State-Of-Charge Estimation For Lithium-Ion Batteries Via A Coupled Thermal-Electrochemical Model
State-Of-Charge Estimation For Lithium-Ion Batteries Via A Coupled Thermal-Electrochemical Model
State-Of-Charge Estimation For Lithium-Ion Batteries Via A Coupled Thermal-Electrochemical Model
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Article history: A thermal–electrochemical model of lithium-ion batteries is presented and a Luenberger observer is
Received 4 August 2016 derived for State-of-Charge (SoC) estimation by recovering the lithium concentration in the electrodes.
Received in revised form 10 February 2017 This first-principles based model is a coupled system of partial and ordinary differential equations,
Accepted 19 May 2017
which is a reduced version of the Doyle–Fuller–Newman model. More precisely, the subsystem of Partial
Differential Equations (PDEs) is the Single Particle Model (SPM) while the Ordinary Differential Equation
(ODE) is a model for the average temperature in the battery. The observer is designed following the PDE
Infinite dimensional systems backstepping method. Since some coefficients in the coupled ODE–PDE system are time-varying, this
Lithium-ion batteries results in the time dependency of some coefficients in the kernel function system of the backstepping
Battery management systems transformation and it is non-trivial to show well-posedness of the latter system. Adding thermal dynamics
PDE backstepping to the SPM serves a two-fold purpose: improving the accuracy of SoC estimation and keeping track
of the average temperature which is a critical variable for safety management in lithium-ion batteries.
Effectiveness of the estimation scheme is validated via numerical simulations.
© 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction required that the SoC remains within appropriate bounds all the
time during the battery operation for safety reasons. Hence, a
1.1. Motivation reliable and accurate estimation of the SoC is required for proper
battery management.
Due to its high power and energy storage density, its lack of
memory effect and low self discharge, lithium-ion technology is 1.2. Lithium-ion battery models
a common choice among the rechargeable battery family (Chu &
Majumdar, 2012). Besides its wide employment in portable elec- Accuracy of the SoC estimation depends highly on the quality
tronics, lithium-ion batteries are now being adopted in electrified of the selected model. Thus, one is encouraged to compare the dif-
transportation (Stewart, Christensen, Chaturvedi, & Kojic, 2015) ferent models available for describing the battery dynamics. Mod-
such as electric vehicles and hybrid electric vehicles. Lithium-ion els for lithium-ion batteries can be categorized into two classes.
technology is being considered for grid energy storage as well. The first class consists of empirical models, in which the most
The key indicator for the amount of electrical energy available in frequently used ones are Equivalent Circuit Models (ECMs) (Chi-
batteries is the SoC which, simply put, is the ratio of instantaneous asson & Vairamohan, 2005; Plett, 2004). ECMs use electric circuit
remaining battery charge to its maximum capacity (Chaturvedi, elements such as voltage sources, resistances and RC networks to
Klein, Christensen, Ahmed, & Kojic, 2010). Thus, in order to predict approximate the dynamics of the battery. Currently, most battery
the available power and energy in the battery during operation, management systems employ ECMs for various tasks: power and
online estimation of the SoC serves as an important factor for energy estimation, cell balancing, thermal management, state-of-
regulating both charging and discharging. Besides, it is generally health estimation and charge/discharge control. The second class
of models are based on first principles (Ramadesigan, Northrop,
✩ A part of this work was carried out during S.-X. Tang’s visit to Mitsubishi Electric De, Santhanagopalan, Braatz, & Subramanian, 2012). These electro-
Research Laboratories, USA. The material in this paper was partially presented at chemical models account for the main underlying physics in the
the 2015 American Control Conference, July 1–3, 2015, Chicago, IL, USA. This paper battery, more precisely, they offer an explicit description of the
was recommended for publication in revised form by Associate Editor Yoshihiko
Miyasato under the direction of Editor Thomas Parisini.
battery dynamics in terms of the main electrochemical parame-
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (S.-X. Tang), [email protected] ters and variables. The need for accurate SoC estimation as well
(L. Camacho-Solorio), [email protected] (Y. Wang), [email protected] (M. Krstic). as visibility of important electrochemical states and parameters,
0005-1098/© 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
S.-X. Tang et al. / Automatica 83 (2017) 206–219 207
specially in high power and high energy applications, motivates the design estimation and control algorithms for lithium-ion batteries
study of estimation based on electrochemical models. from electrochemical models without relying on the discretization
The widely studied electrochemical Doyle–Fuller–Newman of the PDEs in these models. The main technical challenges in
(DFN) model has been shown to accurately describe the main phe- our design consist of proving the well-posedness of the kernel
nomena in lithium-ion batteries (Chaturvedi et al., 2010; Doyle, function system for the backstepping transformation. The fact that
Fuller, & Newman, 1993). However, the complexity of the model is some coefficients in the thermal–electrochemical model system
too high for online SoC estimation (Klein, Chaturvedi, Christensen, are time-varying results in a kernel function system with time-
Ahmed, Findeisen, & Kojic, 2013). Among the various approxima- varying coefficients, for which the well-posedness is non-trivial
tions to the DFN model, the SPM (Guo, Sikha, & White, 2011; Haran, to derive. This paper is a continuation of a previous result for SoC
Popov, & White, 1998) is commonly used to derive online SoC estimation from a thermal–electrochemical model of lithium-ion
estimation algorithms (Moura, Chaturvedi, & Krstic, 2014). In the batteries in Tang et al. (2015).
