Death Investigation:: A Guide For The Scene Investigator
Death Investigation:: A Guide For The Scene Investigator
Death Investigation:: A Guide For The Scene Investigator
Department of Justice
Office of Justice Programs
National Institute of Justice
Death Investigation:
A Guide for the Scene Investigator
Research Report
U.S. Department of Justice
Office of Justice Programs
810 Seventh Street N.W.
Washington, DC 20531
Janet Reno
Attorney General
Daniel Marcus
Acting Associate Attorney General
Laurie Robinson
Assistant Attorney General
Noël Brennan
Deputy Assistant Attorney General
Jeremy Travis
Director, National Institute of Justice
Executive Director
Steven C. Clark, Ph.D.
Occupational Research and Assessment, Inc.
Big Rapids, Michigan
Associate Professor
Ferris State University
November 1999
This project was cosponsored by the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention and the Bureau of Justice Assistance.
“Every Scene, Every Time” logo designed and created by Steven Clark,
Ph.D., and Kevin Spicer of Occupational Research and Assessment, Inc.
This document is not intended to create, does not create, and may not be
relied upon to create any rights, substantive or procedural, enforceable at
law by any party in any matter civil or criminal.
NCJ 167568
Janet Reno
Attorney General
National Medicolegal Review Panel
The National Medicolegal Review Panel (NMRP) represents a
multidisciplinary group of content area experts, each representing
members of his or her respective organization. Each organization has a
role—be it active involvement or oversight—in conducting death investi-
gations and in implementing these guidelines.
International Association of Coroners and Medical Examiners
Halbert E. Fillinger, Jr., M.D.
Montgomery County, Pennsylvania
T he author wishes to thank the Technical Working Group for Death
Investigation (TWGDI). This 144-member reviewer network
gave of their time to review guideline content, providing the researcher
feedback from a national perspective. Additional thanks to the TWGDI
executive board: Mr. Paul Davison, Kent County M.E. Office, Grand
Rapids, Michigan; Mr. Bill Donovan, Jefferson Parish Coroner’s Office,
Harvey, Louisiana; Mr. Cullen Ellingburgh, Forensic Science Center,
Orange County, California; Ms. Roberta Geiselhart, R.N., Hennepin
County M.E. Office, Minneapolis, Minnesota; Dr. Elizabeth Kinnison,
Office of the Chief M.E., Norfolk, Virginia; Mr. Vernon McCarty,
Washoe County Coroner, Reno, Nevada; Mr. Joseph Morgan, Fulton
County M.E. Office, Atlanta, Georgia; Mr. Randy Moshos, M.E. Office,
New York, New York; Mr. Steve Nunez, Office of the Medical Investiga-
tor, Albuquerque, New Mexico; Ms. Rose Marie Psara, R.N., St. Louis
County M.E. Office, St. Louis, Missouri; and Mr. Michael Stewart,
Denver City and County Coroner’s Office, Denver, Colorado, whose
combined commitment to the field of death investigation is a tribute to
the quality of this document. In addition, the offices that employ each
member of the group share in this endeavor. Through their support, each
member was given the flexibility they needed to support the project.
The Director of NIJ, the Honorable Jeremy Travis; the Director of
NIJ’s Office of Science and Technology, Mr. David G. Boyd; and NIJ’s
Forensic Science Program Manager, Richard M. Rau, Ph.D., each share
responsibility for the success of this project. Credit also goes to R. Gib
Parrish, M.D., of CDC, for his support and commitment to the research.
Message From the Attorney General .............................................................. iii
Halbert E. Fillinger, Jr., M.D., Forensic Pathologist and Coroner ........ xvi
Randy Hanzlick, M.D., Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ...... xviii
Introduction ........................................................................................................ 1
Section E: Establishing and Recording
Decedent Profile Information .......................................................... 39
Commentaries on the Need for
Foreword: Guidelines for Death Investigation
Jeanne M. Adkins
State Legislature, Colorado
Few things in our democracy are as important as ensuring that
citizens have confidence in their institutions in a crisis. For many
individuals the death of a loved one is just such a crisis. Ensuring that
the proper steps and procedures are taken at the scene of that death to
reassure family members that the death was a natural one, a suicide, or
a homicide is a key element in maintaining citizen confidence in local
Richard T. Callery, M.D., F.C.A.P.
Chief Medical Examiner
Director, Forensic Sciences Laboratory
Wilmington, Delaware
As the representative of the National Governors’ Association, I am
honored to have been chosen to participate in the National Medicolegal
Review Panel. The hard work and commitment by the panel resulted in
guidelines that are long overdue for setting the standard of practice for
death investigation of “other than natural” cases. We are all acutely aware
of the ramifications of our proposed national guidelines. Each death,
especially those other than natural, has a profound impact on society,
particularly the criminal justice system. Standardization nationwide is
long overdue. This panel can take pride in producing a work product of
such high quality that will assist in establishing a standard of practice for
death investigation in the United States.
