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Economists for Brexit:

A Critique
Thomas Sampson, Swati
Dhingra, Gianmarco Ottaviano
and John Van Reenen
Economists for Brexit: A Critique

 Professor Patrick Minford, one of the ‘Economists for Brexit’, argues that leaving the
European Union (EU) will raise the UK’s welfare by 4% as a result of increased trade.
His policy recommendation is that following a vote for Brexit, the UK should strike no
new trade deals but instead unilaterally abolish all its import tariffs.
 Under this policy (‘Britain Alone’), he describes his model as predicting the
‘elimination’ of UK manufacturing and a big increase in wage inequality. These
outcomes may be hard to sell to UK citizens as a desirable political option.
 Our analysis of the ‘Britain Alone’ policy predicts a 2.3% loss of welfare compared
with staying in the EU. This is only 0.3 percentage points better than Brexit without
unilaterally abolishing tariffs which would result in a 2.6% welfare loss.
 Minford’s results stem from assuming that small changes in trade costs have
tremendously large effects on trade volumes: according to his model, the falls in tariffs
become enormously magnified because each country purchases only from the lowest
cost supplier.
 In reality, everyone does not simply buy from the cheapest supplier. Products are
different when made by different countries and trade is affected by the distance between
countries, their size, history and wealth (the ‘gravity relationship’). Trade costs are not
just government-created trade barriers. Product differentiation and gravity is
incorporated into modern trade models – these predict that after Brexit the UK will
continue to trade more with the EU than other countries as it remains our geographically
closest neighbour. Consequently, we will be worse off because we will face higher trade
costs with the EU.
 Minford’s assumption that goods prices would fall by 10% comes from attributing all
producer price differences between the EU and low-cost countries to EU trade barriers,
ignoring differences in quality.
 Single Market rules (for example, over product safety) facilitate trade between EU
members as it creates a level playing field. Minford’s assumption that the Single Market
merely diverts trade from non-EU countries is contradicted by the empirical evidence.
 Minford also overlooks the loss in services trade that would result from leaving the
Single Market, such as ‘passporting’ privileges in financial services.
 Minford’s approach of ignoring empirical analysis of trade data seems predicated on
the view that because statistical analysis is imperfect, it should all be completely
ignored. But such statistical biases may reinforce rather than weaken the case for
remaining in the EU. Theories need grounding in facts, not ideology.


The Centre for Economic Performance (CEP) is a

politically independent Research Centre at the London
School of Economics. The CEP has no institutional
views, only those of its individual researchers.

Professor John Van Reenen who joined the CEP as

Director in 2003, did not (and does not) support joining
the Euro.

CEP’s Brexit work is funded by the UK Economic and

Social Research Council. As a whole the CEP, receives
less than 5% of its funding from the European Union.
The EU funding is from the European Research Council
for academic projects and not for general funding or
Much publicity recently surrounded ‘Economists for Brexit’ (2016a, 2016b). Since the
economic case for leaving the European Union (EU) has been largely missing in action, it is
refreshing to obtain some clarity over the Leave campaign’s vision of the UK’s post-Brexit
economic arrangements.
Professor Patrick Minford of Cardiff University is the only one of the group who has provided
some economic modelling. He predicts that there would be a welfare gain of 4% of GDP by
2020 if the UK were to leave the EU. This prediction is surprising because just about every
other piece of economic analysis finds negative economic effects from the UK leaving the EU
(for example, Dhingra et al, 2016a; HM Treasury, 2016; NIESR, 2016; OECD, 2016; PWC,
Such studies simply remind people that the EU has been good for trade and trade is good for
welfare. It follows that leaving the EU will reduce trade and so have an economic cost. The
main question is not so much the direction of the effect, but rather the magnitude of the hit to
living standards. There may be offsetting or reinforcing factors from other things – such as
regulation, foreign investment, immigration, lower fiscal transfers to Brussels, uncertainty and
so on – but distancing ourselves from our closest trading partner could not be beneficial for
Yet Economists for Brexit make just such a claim, so we were curious to understand where
Minford’s positive effects come from. We summarise the main points of our analysis here and
leave more technical details to the Annex.