SPM, diffusion of lithium ions in each electrode is simplified as dif-
fusion in a single spherical particle and electrolyte concentration is 1.5. Organization
assumed to be constant. Still, the SPM has several limitations, for
example, being accurate only at low currents (Chaturvedi et al., The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In Section 2,
2010). Another limitation is that the SPM is restricted to the cases a temperature-compensated SPM model is presented; and the
with small variation in internal temperature, which comes from corresponding SoC estimation problem is formulated in Section 3.
the fact that SPM ignores the dependence of the battery parameters In Section 4, a linear observer is developed for estimation of the
on temperature. In fact, lithium-ion batteries meet issues such lithium concentration in the electrodes through boundary state
as an increase in internal resistance and decrease of capacity, as measurements via the backstepping method. The observer error
functions of battery internal average temperature (Guo et al., system is proved to be exponentially stable with an arbitrarily
2011; Thomas, Newman, & Darling, 2002). designated decay rate, for which the well-posedness is derived by
making use of the abstract evolution equation theory. It is worth
1.3. Estimation algorithms noting that solving the kernel function system for the backstepping
transformation is not trivial because of its dependence on the
Extensive efforts have been devoted to developing SoC estima- temperature (Izadi & Dubljevic, 2015; Smyshlyaev & Krstic, 2005).
tion algorithms, for example, Extended Kalman Filters (EKFs) for Under some more relaxed assumptions and simplifications than
ECMs (Plett, 2004) and for the SPM (Santhanagopalan & White, those in Tang et al. (2015), the existence and regularity of the so-
2006). Estimation algorithms have also been derived for reduced lution to the system are proved in this section. The SoC estimation
electrochemical models with temperature dynamics, e.g., a linear accuracy is verified by the numerical simulation results presented
observer derived to satisfy the conservation of lithium ions (Klein in Section 5. Finally, some concluding remarks and possible future
et al., 2013) and a linear observer using pole placement (Tanim, research topics are given in Section 6.
Rahn, & Wang, 2015). These estimation algorithms, together with
others based on the unscented Kalman filter or particle filters, rely 2. SPM-T model
on some discretization of the diffusion phenomena.
Discretization generally implies a trade-off between high ac- In this section, the working mechanism of lithium-ion batteries
curacy of the approximation, i.e., a large number of states, and a is briefly introduced through an overview of the DFN model. Then,
small number of tuning gains in the observer, i.e. a small number the single particle model with temperature dynamics (Guo et al.,
of states. The backstepping approach can be employed to design 2011; Tang et al., 2015), named SPM-T model, is presented for
boundary observers for PDEs in which the discretization is not the purpose of SoC estimation, which can be viewed either as a
required. The readers can refer to Smyshlyaev & Krstic (2003) for simplification of the DFN model or as temperature-compensated
a preliminary example of boundary observer design for diffusion SPM.
PDEs via backstepping. This method has been used for the stabiliza-
tion of various unstable PDE systems, see the tutorial book (Krstic 2.1. Working principles of lithium-ion batteries
& Smyshlyaev, 2008), in which backstepping boundary controllers
and observers are designed for some unstable parabolic, hyperbolic A lithium-ion battery cell consists of three main regions: nega-
PDEs and other types of PDEs. It has also been applied for stabilizing tive electrode, separator and positive electrode; all of them char-
some coupled PDE–ODE systems (Tang & Xie, 2011a,2011b). acterized by a porous structure. Each electrode includes active
materials, conductive fillers, a current collector and a binder. The
1.4. Contribution porous structure of the electrodes provides a large surface area and
small distances between lithium ions and active material surfaces
The main contribution of this paper is the derivation of a for reactions to occur. The separator is placed between the negative
linear observer for SoC estimation from a simplified thermal– and positive electrodes to forbid the flow of electrons between two
electrochemical model of lithium-ion batteries, i.e., a coupled electrodes while allowing the movement of lithium ions dissolved
ODE–PDE model composed by the SPM and a model for the in the electrolyte. The active materials, intercalated in the lattices
averaged internal temperature (Guo et al., 2011; Tang, Wang, of the corresponding electrode, are insertion compounds, i.e. these
Sahinoglu, Wada, Hara, & Krstic, 2015). Adding thermal dynamics are host structures in which lithium can be reversibly inserted or
to SPM serves a two-fold purpose: improving the accuracy of SoC extracted. Electrolyte fills all remaining parts of the battery.
estimation and keeping track of the average temperature which is The DFN model is derived based on the porous structure all
a critical variable for safety management in lithium-ion batteries. through the lithium-ion battery (Chaturvedi et al., 2010; Thomas
The observer is designed following the PDE backstepping et al., 2002). In the DFN model, each electrode is viewed as super-
method. It is worth noting that backstepping observers have not position of active materials, inert filler and electrolyte; justified by
been introduced to the problem of battery SoC estimation until the porous configuration. As depicted in Fig. 1, all intercalation par-
very recently (Moura et al., 2014), and by this means the discretiza- ticles are assumed to be spheres with a uniform, averaged radius,
tion of the diffusion PDEs in the model is avoided. We consider the and the battery is formulated as a pseudo two-dimensional model.
result presented in this paper as an additional step in the efforts to The first dimension represents the path along the spatial direction
208 S.-X. Tang et al. / Automatica 83 (2017) 206–219
Table 1
cs Lithium concentration in the solid phase
css Lithium concentration at the surface of the particle
ce Constant lithium concentration in the electrolyte
c̄s Volume averaged lithium concentration in the solid phase
j Molar flux of lithium at the surface of the particle
φs Electric potential in the solid phase
φe Electric potential in the electrolyte
η Reaction overpotential
U Open-circuit potential
i0 Exchange current density
ie Electrolyte current density normalized by cross-sectional area
T Internal average temperature
Tamb Ambient temperature
I External current density normalized by cross-sectional area
V Terminal voltage
q̄s Volume averaged flux
Fig. 1. DFN schematic.
L Length
Ds Diffusion coefficient of lithium in the solid phase
x from the anode, through the separator, to the cathode; and the De Diffusion coefficient of lithium in the electrolyte
second dimension is a radial direction rs used to represent the csmax Maximum lithium concentration in the solid phase
intercalation and diffusion of lithium ions in the active materials Rs Radius of the particle
αa Anodic transfer coefficient
(see Table 1).
