DLL - Science 6 - Q4 - W1

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School: Grade Level: VI

GRADES 1 to 12 Teacher: Learning Area: SCIENCE

DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and Time: JANUARY 27 – 31, 2020 (WEEK 2) Quarter: 4TH QUARTER


A. Content Standards
The learners demonstrate understanding of the effects of earthquake and volcanic eruptions

B. Performance
The learners should be able to design an emergency and preparedness plan and kit
C. Learning
Competencies/ Enumerate what to do before, during and after earthquake and volcanic eruptions (S6ES-IVb-2)

1. Enumerate what to do 1.Enumerate what to do 1.Enumerate what to do before, during and after 1.Practice precautionary measures Catch-Up
before, during and after an before, during and after an volcanic eruption before, during and after volcanic Friday
earthquake earthquake 2. Demonstrate precautionary Measures before, during eruptions (S6ES IV-b2)
2. Demonstrate precautionary 2.Demonstrate and after volcanic eruption 2.Apply the precautionary measures
Measures before, during and precautionary Measures 3. Appreciate the importance of precautionary before, during and after volcanic
after an earthquake before, during and after an measures before, during and after volcanic eruption eruption
3. Appreciate the importance earthquake Appreciate the importance of
of precautionary measures 3.Appreciate the practicing precautionary measures
before, during and after an importance of before, during and after volcanic
earthquake precautionary measures eruptions
before, during and after an
Precautionary Measures Precautionary Measures Precautionary Measures before, during and after Precautionary measures before,
II. CONTENT before, during and after before, during and after an volcanic eruption during and after precautionary
earthquake earthquake measures


A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Materials
3. Textbook pages Cyber Science pp. 262-268 Cyber Science pp. 262-268 *Science, Health and the Environment 6, p.244 Science Links 6 pp.409-410
*Elementary Science Explore 6, p.213-214
4. Additional Materials *Distance Learning Program-Science and Health6 LRDMS Activity sheets
from Learning Module59
Resource (LR) portal *Workbook on Science6-p.110-111(Practices
Precautionary Measures before, during and after
volcanic eruption
B. Other Learning Laptop Laptop Laptop Internet, powerpoint presentation,
Resources TV TV TV Charts, youtube
Video clip about the lesson Video clips about the Manila paper
Pictures about the lesson lesson Activity Sheets
Pictures about the lesson Video clip about the lesson
Pictures about the lesson
Meta cards
A. Reviewing previous Show a picture of a place when Guessing game: Game: What are the different ways that we
lesson or presenting an earthquake occur. About before, during and Pinoy Henyo must do before,during and after
the new lesson What would you do if an after earthquake About the precautionary measures before, during and volcanic eruption?
earthquake happens to our after earthquake
school? Why?
B. Establishing a Video clip about the lesson Teacher show the pictures Teacher show the pictures Question of the day:
purpose for the Let the pupils identify the Let the pupils identify the precautionary measures On July 16,1990, what kind of
lesson precautionary measures dsaster our country suffered?
What happened to the people? to
their properties?
Can we prevent calamities?
So what are the best things to do?
C. Presenting a. Setting the standard Setting the standards Activity Proper: Watch the video presentation of
examples/instances Activity proper Mt.Pinatubo volcanic eruption.
of the new lesson b. Activity Proper Group I- Let’s Try This.. Please see
Action/gesture needed in Distance Learning Program-Science and Health6 ACTIVITY 1.1
Group 1 – Scene 1 (Classroom)
the situation given. You are Module59, p.178 Each group will going to do the
Enumerate what would you do
given place and the following activity:
before an earthquake
earthquake happen. What Group II- Dramatized Precautionary Measures before
Group 2 – Scene 2 (Riding on a
will you do? and during volcanic eruption I- Role Play.
II - Identifying picture clue of
Enumerate what will you do in
Group 1 – Inside the Group III- Make a poster Precautionary Measures after before,during and after volcanic
case an earthquake happen
building (Role playing) the volcanic eruptions eruption.
Group 3 – Scene 3 (Mall)
III.Poem making
Enumerate what would you do
Group IV- IV.Song
after an earthquake
Group 2 – Walking in the Please see V.Talk Show(Interviewing PHILVOCS
Group 4 – Scene 4
field (Dramatization) Workbook on Science6-p.110(Practices Precautionary Director Raymundo Punongbayan
Measures before, during and after volcanic eruption by by Atom Araullio and Grtecchen
Enumerate what will you do in
Group 3 – Standing near Ho)
case an earthquake happen
the trees (Brainstorming) The grade will be based on the
given rubrics
Group 4 – Going down the
stairs (Panel Discussion)