‘Britain Alone’ – unilateral free trade

One feature of Minford’s approach is that after leaving the EU, the UK is assumed to trade
simply under World Trade Organization (WTO) rules, without seeking a new trade agreement
with the EU or other trading partners like the United States. The UK would simply pay the
external tariffs. This is usually the worst case scenario that other economists have modelled.
HM Treasury (2016), for example, finds a GDP drop of 7.5% under this scenario.
A second feature of the Minford argument is the assumption that the UK will unilaterally drop
all its trade protection against imports from everywhere else in the world after Brexit. One
reason why most economists have not focused on this scenario is that it seems politically
unlikely. As far as we know, no developed country has ever unilaterally removed all
manufacturing tariffs against all other countries – Minford’s ‘Britain Alone’ scenario.
In fact, one can easily imagine the UK establishing greater trade protection after Brexit. For
example, the recent furore over Port Talbot’s steelworks suggests that domestic political
pressures may have pushed the government to increase tariffs on Chinese steel. Indeed,
Minford describes in his model that an implication of the ‘Britain Alone’ policy (Minford et
al, 2016, p. 74 Table 4.3) is that it will ‘effectively eliminate manufacturing’ in the UK. Another
implication of his preferred policy is a dramatic increase in wage inequality: skilled workers’
nominal wages increase by around 11%, but unskilled workers’ wages fall by 14%.1 These
changes are unlikely to be an easy sell politically, to say the least.

These inequality changes will not be offset by reductions in EU immigration as the impact of immigration on
inequality is close to zero (Wadsworth et al, 2016).

Nonetheless, standard economics does suggest that there will be some benefits from ‘unilateral
trade disarmament’. Indeed, in the work we published in March (Dhingra et al, 2016a, Table
2) we look at what would happen if the UK eliminated all tariffs after Brexit.2 We find that if
the UK trades under WTO rules following Brexit, but maintains import tariffs, then UK income
per capita falls by 2.6%. Under Minford’s ‘Britain Alone’ scenario of unilateral liberalisation
after Brexit only, UK real incomes still fall by 2.3%. In other words, there is a gain of only 0.3
percentage points from eliminating tariffs compared to just trading under WTO rules – this is
completely insufficient to offset the other trade costs of Brexit.
So the real question is not whether moving to unilateral free trade can have some benefits in
economic models, but rather:
 Why the benefits are so big in Minford’s model (over ten times what we find)?
 Why are there no welfare costs in Minford’s model from lower UK exports to the EU
after Brexit?
The answers to these questions require an understanding of how thinking about the economics
of trade has developed in the last five decades, and how these features are overlooked in the
Minford approach.

The basic idea

There are basically two steps in Minford’s analysis. First, he assumes that because of EU tariff
and non-tariff barriers, prices paid by UK consumers for manufacturing and agricultural goods
would fall by 10% under his ‘Britain Alone’ policy recommendation. Second, he feeds this
10% tariff equivalent fall in trade costs into his ‘Liverpool model’ to come up with a GDP
increase of 4% (roughly speaking, the increase in GDP is much less than 10% because people
consume a lot of services, which are not directly affected by Brexit under Minford’s

The 10% fall in trade costs

How on earth can trade costs fall by 10% when the UK’s average tariff is currently around 3%?
The answer is that the 10% number does not come from looking at the actual level of tariffs. It
comes from looking at the differences in price levels between the UK and some other countries
and arguing that these higher prices are due to protectionism caused mainly by EU regulations
(non-tariff barriers).
We go through this in detail in the Annex, but there are several very basic problems. First, the
estimates he makes are from data in 2002 - 14 years out of date.
Second, it seems extraordinarily unlikely that all the cross-country price differences are really
from trade protection rather than a multitude of other factors, such as quality differences,
variation in producer mark-ups or measurement error in estimates of distribution margins. For
example, say Europeans put a higher premium on high-quality clothing compared with
Americans. It will look like Europeans are paying more for their clothes, but in reality, the
higher average prices simply reflect a different mix of purchases – we are comparing apples

Mr. Minford is under the misapprehension that we did not look at his ‘Britain Alone’ recommendation, but this
is because he only refers to the work from two years ago (Ottaviano et al, 2014) and not the recent work (for
example, Dhingra et al, 2016a).