αc Cathodic transfer coefficient
Lithium ions move from the negative electrode to the positive reff Effective reaction rate in the solid phase
electrode during discharging and in the opposite direction during Rf Film resistance of the solid-electrolyte interphase
charging. Lithium concentration in the solid phase, i.e. concentra- Rc Contact resistance between the electrode and current collector
tion of lithium ions in the active materials, follows the Fick’s law of εs Volume fraction of the active material
εe Volume fraction of the electrolyte
diffusion: as Interfacial surface area
∂ cs± 1 ∂ 2 ∂ cs
[ ]
F Faraday’s constant
(t , x, rs ) = 2 D± (T (t))r (t , x , rs ) , R Universal gas constant
∂t rs ∂ rs s s
∂r NLi,s Total number of lithium ions in the solid phase
( ± ±) s σ
t > 0, x ∈ 0 , L , rs ∈ 0, Rs ,
( ±) Electronic conductivity in the solid phase
κ Ionic conductivity in the electrolyte
∂ cs±
tc0 Transference number of the ions w.r.t. the solvent velocity
(t , x, 0) = 0, t > 0, x ∈ 0± , L± ,
( )
(2) fc/a Mean molar activity coefficient in the electrolyte
∂ rs ρ avg Average density
∂ cs± 1 cP Heat capacity
(t , x, R± j± (t , x), t > 0, x ∈ 0± , L± ,
( )
s ) = − ± (3)
∂ rs Ds (T (t)) hcell Heat transfer coefficient
E Activation energy coefficient
cs± (0, x, rs ) = cs0±
(x, rs ), x ∈ 0± , L± , rs ∈ 0, R± s ,
[ ] [ ]
Super- and subscripts
where the temporal variable is t, the spatial variables are x and rs . + Positive electrode
The states of the PDE model (1)–(4) are cs± (t , x, rs ) ∈ R; the solid − Negative electrode
sep Separator
phase lithium concentration. The molar fluxes j± (t , x) are related to
s Solid phase
the reaction overpotential η± (t , x) by the Butler–Volmer equation e Electrolyte
0 (t , x)
i± αa F αc F ±
η± (t ,x) η (t ,x)
[ ]
− RT
j± (t , x) = e RT (t) −e (t) .
The reaction overpotentials η± (t , x) are computed from where I(t) is the external current density normalized by cross-
sectional area. Charge conservation in the electrodes provides a
η (t , x) = φs (t , x) − φe (t , x) − U (css (t , x), T (t))
± ± ± ± ±
e (x, t) and molar
relation between electrolyte current densities i±
− FR± f (T (t))j (t , x).
fluxes j± (t , x):
Lithium concentration in the liquid phase ce (t , x), i.e. concentration ∂ i+
of lithium ions in the electrolyte, satisfies the diffusion equation
(t , x) = −a+s Fj (t , x),
∂ ce ∂
∂ ce 1 − tc0
] ∂ i−
(t , x) = De (t , x) + ie (t , x) . (5)
(t , x) = a−
s Fj (t , x),
∂t ∂x ∂x εe F ∂x
with boundary conditions i− e (t , 0 ) e (t , L )
Equations for solid electric potential φs (t , x) and electrolyte electric = i+ +
= 0 and
potential φe (t , x) are i−
e (t , L −
) = i+
e (t , 0+
) = I(t). In the separator, ie (t , x) = I(t). Output
voltage is the difference between the two solid electric potentials
∂φs ie (t , x) − I(t)
(t , x) = , (6) computed as
∂x σ
∂φe ie (t , x) V (t) = φs (t , L+ ) − φs (t , 0− ).
(t , x) = −
∂x κ
The readers should refer to Chaturvedi et al. (2010) for a complete
∂ ln ce
( )
2RT (t) d ln fc/a
+ (1 − tc0 ) 1 + (t , x) (t , x), description of the DFN model and for the boundary conditions
F d ln ce ∂x for Eqs. (5)–(7). Note that we are using the convention: positive
(7) current for discharging and negative current for charging.
S.-X. Tang et al. / Automatica 83 (2017) 206–219 209
± ±
2.2. The SPM-T model Parameters D± s (T (t)), reff (T (t)) and Rf (T (t)) are functions with an
Arrhenius-like dependence (Klein et al., 2013) on the battery cell
The DFN model accurately describes many aspects of the internal average temperature T (t), i.e.,
lithium-ion cells working mechanism; however, the complexity of T (t)−T (0)
E ± T (t)T (0)
the model is too high for online SoC estimation. For this reason, D± ±
s (T (t)) = Ds (T (0))e
, (14)
we present a simplified model which is the single particle model T (t)−T (0)
E ± T (t)T (0)
with temperature dynamics, i.e., the SPM-T model. The SPM-T
reff ±
(T (t)) = reff (T (0))e r
eff , (15)
model (Guo et al., 2011; Tang et al., 2015) is derived by making T (t)−T (0)
E ± T (t)T (0)
the following assumptions and simplifications: R± ±
f (T (t)) = Rf (T (0))e
f , (16)
where ED± , Er ± , ER± , are activation energy coefficients. Internal
• concentration of lithium ions in the electrolyte ce (t , x) is s eff f
uniform in both time and space, average temperature satisfies the following ODE (Thomas et al.,
2002, Section 12.3.7)
• molar fluxes j± (t , x) are uniform in the x-direction,
• concentration of lithium ions in the active materials cs (t , x) dT
ρ avg cP (t) = hcell (Tamb (t) − T (t)) − I(t)V (t)
is uniform in the x-direction. dt {
Moreover, each electrode is modeled as a single spherical par- + I(t) U + (c̄s+ (t), T (t)) − U − (c̄s− (t), T (t))
ticle in this simplification; representative of all particles in the
∂ U (c̄s (t), T (t)) ∂ U − (c̄s− (t), T (t))
[ + + ]}
electrode. Compared with the SPM-T model presented in Guo et
− T (t) −
al. (2011), here we choose not to take into account the electrolyte ∂T ∂T
resistance Rcell , i.e., we set Rcell = 0 (Klein et al., 2013). + Rc I(t)2 , t > 0, (17)
In the coupled SPM-T model, the SPM subsystem is
T (0) = Tamb (0), (18)
∂ cs± 1 ∂ 2 ∂ cs
[ ]
(t , rs ) = 2 D± (T (t))r (t , r s ) , ±
where c̄s (t) are the average concentrations defined as
∂t rs ∂ rs s s
∂ rs
t > 0, rs ∈ (0, R± s ),
(8) 3 s
c̄s± (t) = rs2 cs± (t , rs )drs .
