Department of Budget and Management
Department of Budget and Management
Department of Budget and Management
The Department of Budget and Management, created under Executive Order No. 25 dated April
25, 1936, is mandated under this Order and by subsequent issuances to promote the sound, efficient
and effective management and utilization of government resources (i.e., technological, manpower,
physical and financial) as instrument in the achievement of national socioeconomic and political
development goals.
The Department of Budget and Management shall lead public expenditure management to ensure
the equitable, prudent, transparent and accountable allocation and use of public funds to improve
the quality of life of each and every Filipino.
A champion of results-oriented budget and management policies and practices that enable
the government to steer the country towards meaningful development that empowers the
poor and the marginalized; An implementer of world-class budget and management
systems that enhance transparency, accountability and public participation in governance.
An institution composed of highly competent and motivated public servants who observe
the highest standards of professionalism and integrity.
Service Pledge:
Results orientation
Undertakes the formulation of the annual national budget in a way that ensures the
appropriate prioritization and allocation of funds to support the annual program of
Develops and administers a national accounting system essential to fiscal management and
Conducts a continuing study of the bureaucracy and assesses as well as makes policy
recommendation on its role, size, composition, structure and functions to establish a
government bureaucracy imbued with a spirit of public service;
Establishes the rules and procedures for the management of government organization
resources i.e., physical, manpower and other resources, formulates standards of
organizational program performance; and undertakes or provides services in work
simplification or streamlining of systems and procedures to improve efficiency and
effectiveness in government operations;
Monitors and assesses the physical as well as the financial operations of local government
units and government-owned and/or – controlled corporations.
“No money shall be paid by the Treasury except in pursuance of an appropriation made by
All money collected on any tax levied for a special purpose shall be treated as a special fund
and paid out for such purpose only. If the purpose for which a special fund was created has
been fulfilled or abandoned, the balance, if any, shall be transferred to the general funds of
the Government.
The need for all government entities to undergo the budgeting process to secure funds for use in
carrying out their mandated functions,programs and activities.
What is the Government Budget
National Budget
Budget Preparation – This phase of the Budget Cycle starts with the issuance of the Budget
Call and ends with the President’s submission of the proposed budget to Congress
Budget Call
Budget Legislation – The legislation or authoriztaion phase starts upon the House Speaker’s
receipt of the President Budget and ends with Presidents enactment of the General
Appropriations Act.
o Congress
Budget hearing Debate (August-November)
House approval and submission to Senate (Nonember)
Senate Hearing Devate (August-November)
Senate Approval (December)
Conference Committee (December)
President signs the General Appropriation Act (GAA) –(December)
Budget Accountability
DBM monitors the efficiency of government’s fund utilization. Assess agency
performance and provides vital basis for budget preparation and policy and
reforms making
Assessment of FY 2022
Imrove the conutrys health system by establishing more health facilities and laboratories
and purchasing necessary hopsital equipment to address COVID-19 and other infectious
Sustain funding for regular health programs of the DOH and the implementation of the
Universal health Care Law
Ensure the suffiecient and efficient deployment of Human Resources for health.
Food Security
Priotize crucial and shovel-ready projects under the Build,BuildBuild Programs to focus on
health-related facilities and digital infrastracture
Construct and enchance logistics and roas infrastracture
Funding for FY 2022 shall give priority to strategic programs focusing on the continued
recovery and strengthening of the resilience of the country in the post-pandemic life-enhancing the
country’s health system, empowering local government units, and providing for a more efficient
and inclusive social support and protection.
Continue the procurement and distribution of vaccines to curb the spread of the COVID-19
Provide booster shots to people who received the vaccines to strengthen their immune
system and reduce the chances of having the adverse symptoms of the virus
Enhance the capacity for knowledge and technology generation, acquisition and adoption of
the country’s health system through the establishment of the Virology Science and
Technology Institute of the Philippines
Address the prevalent problem of stunting and malnutrition among Filipino children
through a multisectoral approach which is consistent with the national priorities and
roadmap for achieving zero hunger Social Protection
Intensify the implementation of the Family Planning Program to reduce the rapid
population growth and increase the awareness and knowledge on the importance and
benefits of family planning
Sustain the demographic dividend of having young, healthy, educated, and skilled working-
age population to ensure the continued productivity of the economy
Budget Priorities Governance
Aid poor, disadvantaged and lagging Local Government Units (LGUs) through a Growth
Equity Fund that will help cover their financial and capacity development needs to
implement devolved functions and services
Support the capacity development programs of National Government Agencies for LGUs to
empower and help them provide better service to the citizens
Fast-tracking the implementation of the Philippine Identification System (PhilSys) for a
more efficient and inclusive provision of key services to the people