Soil Test Report
Soil Test Report
Soil Test Report
Job No. 8492
With the progress of the soil boring work, disturbed representative soil
samples & core samples were collected in polythene bags and wooden
core box respectively. The disturbed soil samples were labeled
depthwise and boreholewise after the respective field drill logs were
prepared. The total number of standard penetration test and type of
samples collected from the drill holes are given in the following table.
Bore hole Boring Depth Standing Samples collected
No (m) Water level UDS SPT DS
1 30.45 5.00 2 19 3
2 20.45 1.60 2 11 3
3 20.45 0.35 - 13 1
4 20.45 0.80 2 13 3
5 20.45 2.00 2 11 3
Job No. 8492
1 to 4 Soft
4 to 8 Firm
Plastic 8 to 15 Stiff
15 to 30 Very stiff
Over 30 Hard
1 to 10 Loose
Non plastic 10 to 30 Medium
30 to 50 Dense
Over 50 Very dense
Job No. 8492
γd = Ws / V
6. Consolidation tests [IS: 2720(PART-15)-1986]
This test is necessary to estimate the settlement characteristics of
cohesive soils. In the consolidation ring (6.2 cm dia Odometer) a 2 cm
high sample is taken with porous stones on top and bottom. After
saturation, a compressive load is applied and maintained for 24 hours.
The compression of the sample is measured at regular intervals by a dial
gauge. Thus, load increment is made and the procedure is repeated.
From the results obtained e-log P curve is drawn. The volume
compressibility mv is measured by the following formula:
mv = ( ∆H/H ) X (1 / ∆P )
Job No. 8492
Job No. 8492
1 5.00
2 1.60
3 0.35
4 0.80
5 2.00
Job No. 8492
• This is an average of the thicknesses at different boreholes. The thickness of same stratum varies widely
at different borehole locations. Please refer individual borelog and the borehole profile for actual
Job No. 8492
EGL (0.00)
Stratum I (Top soil)
γ = 1.50 t/ m3 (Assumed)
Job No. 8492
SQUARE FOUNDATION- (2.0 m x 2.0 m)
For Stratum II
A) Si = P x B x (1-µ2) x I/E
In the present case, P = 7.5 t/m2
B = 2.0 m
µ = 0.5 (Cl. of I.S.8009 (Pt-I)-1976)
I = 1.12 (Table 2, of I.S.8009 (Pt-I)-1976 for square footing)
E = 500 x C = 500 x 2 = 1000 t/m2 (Theory & Practice of Foundation
Design by N.N Som & S.C. Das)
Hence, Si = 7.5 x 2.0 x 0.75 x 1.12/1000 = 12.6 mm
Applying depth correction factor for D/√LB = 0.75 and L/B = 1which is 0.775
Actual Si = 0.775 x 12.6 = 9.76 mm
Job No. 8492
Job No. 8492
EGL (0.00)
Stratum I (Top soil)
γ = 1.50 t/ m3 (Assumed)
(-1.0 m)
Stratum II (Clayey silt) 2.0 m F.L. (-1.5 m)
γ = 1.7 t/ m3, C = 2 t/m2 1 m thick compacted sand
Φ = 4, C’c = 0.1560 1
Job No. 8492
SQUARE FOUNDATION- (2.0 m x 2.0 m)
1) Depth of foundation (Df) = 1.5 m
2) Size of foundation (B) = 2.0 m x 2.0 m
3) Bulk density of Stratum I (Assumed) = 1.50 t/ m3
4) Bulk density of Stratum II = 1.70 t/ m3
5) C’c of Stratum II = 0.1560
6) Cohesion, C at Stratum II = 2.0 t/m2
7) Thickness of sand cushion = 1.0 m
8) Bulk density of compacted sand = 2.0 t/ m3
