DOC-20240308-WA0079 2 - Redacted
DOC-20240308-WA0079 2 - Redacted
DOC-20240308-WA0079 2 - Redacted
Part of the documents furnished to our hospital functionaries yesterday by Ms Sibongile Dladla for purposes of
processing the appointment in issue were incorrect and could have led to irregularity in the appointment of the
CEO. The classical example is the founding document for application, the Z83 as furnished to us [herein attached
as CHBAHl].
The aforementioned Z83 application form evinces proof that the applicant applied for the post of the CEO at
George Mukhari Academic Hospital not CHBAH. However, this morning [08 March 2024], we were furnished with
the different Z83 application form again which is presumed to be relevant to CHBAH though the citation of the
institution does not march the acronym normally used for CHBAH.
It is prudent to indicate that the online application lifespan for the post in issue was the 14 April 2023 [closing
date] whereas the application form furnished to our functionaries after enquiries proves that she applied outside
the prescribed timelines of 05 May 2023 as afore indicated [impossibility exist that the system would have
enabled her to apply unless the different form of application process was applied]. Notwithstanding, the
preceding statement the closing date of the newspaper advert coincides with the date of signature of her
application which makes the application to be reasonably presumed as having been processed not outside the
closing date.
Despite the foregoing analysis, when contrasting the documents [Z83 application form on experience, she has
only three (03) years-experience as a Senior Manager] furnished to us by Ms Sibongile Dladla with the service
record on PERSAL, it appears that the recommended candidate is not eligible for the appointed [our emphasis].
Cognisance should be taken on the necessary attributes required for the post in issue [herein we enclosed the
emphasis] for any candidate to be considered for selection. All candidates that have less years of required
experience ought not to have progressed to the interview level [ought to have been eliminated at the shortlisting
Unless the controrv exist. the irrebuttable facts available at our disposal is that the candidate in issue has less
than three /031 years -experience at senior management level [our emphasis] as she was an acting CEO of
Furthermore. we took notice that she has approximately three years (03[ experience at middle management
level in a capacity of being a Clinical manager which experience is not relevant to the post requirements in issue.
Unless the contrary exists to the presumed facts herein advanced, we request to be furnished with any
evidentiary documents proving the contrary. The documents may not only be useful for processing the
appointment but for the future referencing in the event the employer is put to test to prove compliance and or
whether it upheld the rule of law when appointing the CEO in issue.
If the facts available at our disposal remain unrebutted, then the issue of processing the appointment will be
Neither the exemption recommended and approved by DPSA can make the appointment in issue regular and or
lawful. The doctrine of exemption does not apply at the tail end of the competitive process after other candidates
Notwithstanding the foreign paragraph, if the candidate in issue was head hunted and the employer intended to
lower and or relax the minimum requirement, the employer was enjoined to seek and obtain approval from DPSA
furnished to us enunciating the process followed [if exemption applies] for the preferred candidate to be
appointed. May we be furnished with such document [If available] so that we cannot only use them for
processing the appointment but also for future accounting purposes should there be an audit or enquiries by the
oversight bodies.
The foregoing paragraph shall assist us lest we may be seen to be complacent and failures to help the
It is further observed that the information completed presumably by Ms Sibongile Dladla relating to SMS
Minimum Entry Requirements from E-gov, contains misrepresents facts. It is not entirely correct that the
preferred candidate has five [OS] years of relevant experience. The preferred candidate does not have five [OS]
years at Senior Management level but less than three [03] of relevant experience when taking cognisance, the
Misrepresentation of facts:
The necessary attribute [minimum qualification] from the advert required a candidate with Master's in public
Health or Management. Whereas the candidate in issue at the time of applying and even now seem not to meet
On close scrutiny of her application form [herein marked as CHBAH4], the preferred applied for the post in issue
on the OS May 2023 if cognisance is taken of the date of sigrnature but under part E of the CHBAH2 [Z83
application form] she avers to have obtained MBA in Health Management almost a year later [in 2024]. This is
misrepresentation of facts. Again, when scrutinizing CHBAH4 against the CV, it is clear that the information
relating to the institution of study does not correlate and it does contradict each other. On CHBAH4 she avers
that she is currently studying for the qualification mentioned in the foregone paragraph with Regent whereas in
her CV she avers to be studying for the same quatilication with Regenesys.