Mary E. S. Case, M.D.
Chief Medical Examiner
St. Louis, St. Charles, Jefferson, and
Franklin Counties, Missouri
As the representative member from the American Medical Associa-
tion serving on the National Medicolegal Review Panel, I have had the
opportunity to observe and become familiar with the development of the
Death Investigation: A Guide for the Scene Investigator. I am delighted
with this effort and enthusiastically support and endorse the guidelines
that have been developed.
the tremendous importance of medicolegal death investigation in the
proper administration of justice and criminal proceedings, adjudicating
estates, and handling of death certification; and, unfortunately, I am
aware of the all too common poor level at which some jurisdictions
function in death investigation.
Joseph H. Davis, M.D.
Retired Director, Dade County
Medical Examiner Department
Professor of Pathology Emeritus,
University of Miami
The objectives of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences are
enunciated in the Preamble of its Bylaws and include: “to improve the
practice, elevate the standards and advance the cause of the forensic
sciences . . . .” Death Investigation: A Guide for the Scene Investigator
most certainly supports the objectives of the academy when sudden,
unexpected, and violent deaths are investigated by forensic pathologists
and other scientists. Sudden death investigation is multidisciplinary, with
involvement of scientists representing all sections of the academy—
pathology, odontology, criminalistics, toxicology, psychiatry, questioned
documents, jurisprudence, and even engineering. None of these scientists
can be truly effective if the death investigation is faulted by errors of
omission or commission during the initial scene investigation.
Eventually, the States of the Union will see the wisdom of uniform
quality of standards and training for medicolegal death investigators.
However, such standards are impossible unless consensus is reached as
to what subjects should be taught and how investigators should be judged
as to entry and performance in the field of death investigation. These
guidelines are the first step for the eventual implementation of proper
standards and training throughout the United States.
Halbert E. Fillinger, Jr., M.D.
Forensic Pathologist
Montgomery County, Pennsylvania
I have been honored to represent the International Association of
Coroners and Medical Examiners on the National Medicolegal Review
Panel. The end product of the efforts of this panel in developing universal
guidelines for death-scene investigation fills a long-vacant gap in the
training and investigation of sudden, suspicious death.
With many of the deaths today having more and more civil as well
as criminal implications, top-quality death-scene investigation becomes a
must in any jurisdiction, and I feel that the product of the National
Medicolegal Review Panel will fill this need.
Bruce H. Hanley, Esq.
Partner, Hanley & Dejoras, P.A.
Minneapolis, Minnesota
The development of Death Investigation: A Guide for the Scene
Investigator will be of great benefit to all citizens. The guidelines will
help to promote consistency, accuracy, predictability, and reliability in
death-scene investigations. As a criminal defense lawyer, it is a chief
concern that a person is not wrongfully accused of having participated in
a homicide. Complete, thorough, and careful death-scene investigations
can lead to greater faith in the system by family and friends of those
whose deaths may have been caused by homicide, suicide, accident, or
natural causes. Elimination of unanswered questions, confusion, sloppi-
ness, and the lack of attention to detail all can contribute to the genuine
acceptance that the cause of death has been properly determined. More-
over, in the case of homicide, all can have a strong belief in the accuracy
of the identification of the perpetrator. The guidelines will assist the
actual investigators in following the proper protocol and consistently
obtaining all available evidence to show that the death was the result of
either unlawful or lawful activity. Proper adherence to the guidelines,
coupled with proper training to implement the guidelines, will serve to
satisfy finders of fact in criminal cases that the State has presented
accurate, reliable, and trustworthy evidence. Additionally, it will serve to
defuse attacks by defense counsel on the investigative methods and
techniques, chain of custody, and the reliability of any testing that may
have been conducted during the course of the investigation. It may also
serve to prevent innocent people from being accused of criminal activity
when, in fact, a crime was not committed, or the person suspected was
not involved. The truth is the outcome sought, and the guidelines will
assist the system in obtaining the truth. In a criminal investigation, when
the government follows the rules and properly conducts its investigation,
it will win most of the time. When it does not follow the rules or properly
conduct its investigation, it should lose.
Randy Hanzlick, M.D.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Atlanta, Georgia
Variations in statutes, levels of funding, geography and population
density, and death investigator education, training, and experience result
in variations in the quality and extent of medicolegal death investigations.
Front-line, on-scene death investigations are performed by people whose
jobs range from part-time to full-time, and whose education, training,
and experience vary substantially and range from minimal to extensive.