9) Angle of friction for compacted sand = 350
For ψ= 35, Nq = 33.3, Nγ = 48.03, Sq =1.2, Sγ = 0.80, dq= dγ= 1 + 0.1 x df/B tan (45 +
ψ /2)= 1 + 0.1 x 1.5/2.0 x tan 62.5 = 1.144, iq = iγ = 1, B = 2.0, γ = 2.0, w′= 0.5, q
= 0.50 x 1 + 0.70 x 0.5 = 0.85 t/m2
qsafe for sand layer = 1/ 2.5 x [q (Nq – 1) Sq dq iq + 0.5 B γ Nγ Sγ dγ iγ w′]
qsafe = 1/2.5 x[(0.85x32.3 x1.2 x1.144 x1)+(0.5x2.0 x2 x48.03 x 0.8 x 1.144 x 0.5)]
= 32 t/m2 (3.2 Kg/cm2)
SETTLEMENT [I.S. 8009 (Pt-1)-1976]:
For sand cushion
From Fig 9 of I.S. 8009(Pt I)-1976, the settlement factor for unit pressure intensity
(kg/cm2) for N = 25 (corresponding φ= 35) and B = 2.0 is 0.0100 m
∴ Settlement = 0.0100 x 1000 x 3.2 = 32.0 mm
For Stratum II
A) Si = P x B x (1-µ2) x I/E
In the present case, P at the bottom of sand cushion
= 32 x 2.0 x 2.0 / (2.0+ 1.0)2 t/m2 = 14.2 t/m2
B = 2.0 m
µ = 0.5 (Cl. of I.S.8009 (Pt-I)-1976)
I = 1.12 (Table 2, of I.S.8009 (Pt-I)-1976 for square footing)
E = 500 x C = 500 x 2.0 = 1000 t/m2 (Theory & Practice of Foundation
Design by N.N Som & S.C. Das)
Hence, Si = 14.2 x 2.0 x 0.75 x 1.12/1000 = 23.9 mm
Applying depth correction for D/√LB = 0.75 and L/B = 1 which is 0.775 [Ref: Fig
12 of I.S. 8009(Pt-I)-1976]
Actual Si = 0.775 x 23.9 = 18.5 mm
Job No. 8492
Job No. 8492
SQUARE FOUNDATION- (2.5 m x 2.5 m)
1) Depth of foundation (Df) = 1.5 m
2) Size of foundation (B) = 2.5 m x 2.5 m
3) Bulk density of Stratum I (Assumed) = 1.50 t/ m3
4) Bulk density of Stratum II = 1.70 t/ m3
5) C’c of Stratum II = 0.1560
6) Cohesion, C at Stratum II = 2.0 t/m2
7) Thickness of sand cushion = 1.0 m
8) Bulk density of compacted sand = 2.0 t/ m3
9) Angle of friction for compacted sand = 350
For ψ= 35, Nq = 33.3, Nγ = 48.03, Sq =1.2, Sγ = 0.80, dq= dγ= 1 + 0.1 x df/B tan (45 +
ψ /2)= 1 + 0.1 x 1.5/2.5 x tan 62.5 = 1.115, iq = iγ = 1, B = 2.5, γ = 2.0, w′= 0.5, q
= 0.50 x 1 + 0.70 x 0.5 = 0.85 t/m2
qsafe for sand layer = 1/ 2.5 x [q (Nq – 1) Sq dq iq + 0.5 B γ Nγ Sγ dγ iγ w′]
qsafe = 1/2.5 x[(0.85x32.3 x1.2 x1.115 x1)+(0.5x2.5 x2 x48.03 x 0.8 x 1.115 x 0.5)]
= 36 t/m2 (3.6 Kg/cm2)
SETTLEMENT [I.S. 8009 (Pt-1)-1976]:
For sand cushion
From Fig 9 of I.S. 8009(Pt I)-1976, the settlement factor for unit pressure intensity
(kg/cm2) for N = 25 (corresponding φ= 35) and B = 2.5 is 0.0110 m
∴ Settlement = 0.0110 x 1000 x 3.6 = 39.6 mm
For Stratum II
A) Si = P x B x (1-µ2) x I/E
In the present case, P at the bottom of sand cushion
= 36 x 2.5 x 2.5 / (2.5+ 1.0)2 t/m2 = 18.37 t/m2
B = 2.5 m
µ = 0.5 (Cl. of I.S.8009 (Pt-I)-1976)
I = 1.12 (Table 2, of I.S.8009 (Pt-I)-1976 for square footing)
E = 500 x C = 500 x 2.0 = 1000 t/m2 (Theory & Practice of Foundation
Design by N.N Som & S.C. Das)
Hence, Si = 18.37 x 2.5 x 0.75 x 1.12/1000 = 38.6 mm
Applying depth correction for D/√LB = 0.60 and L/B = 1 which is 0.825 [Ref: Fig
12 of I.S. 8009(Pt-I)-1976]
Actual Si = 0.825 x 38.6 = 31.8 mm