wherein she avers that she was still studying for MBA Health Management whereas on the same breath under
the same part E, she avers that she obtained the qualification in year 2024 [impossible to apply during 2023 May
Despite these contradictions and or misrepresentation of qualifications, the preferred candidate did not meet
the requirements as set out in the advert and DPSA guidelines [our emphasis]. Therefore, the preferred candidate
is not eligible to be appointed. The appointment may be regarded to have been influenced by invidious reasons
not competencies.
Furthermore, the preferred candidate misrepresented her experience when she avers to have more than four
years-experience in Hospital Management whilst she has no more than four years [our emphasis].
All the facts stated herein are axiomatic and incontrovertible. They describe the serious miscreants
Provisions of CHBAH4 are peremptory. Considering the reverse side of CHBAH4 under the declaration, it requires
the candidate to provide a complete and correct information. The legal duty to the Executive Authority [MEC]
arises to disqualify the candidate should it be established that the candidate misrepresented and or provided
false information and if the candidate is appointed then the disciplinary action ought to be instituted.
As earlier stated, that all the facts stated herein are axiomatic and incontrovertible. Section 11 subsection 2 of
the Public Service Act enjoins the appointing person to appoint persons who "applied and who qualify" for the
appointment [our emphasis]. A person who qualifies is that person who meets necessary attributes of the post
as enunciated in the advert and DPSA guidelines. Any conduct that is inconsistent with this provision of the law
Ramaphosa, means prospective students or job seekers [our emphasis] could face up a jail term or a fine if found
to have misrepresented their qualifications. In simply terms, the law prescribed that it is an offence for any
person to claim falsely or fraudulently to hold a qualification that is registered on the NQF or awarded by a
recognised and accredited institution and if convicted in a court of law, the offender could face a fine and
Furthermore, in terms of the National Qualification Framework Amendment Act 12 of 2019, if a prospective
employee is caught lying about his/her credentials, he/she will be recorded in SAQA's register- and that is serious
as there is a clear distinct line between showing yourself in the best possible light, and deliberate
Again, the Prevention and Combating of Corrupt Activities Act no 12 of 2004 makes it a criminal offence to
Considering the above legal framework, we advise the authorities to review their position regarding the
The legal duty of the Executive authority to correct and or retract irregular and or unlawful appointment finds
Section 195 of the Constitution of the Republic obliges the MEC, in the public interest, to avoid and eliminate
It follows that the functionary after being enlightened of potential irregularities, a compelling basis for the
founding of a duty on the functionary to investigate and, if need be, to correct any unlawfulness through
appropriate avenues becomes peremptory. Now that the matter is before me [in the capacity of an Acting
without qualification that a decision was wrongly taken and thereafter make appropriate intervention within the
In the context of Public Service employment, section 195 of the Constitution of the Republic as enunciated above,
is fortified by section 5(7) (a) of the Public Service Act which provides inter-o/io;
["A functionary shall correct any action or omission purportedly made in terms of this Act by that functionary,
if the action or omission was based on error offact or law or fraud and it is in the public interest to correct the
action or omission"].
Appointments in Public Service relates to public purse and therefore public has direct interest in employment
practices in Public Service. The post in issue relates to the head of institution serving the public interest.
DOG: Corporate Services assist the institution by facilitating the discovery of any additional information including
the rational and reasonable justification regarding the lowering of the requirements contrary to the advert and
In the absence of any rational, reasonable, and justifiable basis to appoint CHBAH CEO, the DDG: Corporate
Services should advise the AHOD and the Executive Authority [MEC] that the appointment cannot pass muster
DATE: elf/�..>/d<fi