TASK SHEET 1,2,3 Sir Ayala

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1. What is your understanding of the term “Globalization”?

- It refers to the emergence of an international network of economics systems. Globalization
is a process of interaction and integration among the people, companies, and governments
of different nations, a process driven by international trade and investments and aided by
information technology. From these definitions, we can say that globalization is a kind of
process which every nation interacts with each other in order to achieve global unity.
Globalization is not only related with the economy of each country. It is also affected, and
affects the military. However, in deeper studies, the globalization actually promotes a global
war economy which results in many deaths and loss of human life. On the other side,
globalization fuels the means to wage war by protecting and promoting the military
industries needed to produce sophisticated weaponry. This weaponry, in turn, is used - or its
use is threatened – to protect the investments of transnational corporations and their
2. What is cultural Globalization?
- Cultural globalization is the transmission of ideas, meanings, and values around the world in
such a way as to extend and intensify social relations.
3. How is Globalization linked to Military?
- it reflects both the expanding network of worldwide military ties and relations. Globalization
on Military forces,their plans,and their operations will be widespread and pervasive. First
the global security environment will be characterized by an increase in non-state and
transnational threats to national security. The most obvious of such non-state threats is
global terrorism.
4. What Societal factor is most affected by Globalization?
- It is the effect on labor. It is far more difficult and time consuming for large number of
workers to change their skills to match the demand of the workplace. Many have seen low
skill jobs disappear to areas where technology can do the same thing with far less labor.


1. What are the four distinct qualities/characteristics of Globalization?

- Political
- Economic
- Cultural
- Geographical boundaries
2. Why Bin Ladin despise Globalization?
- Simple because Bin liden wants tradional activities while Globalization involves in creating
new and the multiplication of existing social network and activities.
3. What makes Globalization different from other social process?
- Social Globalization is evident in the similarities of social trends between cultures,from
consumerism to arts and humanities.For example, note the worldwide popularity of
Mcdonalds or a specific fashion trend.


1. What are the three criteria suggested by Freeden to assess the ideological maturity og
Freeden’s article possesses a number of virtues.
- It wisely reminds students of ideology that political belief system are ephemeral
constellations whose shifting morphologies demand periodic scholarly reassessment.
- It challenges twenty-first century analysts of ideology to reappraise antiquated popular and
conventional classification systems that might obscure more than they illuminate.This
means that scholars must be willing to entertain the possibility of wholesome ideology
transformations and be prepared to rethink,revise, and perhaps replace outdated
conceptual morphologies that no longer capture the dynamic of actually existing political
belief systems.
- I displays considerable intellectual imagination by calling for experimental thought-exercises
designed to redraw old ideological boundaries and re classify ideological system.
2. Give claims of Globalism and discuss it comprehensively.
- Nobody is in Charge of Globalization - The great beauty of globalization is that no one is in
control. The great beauty of globalization is that it is not controlled by any individual, any
government, any institution
- Globalization Benefits Everyone g-7 summit of 1996, speaking in a jacobin spirit “Economic
growth and progress in today’s interdependent world is bound up with the process of
globalization. Globalization provides great opportunities for the future, not only for our
countries, but for all others too. Its many positive aspects include an unprecedented
expansion of investment and trade; the opening up to international trade of the world’s
most populous regions and opportunities for more developing countries to improve their
standards of living; the increasingly rapid dissemination of information,technological
innovation, and the proliferation of skilled jobs. These chracteristics of globalization have
lead to a considerable expansion of wealth and prosperity in the world. Hence we are
convinced that the process of globalization is a source of hope for the future.
3. Prove that “Globalization benefits every nation”
- It makes every country connected. Exchange of ideas and goods will be obtained. It will
make a country grow that will benefit majority of the people.

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