Job No. 8492
Job No. 8492
EGL (0.00)
Stratum I (Top soil)
γ = 1.50 t/ m3,
(-1.0 m)
(- 12.0 m )
Stratum III (Sand)
γ = 1.80 t/ m3 (Assumed)
N = 28 (- 14.0 m)
Job No. 8492
Skin friction: 1) Cohesive soil = α x Ċ x As 2) Non-cohesive soil = K x PDi x tan δ x Asi 3) Rock = As x qs
End bearing: 1) Cohesive soil =Ap x Ne x Cp 2) Non-cohesive soil = Ap x (½ D x γ x Nγ + PD x Nq) 3) Rock = Ksp x qc x df x Ab
Job No. 8492
B) 500 mm dia
Critical depth = 17.5 (for Ф = 35) x dia of pile = 17.5 x 0.50 = 8.75 m
Stratum II Stratum III
(Soft clayey silt) (Sand)
Ċ / Cp (t/m2) 2.0 -
N - 28
Ne - -
α 1.0 -
δ (Ф) - Ф = 36 for N = 28 Considered 35
K - 1.25 (For Ф = 35)
PDi (t/m2) - 0.75 x (8.75 – 2.0) = 5.06
PD (t/m2) - 0.75 x (8.75 – 2.0) = 5.06
γ (t/m3) 1.75 1.80
Nγ - 48.03 (For Ф = 35)
Nq - 48 (For Ф = 35)
Asi / As (m2) π x 0.50 x 10.0 = 15.71 π x 0.50 x 2.0 = 3.14
Ap / Ab (m2) - π x (0.50)2 / 4 = 0.20
Ksp - -
qc (t/m2) - -
df - -
qs (t/m2) - -
Skin friction: 1) Cohesive soil = α x Ċ x As 2) Non-cohesive soil = K x PDi x tan δ x Asi 3) Rock = As x qs
End bearing: 1) Cohesive soil =Ap x Ne x Cp 2) Non-cohesive soil = Ap x (½ D x γ x Nγ + PD x Nq) 3) Rock = Ksp x qc x df x Ab
Job No. 8492
Job No. 8492
C) 600 mm dia
Critical depth = 17.5 (for Ф = 35) x dia of pile = 17.5 x 0.60 = 10.5 m
Stratum II Stratum III
(Soft clayey silt) (Sand)
Ċ / Cp (t/m2) 2.0 -
N - 28
Ne - -
α 1.0 -
δ (Ф) - Ф = 36 for N = 28 Considered 35
K - 1.25 (For Ф = 35)
PDi (t/m2) - 0.75 x (10.5 – 2.0) = 6.37
PD (t/m2) - 0.75 x (10.5 – 2.0) = 6.37
γ (t/m3) 1.75 1.80
Nγ - 48.03 (For Ф = 35)
Nq - 48 (For Ф = 35)
Asi / As (m2) π x 0.60 x 10.0 = 18.85 π x 0.60 x 2.0 = 3.77
Ap / Ab (m2) - π x (0.60)2 / 4 = 0.28
Ksp - -
qc (t/m2) - -
df - -
qs (t/m2) - -
Skin friction: 1) Cohesive soil = α x Ċ x As 2) Non-cohesive soil = K x PDi x tan δ x Asi 3) Rock = As x qs
End bearing: 1) Cohesive soil =Ap x Ne x Cp 2) Non-cohesive soil = Ap x (½ D x γ x Nγ + PD x Nq) 3) Rock = Ksp x qc x df x Ab
Job No. 8492
Job No. 8492
D) 750 mm dia
Critical depth = 17.5 (for Ф = 35) x dia of pile = 17.5 x 0.75 = 13.12 m
Stratum II Stratum III
(Soft clayey silt) (Sand)
Ċ / Cp (t/m2) 2.0 -
N - 28
Ne - -
α 1.0 -
δ (Ф) - Ф = 36 for N = 28 Considered 35
K - 1.25 (For Ф = 35)
PDi (t/m2) - 0.75 x (12 – 2.0) + 0.80 x 1.0 = 8.30
PD (t/m2) - 0.75 x (12 – 2.0) + 0.80 x 1.0 = 8.30
γ (t/m3) 1.75 1.80
Nγ - 48.03 (For Ф = 35)
Nq - 48 (For Ф = 35)
Asi / As (m2) π x 0.75 x 10.0 = 23.56 π x 0.75 x 2.0 = 4.71
Ap / Ab (m2) - π x (0.75)2 / 4 = 0.44
Ksp - -
qc (t/m2) - -
df - -
qs (t/m2) - -
Skin friction: 1) Cohesive soil = α x Ċ x As 2) Non-cohesive soil = K x PDi x tan δ x Asi 3) Rock = As x qs
End bearing: 1) Cohesive soil =Ap x Ne x Cp 2) Non-cohesive soil = Ap x (½ D x γ x Nγ + PD x Nq) 3) Rock = Ksp x qc x df x Ab
Job No. 8492
Job No. 8492
EGL (0.00)
Stratum I (Top soil)
γ = 1.50 t/ m3,
C.O.L (-2.0 m)
(- 16.0 m )