The outcome of death investigations may impact personal liberty and
well-being, adjudication of cases, public health and safety, mortality
statistics, research capabilities, and governmental approaches to legisla-
tion and programs. Therefore, high-quality death investigation through-
out the United States is a desirable goal for many reasons.
The creation of guidelines for medicolegal death investigations is
one method of promoting uniformity in the approach to death investigations
and improving or assuring their quality at the same time. Guidelines may
also be used as a basis for developing educational programs, to evaluate
work performance, and as a basis for credentialing or certification of
death investigators. To those ends, the National Medicolegal Review
Panel has taken an important step by developing this initial set of death
investigation guidelines as a model for nationwide use, pursuant to a
grant funded by the National Institute of Justice and the Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention.
Richard C. Harruff, M.D., Ph.D.
Associate Medical Examiner
Seattle/King County
Department of Public Health
Seattle, Washington
A competent and thorough death-scene investigation provides the
basis for a comprehensive medicolegal autopsy, and together the scene
investigation and autopsy provide the basis for an accurate determination
of cause and manner of death. Furthermore, following specific guidelines
helps assure that all relevant aspects of all deaths are fully investigated.
Representing the National Association of Medical Examiners on the
National Medicolegal Review Panel, I believe that the national guidelines
for death-scene investigation offer medical examiners and coroners a
valuable means for substantially enhancing performance in fulfilling their
far-ranging responsibilities. As the guidelines have been formulated with
the consensus of several prominent forensic and legal experts, they
represent a major advancement in scientific death investigation and
deserve the attention of all who claim competency in this field.
Jeffrey M. Jentzen, M.D.
Medical Examiner
Milwaukee County, Wisconsin
As a member of the Forensic Pathology Committee of the College
of American Pathologists, I would like to encourage my colleagues to
consider the impact that national guidelines would have on the investiga-
tion of sudden and unexpected deaths. Most pathologists assist law
enforcement officials in medicolegal death investigations during their
careers in some form or another. We are aware that an investigation
requires the proper coordination of a number of agencies and that the
breakdown of the investigative procedures may jeopardize the successful
outcome of the case. Death Investigation: A Guide for the Scene Investi-
gator provides procedures for uniform death-scene processing, which
ensures competent and complete examination of the death scene in a
judicious manner that also respects the concerns of the family and loved
ones. The guidelines set forth in this document have been developed by
a diverse panel of professional death investigators who understand the
common pitfalls of everyday medicolegal death investigation. Medicole-
gal death investigation has become a sophisticated process subject to
critical review and high expectations of the community, the legal system,
and family members. These guidelines provide the essential tasks for
death-scene investigation and go a long way toward ensuring quality
death-scene investigations.
Mary Lou Kearns, R.N., M.P.H.
Kane County, Illinois
Historically, the Office of Coroner has been charged with the
responsibilities and duties of answering pertinent questions related to
death investigation: Who, What, When, Where, How, and Why. Only
when these questions have been answered correctly can all the proper
legal issues that arise at death be handled expertly and completely for
the administration of justice. As the representative of the coroners of
America on the NIJ Peer Review Panel, I applaud the efforts that have
produced Death Investigation: A Guide for the Scene Investigator. These
guidelines provide the necessary policies and procedures for universal
and professional death-scene investigations, as well as the criteria for
when to be suspicious. And by having properly coordinated death-scene
investigative procedures, the community, the legal system, and family
members will be well served.
Mayor Scott L. King, Chairman, NMRP
Gary, Indiana
As the representative of the United States Conference of Mayors,
I was pleased to serve as Chairman of the National Medicolegal Review
Panel, particularly given the expertise and wide range of diverse experi-
ence of the balance of the panel. Because the duties of a mayor include
responsibility for public safety functions, and because I served for 20
years as both a prosecution and defense attorney before assuming my
present office, I am acutely aware of the importance of establishing and
utilizing appropriate protocol for death-scene investigations. These
guidelines will, I hope, accomplish the goal of uniformity in the conduct
of such investigations nationwide without requiring significant additional
expenditure of budget funds.
George H. Kuhler
Elected Coroner
Beadle County, South Dakota
I would like to encourage all elected coroners to consider support-
ing national guidelines for coroner investigations. As a funeral director
and elected coroner, I know firsthand how important proper investigation
is to the law enforcement community, as well as to the forensic medical/
legal investigation of the death. With no “official training” required for
elected coroners, it is difficult for the elected coroner to know what
should be done in investigations. Most elected coroners have begun their
jobs with little or no knowledge as to how and what they need to do.
Having a set of national guidelines for medicolegal death investigation
would ensure that at least the elected coroner would have a “cookbook”
to follow and would have some idea of what is expected of him/her in
every case.
