259m/s
3. Vs = SOR theoretical

Assume E=80% N= ¼

E= 1- [ 1+n((SOR)th/(SOR)act)]-1/n
(SOR)act= 0.013m/s
4. Area As = Qd/(SOR)act
As = 41.86m2
As = L X W

Length= 7m

Assume H=1m

Theta= V/Qd = 77sec …… (45 to 90 sec)

Weir is provided to slow down speed of the water screw pump provided on to collect the grit.
Selector (Anoxic) Zone:

1. Flow rate through each basin = 563.80 m3/h

Feed flow +Recirculation flow

2. Retention time in sector zone 55.00 minutes

3. Volume required=(AXB)/60 516.90 m3

4. No. of selector compartment / basin 6.00 Nos

5. SWD of selector compartment 5.30 m

6. Length of selector compartment 18.00 m

7. Width of selector compartment = C ( E X H ) 5.42 m

8. Width of selector compartment provided 5.50 m

9. Volume offered in selector zone = E X F X H 524.70 m3

Basin Sizing:

• Volume of sewage treated 23500 m3/d

• BOD applied 250 mg/l

• MLSS 4900 mg/l

• (As per CPHEEO Manual value is 3000 to 5000 mg/l)

• MLVSS (0.7 x MLSS) 3430 mg/l

• F/M 0.125 Per day

• As per CPHEEO Manual value is 0.1 to 0.18

• Total Volume of aeration basin 13702.62 m3

• No. of Basins Provided 4 Nos

• Volume required per basin 3425.66 m3

• Side water Depth (SWD) of the C- tech 5.3 m


• Length of C-tech Basins 34.5 m

• Width of C-tech Basins 18.73 m

• Provide Width of C Tech basin as 19 m

• Volume provided per C-Tech Basin 3425.66 m3

• Total Volume offered 13702.62 m3

• Freeboard provided in the C-tech basin 0.5 m

• Total Depth of the C-Tech basin 5.8 m

• Hydraulic retention time (HRT) 14 Hrs

• (As per CPHEEO Manual : 12-24 Hrs)

• Providing recirculation ratio 20% Of feed flow per basin

• Feed Flow to each basin 468.8 m3/h

• Recirculation pump flow required 93.76 m3/h

• Recirculation pump flow provided 95 m3/h

Oxygen Calculation:

• Volume of sewage treated: 23500 m3/d

• Theoretical KgO2 required per Kg BOD: 1.20
• Inlet BOD5: 250 mg/l
• Outlet BOD5: 5 mg/l
• BOD5 removed: 245 mg/l
• Kg of BOD removed in a day: 5757.5 kg/d
• KgO2 reqd. for BOD load: 6909 kg/d
• Inlet total kjeldal nitrogen: 45 kg/d
• Outlet ammoniacal nitrogen: 2 kg/d
• Nitrogen assimilated during BOD removal: 12 mg/d
• Outlet nitrate nitrogen: 3 mg/l
• NH3-N removed in a day: 31 mg/l
• Kg O2 required per Kg of NH3-N: 4.56
• Kg of NH3-N removed in a day: 728.5 kg/d
• KgO2 required per Kg of Nitrate-Nitrogen during denitrification: 2.86

• KgO2 required for NH3-N removal: 3321.96 kg/d

• Kg of Nitrate-Nitrogen generated: 546.37 kg/d
• Kg of Nitrate-Nitrogen in the treated sewage: 70.5 kg/d
• Quantity of Nitrate-Nitrogen that is denitrified: 475.37 kg/d
• KgO2 released during denitrification: 1359.40 kg/d
• Total KgO2 required: 8871.56 kg/d


Parameter Value

Total Oxygen required per day 8492.20 kg/d

SOTR=AOTR/ (((BC’STH – CL)/CS,20)*1.024(T-20)*a*F)

T: Field Temperature 30.00oC

H: Altitude of site 550.00m

CS,20:DO saturation concentration in clean water at 20oC and 9.08 mg/l

C’STH average DO saturation concentration in clean water in in
aeration tank at temperature T and altitude H