Stratum III (Sand)
γ = 1.80 t/ m3 (Assumed)
N = 28 (- 18.0 m)
Job No. 8492
Skin friction: 1) Cohesive soil = α x Ċ x As 2) Non-cohesive soil = K x PDi x tan δ x Asi 3) Rock = As x qs
End bearing: 1) Cohesive soil =Ap x Ne x Cp 2) Non-cohesive soil = Ap x (½ D x γ x Nγ + PD x Nq) 3) Rock = Ksp x qc x df x Ab
Job No. 8492
Job No. 8492
B) 500 mm dia
Critical depth = 17.5 (for Ф = 35) x dia of pile = 17.5 x 0.50 = 8.75 m
Stratum II Stratum III
(Soft clayey silt) (Sand)
Ċ / Cp (t/m2) 2.9 -
N - 28
Ne - -
α 1.0 -
δ (Ф) - Ф = 36 for N = 28 Considered 35
K - 1.25 (For Ф = 35)
PDi (t/m2) - 0.66 x (8.75 – 2.0) = 4.45
PD (t/m2) - 0.66 x (8.75 – 2.0) = 4.45
γ (t/m3) 1.66 1.80
Nγ - 48.03 (For Ф = 35)
Nq - 48 (For Ф = 35)
Asi / As (m2) π x 0.50 x 14.0 = 22.0 π x 0.50 x 2.0 = 3.14
Ap / Ab (m2) - π x (0.50)2 / 4 = 0.20
Ksp - -
qc (t/m2) - -
df - -
qs (t/m2) - -
Skin friction: 1) Cohesive soil = α x Ċ x As 2) Non-cohesive soil = K x PDi x tan δ x Asi 3) Rock = As x qs
End bearing: 1) Cohesive soil =Ap x Ne x Cp 2) Non-cohesive soil = Ap x (½ D x γ x Nγ + PD x Nq) 3) Rock = Ksp x qc x df x Ab
Job No. 8492
Job No. 8492
C) 600 mm dia
Critical depth = 17.5 (for Ф = 35) x dia of pile = 17.5 x 0.60 = 10.5 m
Stratum II Stratum III
(Soft clayey silt) (Sand)
Ċ / Cp (t/m2) 2.9 -
N - 28
Ne - -
α 1.0 -
δ (Ф) - Ф = 36 for N = 28 Considered 35
K - 1.25 (For Ф = 35)
PDi (t/m2) - 0.66 x (10.5 – 2.0) = 5.61
PD (t/m2) - 0.66 x (10.5 – 2.0) = 5.61
γ (t/m3) 1.66 1.80
Nγ - 48.03 (For Ф = 35)
Nq - 48 (For Ф = 35)
Asi / As (m2) π x 0.60 x 14.0 = 26.39 π x 0.60 x 2.0 = 3.77
Ap / Ab (m2) - π x (0.60)2 / 4 = 0.28
Ksp - -
qc (t/m2) - -
df - -
qs (t/m2) - -
Skin friction: 1) Cohesive soil = α x Ċ x As 2) Non-cohesive soil = K x PDi x tan δ x Asi 3) Rock = As x qs
End bearing: 1) Cohesive soil =Ap x Ne x Cp 2) Non-cohesive soil = Ap x (½ D x γ x Nγ + PD x Nq) 3) Rock = Ksp x qc x df x Ab
Job No. 8492
Job No. 8492
D) 750 mm dia
Critical depth = 17.5 (for Ф = 35) x dia of pile = 17.5 x 0.75 = 13.12 m
Stratum II Stratum III
(Soft clayey silt) (Sand)
Ċ / Cp (t/m2) 2.9 -
N - 28
Ne - -
α 1.0 -
δ (Ф) - Ф = 36 for N = 28 Considered 35
K - 1.25 (For Ф = 35)
PDi (t/m2) - 0.66 x (13.12 – 2.0) = 7.34
PD (t/m2) - 0.66 x (13.12 – 2.0) = 7.34
γ (t/m3) 1.66 1.80
Nγ - 48.03 (For Ф = 35)
Nq - 48 (For Ф = 35)
Asi / As (m2) π x 0.75 x 14.0 = 33.0 π x 0.75 x 2.0 = 4.71
Ap / Ab (m2) - π x (0.75)2 / 4 = 0.44
Ksp - -
qc (t/m2) - -
df - -
qs (t/m2) - -
Skin friction: 1) Cohesive soil = α x Ċ x As 2) Non-cohesive soil = K x PDi x tan δ x Asi 3) Rock = As x qs
End bearing: 1) Cohesive soil =Ap x Ne x Cp 2) Non-cohesive soil = Ap x (½ D x γ x Nγ + PD x Nq) 3) Rock = Ksp x qc x df x Ab
Job No. 8492
Job No. 8492
EGL (0.00)
Stratum I (Top soil)
γ = 1.50 t/ m3,
C.O.L (-1.0 m)
(- 9.5 m )
Stratum III (Sand)
γ = 1.80 t/ m3 (Assumed)
N = 50
(- 14.0 m)
Job No. 8492