I would encourage the adoption and use of the following guidelines
for all coroners, medical examiners, and death investigators. These
guidelines have been developed by a panel of members from all of these
fields from across the United States. The use of these guidelines on every
scene will ensure quality and uniform death investigation every time.
Douglas A. Mack, M.D., M.P.H.
Chief Medical Examiner and
Public Health Director
Kent County, Michigan
As a representative of the National Association of Counties and as
Chief Medical Examiner for Kent County, Michigan, I enthusiastically
endorse the medicolegal guidelines developed by the National Medicole-
gal Review Panel for death-scene investigation and medical examiner
system processes. An efficient, well-managed, and high-quality medical
examiner system is a critical element in death investigation and benefits
the law enforcement, criminal justice, and public health systems. This
protocol provides direction for the interaction of these systems, and helps
assure that the work of those involved results in high-quality investiga-
tions and outcomes.
Donald L. Mauro
Commanding Officer, Homicide Bureau
Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department
Los Angeles, California
As a representative of the National Sheriffs’ Association, I have
been honored to participate with the very capable and diverse group that
comprises the National Medicolegal Review Panel. The results of our
efforts are the national guidelines, which will direct the efforts of fellow
death investigators in “other than natural” death investigations. The
procedures developed by the panel constitute a baseline protocol that
should serve to support and direct the efforts of all of us who work in this
field. Because each death has profound implications for family and
friends, and because each investigation ultimately has financial, legal,
and societal implications, we can take satisfaction in knowing that
standards now exist for death investigators across the country, which,
when followed, will yield comprehensive, high-quality death-scene
Elaine R. Meisner
Logan County Coroner
Sterling, Colorado
As a member of the Colorado Coroners’ Association, it is with a
great deal of pride and sense of accomplishment that I have been their
representative on the National Medicolegal Review Panel for death
investigation guidelines. In the rural areas, the importance and necessity
of thorough and proper death investigations have not always been
thought of as an area of much importance, not so much by the agencies
doing the investigations, but by the agencies who financially support
them. As a lifelong resident of a rural community, I value and appreciate
the importance and need of a thorough and proper death investigation.
These guidelines have been long awaited by many death investigators
across the country. The National Medicolegal Review Panel has worked
hard to develop a sound, well-described set of death investigation guide-
lines. Today, the modern range of knowledge is much greater, techniques
are precise and specialized. These methodically well-planned guidelines
were much needed to ensure and maintain uniformity and to help de-
crease chance for error. This has been a unique experience with the
display of utmost professionalism and collaboration by committee
members. Without the unstinting cooperation and help of all concerned,
it would have been impossible to finish this project. It is in the best
interests of death investigators nationwide to utilize these appropriately
developed guidelines for the purpose of improving death investigations
and for other agencies to properly support them.
Thomas J. O’Loughlin
Chief of Police
Wellesley, Massachusetts
The proposed Death Investigation: A Guide for the Scene Investiga-
tor has been developed with the input of members of the various and
many disciplines that are involved in the investigation of sudden and
unexpected deaths.
In the long term, it is the expected goal that each of the participants
within the death investigation process will meet these established profes-
sional standards and their obligation to fulfill their responsibilities in a
competent and professional manner.
John E. Smialek, M.D.
Chief Medical Examiner
State of Maryland
A major step in the advancement of the American system of justice
was taken recently with the recognition of standard guidelines for scene
investigation in medical examiner and coroner cases.
“Is it [death investigation] an enlightened system? No, it’s not. It’s
really no better than what they have in many Third World countries.”
Dr. Werner Spitz, Former Chief Medical Examiner,
Wayne County (Detroit), Michigan
The study involved the use of two standardized consensus-seeking
research techniques: (a) the Developing A CurriculUM (DACUM)4
process, and (b) a Delphi5 survey.
Study Design
Identification of NMRP and TWGs
The methodology selected for this occupational research required
collection of data from a sample of current subject matter experts,
practitioners from the field who perform daily within the occupation
being investigated. This “criterion” was used to identify members of the
various multidisciplinary groups that provided the data for this research.
The following groups were formed for the purpose of developing national
guidelines for conducting death investigations.
A 50-percent random sample (1,512) of death investigators was
drawn from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention database.7
A letter was sent to each member of the sample, inviting him or her to
participate in the national research to develop death investigative guide-
lines or to nominate a person who participates in death investigations.
Two hundred and sixty-three individuals were nominated (17 percent).
Nominees were contacted by mail and asked to provide personal demo-
graphic data including job title, years of experience, and educational
background, in addition to general information (name/address, etc.)
necessary for participation in the research.
Region 1
Region 2
Region 3
Region 4
Region 5
The educational backgrounds of the national reviewer network
members were as follows:
The average age of TWGDI members was 47.6 years. They had an
average of 10.5 years of experience. There were 80.6 percent (212) males
and 19.4 percent (51) females in the group.