with oranges across countries (Deaton, 2015)4 Minford attributes these price differences to
nefarious EU regulation excluding cheaper clothing, whereas in fact it could reflect different
tastes for quality.
It is true that regulations could mean that prices are higher in the EU as there are stricter quality
controls than in other countries. The EU has tougher regulations over children’s milk and toys
than China does, so sub-standard products cannot be sold. This does create a trade barrier with
China and in Minford’s data a children’s toy will appear as identical, but more expensive in
the EU. But this reflects a quality difference. It is true that if the UK left the EU and relaxed
the safety standards down to China’s level prices would fall. But quality-adjusted prices would
not, and this is what is relevant for consumer welfare.
Third, Minford misunderstands the nature of regulations and product standards. The idea of the
Single Market is to have common rules so that a product sold in one EU country can also be
sold in any other. If there are 28 different sets of rules governing the sale of a product, it will
be harder to sell this product across all EU countries. The basic misconception in Minford’s
world is that the harmonisation of regulations between EU countries to reduce trade barriers is
simply a pernicious plot by vested interests to raise prices. In fact, playing by a common set of
rules is what helps increase trade and competition in a modern economy. Modern trade
agreements are hard because countries are trying to agree on common standards and to
harmonise rules that are different.
Minford overestimates the scope for reducing trade costs through unilateral liberalisation. In
our analysis of unilateral liberalisation, we focus on the removal of import tariffs because tariffs
are measurable and, in the event of Brexit, could be removed at the stroke of a pen.
One way to align standards is simply by co-ordinating on one rule or another; there is no better
or worse, weaker or stronger. But it takes two to tango. There simply is no way of unilaterally
aligning these type of standards. If the UK simply goes its own way on its own regulatory
standards, then this will increase the costs of trading with European countries and reduce the
amount of trade.
Other forms of harmonising rules require explicit agreement on how ‘tough’ a product standard
must be. Consider safety standards for children’s toys. Some countries may have very relaxed
standards over toy safety, but others may have very high standards. Let’s say the EU settles on
a standard for toys that is tougher than the UK would unilaterally choose, but weaker than
Germany would like.3 The single standard means that all manufacturers know that so long as
they meet the safety requirements, they can sell toys anywhere in the EU.
The high product standard is annoying for UK toy manufacturers, some of whom will now
have to comply with the EU Toy Safety Directive, even when they do not export to the EU.
They will complain that it’s only exporters that should have to comply with the higher EU
safety standards, as most Britons don’t care. But if the UK gets an ‘opt out’ to produce low
safety toys for domestic consumption, it means that there isn’t a level playing field – every
country will want an opt-out to decrease or increase the standard.

There are many other examples of such regulations – see Springford (2016). Examples include powdered milk:
http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=OJ:L:2007:258:0027:0028:EN:PDF; levels of arsenic
found in rice products for children:
arsenic; and of course the classic case on lawnmower noise: https://next.ft.com/content/ac04efc8-34c8-11e3-

In our example, the UK can sell high quality safe toys to Germany, but German toy
manufacturers can’t sell lower quality products to the UK as they are banned from producing
them. This is not just a political problem. UK consumers are worse off because locking out
foreign competition means that they face higher prices and less innovation.
Another practical problem with multiple standards is that with complex supply chains,
countries may not want to import from others with lax standards solely for domestic
consumption as it might contaminate the entire batch. This is why the EU and even the United
States want to have a global standard for toy safety (http://uk.reuters.com/article/health-toys-
In this context, Minford’s ‘Britain Alone’ proposal would be that we leave the EU and lower
product standards. It is certainly possible for the UK to adopt the lowest standards unilaterally.
There would then be lower average prices and quality for children’s toys in the UK. But even
if this was what the British people wanted, the rest of the EU would not continue to grant the
same access to the Single Market as EU toy manufacturers would be excluded from part of the
UK market because of higher EU standards. This is why the EU insists that countries play by
the same rules if they want to be in the Single Market.