Skin friction: 1) Cohesive soil = α x Ċ x As 2) Non-cohesive soil = K x PDi x tan δ x Asi 3) Rock = As x qs
End bearing: 1) Cohesive soil =Ap x Ne x Cp 2) Non-cohesive soil = Ap x (½ D x γ x Nγ + PD x Nq) 3) Rock = Ksp x qc x df x Ab
Job No. 8492
Job No. 8492
B) 500 mm dia
Critical depth = 17.5 (for Ф = 35) x dia of pile = 17.5 x 0.50 = 8.75 m
Stratum II Stratum III
(Soft clayey silt) (Sand)
Ċ / Cp (t/m2) 2.5 -
N - 50
Ne - -
α 1.0 -
δ (Ф) - Ф = 41 for N = 50 Considered 35
K - 1.25 (For Ф = 35)
PDi (t/m2) - 0.70 x (8.75 – 2.0) = 4.72
PD (t/m2) - 0.70 x (8.75 – 2.0) = 4.72
γ (t/m3) 1.70 1.80
Nγ - 48.03 (For Ф = 35)
Nq - 48 (For Ф = 35)
Asi / As (m2) π x 0.50 x 7.50 = 11.78 π x 0.50 x 4.5 = 7.07
Ap / Ab (m2) - π x (0.50)2 / 4 = 0.20
Ksp - -
qc (t/m2) - -
df - -
qs (t/m2) - -
Skin friction: 1) Cohesive soil = α x Ċ x As 2) Non-cohesive soil = K x PDi x tan δ x Asi 3) Rock = As x qs
End bearing: 1) Cohesive soil =Ap x Ne x Cp 2) Non-cohesive soil = Ap x (½ D x γ x Nγ + PD x Nq) 3) Rock = Ksp x qc x df x Ab
Job No. 8492
C) 600 mm dia
Critical depth = 17.5 (for Ф = 35) x dia of pile = 17.5 x 0.60 = 10.5 m
Stratum II Stratum III
(Soft clayey silt) (Sand)
Ċ / Cp (t/m2) 2.5 -
N - 50
Ne - -
α 1.0 -
δ (Ф) - Ф = 41 for N = 50 Considered 35
K - 1.25 (For Ф = 35)
PDi (t/m2) - 0.70 x (9.5 – 2.0) + 0.80 x 1.0 = 6.05
PD (t/m2) - 0.70 x (9.5 – 2.0) + 0.80 x 1.0 = 6.05
γ (t/m3) 1.70 1.80
Nγ - 48.03 (For Ф = 35)
Nq - 48 (For Ф = 35)
Asi / As (m2) π x 0.60 x 7.50 = 14.14 π x 0.60 x 4.5 = 8.48
Ap / Ab (m2) - π x (0.60)2 / 4 = 0.28
Ksp - -
qc (t/m2) - -
df - -
qs (t/m2) - -
Skin friction: 1) Cohesive soil = α x Ċ x As 2) Non-cohesive soil = K x PDi x tan δ x Asi 3) Rock = As x qs
End bearing: 1) Cohesive soil =Ap x Ne x Cp 2) Non-cohesive soil = Ap x (½ D x γ x Nγ + PD x Nq) 3) Rock = Ksp x qc x df x Ab
Job No. 8492
Job No. 8492
D) 750 mm dia
Critical depth = 17.5 (for Ф = 35) x dia of pile = 17.5 x 0.75 = 13.12 m
Stratum II Stratum III
(Soft clayey silt) (Sand)
Ċ / Cp (t/m2) 2.5 -
N - 50
Ne - -
α 1.0 -
δ (Ф) - Ф = 41 for N = 50 Considered 35
K - 1.25 (For Ф = 35)
PDi (t/m2) - 0.70 x (9.5 – 2.0) + 0.80 x 2.25 = 7.05
PD (t/m2) - 0.70 x (9.5 – 2.0) + 0.80 x 3.62 = 8.14
γ (t/m3) 1.70 1.80
Nγ - 48.03 (For Ф = 35)
Nq - 48 (For Ф = 35)
Asi / As (m2) π x 0.75 x 7.50 = 17.67 π x 0.75 x 4.5 = 10.6
Ap / Ab (m2) - π x (0.75)2 / 4 = 0.44
Ksp - -
qc (t/m2) - -
df - -
qs (t/m2) - -
Skin friction: 1) Cohesive soil = α x Ċ x As 2) Non-cohesive soil = K x PDi x tan δ x Asi 3) Rock = As x qs
End bearing: 1) Cohesive soil =Ap x Ne x Cp 2) Non-cohesive soil = Ap x (½ D x γ x Nγ + PD x Nq) 3) Rock = Ksp x qc x df x Ab
Job No. 8492
Job No. 8492
EGL (0.00)
Stratum I (Top soil)
γ = 1.50 t/ m3,
(-1.0 m)
(- 13.0 m)
Stratum III (Sand)
γ = 1.80 t/ m3 (Assumed)
N = 25 (- 15.0 m)
Job No. 8492
Skin friction: 1) Cohesive soil = α x Ċ x As 2) Non-cohesive soil = K x PDi x tan δ x Asi 3) Rock = As x qs