2. Executive Board
Representatives from each region were selected to maintain consis-
tency within regions across the United States. These representatives made
up the TWGDI executive board.
◆ Each member could commit to attend four workshops held within the
grant period.
TWGDI Executive Board DACUM Workshop. In November
1996, the TWGDI executive board met in St. Louis to begin developing
the national Delphi survey. The survey content was to reflect “best
practice” for death-scene investigation. DACUM is a process for analyz-
ing an occupation systematically. The 2-day workshop used the investiga-
tive experts on the executive board to analyze job tasks while employing
modified brainstorming techniques. The board’s efforts resulted in a
DACUM chart that describes the investigative occupation in terms of
specific tasks that competent investigators must be able to perform
“every scene, every time.”8 A task was defined as a unit of observable
work with a specific beginning and ending point that leads to an investi-
gative product, service, or decision. The DACUM chart served as the
outline for the Delphi survey.
defense needs, the technique is used whenever a consensus is needed
from persons who are knowledgeable about a particular subject.9 The
goal of a Delphi survey is to engage the respondents in an anonymous
debate in order to arrive at consensus on particular issues or on predic-
tions of future events.
The Delphi survey was conducted during the first 6 months of 1997.
The table below provides general TWGDI response data:
In May 1997, the executive board met for a 2 1/2 -day working
session in New Orleans to begin the guideline development process.
The consensus of the board was to establish 29 guidelines based on the
national reviewer network data and present them to NMRP for review.
Each guideline would have the following content:
In June and July 1997, NMRP met for two 1 1/2 -day working
sessions in St. Louis and Chicago to review the draft guidelines devel-
oped by the executive board and offer recommendations and changes
based on jurisdictional variances and organizational responsibilities.
Those sessions resulted in the final draft of the 29 guidelines for
conducting death investigations. The 29 guidelines are presented in
the next main section.
Guideline Status
Currently, NMRP members are presenting the guidelines to their
respective organizations’ leadership (or appropriate internal committees)
for review. This researcher is collecting anecdotal comments for future
modification of the existing guidelines during the validation procedures.
Training Guidelines
The purpose of the second part of the national death investigator
guidelines research was to identify training criteria for each of the
29 guidelines. This research is now completed. For each of the
guidelines presented in this report, “minimum levels of performance”
will be developed and verified by the members of the various TWGs.
These “training guidelines” will provide both individuals and educational
organizations the material needed to establish and maintain valid exit
outcomes for each investigative trainee.
Guideline Validation
In this initial research, 29 investigative tasks were identified. Each
task was developed into a guideline for investigators to follow while
conducting a death investigation. Although each TWG believed in the
validity of each guideline, no attempt was made to validate actual
significance (e.g., if guideline C1 is trained and implemented, a [%]
decrease in poor scene photographs should occur). The researcher is
currently developing a national validation strategy for the implementa-
tion and validation of each guideline.
1. “It is important to note that even the use of the word ‘system’ to
describe a process that encompasses more than 3,000 individual
jurisdictions is a misnomer.” Hansen, M., “Body of Evidence,”
American Bar Association Journal (June 1995).
6. Combs, D., R.G. Parrish, and R.T. Ing, Death Investigation in the
United States and Canada, Atlanta: U.S. Department of Health and
Human Services, Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention, 1995.
7. Ibid.
Medicolegal Death Investigation Guidelines
Investigative Tools
Section A and Equipment
Documenting and
Section C Evaluating the Scene
Documenting and
Section D Evaluating the Body
Completing the
Section F Scene Investigation
Investigative Tools and Equipment
1. Gloves (Universal Precautions).
2. Writing implements (pens, pencils, markers).
3. Body bags.
4. Communication equipment (cell phone, pager, radio).
Body ID tags.
7. Camera—35mm (with extra batteries, film, etc.).
8. Investigative notebook (for scene notes, etc.).
9. Measurement instruments (tape measure, ruler,
rolling measuring tape, etc.).
10. Official identification (for yourself).
11. Watch.
12. Paper bags (for hands, feet, etc.).
13. Specimen containers (for evidence items and toxicology specimens).
14. Disinfectant (Universal Precautions).
15. Departmental scene forms.
16. Camera—Polaroid (with extra film).
17. Blood collection tubes (syringes and needles).
18. Inventory lists (clothes, drugs, etc.).
19. Paper envelopes.
20. Clean white linen sheet (stored in plastic bag).
21. Evidence tape.
22. Business cards/office cards w/phone numbers.
23. Foul-weather gear (raincoat, umbrella, etc.).
24. Medical equipment kit (scissors, forceps, tweezers, exposure suit,
scalpel handle, blades, disposable syringe, large gauge needles,
cotton-tipped swabs, etc.).