How Minford defies the laws of gravity

The gravity equation is the most reliable empirical relationship in international economics.
First estimated by Nobel laureate Jan Tinbergen, it shows that the trade flow between any pair
of countries increases as the economic size of the countries grows, and decreases with rising
costs of trade between them caused by import tariffs, transport costs and other trade barriers.
Geography matters – the further apart countries are, the less they trade. There are literally
hundreds of data-based studies showing the robustness of this relationship across many
countries, industries, time periods and multiple specifications (see Head and Mayer, 2014, for
a survey).
Today, the gravity equation is central to how economists understand international trade. It is a
key economic relationship, which performs extremely well in predicting actual trade flows. To
evaluate the effects of changes in trade policy, new methods have been developed that both
explain why trade follows a gravity equation and takes into account all the general equilibrium
effects of changes in trade policy on prices, wages and output in a multi-country, multi-industry
world with trade in both final goods and intermediate inputs.4
This matters because the analysis undertaken by Minford uses an old trade model in which all
firms in an industry everywhere in the world produce the same goods and competition is perfect
so that trade does not follow the gravity equation. This choice is largely responsible for why
Minford’s findings contradict the results of numerous other studies that conclude Brexit would
lower UK GDP.
How does his analysis work? With perfect competition and homogeneous products, the EU’s
tariffs and other regulations raise the price of imports and all other goods sold in the EU above
the free trade price. Therefore, if the UK leaves the EU and simultaneously removes all tariffs
and non-tariff barriers, prices fall, making the average UK consumer better off.

We use such a model to analyse the consequences of Brexit in Dhingra et al (2016a), which builds on Ottaviano
et al (2014). Minford (2016) is mistaken in thinking that general equilibrium effects are missing from this analysis.
They are not missing; they are just incorporated into a richer (but more transparent) model than the one he uses.

The problems with this analysis stem from the assumption that all firms in an industry produce
the same product. There are two main limitations with Minford’s model:
1. Exporters sell all their output at world prices. In reality, exporters sell their output in many
countries and face different trade barriers in each market. In Minford’s model, following
Brexit exporters sell all their output in a fictional world market. Consequently, the level of
trade barriers with the EU after Brexit does not matter to exporters as they do not care
whether trade goes to the EU or elsewhere. This feature of the model gets rid of the costs
of Brexit from reduced access to the EU market. In reality, as our geographically closest
neighbour, we will continue to trade with the EU. Brexit increases trade costs with the EU
and this causes us to trade less with them. We cannot just sell everything to the rest of the
world at the same price to make up for this loss. This is the primary cost of Brexit, but it is
absent from Minford’s model.
2. Both imports and domestic output have the same price. Therefore, the decline in import
prices when the UK removes import tariffs leads to an equal fall in domestic prices. In the
real world, domestic and foreign firms produce differentiated products, so a fall in import
prices will reduce domestic prices to a smaller extent and the benefits from unilateral trade
liberalisation are much smaller.

Comparing Minford’s approach with modern trade models

As noted in Dhingra et al (2016a, Table 2), we analyse the consequences of unilateral trade
liberalisation following Brexit in a modern general equilibrium trade model that is consistent
with the gravity equation. In this experiment, we continue to assume perfect competition, but
allow for product differentiation. This means that there is not perfect substitution between the
products of any given industry and thus the cheapest source country of a product is not
necessarily the best source country of all products in the industry. Our model also allows for
varieties of the same product to be sourced from different countries as consistent with different
consumer tastes.
Under Minford’s assumption that the UK trades simply under WTO rules and unilaterally
removes all import tariffs, we find that the Brexit effect is equivalent to a 2.3% decline in UK
income per capita. We conclude that Brexit would reduce UK living standards even if the UK
unilaterally sets all import tariffs to zero.
We also consider what happens if the UK falls back on general WTO rules and imposes the
EU’s current ‘most-favoured nation’ tariffs following Brexit. In this case, Brexit is equivalent
to a 2.6% decline in UK income per capita. Thus, Minford is right that there are benefits from
removing import tariffs, but these benefits are around 0.3 percentage points – much smaller
than the costs of Brexit resulting from increased trade costs with the EU.
In addition to satisfying the gravity equation, our model predicts that EU membership is trade-
creating, which means that it increases the UK’s trade. By contrast, Minford’s model is hard-
wired to predict that EU membership is only trade-diverting and Brexit would lead to higher
Our work and that of the other economic studies relies on data that show what has actually
happened to trade after joining the EU, rather than just asserting what should happen in a
theoretically dubious model.
The empirical research literature supports the conclusion that EU membership is trade-creating.
For example, Baier et al (2008) find that goods trade between EU members is 62% higher than

trade between otherwise comparable countries that have no trade agreement between them.5
Using more recent data, HM Treasury (2016) finds that EU membership raises intra-EU goods
trade by an even larger 115% relative to WTO membership.
There is little evidence that regional trade agreements lead to substantial trade diversion – see
the recent reviews by Bagwell et al (2014) and Limão (2016). For example, Magee (2008,
2016) finds no evidence of trade diversion from economic integration agreements. Consistent
with this evidence, HM Treasury (2016) finds no significant evidence of trade diversion
because of the EU.

