Bounty Hunter Folio (v1.0)

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Bounty Hunter

Calculating, cold, and ruthless, no other profession is so
greatly feared than the Bounty Hunter. You track down the
wanted for a living, no matter how dire the circumstance.
The city watch traditionally issues bounties, but aristocrats
will give them too, often promising big rewards. Naturally,
this promise of wealth attracts numerous amateurs. Some of
them even manage to track down a minor criminal or two—
pickpockets, unlicensed beggars, and the like. But yours is a
purer trade, trafficked with blackpowder, crossbows, and steel.
Unfortunately, a life surrounded by the lawless is also
one of depressing solitude. Your mind often
wanders to dark places as you contemplate
your role in the world. After all, if fools and
the rich can get away with their crimes, why
can’t a Bounty Hunter? You may turn to
banditry under other names in lean months
and then take up your old career in better
times. Clever ones, such as yourself, may sometimes work
with the wanted to arrest them, claim the reward, and then
spring them from jail to arrest them again and again.

P rofessional Trait: For a Few S hillings More

Effect: When you make your first Attack Action with a
ranged weapon in combat, you automatically hit, your foe
cannot Dodge it, and you add another 1D6 Fury Die to

Ta l ent: N o M e rcy
Effect: When you Injure a foe with a melee weapon, you
inflict two Injuries instead of one.
Ta l ent: S addl e - bor n PROFESSIONAL TRAIT: For a Few S hillings More
Effect: When fighting on horseback or atop a vehicle, gain SKILL RANKS +10% PRIMARY ATTRIBUTE BONUSES
+10 Base Chance to hit with weapons.
Awareness [AB]
Ta l ent: Ta k e ’ em D ow n Bargain [AB]
Effect: Substitute either your Simple Ranged or Martial Martial Ranged [CB]
Ranged Skills when you attempt to use Disarm, Stunning
Navigation [CB]
Blow, or Takedown. You must be armed with a Loaded
ranged weapon in order to do so. Ride [IB]
Rumor [PB]
S ta rti n g Tr appi n g s
Simple Melee [PB]
Arquebus (weapon), bolas (weapon), 9 crossbow bolts, 3
Simple Ranged TALENT
folkbane (poison), 6 gunpowder shot, horse, iron manacles,
light crossbow (weapon), laudanum (medicine), memento Survival No Mercy
of Dooming, shoulder bag, smelling salts (medicine), Toughness Saddle-born
tincture (medicine), 3 torches
Take ’em Down
My name is & I have made my life as a/an .
fUll name Profession

I am a/an & come from a/an upbringing in the social class.

age gender ancesTry UPbringing social class

I am with a/an build, and a/an complexion.

sTaTUre bUild comPlexion

I have hair, eyes, and .

Hair eyes disTingUisHing mark

I was born in and my Dooming is .

season of birTH dooming

c orrUPTion T racker
m y c Haos a lignmenT is ... m y o rder a lignmenT is ...
9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

c Haos r anks o rder r anks

drawbacks faTe PoinTs

Peril THresHold skills Skill Ranks+10 P rimary a TTribUTes d ifficUlTy r aTing

+6 Alchemy * (Intelligence) agiliTy

Athletics (Brawn) Trivial
+12 Awareness (Perception) [AB] + 30%
Bargain (Fellowship)
3 + WB +18 Charm (Fellowship)
Coordination (Agility)
Peril condiTion Track Counterfeit * (Intelligence)
Disguise * (Fellowship) [BB]
Drive (Brawn) % +20%
Eavesdrop (Perception)
UnHindered Education * (Intelligence)
Folklore (Intelligence) combaT
Gamble (Intelligence) Routine
Guile (Fellowship) [CB] +10%
Handle Animal * (Fellowship)
Heal * (Intelligence)
Incantation * (Willpower) fellowsHiP
Interrogation * (Willpower) Standard
Intimidate (Brawn) [FB]
% +/- 0%
ignore 1 skill rank Leadership * (Fellowship)
Martial Melee * (Combat)
Martial Ranged * (Combat)
Navigation * (Intelligence) inTelligence
Pilot * (Agility) Challenging
ignore 2 skill ranks Resolve (Willpower) % -10%
Ride * (Agility)
Rumor (Fellowship)
Scrutinize (Perception) PercePTion
Simple Melee (Combat) Hard
ignore 3 skill ranks Simple Ranged (Combat) [PB]
% -20%
Skulduggery * (Agility)
Stealth (Agility)

incaPaciTaTed! Survival (Perception)