∂ cs± (R±
s )
(t , 0) = 0, t > 0, (9)
∂ rs The system states are the solid phase lithium ion concentrations
∂ cs± 1 cs± (t , rs ) ∈ R in the PDE (8)–(11) and the internal average temper-
(t , R±s ) = − ± j± (t), t > 0, (10) ature T (t) in the ODE (17)–(18).
∂ rs Ds (T (t))
cs± (0, rs ) = cs±,0 (rs ), rs ∈ [0, R±s ]. (11) 3. Problem formulation
The states of the system (8)–(11) are cs (t , rs ) ∈ R, with the tem-
poral variable t and the spatial variables rs . The relation between 3.1. Estimation objective
molar fluxes j± (t) and current I(t) becomes linear:
Our objective is to estimate the battery SoC, defined as the nor-
I(t) I(t) malized averaged lithium concentration in the negative electrode,
j+ (t) = − , j− (t) = .
s FL
+ a−
s FL
− i.e.,
By assuming the same value to the anodic and cathodic transfer cs− (t , rs ) c̄s− (t)
3 s
coefficients, i.e., α ≜ αa = αc , a simple relation between reaction SoC(t) = rs2 drs = , (19)
(R− )3
s 0 cs−,max cs−,max
overpotentials and molar fluxes can be found as
( ) from measurements of the input current I(t) and the output volt-
RT (t) F age V (t). For this purpose, boundary observers can be constructed
η± (t) = sinh−1 j± (t) ,
αF 2i±
0 (t) to estimate the concentrations of lithium ions in the electrodes
cs− (t , rs ) by using the boundary values, i.e., the corresponding sur-
where −
face concentrations css (t). Note however that in (13), boundary
]αc [ )]αa −
i± ± ±
ce,0 cs±,max − css
, values css (t) are not directly available from measurement of V (t).
[ (
0 (t) = reff (T (t)) css (t) (t) (12)
Instead, they appear in V (t) with a nonlinear fashion, i.e., the
with css (t) ≜ cs± (t , R±
s ). The parameter ce,0 in Eq. (12) denotes the nonlinearities within the exchange current densities i− 0 (t) and
electrolyte concentration at equilibrium. Solid electric potentials within the subtraction between the nonlinear Open-Circuit Poten-
are computed from tial (OCP) functions U − (t , css −
(t)). Therefore, in order to overcome
the lack of boundary value measurements required by the bound-
φs± (t) = η± (t) + U ± (css± (t), T (t)) + FR±
f (T (t))j (t).
ary observers, an inversion of the output function V (t) with respect
Output voltage is now the difference between solid electric poten- to the boundary values is needed.
tials in the positive electrode and negative electrode: To ease inversion of the output voltage, the lithium concentra-
tion dynamics in one of the electrodes will be simplified. Inversion
V (t) = φs+ (t) − φs− (t) will then be done with respect to the surface concentration of the
[ ( )
RT (t) 1 I(t) electrode with unsimplified lithium concentration dynamics. The
=− sinh−1 leading terms in the output voltage are the OCP functions and we
αF 2i+
0 (t)
a+ L +
( )] are assuming that the OCP functions are invertible with respect
−1 1 I(t) to the surface concentration in the corresponding unsimplified
+ sinh
2i−0 (t)
a− L − electrode. In this paper, we will simplify the lithium concentration
( +
Rf (T (t)) −
Rf (T (t))
) dynamics in the negative electrode and invert the output function
− + +
+ − −
I(t) with respect to the surface concentration in the positive electrode,
a L a L
and a boundary observer will then be derived for estimation of
+ U + (css+ (t), T (t)) − U − (css− (t), T (t)). (13) lithium ion concentration in the positive electrode.