Services exports to the EU accounted for 16% of all UK exports in 2014 (ONS, 2015). UK
services exporters benefit from lower trade barriers with the EU resulting from the Single
Market. In particular, financial services firms can undertake business throughout the EU under
the EU’s ‘passporting’ rules. These rights would be lost if the UK left the Single Market.
Minford does not take this into account.

Foreign investment
Membership of the EU increases foreign direct investment (FDI) in the UK, which raises
productivity and output (Dhingra et al, 2016b). Minford argues that there are no benefits from
FDI, whereas the evidence points in the opposite direction. His views seem to be based on the
fact that the empirical estimates are ‘insecure’ (Minford, 2016) without saying why.

The role of empirical evidence in Minford’s world

Minford’s style of work was popular in some quarters in the 1970s. In those days, economics
did not need to be well-grounded in facts and data, and could rely on highly simplified theories.
The revolution over the last 40 years has been the explosion of data and empirical techniques
for its analysis. Good theory has evolved in tandem with this new evidence.
Theoretical foundations, ranging from Ricardian comparative advantage to modern product
differentiation models of imperfect competition, explain why the gravity model describes
international trade flows (for example, Head and Mayer, 2014). The approach that we use in
Dhingra (2016a) is to employ a model consistent with the basic facts of trade. It is a computable
general equilibrium model and well-grounded in theory. The difference between our approach
and Minford’s is that the theories we use are based on the facts of life in trade, such as the
gravity relationship, whereas his theory is unhinged from the most basic features of trade
Minford’s attitude seems to be that if empirical work is imperfect, it should be ignored. The
voluminous evidence on the positive impact of the EU on trade is dismissed because of
statistical concerns (Economists for Brexit, 2016b, p.20). Of course there are issues with all
empirical work. Some of these problems might mean we over-estimate the EU’s effect on trade
and FDI; some might mean we under-estimate it.

This estimate comes from Table 6, column 1 of Baier et al (2008) where 62% = e 0.48 – 1.

But to take the position that since no econometric work can be perfect, all inconvenient facts
should be ignored is poor scholarship and bad science.

Alternative economic models have different advantages and drawbacks and are suited for
different purposes. Unfortunately, Minford’s model is inconsistent with two basic facts about
international trade; first that trade satisfies the gravity equation; and second, that the EU has
been trade-creating, not simply a tool for trade diversion.
Consequently, Minford’s model is not the right tool to use for predicting the consequences of
Brexit for trade and living standards. When we analyse the same scenario considered by
Minford using modern economics that incorporate advances in our understanding of
international trade data since the 1960s and a more realistic assessment of how UK ‘unilateral
trade liberalisation’ could actually work, we find (alongside just about everyone else) that
Brexit leads to a decline in UK living standards.

Further reading
Baier, S.L., J.H. Bergstrand, P. Egger and P.A. McLaughlin (2008) ‘Do Economic Integration
Agreements Actually Work? Issues in Understanding the Causes and Consequences of the
Growth of Regionalism’, The World Economy 31(4): 461-97.

Bagwell, K., C. Brown and R. Staiger (2014) ‘Is the WTO Passé?’ Stanford mimeo

Bradford, S. (2003) ‘Paying the Price: Final Goods Protection in OECD countries’, Review of
Economics and Statistics 85(1): 24-37.