25. Phone listing (important phone numbers).
26. Tape or rubber bands.
27. Disposable (paper) jumpsuits, hair covers, face shield, etc.
28. Evidence seal (use with body bags/locks).
29. Pocketknife.
30. Shoe-covers.
31. Trace evidence kit (tape, etc.).
32. Waterless hand wash.
33. Thermometer.
34. Crime scene tape.
35. First aid kit.
36. Latent print kit.
37. Local maps.
38. Plastic trash bags.
39. Gunshot residue analysis kits (SEM/EDS).
40. Photo placards (signage to ID case in photo).
41. Boots (for wet conditions, construction sites, etc.).
42. Hand lens (magnifying glass).
43. Portable electric area lighting.
44. Barrier sheeting (to shield body/area from public view).
45. Purification mask (disposable).
46. Reflective vest.
47. Tape recorder.
48. Basic handtools (boltcutter, screwdrivers, hammer,
shovel, trowel, paintbrushes, etc.).
49. Body bag locks (to secure body inside bag).
50. Camera—Video (with extra battery).
51. Personal comfort supplies (insect spray, sun screen, hat, etc.).
52. Presumptive blood test kit.
Arriving at the Scene
1. Introduce and Identify Self and Role
Principle: Introductions at the scene allow the investigator to
establish formal contact with other official agency
representatives. The investigator must identify the first
responder to ascertain if any artifacts or contamination
may have been introduced to the death scene. The
investigator must work with all key people to ensure
scene safety prior to his/her entrance into the scene.
Authorization: Medical Examiner/Coroner Official Office Policy
Manual; State or Federal Statutory Authority.
Procedure: Upon arrival at the scene, and prior to entering the scene,
the investigator should:
1. Introduce and Identify Self and Role
Introductions at the scene help to establish a collaborative investiga-
tive effort. It is essential to carry identification in the event of questioned
authority. It is essential to establish scene safety prior to entry.
G. While exercising scene safety, protect the integrity of the scene
and evidence to the extent possible from contamination or loss by
people, animals, and elements.
Note: Due to potential scene hazards (e.g., crowd control,
collapsing structures, poisonous gases, traffic), the body
may have to be removed before scene investigation can
be continued.
Environmental and physical threats to the investigator must be
removed in order to conduct a scene investigation safely. Protective
devices must be used by investigative staff to prevent injury. The investiga-
tor must endeavor to protect the evidence against contamination or loss.
3. Confirm or Pronounce Death
Once death has been determined, rescue/resuscitative efforts cease
and medicolegal jurisdiction can be established. It is vital that this occur
prior to the medical examiner/coroner’s assuming any responsibilities.
A. Locate the staging area (entry point to scene, command post, etc.).
B. Document the scene location (address, mile marker, building
name) consistent with other agencies.
C. Determine nature and scope of investigation by obtaining preliminary
investigative details (e.g., suspicious versus nonsuspicious death).
D. Ensure that initial accounts of incident are obtained from the first
Scene briefing allows for initial and factual information exchange.
This includes scene location, time factors, initial witness information,
agency responsibilities, and investigative strategy.
6. Establish Chain of Custody
Principle: Ensuring the integrity of the evidence by establishing and
maintaining a chain of custody is vital to an investigation.
This will safeguard against subsequent allegations of
tampering, theft, planting, and contamination of evidence.
7. Follow Laws (Related to the
Collection of Evidence)
Principle: The investigator must follow local, State, and Federal
laws for the collection of evidence to ensure its admissi-
bility. The investigator must work with law enforcement
and the legal authorities to determine laws regarding
collection of evidence.
Documenting and Evaluating the Scene
1. Photograph Scene
Principle: The photographic documentation of the scene creates a
permanent historical record of the scene. Photographs
provide detailed corroborating evidence that constructs a
system of redundancy should questions arise concerning
the report, witness statements, or position of evidence at
the scene.
Procedure: Upon arrival at the scene, and prior to moving the body
or evidence, the investigator should:
1. Photograph Scene
Note: If evidence has been moved prior to photography, it
should be noted in the report, but the body or other
evidence should not be reintroduced into the scene in
order to take photographs.
Photography allows for the best permanent documentation of the
death scene. It is essential that accurate scene photographs are available
for other investigators, agencies, and authorities to recreate the scene.
Photographs are a permanent record of the terminal event and retain
evidentiary value and authenticity. It is essential that the investigator
obtain accurate photographs before releasing the scene.
2. Develop Descriptive
Documentation of the Scene
Principle: Written documentation of the scene(s) provides a
permanent record that may be used to correlate with and
enhance photographic documentation, refresh recollec-
tions, and record observations.