210 S.-X. Tang et al. / Automatica 83 (2017) 206–219
Remark 1. The decision of simplifying the negative electrode dy- Thus, we can rewrite Eq. (22) as
namics instead of the positive one is made based on the sensitivity
of OCPs to surface concentrations. For some common lithium ion ρ avg cP (t) = χ (t)Ť (t) + ω(t), (23)
active materials, ∂ U /∂ css+ is larger that ∂ U /∂ css− in magnitude, thus
+ +
making it easier to recover css from the voltage measurement V (t). where
[ ( )
One can easily prove that the total amount of lithium ions in R 1 I(t)
solid phase NLi,s is conserved (Klein et al., 2013), i.e., χ (t) = − hcell + I(t) sinh −1
αF + + +
2iˇ0 (t) a L
dNLi,s ( )]
= 0, (20) 1 I(t)
dt + sinh−1 − − −
where 2iˇ0 (t) a L
[ ]
NLi,s = ε + L+ c̄s+ (t) + ε − L− c̄s− (t). ∂ Ǔ2+ ∂ Ǔ2−
− I(t) (t) − (t) ,
Since we assume NLi,s is a known quantity, i.e. a parameter in the
∂T ∂T
( )
model, then we can also compute the battery SoC in the negative Ř+ Ř−
f (t) f (t)
electrode from the averaged lithium concentration in the positive ω(t) = hcell Tamb (t) + + − Rc I(t)2
electrode, i.e. a+ L + a− L −
[ ] [ ]
NLi,s − ε + L+ c̄s+ (t) − I(t) Ǔ1+ (t) − Ǔ1− (t) + I(t) Ǔ2+ (t) − Ǔ2− (t) ,
SoC(t) = . (21)
ε − L− cs−,max
then, it holds that
avg c χ (τ )dτ
3.2. Output function inversion Ť (t) = Ť (0)e ρ P
∫ t ∫ t −τ
1 1
χ (σ )dσ
The goal of the output function inversion is to write V (t) as a + eρ
avg c
ω(τ )dτ . (24)
function of only of css (t) and I(t). ρ avg c
P 0
Ǔ2± (t) ≜ U ± (c̄s± (t), Tamb (t)), Moreover, from the conservation (20) of lithium ions in solid phase
NLi,s , we can write the relation
0 (Tamb (t)),
iˇ0 (t) ≜ i±
c̄s− (t) = α c̄s+ (t) + β, (27)
where subscript 1 in Ǔ is used to denote the approximation of
U ± (·, T (t)) when they are evaluated at the surface concentration 1 Note that (26) is obtained by assuming the following polynomial solution
and subscript 2 when they are evaluated at the averaged con-
centration. Similarly, for the temperature dependent parameters
39 35
R± ±
f (T (t)) and reff (T (t)), we also replace dependence on T (t) with cs± (t , r) = ±
css (t) − 3q̄± ±
s (t)Rs − c̄s± (t)
4 4
Tamb (t), i.e., ) (rs± )2
+ −35css± (t) + 10q̄± ± ±
± s (t)Rs + 35c̄s (t)
ˇ (t) ≜ reff (Tamb (t)),
reff ± ± 2
(Rs )
( )
± 105 105
Rˇf (t) ≜ Rf (Tamb (t)).
± .
± ± ± ±
+ css (t) − 7q̄s (t)Rs − c̄s (t)
4 4 (R±
s )
S.-X. Tang et al. / Automatica 83 (2017) 206–219 211
ε + L+ NLi,s
where α = − and β =
ε − L− ε − L−
. It then immediately follows from interval. Without loss of generality, consider t ∈ [0, tmax ] where
(26) and (27) that tmax is an appropriate finite time for the regularities to hold.
8R+ R+
) A Luenberger-type observer for the normalized and trans-
c̄s− (t) = α +
css (t) − s
s (t) +
j+ (t) + β, (28) formed PDE system (31)–(34) can be designed:
35 35D+
s (Ť (t))
We perform normalization and state transformation to simplify with c̃(t , r) ≜ c(t , r) − ĉ(t , r). In order to find the output injection
the system and thus also the structure of to-be-designed observer. gains, the PDE backstepping method (Krstic & Smyshlyaev, 2008)
Let r = rs /R+s for normalization and proceed the state transfor- is employed. We would like to find an invertible transformation
mation c(t , r) = rs cs+ (t , rs ), then the PDE subsystem (8)–(11) is
transformed into2
c̃(t , r) = w̃ (t , r) − p(t , r , ι)w̃ (t , ι)dι (43)
∂c D+ (Ť (t)) ∂ 2 c r
(t , r) = s + (t , r), t > 0, r ∈ (0, 1), (31)
∂t (Rs )2 ∂ r 2 so that w̃ satisfies the following exponentially stable target sys-
c(t , 0) = 0, t > 0, (32) tem:
∂c R+ I(t) ∂ w̃ D+ (Ť (t)) ∂ 2 w̃
(t , 1) − c(t , 1) = s
≜ I1 (t), t > 0, (33) (t , r) = s + (t , r) + λw̃ (t , r), (44)
∂r + + +
Ds (Ť (t)) a FL ∂t (Rs )2 ∂ r 2
c(0, r) = c0 (r) = R+ s rcs (0, Rs r), r ∈ [0, 1].
+ +
(34) w̃(t , 0) = 0, (45)
Our objective now is to design an observer for this normalized and ∂ w̃ 1
(t , 1) = − w̃ (t , 1), (46)
transformed PDE system. ∂r 2
w̃(0, r) = w̃0 (r), (47)
4. Backstepping state observer
where w̃0 (r) denotes the initial condition to be determined for
With the inversion of the output function in Section 3.2, the the target system, and λ < mint ≥0 {D− + 2
s (Ť (t))}/(4(Rs ) ) is a free
boundary concentration in the positive electrode is then available parameter to be chosen, which determines the convergence rate of
for observer design. Again, we assume that the internal averaged the observer state in (39)–(42) to the system state in (31)–(34). The
temperature is a time-varying and concentration-independent following lemma states the exponential stability of the w̃ -system
function which can be computed from the simplified Eq. (24). Thus, (44)–(47).