Deaton, A. (2014) ‘Getting Prices Right: The Mysteries of the Index’, LSE Lionel Robbins
Memorial Lectures

Dhingra, S., G. Ottaviano, T. Sampson and J. Van Reenen (2016a) ‘The Consequences of
Brexit for UK Trade and Living Standards’, CEP Brexit Analysis No. 2

Dhingra, S., G. Ottaviano, T. Sampson and J. Van Reenen (2016b) ‘The Impact of Brexit on
Foreign Investment in the UK’, CEP Brexit Analysis No. 3

Economists for Brexit (2016a) ‘The Economy After Brexit’


Economists for Brexit (2016b) ‘The Treasury Report on Brexit: A Critique’


Head, K. and T. Mayer (2014) ‘Gravity Equations: Workhorse, Toolkit, and Cookbook’,
Chapter 3 in Gopinath G., E. Helpman and K. Rogoff (eds) Handbook of International
Economics Vol. 4: 131-95, Elsevier.

HM Treasury (2016) ‘The Long-term Economic Impact of EU Membership and the

Alternatives’, London: HMSO

Limão, N. (2016) ‘Preferential Trade Agreements’, NBER Working Paper No. 22138.

Magee, C. (2008) ‘New Measures of Trade Creation and Trade Divergence’ Journal of
International Economics 75(2), 349-62.

Magee, C. (2016). ‘Trade Creation, Trade Diversion, and the General Equilibrium Effects of
Regional Trade Agreements: A Study of the European Community-Turkey customs union’,
Review of World Economics 152(2): 383-99.

Minford, P. (2015) ‘Evaluating European Trading Arrangements’, Cardiff Economics Working

Paper No. E2015/17 (http://patrickminford.net/wp/E2015_17.pdf).

Minford, P. (2016) ‘Understanding UK Trade Agreements with the EU and Other Countries’,
Cardiff Economics Working Paper No. E2016/1 (http://patrickminford.net/wp/E2016_1.pdf).

Minford, P., S. Gupta, V. Le, V. Mahambare and Y. Xu (2016) Should Britain Leave the EU?
An Economic Analysis of a Troubled Relationship, Second Edition, IEA.

NIESR (2016) ‘The Economic Consequences of Leaving the EU’, May Special Issue.

ONS (2015) ‘National Accounts: Balance of Payments’ HMSO: London


OECD (2016) ‘The Economic Consequences of Brexit: A Taxing Decision’, OECD


Ottaviano, G., J. Pessoa, T. Sampson and J. Van Reenen (2014) ‘The Costs and Benefits of
Leaving the EU’, CEP Policy Analysis (http://cep.lse.ac.uk/pubs/download/pa016_tech.pdf).

PWC (2016) ‘Leaving the EU: Implications for the UK Economy’


Springford, J. (2016) ‘Brexit and EU Regulation: A Bonfire of the Vanities’, Centre for
European Reform (http://www.cer.org.uk/publications/archive/policy-brief/2016/brexit-and-

Wadsworth, J., G. Ottaviano, T. Sampson and J. Van Reenen (2016a) ‘Brexit and the Impact
of Immigration on the UK’ http://cep.lse.ac.uk/pubs/download/brexit05.pdf

ANNEX: Some other limitations of Minford’s analysis

How is the 10% higher prices in EU calculated?

Minford claims that UK goods and food prices will fall by 10% after Brexit. Where does this
figure come from? He draws on the methods of a paper by Bradford (2003), which looks at
prices of around 3,000 goods sold in several OECD countries from 1993. Minford and his co-
authors have tried to update this using data up to 2002 (Minford et al, 2016). The average of
the EU (Belgium, Germany, Italy, Netherlands and the UK) is estimated to be 21% above the
lowest cost OECD supplier, half the level of the early 1990s. They extrapolate their 2002
numbers forward by another two decades to 2020, claiming protection levels now raise prices
by 10%.
Before getting into the details of the methods, it is worth noting that:
 The estimates are based on 2002 data – 14 years out of date.
 EU prices have been falling much faster than those in the United States under this
method. Since general cuts in tariffs are not enough to drive this, in Minford’s view,
this must be consistent with a gradual loosening of non-tariff barriers by EU countries
relative to other countries.
 If the price effect was falling by at least ten percentage points a decade, then this implies
that by 2020 price levels in the EU should be 0% above world prices not 10%.
Producer prices are not directly observed. So Minford’s approach is to start from consumer
prices and deduct a distribution margin and a trade costs adjustment (at a higher level of
aggregation than the disaggregated product prices) to estimate ‘producer prices’.
The weighted average EU tariff on goods is only about 3%, so the additional 7% comes from
the assumption that there are various non-tariff barriers holding up the prices of EU goods.
Minford gives no direct evidence of this, but offers various vague appeals to threats of anti-
dumping actions, which would mysteriously end completely if the UK were to leave.
As we discuss above in the main text of this analysis, the regulations of the Single Market are
in large part designed to harmonise standards across EU members, with the goal of reducing
trade costs between them. Empirical evidence shows that this has been successful.
It is extraordinarily unlikely that all the cross-country price differences are really from trade
protection rather than a multitude of other factors, such as quality differences, variation in
producer mark-ups or measurement error in estimates of distribution margins.
The entire exercise is deeply flawed empirically and conceptually.