Written scene documentation is essential to correlate with photo-
graphic evidence and to recreate the scene for police, forensic(s), and
judicial and civil agencies with a legitimate interest.
3. Establish Probable Location of Injury or Illness
C. Identify and record discrepancies in rigor mortis, livor mortis, and
body temperature.
D. Check body, clothing, and scene for consistency/inconsistency of
trace evidence and indicate location where artifacts are found.
E. Check for drag marks (on body and ground).
F. Establish post-injury activity.
G. Obtain dispatch (e.g., police, ambulance) record(s).
H. Interview family members and associates as needed.
Due to post-injury survival, advances in emergency medical ser-
vices, multiple modes of transportation, the availability of specialized
care, or criminal activity, a body may be moved from the actual location
of illness/injury to a remote site. It is imperative that the investigator
attempt to determine any and all locations where the decedent has
previously been and the mode of transport from these sites.
Procedure: After personal property and evidence have been identi-
fied at the scene, the investigator (with a witness) should:
5. Interview Witness(es) at the Scene
Procedure: Upon arriving at the scene, the investigator should:
Documenting and Evaluating the Body
1. Photograph the Body
Principle: The photographic documentation of the body at the
scene creates a permanent record that preserves essential
details of the body position, appearance, identity, and
final movements. Photographs allow sharing of informa-
tion with other agencies investigating the death.
Procedure: Upon arrival at the scene, and prior to moving the body
or evidence, the investigator should:
1. Photograph the Body
The photographic documentation of the body at the scene provides
for documentation of the body position, identity, and appearance. The
details of the body at the scene provide investigators with pertinent
information of the terminal events.
3. Preserve Evidence (on Body)
Authorization: Medical Examiner/Coroner Official Office Policy
Manual; State or Federal Statutory Authority.
4. Establish Decedent Identification
Principle: The establishment or confirmation of the decedent’s
identity is paramount to the death investigation. Proper
identification allows notification of next of kin, settle-
ment of estates, resolution of criminal and civil litiga-
tion, and the proper completion of the death certificate.
5. Document Post Mortem Changes
mortem changes and body location may indicate move-
ment of body and validate or invalidate witness state-
ments. In addition, post mortem changes to the body,
when correlated with circumstantial information, can
assist the investigators in estimating the approximate time
of death.
Procedure: Upon arrival at the scene and prior to moving the body,
the investigator should note the presence of each of the
following in his/her report:
6. Participate in Scene Debriefing
Principle: The scene debriefing helps investigators from all participat-
ing agencies to establish post-scene responsibilities by
sharing data regarding particular scene findings. The scene
debriefing provides each agency the opportunity for input
regarding special requests for assistance, additional infor-
mation, special examinations, and other requests requiring
interagency communication, cooperation, and education.
7. Determine Notification Procedures
(Next of Kin)
Principle: Every reasonable effort should be made to notify the
next of kin as soon as possible. Notification of next of
kin initiates closure for the family, disposition of re-
mains, and facilitates the collection of additional infor-
mation relative to the case.
8. Ensure Security of Remains
Principle: Ensuring security of the body requires the investigator to
supervise the labeling, packaging, and removal of the
remains. An appropriate identification tag is placed on
the body to preclude misidentification upon receipt at the
examining agency. This function also includes safe-
guarding all potential physical evidence and/or property
and clothing that remain on the body.
8. Ensure Security of Remains
Ensuring the security of the remains facilitates proper identification
of the remains, maintains a proper chain of custody, and safeguards
property and evidence.
Establishing and Recording Decedent Profile Information
A. Establish and record person(s) who discovered the body and when.
B. Document the circumstances surrounding the discovery (who,
what, where, when, how). E
The investigator must produce clear, concise, documented informa-
tion concerning who discovered the body, what are the circumstances of
discovery, where the discovery occurred, when the discovery was made,
and how the discovery was made.
2. Determine Terminal Episode History
Principle: Pre-terminal circumstances play a significant role in
determining cause and manner of death. Documentation
of medical intervention and/or procurement of ante
mortem specimens help to establish the decedent’s
condition prior to death.
3. Document Decedent Medical History
Principle: The majority of deaths referred to the medical examiner/
coroner are natural deaths. Establishing the decedent’s
medical history helps to focus the investigation. Docu-
menting the decedent’s medical signs or symptoms prior
to death determines the need for subsequent examina-
tions. The relationship between disease and injury may
play a role in the cause, manner, and circumstances of
4. Document Decedent
Mental Health History
Principle: The decedent’s mental health history can provide insight
into the behavior/state of mind of the individual. That
insight may produce clues that will aid in establishing
the cause, manner, and circumstances of the death.
5. Document Social History
Principle: Social history includes marital, family, sexual, educa-
tional, employment, and financial information. Daily
routines, habits and activities, and friends and associates
of the decedent help in developing the decedent’s profile.