the function D+ s (Ť (t)) will be treated as known. Moreover, assume
that I(t), U ± (·, Ť (t)) and V (t) are piecewise (real) analytic. In what Lemma 2. Let t ∈ [0, tmax ]. If
follows, we only consider the proof piecewisely so that both I(t)
and V (t) are analytic in each separate time interval. Then, from λ< min{D+
s (Ť (t))}, (48)
(24) and with the assumption that ∂ U /∂ T are also analytic in each
± 4(R−
s )
2 t ≥0
as follows: where (44), (46) and integration by parts have been used in the
calculation. Differentiating (43) with respect to r gives
s (Ť (t))
A(t)ϕ = ϕ ′′ + λϕ, ∀ϕ ∈ Dom(A(t)), c̃r (t , r) = w̃r (t , r) + p(t , r , r)w̃ (t , r)
s )
∫ 1
{ }
1 − pr (t , r , ι)w̃ (t , ι)dι, (53)
Dom(A(t)) = ϕ ∈ H 2 (0, 1); ϕ (0) = 0, ϕ ′ (1) = − ϕ (1) . r
c̃rr (t , r) = w̃rr (t , r) + p(t , r , r)w̃r (t , r)
( )
Then, the system (44)–(47) can be written into the following ab- d
+ p(t , r , r) + pr (t , r , r) w̃ (t , r)
stract equation: dr
∫ 1
d − prr (t , r , ι)w̃ (t , ι)dι. (54)
w̃(t , ·) = A(t)w̃(t , ·), 0 ≤ t ≤ tmax , (49) r
w̃(0, ·) = w̃0 (·). (50) From (39)–(42), (43), (45)–(47) and (52)–(54), we derive that the
kernel function p(t , r , ι) needs to satisfy the following PDE system:
Note that Dom(A(t)) is dense in H and independent of t, and it D+
s (Ť (t))
pt (t , r , ι) = [(prr (t , r , ι) − pιι (t , r , ι)] − λp(t , r , ι), (55)
can be proved that A(t) is for each t the infinitesimal genera- (R+
s )
tor of an exponential stable semigroup. Indeed, all the assump- p(t , 0, ι) = 0, (56)
tions (P1)–(P3) in Pazy (1983, Section 5.6) are satisfied. Thus, (R+ 2
s )
p(t , r , r) = λr , (57)
from Pazy (1983, Section 5.6, Theorem 6.1), there exists a unique 2D+ s (Ť (t))
evolution system corresponding to (49)–(50) and (44)–(47) as p(0, r , ι) = p0 (r , ι), (58)
well. Furthermore, by considering the Lyapunov function V (t) =
for which the domain is T = {(t , r , ι); 0 ≤ t ≤ tmax , 0 ≤ ι ≤ r ≤
∥w̃(t , ·)∥2L2 (0,1) , we get 1}. Here, p0 (r , ι) denotes the initial condition for the kernel system
[ ] and satisfies
s (Ť (t)) ∂ w̃
1 2
D+ 1
∫ ∫
V̇ (t) = w̃(t , r) (t , r) + λw̃ (t , r) dr p0 (r , ι)w̃ (t , ι)dι = c0 (r) − ĉ0 (r) − w̃0 (r). (59)
0 (R+ )2
s ∂ r2 r
In more detail, first, plugging (43), (52) and (54) into (39) gives (55),
where (44) is used in the first line, (45), (46) and integration by (60) and the boundary condition
parts are applied in the second line, and the Poincaré Inequal- d (R+ 2
s )
p(t , r , r) = λ. (62)
ity (Krstic & Smyshlyaev, 2008, Lemma 2.1) dr 2D+
s (Ť (t))
Second, plugging (40) and (45) into (43) gives (56). Third, (57) is
∥w̃(t , ·)∥2L2 (0,1) ≤ 4∥w̃r (t , ·)∥2L2 (0,1) derived from (62) and (56). Then, (61) is derived from (41), (43),
(46), (53) and (57). Finally, (59) is derived by plugging (42) and (47)
is employed in the last line. As a result, from (48), exponential into (43).
stability of the w̃ -system (44)–(47) is proved. □
4.1. Well-posedness of the kernel function p(r , ι, t)
For notation simplicity we will denote the L2 (0, 1)-norm by ∥ · ∥ Lemma 3. The initial data p0 (·, ·) is an analytic function in T =
in the sequel. {(r , ι); 0 ≤ ι ≤ r ≤ 1}, and the system (55)–(58) admits an analytic
solution p(t , ·, ·) in T .
Differentiating the transformation (43) with respect to t gives
Proof. We first transform the system (55)–(58) into an equivalent
s (Ť (t)) ∂ w̃
c̃t (t , r) = (t , r) + p(t , r , r)w̃r (t , r) integral equation. Let ξ = r +ι, η = r −ι and q(t , ξ , η) = p(t , r , ι),
(R+ )2 ∂r2 then we have from (55)–(58) that q satisfies the following PDE:
(s ) ]
+ pι (t , r , 1) + p(t , r , 1) w̃ (t , 1) D+
s (Ť (t))
2 qt (t , ξ , η) = 4 qξ η (t , ξ , η) − λq(t , ξ , η), (63)
s )
[ ]
s (Ť (t)) q(t , ξ , −ξ ) = 0, (64)
+ λ− pι (t , r , r) w̃ (t , r)
(R+ s )
(Rs ) + 2
∫ 1[ q(t , ξ , 0) = λξ , (65)
− pt (t , r , ι) + λp(t , r , ι) 4D+
s (Ť (t))
with the initial condition
s (Ť (t)) ξ +η ξ −η
pιι (t , r , ι) w̃ (t , ι)dι,
( )
+ (52)
(R+ )2
q(0, ξ , η) = p 0, , .
2 2
S.-X. Tang et al. / Automatica 83 (2017) 206–219 213
Eq. (63) can be rewritten as Assume that (72) holds for an integer n ≥ 0, then, for any integer
m ≥ 0, we derive from (70) that
s )
qξ η (t , ξ , η) = (qt (t , ξ , η) + λq(t , ξ , η)) . ⏐∂ q (t , ξ , η)⏐
⏐ m n+1 ⏐
(66) t
4Ds (Ť (t)) ⏐ [ ∫ ξ∫ η ]⏐
= ⏐⏐∂tm Cf (t) qt (t , α, β ) + λqn (t , α, β ) dβ dα ⏐⏐
⏐ [ n ] ⏐
Integrating (66) with respect to η from 0 to η and using boundary
−η 0
condition (65), we have
⏐ m
⏐∑ [( )
(R+ 2
(R+ 2 = C ⏐⏐ ∂tm−i f (t)
s ) s ) i
qξ (t , ξ , η) = λ+ i=0
4Ds (Ť (t)) 4D+
s (Ť (t)) ∫ ξ ∫ η ]⏐
∂t q (t , α, β ) + λ∂ti qn (t , α, β ) dβ dα ⏐⏐.
