LEKQ4028-02 - Oil Consumption Data
LEKQ4028-02 - Oil Consumption Data
LEKQ4028-02 - Oil Consumption Data
EDS 96.2
Date 01-10
Oil Consumption Data
Estimating Oil Consumption
Oil consumption, along with fuel consumption and The rate of oil consumption is called BSOC
maintenance information, can be used to estimate (brake specific oil consumption) and the unit of
the total operating cost of a Caterpillar© engine. measure is grams per brake kilowatt hour (g/bkW-
Oil consumption data may also be used to hr) or pounds per brake horsepower hour (lb/bhp-
estimate the quantity of make-up oil required to hr). The following chart lists the typical BSOC for
accommodate maintenance intervals. Many the Caterpillar© Engines listed below operating at
factors can affect oil consumption. Some of these 100% load factor, which are maintained according
factors are percent load, oil density, oil additive to Caterpillar recommended maintenance
packages, and maintenance practices. management guidelines.
g/bkW-h lb/bhp-h g/bkW-h lb/bhp-h
Diesel Engine Model Spark Ignited Engine Model
3116 TA .548 .0009 G3300 NA 0.913 .0015
G3300 TA (2 ring) 0.730 .0012
3208 NA .910 .0015
G3300 TA (3 ring) 0.487 .0008
3208 TA .609 .0010
G3400 TA (2 ring) 0.730 .0012
3176 TA .487 .0008
G3400 TA (3 ring) 0.487 .0008
3300 NA .548 .0009
3300 TA .487 .0008 G3500NA 0.913 .0015
3400 TA .487 .0008 G3500TA 0.426 .0007
LEKQ4028-02 (01-10)
Calculation of Engine BSOC
The following calculation method may be used
to estimate the BSOC of an operating engine.
A comparison can then be made between the
operating engine and the typical value for that
engine. A low hour engine may have lower oil
consumption than the typical value and a high
hour engine may have higher oil consumption
than the typical value, but the typical value
will still provide an estimate for oil
Metric Units English Units
BSOC Oil Usage (g/h) BSOC Oil Usage (lb/h)
(g/bkW-h) = Engine Power (bkW) x Load Factor (lb/bhp-h) = Engine Power (bhp) x Load Factor
Oil Usage L/hr x 899 g/L Oil Usage gal/hr x 7.5 lb/gal
(average oil usage over a period (average oil usage over a period
(of time) of time)
Engine Power Engine rated power output (bkW) Engine Power Engine rated power output (bhp)
Load Factor: Part of the engine rated power Load Factor: Part of the engine rated power
actually used (such as 0.75, actually used (such as 0.75,
0.5 etc.) 0.5 etc.)