This information will aid in establishing the cause,
manner, and circumstances of death.
Completing the Scene Investigation
1. Maintain Jurisdiction Over the Body
Principle: Maintaining jurisdiction over the body allows the
investigator to protect the chain of custody as the body is
transported from the scene for autopsy, specimen collec-
tion, or storage.
2. Release Jurisdiction of the Body
Principle: Prior to releasing jurisdiction of the body to an autho-
rized receiving agent or funeral director, it is necessary
to determine the person responsible for certification of
the death. Information to complete the death certificate
includes demographic information and the date, time,
and location of death.
A. Determine who will sign the death certificate (name, agency, etc.).
B. Confirm the date, time, and location of death.
C. Collect, when appropriate, blood, vitreous fluid, and other
evidence prior to release of the body from the scene.
D. Document and arrange with the authorized receiving agent to
reconcile all death certificate information.
E. Release the body to a funeral director or other authorized
receiving agent.
The investigator releases jurisdiction only after determining who
will sign the death certificate; documenting the date, time, and location
of death; collecting appropriate specimens; and releasing the body to the
funeral director or other authorized receiving agent.
3. Perform Exit Procedures
Principle: Bringing closure to the scene investigation ensures that
important evidence has been collected and the scene has
been processed. In addition, a systematic review of the
scene ensures that artifacts or equipment are not inad-
vertently left behind (e.g., used disposable gloves,
paramedical debris, film wrappers, etc.), and any
dangerous materials or conditions have been reported.
4. Assist the Family
Principle: The investigator provides the family with a timetable
so they can arrange for final disposition and provides
information on available community and professional
resources that may assist the family.
About the National Institute of Justice
The National Institute of Justice (NIJ), a component of the Office of Justice Programs, is the research
agency of the U.S. Department of Justice. Created by the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act
of 1968, as amended, NIJ is authorized to support research, evaluation, and demonstration programs,
development of technology, and both national and international information dissemination. Specific
mandates of the Act direct NIJ to:
◆ Sponsor special projects, and research and development programs, that will improve and strengthen
the criminal justice system and reduce or prevent crime.
◆ Conduct national demonstration projects that employ innovative or promising approaches for
improving criminal justice.
◆ Develop new technologies to fight crime and improve criminal justice.
◆ Evaluate the effectiveness of criminal justice programs and identify programs that promise to be
successful if continued or repeated.
◆ Recommend actions that can be taken by Federal, State, and local governments as well as by private
organizations to improve criminal justice.
◆ Carry out research on criminal behavior.
◆ Develop new methods of crime prevention and reduction of crime and delinquency.
In recent years, NIJ has greatly expanded its initiatives, the result of the Violent Crime Control and Law
Enforcement Act of 1994 (the Crime Act), partnerships with other Federal agencies and private
foundations, advances in technology, and a new international focus. Some examples of these new
◆ New research and evaluation is exploring key issues in community policing, violence against
women, sentencing reforms, and specialized courts such as drug courts.
◆ Dual-use technologies are being developed to support national defense and local law enforcement
◆ Four regional National Law Enforcement and Corrections Technology Centers and a Border
Research and Technology Center have joined the National Center in Rockville, Maryland.
◆ The causes, treatment, and prevention of violence against women and violence within the family are
being investigated in cooperation with several agencies of the U.S. Department of Health and
Human Services.
◆ NIJ’s links with the international community are being strengthened through membership in the
United Nations network of criminological institutes; participation in developing the U.N. Criminal
Justice Information Network; initiation of UNOJUST (U.N. Online Justice Clearinghouse), which
electronically links the institutes to the U.N. network; and establishment of an NIJ International
◆ The NIJ-administered criminal justice information clearinghouse, the world’s largest, has improved
its online capability.
◆ The Institute’s Drug Use Forecasting (DUF) program has been expanded and enhanced. Renamed
ADAM (Arrestee Drug Abuse Monitoring), the program will increase the number of drug-testing
sites, and its role as a “platform” for studying drug-related crime will grow.
◆ NIJ’s new Crime Mapping Research Center will provide training in computer mapping technology,
collect and archive geocoded crime data, and develop analytic software.
◆ The Institute’s program of intramural research has been expanded and enhanced.
The Institute Director, who is appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate, establishes the
Institute’s objectives, guided by the priorities of the Office of Justice Programs, the Department of
Justice, and the needs of the criminal justice field. The Institute actively solicits the views of criminal
justice professionals and researchers in the continuing search for answers that inform public
policymaking in crime and justice.
For information on the National Institute of Justice, please contact:
National Criminal Justice Reference Service
Box 6000
Rockville, MD 20849–6000
e-mail: [email protected]
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