End bearing: 1) Cohesive soil =Ap x Ne x Cp 2) Non-cohesive soil = Ap x (½ D x γ x Nγ + PD x Nq) 3) Rock = Ksp x qc x df x Ab
Job No. 8492
Job No. 8492
B) 500 mm dia
Critical depth = 17.5 (for Ф = 35) x dia of pile = 17.5 x 0.50 = 8.75 m
Stratum II Stratum III
(Soft clayey silt) (Sand)
Ċ / Cp (t/m2) 2.0 -
N - 25
Ne - -
α 1.0 -
δ (Ф) - Ф = 35 for N = 25 Considered 35
K - 1.25 (For Ф = 35)
PDi (t/m2) - 0.68 x (8.75 – 2.0) = 4.59
PD (t/m2) - 0.68 x (8.75 – 2.0) = 4.59
γ (t/m3) 1.68 1.80
Nγ - 48.03 (For Ф = 35)
Nq - 48 (For Ф = 35)
Asi / As (m2) π x 0.50 x 11.0 = 17.28 π x 0.50 x 2.0 = 3.14
Ap / Ab (m2) - π x (0.50)2 / 4 = 0.20
Ksp - -
qc (t/m2) - -
df - -
qs (t/m2) - -
Skin friction: 1) Cohesive soil = α x Ċ x As 2) Non-cohesive soil = K x PDi x tan δ x Asi 3) Rock = As x qs
End bearing: 1) Cohesive soil =Ap x Ne x Cp 2) Non-cohesive soil = Ap x (½ D x γ x Nγ + PD x Nq) 3) Rock = Ksp x qc x df x Ab
Job No. 8492
Job No. 8492
C) 600 mm dia
Critical depth = 17.5 (for Ф = 35) x dia of pile = 17.5 x 0.60 = 10.5 m
Stratum II Stratum III
(Soft clayey silt) (Sand)
Ċ / Cp (t/m2) 2.0 -
N - 25
Ne - -
α 1.0 -
δ (Ф) - Ф = 35 for N = 25 Considered 35
K - 1.25 (For Ф = 35)
PDi (t/m2) - 0.68 x (10.5 – 2.0) = 5.78
PD (t/m2) - 0.68 x (10.5 – 2.0) = 5.78
γ (t/m3) 1.68 1.80
Nγ - 48.03 (For Ф = 35)
Nq - 48 (For Ф = 35)
Asi / As (m2) π x 0.60 x 11.0 = 20.73 π x 0.60 x 2.0 = 3.77
Ap / Ab (m2) - π x (0.60)2 / 4 = 0.28
Ksp - -
qc (t/m2) - -
df - -
qs (t/m2) - -
Skin friction: 1) Cohesive soil = α x Ċ x As 2) Non-cohesive soil = K x PDi x tan δ x Asi 3) Rock = As x qs
End bearing: 1) Cohesive soil =Ap x Ne x Cp 2) Non-cohesive soil = Ap x (½ D x γ x Nγ + PD x Nq) 3) Rock = Ksp x qc x df x Ab
Job No. 8492
Job No. 8492
D) 750 mm dia
Critical depth = 17.5 (for Ф = 35) x dia of pile = 17.5 x 0.75 = 13.12 m
Stratum II Stratum III
(Soft clayey silt) (Sand)
Ċ / Cp (t/m2) 2.0 -
N - 25
Ne - -
α 1.0 -
δ (Ф) - Ф = 35 for N = 25 Considered 35
K - 1.25 (For Ф = 35)
PDi (t/m2) - 0.68 x (13.0 – 2.0) + 0.80 x 0.12 = 7.57
PD (t/m2) - 0.68 x (13.0 – 2.0) + 0.80 x 0.12 = 7.57
γ (t/m3) 1.68 1.80
Nγ - 48.03 (For Ф = 35)
Nq - 48 (For Ф = 35)
Asi / As (m2) π x 0.75 x 11.0 = 25.92 π x 0.75 x 2.0 = 4.71
Ap / Ab (m2) - π x (0.75)2 / 4 = 0.44
Ksp - -
qc (t/m2) - -
df - -
qs (t/m2) - -
Skin friction: 1) Cohesive soil = α x Ċ x As 2) Non-cohesive soil = K x PDi x tan δ x Asi 3) Rock = As x qs
End bearing: 1) Cohesive soil =Ap x Ne x Cp 2) Non-cohesive soil = Ap x (½ D x γ x Nγ + PD x Nq) 3) Rock = Ksp x qc x df x Ab
Job No. 8492
Job No. 8492
EGL (0.00)
Stratum I (Top soil)
γ = 1.50 t/ m3,
(-1.0 m)
(- 11.0 m)
Stratum III (Sand)
γ = 1.80 t/ m3 (Assumed)
N = 17 (- 13.0 m)
Job No. 8492
Skin friction: 1) Cohesive soil = α x Ċ x As 2) Non-cohesive soil = K x PDi x tan δ x Asi 3) Rock = As x qs
End bearing: 1) Cohesive soil =Ap x Ne x Cp 2) Non-cohesive soil = Ap x (½ D x γ x Nγ + PD x Nq) 3) Rock = Ksp x qc x df x Ab