Fifty years ago economists could not explain the success of the gravity equation. Traditional
trade models assume a perfectly competitive economy where all firms in an industry produce
the same good. Such models do not predict that trade flows will satisfy the gravity equation.
Instead, they predict that consumers in the UK purchase each good from whichever country is
the cheapest supplier. For example, all cars purchased in the UK would come from whichever
country could supply cars to the UK at the lowest cost. In reality, the UK imports cars from
many different countries, not just the cheapest, because cars are of different qualities are styles.

Since the late 1970s, a series of breakthroughs in international economics have helped to
explain why the gravity equation holds. The answer is product differentiation. Products
produced by different countries or different firms are not the same. German cars are not perfect
substitutes for Japanese cars; and consumers care whether their car is a BMW or a Toyota.
Allowing for imperfect substitution in trade models (often also accompanied by imperfect
competition) has enabled economists to explain why trade flows satisfy the gravity equation.

Contrast with CEP modelling

Minford argues for the superiority of his approach over the modern gravity-based trade models
(Minford, 2015).
He argues in favour of his theory-based computable general equilibrium (CGE) model rather
than our gravity model. In fact, our model is a CGE model as well. It is also a theory-based
general equilibrium model, but it is a more general set-up than Minford’s. We have imperfect
substitution of products within industries and across different countries, so that the Minford
approach is a special case of our model. The idea that the gravity approach is not theoretically
grounded is absurd. Minford may not like the theory, but it is a theory consistent with the basic
facts of trade, which his model is not.
Minford argues that a problem with our approach is that we have to make assumptions over the
responsiveness of trade flows to trade costs and that these trade elasticities may be wrong. He
is correct in that there is uncertainty over the exact magnitude of the elasticities (they are laid
out in Table A4 on p. 31 of the Technical Appendix in Dhingra et al, 2016a). We take these
industry-specific elasticities from the best current estimates from peer-reviewed journals.
Minford is arguing that rather than take data-determined estimates, it is better to use his theory,
which assumes that the elasticity for every industry is equal to infinity! In his world, a one
penny difference in price induces everyone to buy every car from the other producer. This is
an absurd position.
The data that we use for our model are much richer. His model considers four regions whereas
ours considers 35 regions, which allows us to look at the effects in many other countries. We
use trade flow data at a disaggregated level of 31 industries across all pairs of countries, so that
we can accurately model changes in trade flows across industries and countries. Minford uses
only three aggregate sectors: agriculture, manufacturing and services.
One thing his model allows for that ours does not is to solve for the market equilibrium in four
factor inputs – capital, land, skilled labour and unskilled labour. Capital is assumed to be
determined on the world market, but the other factors are in fixed supply on the home market.
Hence, he models how factor prices change in response to tariff changes. We abstract away
from these distributional effects in our modelling as we are focused on the overall welfare
effects of Brexit. It is unclear what this more complex modelling structure buys him in terms
of the effects of Brexit (except perhaps to highlight the increase in wage inequality that would

History repeating itself?

Building a model that does such violence to basic facts of economic life is why the ‘Liverpool
model’ has such a poor record of accurately analysing major policy changes. Minford was
predicting huge job losses from the introduction of the National Minimum Wage in 1999. In
the event, multiple studies have shown there was effectively no increase in unemployment.

Minford’s claims were based on models of homogenous workers and perfect competition. CEP
analysis (http://cep.lse.ac.uk/pubs/download/cp290.pdf), by contrast, respected the data and
developed models that allowed for labour market imperfections. We showed that minimum
wages sensibly introduced could reduce wage inequality without increasing unemployment


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