Toughness (Brawn)
- Gain 6 Corruption
Tradecraft * (Willpower)
- You cannot make or [WB]
succeed at any Skill Tests Warfare * (Intelligence) % -30%
weaPon & sHield skill To HiT Handling load disTance damage QUaliTies

armor damage THresHold mod QUaliTies

iniTiaTive movemenT damage THresHold



3 + [PB] - overage 3 + [AB] - overage [BB] + damage

THresHold mod

TalenTs & TraiTs damage condiTion Track


ligHTly woUnded
- No chance of being Injured

TraPPings & reagenTs

moderaTely woUnded
- Roll 1D6 to see if you’re Injured

serioUsly woUnded
- Roll 2D6 to see if you’re Injured

grievoUsly woUnded
- Roll 3D6 to see if you’re Injured
encUmbrance limiT casH

- Sacrifice 1 Fate Point
3 + [BB] cUrrenT overage 12bp = 1ss 20ss = 1gc 240bp = 1gc to live to tell the tale . . .

Charge 2× Movement value, add 1D6

Charge 2 AP Apply or imbibe a poison (1 AP), draw
Damage to Melee Attack on the same Turn
a weapon (1 AP), interact within the
Get Up from Prone, mount an animal, or Interact Varies environment (1 AP), perform healing
Get Up 2 AP practices or other non-standard actions
get in a vehicle
Hustle 1 AP Hustle 1× Movement value

Maneuver 3 yards and avoid Opportunity Load for various AP, or Quickload for 0
Maneuver 2 AP
Attacks Load Varies AP (but can only use Short Distances and
left Defenseless until next Turn)
Run 3× Movement value and gain Low
Run 3 AP
1 or 2 Spend 1 AP for +10 Base Chance, or 2 AP
Take Aim
Take Cover 1 yard and gain Low, AP for +20 Base Chance
Take Cover 1 AP
Medium, High, or Total Cover

ATTACK ACTIONS Wait until later to act but must do so

Wait 0 AP before the beginning of next Turn, spend 1
AP Fortune Point to interrupt a foe’s Turn
Make a Combat-based Test at a −10 Base
Called Shot 2 AP Chance, the foe cannot Parry or Dodge it Use Inspiring Words (Leadership) for
and suffers weapon Damage Words as Inspired, Litany of Hatred (Intimidate) for
1 AP
Weapons Intimidated, Hasten Step (Warfare) for
Make an Incantation Test, you can Channel Hastened; these affect [FB] allies or foes
Cast Magick Varies Power, the foe can Resist some Spells or
suffer effects
Melee Make a Combat-based Test, the foe must
Attack Parry it or suffers weapon Damage NAME EFFECT

Ranged Make a Combat-based Test, the foe must Describe to GM how you Assist an ally’s
1 AP Assist Varies
Attack Dodge it or suffers weapon Damage Skill Test, and GM assigns AP cost

Before or after Difficulty Rating is called out,
AP modify the Difficulty Rating by one, two, or
COST 1 AP three positive steps, but suffer Corruption
and roll Chaos Dice to see if you invoke a
Make an Athletics or Coordination Test,
Chaos Manifestation
Chokehold 1 AP the foe must Resist with Athletics or they’re

Make a Guile or Skulduggery Test, the When you are a target of a Spell, make an
Counterspell 1 AP
Dirty Tricks 1 AP foe must Resist with Awareness or they’re Incantation Test to dispel its effects

Make a Coordination or Scrutinize Test, In certain situations, make a Combat-based

Disarm 1 AP the foe must Resist with Coordination or 0 AP Test; the foe cannot Parry or Dodge it and
they’re Disarmed suffers weapon Damage

Make an Athletics or Interrogation Test, the

1 AP foe must Resist with Toughness or they’re
Blow Avoid all Damage by Parrying melee
Stunned or Unconscious
Parry or weapons with a Combat-based Test,
1 AP
Make an Athletics or Warfare Test, the foe Dodge or by Dodging ranged weapons with a
Sunder 1 AP must Resist with Toughness or their armor, Coordination Test
shield, or weapon is Ruined

Make an Athletics or Coordination Test, the Before or after you suffer Combat
foe must Resist with Coordination or either Resist 0 AP Conditions or Spell effects, Resist using a
Takedown 1 AP
be pushed 3 yards away from you or knocked Skill indicated in the ability’s listing
Prone where they stand

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