CL: Operating DO Concentration in aeration basin 2.00 mg/l

a: Oxygen transfer correction factor 0.65

B: Salinity surface tension correction factor 0.95

F: Fouling factor 0.90

Minimum liquid depth, BWL 3.04m

Maximum liquid depth, TWL 5.30m

Average depth of C-Tech Basin 4.17m

Height of diffuser air release point above bottom of tank 0.25m

Aeration depth 3.92m

CSTH: Oxygen saturation concentration in clean water at 7.09mg/l

temperature T and altitude H

Patm,H 9.71 mWC

Pw,Eff.depth= Aeration depth 3.92 Mwc

Ot: Percentage oxygen concentration leaving tank 19.00

C’STH = CSTH*0.5*(((Patm,H+ Pw,Eff.depth)/ 8.18


SOTR 18018.40 kg/d

SOTR per basin 4504.60 kg/basin/d

SOTR per basin per hour 375.38 kg/basin/hr

SOTE for the above effective aeration depth & air throughout 24.80%
rate as per curves

Ref: EDI curve

By weight fraction of O2 in air 23.18%

Specific gravity of air at Standard condition 1.293

Air required at field condition per basin = SOTR per 60602.80 Nm3/d/basin

Hours of aeration time per basin per day 12.00 Hrs./d/basin

Air required per hour per basin = F/G 5050.30 Nm3/h/basin

Number of operating blowers per basin 2.00

Capacity of blowers required = H/I 2525.2 Nm3/hr

Capacity of blowers offered 2550.00 Nm3/hr

Number of basins per set of blowers 2.00

Number of basins 4.00

Number of operating blowers = I*M/L 4.00

Number of stand by blowers 2.00

Sludge Wasting:

Sr.no Parameter Range Unit

1 Excess sludge generated per 0.82 kg/kg BOD

Kg of BOD

2 Kg of BOD removed in a day 5512.50 kg/d

3 Excess sludge generated per day 4521.00 kg/d


4 Sludge solids consistency 0.80

5 Specific Gravity of sludge 1.05

6 Total Volume of Sludge Wasted 538.30 m3/d

= C/ x E x 1000)
7 No. of Basins 4.00 Nos

8 Sludge wasted/basin = F/ G 134.60 m3/d/basin

9 Number of Cycles per day per 8.00 Cycles/d/ basin


10 Sludge Wasted per cycle per 16.90 rp3/cycle

basin = H/ I

11 Pump Running Time /Cycle 15.00 Minute

12 Pump capacity Required 67.60 M3/h


13 Pump Capacity Offered 70.00 M3/h


The chlorine contact tank provides primary disinfection in accordance with the surface water treatment
rule. The chlorine contact tank was originally used for finished water storage. In 1997 it was baffled
and converted into a chlorine contact tank to meet surface water treatment regulations for disinfection.

Length- 16.50 m

Width- 9.50 m

Chlorine Concentration- 5mg/L

(All dimensions are in Metres.)

5.0 Observations:

A. Operational and maintenance problems:

Operational problems:

1) Hydraulic overload: Another common operational problem is hydraulic overload, which occurs
when the inflow of wastewater exceeds the plant's capacity to handle it. This can cause hydraulic
overload in treatment tanks, leading to solids washout and reduced treatment efficiency.

2) Process disturbances: When the plant's biological processes are disturbed it is leading to a reduction
in treatment efficiency. This can be caused by changes in temperature, or other environmental factors.