Job No. 8492
Job No. 8492
B) 500 mm dia
Critical depth = 17.5 (for Ф = 35) x dia of pile = 17.5 x 0.50 = 8.75 m
Stratum II Stratum III
(Soft clayey silt) (Sand)
Ċ / Cp (t/m2) 3.4 -
N - 17
Ne - -
α 1.0 -
δ (Ф) - Ф = 31 for N = 17 Considered 30
K - 1 (For Ф = 30)
PDi (t/m2) - 0.66 x (8.75 – 2.0) = 4.45
PD (t/m2) - 0.66 x (8.75 – 2.0) = 4.45
γ (t/m3) 1.66 1.80
Nγ - 22.4 (For Ф = 30)
Nq - 20 (For Ф = 30)
Asi / As (m2) π x 0.50 x 9.0 = 14.14 π x 0.50 x 2.0 = 3.14
Ap / Ab (m2) - π x (0.50)2 / 4 = 0.20
Ksp - -
qc (t/m2) - -
df - -
qs (t/m2) - -
Skin friction: 1) Cohesive soil = α x Ċ x As 2) Non-cohesive soil = K x PDi x tan δ x Asi 3) Rock = As x qs
End bearing: 1) Cohesive soil =Ap x Ne x Cp 2) Non-cohesive soil = Ap x (½ D x γ x Nγ + PD x Nq) 3) Rock = Ksp x qc x df x Ab
Job No. 8492
Job No. 8492
C) 600 mm dia
Critical depth = 17.5 (for Ф = 35) x dia of pile = 17.5 x 0.60 = 10.5 m
Stratum II Stratum III
(Soft clayey silt) (Sand)
Ċ / Cp (t/m2) 3.4 -
N - 17
Ne - -
α 1.0 -
δ (Ф) - Ф = 31 for N = 17 Considered 30
K - 1 (For Ф = 30)
PDi (t/m2) - 0.66 x (10.5 – 2.0) = 5.61
PD (t/m2) - 0.66 x (10.5 – 2.0) = 5.61
γ (t/m3) 1.66 1.80
Nγ - 22.4 (For Ф = 30)
Nq - 20 (For Ф = 30)
Asi / As (m2) π x 0.60 x 9.0 = 16.96 π x 0.60 x 2.0 = 3.77
Ap / Ab (m2) - π x (0.60)2 / 4 = 0.28
Ksp - -
qc (t/m2) - -
df - -
qs (t/m2) - -
Skin friction: 1) Cohesive soil = α x Ċ x As 2) Non-cohesive soil = K x PDi x tan δ x Asi 3) Rock = As x qs
End bearing: 1) Cohesive soil =Ap x Ne x Cp 2) Non-cohesive soil = Ap x (½ D x γ x Nγ + PD x Nq) 3) Rock = Ksp x qc x df x Ab
Job No. 8492
D) 750 mm dia
Critical depth = 17.5 (for Ф = 35) x dia of pile = 17.5 x 0.75 = 13.12 m
Stratum II Stratum III
(Soft clayey silt) (Sand)
Ċ / Cp (t/m2) 3.4 -
N - 17
Ne - -
α 1.0 -
δ (Ф) - Ф = 31 for N = 17 Considered 30
K - 1 (For Ф = 30)
PDi (t/m2) - 0.66 x (11.0 – 2.0) + 0.80 x 1.0= 6.74
PD (t/m2) - 0.66 x (11.0 – 2.0) + 0.80 x 2.0= 7.54
γ (t/m3) 1.66 1.80
Nγ - 22.4 (For Ф = 30)
Nq - 20 (For Ф = 30)
Asi / As (m2) π x 0.75 x 9.0 = 21.20 π x 0.75 x 2.0 = 4.71
Ap / Ab (m2) - π x (0.75)2 / 4 = 0.44
Ksp - -
qc (t/m2) - -
df - -
qs (t/m2) - -
Skin friction: 1) Cohesive soil = α x Ċ x As 2) Non-cohesive soil = K x PDi x tan δ x Asi 3) Rock = As x qs
End bearing: 1) Cohesive soil =Ap x Ne x Cp 2) Non-cohesive soil = Ap x (½ D x γ x Nγ + PD x Nq) 3) Rock = Ksp x qc x df x Ab
Job No. 8492
Job No. 8492
From the study of the borelogs and results of both field as well as laboratory
tests the followings are observed:
Stratum I: Stratum I consists of FILL comprising rubbish, broken concrete,
flyash and other heterogeneous materials. The average thickness of the
stratum is 1 m.
Stratum II: Stratum II consists of soft to firm grayish brown to bluish grey
Clayey SILT with occasional presence of decomposed wood. The thickness
of the stratum is 11.0 m and the average N value is 5.