∫ [ i+1 n ] ⏐
× (qt (t , ξ , β ) + λq(t , ξ , β )) dβ. (67) −η 0
Through further calculation, we obtain the following estimates
Integrating (67) with respect to ξ from −η to ξ gives the following
⏐∂ q (t , ξ , η)⏐
⏐ m n+1 ⏐
integro-differential equation (IDE): t
{( )
2 2
∑ m
s ) (R+
s ) ≤C Cfm+n+2 (m − i)!
q(t , ξ ,η) = λ (ξ + η ) + i
s (Ť (t)) 4D+
s (Ť (t))
[ ]
∫ ξ ∫ η
× (qt (t , α, β ) + λq(t , α, β )) dβ dα, (68)
× λC n+1
Cf + (Cf + λ)n
i + 2n + 1
−η 0 }
(i + 2n + 1)! ξ n+1 ηn+1 (ξ + η)
where (64) is used. ×
2n n! (n + 1)!(n + 2)!
Second, we apply the method of successive approximation. Let
2 ≤ λC n+2 Cfm+n+2 (Cf + λ)n+1
s ) E + /Ť (t)
C = , f (t) = e D s , m [( )
(i + 2n + 1)! ξ n+1 ηn+1 (ξ + η)
E + /Ť (0)
∑ m
s (Ť (0))e
D s ×
(m − i)!
2n n! (n + 1)!(n + 2)!
then from (14), we look for a solution of (68) in the form of
= λC n+2 Cfm+n+2 (Cf + λ)n+1
(m + 2(n + 1))! ξ n+1 ηn+1 (ξ + η)
q(t , ξ , η) = qn (t , ξ , η), × ,
2n+1 (n + 1)! (n + 1)!(n + 2)!
where the following equalities have been used:
ξ η
α n β n (α + β ) ξ n+1 ηn+1 (ξ + η)
∫ ∫
dβ dα = ,
q0 (t , ξ , η) = λC (ξ + η)f (t), (69) −η 0 n!(n + 1)! (n + 1)!(n + 2)!
m ( )
∑ m (m + j + 1)!
(m − i)!(i + j)! = .
i j+1
qn+1 (t , ξ , η) i=0
then for any initial value ĉ(0, ·) ∈ L2 (0, 1), the observer error c̃-
4.2. Invertibility of the transformation (43) system (39)–(42) is exponentially stable at c̃ ≡ 0 in the L2 norm,
which means the designed observer (35)–(38) is exponentially con-
vergent to the system (31)–(34).
Indeed, the continuity of the kernel p(t , r , ι) in (43) guarantees
the existence of an inverse transformation. We write the inverse
Proof. It follows directly from (51) that
transformation as ( + )
1 D (Ť (t))
− s + 2 −λ t
w̃(t , r) = c̃(t , r) + ρ (t , r , ι)c̃(t , ι)dι, (73) ∥w̃(t , ·)∥ ≤ ∥w̃(0, ·)∥e 4(Rs )
. (75)
From the state transformations (43) and (73), the equivalence of
then we could derive from (43) and (73) that the kernel ρ (t , r , ι)
the states c̃(t , r) and w̃ (t , r) is established, i.e., there exist positive
needs to satisfy
constants M1 , M2 such that
∫ ι
ρ (t , r , ι) = p(t , r , ι) + p(t , r , σ )ρ (t , σ , ι)dσ . (74) M1 ∥w̃ (t , ·)∥ ≤ ∥c̃(t , ·)∥ ≤ M2 ∥w̃ (t , ·)∥. (76)
In order to solve Eq. (74), a similar (successive approximation) Then, the proof is completed with (75) and (76). □
procedure as in Section 4.1 can be followed, see also, Krstic and
Smyshlyaev (2008, Section 4.4). A similar well-posedness result for Remark 5. Theorem 4 is rigidly proved under the assumption that
its inverse can also be obtained and this derivation is omitted here. the averaged internal temperature is independent of the lithium
Note also that the initial condition w̃0 (r) for the target w̃ -system ion concentrations in the electrodes; computed from the linear
(44)–(47) is determined by ĉ0 (r) and ρ0 (r , ι) = ρ (0, r , ι). Indeed, ODE (23). Here, we would like to clarify that these assumptions
from (42) and (73), w̃0 (r) can be calculated as are posed solely for the theoretical derivations. Indeed, in the
next section we are to present some simulation results showing
∫ 1
that the original unsimplified equation for the averaged internal
w̃0 (r) = c0 (r) − ĉ0 (r) + ρ0 (r , ι)[c0 (ι) − ĉ0 (ι)]dι.
temperature (17) can be used in the implementation of the esti-
mation algorithm, which depends on lithium ion concentrations in
the electrodes, and still achieve convergence of the SoC estimate.
4.3. Exponential convergence of the observer Since only estimates of lithium ion concentration are available
to compute the internal averaged temperature, we are actually
Some assumptions and simplifications have been made to ease computing an open-loop estimate calculated from (17) and use the
the analysis. For completeness and clarity we summarize these notation T̂ (t), i.e.,
assumptions and simplifications before stating our main result.
dT̂ (t)
ρ avg cP (t)
(A1) To derive an output inversion function, i.e., to recover css (t) dt( )
from the voltage measurement, we have assumed that T (t) is a = hcell Tamb (t) − T̂ (t)
time-varying function independent of concentrations. We have [ ( )
used the notation Ť (t) and compute its value from Eq. (23). For RT̂ (t) −1 1 I(t)
+ I(t) sinh
this assumption to hold, some underlying simplifications and αF ˆ
2i+ a+ L +
0 (t)
assumptions have been made: ( )]
−1 1 I(t)
± ± + sinh
(i) Parameters Rf (T (t)) and reff (T (t)) are approximated by
2i− a− L −
ر ± ± ± 0 (t)
f (t) ≜ Rf (Tamb (t)) and řeff (t) ≜ reff (Tamb (t)). ( )
(ii) Functions U (·, T (t)) are assumed to be independent of R+
f (T̂ (t)) R−
f (T̂ (t))
concentrations, and their dependence on T (t) has been
+ + − Rc I(t)2
a+ L + a− L −
replaced with dependence on Tamb (t). We have used the [ ]
notation Ǔ1± (t) ≜ U ± (css ±
(t), Tamb (t)) and Ǔ2± (t) ≜ − I(t) U + (ĉss+ (t), T̂ (t)) − U − (ĉss− (t), T̂ (t))
U (c̄s (t), Tamb (t)).
