Smuggler Folio (v1.0)
Smuggler Folio (v1.0)
Smuggler Folio (v1.0)
Draconian laws, social taboos, and xenophobia are a boon to
some, but they are the bread and butter of the ever-elusive
Smuggler. No matter where you go, you know practically
every crime syndicate and seedy tavern. You may traffic in
illegal and stolen wares, such as dangerous animals, illicit
arms, and poisons, but never people. After all, black market
goods sell for high profits! If your negotiation skills and
rapier wit cannot convince your enemies otherwise, your
expert driving skills let you outrun them.
Since not every deal goes down the way it should, this
means that you may be on the run from your past. There are
skeletons in the closet and ghosts of the dead lurking behind
your shoulders. When on empty stretches of the road, your
nerves fray at the edges, letting irrational thoughts cloud
your mind. In those moments, it’s an opportunity for
Corruption to play on your doubts and paranoia. Worry
tends to fester, putting you on the run from whatever sort
of villain you may concoct in your head or the real ones on
your heels.
Ta l ent: L a rc eny
Effect: When fencing black market goods or procuring
illegal information, you gain +20 Base Chance to Bargain
C orruption T racker
M y C haos A lignment is ... M y O rder A lignment is ...
9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Lightly Wounded
-No chance of being Injured
Seriously Wounded
-Roll 2D6 to see if you’re Injured
Grievously Wounded
-Roll 3D6 to see if you’re Injured
Encumbrance limit Cash
- Sacrifice 1 Fate Point
3 + [BB] Current Overage 12bp = 1ss 20ss = 1gc 240bp = 1gc to live to tell the tale . . .
Maneuver 3 yards and avoid Opportunity Load for various AP, or Quickload for 0
Maneuver 2 AP
Attacks Load Varies AP (but can only use Short Distances and
left Defenseless until next Turn)
Run 3× Movement value and gain Low
Run 3 AP
1 or 2 Spend 1 AP for +10 Base Chance, or 2 AP
Take Aim
Take Cover 1 yard and gain Low, AP for +20 Base Chance
Take Cover 1 AP
Medium, High, or Total Cover
Ranged Make a Combat-based Test, the foe must Describe to GM how you Assist an ally’s
1 AP Assist Varies
Attack Dodge it or suffers weapon Damage Skill Test, and GM assigns AP cost
Before or after Difficulty Rating is called out,
AP modify the Difficulty Rating by one, two, or
COST 1 AP three positive steps, but suffer Corruption
and roll Chaos Dice to see if you invoke a
Make an Athletics or Coordination Test,
Chaos Manifestation
Chokehold 1 AP the foe must Resist with Athletics or they’re
Make a Guile or Skulduggery Test, the When you are a target of a Spell, make an
Counterspell 1 AP
Dirty Tricks 1 AP foe must Resist with Awareness or they’re Incantation Test to dispel its effects
Make an Athletics or Coordination Test, the Before or after you suffer Combat
foe must Resist with Coordination or either Resist 0 AP Conditions or Spell effects, Resist using a
Takedown 1 AP
be pushed 3 yards away from you or knocked Skill indicated in the ability’s listing
Prone where they stand