Stratum III: Stratum III consists of dense grey to bluish grey fine grained SAND
with tiny mica particles. The average N value of the stratum is 35. The stratum
extends up to the explored depth.
Any foundation system for a proposed structure should satisfy certain
stability conditions. These are
a) There should be adequate factor of safety against the possible shear
failure of the soil underneath the foundation
b) The settlement of the foundation should be within permissible limit.
Considering the nature of subsoil, shallow foundation in the form of square
footing may be considered for the proposed structure at this site. The
recommended SBC at calculated settlement for different size of
foundation at 1.50 m founding depth without and with 1.0 m thick
engineered fill has been presented in Table IV.
Job No. 8492
Considering the sub-soil profile at the site, pile foundation in the form of
400/500/600/750 mm dia bored cast-in-situ RCC piles may be considered
for the construction of the proposed structure. The safe vertical pile load
capacity has been presented in Table-V along with the lateral and uplift
Location Dia of C.O.L. Shaft Safe vertical load Safe vertical load Uplift capacity Lateral Load
pile (m) length bearing capacity bearing capacity (KN) capacity
(m) without considering NSF (KN)
considering NSF (KN)
400 220 180 130 21
500 340 290 150 23
BH 1 12.0
600 570 510 230 25
750 1050 970 350 27
400 310 230 220 26
500 480 380 300 29
BH 2 16.0
600 690 560 380 31
750 1140 1040 530 34
400 240 210 150 24
500 420 370 230 26
BH 3 2.0 12.0
600 650 590 310 28
750 1140 1070 440 31
400 210 170 140 21
500 370 310 190 23
BH 4 13.0
600 560 490 250 25
750 1000 910 360 27
400 200 140 160 29
500 300 220 220 31
BH 5 11.0
600 400 310 270 34
750 630 520 370 37
Job No. 8492
• Pile foundation is also recommended at this site for the proposed
structures. The safe axial load bearing capacity of 400/500/600/750 mm
diameter bored cast-in-situ R.C.C piles has been calculated and
presented in Table-V. However, the actual load bearing capacity may be
determined by conducting Initial Pile Load Test.
Job No. 8492
• The execution of piles shall be done with utmost care and with
quality supervision. IS: 2911(Part I/Sec2)-2010 read with latest revision
shall generally be followed for the design and execution of the piling
• Concrete of proper grade and slump shall be used in construction of
the pile shafts. Cover from main reinforcement to the surface of the
pile-shaft shall be maintained properly in order to save the re-bars from
• Load test (Routine) may be conducted as per I.S. 2911 (Part 4)-2013
read with latest revision on piles in the project after their installation and
• No special treatment of reinforcement steel or concrete in
foundation shall be necessary since the sub-soil show favourable results
in chemical tests.
(T. Chaudhuri)
B.E. (Civil)
Job No. 8492