3) Chemical Imbalance: The presence of harmful chemicals in the wastewater can lead to an imbalance
in the plant's biological processes. It may cause damage to the plant's equipment and infrastructure. In
the sewage treatment plant that we visit, hazardous industrial wastewater have entered the sewage
treatment plant and caused damage to the microorganisms in the aeration tank, leading to damaging the
equipment of the system.
Chlorine is commonly used as a disinfectant in sewage treatment plants. Chlorine gas is stored in
pressurised containers and is added to the water in controlled amounts to disinfect it. However, chlorine
leaks can occur due to a variety of reasons, such as:

• Corrosion : Chlorine gas is stored in pressurised containers made of steel, which can corrode
over time. Corrosion weakens the container, making it susceptible to leaks or ruptures.
• Improper handling: Chlorine gas is highly toxic and corrosive, and can cause severe health
problems if not handled correctly. Improper handling of the containers or the gas can cause
leaks, accidents.Human error, such as improper installation of equipment, lack of training, can
also cause chlorine leaks. It has also happened in the Sangli sewage treatment plant that we
visited. A minor accident occurred at the plant due to a leakage of chlorine gas from a storage
tank. The amount of chlorine gas released was found to be relatively low hence it was controlled
otherwise it could have led to a big hazardous situation in the plant area.

• In some cases, the treatment plant may need to temporarily reduce the volume of wastewater
being treated or redirect it to another treatment plant until the issue is resolved. in our case it is
redirected to another tab.

B. Maintenance problems:

1) Pump Failure: Pumps are critical components of a sewage treatment plant, and their failure can
cause significant disruptions in the plant's operations. Pump failure can be caused by clogging or
electrical faults.

2) Instrumentation Failure: Failure of the instruments can lead to inaccurate measurements, which
can result in improper treatment and reduced efficiency.

3) Corrosion: The plant's equipment and infrastructure are exposed to highly corrosive wastewater,
which can cause corrosion and damage to the plant's components. Regular maintenance and protective
coatings are necessary to prevent corrosion.

4) Clogging: Clogging can occur in various parts of the treatment plant, including screens. This can
reduce treatment efficiency.

5) Odour problems: Sewage treatment produces unpleasant odour that can be difficult to control.
Proper ventilation, regular cleaning, and odour-control measures are necessary to minimise the impact
of odour on the surrounding environment.
B. Chemical feeding:

Chemical dosing is used to treat sewage effluent at wastewater treatment works. It involves the
automatic injection of reagents into a wastewater network to treat odour, reduce phosphorus
concentration, correct pH levels, and aid in settling sludge and solids in water.

To accurately and consistently inject chemicals into wastewater, we will provide a pump technology
that delivers chemicals in a way that optimises their usage and increases their effectiveness. A
chemical dosing system that employs either metering or peristaltic pumps attached to pipework built
into a cabinet containing a control system provides the most effective solution for this process.

Reagents used -

Calcium nitrate dosing unit

Magnesium hydroxide dosing unit

Ferrous dosing unit

C. Disposal of residue:

1. Treated wastewater- The treated wastewater is divided into two parts, one part is treated
further and used for toilets and urinals run by Sangli-Miraj-Kupwad Municipal Corporation and
the major portion of treated wastewater is disposed in Krishna river after checking all the
effluent standards. After proper disinfection on land for gardening, irrigation, road side
plantation, curing water for construction, MSW facility for spraying purpose, and all other non
potable, non tangible water uses.

2. Treated sludge- The treated sludge is dumped in the area of STP used as manure for gardens
and Aamrai in the Sangli city and also given to farmers to use as manure.
6.0 Suggestions/ Remedies for problems:

● Proper maintenance of the structural as well as functional units should be done regularly.
● Vegetation / duct weed formed on surface of water should be removed frequently.
● Some new units should be introduced such as oil/grease removing chamber.
● Tree plantation can be done more and more around the STP.
● Rather than disposing the treated water in river, it can be used for agricultural use.

7.0 Summary and Conclusions:

● The visited STP can treat the waste water with around 90% efficiency.
● STPs can make waste water to look similar to fresh water, if all processes are done with
totally maintained units.
● The site location of STP is important factor considering the density of population, floody
area, etc.
● The sludge produced in the process of STP, can be introduced as the fertilizer for agricultural

● Due to the SCADA system, most of the work is done automatically. So no need of large man
power as like conventional STPs.
8.0 Annexure I:
9.0 Annexure II:

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