± ± {
+ −
(A2) To derive an output inversion function, diffusion of lithium + I(t) U + (c̄ˆ s (t), T̂ (t)) − U − (c̄ˆ s (t), T̂ (t))
in the negative electrode has been simplified. This is done by as- [ + ]}
suming a polynomial solution profile for the diffusion dynamics ∂ U + (c̄ˆ s (t), T̂ (t)) ∂ U − ˆ −
− T̂ (t) − (c̄ (t), T̂ (t)) , (77)
in the negative electrode. ∂T ∂T s
(A3) For observer design, we have used Ť (t) to replace T (t).
(A4) For observer design, functions I(t), U ± (·, T (t)), V (t) and where i±ˆ
0 (t) are computed from (12) with concentration values
∂ U ±/∂ T (·, T (t)) are assumed to be piecewise analytic. replaced by their estimates.
S.-X. Tang et al. / Automatica 83 (2017) 206–219 215
3 Ideally, the convergence rate of the designed observer can be made arbi- (calculated) boundary measurement, there exists a design trade-off between high
trarily high by choosing a small enough λ, i.e., a large enough |λ|. However, convergence rate of the observer and effective attenuation of the approximation
since accurate/direct measurement of boundary concentration is not available and error/measurement noise. In particular, choosing large values for |λ| makes the
approximations required in output inversion unavoidably introduce error in the system more sensitive to measurement noise and results in larger estimation errors.
216 S.-X. Tang et al. / Automatica 83 (2017) 206–219
Fig. 3. True and estimated SoC. (a). Observer with SPM-T measurements. (b). Fig. 5. True and estimated internal average temperature. (a). Observer with SPM-T
Observer with DFN measurements. measurements. (b). Observer with DFN measurements.
of PDEs in the models, and then the Euler-backward method is used This paper discusses the problem of SoC estimation for the
for the temporal discretization of the resulting system of ODEs. The lithium-ion batteries based on a thermal–electrochemical model.
observer is implemented using the same discretization procedure. In this regard, an infinite-dimensional Luenberger observer is pro-
Note that in the numerical implementation of the observer, lithium posed. For the transformation between the observer error system
S.-X. Tang et al. / Automatica 83 (2017) 206–219 217
Fig. 7. True and estimated SoC. (a). Observer with SPM-T measurements. (b). Fig. 9. True and estimated interval average temperature. (a). Observer with SPM-T
Observer with DFN measurements. measurements. (b). Observer with DFN measurements.
Fig. 10. SPM-T model validation. (a) Output voltage error between SPM and DFN,
Fig. 8. True and estimated voltage. (a). Observer with SPM-T measurements. (b). and between SPM-T and DFN. (b) Internal averaged temperature computed from
Observer with DFN measurements. the DFN model and from the SPM-T model.
and the exponentially stable target system, well-posedness of the We consider this result as an additional step in the effort to design
time-varying PDE backstepping kernel functions are rigorously estimation (and control) algorithms for lithium-ion batteries from
proved. Then, exponential stability of the observer error system is electrochemical models, without relying on the discretization of
established, which proves effectiveness of the designed observer. the PDEs in these models.
218 S.-X. Tang et al. / Automatica 83 (2017) 206–219
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Moura, S. J., Bribiesca Argomedo, F., Federico, Klein, R., Mirtabatabaei, A., & Krstic, industries, Beijing, China. His research interests include
M. (2016). Battery state estimation for a single particle model with electrolyte nonlinear control and estimation, optimal control, adaptive systems and their
dynamics. IEEE Transactions on Control System Technology, 25, 1086–1090. applications including mechatronic systems.
S.-X. Tang et al. / Automatica 83 (2017) 206–219 219
Miroslav Krstic is Distinguished Professor of Mechanical Career, and ONR Young Investigator awards, the Axelby and Schuck paper prizes,
and Aerospace Engineering, holds the Alspach endowed the Chestnut textbook prize, and the rst UCSD Research Award given to an engineer.
chair, and is the founding director of the Cymer Center Krstic has also been awarded the Springer Visiting Professorship at UC Berkeley,
for Control Systems and Dynamics at UC San Diego. He the Distinguished Visiting Fellowship of the Royal Academy of Engineering, the
also serves as Associate Vice Chancellor for Research at Invitation Fellowship of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, and hon-
UCSD. As a graduate student, Krstic won the UC Santa orary professorships from four universities in China. He serves as Senior Editor in
Barbara best dissertation award and student best paper IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control and Automatica, as editor of two Springer
awards at CDC and ACC. Krstic is Fellow of IEEE, IFAC, book series, and has served as Vice President for Technical Activities of the IEEE
ASME, SIAM, and IET (UK), Associate Fellow of AIAA, and Control Systems Society and as chair of the IEEE CSS Fellow Committee. Krstic has
foreign member of the Academy of Engineering of Serbia. coauthored twelve books on adaptive, nonlinear, and stochastic control, extremum
He has received ASME Oldenburger Medal, ASME Nyquist seeking, control of PDE systems including turbulent ows, and control of delay
Lecture Prize, ASME Paynter Outstanding Investigator Award, the PECASE, NSF systems.