Discussing new concepts and c. Group Reporting Presentation/Reporting of Pupils will present their activity Teacher’s Instruction
practicing new skills #1 Through (Demonstration/ Pupils output The teacher will give feedback about the result. Direct Instruction.
Dramatization) Students present their The teacher points out important
output on the activity. points of view regarding the topic.
The teacher will give Teacher’s Concept:
feedback about the result. The different precautionary
measures before, during and after
volcanic eruptions are:
Before Volcanic Eruption:
1.Learn about your community’s
warning system and develop an
emergency communication plan.If
there’s none,work with your
community and develop one
2.Prepare disaster supplies or a
survival kit.
3.Your local government has
evacuation plans.Follow the
evacuation plans.Follow the
authorities instructions and leave
the area before the disaster
begins.Get to higher grounda away
from the eruptions.
4.Evacuate before volcano erupts.It
is not safe to stay at home and
wait for the start of an
eruption,doing so could be very
dangerous.Stay safe
5.Have a plan in case family
members are separated during
volcanic eruption.Ask help from
your relatives or friends to get in
touch with your family.
6.Put all household materials inside
your house and bring animals and
livestock into closed shelters
During Volcanic Eruptions:
1.Avoid areas near the slopes of
the volacano.Lava could flow near
the slopes.
2.If caught indoors.close all
windows,doors and other
openings.Remain indoors.
3.if caught outdoors,protect your
head from rocks and immediately
run indoors.
4.Avoid low-lying areas whwere
lava flow could reach and
poisonous gases can collect.
5.Wear long sleeved skirts and pair
of pants to protect you from
volcanic dust.Use a dust mask to
protect your eyes or hold a damp
cloth over your face.
6.Never watch an erupting
volcano.Stay away from it.Alateral
blast of a volcano can travel many
miles away.
7.Avoid mudflows. Mudflows.
Mudflows occur when rainfalls and
mixes with ashes and debris..Stay
away away from bridges and
streams to avoid mudflow.
After Volcanic Eruption
1.Liaten to a battery -powered
radio or television for the latest
emergency information.
2.Stay away from volcanic ash
fall.When outside,protect your
eyes,mouth and nose from volcanic
ash falls.Wear googles to protect
your eyes and use a damp cloth to
protect your mouth and nose.
3.If you have a respiratory
ailment,stay indoors to avoid
inhaling dust and ash.
Discussing new concepts and Questions: Questions: Let the pupils watch video on Based on the result of our activity,
practicing new skills #2 1. What are the what can you say about:
precautionary 1. What are the *What to do before, during and after volcanic eruption
measures before an precautionary The different precautionary
earthquake? During measures before, youtube.com/watch?v=lLHoj2cJKss measures before, during and after
an earthquake? After during and after volcanic eruption
an earthquake? an earthauake? *Precautionary Measures Before,During and After
2. Why should you keep 2. Based form the Volcanic Eruption
calm when activity, what are
earthquakes the do’s and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mxXoDEc3858
happen? don’ts during an
3. Why should you not earthquake? Teacher ask questions about the video
use the elevator or 3. How can further
stairs during an loss of lives be
earthquake? prevented during
4. Why should you an earthquakes?
move to a higher 4. Why is it
ground when you are important to
located in a coastal keep calm in case
area? of an
5. How can you protect earthquake?
yourself from falling 5. Can earthquake
objects? be predicted?
6. Why should you
move away from
steep places when
you are on a higher

Developing mastery (leads to Answer: Integrative Approach

Formative Assessment 3) Let’s Do This (The topic in your different subjects:
Please see AP: What is the importance of
Distance Learning Program-Science and Health6 knowing the different precautionary
Module59, p.180 measures before, during and after
Written on a manila paper volcanic eruptions:
Finding practical applications Mark and his family lives near You are living near the hill How do we prevent or lessen the damage of properties Your relatives in Sorsogon live near
of concepts and skills in daily the sea. How would he and his side or mountainside, you and the loss of lives when a volcano erupts? a volcano. What are the
living family do if ever an earthquake feel that there is a sudden precautionary measures you will tell
occurs? shaking or trembling of the to them so that they can prepare
ground? What will you do? themselves when it happen?
Making generalizations and Enumerate precautionary Concept Map By the use of meta cards pupils will enumerate the Classify the precautionary measures
abstractions about the lesson measures before, during, and What are the precautionary precautionary measures before, during and after before,during and after volcanic
after an earthquake. measures which can be volcanic eruption eruptions.
done to keep safe from
dangers of an earthquake?
y Measure

Before During After

Evaluating learning Enumerate the following Teacher’s Instruction: Direction: Choose the letter of the best answer. Teacher’s Instruction:
precautionary measures. Write RUBRICS EVALUATION 1. Why are precautionary measures observed on RUBRICS EVALUATION
B for Before, D for during, and volcanic eruptions?
A for after an earthquake. The rubric will be used to a. To protect properties The rubric will be used to grade
1. Check yourself and grade their performance. b. To prevent the loss of lives their performance.
others for injuries. c. To pinpoint Volcanic Danger Zone Rubric 1.2
2. Move away from the d. Both A and B
doorway. 2. When is an area surrounding a volcano NOT
3. Keep calm. Stay away considered a danger area? When it ____
from falling objects. a. Is buried in lava
4. Conduct earthquake b. Experience landslides
drills especially in c. Is stable and far from the crater
school or workplace. d. Experiences a range of earthquake
5. Do not use elevators. shocks
6. Use flashlight when 3. A bulletin was issued to warn people that a
searching. volcano may erupt within the week. What
7. Prepare an should the people living in the danger areas
emergency plan. do?
8. If you are outside, a. Follow orders to evacuate.
move to an open b. Wait for the next bulletin.
area away from c. Cover the roof with wet sacks.
power lines, posts, d. Reinforce the roof of their houses.
trees, walls. 4. Ashes from an erupting volcano are all over
9. Familiarize yourself your place. What should you do protect
with your school or yourself?
workplace. a. Wear a hat.
10. Be prepared for b. Wear sunglasses
aftershocks. c. Stay inside the house.
d. Cover the nose with a wet cloth or musk
5. Your family is going to evacuate. You are told
to bring along only a few things. Which of
these will you bring?
a. Pets, toys and books
b. Food, water and clothes
c. Chairs, tables and closets
d. Candies, rags and matches
a. an emergency survival kit
b. Do not cross bridges if you are driving
c. Check your family and every family for
d. Cover your nose with a damp cloth.
Additional activities for
application or remediation


A. No. of learners who

earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No. of
learners who have
caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my
teaching strategies
worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or
supervisor can help
me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials
did I use/discover
which I wish to share
with other teachers?

Prepared by: Checked by: Noted by:

Kimberly I. Belison Erlinda F. Mila Melody M. Gonzalez EdD

Teacher I Master Teacher II Principal III

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