FS 15
FS 15
FS 15
Refer to the questions that follow results of your observation to answer the
1. Which of the three responsibilities shows majority of the indicators being practiced?
A. Actual Teaching?
B. Management of Learning?
C. Administrative Work?
- Actual Teaching
2. Which demonstrated behavior? do you find in the teacher that is worthy of emulation when
you become a teacher? Describe.
-Unending Patience, because dealing students different attitudes, behaviors and characteristics
requires unending patience for the betterment of everybody and for me to become an effective
3. Which of the major responsibilities does this teacher find difficult to comply with? What are
the reasons?
- Managemenet of learning, it’s hard for her to manage the class, the students had difficulty to
finish the activity on time and the lesson failed to finish on time.
4. From your perspective, would you consider this teacher as quality teacher? Why?
- Yes, She’s knowledgeable enough and possess a skill in teaching and a very devoted teacher.
Her unending patience builds a smooth relationships with her students and she serves as
their second mother in school because I’ve seen her care for her students like they’re her
1|Field Study
Now, that you have spent one school day to observe this teacher, it would be good for you
to reflect on all your observations by answering reflective questions below.
1. Are you inspired to become a teacher after your observation? If yes, why? If No, why not?
-Yes, seeing the quality teacher that I observed, the impact of her teaching to the students, the
greetings and the smile of the students’ faces everyday as they learn new lessons, the excitement,
highest respect to the teacer in front, and being a role model to the students inspired me to
become a better future teacher after that said observation.
2. When you become a teacher in the future. how else would you do better as a professional
-Be respectful to everyone including the students.
-Be responsible and ethical professional teacher
3. What are some of the concerns that you foresee in the future as a quality teacher? Do you think
you will be ready to address these? Give at least 2 concerns.
1. Multi tasking teacher at all times
2. Handling different attitudes of todays students and th diverse learners.
-Yes, I am born ready to address these concerns because a teacher is always a teacher that means
always ready to accept the reality of becoming a quality teacher which includes doing a lot of
different works and accept change at all times.
4. In what aspects of the teacher's day, would you like to congratulate the teacher you observed?
Can you show your appreciation to this teacher by sending a Thank you card? (Include this in
your artifact)
- Thank you so much ma’am Buale for letting me as your observer and being my resource
teacher. Please know that I appreciate you a lot for being an effective teacher in this new
era students. I learned various strategies in handling students and delivering the lessons
from you. I know how busy you are but you manage in giving me insights in becoming a
quality teacher someday. Kudos! Maam and May Allah bless you with abundant blessings.
2|Field Study
Activity 15.2 The Creation and Management of the New Learning Environment as a Skill of the
This activity will allow you to develop your a classroom for the 21st century and determining
how to of creativity and imagination in designing sense manage learning in this classroom.
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B. My Classroom for the 21st Century
Make a comparison of your drawings A and B. Describe the similarities and differences. Explain why.
4|Field Study
Based on the task that you made, what challenges await you as a future teacher? How will
you manage learning in the future classroom? How will you prepare yourself to respond to 21 st
teaching-learning and become a glocal teacher?
Make a short paragraph on how will you will manage teaching-learning in the 21 st century
According to the assignment I completed, the main problems I will face as a future teacher are
maintaining the classroom's positive mood and order. To stay ahead of the curve, I plan to utilize
technology to transform and create a pleasant and engaging learning environment for my pupils.
This will ensure that they are not disinterested or get tired of my lessons. In order to become a
global educator, I will use technology into the classroom to make learning relevant and helpful for
the kids.
These are the artifacts that you need to file in this Episode.
1. Activity 15.1 Report on the Observations including evidence that go with it.
Activity 15.1 Narrative on the Day in the School Life of the Quality Teacher
2. Activity 15.2 Drawing of the present classroom and a Drawing of your Vision of the
Classroom for the 21st Century.
3. Activity 15.2 Narrative on how you will manage teaching-learning in the 21* Century
Analysis All questions were All questions were Questions were not Four (4) or more
answered completely; answered completely: answered completely; observation questions
answers are with depth answers are clearly answers are not clearly were not answered:
5|Field Study
and are thoroughly Connected to theories; connected to theories; answers not connected to
grounded on theories: grammar and spelling are one (1) to three (3) theories; more than four
grammar and spelling free from errors. grammatical /spelling (4) grammatical/ spelling
are free from error. errors. errors.
Reflection Supported by what were Clear but lacks depth; Not so clear and Unclear and shallow;
observed and analyzed supported by what were shallow; somewhat rarely supported by what
observed and analyzed supported by what were were observed and
observed and analyzed analyzed
Learning Portfolio is reflected on Portfolio is reflected on in Portfolio is not reflected Portfolio is not reflected
Artifacts in the context of the the context of the learning on in the context of the on in the context of the
learning outcomes; outcomes. Complete; well learning outcomes. learning outcomes; not
Complete, well organized, very relevant Complete; not complete; not organized,
organized, highly to the learning outcome organized. Relevant to not relevant
relevant to the learning the learning outcome
Submission Submitted before the Submitted on the deadline Submitted a day after Submitted two (2) days
deadline the deadline or more after the deadline
Over-all Score Rating:
(Based on
Grade 1.0 1.25 1.5 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.75 3.00 3.5 5.00
99 96 93 90 87 84 81 78 75 72 71-
____________________________________ _________________
Signature of FS Teacher above Printed Name Date
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